Analysis of Tvardovsky "I was killed near Rzhev": military lyrics. "I was killed near Rzhev": analysis of Tvardovsky's poem Under him, the hero of Tvardovsky was killed

I know it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,

The fact that they - who is older, who is younger -

Stayed there, and it's not about the same thing,

That I could, but could not save, -

It's not about that, but still, still, still...

    These well-known lines wrote the Soviet poet Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. (slide)

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky knew firsthand about the war, he himself went many hundreds of kilometers along its difficult roads. His poems, truthful and harsh, are full of historical optimism, faith in the inevitable victory of Russian weapons.

And today we will tell you the story of the poem "I was killed near Rzhev" / But first, let's find out what kind of battle near Rzhev this was.

3. Historical background

I think everyone has heard about the huge losses suffered by the Red Army in the battles near Rzhev. But what exactly happened there? History textbooks do not deal with this issue. Why?

First, let's understand the terminology.

In different eras, the term "battle" denoted various events. In World Wars I and II, this term denoted a decisive clash of strategic groupings of parties, pursuing, at least on one side, a strategic goal. These are: the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Verdun, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of the Dnieper, etc. In the domestic historiography of the Great Patriotic war battle is defined elementarily - asset of strategic operations .

The battles on the Rzhev salient cannot be combined into an event corresponding to the meaning of "battle" both in terms of the definition of the term and in terms of scale. These battles were not connected by a single strategic goal, in addition, the object of action Soviet troops there was a relatively insignificant enemy grouping (that part of the forces of the 9th German army, which defended itself directly on the Rzhev salient). For comparison: in the counteroffensive near Stalingrad, the object of the actions of our troops were simultaneously 4 armies.

The composition of the "Rzhev battle" includes 4 operations that are not interconnected by a strategic goal:

Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation of 1942 - a strategic operation related to the Battle of Moscow;

I and II Rzhev-Sychev operations of 1942,there is an opinion that the second operation was carried out as a distraction for the operation "Uranus" near Stalingrad.

Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation of 1943.

Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation - the final part of the Battle for Moscow. The main result of the December counter-offensive of the Soviet troops was the elimination of the immediate threat to the capital of the USSR - Moscow. But Stalin believed that the offensive must be developed in order to prevent the enemy from building defensive lines, gathering forces and moving on to a new offensive in the spring of 1942.

The Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation began on January 8, ended on April 20, 1942. The main task is to defeat the Army Group Center.

The operation was carried out by the forces of the Kalinin (General I.S. Konev) and Western (General G.K. Zhukov) fronts. However, persistent attempts to close the ring at Vyazma ended in failure. To develop success from the west, the largest Soviet airborne assault during the years of the war (more than 10 thousand people) was landed in this area, but even he could not turn the tide. The troops advancing here did not have enough strength to achieve success. The Germans, having received reinforcements (12 divisions from Western Europe), were able not only to defend the Rzhev-Vyazemsky line, but also, with the help of counterattacks, to surround the formations that had come out to Vyazma.

Having failed to eliminate the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge, the Red Army went on the defensive on April 20. This was the bloodiest phase of the Moscow battle.Soviet troops lost over 776 thousand people in the Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation. (more than a third of all losses in the Moscow battle). Germans - 333 thousand people. The Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation, in terms of the scale of losses, is one of the most unfavorable for the Red Army. Nevertheless, during the offensive, units of the Red Army moved forward 80-250 km, completely liberated the Tula, Moscow and part of the Smolensk region.

But having defended the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge, the German command received an important advantage - it retained a convenient springboard for a new attack on Moscow.

Therefore, in the summer of 1942, a new offensive operation was planned -Rzhev-Sychevskaya (July 30 - August 23, 1942) . The purpose of the operation is to eliminate the protrusion. The operation was carried out by forces of two fronts: Kalinin and Western.

Unfortunately, the German command managed to carry out an operation to eliminate the Soviet units that were surrounded during the Rzhev-Vyazemsky operation. In a stubborn 11-day battle, German troops managed to destroy the encircled Soviet group between the cities of Rzhev and Bely, capturing over 50 thousand people. The Soviet command lost the possibility of delivering a counterattack from the side of the “encirclement”.

On July 30, having broken through the German defenses, the Soviet troops advanced 15-30 km in the direction of the Sychevka station. In order to defend the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge, the Germans transferred 12 divisions there (including 3 tank divisions), thereby weakening the Stalingrad direction. By August 23, both fronts, having exhausted their offensive capabilities, went over to the defensive.The losses of the Red Army in the Rzhev-Sychevsk operation exceeded 193 thousand people.

In September, the struggle for Rzhev flared up with renewed vigor. Having broken through the German defenses, the Soviet units broke into the city, where fierce street battles broke out. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, they resembled the battle in Stalingrad going on in the same period. The battlefield was left to the Germans, who recaptured Rzhev at the cost of enormous efforts. In general, the summer-autumn offensive of the Red Army by the method of frontal onslaught on the tip of the ledge did not bring the desired results.According to German data, the Red Army lost about 400 thousand people in it. By mid-October, the fighting subsided.

The second Rzhev-Sychevsk operation (November 25 - December 20, 1942). Codename "Mars". There is an opinion that the operation "Mars" was prepared as a distraction for the operation "Uranus" near Stalingrad.A new Soviet offensive in this area began on November 25, 1942. Despite the numerical superiority, the Red Army failed to achieve a success that could surpass the Stalingrad victory in scale. The strike group of the Kalinin Front broke through the German positions south of the city of Bely, but the troops of the Western Front, which were supposed to advance towards it, could not complete their task.

The reasons for the failures of the Red Army include unfavorable natural factors, and the well-organized defense of the German army, and the stubborn resistance of the Germans, who called Rzhev "the gate to Berlin."

On December 15, the Soviet offensive ceased. Although the Soviet troops were unable to achieve their goals, with their active actions they pulled over a significant number of German forces, which contributed to the victory at Stalingrad.The battle consumed all the reserves of the Army Group, which could be directed to the release of the encircled6th ArmyF. PaulusnearStalingrad. The losses of the Red Army in this three-week winter battle amounted, according to German data, to 200 thousand people.

    Tvardovsky worked on the poem at the end of 1945 - beginning of 1946. Initially, it had a different name - "Testament of a Warrior."

In a short article “On the poem “I was killed near Rzhev”,” the author noted two episodes that had sunk into his memory. A trip in the fall of 1942 near Rzhev. There were heavy battles. The situation of our troops was complicated by terrible impassability. “The impressions of this trip,” Tvardovsky wrote, “were of the most depressing and bitter throughout the war, to the point of physical pain in the heart.” (slide)

    Reading "I was killed near Rzhev "(1 stanza) (slide)

I was killed near Rzhev,

In the nameless swamp

In the fifth company, on the left,

On a hard hit.

I didn't hear the break

I didn't see that flash...

Just into the abyss from the cliff -

And neither the bottom nor the tire.

And all over this world

Until the end of his days

No buttonholes, no straps

From my tunic.

I am where the roots are blind

Looking for food in the darkness;

I am where with a cloud of dust

Rye walks on the hill;

I am where the cock crow

At dawn on the dew;

I am where are your cars

The air is torn on the highway;

Where blade of grass to blade of grass

A river of grass spins, -

Where for the wake

Even mother won't come.

    The poem is written on a real basis. (slide)

His hero is Vladimir Petrovich Brosalov. Brosalov's mother was sent a funeral stating that her son had died. However, later it turned out that Brosalov was alive and was in the hospital named after N. N. Burdenko. This hospital was visited by Alexander Tvardovsky. It so happened that Brosalov's mother showed Tvardovsky a notice of her son's death and told the story that had happened to them. After reading the funeral, Tvardovsky said that he would definitely write poems about the battles for Rzhev.

