Quantum entanglement without confusion - what is it. What is quantum entanglement? The essence in simple words

When Albert Einstein was struck by the "spooky" long-range coupling between particles, he did not think about his general theory relativity. Einstein's age-old theory describes how gravity occurs when massive objects deform tissue...

When Albert Einstein marveled at the "spooky" long-range coupling between particles, he wasn't thinking about his general theory of relativity. Einstein's age-old theory describes how gravity emerges when massive objects warp the fabric of space and time. quantum entanglement, that macabre source of Einstein's fright tends to involve tiny particles that have little effect on gravity. A speck of dust deforms a mattress in exactly the same way as a subatomic particle warps space.

However, theoretical physicist Mark Van Raamsdonk suspects that entanglement and spacetime are in fact related. In 2009, he calculated that space without entanglement would not be able to hold itself together. He wrote a paper suggesting that quantum entanglement is the needle that stitches together the tapestry of cosmic space-time.

Many magazines refused to publish his work. But after years of initial skepticism, exploring the idea that entanglement shapes spacetime has become one of the hottest trends in physics.

“Coming out of the deep foundations of physics, everything points to the fact that space must be associated with entanglement,” says John Preskill, a theoretical physicist at Caltech.

In 2012, another provocative work appeared, presenting the paradox of entangled particles inside and outside a black hole. Less than a year later, two experts in the field came up with a radical solution: entangled particles are connected by wormholes, Einstein's space-time tunnels that now appear in physics magazines and science fiction with equal frequency. If this assumption is correct, entanglement is not the spooky, long-range connection that Einstein thought of - but a very real bridge connecting distant points in space.

Many scientists find these ideas worthy of attention. In recent years, physicists from seemingly unrelated disciplines have converged on this field of entanglement, space, and wormholes. Scientists who were once focused on building error-free quantum computers are now wondering if the universe itself is a quantum computer, quietly programming spacetime in a complex web of entanglements. "Everything is progressing in an incredible way," says Van Raamsdonk of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

Physicists have high hopes for where this combination of space-time and entanglement will take them. GR brilliantly describes how spacetime works; new research may lift the veil on where spacetime comes from and what it looks like on the smallest scales that lie at the mercy of quantum mechanics. Entanglement may be the secret ingredient that will unify these so far incompatible regions into a theory of quantum gravity, allowing scientists to understand the conditions inside a black hole and the state of the universe in the first moments after the Big Bang.

Holograms and soup cans

Van Raamsdonk's epiphany in 2009 didn't materialize out of thin air. It is rooted in the holographic principle, the idea that a boundary that delimits a volume of space can contain all the information it contains. If we apply the holographic principle to Everyday life, a curious employee can perfectly reconstruct everything in the office - piles of papers, family photos, toys in the corner, and even files on a computer hard drive - just by looking at the outer walls of the square office.

This idea is controversial, given that the walls have two dimensions, but the interior of the office has three. But in 1997, Juan Maldacena, a string theorist then at Harvard, gave an intriguing example of what the holographic principle could reveal about the universe.

He started with anti-de Sitter space, which resembles gravity-dominated spacetime but has a number of strange attributes. It is curved in such a way that a flash of light emitted in a certain place will eventually return from where it originated. And although the universe is expanding, anti-de Sitter space is not stretched or compressed. Due to such features, a piece of anti-de Sitter space with four dimensions (three spatial and one temporal) can be surrounded by a three-dimensional boundary.

Maldacena referred to the anti-de Sitter space-time cylinder. Each horizontal slice of the cylinder represents the state of its space at a given moment, while the vertical dimension of the cylinder represents time. Maldacena surrounded his cylinder with a border for the hologram; if the anti-de-sitter space were a can of soup, then the border would be a label.

At first glance it seems that this border (label) has nothing to do with filling the cylinder. The boundary label, for example, follows the rules of quantum mechanics, not gravity. Yet gravity describes the space within the contents of the soup. Maldacena showed that the label and the soup were the same; quantum interactions at the boundary perfectly describe the anti-de Sitter space that this boundary closes.

“These two theories seem completely different, but they accurately describe the same thing,” says Preskill.

