M dudin on the path sun glare. Mikhail dudin

Ecological ring in the 3rd grade. Scenario

Description of work: The material will be useful for primary school teachers, students of pedagogical institutes and colleges. The abstract is designed for students in grades 3. The work can be used in extracurricular activities.

Ecological ring: "Let's save all life"

Raising a sense of collectivism of students;

Inculcation of ecological culture, environmental protection, valeological skills.

Development of intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creativity and ecological culture of schoolchildren;

Design: the theme of the lesson is "ECOLOGICAL RING", on the board there is a scoreboard, posters about protecting the environment.

The poem "Take care of the Earth, take care!"

Combining by teams

Coming up with a name

- "Ecological warm-up"

- "Find the animal in the words"

Solving environmental situations

Game "Birds"

- "The Complaint Book of the Forest"

- "Did you know.."


Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Ecological Ring: "Let's save all living things!"

Take care of the Earth, take care!

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the paths

On the stones of a playing crab.

Over the desert shade from the baobab.

A hawk hovering over the field

A clear moon over the river calm,

Swallow, flashing in life

Take care of the Earth, take care! (M. Dudin)

Hello guys. Classroom hour we will hold in the form of an Ecological ring, on the theme "Let's save all living things." And for this, we will unite in 3 teams. Now, I will give you cards with symbols. (Attachment 1)

(Combinations by groups)

Come up with a name for your team, but don't forget the theme of our class hour. You have 2 minutes for this.

(Children come up with a name)

Round 1 "Ecological warm-up"

- After listening carefully to the question, the team gives an answer. Each correct one gets 2 points.

Questions for Team #1

1. Which snow melts faster - clean or dirty?(Filthy)

    Born in water, lives on earth?(Frog)

    What mushroom is called a forest predatory animal?(chanterelle)

    Who collects dorsal apples? (Hedgehog)

    Is a penguin a bird or not? (Bird)

Questions for team #2

    Who sleeps upside down? (bat)

    What happens to a bee after it stings?(Dies)

    Before what weather do birds stop singing?(Before the rain)

    Do birds hibernate in birdhouses?(No, it's cold out there)

    What does a moose lose every winter?(Horns)

Questions for Team 3

    Which bird's arrival signifies the beginning of spring?(Rooks)

    Which legs are longer on a giraffe, front or back?(The same)

    What does a toad eat in winter? (She doesn't eat anything, she sleeps.)

    Month of spring primroses? (April)

    Who cuckoos at the cuckoo: male or female?(Male)


Round 2: "Find the animal in the words"

Each team is given a task on the sheet. You need to solve the anagram i.e. In the word, swap the letters, remove the extra ones to get the name of the animals. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins. - 2 points.

Team 1.

CAN (boar), LUGGAGE (toad), EARS (elk), CASING (beetle)

Team 2.

KINO (horses), SALON (elephant), WAVE (ox), CARCASS (cancer),

Team 3.

PION (pony), SIEGE (wasp), UMBRELLA (whale), PIPE (hoopee),


Round 3: "Situations"

Teams must resolve the environmental situation. For the correct answer - 2 points.

Team #1:

    You are invited to a birthday party, your girlfriend loves lilies of the valley very much.What will you give your beloved friend?

    Arriving with the class in the forest, classmates saw an anthill. They were curious to know what was inside. They took a stick and began to scatter the dwelling of ants in different directions. What are the guys wrong?

    Walking along the path, you found a bird's nest with eggs in the grass. Your friend was delighted and decided to take a closer look at the egg. He took it into his hands. What did your friend do wrong?

Team #2:

    You all went to the forest with the whole class. There you burned a fire, baked potatoes, ate sweets, drank lemonade, cooked canned soup.What will you do with the trash?

    In the forest, Petya saw beautiful snowdrops, and without hesitation for a long time decided to pick a bouquet for the teacher.Is Petya right? What did he do wrong?

