Who do you need to study to become a politician. How to get into power? Social elevators without embellishment

The life of politicians is very rich, varied and sometimes dangerous. Not everyone can adapt to it. If you are ready to make a big change in your life, then the question of how to enter politics is for you! If you stubbornly achieve your goals and climb the career ladder confidently and rapidly, then you can achieve even such a lofty dream. So let's imagine that you woke up in the morning with the idea of ​​becoming a politician.

You have to start at a young age

First, you need to persevere to achieve this goal. The earlier you set this dream, the more likely it is to achieve it, but no one says that it will be fast. If you are still a pupil or student, then you need to take part (not secondary roles, but take full responsibility) in all events that are held by the city administration, etc. If you show yourself with the best side, then you will certainly be noticed and will not be able to refuse such an enterprising, ambitious and responsible employee, if you are. Naturally, you will not be immediately taken to the deputies. But the mayor will surely offer you some small duties. The most important thing is not to alienate the authorities. It's worth starting small. You can do volunteer work (helping the disabled, orphans, the elderly). This is how you earn credibility. Try to periodically "shine" in local newspapers, express your opinions, talk about achievements.

Choosing an educational institution

If even before entering the university you decided: “I want to become a politician!”, Then you should think about legal education or about a specialty with a state or municipal direction.

What qualities do you need to have?

  • Analytical thinking (you must be able to build logical chains). Practice on simple situations that you encounter in everyday life.
  • Good memory (a politician always has a lot of information in his head that needs to be organized).
  • Good lexicon. You must find general theme for a conversation with every person and be able to maintain a conversation on any topic. To do this, you must be well-read, and you need to read not detective stories, but scientific and educational literature. A good politician is a versatile person.
  • You should not be shy of society, because politicians are public people.

How to get into politics?

You must not miss any opportunity. Participate in elections that take place every four years in each city. Earn people's respect. Find out what they need (many residents of high-rise buildings have leaking roofs or broken visors near the entrance, the streets are poorly lit, hatches are open, wild dogs roam in packs, and much more), you will always need help. The main thing is not to leave people at the first failure. Prove to them that you sincerely want to help your native people. Look out weak spots other deputies. Learn from their mistakes. If the first time you did not manage to get into the deputies - do not be discouraged, you will have four more years left to correct all the mistakes. You are young, promising, so there is room to grow. And if you are already an accomplished person, then for sure you will be more trusted than young deputies. One thing is clear, that by your deeds and deeds you are proving to the people your desire and attitude towards politics. Do not forget that you should be recognized. Now deputies use different brochures, calendars, press and the like.

To live, you must have a profession. Preferably bread. In former times, the choice of bread professions was quite diverse. Now - shish. Not a single university, not a single higher school, not a single education, even paid, guarantees a solid income. Everyone is shaking and does not know what will happen tomorrow - what kind of guarantee is there ... The only ones who feel confident today are businessmen. And then until the first attempt, which, as a rule, happens to be the last one, after which the merchant does not feel anything anymore.

However, even today, there is a profession that provides, in any case, a strong financial situation. This is the profession of a politician. No wonder all sections of the population are rushing into it: from academicians to criminals. And yet, despite the large number of applicants, among politicians it is not that outstanding - you just rarely meet normal people. Because most of them have no idea what politics is, everyone is joking around, who is into what much - the result is a complete philanderer.

The following recommendations will open the way for the broad masses to a reliable, well-paid profession, thus solving the issue of employment and, finally, ensuring the prosperity of the exhausted homeland. As they say, if the native country would live... So, what do you need to know to become a politician?..