Maldacena added entanglement to the holographic equation in 2001. He imagined space in two soup cans, each containing a black hole. Then he created the equivalent of a makeshift phone out of cups, connecting black holes with a wormhole, a tunnel through space-time first proposed by Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935. Maldacena was looking for a way to create the equivalent of such a space-time connection on can labels. The trick, he realized, was confusion.

Like a wormhole, quantum entanglement links objects that have no obvious relationship. The quantum world is a fuzzy place: an electron can spin in both directions at the same time, being in a state of superposition, until measurements provide an accurate answer. But if two electrons are entangled, measuring the spin of one allows the experimenter to know the spin of the other electron - even if the partner electron is in a state of superposition. This quantum bond remains even if the electrons are separated by meters, kilometers or light years.

Maldacena showed that by entangling particles on one label with particles on another, a wormhole connection of cans can be perfectly described quantum mechanically. In the context of the holographic principle, entanglement is equivalent to physically tying chunks of spacetime together.

Inspired by this connection between entanglement and spacetime, Van Raamsdonk wondered how big a role entanglement might play in shaping spacetime. He presented the cleanest label on a can of quantum soup: white, corresponding to an empty disc of anti-de-Sitter space. But he knew that, according to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, empty space would never be completely empty. It is filled with pairs of particles that float and disappear. And this fleeting particles are entangled.

So Van Raamsdonk drew an imaginary bisector on a holographic label and then mathematically broke the quantum entanglement between the particles on one half of the label and the particles on the other. He found that the corresponding disk of the anti-de Sitter space began to divide in half. As if the entangled particles were the hooks that hold the web of space and time in place; without them, spacetime falls apart. As Van Raamsdonk lowered the degree of entanglement, the part of the space connected to the divided regions became thinner, like a rubber thread stretching from chewing gum.

"It made me think that the presence of space begins with the presence of entanglement."

It was a bold statement, and it took time for Van Raamsdonk's work, published in General Relativity and Gravitation in 2010, to gain serious attention. The fire of interest flared up as early as 2012, when four physicists from the University of California at Santa Barbara wrote a paper challenging conventional wisdom about the event horizon, the black hole's point of no return.

The Truth Hidden by the Firewall

In the 1970s, theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking showed that pairs of entangled particles - the same kinds that Van Raamsdonk later analyzed in his quantum frontier - could decay at the event horizon. One falls into the black hole, while the other escapes along with the so-called Hawking radiation. This process gradually undermines the mass of the black hole, eventually leading to its death. But if black holes disappear, the record of everything that fell in should also disappear with it. Quantum theory says that information cannot be destroyed.

By the 1990s, several theoretical physicists, including Stanford's Leonard Susskind, had come up with a solution to this problem. Yes, they said, matter and energy falls into a black hole. But from the point of view of an outside observer, this material never crosses the event horizon; he seems to be teetering on its edge. As a result, the event horizon becomes a holographic boundary containing all information about the space inside the black hole. Eventually, when the black hole evaporates, this information leaks out in the form of Hawking radiation. In principle, an observer can collect this radiation and recover all the information about the interior of a black hole.

In their 2012 paper, physicists Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolph, James Sully, and Joseph Polchinsky stated that there is something wrong with this picture. For an observer trying to piece together the puzzle of what's inside a black hole, one pointed out, all the separate pieces of the puzzle - the particles of Hawking's radiation - must be entangled with each other. Also, each Hawking particle must be entangled with its original partner, which fell into the black hole.

Unfortunately, confusion alone is not enough. Quantum theory states that in order for entanglement to exist between all particles outside the black hole, the entanglement of these particles with particles inside the black hole must be excluded. In addition, physicists have discovered that breaking one of the entanglements would create an impenetrable energy wall, the so-called firewall, on the event horizon.

Many physicists have doubted that black holes actually evaporate everything that tries to get inside. But the very possibility of the existence of a firewall leads to disturbing thoughts. Previously, physicists have already thought about what the space looks like inside a black hole. Now they're not sure if black holes have this "inside" at all. Everyone seems to have reconciled, Preskill notes.

But Susskind did not resign himself. He spent years trying to prove that information doesn't disappear inside a black hole; today he is also convinced that the idea of ​​a firewall is wrong, but he has not yet been able to prove this. One day, he received a cryptic letter from Maldacena: "There wasn't much in it," says Susskind. - Only ER = EPR. Maldacena, now at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, reflected on his work with the 2001 soup cans and wondered if wormholes could solve the hodgepodge of entanglement generated by the firewall problem. Susskind quickly picked up on the idea.