    Returning home after a hike, you saw a hedgehog. You really wanted to take him home.How will you do it?

Team #3

    You all went to the forest with the whole class. There you lit a fire, what will you do before you go home?

    Going into the forest, Vasya took with him his four-legged friend - a dog. But since she was without a leash, the dog ran into the forest and got lost.Do I need to take dogs with me to the forest?

    Arriving in the forest, the boys from the class wanted to drink birch sap. They began to pick at the trunk of the birch to drink the sap. What are the guys wrong?


Let's get some rest, let's get up. I only name birds in the game, but if you hear that not birds appeared, but someone else, then let me know - clap.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts .... (clapping)

What's wrong? (Insect flies)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens... (clapping)

What's wrong? (Martens are mammals)

The birds have arrived:

Doves, tits, lapwings, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos .... (clapping)

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even the squishy

swans and ducks

And thanks for the joke!

Round 4: "The Complaint Book of the Forest"

complaint 1.

Oh, and people don't like me. You see, they don't like my voice, and they say my eyes are ugly. They think I bring trouble. Is that so? If not for me, some would have to sit without bread. Who is it? (Owl Since 1964, the owl has been under state protection. One owl saves us almost a ton of bread a year. The arithmetic is simple. A mouse eats 1 kilogram of bread a year. And an owl destroys 1000 mice)

complaint 2.

I know that I am not beautiful. And if I'm around, many shied away in the other direction, otherwise they would throw a stone or kick me. For what? I benefit greatly. (Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms)

Complaint 3:

« Whatever you want to do with us: Cut, fry, boil, salt. Even marinate!

But just don’t uproot, don’t dig around the forest floor, otherwise we’ll completely stop growing ”(Mushrooms)


Round 5: "Did you know..?"

Now we will hold a bonus round. A team gets 3 points for a correct answer.

Do you know why the woodpecker "drums" in the spring?

    With a drum roll, the woodpecker informs the rivals that this is his territory, with the same sounds he invites the female to his place.

Why does an elephant drool?

    elephant saliva not only moistens food, but also cools the body in the heat, because. he has no sweat glands.

Why does an ostrich hide its head in the sand?

    dipping its head in the hot sand, the ostrich waits until the insects die or run away from the head.

How many feathers do birds have?

    A dove has 2,600 feathers, a mallard duck has 12,000, and a swan has 25,000, with a fifth of them located on the head and neck.

Why do dolphins cry?

    The tears of a dolphin resemble the protein of a chicken egg (the same thick and transparent), so they protect his eyes well from mechanical and chemical damage.


Let's recap today's class. In the Ecological ring, the team _______ won. All the guys are great, and I would like to give you cards as a keepsake. (Appendix 2) And I really hope that the poem written on the reverse side will not leave you indifferent to our nature. And when you relax in nature, you will remember that there are many of us .. and she is one .. And she needs to be protected ...

You are a man, loving nature, at least sometimes feel sorry for her,

In pleasure trips, do not trample its fields.

In the station bustle of the century, you hurry to evaluate it,

She is our old, kind doctor, she is an ally of the soul.

Do not burn it recklessly and do not exhaust it to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth, we are many, but she is one. (V. Shefner)

Born on November 7 (20), 1916 in the village of Klevnevo, Ivanovo Region, into a peasant family. The Dudin family is a family of buffoons, itinerant artists and poets, and this probably determined his vocation.

He studied at the school of peasant youth as an agronomist, but he did not become an agronomist. He graduated from the Ivanovo textile factory-school, received the specialty of an assistant weaver, but did not become a weaver either. He began writing poetry early, in 1934.

At the age of 18, he was drafted into the army, studied at the regimental school for junior commanders, but did not have time to finish it. The war with Finland begins. He is sent to the front (1939-40). Creativity became for him "salvation from fear and savagery." The first book of poems, Downpour, was published in Ivanovo in 1940.