  1. The ancient Greeks interpreted politics as the art of government. The ancient Indians, on the contrary, called the state administration "dandaniti", i.e. the science of punishment. Modern scholars tend to have more confidence in the thorough Indians than in the frivolous Greeks. Therefore, today politics has the rank of a serious social science - of course, not about punishment, but about ways to achieve state goals. Which does not at all exclude the subtle observation of the ancient Indians ...
  2. Moreover, politics is still the concentrated expression of economics. The author of this brilliant definition should not be mentioned in conversation (not those times), but even a superficial demonstration of knowledge of now unpopular teachings will make it possible to reveal your inquisitive mind in front of your interlocutors. And maybe even in front of himself - this is where the politician begins.
  3. And yet the policy begins with the definition of priorities. They can be established elementarily, empirically. If anyone rides on you, and your own wife inspires panic, then you are an intuitive supporter of despotic power. Your ideal is Ivan the Terrible. Once he heard that Elizabeth of England was ruling the country with the help of parliament, he sent her an angry message, calling the innocent virgin queen "a vulgar girl." Perhaps this act is just something that you cannot decide on all your life. And by this - long live despotism!
  4. However, you may not feel nostalgic for a strong hand if your colleagues and wife appreciate your business and masculine qualities. In that case, you are a born democrat. Flip through the history of ancient Athens - you will undoubtedly be impressed by Solon and Pericles (5th century BC). The first established a census democracy, introduced a jury trial and legalized prostitution. The second succeeded in unifying Hellas, but spoiled his political biography with a trifle: he left his family for the sake of the courtesan Aspasia.

    In this, democrats have always differed from the politicians of authoritarian regimes: a perfectly organized head, but everything below is completely uncontrollable. For examples, please contact ancient Greece. Burning on a woman is a vagrant story that has been in circulation among democratic politicians of all times. Starting with the Roman popular tribune Mark Antony (82-30 BC) and ending with the current American president.

  5. So, now you know the subject of your interest (meaning politics, and not what the Democrats are burning on) and have oriented your movement in the right direction in azimuth. Everything, you do not need more: no library vigils, no searches for primary sources, no candidate minimum.

    The urgent problems facing politicians today are exactly the same as they were twenty thousand years ago. Their circle is small: domestic politics this is the army, finance, economy. On the outside, friendship between peoples is introduced into the public consciousness either through negotiations or with the help of military expeditions (depending on the state of the budget). All other troubles are a derivative of those mentioned.

  6. I emphasize that it was the listed bodyaga that always occupied the minds of politicians, starting with the Babylonian satrap Hammurabi (20th century BC) and the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu (5th century BC), up to the current statesmen - with an absolutely predictable permanent result. So you can join this glorious cohort with a clear conscience. The cohort will not decrease.
  7. And yet, before you start, pay attention to one more, very significant circumstance, which is almost never made public, although it is widely discussed behind the scenes. Depending on the applicant's temperament, the desired subject appears to him in three forms: politics as a profession, politics as a hobby, and, finally, politics as a diagnosis.

    The first incarnation involves standard training (MGIMO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, intelligence) and, of course, it doesn’t shine for you.

    The second hypostasis (politics - hobby) is a side occupation of either creative people (the founder of modernism Ruben Dario, Stendhal, Tyutchev, etc.) - or businessmen. At the beginning of the century, Parvus and Hammer were successfully engaged in politics. Berezovsky, Chubais, Chernomyrdin are working in this arena today... Whether this is good or bad depends on the result. As a rule, it is not in favor of the state.

    But the third (politics - diagnosis) are people who should be avoided. They are difficult to predict (Caligula), mentally unstable (Forrestal) and tediously verbose, and aggressively verbose (Zhirinovsky, Novodvorskaya, Ampilov).

  8. And now start storming the summit - alone and without any insurance. The first thing to do is to declare yourself. Publicly. Turn to the president - but not to ours: he kindles the stove in his dacha with such appeals. Choose a state on the sidelines of big politics, write for the first time at least to Port-au-Prince in Haiti - it is now relatively quiet there. Or some other Guadeloupe. Express your concern, formulate a number of fundamental principles, pay attention to the need for consolidation - the addressee will stick around for a long time from your message ... What you need.
  9. Then take ours. And in the very first lines, refer to the correspondence with his colleagues - this will certainly alert. Just, for God's sake, don't use the word "letter." Politicians don't write letters - they send messages. "In my message to the president of Trinidad and Tobago (they have one president for two islands - V.K.), I warned of irreversible consequences ..." - do you feel the difference?