The notice (funeral) sounded like this: (slide)

Your son, Red Army soldier Brosalov Vladimir Petrovich, in the battle for the socialist Motherland, faithful to the military oath, having shown heroism and courage, was killed on September 25, 1942. Buried on the eastern outskirts of the village. Bershevo, Zubtsovsky District, Kalinin Region

The fighter was littered with clay, buried alive, but reinforcements approached, and a funeral was sent to him ... Brosalov was found on the second day: someone saw a piece of a boot sticking out of the ground.

Yes, he moves! shouted the soldier. They dug him up, Brosalov flatly refused the hospital, he only rested in his platoon for several days. Then he was badly wounded. A soldier from a front-line hospital was transferred to Moscow, and his mother received a funeral about his death near Rzhev. It so happened that mother and son ended up in the same city. The doctors searched for the mother. Happy, she came to the hospital with a funeral in her hands and, after a meeting with her son, accidentally met Alexander Trifonovich.

    Reading by heart 2 stanzas .

Count up, alive

How long ago

Was at the front for the first time

Named suddenly Stalingrad.

The front was burning, not subsiding,

Like a scar on the body.

I'm dead and don't know

Is our Rzhev finally?

Did our

There, on the Middle Don? ..

This month has been terrible.

Everything was on the line.

Is it until autumn

Don was already behind him

And at least the wheels

Did he escape to the Volga?

No it is not true. Tasks

Toy not won by the enemy!

No, no! Otherwise

Even dead - how?

And the dead, the voiceless,

There is one consolation:

We fell for our country

But she is saved.

Our eyes have faded

The flame of the heart went out

On earth in faith

They don't call us.

We have our fighting

Do not wear medals.

You - all this, alive.

We have one consolation:

What was not in vain fought

We are for the Motherland.

Let our voice not be heard,

You must know him.

You should have, brothers,

Stand like a wall

For the dead are cursed -

This punishment is terrible.

It's a formidable right

We are forever given -

And it's behind us

This is a bitter right.

In the summer, in forty-two,

I am buried without a grave.

Everything that happened after

Death has betrayed me.

All that, maybe for a long time

You are familiar and clear

But let it be

According to our faith.

    Narration in the poem "I was killed near Rzhev ” is conducted on behalf of the deceased warrior. The author considered this special form to be the most consistent with the idea of ​​the unity of the living and the fallen "for the sake of life on earth."

The hero of the work is close to the author with his sharpness of perception of events, devotion to the Motherland, faith in victory. These features were characteristic of most of the participants in the Great Patriotic War.

    Reading 3 stanzas.

Slide pictures of battle

Brothers, maybe you

And don't lost,

And in the rear of Moscow

They died for her.

And in the Volga distance

Hastily dug trenches

And they came with fights

To the border of Europe.

It is enough for us to know

which was undoubtedly

That last span

On the military road.

That last span

What if you leave

That stepped back

There is nowhere to put your foot.

That line of depth

For which rose

From behind your back

The flame of the forges of the Urals.

And the enemy turned

You are west, back.

Maybe brothers

And Smolensk has already been taken?

And you crush the enemy

On the other side,

Maybe you are towards the border

Already up!

Maybe... May it come true

Holy oath word! --

After all, Berlin, if you remember,

It was named near Moscow.

Brothers who are now on the mend

Fortress of the enemy land,

If the dead, the fallen

If only we could cry!

If the volleys are victorious

Us, dumb and deaf,

Us, who are devoted to eternity,

Resurrected for a moment -

Oh faithful comrades,

Only then would be in the war

Your happiness is immeasurable

You got it completely.

In it, that happiness is undeniable

Our bloodline

Ours, torn by death,

Faith, hate, passion.

Our everything! We didn't cheat

We are in a tough fight

Having given everything, they did not leave

Nothing to yourself.

    historical block

Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation (March 2-31, 1943).

By the spring of 1943, after the defeat in the southern sector of the front, the German command could no longer afford the luxury of having a tactically advantageous, but requiring many troops, Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge. To patch up the emerging gaps, the Germans had to reduce the front line of Army Group Center, which involved the withdrawal of troops from the famous ledge.

On March 2-31, 1943, the Kalinin and Western fronts carried out a new offensive operation, freeing Rzhev and Vyazma. However, the rearguard battles for this area, which the Germans called the "cornerstone of the Eastern Front", were still distinguished by great stubbornness and bitterness. The Germans retreated, constantly counterattacking.

By March 31, the operation was completed. The Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge was cut off. The front moved another 100 km to the west. The threat to Moscow was finally eliminated. For the German leadership, this was a heavy, but forced loss. It is known that Hitler wished to personally hear by telephone the explosion of the Rzhev bridge across the Volga during the withdrawal of German units. According to contemporaries, this area turned into a desert.

The battles for Rzhev lasted 14 months. "Rzhev meat grinder". Irretrievable losses (killed and missing) - 600.000-800.000 people.

In the memory of the Soviet soldier and Soviet citizens, the Rzhev ledge, the Rzhev salient remained the "Rzhev meat grinder", the "break through".

    Our 52nd division was advancing on Rzhev from the north, through Polunino, into the very "forehead" of the enemy. In 6 months of fighting, we have advanced six kilometers. They liberated four ashes and left behind two mass graves of 13 thousand each. Nature was against us then. Heavy rains in July completely broke the roads. The swamps swelled up and rose a meter, neither pass nor pass. The soldiers somehow crawled, and the equipment stood up. Shells were carried on horseback, in bags of a couple of pieces, or even dragged by soldiers by hand.

The offensive began on July 30, 1942. The artillery preparation lasted two hours. So many shells were fired at the enemy that it is difficult to imagine. For two hours there was a continuous rumble. The Germans could not stand it, moved back, then it turned into a stampede along the entire front, and in the end the Germans left Rzhev. Then the stunned Germans recovered, changed their minds and returned back to Rzhev, entrenched themselves and stood in their tracks. And then Stalin's order came out: "Not a step back" and - take Rzhev at any cost. After such an order, our detachments behind us propped up with machine guns. True, it somehow did not bother us. We were looking forward and did not look back. Our morale was very high. German leaflets such as "Let's go home" or "The CPSU(b) steal everything, then run away" were alien and incomprehensible to us. We trampled them into the mud with disgust and passionately hated those who were cowardly, who, as a warning to us, were shot in front of our formation.

Nobody wanted to die, but they ran forward - they advanced and died. How many "valleys of death", "groves of death", "bogs of death" we named and left behind! But still they moved forward by meters. Remembering the past, I see the fields near Rzhev, littered with the corpses of ours and the Germans. July rains gave way to August heat. Nobody removed the corpses, it was not up to them. They quickly decomposed, swelled, swarming with worms. There was an incredible stench over the field. Bursting mines and shells constantly gutting them, throwing them from place to place. Swift bullets showered them with hail and with disgusting slaps they pierced right through. By the middle of the day, the corpse field is shrouded in a specific fog. And nowhere to hide, not to run away from this stench. No newsreel was able to capture this stinking hell.

The human cadaverous smell is a hundred times more disgusting than that of an animal. He's kind of sweet and nauseous. You turn inside out from an attack of vomiting, and you have to crawl between these corpses, hide behind them from enemy fire. The shell will explode and knock over a couple of swollen corpses on you, and from them, with a hiss, a nasty stench breaks out right in your face. The shelling will end, you get out from under these corpses, and worms rain down on you. We endured all this in silence, without discussing it among ourselves, as if it were as it should be. If you get into this hell, grit your teeth and endure to death.