From May 1940 to December 2, 1941, he served in the garrison of the Gangut Peninsula (the Russian name for the Khanko Peninsula), which heroically defended itself from the Finnish troops. In December, the garrison was evacuated to Kronstadt. Started Patriotic War finds Dudin in Leningrad, where he had to endure the beginning of the blockade. Later he works in front-line newspapers.

During the war years, the collections Flask (1943), Fire at the Crossroads (1944) were published.

AT post-war years publishes collections: “Consider me a communist” (1950), “Bridges. Poems from Europe" (1958), "Demand" (1963).

In the 1970s, he worked a lot and successfully, releasing collections of poems quite regularly: “Tatarnik”, “Poems”, “Frontiers”, “Klubok”, etc. In 1977, a book of essays was published - “The Right to Responsibility”.

He translates a lot from Georgian, Bashkir, Balkar, Latvian (collection "5 sisters and 32 brothers - all together. My anthology", 1965). In 1986 he published a book of poems and poems "Songs of my time"; in 1987 - the poem "Grains"; in 1989 - a book of poems "The twentieth century is ending" and a book published in Yerevan - "The Promised Land" (Dedications. Translations. Essays. Poems); in 1991 - poems and poems "Fate"; in 1995 - "By the way of blood on the way to God" (poems 1986 - 93). M. Dudin lived and worked in St. Petersburg.

Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000

DUDIN, Mikhail Alexandrovich [b. 7(20).XI.1916, village. Klevnevo, Ivanovo province] - Russian Soviet poet. Member of the Communist Party since 1951. Born into a peasant family. From 1939 to 1945 - in the army, worked in front-line newspapers. Member of the defense of Hanko. In the first book of poems, Downpour (1940), lyrics and sketches of nature predominate. As a poet, Dudin was formed at the front (collections Flask, 1943; Military Neva, 1943; Road of the Guards, 1944; Bonfire at the Crossroads, 1944). Dudin's military-patriotic poems are courageous and energetic in their tone. They created a lyric-romantic image of a Soviet soldier, an active humanist. After the war, Dudin writes about the work of a Soviet person, about the struggle for peace, about the life of post-war Europe: the collections “Consider me a communist” (1950), “Spring” (1952), “Pines and wind” (1957), “Bridges. Poems from Europe" (1958), "Stubborn Space" (1960). Dudin's poetry, sonorous and strong-willed in its rhythmic-intonational structure, is sharply publicistic, optimistic and emotional. The book "On demand" (1963) is characterized by the simplicity and clarity of poetic speech, close to folk songs.

Cit.: Selected, Ivanovo, 1951; Poems. Poems, M., 1956; Poems, M., 1960; Love will remain, M. - L., 1962; Yantar, L., 1963; Song of the Raven Mountain. Poem, L., 1964.

Lit .: Khmelnitskaya T., “Bonfire at the Crossroads”, “Star”, 1944, No. 7-8; Dymshits A., Soldier's lyrics, "Banner", 1945, No. 5-6; his own, Mikhail Dudin, in his book: In the great campaign. Sat. Art., M., 1962; Tsurikova G., Poems by Mikhail Dudin, "Star", 1957, No. 6; Moldavsky Dm., Poet and time, "Neva", 1961, No. 9; Bakhtin V., Journalism of love, "Star", 1963, No. 10.