    The more letters you send out, the more likely you are to receive, if not a response, then at least a notification of receipt of one. Receipts keep all to one - this is your political capital.

  10. The next step is the creation of a political association, association, movement. In a word, the office that you head. The office may at first consist of you and your wife, it does not concern anyone if you have registered it. The main thing is a sonorous name. It depends on the direction in politics that you decide to master. Avoid cheap pathos - domestic politicians sin with this. And the more they sin, the more pathos they have. Be rational and businesslike when presenting a new political entity.

    "Bureau of Strategic Research of the 21st century", "Movement for investment stimulation" is an economic bias. If elections are coming up, focus on the electorate: "Pensioners for the restructuring of innovative projects", "Siberian Confederation of Young Politicians", "Trust in Young Investors" ...

  11. A self-respecting politician has a program. It is clear that it will have to be borrowed - not to reinvent the wheel. But do not touch the program of the CPSU - it is being torn apart by everyone who is not lazy. "500 days" is also out of sight - its authors try not to remember. It is most reliable to use some well-forgotten source - the same Lao Tzu can be refreshed. Or edit the French anarchist of the 19th century Pierre Proudhon: he proposed to reform capitalism, create people's banks ... Why not a program? And no one remembers Proudhon today, except for the old Bolsheviks - and even then in the presentation of Max-Engels.
  12. True, in order to borrow something from someone, it is necessary, at least in in general terms, know history, rummage through books… Is there an easier way? Fall on the tail of some famous politician from the provinces. Some promising candidate for the governor's post. In general, at first, until you get used to it, the occupation is unpleasant: you will have to compose speeches for him, articles for the newspaper, and even run for vodka. Be patient. If you need a cartridge, you can always throw. Take a cue from modern Russian politicians- how many "roofs" have already been changed: The Choice of Russia, Democratic Russia, Our home is Russia, Yabloko, PRES, Fatherland ... And nothing, to this day, is in business. And because they change horses on time at the crossing. Politics, like a thief, the most important thing is to escape in time.
  13. But if the cartridge hit the clip - consider that your business is in the bag. True, it will become more difficult to work: the character of the boss will deteriorate by leaps and bounds. He will start throwing tantrums, overspend, fly around the world on the most expensive flights to get on the cover of a magazine - be patient!

    The 18th-century French writer Nicolas Chamfort once remarked that provincial governors are more luxurious than the king, for the same reason that provincial comedians break down more than those in the capital. Take comfort in this. Show off - normal condition modern politicians. It's only Mahatma Gandhi spent his whole life in the same underpants. But you are not going to make a career in India ...

  14. Having acquired a fixed salary, an office, a "mobile", a computer, assistants - stop, think: do you need anything else or is it enough that you have? If enough - then you are not a politician. An assistant to the governor, a deputy, a party regional leader - these are the primary classes, servants, who can always be paid and put out the door. Do you feel like you've outgrown this stage? Then get ready to bud. And remember: here you can lose everything.
  15. This is an explosive process in which any methods are acceptable - but only if they give a result. Here are some confirmations.

    Chairman of the commission to investigate the murder of Tsarevich Dmitry V.I. Shuisky publicly testified to the accidental death of the prince - and soon, again publicly, he kissed the hand of the kingdom of False Dmitry (Grishka Otrepyev), against whom he immediately organized a conspiracy. This series of successive actions led to the fact that in 1606 Russia had a new tsar - Vasily the Fourth (Shuisky).

    The editor of the socialist newspaper Avanti, the brilliant orator Benito Mussolini, being expelled from the party, organized a campaign against Rome with his like-minded people, overthrew parliament and created the world's first fascist state in 1922. And who cared that before that, the Duce was a devout socialist?

    US President Richard Nixon, fearing the victory of opponents in the elections, authorized the theft of documents from the headquarters of the Democratic Party, which forced him to resign in 1972. If the police had not detained the burglars that night, who would have dared to say a bad word about him?

