Greeting in Ukrainian. Good morning: morning wishes to loved ones

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Good morning is a magical wish that a person meets first today. Then other words and remarks will fall, businesslike, ordinary and even sometimes not always pleasant, but you, as if in an exciting game, having received a miraculous "protection", you will no longer react painfully to all the fuss and everyday life of this day. Good morning will accompany you all day until the evening.

Share your good morning with your loved one. After all, if he had a good night, he slept well, and literally in the first minutes after waking up he received "Good morning" from you - what could be more wonderful than his smile and a pleasant thought about you!

A ray of sunshine at dawn
Let my love greet
Let the window sill crumble
Delicate powder.

You open your eyes, sit down,
Smile, shine
And quietly tell me:
"Good morning!"

Happiness suddenly becomes a rainbow
A new day will beckon you.
May he be bright, wise!
Good morning!

This morning will be good
Both you and me.
After all, together again we are with you
We meet him: you and me.
Let the rays wake you up
You smile back at them.
May the day be good today
You are my favorite person!

Good morning, dear little man!
May our union be strong and eternal.
The sun gives you its caress
I'll bring you a cup of coffee.
You enjoy your favorite drink
I admire your smile.
Waking up with you every morning
Isn't that really happiness?

good morning good day
Kisses me with golden lips of dawn,
Holding my palm in warm fingers - and I have nothing to fear -
Will lead to a supportive warm Good evening.

The first ray of sunshine
Shines through the window
Will crawl to the ear
And dive into the pillow

Wish I was the sun
And your window
Closed for me
While you sleep tonight!

Well, how much sleep can you get?
I wake you hopelessly!
I will wake you up!
I whisper to you: "Good morning!"

Good morning - wishes in Ukrainian

The sun's eyes are breaking, the sleepy month is falling,
Svitanok is passing, go to sleep a good morning!

Early looking at the end,
Dosi sleep? Get out, sun!
One hundred tsіlunkіv vіdsilaya,
With a good morning I'm flying!

How will you prokineshsya to the wound,
Then you look at the sweatshirt -
I'm happy for you
I don't care for you!

I will send you a gift -
Lower kiss on the cheek!
Good early! laugh
Look at me!


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    1 kind

    1) kind (to whom, - for whom or to whom), affectionate, (good-natured) - good. [Do not guess with a kind word. Wine for me (before me) is kind. Bone - blessed for Gregory]. Kind - affectionate. Very kind - kind, kind. [Good soul from yoga. Good-natured people, pokіynichki (M. Vovch.)]. Become, become kind - kind, kind, caress, improve; caress. [The woman picked up some troubles before Mikoli]. To make someone kind - to spread, ( provincial) - rozdobrokhati. To do a good deed is to do good (good). Be kind, be kind (please) - be kind, be kind, be kind, please (please) kindness, thank you (you). [Say, be kind, and me. Say, thank you, for some of you: chi vie z paniv, chi vie iz peasants (Grinch.)];

    2) (good) - kind, garny, good. [It's all good business. Have a good voice. A good (garniy) robot worker from a new one]. In a good hour - a good hour to you, for a good hour. Are you in good health? - what good are you doing?]. What good - boova, boova, hour, who knows. [Chi ti, boova, are you not healthy? Do not marvel at something new, for an hour you don’t pidishov]. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night - good day, (only among intellectuals) - good morning; dobrivechir; dobranich; on a good day


    be \ kind - be kind; be kind

    all the best - all the best, best of all (good)

    2 morning

    3 morning

    1) wound, -nku

    2) theatre. early

    4 Kind

    5 triple

    morning, morning; (three times - usually) three times

    6 triple

    7 triple

    morning, morning; (three times - usually) three times

    8 triple

    9 lost

    math. triple, triple, treble

    10 formations

    math. ; tech. tripled

    11 tricky

    I x`morning

    tech. fur

    II hutr'o

    tech. fur ( material)

    12 intrauterine

    intrauterine, intrauterine

    13 cheap


    utridesheva; (three times cheaper) morning (at three times, morning) cheaper; (very cheap) duzhe (over the top) cheap

    14 exorbitantly

    Utriroga, three times more expensive.


    morning road; (three times more expensive) morning (at three times, morning) more expensive; (very expensive) duzhe (over the top) expensive

    15 triple

    morning, in-for-three, three insoles, potryno, use. Three times woven - tripartite, tripartite.


