Cherry Caucasian description. Variety: Cherry, Caucasian

Alekhina E.M. Perspective of cherry culture in the southern zone of the Russian Federation // Fruit growing and berry growing in Russia, VSTISP, M.-2004.-S. 160-166.

.M. Alekhine,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, North Caucasian Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture

Prospects of cherry culture in the southern zone of the Russian Federation

In Russian horticulture, there remains a clear disproportion in the production of fruits with the advantage of fruits of pome crops, in particular apple trees.

In recent years, the demand for stone fruits has increased, which predetermines the need for a significant increase in their production.

Given the opportunities Krasnodar Territory for the cultivation of sweet cherries, this crop is becoming more widespread in the south of Russia.

The main areas of sweet cherry are concentrated here, both in agricultural enterprises and in the gardening sector, where the fruits are produced both for local consumption and for their delivery to the industrial centers of the country.

The main advantage of sweet cherries over most other horticultural crops is the early ripening of fruits, their highest value as a dietary product, for fresh consumption, and as a raw material for the processing industry.

In recent years, there have been qualitative and quantitative changes in the zoned assortment of cherries. Excluded old, lost their practical use, they were replaced by new generation varieties suitable for modern growing technologies, but despite regular updating, the assortment is not without significant shortcomings. The main ones are: the absence of varieties with partial self-fertility, restrained growth and a compact tree crown, few varieties of early and very early ripening with high fruit quality and high adaptive ability. In this regard, the prospects of sweet cherries are inextricably linked with the relevance of further improvement of the assortment.

In industrial production, adaptive varieties suitable for modern growing technologies are in demand, preference is given to varieties with dark-colored fruits, dense pulp consistency and high marketability.

The material for the study was 200 varieties of sweet cherries of various ecological and geographical groups located on the variety study site in the experimental farm "Central" of the North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.

The existing assortment of sweet cherries recommended for cultivation in the conditions of the Krasnodar Territory consists of 12 varieties of different ripening periods (Alaya, Velvet, Gedelfingenskaya, Dibera black, Holiday. Francis, French black, Southern, etc.), 50% of which were created at the institute.

Favorable in general natural and climatic conditions, however, often disturb the decrease in temperature in the late spring period, significant negative temperatures in winter, as well as epiphytotics of fungal diseases with the accumulation of virulent races, which significantly reduces the productivity of most introduced varieties.

Under these conditions, there is a need to create an assortment of sweet cherries resistant to a complex of stress factors. In the process of developing a model of a new variety, we calculated that new variety, sharply different from the old ones, should include more than 15 useful features that improve it.

The most important requirement is winter hardiness.

Winter hardiness is a complex property of a variety, it includes the following main factors: the ability to early hardening, the manifestation of maximum winter hardiness, resistance to thaws, the ability to maintain hardening.

Weather conditions in the Krasnodar Territory in the last 10 years abounded with late - return frosts, which fell on the initial or full flowering. Varieties with a late development of generative buds and flowering had an advantage: Velvet, Alaya, Krasnodar early, Melitopol black, French black, etc.

In winter, the minimum temperature (-32°C) close to the absolute minimum of the zone (-35°C) was observed in 2002. during a period of deep dormancy and was critical for almost all varieties of cherries. In most varieties, the death of fruit buds reached 90-100%. Against the background of severe freezing, varieties created directly in the cultivation zone stood out. The maximum preservation of fruit buds (50%) was noted in varieties bred by the Institute Rubinovaya Kuban, Caucasian improved.

The ability of a variety to withstand the action of stress factors largely determines its productivity. Comparative assessment of sweet cherry cultivars according to this indicator revealed, first of all, higher adaptability of locally bred varieties.

Thus, the Institute's breeding varieties (Rubinovaya Kuban, Kavkazskaya improved, Poppy, Alaya), in addition to high winter hardiness, are characterized by more stable yields (Table 1).

Among the varieties introduced from Ukraine with high yields, three varieties were distinguished: Melitopol black, Romantika, Dilemma.