  16. Budding is a creative process. Organization of information leakage, torpedoing actions of the patron, re-recruitment of political supporters, compromising evidence - everything should be done with external loyalty and an iron alibi. After making sure that the boss is disorganized and does not own the situation, proceed to open actions. Have you forgotten the "Confederation of Pensioners" that your wife leads in your absence? Urgently dump her political program, which was stolen at the time from Proudhon. Or maybe Saint-Simon, this is generally the 18th century ... And more press. As we say in Siberia: I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot ...
  17. You have more cases every day, it's time to create an election headquarters. On the one hand, it will consist of good specialists, but hungry ones. Image makers, speechwriters, psychoanalysts - they are all hungry, like deserters. Let the snickers work for your opponent.

    But the other half of your headquarters should be absolute jerks. But - packed with money. They may have aikyu at the level of mushrooms, the main thing is grandmas. The ratio of these two groups is as follows: one moron loaded with grandmothers for ten hungry nerds-specialists.

    Respect this balance with jewelry. Don't allow morons to contact specialists. Quote Eduard Bernstein to them more often: the ultimate goal is nothing, the movement is everything. In doing so, keep in mind that the end goal is your concern, and the movement is theirs.

  18. This last point only makes sense to you if you achieve a result.

    So, when you get what you want, don't be fooled. Pay close attention to your surroundings: perhaps one of those who open the doors of your Mercedes or sprinkle your performance is a future shift. Check whether any of them have entered into correspondence with the President of Sakha Yakutia, whether they have started their own youth movement (under your name), whether they are rummaging through libraries in search of a program that can be torn apart.

    Having found what you are looking for, ruthlessly get rid of it: this is the future politician. The fewer the better...

The decision to go into politics comes to people for various reasons: someone wants to make the world a better place, to create for the people Better conditions living, make laws really work for people, finally defeat corruption.

A number of people dream of taking a high position in politics more for themselves, their enrichment, fame, new opportunities for developing their business and total control.

In any case, these people have different reasons, but a difficult path awaits them all, because becoming a famous politician is not easy!

In any case, in order to achieve success in this area, the main rule is a great desire to go towards your goal despite any circumstances, to truly love this area. So how do you overcome thorny path and become one of the deputies?

This person must have such qualities as purposefulness, dedication, dedication to his work, he must be socially active, he likes to always be in the spotlight.

What does it take to become a politician

  • To become a politician, you need to go through a difficult and long way - this includes getting an education, social activities, joining the circles of rich and influential people. In Russia, before becoming a politician, almost everyone goes through these stages of development:
  • Get higher education. More chances for applicants with legal, economic, business education. An educated person, perhaps with scientific degrees, will inspire more confidence among this "higher caste".
  • Active public life, volunteer work. To make a rating, the support of society is needed. They trust more people who are ready to work without selfish goals, for the benefit of people, in order to really benefit and make the world a better place.
  • It is necessary to join the ranks of a well-known political party. This step is desirable for those who really want to get involved in politics seriously. After all, it is here that you can meet people with a similar desire, gain trust and respect among them. Such activities will help to achieve the cherished goal much faster.
  • To gain experience, participate in someone else's election campaign. It is here that you can gain valuable experience that will definitely come in handy in the future, see possible mistakes and choose the best strategy for his election campaign.
  • It is necessary to take care of free time for politics and a stable income. Since the path to politics is not a matter of one year, but possibly a dozen years, in order to achieve this goal, the candidate must have two valuable resources - money and free time. Agree, it is difficult to combine the work of a full-time employee with an 8-hour working day and political activities. Attending meetings, volunteering and other activities certainly need to be given time. The best option- your own, albeit small, business that can work without your constant presence.
  • In politics, you can't do without a big idea. All successful people in this circle are passionately passionate about some idea, goal, and constantly go towards it. It is she who must constantly nourish from the inside, help find the strength to fight on and win. This idea must be so strong that the society from your environment also becomes infected with it.

How to become a politician in Russia

Activity in your city, your region. People should know you as a responsible person who takes an active part in city life, helping to solve pressing problems. Indeed, often the path to big politics begins with such small steps. The main thing is to be persistent, act constantly and soon become a recognizable person, a famous activist.