Petr A. Mikhin. Former platoon commander of the 1028th Artillery Regiment of the 52nd Rifle Division.

Post-war memories

In the people's memory, the battles under remained the worst. In the villages of many districts around Rzhev, there is an expression "driven under Rzhev." Also, German veterans recall with horror the battles in the "large space of Rzhev."

Of the 20 thousand Soviet citizens who found themselves in occupation in the city, on the day of liberation, March 3, 1943, 150 people remained. Of the 5443 residential buildings in Rzhev, only 297 survived.

Decree President Russian Federation fromOctober 8 2007 The city of Rzhev was awarded the honorary title "City of Military Glory».

So, why is so little said about the battles on the Rzhev land? After all, not one, but four whole operations were carried out for Rzhev, and they were led by such prominent commanders as G.K. Zhukov, I.S. Konev, V.D. Sokolovsky. Rzhev was the key to Moscow for two years. The Rzhev ledge jutted out into our defenses for hundreds of kilometers and hung only on a railway line. More troops participated in the battles for Rzhev than near Moscow and Stalingrad, and there were more losses. In the swamps, under enemy fire, entire divisions perished. But there was no our victory, and therefore they did not write about Rzhev. Only A. Tvardovsky managed to print the poem "I was killed near Rzhev" and then, apparently, due to someone's oversight.

    Reading 4 stanzas ().

Everything is listed on you

Forever, not forever.

And alive not in reproach

Brothers, in this war

We didn't know the difference.

Those who are alive, those who have fallen,

We were equal.

And no one in front of us

Of the living not in debt,

Who from the hands of our banner

Caught on the run

So that for a holy cause,

For Soviet Power

Just maybe exactly

I was killed near Rzhev,

He is still near Moscow.

Somewhere, warriors, where are you,

Who is left alive?

In cities of millions

In the villages, at home in the family?

In military garrisons

On land that is not ours?

Ah, is it your own, someone else's,

All in flowers or in snow...

I bequeath my life to you

What can I do more?

    The closeness of the poet to the hero of the poem determined the heartfelt truth of his confession, the authenticity of every artistic detail, which has the proper emotional impact on the reader.

From his "far away" the warrior speaks to his descendants so that they remember those who paid an immense price for victory - their lives.

The poem sounds the problem of historical memory and moral responsibility to those who died in the war

    Read the lines of the will of the deceased (each memo on the desk, reading_4 stanza)

I bequeath to you to live -
What can I do more?

I bequeath in that life
you happy to be
And dear Fatherland
Continue to serve with honor.

Grieve - proudly
Don't bow your head.
Rejoicing is not boastful
In the hour of victory itself.

And keep it holy
Brothers, - your happiness, -
In memory of a warrior brother,
who died for her.

    What is the the best memory of the fallen in battles?

    Protecting the Motherland is the best memory of the fallen in battles:

    ... Keep it sacred,
    Brothers, your happiness -
    In memory of a warrior brother,
    who died for her.

M. Nozhkin's song "Under Rzhev" (minute of silence)

I bequeath to you to live -
What can I do more?

I bequeath in that life
you happy to be
And dear Fatherland
Continue to serve with honor.

Grieve - proudly
Don't bow your head.
Rejoicing is not boastful
In the hour of victory itself.

And keep it holy
Brothers, - your happiness, -
In memory of a warrior brother,
who died for her

I bequeath to you to live -
What can I do more?

I bequeath in that life
you happy to be
And dear Fatherland
Continue to serve with honor.

Grieve - proudly
Don't bow your head.
Rejoicing is not boastful
In the hour of victory itself.

And keep it holy
Brothers, - your happiness, -
In memory of a warrior brother,
who died for her

The material of the lesson allows not only to introduce the poem "I was killed near Rzhev ...", the history of its writing and the historical events that served as the basis for writing the poem, but also gives an idea of ​​the main topic in the post-war period for the author - the theme of Memory.



A lesson in the analysis of a poem by A.T. Tvardovsky

“I was killed near Rzhev…” in the 9th grade.

Lesson Objectives:


Introduce the poem "I was killed near Rzhev ...", the history of its writing and the historical events that served as the basis for writing the poem; - to give an idea of ​​the main theme for the author in the post-war period - the theme of Memory;


Deepening the understanding of students about the literary process of the post-war period, about the features of the sound of the theme of Memory by A.T. Tvardovsky; - continuation of work on the expressive and meaningful reading of a lyrical work, its analysis, interpretation;


Raising interest and respect for Russian literature as the guardian of the moral foundations of the nation;

Raising a sense of patriotism and pride in the deeds of their ancestors;

Influence spiritual world students, on their choice of moral guidelines;

Education of collectivist relations, the ability to work in a group.


  • Portraits of A.T. Tvardovsky
  • Map of military operations near Moscow
  • Presentation equipment for the lesson
  • Handout (poem texts, memos for analyzing phonetics, vocabulary and syntax of a lyrical work, tables to fill out in group work)
  1. Organizational moment. The teacher expressively reads by heart.

(long pause before reading the poem)

I know it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,

The fact that they - who is older, who is younger -

Stayed there, and it's not about the same thing,

That I could, but could not save, -

It's not about that, but still, still, still ...

  1. Introduction by the teacher. Updating students' knowledge.

- "This is a real requiem, simple, majestic and mournful." These words of S.Ya. Marshak refer to such poems by A. Tvardovsky as

"I was killed near Rzhev ..." (1945-1946),

"On the day the war ended..." (1948),

"To the son of a dead soldier" (1949-1950),

"Their memory" (1949-1951),

"Cruel Memory" (1951),

"They lie, deaf and dumb..."

“I know, no fault of mine ...” (1966). They composed a poetic cycle, distinguished by thematic and emotional unity and an increased retrospectiveness characteristic of A. Tvardovsky's artistic thinking. It is impossible not to notice how often the past and the present collide in his poems, the words “memory”, “memorable” are repeated.

Where did this memory come from? What do we know about the life of A.T. Tvardovsky during the war? (passed as a military correspondent to the Finnish and Great Patriotic War)

F. M. Dostoevsky believed that one can become a writer only through suffering. A.T. Tvardovsky "suffered in full." “Every true poet must have verses that stand out from the rest, towering above the rest. They become the property of various anthologies, anthologies.

In this series, - K. Vanshenkin believes, - of course, “I was killed near Rzhev ...”. In his note “On the poem“ I was killed near Rzhev ... ”, the poet tells about the history of its creation, about a trip near Rzhev in the fall of 1942.

  1. Introduction of new material.

Implementation of an individual task:

Message. The history of the creation of the poem:

Tvardovsky wrote: “These poems are dictated by thought and feeling, which most of all filled the soul. The eternal obligation of the living to the fallen for a common cause, the impossibility of oblivion, the inescapable feeling, as it were, of oneself in them, and them in oneself - this is how one can approximately define this thought and feeling.

The poet worked on the work in late 1945 - early 1946. Initially, it had a different name - "Testament of a Warrior." What life facts prompted the poet to write it? In a short article “On the poem “I was killed near Rzhev”,” the author noted two episodes that had sunk into his memory. A trip in the fall of 1942 near Rzhev. There were heavy battles. The situation of our troops was complicated by terrible impassability. “The impressions of this trip,” Tvardovsky wrote, “were of the most depressing and bitter throughout the war, to the point of physical pain in the heart.” There was also a meeting in a Moscow tram with a front-line officer who came to Moscow for a day to bury his wife, and must return to the front again. He was "so twisted, crumpled, like his tunic darkened from many sweats."