Table 1 - Promising varieties of sweet cherries for industrial gardens (OPKh "Central" SKZNIISiV Krasnodar)

Caucasian Russia 8,8 7,5 4,9 early 1,0 1,0
Caucasian improved Russia 9,8 7,8 4,9 early 0,5 1,0
Kuban Russia 9,2 8,0 4,7 early 1,0 1,5
Sashenka Russia 9,0 7,8 4,8 early 0,5 1,5
Morning Kuban Russia 9,1 8.0 4,6 early 1,0 1,5
Ruby Kuban Russia 12,0 7,8 4,7 average 0,5 1,5
South Russia 8,8 9,2 4,9 average 0.5 0,5
Poppy Russia 10,8 9,0 4,5 late 0,5 1,5
Scarlet Russia 9,8 8,5 4,8 late 0,5 0,5
Melitopol black Ukraine 10,0 8,0 4,4 mid-late 0,5 1,5
Romance Ukraine 9,5 8,5 4,7 late 0,5 1,5
Prestigious Ukraine 8,0 9,0 4,6 mid-late 0,5 1,5
Dilemma Ukraine 9,0 8,0 4,5 average 0,5 1.0
large-fruited Ukraine 7,8 9,0 4,5 late 1,5 1.5
Francis Zap. Europe 8,1 7.5 4,5 late 0,5 1,0

The study of the nature of growth and fruiting in sweet cherry varieties indicates the relationship between the number of fruit buds and the number of fruit formations.

The vast majority of the studied sweet cherry varieties are characterized by predominant fruiting on bouquet branches. This is especially evident in such varieties: Dibera black, Ruby Kuban, Scarlet, South, Napoleon black, Napoleon pink, Francis, Melitopol black.

The density of placement of bouquet branches is one of the indicators of the yield of a variety, which must be supplemented by the number of fruit buds on them. In the bulk of varieties, they are not equivalent in this indicator. On one bouquet branch, there can be up to 10 fruit buds and 1-2 growth buds at the same time. The average number of fruit buds on a bouquet branch and the density of arrangement determines the potential productivity of the variety.

With the maximum number of bouquet twigs per meter of stem (from 20 to 40), the varieties Caucasian, Southern, Alaya, Rubinovaya Kuban, Francis were selected. As already noted, the maximum number of fruit buds per 1 bouquet branch reaches 10, this number is typical for the varieties Kubanskaya, Yuzhnaya, Rubinvaya Kuban. These varieties also have the highest average values ​​(from 4 to 6.6) in terms of the number of fruit buds.

In work certain attention given to the selection of early ripening varieties. But so far from the group of varieties early term maturation, no varieties were identified that ripen earlier than the zoned variety Krasnodar early. There are no varieties from among the early ones that would surpass the named variety in terms of fruit size and were on a level with it in terms of winter hardiness, disease resistance and yield. In recent years, the group of cultivars, also the main one for sweet cherries of medium-early ripening, has been significantly replenished. The varieties Utro Kubai, Kavkazskaya improved, Sashenka with large fruits (up to 8.0 g) have been created at the Institute.

Large-fruited promising varieties of late consumption of this group have been identified:

Scarlet, Poppy, Romance, Dilemma, Large-fruited, Prestigious (8.0-9.0 g).

Thus, the possibility of creating a conveyor of varieties of different ripening periods, allowing to obtain fruits within 1.5 months, has been proved.

The experimental results allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. The slow development of fruit buds contributes to an increase in resistance to return temperature drops.
  2. The relationship between the yield of the variety and the number of fruit formations per linear meter of the stem and the number of fruit buds on them has been established.
  3. For wide industrial use, it is advisable to include the varieties of sweet cherries Sashenka, Kavkazskaya, Rubinovaya Kuban, Mak, Yuzhnaya, Alaya (selection of SKZNIISiV), Romantika, Melitopolskaya black. Prestigious, Dilemma (selection of Ukraine).


1. Kashin V.I. Nursery as the main link in the scientific and practical support of horticulture in Russia // Fruit growing and berry growing in Russia: Sat. scientific works / VSTISP.-M., 2002.-T.IX-C.3-28.

When talking about the most delicious fruits in the world, exotic tropical or subtropical fruits are often called: South Asian dope, American anona cherimoya or Chinese lychee.

As for the fruits of the temperate zone, here, in our opinion, sweet cherries have no competitors. Perhaps this is the only culture whose fruits never become boring. At the best varieties the weight of the fruit exceeds 10 g, and the taste is simply excellent.

