Colombian security guard learned 5 languages. Secrets of polyglots: truth and fiction

Computer languages ​​don't die, but sooner or later there comes a time when they have to give way to the main stage. Sometimes it is very difficult to trace. For example, in COBOL, most likely not a single project was launched in the last year, but several hundred employees with knowledge of this language are required around the world.

That is, if you managed to become a cool specialist in a sought-after discipline, there will be at least a dozen years left until the need for a profession completely disappears. However, if you decide to tie your fate to a language in decline, you risk ending your career in a low-paying job.


Looking at the TIOBE rankings, Perl has been losing audience for years and there is no end in sight. But 30 years ago, thanks to a simple and effective syntax, he fell in love with all the geeks and hackers who called him "Swiss saw for servers". A few deft hand movements - and now you got access to the machine, reformatted the file, messed with the database.

The development of Perl led him to a dead end. Instead of adding functionality, he strayed into creating sugar for existing system commands.

And then there was Python. Simple scripts, syntax understandable even to a child - all this attracted a new wave of geeks to their side. When Python was overgrown with a bunch of libraries and tools, it turned out that Perl had nothing to show but its old school.


Objective-C is a language created in the 1980s that combines slightly redesigned C syntax with ideas from Smalltalk. Until mid-2008, it was used only in experimental projects and was known only in narrow circles of programmers. But then the expansion of the iPhone began (the legendary iPhone 3G was released in 2008), and the popularity of Objective-C climbed sharply. But the demand for the product could not hide the numerous flaws in the language. Apple put up with them for some time, but when the question of free application development arose, the company began work on a new language.

As a result, Swift became the executioner. After its appearance, the "shares" of Objective-C rapidly crawled down. It will probably be in demand for a few more years, but given Apple's determination and the obvious vector of development, learning Objective-C in 2018 is an absolutely useless exercise.

assembly language

Assembly language has become a victim natural evolution programming. Until a few years ago, anyone who created high-performance applications, including games, needed to understand it. But creating assembly code requires concentration, because there are simply no tools that can catch all the errors in kilograms of code.

Current trends prioritize development speed and reliability. Iron has become cheaper and more affordable. New high-level languages ​​have emerged that can process huge amounts of information with little loss of time. Maybe assembly language is unlikely to ever be unclaimed, but very soon it will become the language of harsh geeks.


For a similar reason, interest in C is gradually declining. It is still being studied in the leading universities of the planet, high hopes are placed on it in connection with the development of IoT, but the data does not lie - young geeks today will prefer to learn Python, Java, JavaScript and something else than connect their lives with Xi.

Like assembly language, the day is unlikely to come in the foreseeable future when C code will completely disappear from everyday applications. Most likely, it will be used in a modular way, in the most loaded places, and the shell and the main functionality will fall on the shoulders of high-level languages. If you take a look at the labor market today, you will see that few people need specialists with knowledge of C or assembler.


Even 5 years ago, ActionScript was the preferred language to learn over Python. Despite the narrow scope, its use in a web player allowed performance improvements compared to JavaScript. The main problem was that the player was named Flash Player.

Adobe Flash has always been fertile ground for vulnerabilities. Attackers constantly found ways to use it to penetrate users' computers, connect to equipment, steal data, and spread viruses. All this has led to the fact that today almost all IT companies have either completely ceased cooperation with Flash, or made it a user option. In 2020, Adobe will also abandon the product, after which ActionScript will forever disappear into history.

However, the language can be learned not only for the purpose of making money and building a career, but also just for fun. And in this case, no trend lines will affect your choice.

Everyone would like to show off their knowledge of foreign languages ​​in front of friends and relatives. In addition, having a good foreign vocabulary can make your life much easier if you decide to travel or unexpectedly run into a guest from abroad in your city. However, few actually know at least one foreign language beyond a few phrases like "hello", "bye" and "how are you". And it’s not even that it’s very difficult to achieve more. People don't even try to start learning languages, expecting it to be too difficult. Of course, to master English, German, Spanish or any other language, you need to make some effort. However, some secrets will help you quickly learn any foreign language, the main thing is not to be lazy and do the exercises suggested in this article every day.