O. P. Voronova

Brief literary encyclopedia: In 9 volumes - V. 2. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1964

"Take care of the Earth! Take care of ..." Scenario of an extra-curricular event dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia (for students in grades 5-7) (Komarova L.A. - teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school, Krasny Tekstilshchik, Saratov district, Saratov region) Purpose: to introduce students with security problems environment, with the main problems and tasks of ecology; draw their attention to the threat posed by human impact on the environment; develop students' interest in environmental issues and the desire to take a feasible part in their solution. Tasks: developmental aspect: development of the ability to work in groups, for independent work, for improvisation and imagination; educational aspect: to cultivate love for poetry, respect for each other; educational aspect: education and promotion of environmental knowledge; love for poetry prevention of immoral acts in nature and the fight against them; development of creative abilities of students. Equipment: Book exhibition with works of poets and writers, whose work will be discussed (A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin, K.G. Paustovsky and others) Multimedia projector Musical accompaniment (P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons of the year" ") Presentations for oral magazine. Host 1: We welcome everyone gathered in this hall to the thematic composition "How can we not love this Earth." 2017 was declared the Year of Ecology by the Decree of the President of Russia. And today we will lead our conversation about the world around us, about the kingdom of nature, we will try to be imbued with love, kindness and the desire to protect and protect nature. Our hour of communication is dedicated to one of the most pressing topics - the preservation of planet Earth. Presenter 2: Problems of ecology, nature protection are increasingly of concern to mankind. The nature around us is not only beautiful and majestic, but also surprisingly fragile and vulnerable. Until the middle of the last century, the entire population of the planet was ecologically unenlightened. Society considered the resources of the Earth to be unlimited, and therefore there was no concern for the preservation of the environment. Many species of animals were cruelly destroyed, forests were barbarously cut down. Presenter 1: “Protecting the native land is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty,” wrote M.M. Prishvin. 1 Presenter 2: At all times, Russian poets wrote about their native nature. Human life is inextricably linked with nature. Their love for the motherland inevitably merges with love for their native land, native nature. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his poems often showed the feelings and aspirations of man through descriptions of nature. For example, the idea of ​​harmony in nature associated with the inner life of a person in the poems “Flowers are the last mile”, “Spring, spring, it’s time for love ...”, “Cold winds still blow ...”, “Winter evening”. Reader 1: Sad time! Oh charm! Your parting beauty is pleasing to me - I love the magnificent withering of nature, Forests clad in crimson and gold, Noise and fresh breath in their canopy of the wind, And the skies are covered with wavy mist, And a rare ray of the sun, and the first frosts, And threats distant gray winter. (A dull time! Eyes of charm! ... A. S. Pushkin) Presenter 1.: Nature always acts as a skillful doctor, strengthening the human spirit. Poets draw strength for struggle, inspiration and bright optimism from it. The poet Apollon Nikolayevich Maikov noticed every little thing and found an exalted explanation for any natural phenomenon. From time to time Maykov drew parallels in his works between man and the world around him, finding amazing similarities and coincidences. Reader 2: The field is churning with flowers... Waves of light are pouring in the sky... Spring larks singing Blue abysses are full. My gaze is drowning in the brilliance of half a day... Can't see singers behind the light... So young hopes Amuse my heart with greetings... And where their voices come from, I don't know... But, listening to them, look to the sky. (The field is shaking with flowers ... A. Maikov) Presenter 2: Sergey Yesenin wrote: “My lyrics are alive with one great love, love for the motherland. The feeling of the motherland is the main thing in my work. Yesenin's people, animals and plants are the children of one mother nature. Man is a part of nature, but nature is also endowed with human traits. An example is the poem "Green hairstyle ...". In it, a person is likened to a birch, and she is like a person. The same blurring of boundaries between nature and man in the poem “Songs, songs, what are you shouting about?..” 