Cherry selection for the south

At the same time, work was underway to improve the assortment for the south of the European part of the former USSR. Here, in contrast to the north, high quality fruits had to be sacrificed to a much lesser extent for winter hardiness. Therefore, many new varieties of sweet cherries in the southern zone are distinguished by large, beautiful and very tasty fruits.
Sweet cherry breeding in the south was carried out by many scientific institutions: Nikitsky botanical garden in the Crimea, the Ukrainian Institute of Irrigated Horticulture (Melitopol), the North Caucasian Zonal Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture (Krasnodar), Dagestan and Donetsk, Mlievsky Experimental Horticulture Stations. Particularly impressive success was achieved at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture (breeders M.T. Oratovskiy and N.I. Turovtsev) and at the former Donetsk Horticulture Experimental Station (L.I. Taranenko). The best varieties from the implementation of these breeding programs appeared in the 80-90s of the last century - the time of the collapse of the USSR and violent upheavals. During the Goth period, there was no time for gardening, so these new varieties of sweet cherries are little known even to specialists.
Very good varieties in recent decades have also been created in Canada (we describe some of them in this article).

Varieties of different maturation periods

The cherry season in the south lasts approximately 1.5 months. Here in Rossosh (Voronezh region) it usually lasts from May 30 to July 10 and is divided into 7 periods: very early ripening (May 30 - June 10), early (June 11-15), medium-early (16-20 June), medium (June 21-25), medium-late (June 26-30), late (July 1-10) and very late (July 11 and later). Such a division is very conditional and is based on the fact that ripe cherry fruits are able to remain on the tree for no more than 5 days without loss of quality and shedding. Therefore, each ripening period consists of 5 days, except for very early and late ones. The last two have 2 five-day periods each and, accordingly, contain 2 groups of varieties - more rapid and later.
Very early varieties are not distinguished by high fruit quality, especially those ripening in 1 five days. They are small (for more early group not larger than 5 g, for later 7 g), with delicate watery pulp, not easily transportable. Trees and flower buds have reduced winter hardiness even for southern varieties. Their main advantage is very early ripening. These varieties of cherries, along with the earliest strawberries and edible honeysuckle, open the fruit and berry season.
The best fruit quality in varieties of medium late ripening. There are few very late varieties, among them Studentka variety stands out, the fruits of which ripen unusually late - at the end of July.
The fruits of the varieties with light flesh differ in taste from those colored. They usually have a simple taste, sweet with a little acidity, the best yellow varieties(for example, Rossoshanskaya gold), it is very sweet, with a honey flavor. Gem-colored varieties have a more concentrated taste. The best of them are characterized by a special noble burning taste, reminiscent of the taste of expensive chocolates with cognac.
Such a taste of dark-colored cherry fruits is due to the high content of coloring substances in them - anthocyanins, which are also found in red wine. In the human body, they play an important role as antioxidants that inhibit the development of a number of dangerous diseases, including cancer, and prevent the aging of the body. But such a high concentration is not always useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, so yellow and pink varieties are preferable for them.

Winter hardiness of southern varieties

The cherry varieties described in this article are suitable for industrial cultivation only in the south of Russia: the southern half of the Rostov and Volgograd regions, the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions and the republics North Caucasus. But even here, in particularly severe winters (such as last winter of 2005-2006) with frosts below -30°C, they freeze quite strongly.
In the south of the Central Chernozem region, these varieties tolerate typical winters well, but in severe winters, which occur approximately once every 10 years, they freeze or even freeze out a lot. After typical winters, they bear fruit profusely, so they can be grown here on household plots especially in protected areas. Very good results are obtained by their cultivation on winter-hardy skeleton-formers, which can be vigorous varieties of cherries: Ostgeymsky Griot, Shubinka, local forms.
In the more northern regions (Non-Chernozem, North-West, the Urals and even Western Siberia), very good results are obtained when growing sweet cherries in a creeping form (in the 70s of the last century, this method was strongly promoted by an amateur gardener from the Moscow region A.V. Bychkovsky). The following is a brief description of the best varieties of sweet cherries for the southern zone of horticulture based on the results of their 10-year test at the Rossoshanskaya zonal horticultural experimental station.