    morning, morning; ( three times) three times, three times

    16 triple

    see Three times.


    at least; ( triple) morning, morning; (three times more) three times (morning, morning) more

    17 spirit

    1) (incorporeal being, good or evil) spirit. [Yangoli - heavenly spirits]. Evil spirit (devil) - unclean spirit, unclean, unclean power, enemy. An evil spirit in the form of a ghost, fooling people - mara ( uv. maryuka, marishche), mana. [Mara yogo cheated. Get off, maryuko!]. Spirits (ghosts, ghosts) - spirits, ghost. [All around are spirits, maniacs, see those mermaids (Kul.)];

    2) (soul, spiritual beginning, direction, determination) spirit. [Small in body, but great in spirit (Nom.). Wealth of the spirit. Like a pantheistic spirit wrapped around the poetry of Krymsky (Efr.). The new article was written in the same soul]. Russian and Polish spirit - Russian and Polish (Kul.), Russian and Polish. He rose up - hom someone - having entered the spirit of someone, lifted the spirit of someone. [In me, even a little spirit has entered (Franco)]. Fall, fall - hom - inspire, owls. get in the spirit. Raise the spirit, give the spirit - give someone the spirit [y], vodvagi, give the spirit a boost. Get together with -hom - gain courage (courage, courage), gain courage, pick up courage (Stef.). Decline -ha - a drop in the spirit, znevir "I. [Khvilinne znevir" I did not break the clear sight of the writer (Efr.)]. Decreased in spirit - zanepaly in spirit. There was not enough spirit - there was no spirit;

    3) (location, mood) spirit, humor, mood (p. swarm). [At a cheerful soul (mood)]. Not in the spirit - not in a good spirit, not in a good humor, in a filthy mood. Not in the spirit of being - swearing at the heart is bad, not in a good heart (humor, mood) buti mocking) he is not in a good mood - he has a fly in his nose;

    4) (breath) - spirit, breath, breath. [Over him, the will with his spirit was dihali (Chub.)]. It captures the spirit - the spirit is choked (cry), the spirit is slaughtered (borrowed), the spirit is spiraled (locked). The spirit was captured - it stole (zіperlo) the spirit, the spirit was choked, the spirit was choked, the spirit was choked, the spirit was choked, the spirit was busy, the spirit was clogged. Take a breath - breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe. [Give me the spirit to call (M. Vovch.)]. Hide the spirit - hold (lock, zatamuvati) the spirit (wind), mowchati and quietly dihati. To give off (-tit) the spirit (to die) - let go (go down) to the spirit, let go (let go) the soul, zіtkhnuti or wither the spirit, let go (let go) the spirit, ( description) see God's soul;

    5) (steam) couple, spirit. [Dikhnesh, then a couple (spirit) is visible, - it is so cold in the hut];

    6) (smell) spirit ( mind. douche, r. -shka), groin. [Smoking for the spirit of Yalovets (Kotl.). Owl spirit. National spirit. Moscow spirit]; (stink) filthy spirit, smorid (p.-genus). A heavy spirit is an important spirit ( e.g., near the room). There is a spirit - just a little, just a little. [Do not take any fat: already a little];

    7) (speed) spirit, cop, max. In one breath - breath. [Tomorrow the breath of the buli-b home (M. Lev.)]. In all spirit - sho-spirit, ( surname) on all splash screens. [Sho-spirit begti]. Spirit, odor - spirit, odor, one spirit, for one spirit; swing, mittyu, vment. [Blaming the beer (Kots.)]. With a living spirit - we live in a swoop; one leg here, the other there. What the spirit has - skils to the spirit, what is the spirit of the body (M. Vovch.), For the whole hero. Free spirit (moderate heat in a bread oven) - light spirit;

    8) (confession) spovіd (p. -di). Be in the spirit - on the spovidi buti, svoіdatisya, owls. speak up. Go to the spirit - go to the rescue. Not a rumor, not a spirit about him - rumors swarmed after him, no calls, no bits about something new, no hearing, no news about him, a buzz followed him.