Start from the bottom - in Russia, a novice politician can go to the local village council, city council, become a member of the administration. You may not even dream of getting a high position right away - remember, this path is long.

When it's time to run, the main thing here is to have a good amount of money. This is what will ensure the successful conduct of the election campaign, payment to agitators and other expenses. Of course, other people can pay for this, but at first you should rely on yourself.

Election campaign. Its careful design will help to get votes and get a good position in the elections.

In case of victory in the elections, it remains only to congratulate you! Here you need to work on your image, develop as a person, find reliable like-minded people.

But even in the event of the first defeat, you should not give up - everything is still just ahead, the career is just beginning. It is not worth retreating after a defeat, continue to actively help society again, achieve the respect of people and establish yourself as a person who really wants to help people.

Part 1


    Get a higher education. Almost anyone can become a politician (depending on what is meant by this word, of course), but those who make a truly significant contribution to the development of society and can call it their job have higher education. They most likely studied economics, business, political science, or international relations. However, a degree in any specialty is better than nothing!

  1. Do some volunteering. If one of the items on your resume is volunteer volunteer experience, it's unlikely that anyone will look at you and say, "That's not a trustworthy, not a good person." In order to win votes, you must show that you support good causes, that you have invested your time in this and that you care about your community. The easiest way to do this? Volunteering.

    • You can start by participating in a local volunteer campaign, but it's also a good idea to start developing interests outside of the political arena. Help the homeless, get involved non-profit organization which you will support if you are in power. Show the world what a versatile and highly moral person you are.
  2. Join the ranks of a political party. Participating in the party of Jane or John will not draw enough attention to you. If you take politics seriously, you need to become a member of an established political party. This way you will gain support, meet like-minded people, and under certain circumstances people will judge you as part of the party and trust you.

    • Or don't join. Whatever, at your discretion. That's what the Independent Party of America is for. However, keep in mind that being elected to the government as a member of this party is an unenviable prospect. People love labels, especially those they think they understand. Unfortunately, the Independent Party of America is not one of them.
  3. Give credit to other people's campaigns. If you are so lucky that you already know what you want at a young age, then it will be useful for you to work in someone's campaign in order to advance in this area. This job may be tedious, but it will give you the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the political scene and get the deepest experience, which, by the way, is very important.

    • You may be knocking on doors, filling drawers with brochures, or stamping envelopes, but you will act. When you are at the top, this experience will help you appreciate the role of the employees who handle these cases, as well as develop the ability to make contact, which is also highly valued by people.
  4. Be active in the community. If no one knows you through the local Joe, it will be difficult for people to trust you in many things. So get active locally! Be the one everyone knows. To those who participate in everything. You must earn your reputation!

    • What is the best place to start? From community meetings. Attend your local school board, city meetings, and the like and "make some noise there." Be active. Only by starting from the bottom will you get to the top. So go straight to the headquarters of the local party, ask questions and establish yourself there.
  5. Flexible form of employment. While most politicians in high positions, businessmen and lawyers, things are different locally and statewide. The representative from your city can be a grocery store owner, a teacher, a shop foreman, anyone. Since political activity will not bring you income in the next 10-15 years, pursue a parallel career with a flexible form of employment, unless, of course, you have a reserve of money for the next 10 years.

    • Flexibility in working hours is important when political activity comes to the fore. For example, you need to leave work in the afternoon to go to a meeting, take a week off for a convention, or a six-month vacation for your campaign. The more flexible your schedule is, the less your financial situation will suffer.

    Part 2

    Entering the arena
    1. Develop a passion for something. People don't go into politics for fun. Besides the fact that the politician wants to "change the world", he has a basic idea of ​​what should be changed. Therefore, when you enter the political scene, you must have an idea to stand for, something that will motivate you. Develop passion and passion for the idea.