In a paper published in the German journal Fortschritte der Physik in 2013, Maldacena and Susskind stated that a wormhole - technically an Einstein-Rosen bridge, or ER - is the spatiotemporal equivalent of quantum entanglement. (Under the EPR understand the experiment of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen, which was supposed to dispel the mythological quantum entanglement). This means that every particle of Hawking radiation, no matter how far from the origin, is directly connected to the interior of the black hole via a short path through spacetime.

“If you move through a wormhole, things that are far away are not so far away,” says Susskind.

Susskind and Maldacena proposed collecting all of the Hawking particles and pushing them together until they collapse into a black hole. This black hole would be entangled, and therefore connected by a wormhole to the original black hole. This trick turned the tangled mess of Hawking particles - paradoxically entangled with the black hole and with each other - into two black holes connected by a wormhole. The confusion overload resolved and the firewall problem was over.

Not all scientists have jumped on the bandwagon of the ER = EPR tram. Susskind and Maldacena acknowledge that they still have a lot of work to do to prove that wormholes and entanglement are equivalent. But after pondering the implications of the firewall paradox, many physicists agree that the space-time inside a black hole owes its existence to entanglement with the radiation outside. This is an important insight, Preskill notes, because it also means that the entire fabric of space-time in the universe, including the patch we occupy, is the product of quantum macabre action.

space computer

It is one thing to say that the universe constructs space-time through entanglement; it is quite another to show how the universe does it. Preskill and colleagues tackled this difficult task, who decided to consider the cosmos as a colossal quantum computer. For nearly twenty years, scientists have been building quantum computers, which use information encoded in entangled elements like photons or tiny circuits to solve problems traditional computers can't. Preskill's team is using the knowledge gained from these attempts to predict how individual details inside a soup can would translate into a confusing label.

Quantum computers operate by operating components that are in a superposition of states as data carriers - they can be zeros and ones at the same time. But the state of superposition is very fragile. Excess heat, for example, can destroy a state and all the quantum information contained in it. These loss of information, which Preskill likens to torn pages in a book, seem inevitable.

But physicists responded by creating a protocol for quantum error correction. Instead of relying on a single particle to store a quantum bit, scientists split the data across multiple entangled particles. A book written in the language of quantum error correction would be full of gibberish, says Preskill, but all of its contents could be recovered even if half the pages go missing.

Quantum error correction has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, but now Preskill and his colleagues suspect that nature has come up with this system a long time ago. In June, in the Journal of High Energy Physics, Preskill and his team showed how the entanglement of many particles at a holographic boundary perfectly describes a single particle attracted by gravity inside a chunk of anti-de Sitter space. Maldacena says this finding could lead to a better understanding of how a hologram encodes all the details of the spacetime it surrounds.

Physicists recognize that their speculations have a long way to go to match reality. While anti-de Sitter space offers physicists the advantage of working with a well-defined boundary, the universe does not have such a clear label on a soup can. The space-time fabric of the cosmos has been expanding since the Big Bang and continues to do so at an increasing pace. If you send a beam of light into space, it won't turn around and come back; he will fly. “It is not clear how to define the holographic theory of our universe,” Maldacena wrote in 2005. "There just isn't a good place to put a hologram."

However, as strange as all these holograms, soup cans, and wormholes may sound, they could be promising pathways that lead to the fusion of quantum spooky activities with the geometry of space-time. In their work on wormholes, Einstein and Rosen discussed possible quantum implications, but did not connect with their earlier work on entanglement. Today, this connection can help unify the quantum mechanics of general relativity into a theory of quantum gravity. Armed with such a theory, physicists could sort out the mysteries of the state of the young Universe, when matter and energy fit into an infinitely small point in space. published

The golden foliage of the trees shone brightly. The rays of the evening sun touched the thinned tops. Light broke through the branches and staged a spectacle of bizarre figures flickering on the wall of the university "kapterka".