Watching films

Watching movies is good. Especially if you are learning a foreign language. And we are not talking about educational films that are specially created as a guide for students. You can watch absolutely any movies that you like: comedies, horrors, melodramas. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: relax and improve your skills. The main thing is that the films you watch sound in the language that you would like to learn. And ideally, they were released in the very country whose native language you want to master. Then you will be able to watch movies in the original, and you will not have problems due to incorrect translation. And to understand what the main characters are talking about, turn on Russian subtitles. Over time, you will learn to perceive foreign speech and learn how to pronounce certain phrases correctly.

Find pen pals

The Internet provides many opportunities, take advantage of it! There are many online chat rooms where you can quickly meet and make friends with foreigners. Exchange contacts so as not to lose each other, and try to communicate every day at least a little. It is quite possible to understand a foreigner, even if you do not yet know his language, because online translators have become much better in recent years. However, they still often make mistakes and do not follow the order of sentences. Therefore, ask your new friend to point out mistakes to you when you correspond with him - this way you will quickly learn how to write correctly in another language. For everything else, just translate whatever you want to say. And best of all, if for each word you look for the correct translation separately - this way you will learn the language faster.

Train your voice skills

Writing is one thing, speaking is another. You can easily communicate with foreigners by writing, but not know how to pronounce this or that word. If you want to be able not only to read and write, but also to speak and perceive information by ear, you need to start practicing in terms of communication. Many translators have a word reproduction function. Listen to what the computer tells you and try to repeat. Once you're sure you're getting at least some of the phrases right, ask your pen pal to chat with you via webcam or audio chat. Let him appreciate your efforts and correct you if necessary.

Translate texts

Find a book or short texts in a foreign language on the Internet and start translating them. It will be most convenient for you if you print out everything written and sign unfamiliar words with a pencil right above the main text. Of course, this will take you a lot of time at first, because you will have to translate each word manually. However, in this way you will quickly learn many frequently repeated words. How often you will translate texts is up to you, depending on how quickly you memorize words.

Forget the alphabet

Ask yourself a question: how many times did knowing the Russian alphabet help you? Of course, it is important, but the order of the letters did not affect the way you speak and write words. Therefore, do not start learning the alphabet in a foreign language as the first thing, because this will be of little use. Letters in words will not always sound identical to their name. So, if you start learning a language from the alphabet, you will only waste your time. You will automatically remember everything you need in the process. Better start with greetings and the most frequent phrases - they will be more necessary and useful to you. Many people who decide to learn the alphabet first stop at this point in their plan, so it's best to skip learning the alphabet and focus on something more important.

Learning a language is not so difficult, the main thing is motivation. Set a goal for yourself and go for it. If you want to be successful, give your exercises a little time every day, otherwise you risk forgetting everything quickly. Also, a friend who has already gone through the same thing that you are going through now can greatly facilitate your work in learning a foreign language. In this case, as soon as you have questions, you will know who to contact. If you don’t have such a friend, it doesn’t matter, there are many forums on the Internet where you will definitely be helped. Remember: to learn a language, it is not at all necessary to pay a lot of money to a tutor or sign up for expensive courses. Follow the little tricks that we described in this article, and you will succeed. Do not focus on only one point, approach the matter as responsibly as possible. Only exercising at the same time different ways, you will quickly achieve success and learn the language in just a month. Do not be lazy, and then at one fine moment something will click in your head, and you will begin to understand foreign speech and texts. Take care of yourself, share your opinion and experience in the comments. So that this article is always at your fingertips, you can click on the appropriate buttons and publish it on your page on social networks and

Practice shows that in order to achieve good results in the language, it is not enough just to choose a teacher. Dr. Norman Fortenberry (MIT professor) says that a critical factor in any learning is multi-mode input is the use of several tools for obtaining information.