Varieties of very early maturity

Ruby early
The variety was bred at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture (Melitopol). On South Voronezh region showed satisfactory winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds in typical winters for the region, but for industrial gardens it can only be recommended for areas located south of Rostov-on-Don.
The yield is high. The fruits are small, with an average weight of 3-4 g, round or slightly round-oval, rather bumpy, dark red. The pulp is red, tender, sweet with a slight acidity, simple pleasant taste with a tasting score of 4.3 points. The fruits ripen very early, in Rossosh usually in late May - early June, in more southern regions - in mid-May and even earlier.
Donetsk early
The variety was bred at the former Donetsk Horticulture Experimental Station (Artemoven, Donetsk region), but in this zone it showed insufficient winter hardiness. He showed himself very well in Moldova, where he was allocated by the Moldovan Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture and zoned. In the south of the Voronezh region, it is not winter-hardy; trees freeze strongly in warm winters with strong return frosts in late February - early March. It can be recommended only for the southern regions of the European part of the former USSR.
In favorable conditions, the yield is high. The fruits are below medium size, with an average weight of 4-5 g, round or slightly heart-shaped, dark red. The flesh is red, quite firm for such a ripening period, slightly crispy, very sweet with a slight acidity, good or excellent taste with a tasting score of 4.5 points. The fruits ripen very early, along with Ruby early, in the south of the Voronezh region in late May - early June.
Early rose
The variety was bred at the former Donetsk Horticulture Experimental Station. Not enough winter-hardy in the south of the Voronezh region, trees freeze significantly in mild winters with sharp temperature fluctuations in February-March.
Productivity after favorable winters is good. The fruits are medium or rather large, weighing 6-7 g, round or flat-round, creamy yellow with a beautiful reddish-pink blush on the sunny side. The pulp is creamy white, rather tender, very juicy, moderately sweet with a pleasant acidity, simple taste with a tasting score of 4.2 points. The fruits ripen very early, in Rossosh in the 1st decade of June, about 5 days later than Ruby early.
Krasnodar early
The variety was bred in the North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture, (Krasnodar). Showed good winter hardiness in mild winters with sharp fluctuations in temperature and high yields in the south of the Voronezh region. One of the most winter-hardy varieties of very early ripening.
Fruits are below average size, weighing 4-5 g, rounded, dark red. The flesh is dark red, medium density, sweet with slight acidity and pleasant aroma, good or excellent taste with a tasting score of 4.5 points. The fruits in the south of the Voronezh region ripen in the 1st decade of June, together with the early pink or 2-3 days later.
Dagestan early
The variety was bred at the Dagestan Experimental Horticulture Station (Buinaksk, Dagestan). In the south of the Voronezh region, it showed only satisfactory winter hardiness, trees are largely affected by freezing of the cambium in mild winters with sharp temperature fluctuations.
Productivity with favorable overwintering of flower buds is high. The fruits are medium, weighing 5-6 g, rounded, dark red. The pulp is red, medium density, juicy, sweet with a pleasant acidity, the taste is simple with a tasting score of 4.4 points. The fruits ripen in the south of the Voronezh region at the end of the 1st decade of June, 3-4 days later than the early pink.

Varieties of early ripening

Valery Chkalov
This most popular early variety was bred in the 30s of the last century jointly by the former CGL (now the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding fruit plants, Michurinsk) and the Ukrainian Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture (Melitopol). The tree is satisfactorily winter-hardy in the south of the Voronezh region, the boles are resistant to sunburn, the cambium suffers relatively little from sharp temperature fluctuations in mild winters. But with prolonged severe frosts, branches of the crown, even skeletal ones, freeze out. Flower buds often freeze slightly, so the yield is usually low.
The fruits are large, with an average weight of 8-9 g, heart-shaped, dark red, almost black when fully ripe. The pulp is red, rather dense, sweet with a slight acidity and a strong noble aftertaste, the taste is good or excellent with a tasting score of 4.6 points. Taste varies greatly from year to year. The most delicious fruits occur in years when during ripening there is hot, dry weather with daytime temperatures of 30 ° C and above. If at this time it is cool and it rains, excess acid is felt in the fruits to the detriment of their taste, and the noble taste appears very weakly or disappears.
The fruits ripen early, in the south of the Voronezh region usually on June 10-12, not at the same time, individual fruits acquire color and taste 3-5 days earlier than the bulk. This property, undesirable for an industrial grade, has an undoubted advantage in home gardening.
gardening, when the fruits can be removed in several steps.
The variety was bred at the former Donetsk Horticulture Experimental Station by crossing the very winter-hardy northern variety Krasnaya Plotnaya with Valeriy Chkalov. The winter hardiness of the tree in the south of the Voronezh region is satisfactory. Trees in unstable winters with sharp fluctuations in temperature freeze even slightly stronger than the Valery Chkalov variety, but the flowering nights are much more stable, so the yield is more than 2 times higher compared to the mentioned variety.
Lesya also begins fruiting much earlier and already at a young age brings high yields. This variety shows itself especially well on the skeleton-forming vigorous winter-hardy varieties. The fruits are large, weighing 7-8 g, heart-shaped, dark red, almost black. The pulp is dark red, medium density, juicy, sweet with a little acid, tasting score 4.4 points.
The fruits ripen early, in Rossosh on average June 10-12. This variety is less demanding on heat during fruit ripening and, in cool weather at this time, has better taste qualities compared to the Valery Chkalov variety. In such years, Lesya ripens 2-3 days earlier than Valery Chkalov, while in hot weather this variety ripens earlier than Lesya for the same period.
(To be continued).