Sir Hamilton's pensive gaze moved slowly, watching the play of chiaroscuro. In the head of the Irish mathematician there was a real melting pot of thoughts, ideas and conclusions. He was well aware that the explanation of many phenomena with the help of Newtonian mechanics is like the play of shadows on the wall, deceptively intertwining figures and leaving many questions unanswered. “Maybe it's a wave… or maybe it's a stream of particles,” the scientist mused, “or light is a manifestation of both phenomena. Like figures woven from shadow and light.

The beginning of quantum physics

It is interesting to watch great people and try to understand how great ideas are born that change the course of evolution of all mankind. Hamilton is one of those who stood at the origins of the birth quantum physics. Fifty years later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, many scientists were engaged in the study of elementary particles. The knowledge gained was inconsistent and uncompiled. However, the first shaky steps were taken.

Understanding the microworld at the beginning of the 20th century

In 1901, the first model of the atom was presented and its failure was shown, from the standpoint of ordinary electrodynamics. During the same period, Max Planck and Niels Bohr published many works on the nature of the atom. Despite their painstaking work, there was no complete understanding of the structure of the atom.

A few years later, in 1905, a little-known German scientist Albert Einstein published a report on the possibility of the existence of a light quantum in two states - wave and corpuscular (particles). In his work, arguments were given explaining the reason for the failure of the model. However, Einstein's vision was limited by the old understanding of the model of the atom.

After numerous works by Niels Bohr and his colleagues in 1925, a new direction was born - a kind of quantum mechanics. A common expression - "quantum mechanics" appeared thirty years later.

What do we know about quanta and their quirks?

Today, quantum physics has gone far enough. Many different phenomena have been discovered. But what do we really know? The answer is presented by one modern scientist. "One can either believe in quantum physics or not understand it," is the definition. Think about it for yourself. It will suffice to mention such a phenomenon as quantum entanglement of particles. This phenomenon has plunged the scientific world into a position of complete bewilderment. Even more shocking was that the resulting paradox is incompatible with Einstein.

The effect of quantum entanglement of photons was first discussed in 1927 at the fifth Solvay Congress. A heated argument arose between Niels Bohr and Einstein. The paradox of quantum entanglement has completely changed the understanding of the essence of the material world.

It is known that all bodies consist of elementary particles. Accordingly, all the phenomena of quantum mechanics are reflected in the ordinary world. Niels Bohr said that if we do not look at the moon, then it does not exist. Einstein considered this unreasonable and believed that the object exists independently of the observer.

When studying the problems of quantum mechanics, one should understand that its mechanisms and laws are interconnected and do not obey classical physics. Let's try to understand the most controversial area - the quantum entanglement of particles.

The theory of quantum entanglement

To begin with, it is worth understanding that quantum physics is like a bottomless well in which you can find anything you want. The phenomenon of quantum entanglement at the beginning of the last century was studied by Einstein, Bohr, Maxwell, Boyle, Bell, Planck and many other physicists. Throughout the twentieth century, thousands of scientists around the world actively studied it and experimented.

The world is subject to the strict laws of physics

Why such an interest in the paradoxes of quantum mechanics? Everything is very simple: we live, obeying certain laws of the physical world. The ability to “bypass” predestination opens a magical door behind which everything becomes possible. For example, the concept of "Schrödinger's Cat" leads to the control of matter. It will also become possible to teleport information, which causes quantum entanglement. The transmission of information will become instantaneous, regardless of distance.
This issue is still under study, but has a positive trend.

Analogy and understanding

What is unique about quantum entanglement, how to understand it, and what happens with it? Let's try to figure it out. This will require some thought experiment. Imagine that you have two boxes in your hands. Each of them contains one ball with a stripe. Now we give one box to the astronaut, and he flies to Mars. As soon as you open the box and see that the stripe on the ball is horizontal, then in the other box the ball will automatically have a vertical stripe. This will be quantum entanglement. in simple words pronounced: one object predetermines the position of another.

However, it should be understood that this is only a superficial explanation. In order to get quantum entanglement, it is necessary that the particles have the same origin, like twins.

It is very important to understand that the experiment will be disrupted if someone before you had the opportunity to look at at least one of the objects.

Where can quantum entanglement be used?

The principle of quantum entanglement can be used to transfer information to long distances instantly. Such a conclusion contradicts Einstein's theory of relativity. It says that the maximum speed of movement is inherent only in light - three hundred thousand kilometers per second. Such transfer of information makes possible the existence of physical teleportation.