2 V modern world environmental problems are becoming more acute. They are talked about in the media, written in books. Poets are not left out. Presenter 1: Russian lyric poet Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov graduated from a forestry technical school and knew about the problems of nature conservation firsthand. In the poem "Visions on the Hill" he conjures: "Russia, Russia! Save yourself, save yourself! The space of the "Russian spirit" created by the poet is filled with natural landscapes, people, and historical memory. It echoes the ancestors and descendants, the dead and the living, called to protect this space. Reader 3: ... I was silent, thinking, and I, Contemplating with a habitual look the Sinister holiday of being, The confused view of my native land ... (During a thunderstorm. N. Rubtsov) Believing that nature and civilization can exist in equal harmony, he wanted to reconcile them among themselves: ... Where I swam for fish, Hay is rowed into the hayloft: Between the river bends People dug a canal. Tina is now a swamp Where I loved to swim ... My quiet homeland, I have not forgotten anything ... (My quiet homeland. N. Rubtsov) Presenter 2: Yuri Polikarpovich Kuznetsov - Russian poet and translator - except military lyrics wrote about the relationship between nature and man. Reader 4: When nature rears up, What are numbers and iron of a man! Menacingly sleepy mushrooms are breaking Asphalt of an impenetrable age ... (Mushrooms. Yu. Kuznetsov) Presenter 1: Poets present the problem of relationship with nature as a problem of man. Such verses make one think whether it is worth striving for complete power over nature, to enslave it. People created industry to survive and live comfortably. Everything in the world is interconnected. Earth, water, sky and in the midst of all this - a person who gradually becomes the master. And it is man who must adapt, adapt to nature, and not destroy it. Reader 5: 3 I want the world to have a lot of light, I want the world to have a lot of summer, In which there is the sun, bird voices, And green dew on the grass. I want the world to have less crying, And more laughter, joy, good luck. (S. Akhmatova) Presenter 2: Nature withstands a lot, but its resources are not endless. One day there might be an explosion. And humanity will pay for its carelessness, indifference and greed. Reader 6: We harassed the living on earth, Not worrying about the future at all, And the fruit of our deeds was bitter. But tremble! The hour of reckoning is near For lack of spirituality, hypocrisy and lies... I feel the painful trembling of the native Earth... Oh, how guilty we are! Forgive us, Mother, For the explosions of terrible bombs, For non-humans, madness and aplomb They tremble in their forgotten world. (A. Ponomarev) Presenter 1: Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, has a beneficial effect on his soul. Writer A.I. Herzen wrote: “Our endless meadows, covered with even greenery, are reassuringly good, in our creeping nature there is something peaceful, trusting, open ... Something that is sung in a song that resonates in our hearts.” The beauty of simple Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists, and composers. Many paintings, musical works were born thanks to love for her. (A video about nature in art) Presenter 2: Where do poets, artists, musicians get inspiration from? Where is that source? A man became a man because he saw the depth of the azure sky, the twinkling of stars, the pink spill of the evening dawn, the reflection of the sun in drops of morning dew. I saw, and, amazed, went on earth, to create new beauty. Stop and you are in amazement before the beauty and nobility will blossom in your hearts. The joy of life opened up before a person because he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the play of silver bells, the groan of a snowstorm outside the window and the solemn silence of the night - he heard and, holding his breath, listens to hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life. Reader 7 There is genuine joy in the charm of the Russian landscape, but it is 4 Not open to everyone and not even visible to every artist. And only when, behind the dark thicket of the forest, The evening meadow mysteriously shines, The dense veil of everyday life From its beauties will instantly fall. The forests, lowered into the water, will sigh, And, as if through a transparent glass, The entire breast of the river will lean against the sky And light up moist and light. The whole world is burning, transparent and puffy, Now it is truly good. And you, rejoicing, recognize many wonders In his living features. Presenter 1: K. G. Paustovsky said: “Love for native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one’s country ...”