Depending on which one you havebasic type of perception of information (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), you need to saturate yourself with learning methods that suit you personally. And your English tutor is just a guide for you.

If your teacher is really good, then he will "weave" the language into your life and ask you to learn in different ways. A good Russian teacher will recommend practice with a native speaker, and a native speaker, if you need to seriously systematize grammar or specific skills to prepare for an exam, will ask you to “build a system” with a Russian teacher.

Your language will be sparse and irrelevant if only a textbook is used. Grammar will be lame if you study only with a native speaker, without using books or a strong systematizing tutor. The language will have an unusual melody and accent for foreigners if you study only with a Russian tutor. You will not be able to remove the language barrier if you study only from films with subtitles and so on.

The history of each of my 5 foreign languages ​​is different, BUT all languages ​​were learned with the help of multi-mode input. Here is a summary of my “learning formulas” for languages:

  • English language(free)
    • Kindergarten(Soviet!)
    • school (6 years, somehow)
    • Russian tutor (school, 1 year)
    • practice with visiting Americans at AIESEC (2-3 months)
    • special vocabulary (economics) at HSE (3 years)
    • practical ika on trips abroad (regularly)
    • education with subtitles on Coursera and EdX + reading articles
  • French(free)
    • school (10 years, but no practice)
    • Russian tutor (gorgeous! 1 year)
    • textbook by Popova-Kazakova (brilliant!)
    • French tutor ( 1 month)
    • study at the Sorbonne (6 months, but too much communication with Russian neighbors, little practice with locals)
    • reading articles (rare)
  • Portuguese(medium, you need to spend 2-3 days in a native environment in order to speak fluently b)
    • tete-a-tete lessons with a Brazilian (4 months)
    • 2 trips of 3 weeks to Latin America (communication with locals only on Rugalian!)
    • songs (sometimes I look at the translation)
  • Italian language(basic, you need to spend about a week in the environment of carriers in order to speak fluently)
    • tutorial (10 lessons)
    • Russian tutor (10 lessons)
    • a trip to an Italian family (3 weeks + songs (sometimes I watch the translation)
  • Spanish(basic, you need to spend about a week in a native environment in order to speak fluently it)
    • classes with a native speaker online (5 lessons)
    • practice in Latin America and Spain on trips + cartoons and songs with children

So, what will a good Russian tutor give you?:

  1. grammar (a Russian teacher is an ideal candidate for teaching grammar)
  2. preparation for local exams (USE or exams in specific universities, schools, even many international exams, with the exception of certain parts)
  3. structuring information in a more familiar way for you (meaning Russian traditions and mentality, learning habits laid down by our system)
  4. basic vocabulary (our teachers are very inventive in the ways of learning vocabulary and are good at explaining the subtleties in translating various words, especially synonyms)

What a good native tutor will give you:

  1. removal of the language barrier (you will never be afraid to speak with foreigners again)
  2. immersion in culture (the motivation for learning the language increases, as interest in the country as a whole grows)
  3. broadening one's horizons (native speakers talk excitingly not only about the language itself, but also about specific events related to their country. They will discuss with you the political and economic situation in the world and involve you in conversations that excite the world community as a whole)
  4. increasing emotional intelligence (you will see the difference in mentalities, learn to look at the same situations and events from different angles)
  5. live vocabulary + slang (you can watch the news, read the latest research in the area you are interested in)
  6. correct melody of the language

Not all English tutors (both Russian and native speakers ) are equally good, it is important to understand how much your teacher involves you in integrating the language into life and using it.

