Designing a site for building a house. Land plot planning: all the details of the procedure

The design of a plot of 12 acres (photos and projects illustrate it) is a common option for landscaping a fairly large suburban area. On such an area there is an opportunity to show imagination by creating zones for various purposes. When considering the design of a plot of 12 acres, photos and projects of various styles can be easily found on the Internet. The correct layout of such a site will help to place all the desired elements on it, and arrange everything in a certain style.

The rational layout of the summer cottage with an area of ​​12 acres makes it possible to use it optimally for living, recreation and growing crops, and designing it in such a way that it pleases the eye and delights the guests.

When it is planned to design a plot of 12 acres according to the photos and projects offered by specialists, the following factors should be considered:

  • terrain;
  • plot shape;
  • soil type and groundwater level;
  • natural environment (forest, natural reservoirs);
  • climatic conditions and flood conditions;
  • orientation relative to the cardinal points;
  • natural light;
  • presence of centralized communications.

The design of a plot of 12 acres (photos and projects provide for different options) is based on the allocation of characteristic zones (zoning of the site).

In this area, it is advisable to distinguish the following zones:

  • residential sector, including the main house with a terrace or veranda, an attached or underground garage;
  • recreation area;
  • garden plot with the correct layout of planting different varieties of plants in the beds and with a greenhouse;
  • the economic sector, which includes rooms for pets and birds, sheds, etc.

Separately, you can highlight the Russian bath or sauna. It is impossible to do without a special allocation of a playground.

Arrangement of a residential area

The residential area is the basis for the design of a 12 acre site, and photos and projects show examples of execution. A country residential building can be of different sizes, but not more than 3 floors high. It can be located in the depth of the site or with access to the street, but no closer than 3-4 m from the road. It should be noted that bringing the house to the fore is considered a Russian traditional layout. Thus, a maximum area is provided for other zones and a recreation area is hidden from prying eyes.

Often the summer cottage is located on a protracted slope. In this case, the following recommendations are given for the placement of a residential building: if the slope is located on the south side, then the house is built on the most elevated place; on the northern slope - the house is being built approximately in the middle, slightly closer to the western border.

On an elongated section of 12 acres, a residential building is being built at the shortest border.

When developing a site project, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory sanitary standards for the placement of a residential building. The minimum distances from the house should be:

  • to a room with pets or birds - 15 m;
  • to the toilet or garbage storage - 20 m;
  • to the compost pit - 7 m.

From other buildings, a residential building should be separated by the following distances:

  • when using non-combustible building materials - 6 m;
  • with non-combustible walls, but a wooden roof - 8 m;
  • when using combustible building materials - 15 m.

The garage, as a rule, is located in close proximity to the house, and sometimes in the form of an annex or an underground room under the house.

When designing a residential building, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • it is better to place the residential sector in the northern part of the site with a predominance of shade;
  • the best option for the exit of the main windows is east and west;
  • it is better to have a veranda on the south side of the house, which protects the main interior premises from excessive heating in summer, and hypothermia and drafts in winter;
  • the external decor of a residential building is significantly improved if decorative and climbing plants are planted around the perimeter.

The garden area is an important element in the arrangement of a summer cottage. The task that is being solved when developing the overall design of a 12-acre site includes the optimal use of land and the harmonious combination of a garden and a vegetable garden with ornamental vegetation. It is most rational and beautiful to make the beds of the correct rectangular shape. It is recommended to allocate a place for a garden in the southern part of the site, not shaded by buildings and large trees. It is desirable to be protected by the house from the north winds.

The shrub can be placed along the fence (fence) in the northern and eastern parts. When planting tall trees, they should be placed no closer than 2 m to the fence in order to less obscure the neighboring area.

When arranging a garden, you should take care of the passages between the beds and organize irrigation. The most rational direction of vegetable beds (especially with clay soil) is from north to south, but in the presence of sandy soil it is recommended to direct them from east to west to prevent active drying of the soil. The beds with greenery quite allow shade, and therefore are often located near the house.

Organization of a recreation area

The recreation area can include a variety of elements at the discretion of the owners. First of all, this zone should be hidden from prying eyes, in the depths of the suburban area in a shady place, protected from the wind. The most common element is the gazebo. Its shape and dimensions depend on the overall design decision. It should not be too large to provide comfort, but at the same time allow the accommodation of people for collective recreation, for example, with tea drinking. It is important that its room is hidden from precipitation and sunlight. Climbing plants (hops, morning glory,) are actively used in decoration.