. It is difficult to disagree with these words. Without a careful appeal to nature, its protection, preservation and enhancement of its wealth, it is impossible to talk about patriotism and civicism. Reader 7: Oh, how nature is the mother of Tolerant and kind! But so that her dashing fate does not befall, Let's save On the rods - the sturgeon, Orca in the sky, In the taiga wilds - the tiger (N. Starshinov) childhood. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village, or a village. Children's poets and writers also wrote on the topic of protecting nature. After all, it is very important to instill love and respect for nature from childhood. Presenter 1: The main theme of the work of Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder as a children's poet is nature and animals. Reader 8: Everything in the world, Everything in the world is needed! And midges are no less needed than elephants. It is impossible to do without absurd monsters, And even without predators, Evil and ferocious! 5 We need everything in the world! Everyone is needed - Who makes honey, and who makes poison. Bad deeds A cat without a mouse A mouse without a cat Not the best deeds. Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone, We really need each other! (About everyone in the world. B. Zakhoder) Presenter 2: Children's poet Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov was an archaeologist by education. Anna Akhmatova, whom the poet met as a child in evacuation Tashkent, said to Berestov: “Your poems for children and humorous works are excellent. Take them seriously, no one can write like that.” Pushkin's poetry left a huge imprint on his work. Valentin Dmitrievich sought to understand why Pushkin's children's poetry is so beautiful and magical. Berestov collected poems for children from rays of light, cobwebs and blades of grass. Reader 9: Tree, grass, flower and bird They do not always know how to defend themselves. If they are destroyed, we will be alone on the planet! Burrows of animals, Bird's nest We will never ruin! Let the chicks And little animals live well With us nearby! Beautiful, beautiful Motherland. I will never find more beautiful! Green valleys, forests and fields, And blue water in the sea. Presenter 1: It turns out that nature is a very important topic in the work of Russian poets, it is depicted not only as a background against which a person’s life passes, but also as part of his soul. Presenter 2: “Not a single Russian writer imagines himself out of touch with nature, without observing her changing face, how she is transformed – and sometimes disfigured – by a person.” Yuri Nagibin. 6 Presenter 1: The nature of our Motherland is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. How many interesting things can be seen in the forest, in the field, on the lake and even near our house, if you look closely at everything. Nature is good in all seasons! Our little planet Earth is kind to us. Let us answer her with warmth for warmth, love for love! To the sounds of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" Reader 10: Take care of the earth. Take care of the Skylark at its blue zenith, the Butterfly on dodder leaves, the sun glare on the paths. A crab playing on the stones, A shadow from a baobab over the desert, A hawk soaring over a field, A clear moon over a calm river, A swallow flashing in the life. Take care of the earth! Take care! M. Dudin Take care of the earth! Sources of information: 1..ABC of nature. - M., Reader's Digest Publishing House, 1997. - 336p. Ecological education in the Saratov region: Collection of scientific and medical works. / Ed. Cand. Biol. Sciences, Assoc. Yu. I. Bulanogo Saratov: Publishing House of the State University Center "College". 200s. 2.L. V. Sorokin. Native land. Scenarios of environmental events. M., Sfera, 2001. 4. Magazine "I know the world." World Children's Encyclopedia. "Premier" 2004 №93 5. Internet resources. 7 Reader: Take care of the earth. Take care of the Skylark at its blue zenith, the Butterfly on dodder leaves, the sun glare on the paths. A crab playing on the stones, A shadow from a baobab over the desert, A hawk soaring over a field, A clear moon over a calm river, A swallow flashing in the life. Take care of the earth! Take care! M. Dudin Take care of the earth! eight