  1. Expressive reading in the faces of a fragment from the article by A.T. Tvardovsky “About the poem“ I was killed near Rzhev ... ”

“On the front platform of the tram - tightness.

Citizens, get into the car, everyone is not allowed here.

Some lieutenant pressed against the side bars, a guy with an exhausted, nervous, tanned face, turns his head towards one "civilian", who is barely visible up to his chest.

Well, here you are, for example, why aren't you at the front? Who are you?

I? - And as a familiar title: - invalid of the Great Patriotic War.

Disabled person? And I'm hurt too. But we're fighting and you're in the front yard...

Oh, you fool, fool!

I'm a fool? the nervous lieutenant shouted and made a terrible movement - either to grab the pistol, or to free his hand to strike.

I interfere.

Comrade lieutenant, calm down...

You are in shape, more is asked of you.

Ah! .. - He groaned, turned away to the boulevard and with inexpressible, some kind of childish bitterness and anger said somewhere: - I will never, never come to this Moscow ...

When I began to leave, he squeezed his way to me:

Comrade lieutenant colonel, I'm from near Rzhev. I came for a day to bury my wife. I have to be in the battalion at twelve zero tomorrow. Excuse me…

I must forgive him: if only he would forgive me somehow ... "

Of course, not only these facts formed the basis of the content of the work, it embodies the rich experience of the poet, a participant in the Finnish and Patriotic wars.

In addition, there is an opinion that the poem was written on a real basis. His hero is Vladimir Petrovich Brosalov. Brosalov's mother was sent a funeral stating that her son had died. However, later it turned out that Brosalov was alive and was in the hospital named after N.N. Burdenko. This hospital was visited by Alexander Tvardovsky. It so happened that Brosalov's mother showed Tvardovsky a notice of her son's death and told the story that had happened to them. After reading the funeral, Tvardovsky said that he would definitely write poems about the battles for Rzhev.

5. Teacher's word:

So, the poem was written immediately after the war and originally had the title "Testament of a Warrior." But the first line became "winged", became a symbol of a life so tragically and so simply cut short. So the name of the poem included its own name - Rzhev. Then, during the war, it was a small provincial town. And the events around him unfolded very significant.

6. Implementation of an individual task. Historical information about the battles near Rzhev Working with a map of military operations.

“The truth about Rzhev will be told only when everyone who commanded here dies,” this is how a veteran of the battles for the city of Rzhev expressed his attitude to the events in a private conversation. Why is this so?
Battle of Rzhev 1941-1943 - the bloodiest battle in the history of mankind. And the most hushed up by historians.

2/3 of the divisions of the army "Center" were stationed on the Rzhevsky bridgehead for an attack on Moscow. The losses of Soviet troops in the battles near Rzhev amounted to more than 2 million people, twice the losses in the Battle of Stalingrad. In the forests near Rzhev, the 29th Army perished. The city itself was turned into lunar landscape. Of the 40,000 population of the city, only 248 people remained. After a fierce 15 month battleRzhev was never taken- the Germans themselves withdrew to pre-prepared positions.

How did the events develop "in the Rzhev region" and to what extent do they fit the definition of "battle"? In early 1942, after the successful counteroffensive of the Red Army near Moscow, Soviet troops approached Rzhev. At the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, it was decided to continue moving forward without an operational pause in order to complete the defeat of the Nazi Army Group Center. On January 8, an offensive operation began, called the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya. The troops of the Kalinin and Western Fronts participated in it with the assistance of the North-Western and Bryansk Fronts. As part of the Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation, the Sychevsko-Vyazemskaya and Toropetsko-Kholmskaya operations were carried out. Initially, success accompanied the Red Army.

However, by the end of January, the situation changed dramatically. The fascist German command hastily transferred 12 divisions and 2 brigades from Western Europe. As a result of counterattacks, the 33rd Army and the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps were surrounded, only a narrow corridor connected the 22nd, 29th, 39th Army and the 11th Cavalry Corps with their own, and later it was cut.

So the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead appeared on wartime maps. From the reference dictionary "Great Patriotic War 1941-45": "The Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead, a ledge formed in the defense of the Nazi troops during the offensive of the Soviet troops in the winter of 1941-42. in the western direction. The Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead measured up to 160 km in depth and up to 200 km along the front (at the base). In the winter of 1942-43, about 2/3 of the troops of Army Group Center were concentrated here. The main forces of the Kalinin and Western fronts acted against this grouping.

From July 2 to July 12, the Wehrmacht carried out an offensive operation code-named "Seidlitz" against formations of the Kalinin Front that were surrounded. For many years, they preferred not to talk about it.

Within the framework of the summer Rzhev-Sychevsk operation, carried out by the forces of two fronts, the Pogorelo-Gorodishche operation of the Western Front stands out. This is the only operation on the bridgehead that has received a broad description: Colonel General L. M. Sandalov's book "The Burned-Gorodishchenskaya Operation" was published. This offensive of the Red Army brought some success: dozens of settlements were liberated, including on Tver land - Zubtsov and Burnt Gorodishche. The operation was defined as "the first successful offensive by Soviet troops in summer conditions."

In the Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, one line indicates the Rzhev-Sychevsk offensive operation of the Red Army, carried out on November 25 - December 20, 1942. And just recently, a sensational article by the American military historian David M. Glantz "Operation Mars" (November-December 1942) was published in the journal Questions of History. It says that almost simultaneously with Operation Uranus (the strategic offensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad), Operation Mars was carried out. The purpose of the latter was to defeat the troops of the Army Group "Center" in the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead. Like the previous ones, she was not successful.

The last offensive operation, during which the bridgehead was liquidated, is called Rzhev-Vyazemskaya and dates back to March 2-31, 1943.

Until today, it is not known exactly how many lives the liberation of the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead cost.

Fifty years after the liquidation of the Rzhev salient, the book "Secrecy Removed" was published - a statistical study of the losses of the USSR Armed Forces in wars, hostilities and military conflicts. It contains the following data:

irretrievable losses of the Red Army - 272320 people,

sanitary - 504569 people,

in total - 776889 people.

irretrievable losses of 51482 people,

sanitary - 142201 people,

total -193383 people.

irretrievable losses - 38862 people,

sanitary - 99715 people,

in total - 138577 people.

In all three operations:

irretrievable losses - 362664 people,

sanitary - 746485 people,

in total - 1109149 people.

The irretrievable losses include those killed on the battlefield, those who died from wounds during evacuation, missing and captured, the sanitary losses include the wounded, shell-shocked, burned and frostbite soldiers who were evacuated from the combat areas to army, front and rear hospitals. However, if we take into account that it is not known how many of the wounded returned to duty, how many became disabled, how many died in hospitals, the total figure of irretrievable losses loses its concrete outline.

Approximate data on losses in the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead also lies in the fact that many military operations on this sector of the front remained out of sight of military historians.

Participant of these events marshal Soviet Union V. G. Kulikov named the approximate figure for the total losses of the Red Army on the Rzhev Bulge - 2 million 60 thousand people.

7. Expressive reading of the poem by A. T. Tvardovsky "I was killed near Rzhev ..."

8. Conversation to identify understanding of the ideological content of the poem:

From whom is the story being told? What is achieved by this? (Tvardovsky: “The form of the 1st person ... seemed to me the most consistent with the idea of ​​the unity of the living and the fallen “for the sake of life on earth.”)

What do we learn from this poetic monologue about the lyrical hero himself?

How to explain such a number interrogative sentences consecutively at the beginning of the poem? What worries the dead warrior even beyond the limits of earthly life?

How to explain the simultaneous presence in one text of the pronouns "your - ours"?

Who does the lyrical hero address in his monologue? What words of reference does he find?