A tall tree with a spreading crown. Average winter hardiness. Resistant to coccomycosis. The fruits are small, weighing up to 4 g, oval-ovoid, amber-yellow, the pulp is tender, tasty. The yield is high. FOLK
The tree is medium-sized, with a wide-pyramidal raised crown. Winter hardiness is high. Moderately resistant to coccomycosis. Partially self fertile. Fruits of medium size, weighing up to 5.5 g, heart-shaped, dark red. The pulp is dark red, medium density, juicy, pleasant sweet taste. The juice is dark red. The yield is high.
The tree is medium-sized, an interesting spherical-spreading crown - at first, annual shoots grow at an angle, and then hang down. Winter hardiness is very high - even flowers can tolerate light frosts. Disease resistance is above average. The fruits are round, the average weight is about 4.2 g. The color of the fruits is pink-red, the skin is shiny. The flesh is light pink, sweet and sour taste. Productivity is high (up to 25 kg of berries can be obtained on 5-year-old plants). Variety from VSTISP, Moscow. The best pollinators for her will be the Crimean and Chermashnaya varieties.

New variety. Srednerosloe lerevo with an oval-rounded crown. The fruits are large, dark red, weight 5-6 g. Yield up to 15 kg per tree. High winter hardiness.

The tree is medium tall with a wide pyramidal crown. Winter hardiness is high. The variety is disease resistant. Fruits of medium size, weighing 4-5 g, rounded, pink. The pulp is light yellow, dense, juicy, of good sweet taste.

Newly bred cherry variety. The crown is round-oval, of medium height. The berries are dark red, large (6-8 g). The taste is excellent. The average yield is 14 kg per tree.

The tree is medium-sized, spreading. Winter hardiness is satisfactory. The variety is disease resistant. Fruits weighing up to 3.5 g, dark red, almost black, broadly ovoid. The pulp is tender, very sweet, the juice is dark-colored. The yield is high.
The tree is medium-sized, the crown is pyramidal, of medium density. Winter hardiness is above average. The variety is highly resistant to coccomycosis. Partially self fertile. Fruits weighing about 5 g are dark red, to almost black in color. The pulp is juicy, dense, excellent sweet taste. The yield is high.

Tree of medium size, crown spherical, semi-spreading, rare. Winter hardiness is good. Resistance to moniliosis is high, to coccomycosis is average. The fruits are large, weighing 5.5-6 g, dark red. The pulp is red, dense, juicy, sweet. The yield is high.

Sweet cherry, or bird cherry, is one of the most ancient and beloved by gardeners. fruit trees, having a very small distribution region, limited to areas of southern Europe with temperate climate, Asia Minor and the Caucasus. It is quite demanding in care, but it grows very quickly and begins to bear fruit early. The fruits ripen already at the very beginning of the season (May - June) and are distinguished not only by their wonderful taste, but also by a rich set of vitamins, organic acids, micro and macro elements.

As a result of centuries-old selection, which took place spontaneously for a long time, more than 4 thousand varieties of bird cherries were obtained, so it is rather difficult for a novice gardener to navigate in such a variety. All existing varieties traditionally divided into early, middle and late. Among them there are self-fertile and self-pollinated varieties, with different resistance to natural vagaries, significantly differing in appearance and fruit quality. At the beginning of the last century, Russian scientists began to breed winter-hardy sweet cherries that can withstand the frosts of the middle zone.

Which of the early varieties are worthy of attention?