Galina Halina

Abstract complex lesson « Take care of your planet» Halina Galina Target: to summarize the knowledge of children about nature conservation.


To form ideas in children about the need take care of nature. - develop children's cognitive interest in the natural world. - develop dialogical speech, imagination, logical thinking, Creative skills. - bring up careful caring attitude of children to wildlife.

1. Reading by the teacher of the poem by M. Dudin « Save the Earth» .

Take care of the earth!

Take care of the earth. take care

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunlight on the paths.

On the stones of a playing crab,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,

The hawk hovering over the field

A clear moon over the river calm,

A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the earth! take care!

What is the author of the poem calling for? - What does it mean - save the earth? How can we help our planet? 2. The land on which a person settled became native. - Why do you think? - Quite right. After all, she became his breadwinner, home. Going to other lands, our ancestors took with them a handful of their native land. The earth gives us everything. And how do we treat her? - Children, there is such a word - consumer. What do you think it means? - I'm in one explanatory dictionary found this definition: a consumer is a person who strives to live, receiving more from others than giving them.

In relation to nature, a person becomes a consumer, using everything from it and giving nothing in return. He does harm everything: air, water, soil, forests. - Tell us how to behave in the forest? 3.- Listen to a poem by N. Ryzhova "Forest Rules".

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest:

Even sing very loudly.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches

Never forget to clean up the garbage from the grass,

In vain do not tear the flowers!

Do not shoot from a slingshot;

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Their peace take care,

After all, they are not our enemies!

4. And now we will start making a wall newspaper, the name of which we have chosen together. The work took place in several stages. 1. First, we selected the material that we might need.

2. Then cut out the pictures that were going to stick.

3. Then we determined how the wall newspaper would be located and designed the name.

4. We chose several poems that we use in wall newspaper: « Take care of the earth» M. Dudina, "Our planet» Ya Akima, "Temple of Nature" A. Smirnova, "There is so much beauty in nature" V. Chizhov, "Let's decorate the earth together" E. Smirnova, "Though the grass does not grow" A. Usacheva.

5. Finally, we started the design. And here's what we got.

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"Save the Earth. take care

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the path

On the stones of a playing crab,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab,

The hawk hovering over the field

A clear moon over the river calm,

A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the Earth! Take care!

(M. Dudin)

How beautiful and how defenseless our Earth is in the universe. Protecting the Earth means protecting nature. The upbringing of a careful attitude to nature, the formation of a sense of responsibility for all living things is laid down from childhood. At the lessons of literature, the world around the teacher elementary school constantly talks to the children about this topic. The task of the general development of younger students is solved not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities. Joint activities of the teacher and the school library (in school No. 1) are an established practice.

The lines of M. Dudin became the epigraph of the environmental report “Earth is the planet of people”, conducted in the 2nd “a” class (teacher Maletina S.N.)

Why is the lesson called environmental reporting? The leaders of the lesson were the children themselves - Shubina Olya and Kuzminykh Katya, who acted as reporters. They shared information with the audience and at the same time interviewed their classmates.

Conducted a knowledge survey medicinal plants, willingly gave answers to riddles related to flora and fauna, worked on the content of K. Paustovsky's story "Hare Paws".

At the lesson there were game moments: picking up puzzles for the story of K. Paustovsky, the presence of a microphone in children's hands made it possible to feel in a new role.

April marked the anniversary of the children's writer Vera Chaplina, whose life and work are inextricably linked with the Moscow Zoo. More than one generation grew up on Chaplin's books. The most famous of them are "Pets of the zoo", "My pupils", "Four-legged friends". The children were presented with a slide film made up of photographs of V. Chaplina with her pets.

Impressions from the event are contained in the written works of children:

“We learned that the writer Vera Chaplina turned 105 years old, and she had a wolf friend. He protected her from other wolves.. We also learned what a report is.”

(Shubina Olya)

“I want to note: if you want to drink birch sap, you must definitely heal the birch wound. I learned a lot. I liked the lesson! Everyone worked well!”

(Dobrygina Polina)

“I learned that Vera Chaplina real name Mikhailov. And the name of Chaplin is a literary pseudonym "

(Prikhodko Anastasia)

“When I was at the library hour, I found out that some animals hibernate. Animals must be loved, not offended.

(Sutyagina Alena)

“Very interesting, fascinating, thoughtful, varied questions. We learned about Vera Chaplina, that she worked at the zoo. She had different animals at home. For example, tigers, dogs. That's why she had books about animals."

(Surgutskaya Anya)

I am sure that when resting in the summer, these children will look at the world and nature differently. Caring for our smaller brothers, for the surrounding nature is no longer empty words for them. Even these little ones know that 2013 has been declared the year of the EP. Well, from the new school year we will continue our meetings with the guys again.