You can supplement the functionality of the gazebo by placing a barbecue or barbecue nearby. In other words, the gazebo can become the center of the recreation area, to which other elements are attached. A favorable psychological impact is provided by the breakdown of flower beds, the arrangement of small decorative ponds and fountains. A popular addition to the recreation area is the pool. Such an element is especially in demand in the absence of natural reservoirs nearby.

For privacy, you can install ennobled benches in the depths of the garden. There are numerous lovers to swing in a hammock, so this element should not be ignored either. When organizing a recreation area, it is necessary to take into account the hobbies and preferences of family members, the possible "influx" of guests, the possibility of relieving stress and obtaining psychological relaxation.

Many people prefer active recreation. In this case, having your own sports grounds becomes a simple necessity. The most popular varieties include a tennis court, a basketball hoop on a stand, a table tennis table, etc. Their placement should not be removed far from a residential building.

Arrangement of a playground

If there are children in the family, it is necessary to take care of the playground. Its arrangement should take into account the needs of the child, depending on his age. The playground area is generally clearly delimited by visible barriers. It can be a hedge or.

A playground for small children should be located next to the house with a constant view. For them, preference is given to brightly designed small attractions: a slide, an obstacle course, a swing, a swing-balancer, etc. Older children pay more attention to sports. In this case, you can install a small football goal, horizontal bar, etc.

Harmonious combination of zones

In order to ensure the harmonious design of the entire site, a detailed project plan should be developed and drawn. A plot of 12 acres can be attributed to a fairly large area on which, with proper organization, all the necessary zones can be placed. First of all, the plan proceeds from the location of the residential building, after which all outbuildings, a bathhouse, a toilet and other buildings are marked out. Circles mark the location of large trees. After such marking, it is possible to produce zoning of the entire area, taking into account the previously noted features.

The first and general impression of the design is provided by a restrictive fence. Quite often, the choice falls on a blank fence that closes the site from the curious. However, such a fence closes the site and from nature, creating a closed space. It should be borne in mind that a more open hedge creates unity with the outside world. When forming a hedge, attention should be paid to the possibilities of shrubs, small trees. An interesting solution could be a small fence made of natural materials (stone, wood).

When planning the overall design, special attention should be paid to the harmonious transition of one zone to another. Any landscape contains various individual elements, and it is important to combine them into a single system. There are several characteristic design solutions that provide style and overall harmony:

  1. Flower beds are the most common and essential element of decor. They can be of various shapes (round, rectangular, tape, etc.) and sizes. It is important to ensure the correct combination of them. For example, it is not recommended to place round flower beds of the same size next to each other. A combination of, say, flower beds 1.6 m and 2.8 m in size looks more interesting.
  2. Lawns and lawns. This element brings elegance to large areas. Irregularly shaped lawns look good in combination with decoratively trimmed shrub plants.
  3. Decorative trimming of bushes and trees. You can diversify the design by forming bushes into various shapes: balls, pyramids, etc.
  4. Paths and paths. Passages of different widths with stone or tiled surfaces can not only separate zones, but also create their own charm. Depending on the chosen style, they can be used to designate the correct geometric shapes, or you can diversify the design with paths of the most bizarre look.
  5. Elements of small architecture. Among such elements, sculptures, small fountains, decorative pillars, mushrooms, barriers and many other landscape decorations should be singled out. They look especially attractive in combination with small water elements: springs, streams, waterfalls, small ponds.

Plot 12 acres allows you to implement a variety of ideas. In such a territory, all the necessary areas for living, recreation and growing crops are well coordinated.

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A beautiful suburban area is not an accident, it does not appear by itself, it becomes so as a result of hard work. The layout of the suburban area should precede its development or reconstruction. This approach will save you from annoying mistakes and mistakes, the correction of which leads to unnecessary financial costs.

How to start planning a garden plot

If you think that God did not give you the talent of a designer, do not worry. Explore the options for planning a summer cottage, take into account our tips that are outlined in this article, add your own ideas to them, and you will succeed: you will equip the cottage of your dreams.

First of all, write down on a piece of paper all the wishes for the changes that you and your family want to see in their summer cottage. Then indicate what you want to keep and what to change. It can be buildings, trees, shrubs, paths.