Everything in the world is information, including matter. Quantum physicists came to this conclusion. In 2008, based on a theoretical database, it was possible to see quantum entanglement with the naked eye.

This once again indicates that we are on the verge of great discoveries - movement in space and time. Time in the Universe is discrete, so instantaneous movement over vast distances makes it possible to get into different time densities (based on the hypotheses of Einstein, Bohr). Perhaps in the future it will be a reality just like the mobile phone is today.

Aether dynamics and quantum entanglement

According to some leading scientists, quantum entanglement is explained by the fact that space is filled with some kind of ether - black matter. Any elementary particle, as we know, exists in the form of a wave and a corpuscle (particle). Some scientists believe that all particles are on the "canvas" of dark energy. This is not easy to understand. Let's try to figure it out in another way - the association method.

Imagine yourself at the seaside. Light breeze and a slight breeze. See the waves? And somewhere in the distance, in the reflections of the rays of the sun, a sailboat is visible.
The ship will be our elementary particle, and the sea will be ether (dark energy).
The sea can be in motion in the form of visible waves and drops of water. In the same way, all elementary particles can be just a sea (its integral part) or a separate particle - a drop.

This is a simplified example, everything is somewhat more complicated. Particles without the presence of an observer are in the form of a wave and do not have a specific location.

The white sailboat is a distinguished object, it differs from the surface and structure of the sea water. In the same way, there are "peaks" in the ocean of energy that we can perceive as a manifestation of the forces known to us that have shaped the material part of the world.

The microworld lives by its own laws

The principle of quantum entanglement can be understood if we take into account the fact that elementary particles are in the form of waves. Without a specific location and characteristics, both particles are in an ocean of energy. At the moment the observer appears, the wave “turns” into an object accessible to touch. The second particle, observing the system of equilibrium, acquires opposite properties.

The described article is not aimed at capacious scientific descriptions quantum world. Possibility of reflection ordinary person based on the availability of understanding of the material presented.

Physics of elementary particles studies the entanglement of quantum states based on the spin (rotation) of an elementary particle.

In scientific language (simplified) - quantum entanglement is defined by different spins. In the process of observing objects, scientists saw that only two spins can exist - along and across. Oddly enough, in other positions, the particles do not “pose” to the observer.

New hypothesis - a new view of the world

The study of the microcosm - the space of elementary particles - gave rise to many hypotheses and assumptions. The effect of quantum entanglement prompted scientists to think about the existence of some kind of quantum microlattice. In their opinion, at each node - the point of intersection - there is a quantum. All energy is an integral lattice, and the manifestation and movement of particles is possible only through the nodes of the lattice.

The size of the "window" of such a grating is quite small, and the measurement modern equipment impossible. However, in order to confirm or refute this hypothesis, scientists decided to study the motion of photons in a spatial quantum lattice. The bottom line is that a photon can move either straight or in zigzags - along the diagonal of the lattice. In the second case, having overcome a greater distance, he will spend more energy. Accordingly, it will differ from a photon moving in a straight line.

Perhaps, over time, we will learn that we live in a spatial quantum grid. Or this assumption may be wrong. However, it is the principle of quantum entanglement that indicates the possibility of the existence of a lattice.

If to speak plain language, then in a hypothetical spatial "cube" the definition of one face carries a clear opposite meaning of the other. This is the principle of preserving the structure of space - time.


To understand the magical and mysterious world of quantum physics, it is worth taking a close look at the development of science over the past five hundred years. It used to be that the Earth was flat, not spherical. The reason is obvious: if you take its shape as round, then water and people will not be able to resist.

As we can see, the problem existed in the absence of a complete vision of all active forces. It is possible that modern science to understand quantum physics, it is not enough to see all the acting forces. Vision gaps give rise to a system of contradictions and paradoxes. Perhaps the magical world of quantum mechanics contains the answers to the questions posed.

If you have not yet been struck by the wonders of quantum physics, then after this article your thinking will certainly turn upside down. Today I will tell you what quantum entanglement is, but in simple words, so that anyone can understand what it is.

Entanglement as a magical connection

After the unusual effects occurring in the microcosm were discovered, scientists came to an interesting theoretical assumption. It followed precisely from the foundations of quantum theory.