Look, listen, write by hand, repeat to yourself or aloud what you want to remember better, practice as much as possible, surround yourself with everything related to the language, weave it into your daily life(at least 10 minutes every day, in any way use it, that's my next article!), and he will not have a chance not to become free;)

(P.S. if you're interested, watch Dr. Fortenberry's 10 minute video on what he considers key principles of learning in general, this applies not only to languages)

Anya Stogova

Like all exemplary schoolchildren, in my childhood I subscribed to Pioneer Truth. Somewhere on the last page there was a popular section, something like "questions and answers." One day an unusual question catches your eye: “Dear editors, please tell me, are there any textbooks that can be used to learn several foreign languages ​​at once?” This question is still in my head...
I already became interested in the German language. I was about 8-10 years old when I accidentally found a German textbook during the holidays. I even remember the year of publication - the 54th. The book was lying on the mound of the neighbors. No cover, part of the pages torn out. Before that, I had never seen foreign letters. It seemed so interesting. I grabbed this book and dragged it home. It's good that one of the first pages survived. It said "Deutsch". My father, who once served in Germany, translated the name for me. He didn't know any other words. And the textbook was for the 7th grade, that is, for advanced ones. But I'm just incredibly lucky. My father is a simple man. He worked as a driver on a milk truck and transported milk to the neighboring village of Yelykaevo. It was a large village (it still exists), there was even a bookstore. My father stopped by that small bookstore, bought and brought me a German textbook for the 5th grade. And I didn't even ask him! And he wasn't even in fifth grade. How he came up with it, I still don't know! In this textbook for beginners, everything was already clear, and how letters, words are pronounced, and how to build a sentence ... I could not tear myself away from the book. I carried it around with me like a bible. We are going to the mowing - she is with me. To the forest - with me... Read every minute... Why? Don't know. Over the summer, I learned the textbook almost by heart.

Excerpts from the post and from the related article:

“Simultaneous teaching of several languages: myth or reality?”

1. Is it necessary to know several languages ​​if you already study or know English?

The coming century is characterized by the rapid development of information technologies that provide modern man the widest access to information and unprecedented opportunities for direct communication with people from different parts of our planet without having to leave home. These opportunities will become more significant if people speak not one, as a rule, English, but several languages. Humanity is entering an era of plurilingualism, an era when knowledge of one foreign language, which is most often English, becomes insufficient.
In Europe, EU officials are also concerned about rising costs for translation services (23 languages), as well as the fact that recently there has been a tendency to study only mainly English, which is not in the best way is reflected in the process of communication between the inhabitants of individual states of Europe. English as a means of international communication does not always help to establish effective intercultural communication between representatives of other, non-English speaking, linguistic communities.

2. Why study languages ​​at the same time, if they can be studied sequentially, having mastered one language well, then move on to another?

The question of the possibility of learning several languages ​​has been raised for a long time. The thought itself is interesting. Practically in the same time, not one, but two or three languages ​​are comprehended.
This is where the proverb comes to mind: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch one.” You can often hear that there will be confusion in the head, languages ​​will overlap each other. Of course, a special teaching methodology is needed, based on the comparison of languages, with exercises to prevent interference.

3. What languages ​​and how many languages ​​can be studied at the same time?

Theoretically, any language can be studied at the same time, even Chinese and, say, German, although we will immediately say that this combination resembles a “mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros”. It's not just about different type languages, but even in the writing system.
The most effective, of course, this technique will be on the material of related languages.
Since Russia has the closest economic, social and cultural ties primarily with European countries, it is necessary to focus primarily on European languages.
The main European languages ​​in terms of the number of speakers, in addition to Russian, include English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Dutch.
The traditional set of the most studied European languages ​​in Russia and Europe includes 5 languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. However, only three of them - English, French and Spanish - are among the so-called world languages. As you know, the number of speakers outside of Europe exceeds several times the number of their speakers in the Old World.
Of these 5 languages, French, Italian and Spanish are suitable for simultaneous teaching. Options like "German - Dutch - Swedish or Danish", "Polish - Czech - Slovak" or "Finnish - Estonian - Hungarian" could also be considered. Yes, the method of simultaneous teaching is possible with these combinations of languages. But it is necessary to take into account the pragmatic aspect in the study of languages, that is, to study not all languages ​​in a row, but first of all the most popular ones. In the group of listed Germanic languages, for example, only German is such. English is widely spoken in Scandinavian countries.
Romance languages, more precisely, French, Italian and Spanish, are in a privileged position. The choice of the simultaneous study of French, Italian and Spanish as a subject is explained by their role in the international arena and the special interest of Russians in France, Italy and Spain. The flow of tourists and the number of business trips from Russia to these countries is constantly growing. Experience shows that hopes for the opportunity to communicate with the French, Italians and Spaniards in English are not always justified.
All three languages ​​are included in the group of Romance languages ​​formed from the Latin language. It is the common origin from one language that determines the proximity of the Romance languages ​​to such an extent that it suggests the possibility of their parallel study. Identification of discrepancies against the general background of coincidences contributes to a more effective assimilation of the material, because everything is known in comparison ...
The languages ​​we have chosen are traditionally considered beautiful. More M.V. Lomonosov spoke of the splendor of Guishpan, the liveliness of French, the tenderness of Italian. The beauty of Romance languages ​​is directly related to their sound. This fact determines the importance of setting the correct pronunciation at the initial stage of learning languages.