Cherry is one of those berries that we can taste in late spring by planting one of the early ripening varieties. At proper care already at the end of May, a vitamin dessert appears on our table and not only pleasantly diversifies the menu, but also helps the body to quickly cope with spring beriberi. Most of the early ripening varieties are more resistant to return frosts, and the juicy and tender berries are very tasty fresh, but do not tolerate transportation well.

and the way- productive self-fertile variety, zoned in the Central and Central Black Earth regions. Medium-sized trees have good winter hardiness, especially flower buds, and high resistance to fungal diseases. They form an early harvest of dark red heart-shaped berries above average in size (up to 10 g), which become almost black when overripe. Tender and juicy, but dense flesh has an excellent moderately sweet taste. Harvest is universal in application.

Ovstudenka- self-infertile sweet cherry of early ripening, recommended for cultivation in the central regions. The variety forms compact, low trees, resistant to winter freezing and return frosts in spring. High and stable yields of sweet and juicy medium-sized dark raspberries (up to 6.5 g) and universal use make the variety popular among gardeners. An additional advantage is good immunity to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Fairy tale- not the most productive self-fertile variety, loved by gardeners for its large size (up to 12 g) and excellent commercial qualities of very sweet berries with dense pulp. They do not crack in the rainy season and tolerate transportation well. Cherry Tale is not afraid of winter frosts, has a high immunity to most fungal diseases.

Chermashnaya- a high-yielding variety of very early ripening, forming medium-sized winter-hardy trees that practically do not suffer from fungal diseases. Very tender, juicy berries of small weight (up to 4.5 g) and amber color have a sweet, dessert taste with a slight refreshing sourness. The fruits are good straight from the branch, but not suitable for storage, making jam or juice.

Mid-season cherries - the best varieties

Usually medium varieties give a harvest from mid-June. They tolerate return frosts worse, but compared to early cherries, they have better commercial qualities of fruits.

Annushka- mid-season sweet cherry, recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region. The variety forms vigorous trees with a spreading crown and large (up to 10 g) berries of a dark pomegranate shade. Very decorative fruits of a rounded shape are distinguished by an excellent sweet taste of dense and juicy pulp, which is not lost even in adverse weather. Plants perfectly tolerate winter frosts and summer drought, but are not sufficiently resistant to fungal diseases and cannot boast of high yields.

Adeline- high-yielding and frost-resistant variety, ripening in the second or third decade of July. Medium-sized trees begin fruiting in the fourth year of vegetation, forming medium-sized coral-red berries (up to 6 g) with very tasty, elastic and juicy pulp. Adeline cherries resist quite well such common diseases as moniliosis and coccomycosis, but are not capable of self-pollination (self-infertile).

Teremoshka- a self-infertile variety of medium winter hardiness, which begins to bear fruit in the fourth year of vegetation. Low, neat trees with a spherical crown resist well the winter cold and return frosts, have a fairly high immunity to fungal diseases. Dark cherry berries of an impressive size (up to 7 g) are valued for their excellent, honey taste, elastic and juicy pulp, good transportability.

Donetsk beauty- mid-season sweet cherry, bred by Ukrainian breeders. The variety is valued for its excellent yield, as well as for its beautiful and very delicious berries impressive size (up to 10 g) and dessert taste, having a noble shade of red wine. In addition to the obvious external advantages, the variety has a high immunity to coccomycosis.

Gastinet- a very tasty variety of Belarusian selection, characterized by excellent tasting qualities of medium-sized amber berries (up to 6 g) with a rich carmine blush. Self-infertile trees of medium yield are very decorative during fruiting, resistant to fungal diseases and give the first crop already in the third year of development.

The most large-fruited and productive late varieties

At a time when the entire crop of early sweet cherries has already been eaten and processed, late-ripening varieties begin to bear fruit very conveniently. The berries on such trees ripen towards the end of summer, and the most frost-resistant of them give a harvest in the last decade of August.

Exhibition- an incredibly productive variety that ripens in July. Tall trees form many large (up to 8 g) and very beautiful oval-shaped amber-carmine berries with excellent taste. Cherry Exhibition is distinguished by increased frost resistance of flower buds, but is not capable of self-pollination. The best pollinators for her are the Recordistka, Cassini early and Market varieties.

Bryansk pink- a self-infertile late-maturing variety with good yields, valued for its low and compact trees, highly resistant to fungal diseases and winter frosts. Medium-sized (up to 5.5 g) berries of a beautiful light scarlet hue with dense amber pulp are distinguished by sweetness and juiciness, and in addition, they almost do not crack and are perfectly preserved during transportation.