What does the dead warrior call for the survivors?

What bequeaths to the living, and therefore to you and me?

9. Practice in using knowledge. Analysis of expressive means.

Teacher's word:

The poem "I was killed near Rzhev ...", written in late 1945 and early 1946, is the first monument to the Unknown Soldier. In terms of its impact, it is a poetic masterpiece. Let's explore what phonetic, lexical and syntactic means of artistic expression the author achieves from us such a strong emotional response.

Group work. Analysis of artistic means of expression.Memos are used. The analysis is drawn up in a table. The results of the research are announced at the end of the work. Working time - 7 minutes.

Working groups: syntax, phonetics, vocabulary.

Poetic phonetics (reminder)

Alliteration - repetition of consonants

P ushki from the harbour, they shoot ...

Assonance - repetition of vowel sounds

It's dark in the room,

Covers the hard window,

And is it about dreams and tsya with about n?

D and n-d about n. D and n-d about n.

Anaphora - unity

In the evening In the seaside In the breath of the wind

AT majestic cry of the waves ...

Onomatopoeia- direct and indirect, i.e. imitation of sound phenomena by the selection of words with homogeneous sounds.

full h noah sometimes in the swamp deep sh and

Slightly audible, insanely smartly rustling reeds ...

Paronymy - a game with similar-sounding words, when the random similarity of sound is used to create a new semantic connection

Forest a - bald.

The forests of the deer were spruce.

Forests of foxes ate.

Poetic phonetics study table:

artistic medium


What is used for


Repeating beginning with a pronoun"I"

(1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th stanzas)

Gives speech melodiousness, the voice of the lyrical hero is transmitted through the sounds of nature: either the wind, or the water murmurs - the hero is dissolved in nature


I - where are your cars

I tear in the air on the highway

The repetition of hissing sounds conveys the movement of tires on the road - someone's life passes by the lyrical hero


In the 4th and 5th stanzas, the injection of vowel sounds

Enhances the expressiveness of speech, gives smoothness, melodiousness, fabulousness - speaks not lively

Poetic vocabulary (memo)

Synonyms words that are different in sound but similar in meaning. More precisely express the idea.

my bells,

Steppe flowers!

Antonyms - Words that are opposite in meaning. Depict the inconsistency of the phenomena of life.

They agreed: wave and stone,

Poetry and prose, ice and fire…

Archaisms - obsolete words and expressions that give solemnity to speech

Faded like a beacon, wondrous genius...

Neologisms - newly formed words and expressions of the language, reflecting new concepts, phenomena or enhancing the expressiveness of speech

Oh, laugh, laughers!

Epithet - artistic definition

golden cloud

Cliff is a giant

The desert is stunted and stingy

Comparison - a comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of another

Eyes like the sky, blue.

Allegory - allegory, the image of an abstract concept or phenomenon through specific objects and images

Irony - hidden sneer

I hammered a shell into a cannon tight

And I thought: I will treat a friend!

Hold on, brother, Musyu ...

Litotes - artistic understatement

Tom Thumb

Man with nails

Hyperbola - artistic exaggeration used to enhance the impression

Resting feet on the globe of the earth,

I hold the ball of the sun in my hands ...

personification - the image of inanimate objects, in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings - the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel

Timidly the moon looks into the eyes,

I'm amazed that the day has passed...

reification - likening the phenomena of the animate world to inanimate objects

Nails would be made from these people:

Stronger if there were no nails in the world

Metaphor - hidden comparison, built on the similarity or contrast of phenomena

Trees in winter silver...

Silent black forest...

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve ...

Metonymy - convergence, comparison of concepts by the adjacency of the designated phenomena, when a phenomenon or object is designated using other words and concepts

Steel speaker dozing in a holster

Led swords to a plentiful feast

Poetic vocabulary study table

artistic medium


What is used for


Nameless swamp

Terrible, bitter right

last span

Oath holy

enemy land

Volleys victorious

Give speech figurativeness, express the attitude of the author to an object or phenomenon


Our eyes have faded

The flame of the heart went out

This punishment is terrible

May the word be fulfilled

Holy oaths

Give speech solemnity, pathos, convey the greatness of the perfect feat


Where even the mother will not come to the wake,

There is one consolation

Everything was on the line

And neither the bottom nor the tire

Folk - colloquial expressions give speech the appearance and sound of live oral colloquial speech

Military vocabulary, terms

On earth in faith

The task of that was not fulfilled by the enemy

Emphasize the professional affiliation of a soldier


Dead are alive

What are alive - what have fallen

(land) own - alien

Mourn - rejoice

Helps to more clearly depict opposite objects and phenomena


Dead = fallen

Brothers = sworn brothers = faithful comrades

They help to express thoughts more accurately, avoiding repetition


The front was burning, not subsiding,

Like a scar on the body ...

Conveys the duration and pain of what happened

Poetic syntax and intonational figures (reminder)

Rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations enhance the reader's attention without requiring him to respond

What is he looking for in a distant country?

What did he throw in his native land?

My friend, we will devote to the fatherland

Souls wonderful impulses!

Repeat (refrain) repeated repetition of the same words or phrases

Types of repeats:

Anaphora, epiphora, gradation, ring, joint (eponaphora)

Do not believe, do not believe the poet, maiden!

Cloudy sky, cloudy night

Anaphora - unity

I swear on the first day of creation

I swear on his last day

I swear on the shame of crime

And eternal truth triumph

Epiphora - unity of endings

The unceasing rain is pouring down,

The tedious rain…

gradation - a kind of grouping of definitions or in ascending order,

or by weakening the emotional and semantic significance

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…

Antithesis - opposition

Black evening, white snow. Wind. Wind.

Skipping individual wordsto give the phrase additional dynamism

We sat down - in the ashes! City to ashes! In swords - sickles and plows!

The juxtaposition of opposites

I am a king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am God

Asyndeton - deliberate omission of alliances

Flicker past the booth, women

Boys, benches, lanterns

Palaces, gardens, monasteries...

polyunion - an increase in the number of unions between words in order to slow down speech with forced pauses, to make it more expressive

And the waves are crowding and rushing back

And they come again, and hit the shore ...

Parallelism – homogeneous syntactic construction of sentences

Your mind is as deep as the sea

Your spirit is as high as the mountains

Inversion - violation of the generally accepted word order, rearrangement of parts of the phrase

And the death of this alien land is not dead guests ...

Poetic Syntax Study Table

artistic medium


What is used for

Rhetorical questions

Is our Rzhev, finally?

Did our

There, on the Middle Don?

Did he escape to the Volga?

Otherwise, even dead - how?

The poem is a monologue of a fallen warrior, so he asks questions without expecting an answer. But all his anxiety, excitement - in these matters.

Rhetorical exclamations

No it is not true. Tasks

Toy not won by the enemy!

No, no!

Express strong emotions: the fallen refuses to believe in retreat


I am where the roots are blind

I am where with a cloud of dust...

I am where the cock crow

I - where are your cars ...

Enhances emotional impact, expressiveness, significance


On the military road

Comrades faithful

Happiness is immeasurable

Holy cause

Violation of the generally accepted sequence of words enhances attention to the meaning of the phrase, creates an emphasis on the last word

10. Listening to the results of research in groups. Comments from teachers and students. Generalizations, conclusions.

What conclusions did each working group draw from the research?

Teacher's word:

So, before us is really a masterpiece of Russian poetry, which is based on a high feeling, deep thought and the highest skill of the author.

Listening to Mikhail Nozhkin's song "Under Rzhev". Presentation "Dedicated to the memory of the fallen."