Think carefully and choose the landscape style that you like best. If there is already a house on the site, the landscape design style must be tied to it.

The next list, which must be compiled very thoughtfully, is a list of those plants that will grow on your site. You have to be realistic: if there is no experience, do not be seduced by exotics, it is better to choose plants that are easy to care for and undemanding to soil and climate. Only in this way will you be able to avoid material and moral losses.

Pre-project analysis of the territory

When all the wishes are taken into account and recorded, you can begin a pre-project analysis of the territory. This is the first real step towards realizing your dream.

Work on the site plan

On a piece of paper, you need to draw a plan of the site, indicate on it the “south-north” and the wind rose, as well as all the buildings and plantings and communication routes available on the site.

After completing this chore, look around and determine the species that are worth masking and which ones to highlight. On the plan, indicate the main view points and the direction of the view rays. For example: from the recreation area you can see the forest or the playground.

Site exploration: playing with light and shadow

In order not to make a mistake when choosing places for rock gardens, flower beds and beds, it is necessary to study the illumination of the site.

To begin with, determine the position of the site relative to the cardinal points and stock up on pegs. They will need 20 - 30 pieces. Mark half of the pegs with bright paint or thread.

After waiting for a sunny day, at eight o'clock in the morning, mark with a marked peg the top of the shadow from an object, for example, a tree. Every two hours, note the movement of the top of the shadow. After lunch, carry out this procedure using ordinary pegs.

Determining the shadow zone

Having measured the distance from the object to the first peg hammered at 8 o'clock, adhering to the scale, transfer it to the plan. Mark the marked pegs with crosses, and the usual ones with dots. By connecting all the crosses and all the points with lines, you will get the movement of the shadow of a certain object during the day. Shade the intersections of the lines. There is the thickest shadow.

These places are quite dark and cool even on the hottest day. Such conditions are not suitable for many plants. But they are ideal for creating a moss garden. If this idea does not inspire you, you can plant periwinkle, ostrich, hostas.

Shade zones in the summer cottage

Pay attention to the border between the morning shadow and light. The shadow quickly decreases, giving way to the sun. In these areas it is good to create flower beds, rabatka and mixborders.

After lunch, the sun is not so hot anymore, but there is enough light. These are ideal conditions for the lush color of clematis and roses.

If you need to choose a place for a garden, take it to the most illuminated place. Only in this case, you can count on a good harvest.

You have thought over the zoning of the site, determined the place of each object in the garden, indicated everything on the plan. You can take the next step - develop a planting plan. The planting plan gives you an idea of ​​what the area will look like when you breathe life into it - plant the plants.

A general planting plan is developed for the site as a whole. It includes large trees and shrubs, lawn and flower beds, as well as arches and pergolas entwined with lianas.

Once again, re-read the list of plants you have compiled that you would like to see in your country house. But first, make sure that these plants are suitable for climatic conditions and soil quality. If you doubt some, cross them off the list.

Plantings in flowerbeds and other flower beds are not included in the general planting plan.

For each of them, a separate plan is developed on graph paper, using colored pencils or felt-tip pens. Plants are numbered and a list is made indicating the number of plants to be planted.

Examples of successful planning of a summer cottage

When the layout of the suburban area in the pictures is completely ready, look at it very critically. Evaluate whether it meets the rules of good design. These rules can be formulated as follows:

  • Simplicity

Even on a large plot, it is impossible to equip many flower beds, flower beds, paths if there is no visible logic in their placement. In such a garden there will be no feeling of harmony and tranquility.

  • Balance

Mentally weigh the left and right sides of your site. If one of them is "heavier", the garden is not balanced. This procedure is not as easy to perform as it seems at first glance: a coniferous tree, for example, will always look more “heavy” than a deciduous one.

  • Unity

The whole site should be perceived as a single entity. But this does not mean at all that all elements must be of the same color or from the same material. Their stylistic decision should be sustained in the same key.

  • Contrast

Plants should be contrasting not only in color (red and silver, yellow and purple), but also in shape.

  • Scale

We adhere to the proportions between the width, height and length of the different elements of the garden. Do not get carried away with both large and very small objects. A tiny flower bed on a large lawn or a small patio near a large house will look equally out of place.