Napoleon- a very old and excellently productive variety of European selection, zoned in Dagestan at the beginning of the last century. Tall trees delight with large (up to 7 g) berries of almost black color and a very good, sweet taste of dense pulp, diluted with slight sourness. Cherry Napoleon is universal in use, resistant to winter frosts and fungal diseases, has excellent keeping quality and transportability.

Regina- self-fertile late cherry, characterized by compact, low trees with very high frost resistance and good yields. Large (up to 10 g) berries of a very beautiful dark pomegranate shade delight with a bright taste and excellent transportability. Fruits are able not to crumble for a long time after ripening and not crack in the rainy season. An additional advantage of the variety is its precociousness: the first crop ripens already in the third year of vegetation.

Region Preferences

Cherry is a capricious tree that loves warmth and fertile slightly alkaline or neutral soils. That is why it feels best in the south of Russia and in the Central Black Earth region. However, there are unpretentious and frost-resistant varieties that can be cultivated even in the Urals and Siberia. With good and proper care, even in these regions, experienced gardeners get good harvests delicious berries.

Here are some suggestions for growing in the middle zone.

Gronkovaya- a self-fertile early ripe variety recommended for cultivation in the central regions. Tall, very productive trees are resistant to winter frosts and damage by pathogenic fungi. In the fourth year of vegetation, they bear fruit for the first time, forming dark scarlet berries of medium weight (up to 4.5 g) with an excellent taste of sweet and juicy pulp. The best pollinators are Zhurba, Beauty, Narodnaya.

large-fruited- a time-tested variety of early fruiting, not capable of self-pollination. Rapidly developing trees of medium height with a compact crown perfectly tolerate winter cold and summer drought, are not afraid of fungal diseases, and are especially resistant to moniliosis. Very large (up to 12 g) pomegranate-colored berries delight with a very rich taste of dense and sweet pulp. Varieties for pollination - Surprise or Francis.

Revna- late-ripening self-fruitless variety, forming fast-growing trees of medium height. Fruits of an impressive size (up to 7.7 g) have a wide-round shape and a dark cherry, almost black, color. Dense pulp stands out with excellent sweet taste and juiciness. Cherry Revna tolerates frost well and is not afraid of fungal diseases. The best pollinators are Ovstuzhevka, Raditsa, Iput, Compact.

Fatezh- self-infertile productive variety of medium early fruiting. Low trees with a compact, spherical crown form elegant berries of small size (up to 4.6 g), amber color with a scarlet blush. Sweet and sour pulp has a pleasant, dense structure. Cherry is resistant to the most dangerous fungal diseases and tolerates frost well. Chermashnaya and Iput varieties are suitable for pollination.

For the regions of southern Russia and the Black Earth region the choice of varieties is much larger. The best representatives are Ariadne, Poetry, Oryol pink.

Poetry- high-yielding mid-season sweet cherry, forming low self-fertile trees with a raised pyramidal crown. Amber-scarlet berries for dessert use and medium size (up to 5.6 g) are distinguished by an excellent taste of sweet, dense pulp with refreshing-sour notes. The variety has sufficient winter hardiness, which is quite suitable for the mild climate of southern Russia. Immunity to fungal diseases is quite high.

Ariadne- early ripe variety with high and stable yield. Vigorous trees form impressive (up to 5.4 g) and very tasty fruits. Dark pomegranate berries are distinguished by an excellently sweet taste of dense and juicy pulp. Cherry Ariadna has practically no drawbacks, as it is not only tasty and fruitful, but also frost-resistant and does not get sick at all.

Oryol pink- a mid-season and high-yielding variety that forms medium-sized and frost-resistant trees. Medium-sized (up to 4.0 g) yellow fruits with a scarlet blush have a sweet, slightly sour, dessert taste of juicy, medium-density pulp. Sweet cherries are characterized by good precocity (bearing in the third year) and are relatively resistant to fungal diseases, but are self-infertile.

Rechitsa- self-infertile sweet cherry of medium ripening with good yield. Fast growing trees of medium height with a spreading crown are distinguished by excellent frost resistance and high immunity to fungal diseases. Large (up to 5.8 g) fruits of almost black color have a remarkably sweet taste of juicy pulp. The best pollinators are Ovstuzhenka, Odrinka, Iput.