  1. Summing up the lesson.

Homework:essay "Reading A. Tvardovsky's poem "I was killed near Rzhev ..." (introduce an element of analysis into the essay)

Evaluation students in groups of work of each in the lesson (sheets with grades are handed over to the teacher)

Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region

State educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo Pedagogical College"

PCC of Russian and Literature

Eidos - abstract based on the poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky "I was killed near Rzhev ..."

research project


The work was admitted to the defense Terskikh Nadezhda Andreevna

"___" ____________ 2010 student of the 1st year of 904 groups

Job protected

"___" ____________ 2010 Supervisor:

Berlyakova Zinaida Anatolyevna,

with an assessment of _____________ teacher of literature

Kemerovo 2010

65th anniversary

Great Victory is dedicated


I was killed near Rzhev,

In the nameless swamp

In the fifth company, on the left,

During a violent attack

I didn't hear the break

I didn't see that flash

Right into the abyss from the cliff-

And neither the bottom nor the tire.

And all over this world

Until the end of his days

No buttonholes, no straps

From my tunic.

I am where the roots are blind

Looking for food in the darkness;

I - where with a cloud of dust

Rye walks on the hill;

I am where the cock crow

At dawn on the dew;

I - where are your cars

The air is torn on the highway;

Where blade of grass to blade of grass

A river of grass spins, -

Where for the wake

Even mother won't come.

Count up, alive

How long ago

Was at the front for the first time

Named suddenly Stalingrad.

The front was burning, not subsiding,

Like a scar on the body.

I'm dead and don't know

Is our Rzhev finally?

Did our

There, on the Middle Don? ..

This month has been terrible.

Everything was on the line.

Is it until autumn

Don was already behind them,

And hotch would be wheels

Did he escape to the Volga?

No it is not true. Tasks

The enemy did not win!

No, no! Otherwise

Even dead - how?

And the dead, the voiceless,

There is one consolation:

We fell for our country

But she is saved.

Our eyes have faded

The flame of the heart went out

On earth in faith

We have our fighting

Do not wear medals.

You - all this, alive.

We have one consolation:

What was not in vain fought

We are for the Motherland.

You must know him.

You should have, brothers,

Stand like a wall

For the dead are cursed

This punishment is terrible.

It's a formidable right

We are forever given -

And it's behind us

This is a bitter right.

In the summer, in forty-two,

I am buried without a grave.

Everything that happened after

Death has betrayed me.

All that, maybe for a long time

You are familiar and clear

But let it be

According to our faith.

Brothers, maybe you

And don't lost,

And in the rear of Moscow

They died for her.

And in the Volga distance

Hastily dug trenches

And they came with fights

To the border of Europe.

It is enough for us to know

which was undoubtedly

That last span

On the military road.

That last span

What if you leave

That stepped back

There is nowhere to put your foot.

That line of depth

For which rose

From behind your back

The flame of the forges of the Urals.

And the enemy turned

You are west, back.

Maybe brothers

And Smolensk has already been taken?

And you crush the enemy

On the other side,

Maybe you are towards the border

Already up?

Maybe... May it come true

Holy oath word! -

After all, Berlin, if you remember,

It was named near Moscow.

Brothers now gone

Fortress of the enemy land,

If the dead, the fallen

If only we could cry!

If the volleys are victorious

Us, earthly and deaf,

Us, who are devoted to eternity,

Resurrected for a moment -

Oh, faithful comrades,

Only then in the war

Your happiness is immeasurable

You got it completely.

In it, that happiness is undeniable

Our bloodline

Faith, hate, passion.

Our everything! We didn't cheat

We are in a tough fight

Having given everything, they did not leave

Nothing to yourself.

Everything is listed on you

Forever, not forever.

Brothers, in this war

We didn't know the difference.

Those who are alive, those who have fallen, -

We were equal.

And no one in front of us

Of the living not in debt,

Who from the hands of our banner

Caught on the run

So that for a holy cause,

For Soviet Power

I was killed near Rzhev,

He is still near Moscow.

Somewhere, warriors, where are you,

Who is left alive?

In cities of millions

In the villages, at home in the family?

In military garrisons

On land that is not ours?

Oh, is it your own, someone else's,

All in flowers or in snow...

I bequeath to you to live, -

What can I do more?

I bequeath in that life

you happy to be

Grieve - proudly

Without bowing your head

Rejoicing is not boastful

In the hour of victory itself.

And keep it holy

Brothers, your happiness -

In memory of a warrior brother,

who died for her.

1945 - 1946


poem lyric hero poetic language

A swamp is an area where there is a lot of water in the soil.

A brother is a son in relation to other children of his parents; friendly attitude towards a man; comrade, associate.

Faith is the firm hope that something will happen, that someone will do the right thing.

Enemy - one who is hostile to someone; military adversary.

Back - back, back.

War is an armed struggle between states.

The gymnast is the uniform of a student in a gymnasium.

Pride is a sense of self-worth.

Grief is moral suffering due to something very unpleasant, difficult.

Alive - one that moves, breathes, feels, has life; full of vitality; one that is very active.

Banner - the flag of the army, military unit, state, organization, etc.

Kara - any punishment sent from above, a curse.

Badges - stripes on shoulder straps, as a sign of military rank.

Dead - one who died.

Hatred is a feeling that makes you harm someone, wish for trouble, death.

Orders are insignia that are awarded for outstanding services.

Eyes are outdated. eyes.

Memory - the ability to preserve and reproduce past feelings, experience, stock of impressions.

Buttonholes - a colored stripe on the collar of the uniform.

Victory is complete success in battle, in war, in competition, in achieving something.

Wake - a day of remembrance for the deceased.

Motherland - the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen; the place of birth of someone or the origin, the origin of something.

Holy - possessing holiness, divine; something extremely honorable, extremely important.

to deceive - to deceive; cheat.

Death is the end of life.

Passion is a strong feeling, passion.

Happiness is a feeling and a state of complete satisfaction with one's life, deeds, etc.

A comrade is a person who is close in his views, common cause, living conditions; a person as a member of Soviet society, collective, organization.


1. The history of the creation of the poem.

2. What are the verses about?

3. Who is the lyrical hero of this poem?

5. What unites a lyrical hero with living people?

6. What does the poet convey to us through the thoughts and feelings of the murdered?

7. What poetic vocabulary is used?

8. What are the features of poetic language?

9. How does the speech and mood of the lyrical hero change from the first stanza to the last?

10. My personal impression of these verses.


The poem "I was killed near Rzhev ..." was written after the war, at the end of 1945 and at the very beginning of 1946. As A. T. Tvardovsky himself wrote, “... These poems are dictated by thought and feeling, which throughout the war and in post-war years most of all filled the soul ... The obligation of the living to the fallen for a common cause, the impossibility of oblivion, the inescapable feeling, as it were, of oneself in them, and them in oneself - this is how one can approximately define this thought and feeling.

The poem "I was killed near Rzhev ..." is written on behalf of a killed soldier. Tvardovsky, as it were, gave a voice to a dead soldier who had fulfilled his duty on the battlefield, but it turned out that the soldier “thinks” not about the dead, but about the living. He "remembers" himself as alive, who lay in a nameless swamp and died during a brutal raid. He “knows” that nothing is left of him, like of many of his friends, not even a grave where his mother could come to say goodbye. His speech retains all the features of the speech of a living person, it is saturated with proverbs, sayings with indispensable military vernacular (“And neither the bottom nor the tire”, “No buttonholes, no straps”).