Video project of landscape design of a plot of 15 acres

Design project of a small plot of 9 acres

Site design in pictures

Design project of a rectangular plot

After completing the project, you can take on its implementation in reality. One has only to remind impatient summer residents that this work is not easy, do not count on quick results. It is only in television programs that the miraculous reincarnation of a garden takes place in 24 hours. In real life, everything is much more complicated.

The layout of the landscape design of the site is available to everyone. To equip a territory that everyone will like, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for creating a project.


If you become the owner of a summer cottage, you will need a lot of time and effort to ennoble it and turn it into a comfortable place to stay. Every person dreams of having a family estate, where not only his children, but also grandchildren would come.

Before you start arranging your territory, you should study the features of the territory:

  • before work, you will need to think over a program of action. In this case, a drawn up scheme will help, which will show in detail the layout of the future estate;
  • when working on a project for your site of 6 and 12 acres, you should take into account the features of the relief, the location of hills and ravines, mountains. These factors have a direct impact on the location of buildings and functional areas;

  • study the features of the forms of your site. Each form has its own rules, according to which you can competently equip the territory. Any form, even unsuccessful at first glance, can be transformed if you approach the issue wisely;
  • cardinal directions have a direct impact on the formation of future design. Depending on the location of your area, several arrangement options will be available to you;

  • on a plot of 4 acres or 5 acres, you can place only the most necessary items. For larger territories, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 9 acres or 15 acres, you can come up with a larger number of buildings and structures;
  • study the soil type of your site 30 by 40 meters, as this indicator will affect the type of vegetation that you can afford. On poor soil, not every plant will be able to survive and please with a rich harvest. To ensure good fruitfulness of the land, it will be necessary to import fertile soil;
  • the presence of natural reservoirs and the level of groundwater affect the arrangement of the drainage system.

A personal plot of 40x30 m can be very cozy if you make the design correctly. To accomplish this task, you will need to responsibly study the characteristics of your particular territory. A detailed planned project, where all further actions are displayed, will help you to foresee all the difficulties that may be encountered in the future.


The style of the suburban area should be thought out in advance. Depending on the characteristics of the territory, you can choose the design you like and bring it to life.

  • Many landscape experts suggest using ecological style. Interest in such design is caused by a high degree of man-made atmosphere. In such gardens, natural forms, beautiful flower combinations and bright colors are acceptable. This style is based on a counterweight to the landscape setting. Reservoirs are equipped with biofilters and special systems that guarantee water purity and rational consumption.

  • Provence style becomes recognizable due to the large number of small decorative details. In such a garden, garden figurines, flower beds, artificially paved paths and streams should be placed. All elements look succinctly against the general background, forming a thematic setting. Plant fragrant herbs such as lavender, rosemary, or thyme. They will complement the French dacha decor.

  • In country dense planting of flowers, combinations of fruit trees, vegetable beds and greenery prevail. With arbors that hide in the lush foliage and decorative wrought iron elements, you can create a charming design. If your house does not have a veranda, you will need a cozy patio with a gazebo, summer houses, a swing sofa. Designers recommend planting grapes, ivy or roses. This dendrological style is endowed with coolness and pleasant aromas of flowers.

  • If you want to surprise your guests, pay attention to mediterranean style. It is created using multi-stage fountains, columns, cypress, lavender and garden furniture in terracotta shades. Suitable for a large plot, and can also create a cozy atmosphere for a small family estate. To rationally spend a small area, you can build a duplex.

  • Modern style popular in landscape design. This type of arrangement is characterized by minimalism, in which there are numerous patterns and labyrinths. Pay attention to this design if you are the owner of a corner plot. The layout must be smart. Add natural stone, concrete and metal structures to your landscape. Any plant is allowed, but most garden owners prefer green.

At night, LED flashlights will look original at such a dacha.

  • African style in the country is gaining popularity. Here you will find unlimited scope for style maneuvers. When creating such a layout, it should be remembered that only natural materials are allowed. It is best to use wood. Such a landscape is characterized by warm and hot colors. Customize your garden with decked wooden paths, figurines with idols, stone vases and rattan furniture

  • If you plan to relax on the territory of the estate in winter, pay attention to forest style. Grilling a barbecue in a pine forest is an original idea that everyone present will appreciate.

  • Aged design is also popular. It is enclosed in an artificially aged garden, which looks like an abandoned estate. The special atmosphere is harmoniously complemented by wild herbs and flowers, which, in combination with a residential building, create an atmosphere of mystery and loss.