4. Anyone can learn multiple languages ​​at the same time?

This question arises because knowledge of several foreign languages ​​is considered by many as a sign of the presence of special abilities, as something supernatural and seems to be a laborious task. It all depends on the degree of desire: Vouloir c'est pouvoir/ Volere è potere/ Querer es poder. Simultaneous learning/teaching of several languages ​​is based on a special methodology designed primarily for people who are passionate about languages, for people who are inquisitive and find pleasure in learning languages. The simultaneous development of three languages ​​is their study in a three-dimensional image. That is why, for greater volume, a third language, Italian, is included, that is, a language not as common as French and Spanish.
The method of simultaneous teaching is able to captivate even people who are initially critical of it or doubting, unsure of themselves. It just needs to start…

5. How realistic and to what level can you learn several languages ​​at the same time?

Projects for the simultaneous study of several languages ​​are being developed in Europe as well. They are based on the genetic relationship of the Romansh, Germanic and Slavic languages. Their goal is to teach a native speaker of one of the related languages ​​to read texts and perceive oral speech of speakers of other related languages ​​in a relatively short time. Training in conversational skills is not provided, because it is assumed that everyone will speak their native language when communicating. The main goal is mainly to teach only mutual understanding (intercompréhension réciproque) of written and oral speech through the acquisition of receptive skills.
The goal of our methodology is the comprehensive mastery of foreign languages ​​in a relatively short period (within 200 hours) with the assimilation of the basic skills and abilities of speech activity in everyday, social and cultural spheres of communication.
The task is to teach fluently and correctly, in compliance with phonetic, grammatical norms and on the basis of sufficient vocabulary, to speak and write in three foreign languages, to understand speech by ear, to read, to translate from one foreign language into Russian or into another foreign language, communicate orally and in writing via the Internet (electronic messages, chats), etc.
Foreign languages, and the same ones, can be studied all your life. The main thing is to get a solid foundation for further improvement of knowledge. Opportunities for improvement are sufficient today, but in the future there will be more and more. Internet resources provide them in huge quantities. Let's also hope that over time a visa-free travel regime in Europe will be established, which will contribute to active language practice directly in the countries of the languages ​​being studied.