And he himself, already after death, is again, as it were, among the living, invisible and dissolved in the air that his contemporaries breathe (“I am where your cars / The air is torn on the highway ...”), he is in the ground along which they walk (“I am where the roots are blind / Looking for food in the darkness ...”), in a cloud of rye dust that they clean (“I am where with a cloud of dust / Walking rye on a hill ...”). The killed "feels" like a part of the world in which he was, a participant in the labor of the living. But his main concern now is how his fellow citizens are fighting, what are their successes in military affairs. He, who was killed, does not know, “Is Rzhev finally ours?”, But the poet gives him a presentiment, at first disturbing (“Is it really until autumn / Was the Don already behind him, / And at least with wheels / To the Volga did he escape?”), However he doesn’t want to and can’t believe in it (“No, it’s not true. The enemy didn’t win the task / He didn’t win! / No, no! Otherwise / Even the dead - how? ”), then the confidence in the final victory grows more and more ...

Tvardovsky makes it possible to learn about defeats and military successes through the thoughts and feelings of a killed soldier. The reader mentally restores, recalls the course of the Great Patriotic War. At the same time, the poet uses the pronouns “our”, “your”, which become important figurative designations. On the one hand, the dead soldier is already separated by a death line from the living and for him they are on the other side of death (“your cars”, “your backs”, etc.), but on the other hand, he cannot think of himself outside his native land , outside of their warrior brothers. Mentally, he is with them, although he is no longer able to stand next to them. From here: “Is our rzhev ...”, “Did ours hold out ...”. Disconnecting, he immediately unites with the living, although he is aware of the line between him and the living. It turns out that the feelings and thoughts of a dead warrior seem to “flow” into the living, become their thoughts and feelings, and the living remain faithful to those movements of the soul that called the dead hero to battle. This is how the holy word “brothers” appears in the poem, uniting everyone - both the living and the dead, without distinction. The slain and his comrades, who fell in battles, put the banner into the hands of the living, and the living accept it, in order to, in turn, pass it on to others and so that the goal of this eternal life is the happiness of the “native homeland” and the happiness of everyone:

I bequeath in that life

you happy to be

These simple truths, handed down from the dead, who died alive, and from them to new generations, are expressed by Tvardovsky with that linguistic simplicity that is easy to notice. The language of the poem is saturated with turns, expressions, words of folk oral, colloquial speech with many undying proverbs and sayings (“Where the wake / Even the mother will not come”, “There is one consolation: / We fell for our homeland, / But she is saved” , "It was all at stake"). Sometimes this oral speech is filled with characteristic, frequently occurring clericalisms, language clichés with a touch of military jargon (“No, not true. Tasks / That the enemy did not win!”), And military terms acquire a “general” meaning: “On the ground on verification / They call out not us.” However, next to the speech of the folk, oral, colloquial, another linguistic part gradually appears in the poem - high, with an abundance of archaisms, Slavicisms, obsolete words (“Our eyes have grown dim, / The flame of the heart has gone out ...”, “This punishment is terrible”, “Yes the word of the holy oath will be fulfilled! ..”). Measured, unhurried, quiet speech gradually turns into a melodious and fantastic, and the style suddenly becomes solemn and majestic. The deceased warrior was filled with a high consciousness of duty and, from the height of his mission, received the right to bequeath the old values ​​to new generations of people living on this earth:

Grieve - proudly

Without bowing your head

Rejoicing is not boastful

In the hour of victory itself.

Precisely because the warrior gave his life for the Motherland, I think that the word "homeland" becomes the main word in his mournful monologue. The deceased, he remained in the ranks, he is with the living, because his feelings and ideas, for which the soldier gave his life, do not die, but remain eternal. And the holy memory of him is the work that he left behind.


Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky was born on June 21 (according to the new style), 1910, “on the farm of the Stolpovo wasteland,” as the piece of land was called in the papers, he wrote, acquired by my father, Trifon Gordeevich Tvardovsky, Land Peasant Bank with payment in installments. This farm was "assigned" to the village of Zagorye in the Pochinkovskaya volost of the Smolensk province, later - the Pochinkovsky district of the Smolensk region.

By the end of the 1920s, blacksmithing was established on this piece of land, which became an important source of income and an addition to ordinary peasant labor.

The poet's father, Trifon Gordeevich Tvardovsky (1881 - 1949), was a peasant and blacksmith. Mother, Maria Mitrofanovna, nee Pleskachevskaya (1889 - 1965), was also a peasant woman from a family of noblemen of the same palace - an impoverished, large (8 children) "nobleman Mitrofan Yakovlevich Pleskachevsky" from the village of Pleskachi, thirty miles from Barsuki.

In his Autobiography, he wrote: “My mother, Maria Mitrofanovna, was impressionable and sensitive ... Trifon Gordeevich was a man of a more severe nature, but, like her, literate, a lover of reading. The book was not uncommon in our household. For whole winter evenings, we often read a book ... ”The main book of home reading was the writings of Nekrasov -“ a treasured book ”, which Tvardovsky later recalled and wrote about more than once. The home library also included the works of other classics - Pushkin, Lermontov and Fet.

Back in 1917, Sasha learned to read and write while playing with a neighbor boy. In 1922, Sasha Tvardovsky completed, apparently in 3 years, a four-year school. Then he studied for a year at the neighboring Egorievsk school, where two good teachers taught - Ivan Ilyich and his father Ilya Lazarevich Poruchikovs. He was especially influenced by the lessons of Ivan Ilyich, which Tvardovsky recalled even in Vasily Terkin. The Poruchikovs also encouraged his experiments in poetry.

Since 1924, Tvardovsky began to send small notes to the editorial offices of Smolensk newspapers. Occasionally notes were printed. On March 24-26, 1926, Tvardovsky participated in a meeting of village correspondents of the Smolensk district. From June 1925, Tvardovsky's poems began to appear in the Smolensk provincial press. 1925 - 1927 can be considered the years of the formation of the "early Tvardovsky". At the end of 1927, he became a delegate to the First Proletarian Congress of Proletarian Writers in Smolensk.

In 1927, two poems "Mothers" became the first significant poetic successes. The attitude in the family to his work during these years was difficult. In early February 1928, Tvardovsky left his native village for Smolensk forever. The years from 1928 to 1933 are the most "experimental" and largely underestimated in the work of Tvardovsky. Difficulties in everyday life and creative searches were exacerbated by additional problems that arose after difficult events in the family

Tvardovsky in 1930 - 1931 (the poet's parents were exiled as a family of kulaks).

Despite all this, Tvardovsky began to publish in the local, and then in the central press. Since 1930 he became a family man. In 1932 he entered the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute. In 1930 - 1933, Tvardovsky gained experience in large generalizing genres: two poems about collectivization - "The Path to Socialism", "Introduction", a nervous book of prose - "The Diary of a Collective Farm Chairman".

In 1936 he entered the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature and graduated in 1939. In the same year he was awarded the Order of Lenin for literary merits, and in 1941 he received the State Prize of the second degree for "The Land of the Ant."

During the Great Patriotic War, the lyricism of poetry developed into its unprecedented nationality.

In 1947 - 1948 he was chairman of the Commission for work with young writers of the Writers' Union of the USSR. From 1950 to 1969 he was the editor-in-chief of the Novy Mir magazine.

The lyrics of recent years are becoming a resonance in the poetic and reader's minds. Recognition of this resonance was the awarding of the State Prize to the poet for the book of lyrics in 1971.

The word of Tvardovsky has had and continues to have a huge impact on the main phenomena and trends of modern poetry.


1. Dementiev V.V. Alexander Tvardovsky [Text] / V.V. Dementiev. - M.: Soviet Russia Publishing House; Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1976.- 172 p.

2. Tvardovsky A.T. Poems and poems [Text] / A.T. Tvardovsky. - M.: Children's Literature publishing house; Moscow: Children's Literature, 1998.-316 p.