In the past, I talked about how the electron behaves very strangely.

But the entanglement of quantum, elementary particles generally contradicts any common sense, goes beyond any understanding.

If they interacted with each other, then after separation, a magical connection remains between them, even if they are separated by any, arbitrarily large distance.

Magical in the sense that information between them is transmitted instantly.

As is known from quantum mechanics, a particle before measurement is in a superposition, that is, it has several parameters at once, is blurred in space, and does not have an exact spin value. If a measurement is made on one of a pair of previously interacting particles, that is, the wave function collapses, then the second immediately, instantly responds to this measurement. It doesn't matter how far apart they are. Fantasy, isn't it.

As is known from Einstein's theory of relativity, nothing can exceed the speed of light. In order for information to reach from one particle to the second, it is necessary at least to spend the time of passage of light. But one particle just instantly reacts to the measurement of the second. Information at the speed of light would have reached her later. All this does not fit into common sense.

If we divide a pair of elementary particles with zero common parameter spin, then one must have a negative spin, and the second positive. But before the measurement, the value of the spin is in superposition. As soon as we measured the spin of the first particle, we saw that it has a positive value, so immediately the second acquires a negative spin. If, on the contrary, the first particle acquires a negative value of the spin, then the second one acquires an instantaneously positive value.

Or such an analogy.

We have two balls. One is black, the other is white. We covered them with opaque glasses, we can’t see which one is which. We interfere as in the game of thimbles.

If you open one glass and see that there is a white ball, then the second glass is black. But at first we don't know which is which.

So it is with elementary particles. But before you look at them, they are in superposition. Before measurement, the balls are as if colorless. But having destroyed the superposition of one ball and seeing that it is white, the second immediately becomes black. And this happens instantly, whether there is at least one ball on the ground, and the second in another galaxy. For light to reach from one ball to another in our case, let's say it takes hundreds of years, and the second ball learns that a measurement was made on the second, I repeat, instantly. There is confusion between them.

It is clear that Einstein, and many other physicists, did not accept such an outcome of events, that is, quantum entanglement. He considered the conclusions of quantum physics to be incorrect, incomplete, and assumed that some hidden variables were missing.

On the contrary, Einstein's paradox described above was invented to show that the conclusions of quantum mechanics are not correct, because entanglement is contrary to common sense.

This paradox was called the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, abbreviated as the EPR paradox.

But experiments with entanglement later by A. Aspect and other scientists showed that Einstein was wrong. Quantum entanglement exists.

And these were no longer theoretical assumptions arising from the equations, but the real facts of many experiments on quantum entanglement. Scientists saw this live, and Einstein died without knowing the truth.

Particles really interact instantly, restrictions on the speed of light are not a hindrance to them. The world turned out to be much more interesting and complex.

With quantum entanglement, I repeat, there is an instantaneous transfer of information, a magical connection is formed.

But how can this be?

Today's quantum physics answers this question in an elegant way. There is instantaneous communication between particles, not because information is transferred very quickly, but because at a deeper level they are simply not separated, but are still together. They are in the so-called quantum entanglement.

That is, the state of confusion is such a state of the system, where, according to some parameters or values, it cannot be divided into separate, completely independent parts.

For example, electrons after interaction can be separated by a large distance in space, but their spins are still together. Therefore, during the experiments, the spins instantly agree with each other.

Do you understand where this leads?

Today's knowledge of modern quantum physics based on the theory of decoherence comes down to one thing.

There is a deeper, unmanifest reality. And what we observe as a familiar classical world is only a small part, a special case of a more fundamental quantum reality.

It does not contain space, time, any parameters of particles, but only information about them, the potential possibility of their manifestation.

It is this fact that gracefully and simply explains why the collapse of the wave function, considered in the previous article, quantum entanglement and other wonders of the microcosm occur.

Today, when talking about quantum entanglement, they remember the other world.

That is, at a more fundamental level, an elementary particle is unmanifested. It is located simultaneously at several points in space, has several values ​​of spins.

Then, according to some parameters, it can manifest itself in our classical world during the measurement. In the experiment discussed above, two particles already have a specific space coordinate value, but their spins are still in quantum reality, unmanifested. There is no space and time, so the spins of the particles are locked together, despite the huge distance between them.