6. What is the method of simultaneous language learning?

The methodology is based on a comparison of French, Italian and Spanish languages. Its two fundamental principles are the principles “from the known to the new” and “from similarities to differences”. Because the this method is focused on the Russian-speaking audience, it is necessary to compare with the Russian language. By the way, it is very important to make references to both English and German. We can say that the methodology in the full sense of the word is aimed at the formation of multilingual personalities, polyglots.
Russian and Romance languages, belonging to the Indo-European family, reveal genetic similarities (French maternité motherhood, French fraternité brotherhood, Italian vedere to see, Italian sedere to sit, Italian stare to stand, Italian il mio, il tuo , il suo my, yours, mine). In the course of its development, the Russian language has absorbed a huge layer of international vocabulary, which is mostly Romance. It is known that in order to speak good level in a foreign language, about two and a half - three thousand words are enough. This is the so-called frequency or common vocabulary. One third of these three thousand words are already known to Russian speakers:
tradition, profession, design, illusion, university, faculty, mentality, laboratory, audience, trend, distance, document, moment, organism, tourism, optimism, energy, geography, photography, continent, president, director, professor, lawyer, classical, fantastic, political, theoretical, climatic, normal, special, active, reactive, propagate, rehearse, organize and others. Many Italian-Spanish words differ from Russian words only in the writing system: luna, forma, natura, poema, biblioteca, opera, problema, sistema, tema, rosa, figura, temperatura, foto, industria, corona, bar, metro, pantera, Asia , América, África, propaganda, politica.
Pre-selected well-known international and borrowed vocabulary of Romance origin can be used while teaching Romance languages ​​at all levels, starting with phonetics.
Thus, the main thing in this technique, so to speak, know-how, is the careful selection of lexical and grammatical material and the sequence of their presentation, taking into account the results of the typological comparison of Russian and Romance languages ​​at all stages of teaching.
The basis and impetus for the development of this method is the author's own experience, accumulated in the course of studying and teaching three languages ​​for two decades. Teaching them separately, you catch yourself thinking that you have to repeat the same material. These languages ​​resemble three similar drawings in which you need to find the difference. Why is it impossible to explain the material once for three languages ​​and point out only the difference revealed against the background of similarities.
In addition, this method is based on the research of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of comparative typological study of Romance languages, work on comparing Russian and Romance languages, as well as on the existing educational and methodological literature on teaching Romance languages.
Simultaneous learning traditionally begins with phonetics. Created by the author study guides on the comparative study of the phonetics of three languages ​​with audio accompaniment, practical comparative grammar, vocabulary, a guide for the development of conversational skills with exercises to overcome the interference of languages, etc. In the first two groups, students of different ages are engaged, starting with students in the 9th grade and up to people 45 years old.

How to speak your chosen language today? How to achieve fluency in just a few months? How to impersonate a native speaker? And finally, how to learn several languages ​​and become a polyglot in just a couple of years?

Many people think that every person either has the language learning gene or not. But there are tricks and tricks for faster learning. Let's get started!

1. Learn the right words with the right method

To start learning a new language, you need to learn new words. Lots of new words. Of course, many people think that they do not remember new words well, and give up before even starting. To learn to speak, you do not need to know all the words. Come to think of it, you don't know the whole vocabulary even their own language.

In learning languages, you can use the Pareto law. 20% of the effort you put into memorizing new words will give you 80% of your understanding of the language. For example, in English, only 300 words make up 65% of all written material. We use these words very often. The same thing happens in any other language. You can find ready-made "stacks" of cards with the most frequently used words (or words on topics that you will talk about most often) in the application Anki app. This application is freely available and suitable for everyone operating systems and smartphones.

All good flashcard learning methods use the spaced repetition system (SRS). Anki applies this system automatically. Instead of going through the same list of words in the same order every time, you see the words at regular intervals before you have time to forget them.

2. Learn words of common origin: your friends in any language

Believe it or not, you already – right now – have a huge head start in learning your chosen language. Before you even start learning a language, you already know some of its words. It is impossible to start learning a language from scratch, because you most likely already know a significant number of words of common origin. These are words that have the same spelling and meaning in your native language and the language you are learning.

For example, in Romance languages ​​such as French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, there are many words similar to English. English “borrowed” these words during the Norman Conquest of England, which lasted several hundred years. “Action”, “nation”, “precipitation”, “solution”, “tradition”, “communication” and thousands of other words are spelled the same and have exactly the same meaning in French. And to a new pronunciation very quickly adapt. By changing the ending -tion to -ción , you get the same words in spanish. In Italian, the ending would be -zione, and in Portuguese -ção.

Many languages ​​also have words that share a common (Greek/Latin/etc.) root. Such roots may have a different spelling, but it will be very difficult for you not to recognize them. These are words like hélicoptère (French), porto, capitano (Italian), astronomía, and Saturno (Spanish). German goes one step further: it has many words that it shares with English.