There are no limits for landscape design. You can create any style you like. The choice of the desired design should be made on the basis of their capabilities, skills and financial reserves. You can also entrust such a process to professionals who will individually develop a project that suits your site.


Do-it-yourself planning of a personal plot should be carried out on the basis of the requirements for the design of the territory. When developing a project, make sure that the distributed and designed areas are harmoniously intertwined and combined with each other. Designers advise decorating in one tone or choosing matching shades. Bright contrasting colors will look good at their summer cottage.

All buildings should emphasize a single concept of the site. To combine functional areas, you can use arches, borders and uniform structures. Due to lighting, a bridge and general color schemes, you can beautifully connect and decorate the territory. At each dacha, flowers will be appropriate, acting as a link and an aesthetic component.

What is the decor of the suburban area:

  • choice of colors, competent distribution of accents;
  • decoration of the territory with the help of flowers, flower beds;
  • selection of fruit and berry plantations and planting trees;
  • location on the site of reservoirs, artificial waterfalls;

  • arrangement of the pool;
  • selection of material for paths, selection of the necessary shape of paths;
  • the use of figurines and sculptures located throughout the territory;
  • original designs chosen as a division of functional areas;
  • planting a lawn on slopes or next to a recreation area.

artificial reservoirs

Landscape design does not always require large-scale events. However, if you cannot imagine your family estate without water facilities, be prepared to say goodbye to extra meters for the sake of a pond or pool. It is not very difficult to create artificial lakes and the whole process begins with the choice of a concept.

In order for the created water structure to harmoniously fit into the overall picture of landscape design, it will be necessary to carry it out in the same style with the entire site.

Living and decorative fences

To accommodate a recreation area, a plot of 12 acres will suffice. It will fit a gazebo, which hides from prying eyes behind a living wall of shrubs, as well as a vegetable garden, separated by a bright mixborder from fruit trees.

With the help of non-uniform fences, you can give your site a more voluminous look.

garden paths

With the help of trails, you can move around the homestead in any weather. If your project includes lawns, flower beds and paved terraces, pay attention to the paths made of natural stone or larch. This combination organically fits into the design of the territory and supports a single concept of the site.

The material for the paths is selected based on the environment, terrain features, groundwater levels and the load on the surface.


Lamps on the territory of the cottage may have a different decor. With luminous paving stones on the paths, fiber optic light sources that emphasize the outline of buildings and lanterns located around the perimeter, you can create a great environment. This solution is functional, decorative and can cheer you up.

Small decorative designs and details

In most cases, the artistic component of garden figures is not original. This becomes noticeable at the moment when they lose their attractiveness due to weather conditions and time. If you are concerned about the improvement of your site, but do not want to overpay for expensive compositions, choose small-scale wooden elements. Due to natural origin, such structures look organically on the territory of the dacha and retain their attractiveness for a long time.


Agricultural work is often carried out in country estates, fruit crops are grown and pickles are harvested for the winter. Children are engaged in a dedicated play area, and guests are located near the barbecue and communicate in the gazebo. Some people love to soak up the sun and sunbathe. Men dream of their own workshop.

In the countryside, you can do a lot of things, depending on your interests. To ensure a comfortable stay in the country of each family member, you should responsibly approach the issue of zoning the territory. Think of each household member and create a place where they can immerse themselves in their atmosphere and enjoy being outdoors. To make everyone happy, you need to study the zoning system of the family estate.

All household plots can be divided into several functional zones:

  • residential;
  • household and household purposes;
  • recreation areas;
  • arrangement of gardens and orchards.

Planning should be carried out on the basis of a rational division of the site. Plan in advance where infrastructure facilities will be located. According to the accepted norms, about 9-11% of the territory should be allocated for development, the utility yard, paths and landscaping should occupy about 14-16%, and the garden with a vegetable garden will occupy about 65-77% of the total area.

Planning is considered a creative process. It all depends on the flight of your imagination and wishes, but it is desirable to comply with generally accepted standards, as this will allow you to avoid typical mistakes. For each zone, it is necessary to allocate its place on the site, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory, the location of the site on the cardinal points, and the features of the relief.

To correctly plan the zones of your estate, study the key subtleties of the process and implement them in your project.

Living sector

The house is a key detail in a country economy. The division of the territory into sections should begin with the choice of a place for building a residential area. Other zones will depend on this place.