3. Fortunatov N.M. Russian literature. Reader for middle and high school [Text] / N.M. Fortunatov. - M.: Russian merchant publishing house; Nizhny Novgorod: Brothers Slavs, 1995.-608 p.

4. Rozanova V.V. Brief explanatory dictionary of the Russian language [Text] / I. L. Gorodetskaya, T. N. Popovtseva, M.N. Sudoplatova, T. A. Fomenko; ed. V.V. Rozanova. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: Russian language, 1982.-245 pages with illustrations.

5. Repkin V.V. Educational Dictionary of the Russian Language [Text] / V.V. Repkin.-M: Peleng Publishing House; Tomsk: Infoline, 1993.-656 p.

I was killed near Rzhev,
In the nameless swamp
In the fifth company, on the left,
On a hard hit.

I didn't hear the break
I didn't see that flash
Right into the abyss from the cliff -
And neither the bottom nor the tire.

And all over this world
Until the end of his days
No buttonholes, no straps
From my tunic.

I am where the roots are blind
Looking for food in the darkness;
I am where with a cloud of dust
Rye walks on the hill;

I am where the cock crow
At dawn on the dew;
I am where are your cars
The air is torn on the highway;

Where blade of grass to blade of grass
A river of grass spins, -
Where for the wake
Even mother won't come.

Count up, alive
How long ago
Was at the front for the first time
Named suddenly Stalingrad.

The front was burning, not subsiding,
Like a scar on the body.
I'm dead and don't know
Is our Rzhev finally?

Did our
There, on the Middle Don? ..
This month has been terrible.
Everything was on the line.

Is it until autumn
Don was already behind him
And at least the wheels
Did he escape to the Volga?

No it is not true. Tasks
Toy not won by the enemy!
No, no! Otherwise
Even dead - how?

And the dead, the voiceless,
There is one consolation:
We fell for our country
But she is saved.

Our eyes have faded
The flame of the heart went out
On earth in faith
They don't call us.

We have our fighting
Do not wear medals.
You - all this, alive.
We have one consolation:

What was not in vain fought
We are for the Motherland.
Let our voice not be heard,
You must know him.

You should have, brothers,
Stand like a wall
For the dead are cursed
This punishment is terrible.

It's a formidable right
We are forever given -
And it's behind us
This is a bitter right.

In the summer, in forty-two,
I am buried without a grave.
Everything that happened after
Death has betrayed me.

All that, maybe for a long time
You are familiar and clear
But let it be
According to our faith.

Brothers, maybe you
And don't lost,
And in the rear of Moscow
They died for her.

And in the Volga distance
Hastily dug trenches
And they came with fights
To the border of Europe.

It is enough for us to know
which was undoubtedly
That last span
On the military road.

That last span
What if you leave
That stepped back
There is nowhere to put your foot.

That line of depth
For which rose
From behind your back
The flame of the forges of the Urals.

And the enemy turned
You are west, back.
Maybe brothers
And Smolensk has already been taken?

And you crush the enemy
On the other side,
Maybe you are towards the border
Already up!

Maybe... May it come true
Holy oath word! -
After all, Berlin, if you remember,
It was named near Moscow.

Brothers who are now on the mend
Fortress of the enemy land,
If the dead, the fallen
If only we could cry!

If the volleys are victorious
Us, dumb and deaf,
Us, who are devoted to eternity,
Resurrected for a moment -

Oh faithful comrades,
Only then in the war
Your happiness is immeasurable
You got it completely.

In it, that happiness is undeniable
Our bloodline
Ours, torn by death,
Faith, hate, passion.

Our everything! We didn't cheat
We are in a tough fight
Having given everything, they did not leave
Nothing to yourself.

Everything is listed on you
Forever, not forever.
And alive not in reproach
This voice is your thinkable one.

Brothers, in this war
We didn't know the difference.
Those who are alive, those who have fallen, -
We were equal.

And no one in front of us
Of the living not in debt,
Who from the hands of our banner
Caught on the run

So that for a holy cause,
For Soviet Power
Just maybe exactly
Fall further.

I was killed near Rzhev,
He is still near Moscow.
Somewhere, warriors, where are you,
Who is left alive?

In cities of millions
In the villages, at home in the family?
In military garrisons
On land that is not ours?

Oh, is it your own, someone else's,
All in flowers or in snow...
I bequeath my life to you,
What can I do more?

I bequeath in that life
you happy to be
And motherland
Continue to serve with honor.

Grieve - proudly
Without bowing your head
Rejoicing is not boastful
In the hour of victory itself.

And keep it holy
Brothers, your happiness -
In memory of a warrior brother,
who died for her.

The poem "I was killed near Rzhev" was written by the famous poet A. T. Tvardovsky in 1945-46. It has a tragic real basis. We will analyze the poem “I was killed near Rzhev” by Tvardovsky now.

Lyrical hero of the poem

Any analysis of the work is unthinkable without defining its lyrical hero. In this case, the hero of the work is a soldier, a dead warrior, slain by an enemy in a nameless swamp. It seems that he left nothing behind. This is indicated by the words "neither buttonholes, nor straps." However, it is not!

Tvardovsky's analysis of "I was killed near Rzhev" makes it possible to understand that the life of the lyrical hero was not given in vain. His death is a testament to the living.

The work is written in the first person. In it, a dead hero is talking to living people. The strength of the experience is increased here by the effect of the unfinished war and, at the same time, the awareness of one's own death and the death of a huge number of other soldiers. Tvardovsky's analysis of "I was killed near Rzhev" reveals a seemingly simple poem. The combination of lyrical and epic time in one inseparable time gives a very powerful effect.

Theme and images of the work

The poem combines the features of several genres at once. Here one can see a historical song, a story, a monologue, a confession. The main theme of the verse - the theme It is revealed from a new side - the continuity of the life of living people and the feat of dead heroes. Since the dead person in the work talks with the living, we can talk about revealing the theme of the victory of life over death.

Tvardovsky in his work clearly and clearly reproduces the atmosphere of a terrible war. A raid, a gap, a tunic - all these words allow us to introduce the reader to that terrible time. Real geographical names also help - Don, Moscow, Rzhev, Berlin, Ural. All this helps to convey the feelings of the front-line soldiers who lost their comrades-in-arms, but do not lose hope of going through the war to the end, defeating and trampling the fascist army.

Tvardovsky's analysis of "I was killed near Rzhev" includes the selection of family images. The author introduced into the work the image of the mother of a fallen soldier and the general image of the Motherland. The image of brotherhood, the kinship of all people and generations, is also hatching.

Analysis of Tvardovsky's verse "I was killed near Rzhev": linguistic means

Phrases related to the high style, for example, “the flame of the heart went out”, “treading down the fortress”, are combined here with colloquial phrases. But it is not striking, everything is natural and organic.

A large number of linguistic means make the verse incredibly touching. Anaphoras, epithets, comparisons, metaphors, non-conjunctions and exclamations help Tvardovsky.

Repetitions in a poem

Conducting a detailed analysis of Tvardovsky's "I was killed near Rzhev", it is impossible not to notice the repetitions found in the verse. The author repeats key words, pronouns in different contexts. Sometimes he repeats entire lines. Often uses Tvardovsky and variations of words denoting brotherhood, fidelity, life and death. This helps to see the main thing in the poem. He seems to turn the prose of life into lyrical poetry. The syntax helps here too. The author used many interrogative sentences and appeals.

Homogeneous members also complete the overall picture.

This work was the final in the line of Tvardovsky's military lyrics. From now on, he moves on to a new poetic theme, also military, but with a different bias.