      • Are you worried about the state of city roads? Do you want to save a local clinic that is about to be relocated? Would you like to see more green spaces in your area? Amazing! Thanks to the two-party system, you can achieve all of this. You need a driving force behind your platform and a slogan for your campaign.
    2. Start with local positions. You could rise from being a school president to being a candidate for the President of the United States, but you have to go through a lot to get there. If you want to be successful, you need to start small. In the US, you have several options:

      • School board
      • City Council
      • Mayor of the city
      • Member of the district administration
    3. Check your bank account. Let's say you decide you want to run for government, run for mayor, or become a member of the district council, maybe even a member of the state legislature. The higher the desired position, the more money you will need. Do you have insurance in case things go wrong? What if your campaign fails and you have to pay bills? What if you lose the election and your job is gone by then? Can you get money for food?

      • Election campaigns are expensive. Much bigger than you imagine until you start the first campaign. These are travel expenses. wage your team, market costs, negotiation costs, and that's just the beginning of the list. Ideally, you will not pay for all this. Ideally.
    4. Design your campaign. You'll need to assemble a team of people you can trust to run the campaign, but it's up to you to strategize for it. How do you want to disseminate information? How big will your team be? What questions will you discuss? How will you deal with opponents?

      • Start building capital. Ask everyone you know to donate to your campaign fund (you were kind to them because you knew that moment would come, right?). Even if you've only met once, even if you're not friends on Facebook, put aside your shame and ask!
    5. Reach out to your (wealthy) friends. This is where being part of one of their chic country clubs can really be in your favor. You need a steady stream of money, and $10 every six months from Aunt Marge isn't going to make much of a difference. You would need thousands like her. So either you sip Pinot Grigio with the Gates or you serve it to them. Know who to connect with. It's a bitter truth, but it's true.

      • It will be useful if you have already lit up somewhere. The right people might notice you and decide that you have potential. Being a member of major political parties is an advantage as it is a great platform to gain attention.
    6. Start a statewide operation. After you become the big fish in your pond, you will most likely want to move on. Come out to the state level! Become a member of the legislature, Senate or Congress. You have already proven your competence, and it's time to get decent money for your work!

      • For the most part it's the same, but on a more high level. It requires more concentration and more spending. All in all, more is needed. Time included.
        • You need to discuss the lack of time with your family and loved ones. Your life will no longer be the same and you will be less available. You will often be on the road and this can lead to stress. Let's hope it's worth it!
    7. Brace yourself. If you are successful and win the election, for starters, congratulations! The work is stressful and you will turn gray before your time, but you will influence the course of things!

      • Don't back down at the first defeat. If this is truly your passion, your time will come. Don't hang your head and don't take everything too personally. The world is cruel, and you have to live with it somehow. It wouldn't mean so much if it was very simple. So pick yourself up and move on. There is always another chance!

    Part 3

    Develop personal qualities
    1. Be a persuasive public speaker. If you only have one talent, it must be the talent for public speaking. Your face, your voice, you should be the center of attention, at least until the election is over. People will watch you and analyze your every move. If you can win them over with your winning smile and calm demeanor and convince them of your competence, everything will go like clockwork.

      • Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy are obvious examples. When Barack takes the podium, he has no equal in terms of charisma. His oratorical skills helped him reach his current position. And also remember the famous debate between Kennedy and Nixon, in which Kennedy was so calm, balanced and collected that, compared to him, Nixon looked like a complete clown. So develop your speaking skills!
    2. Take care of your wardrobe. Besides the fact that John F. Kennedy was ahead of Nixon due to his charisma, he also looked many times better than him. If you are under the scrutiny of society, you must look great. This includes ties and suits, and don't forget your shoes.

      • There are two main styles you need to think about: a nice formal suit for more formal functions, and a roll-up-sleeve oxford shirt and khakis when you're at the city hall. This is suitable for both men and women, although the women's suit may consist of a skirt or trousers.
    3. Have strong views. If you expect people to vote for you, you must have your own views and they must be clearly marked. No sudden shifts or reversals or you'll be immediately associated with politicians like John Edwards. Well, if you learn this before the start of the campaign (although in reality contemporary politics reprioritization happens quite often).