Household objects

The economic zone should be located in the depth of the territory. Some designers advise moving the zone closer, but at the same time it should be hidden from prying eyes behind decorative plantings and buildings.

Buildings should be located on the territory so that they protect the site from the winds and do not create additional shade. The best solution is the north or northwest side. Shrubs can be placed along the perimeter of the site, which are not afraid of the shadow.

Recreation area

This place is considered the most beautiful part in the country. Here your guests will gather, and other household members will communicate with each other, and children can also play. The recreation area can be placed in any part. You can put it in one place or place it throughout the site, based on your preferences.

Most summer residents decide to build beautiful paths here, on the sides of which beautiful flowers grow. Shrubs are planted in the visibility zone. Unremarkable flowers that have a pleasant aroma can be planted here.

The gazebo where your family and friends will gather should be in a picturesque setting surrounded by trees and beautiful flowers. You can decorate structures with arches entwined with grapes.

Do not forget about the key link in such a zone - the brazier. Without it, the rest will not be considered complete.


The sunny side is suitable for the garden. The shadow from buildings will not interfere with the development of green spaces, which will allow you to get a good harvest every year.

Previously, summer cottages were kept only for the garden. At the moment, this rule is a thing of the past, and country houses are equipped for pleasure and relaxation.

However, each territory, even if simple lawns are equipped on it, will need light and water. If your land is located at different levels, plant plants that love moisture at the bottom.

If you decide to get out of the city, study the basic principles of territory zoning:

  • functional areas should be placed rationally;
  • a minimum amount of land should be allocated for buildings and pedestrian zones;
  • the distance between objects should be minimal.

With the help of these rules, you can competently solve the issue of zoning a suburban area.

Such tips are suitable even for a triangular section and other shapes.

Principles and schemes

In summer cottage construction, three types of territory planning are used:

  • landscape;
  • regular;
  • the combined style, in which both types of planning are present, is widely demanded.

Regular style will be optimal for flat terrain. It is characterized by the geometric pattern of the building, the area for the placement of beds and paths. This style belongs to the category of economical if you are focusing on the cultivation of crops. Planting trees can be done in a checkerboard pattern, in the form of a rectangle or square. For tracks, you should choose straight-line compositions.

All compositions that are performed in this design must contain the correct placement of components regarding the given and key axes. Only strict geometric shapes are allowed. This rule also applies to bodies of water. Make sure that the shapes of the paths and alleys also repeat the clear and even concept of the whole style.

In landscape style, you can freely place plants. This style is suitable for a complex microrelief, as it is characterized by winding paths, smooth changes in the types of plant representatives. The landscape style assumes a utilitarian use of the site. With it, you will give your cottage an attractive and bright appearance.

When choosing this style, forget about straight and symmetrical lines. Necessarily the presence of irregularities in the territory, ravines, artificially created hills and ponds of irregular shape.

The paths that will be located on the territory should have a wavy structure without far-fetched and sharp forms. Choose only natural material or its imitation.

The mixed style combines the previous two. Based on the location of the area to be decorated, it provides a lot of choice of ideas. At the moment, this style is considered the most popular.


After you have thought over the project of your future site, you can move it from thoughts to paper. For example, you can take a plan.

In order to spend only the right amount of funds and better understand the structure of your land, experts advise drawing up a diagram with your own hands. To do this, you will need drawing skills, familiarity with scaling and spatial thinking.

Draw a map of the area on paper. If you purchased a plot of 9 acres, choose a scale of 1: 100. To draw a diagram, you will need a sheet of 30x30 cm. Line it with a grid that consists of squares with sides of 1 cm or purchase graph paper. In this case, it turns out that each square occupies one square meter of your garden plot.

Then you can cut out buildings from paper. Cut out what you plan to place on the territory. Move the layout around the drawing, determining the most convenient location. Consider the functionality and purpose of the object, the terrain, the shape of the existing area and climatic conditions. Do not forget about the sanitary and fire safety component.

You can make a three-dimensional modification of the plan from paper material or use plasticine. Thanks to this arrangement, you can determine the most shaded areas, a place for a vegetable garden and flower beds. Preparing a plan on paper in advance will cost you less than remodeling or replanting plants in the future.