And when we look at what spin a particle has, that is, we make a measurement, we sort of pull the spin out of quantum reality into our ordinary world. And it seems to us that particles exchange information instantly. It's just that they were still together in one parameter, even though they were far apart. Their separation is actually an illusion.

All this seems strange, unusual, but this fact is already confirmed by many experiments. Quantum computers are based on magical entanglement.

The reality turned out to be much more complex and interesting.

The principle of quantum entanglement does not fit in with our usual view of the world.

This is how the physicist-scientist D.Bohm explains quantum entanglement.

Let's say we're watching fish in an aquarium. But due to some restrictions, we can look not at the aquarium as it is, but only at its projections, filmed by two cameras in front and on the side. That is, we watch the fish, looking at two televisions. The fish seem different to us, as we shoot it with one camera in front, the other in profile. But miraculously, their movements are clearly consistent. As soon as the fish from the first screen turns, the second one instantly also turns. We are surprised, not realizing that this is the same fish.

So it is in a quantum experiment with two particles. Because of their limitations, it seems to us that the spins of two previously interacting particles are independent of each other, because now the particles are far from each other. But in reality they are still together, but in a quantum reality, in a non-local source. We simply do not look at reality as it really is, but with a distortion, within the framework of classical physics.

Quantum teleportation in simple terms

When scientists learned about quantum entanglement and the instantaneous transfer of information, many wondered: is teleportation possible?

It turned out to be really possible.

There have already been many experiments on teleportation.

The essence of the method can be easily understood if you understand general principle confusion.

There is a particle, for example, an electron A and two pairs of entangled electrons B and C. The electron A and the pair B, C are at different points in space, no matter how far away. And now let's convert particles A and B into quantum entanglement, that is, let's combine them. Now C becomes exactly the same as A, because their general state does not change. That is, particle A is, as it were, teleported to particle C.

Today, more complex experiments on teleportation have been carried out.

Of course, all experiments so far have been carried out only with elementary particles. But you have to admit, it's incredible. After all, we all consist of the same particles, scientists say that the teleportation of macro objects is theoretically no different. It is only necessary to solve a lot of technical issues, and this is only a matter of time. Perhaps, in its development, humanity will reach the ability to teleport large objects, and even the person himself.

quantum reality

Quantum entanglement is integrity, continuity, unity at a deeper level.

If, according to some parameters, the particles are in quantum entanglement, then according to these parameters, they simply cannot be divided into separate parts. They are interdependent. Such properties are simply fantastic from the point of view of the familiar world, transcendent, one might say otherworldly and transcendent. But this is a fact from which there is no escape. It's time to acknowledge it.

But where does all this lead?

It turns out that many spiritual teachings of mankind have long spoken about this state of affairs.

The world we see, consisting of material objects, is not the basis of reality, but only a small part of it and not the most important one. There is a transcendent reality that sets, determines everything that happens to our world, and therefore to us.

It is there that the real answers to the eternal questions about the meaning of life, the true development of a person, finding happiness and health lie.

And these are not empty words.

All this leads to a rethinking of life values, an understanding that, apart from the senseless pursuit of material wealth, there is something more important and higher. And this reality is not somewhere out there, it surrounds us everywhere, it permeates us, it is, as they say, "at our fingertips."

But let's talk about it in the next articles.

Now watch a video about quantum entanglement.

We are moving smoothly from quantum entanglement to theory. More on this in the next article.

Quantum entanglement, or "spooky action at a distance" as Albert Einstein called it, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects become interdependent. This dependence is preserved even if the objects are removed from each other for many kilometers. For example, you can entangle a pair of photons, take one of them to another galaxy, and then measure the spin of the second photon - and it will be opposite to the spin of the first photon, and vice versa. They are trying to adapt quantum entanglement for instantaneous data transmission over gigantic distances, or even for teleportation.

Modern computers provide quite a lot of opportunities for modeling a variety of situations. However, any calculations will be "linear" to some extent, since they obey well-defined algorithms and cannot deviate from them. And this system does not allow simulating complex mechanisms in which randomness is an almost constant phenomenon. This is a simulation of life. And what device could allow it to make? Quantum computer! It was on one of these machines that the largest project to simulate quantum life was launched.