For the regions of the Urals and Siberia with their harsh winters, such a parameter of trees as frost resistance is especially important, which should be related to flower buds to a greater extent. In addition, sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures, especially at the end of winter, often lead to burns of skeletal branches and trunk. All these features were taken into account by breeders who received such winter-hardy varieties as Tyutchevka, Odrinka, Veda, Bryanochka.

Tyutchevka- late-ripening highly productive variety, partially capable of self-pollination. Medium-sized trees and flower buds have good winter hardiness. Dark pomegranate fruits of an impressive size (up to 7.4 g) are distinguished by an excellent taste of dense, sweet and juicy pulp. They are well stored and transported. Sweet cherry is practically not affected by moniliosis and is rarely susceptible to other fungal diseases.

Odrinka- self-infertile cherries of medium late ripening form low trees with a pyramidal crown, which practically do not get sick, have high winter hardiness and are not afraid of sunburn. Frost well tolerated and flower buds. Very large (up to 7.4 g) and remarkably sweet fruits of dark raspberry color with elastic and juicy pulp have a universal scope. The most suitable varieties for pollination are Rechitsa, Revna, Ovstuzhenka.

Brianochka- self-fertile late variety, characterized by high winter hardiness and productivity. On medium-sized trees, very elegant and impressive (up to 7.1 g) fruits of a dark beet shade ripen. Their wonderfully tasty pulp is juicy and high in sugar. Sweet cherry has a high immunity to coccomycosis and a good one - to other fungal diseases. Pollinating varieties - Veda, Iput and Tyutchevka.

Veda- frost-resistant table variety of late ripening. Medium-sized trees are characterized by high yields, forming large (up to 7.0 g), juicy and very tasty berries of dark cherry color. Sweet cherry Veda has an increased immunity to coccomycosis and other fungal infections, is not capable of self-pollination. The best partner varieties are Tyutchevka, Revna, Bryanochka, Iput.

Tree fast-growing, medium-sized with a broadly oval, medium density and leafy crown. The annual shoot is light brown with a green color and a gray bloom. Kidneys of medium size, generative oval, elongated, vegetative - cone-shaped. The leaf is oval and narrowly oval (15.0 x 6.8), of medium size, dark green in color without anthocyanin, the apex is strongly pointed, the base is sharp or broadly wedge-shaped, the serration is doubly serrated, the leaf blade is flat, matte, with slight pubescence along the lower surface.

Fruit medium size (6.0-6.5 g), the maximum fruit weight reaches 7.5 g, broadly oval (2.4 x 2.3 x 2.1), the funnel is small, almost without a recess, the apex is round, the integumentary color is dark - red, flesh is dark red, medium density, juicy. The juice is dark red, bright. The stone is oval (0.2 g), light beige, the apex and base are rounded, freely separated from the pulp. The peduncle is of medium length and thickness, well separated from the fruit, the separation is dry.

Fruit attractive, shiny, even, with high taste (tasting score 4.8 points) resistant to cracking. The transportability of fruits is very good, the purpose is universal, they are suitable for fresh dessert consumption and various kinds technical processing.

It belongs to the group of varieties of early flowering period, the fruits ripen in the middle early terms - in the first days of June (June 1-7). Enters fruiting at the age of 5 years. Self-infertile. The yield is high, favorable years, during the period of full fruiting reaches over 60 kg/tree. – 12.5 t/ha (planting pattern 8 x 6).

Shows high winter hardiness in extreme winter conditions, medium resistance to spring frosts. Drought tolerance is sufficient. The variety is practically resistant to major fungal diseases, weakly susceptible to coccomycosis. Aphids are only slightly affected; cherry fly damage was not observed.

Advantages: marketability and high quality of fruits, resistance to major diseases, high productivity.

Flaws: insufficient resistance to spring frosts.

Additional Information

  • Fruit ripening period: early summer
  • Fruit size: medium
  • Fruit shape: round
  • Fruit color: dark red
  • Flesh color: red
  • Fruit flavor: sweet
  • Keeping quality: high
  • Winter hardiness: high
  • Peculiarities: marketability and high quality of fruits, resistance to major diseases, high productivity.
  • Seedling age: annual
  • Rootstock: steppe cherry
  • Crown type: classic
  • Retail price: 200 rub
  • Wholesale price: from 120 rubles