    1) spirit, -u

    lose heart - fall down (fall) in spirit, get angry

    2) myth. spirit, a

    good \ spirit - good spirit

    3) (breath) spirit, -y; go, -u, voddih, -u, dihannya

    [one, one] spirit - (quickly, instantly) [one, one] spirit, for one spirit, squeeze, mittyu; (in one go, immediately) [by one, one] spirit, for one spirit; smelly

    4) (air) spirit, -u

    forest \ spirit - fox spirit

    5) (smell) spirit, -y; smell, o

    heavy \ spirit - important spirit

    18 name

    1) im "i (p. im" i and archaic name, im. pl. names), th[i]mennya, ( dial.) name, (name) name, name, name; mind. name, name. Own, cross name - vlasne, baptism im "I (ymennya). The name of the object, animal - the name of the speech (object), creature. The name of the father, friend - father, friend of them" I (ymennya). Full name- outside of them "I, name. [Khiba cannot be called by their own names: Gerasim? (Mova)]. Name, patronymic, surname - im" I, according to my father, that nickname. To give a name - give to whom im "I, yemennya; compare. Naming, Naming 1. Bearing a name - calling. About" revealing your name - name, about "revealing your own" I (mennya). By name - on im "I (on m" i), on my name, on name, [Buv person on im" I Zacharia (St. P.). On name Yalina (Lipov. p.)]. name - buti kim tіlki (leash) in ymennya, im "yam. To call someone by name - call someone in ymennya. What's your name? - like you on im "I, on my name? How do you like im" me? how is your im "I (name)? [I don’t know who you are and how you are on im" I (Samiyl.)]. What is his name? - yak vin (yogo) on im "I (on my name)? how yomu im" I (yen)? [And how is it on him" I? Ivan? (Zvin.). How on him "I am that pan? (M. Vovch.)]. By his name - yogo im "yam, for yogo im" yam, (by him) by yom. School - no Frank - school named after Frank. In the name of whom, what, whose -it - in him "I am whom, what, in him" I am (whose im "pits) ( gal.) in whose name. [In them "I take the people to you, the enemy of the public order (Kulish)]. In the name of the law, the king, the emperor - in them" I am the law, "im" the king's, the emperor's pits, ( gal.) in the name of the Caesar. I beg you in the name of our friendship - I bless you in it "I am our friend. In the name of what - in it" I what. [In him "I am my merits (Kulish)]. In the name of God - in him" I am God. In the name of someone - for whom, for them "I whom (whose). To buy a manor in the name of a wife - buy a garden for a woman for them" I, for a woman. A letter addressed to such and such - a sheet to the address of such and such. On behalf of whom, on whose behalf - in the name of whom, on the im "I of whom, on whose behalf" pits, ( gal.) in whose name. [The pan’s own office was operating and on yoga I filled the German deserts (Kulish). They gave Devison yoga (death sentence) to my pits (Grinch.)]. On my behalf - in my name, in my name, ( fam.) with my lip. [So tell him with my lip that you are a fool (Zvin.)]. Do not have another name, like - do not mother another im "I, like; do not come out of anything. [Enlightenment to you will not be a laughingstock; you will not get out of the bastard (Kvitka)]. Their name is legion - they are legion ;

    2) (reputation, fame) glory, im "I. A good, honest name - good glory, good im" I. [I got good glory (Shevch.). All my wealth is my goodness (Kotl.)]. Dirty your good name - tarnish (harden) your goodness, your good glory. A person with a name is a person from them;

    3) gram.- im "I. Noun, adjective, numeral - name (speaker), prikmetnik, numeral (-ka). Proper name, common noun, collective - im" I am good, zagalne, sbirne.

    1) im "I, genus. P. imeni and im "i"; (preim. about the personal name of a person, about the name of objects, phenomena) name, name

    in the name of someone-something - in it "I am someone-something

    by the name of someone-something - im "yam (name) of someone-something

    the name of someone-something - the name of someone-something

    call things by their own (proper, real) names - call speeches by their own (powerful, right) names

    in whose name - (addressed) on im "i chiє

    bear a name - mother im "I

    on behalf of whom - in the name of whom

    by name - on im "I, on my name

    with a world name - svіtovim іm "yam (іmenem)

    make up (make) yourself a name - get yourself yourself "I"

    only by name - (outwardly, formally) tіlki (leishe, leash) for the name (for me)

    2) gram. im "i"

    adjective - prikmetnik

    noun - name

    numeral - numeral

    collective name - zbirne im "ya"