      • You may be urged to adhere to the views of the majority. But there is no such rule. People on your team may want this from you, but you don't have to. It might get you votes, but what happens when the law goes into effect? Will you feel guilt?
    4. Get used to dealing with the press and their antics. Becoming a politician is practically signing a waiver of privacy. You will find out how movie stars feel. Your photos will be everywhere: from city buses to news programs. And this is not always happy. Besides the fact that you have to constantly be in front of cameras, faking a fake smile, it is even more difficult to put up with criticism against you. Can you stand it?

      • Often scandalous stories from the life of politicians emerge, sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity. If you're in government, expect all your petty sins to come to the surface, whether it's a dishonorable discharge from the military or an expired speeding ticket from twenty years ago. If there is something that can arouse the interest of the public, it will be widely publicized.
      • The world doesn't need another corrupt politician. Work in this area if you want to change the world for the better, and not just because you want power. In the end you are overthrown.

Publication date: 22.11.2016

- Lenochka, hello! How are you? Not married yet?
- Yes, what a marriage! I just graduated from university, I need to think about a career.
- Not called?
- Not called...
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The same is true in politics: often those who really want to enter power are not invited. For some reason, there is no suitable vacancy, even if the bench is short, and even more so, there are no “places” if internal competition is great. How to become a politician in this situation? There are different mechanisms. I'll start from afar, or as the men say, from Ivan Kalita.

There is an opinion that politicians are not born, they become politicians. It is only partly true.

Firstly, because each of us puts his own meaning into understanding who a politician is, and, accordingly, endows a politician with different qualities.

Secondly, different motives make people go to power, so the methods of "entry" are also different.

Third, some non-political issues can become political in an almost unpredictable way.

Fourthly, a lot depends on the "input data".

Fifthly, the political situation plays a serious role.

Let's go in order.

Politician - who is this?

Speaking about politicians and how to become a politician, they mean different things: a president, a party leader, a minister or an official, the head of a city, a deputy, a revolutionary, a public figure, a political consultant, a leading expert, etc. These are different roles, so it would be good to understand what is meant at the start. Perhaps you are thinking not about the role, but about leadership qualities. Machiavelli, Weber, Michels, Mosca and Pareto drew attention to the fact that political leaders have different qualities, but the presence of these qualities does not always guarantee success in political activity. For example, both flexible politicians and principled leaders who act mainly by force, both charismatic leaders and politicians-bureaucrats, achieve success.

"Political" qualities

Already in kindergarten and at school, the child shows organizational skills, which are most often referred to as leadership qualities. Sometimes they are called political qualities. It is no coincidence that in Soviet times primary school there were commanders of stars, then commanders of detachments, chairmen of the council of the squad. In the pioneer and Komsomol organizations, capable young people could show themselves. Thus lined up career ladder. Komsomol members gained not only leadership experience, but also experience in hardware games, honed their ability to convince. There was a certain consistency and predictability in a political career. Now political elevators sometimes get stuck on the very first floors. Consistent career growth in politics has been disrupted for various reasons, but the opportunity to participate in elections and competitions is open, and many platforms are being created where young people present their projects. Although in most cases young people are offered toy structures, accordingly, the experience they get is not quite real.

political secret 1.

Aspiring to become a politician, determine which Do you want to become a politician- what position to take, what functions to perform, what proposals and projects to implement, who to look like, what tasks to solve. Participation in public and political organizations, events, meetings is one of the possible options. If you are thinking about how to instill leadership qualities in your child, this is a slightly different story.

political secret 2.

Regardless of age, it is important to understand yourself, understand what personal qualities and skills worth leaning , And what qualities and skills are lacking in order to become a politician in your understanding. The bottom line: if you are trying to build on something or improve something, you need to know what it is. For example, develop analytical skills, or find contradictions and parallels, or the ability to maneuver, or quickly adapt to a changing situation, etc. We are all different, depending on our strengths and weaknesses, we can perform some functions better, some worse. Need to understand what qualities and skills are in demand in a particular position, in a particular team. Then you can strengthen the team(if you become one of the players) or,if you play on your own, you will be able to better position the sought-after qualities and present yourself favorably.