Principles and rules for creating a plan:

  • consider the location of the house, taking into account its main and auxiliary entrances;
  • take into account the places where additional outbuildings will be built;
  • allocate zones for playgrounds and paths;

  • consider options with a fencing fence;
  • plants and other decorating elements should be indicated in your project;
  • do not forget to designate power lines and utilities.

In more detail, the plan-scheme should be thought out in relation to the cardinal points. This stage is important for proper planting. To calculate the warmest and most protected areas, add the direction of air movement to your project.

When your scheme is ready, you can contact the official services and get a master plan for the site. A well-designed plan-scheme will contribute to your confidence in further communication with builders and landscapers.

Planning secrets

In the process of organizing a plan for your summer cottage, you should rely on its shape. Depending on the appearance of the territory, new subtleties and possibilities are revealed. There are several common square shapes for which proper layout is important.

An L-shaped lot is considered difficult, so take your plan seriously. Designers recommend using the protruding part as a recreation area or playground.

If you purchased a triangular lot, look into the asymmetric planning approach. The focus should be on components with a round shape.

These elements include:

  • gazebos for relaxation;
  • lawn;
  • flower beds.

All buildings can be placed in remote corners. At first, the triangular shape can be confusing, but any positive person can arrange all the zones in such a territory in a functional and creative way. Due to this form, buildings with non-standard projects, flower beds, beds with an irregular shape and other additions can be translated into reality. Asymmetry in such a territory would be the best solution. Take this into account in your project.

For a rectangular plot, you can use the standard principles for drawing up a plan. This form is considered the most common and allows you to easily make a layout.

Often planning a long section is required. If you have purchased a small plot of elongated shape, use the following option: inside the territory there should be a house, to which a straight path leads through the recreation area and the garden. However, this method will make the plot shape uninteresting.

To visually expand the territory, you can use the following techniques:

  • place bright objects on both sides of the path. They will draw attention. Accents should stand at a small distance from the path, increasing and visually expanding the space;
  • you can use benches, simple arches, which are braided with grape branches. Many housewives use colored gnomes;
  • to make a long and boring trail more interesting, add small, distracting paths that lead deep into the territory;

  • try dividing the section along the length into several zones. Each territory should have its own characteristics;
  • shrubs are able to change the proportions of a long section. Choose large shrubs with beautiful flowers for these purposes;
  • give up spacious lawns. They don't fit that shape.

If you are making a plan for a plot with a round shape, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • the house should be located in the center;
  • other outbuildings should be placed away from prying eyes;
  • trees, shrubs and flowers should be located along the fence;
  • you can highlight the features of the shape of your site with the help of artificial reservoirs, arbors and unusual flower beds.

Many people purchase sloping plots.

In such areas there are hills and folds, which even now cannot surprise anyone. To turn the territory into a place for comfortable pastime and living, you need to carefully consider its planning.

Experts divide such territories into two categories: with a slope of 15 degrees or more. The magnitude of the slope has a direct impact on the technology of building a country house and the whole process. A slight slope does not affect changes in the layout of the house, but construction work should be carried out at the highest point. This method eliminates the possible flooding of the building, and will also guarantee a good overview of the entire site.

If the slope is more than 15 degrees, some tricks should be used when designing the drawings.

To reduce the steepness of the slope, you can use the following methods:

  • break the slope into several horizontal terraces. Along the edges of the levels, it will be necessary to equip retaining walls and restrictive slopes. On the terraces, you can plant plants or arrange the necessary buildings;
  • a drainage system must be present at each level to ensure the removal of storm water;

  • you can use the backfill or cut the slope in those places where the buildings will stand;
  • consider the issue with the support of the remaining soil. This method allows you to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage. Equipping a drainage system will also be required;
  • walkways will help you move around the site. They may have the appearance of steps or ramps.

A diagonal path of steps, which is directed up a steep ascent, will look original on the territory.

You can build a house on a slope by maintaining the natural slope and horizontal position of the house. You can get this effect with the help of the basement. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to build a large basement. It can be a garage, a storage shed or a kitchen. With this method, you will get a two-level room.

If the slope is small, the garden will have the characteristics of a flat area. Medium slope will require the use of retaining walls and terraces. Making a territory with a large slope will require large-scale construction work. The concept of a garden plot on a slope is more similar to landscape solutions.

However, you can also make a regular garden. For example, many Italian Renaissance garden plots were located on the slopes, pleasing the eye with a view of the cascade and stairs. With this technique, you can equip even the steepest slope.