    19 each

    1) (any, all) skin, skin, ( dial.) skin, (any) usyak, usyak, (no designation of the face) skin, skin, usyak. [Tilki comrade my skin is mig-bi vpіznati (Kotsyub.). The skin of the flower threw one pearl under his feet (Samil.). I’ll sit down for the servants of obidat - skin od me nіs true (Kotsyub.). Every Yogo Hearing Yishov (L. Ukr.). Їх ім "I know everything now and don't need to name them here (Grіnch.)]. I have to blow my soul - for a skin attack. - leathery blue, leathery blue, leathery without a mark. At home step - on the skin; what is not crock, (that) ... C - long (according to the layout) - from the soul. [At the gathering they decided: buy a car in Kiev, and get a penny for the price of one's soul (Zvin.)];

    2) (both the one and the other and the third, each next) skin, skin, skin. [One person went to the skin (suddi) home (Kvitka). At each felled eel dirka prodovban (Kvitka)]. -up to the tenth (smack) - sho-tenth (beat, sіkti). the smoke of us is the skin (skin) of us. Calendar for the -dy month - a calendar for the skin (skin) month. Two, three (has to) - two, three, then th ... [Which five miles, then the th pot (Rudan.)]. [Sho bairak, then y Cossack (Order)]. When leaving home - with a skin view. - five stations buffet - scho n "five stations buffet; buffet - what (skin) n "five stations. With -smoke time (than further) - de-dalі, chim-time. [De-dalі it became more and more difficult to know how the robot was (Kotsyub.)];

    3) (in designation time) skin, skin, skin, sho; a) eminent, wine and creativity. pad. (-smoke, -blow, -smoke) is transmitted through genus. or named. n. (skin, skin, skin) or "sho" with genus. or named. n. [Skin weeks went to visit (Nikov.). Skin quarter (sho-quarter) of the year sniffing tobacco (Kherson). It’s God’s day for your ribs (Shevch.) It’s a stranger to water the field every day and night (Shevch.). I grieve, well, I grieve for a day, for a year (Chub.)]. - smoke time, hour, day, evening, month, year day, day-at-day, day-at-day, sho-evening, sho-evenings, sho-month, sho-rіk, sho-roku. - I blow night, minute, week - sho-nights, sho-tizhnya, sho-praise. -smoke in the summer - skin lit, sho-lit, sho-let. - this morning, Sunday - scho-wound, skin wound, skin wounds, sho-week, sho-week; b) wines pad. with the preposition "in", "through" (-dy, -duyu) and creation. pad. With suggestion"s" is passed genus. pad. With suggestion"for" or genus. without a preposition from "skin" or "scho" with genus. or named. case. [Corruptions were won for the skin (Nikov.). I’m preparing the skin frills (Crim.) I went to church for another week (Stef.)]. In - blowing Wednesday (come) - skin middle (come). In a minute - skin wheezing, ( gal.) in leather. In a -dy Monday - another Monday. Happy smoke year - sho-r_k, sho-roku, sho-year, vіd roku in rіk. With -doy minute - scho-hvilina. With smoke at once (worse) - scho-time (then worse), chim-time (more), (for) skin once (everything is worse).

Answer from painting[guru]
healthy bulls!

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
"graft", "good morning"

Answer from Sedge[guru]
healthy boules!

Answer from User deleted[active]
Hello! Good morning! Nadobranich!
Hello! Good morning! Goodnight!

Answer from Andrey Smirnov[guru]
Hi, good mornig, etc. don't bother yourself.

Answer from Yatiana[guru]
And what "etc." Are you still interested?

Answer from Irina Kurzhumova[active]
I am what I am
I am what I am
Probably so :-), although I am from Ukraine, I have a little problem with Ukrainian

Answer from Nicole Kotova[newbie]
Good day!
Learn Ukrainian language! You need everything in life. I am Ukrainian (Kirovohrad region). How can I understand Russia?! No, we do not hate Muscovites, we are a noble nation. I respect that my Ukrainian goodness is good for my life. With skin rock you will get better. It is possible that you did not understand a word.

Answer from Yatiana Dmiterko[newbie]
Nicole, you have been asked to write a greeting. for the event. and you pour out your hatred here

Answer from Elena Kotrekhova[newbie]
No, I understood everything ... Nevertheless, he served in Western Ukraine in 84-86. Rozumiya vkrainskaya mov ... there is such a Russian song (combatant), and in it are these words: "let the enemies remember this, we do not threaten, but we say, we have passed, we have passed half the world with you, if necessary, we will repeat! ... These are grandfathers my disappeared in the war and your grandfathers who disappeared wrote the same ... And I would not want to repeat ...