To find related words in the language you are learning, simply try searching for “[name of language] related words/loanwords/words of common origin”. All this is great for European languages.

But what about when learning more distant languages? As it turned out, even in such distant English, like Japanese, there are whole groups of words familiar to us. Many languages ​​simply borrow English words and adjust them for themselves by changing the pronunciation or stress.

3. Use a new language every day

People often say they don't learn languages ​​because they can't travel to countries where those languages ​​are spoken. They don't have money for it, they don't have time, etc. You can believe that there is nothing in the air in other countries that will suddenly magically help you to speak their language.

Living abroad and immersing yourself in a language is not the same thing. If, in order to immerse yourself in the language environment, you need to hear the language all the time and use it, then why not immerse yourself in it virtually? Thanks to technology, the language environment can come to you - you don't even have to buy a plane ticket.

  • To hear the language, try using this site gives you access to a huge number of radio channels of any country of your choice. The free app also gives you access to a list of radio channels divided by language.
  • To watch programs in your preferred language, see which Youtube videos are currently the most popular in the respective country. Go to that country's Amazon or Ebay site and buy your favorite TV series dubbed in the language you want, or find another popular local show. You can save on shipping if you find a TV series dubbed in the desired language in your city or on the Internet. Many news channels such as France24, Deutsche Welle, and CNNEspañol provide online shows in their respective languages.
  • To read in the language, try using news sites. Visit the website Alexa and find out which blogs or sites are currently the most popular in the country you need.

And if full immersion in the language environment is not yet for you, then install a translator plugin on your browser. It will help you tune in to a new language by translating some of the sites you normally read in English and gradually introducing new foreign words into your daily reading.

4. Talk and practice on Skype every day

So, you have already started listening, watching videos and even reading in your chosen language - all from the comfort of your own home. It's time to take a big step forward. You can start talking with a native speaker. If you want to speak a language, start speaking it from the very first minute of learning. There are seven days in a week, and "someday" is not one of them.

For the first conversation, you only need to learn a few phrases. If you immediately start using them, you will immediately see what is missing, and you can add to your list. If you study alone, you will never feel ready for a real conversation. In the first few hours, learn the most frequently used phrases, such as "Hello", "Thank you", "Could you repeat that again?" or "I don't understand."

But where can you find a native speaker if you are not in the country where the language you are learning is spoken? Today this is not a problem at all! Thousands of native speakers are ready and waiting to talk to you right now. There are social networks where you can get private lessons for a small amount. For example on

If you still think you're not ready for a one-on-one conversation, think again. Lessons via Skype will allow you to gradually immerse yourself in the language environment. During a conversation, you can keep a list of key words in front of your eyes (for example, in Word), which you can refer to until you memorize them. You can also use Google Translate or any other dictionary during a conversation to immediately learn new words that you may need. Can this be called a "scam"? No. Your goal is to learn how to operate functionally, rather than follow traditional methods.

5. Save money. The best resources are free

Why spend hundreds of dollars on learning a language (unless, of course, this is the absolute attention of its native speaker). There are a lot of great resources on the internet. For example, DuoLingo- wonderful and absolutely free course which gets better and better with time. These resources will help you learn a language without spending a single cent. We offer you several alternative sources: Foreign Service Institutes, Omniglot Intro to languages, BBC languages, articles about languages ​​in About.

You can also try My Language Exchange and Interpals. Start talking offline. The Polyglot Club will help you find conversation clubs in your city, and Couchsurfing,, and Internationals they will tell you where the next meetings of language learning enthusiasts take place. Such meetings provide an excellent opportunity to meet both other people who are learning languages ​​of interest to you, and with native speakers. And that is not all. There are other absolutely free auxiliary resources:

This may seem like a long process to you. Try to learn words in this way just a few times, and you will immediately realize how effective it is. Plus, you only have to use this hook a few times. After that, the word itself will become part of your vocabulary.

Part 1. To be continued…