To equip such a site, you will need to carefully strengthen the slopes and slopes.

For this you will need:

  • planting vegetation with a well-developed root system;
  • fixing the slope mechanically. In this matter, biomats, cellular geogrids and other materials will help you;
  • planting trees and shrubs.

Site planning is very diverse, but general principles are required. The planning option will depend on a whole list of conditions, including geological, geodetic and climatic indicators, as well as on your capabilities and imagination.

How to place buildings

Most often, household buildings, even a narrow section, are located on the farthest side of the territory. With the help of such a scheme, you can hide unattractive buildings from the eyes of strangers and unload the main part of the area. The placement of outbuildings should be made based on the functionality of the facility.

Several options for how to arrange the house.

  • If you are the owner of a rectangular plot with a flat terrain, the house can be located anywhere. An object that borders the street will reliably protect the territory from prying eyes, and the central location will help you create a secluded atmosphere;
  • for a plot with a narrow shape, the location of the house near the shortest or side side will be optimal. With the help of such a layout, you can rationally use the free space. Thus, you will expand the space near the entrance, and your site will become more voluminous;

  • if you bought a plot on a slope, rely on the location of the hill. On the southern slope, the object should be located at the highest point. On the eastern or western hill, it is recommended to build a house at the highest point on the northern border. Soil with a slope to the north side is considered the most inconvenient option. The building must be erected near the western border or in the center of the slope.

Everyone will agree that sheds, workshops and small buildings for storing garden tools are best located in the most remote areas. If you are thinking about where to put the garage, choose the convenience of the entrance, and when setting up the greenhouse, you will need the most illuminated area.

Not a single site on which there are economic facilities can be considered comfortable. Each dacha should have a shed in which the necessary tools will be stored, a bathhouse for a good rest and an outdoor toilet. Without such buildings, your country house will look inferior.

All buildings should be located along the perimeter of the territory, at the maximum distance from the residential building. Incorrect combination of an outbuilding with decorative elements adversely affects the design of the entire area as a whole. This condition applies to the toilet and compost pits, as unpleasant odors will enter the house and spoil the whole pastime. Make a preliminary plan to make it easier to move forward.

The garden should border the barn in the same way as the flower beds. You do not need to go far when you need some item. Owners of cottages who own motor vehicles should take care of building a garage. It is recommended to place such an object near the gate. If you decide to build a place for your iron friend in the depths of the garden, you will be faced with the need for an additional road to the object.

It is not necessary to place buildings along the edges of the summer cottage. You can place objects however you see fit. Consider in your work the situation on the cardinal points, exclude excessive dimming, or vice versa, the location on the sunny side.

To plan a competent landscape design of a summer cottage, you will need the help of specialists. After studying the recommendations of professionals, you will find answers to existing questions.

Having conceived the construction of a house, many developers lose sight of the fact that you first need to properly plan all the buildings on the site, and only then build a cottage. If you miss this moment, then problems will arise. For example, it turns out that in front of the house there is not enough free space for a garage or a normal parking lot. The change house is not squeezed between the fence and the greenhouse, and there is nowhere to put the playground. Fire-prevention distances are not maintained between the bathhouse and the neighbor's log house, and at the place where the owner wants to equip a private recreation area with a barbecue, his wife has already decided to set up a vegetable garden.

This article will help you rationally plan the site and, thereby, avoid conflicts with neighbors and endless disputes with household members.

  • At what minimum distance from each other can a house and outbuildings be built.
  • Where can I build a garage on a suburban area.
  • How to properly plan a site.

How to position the house and outbuildings relative to the red line and the border of the neighboring plot

The planning of the site begins with the development of its detailed plan. The stage is divided into a number of successive steps:

  1. Take a graph paper or line a sheet of paper into a box, observing, for convenience, a scale of 1:100, i.e. 1 cell (1 cm) - 1 meter. If the plot is large, then the scale can be increased 1:200 (1 cm - 2 m) or 1:300 (1 cm - 3 m).
  2. Draw the boundaries of the pre-measured area and the road line on the drawing. Sign the length and width of the plot with a pencil. Specify the cardinal points.
  3. Mark on the plan the distance from the border of your site (or the intended fence line) to neighboring buildings, for example, by asking your neighbors.
  4. Armed with a tape measure, measure the dimensions of all buildings (change houses, an old house) that are already on the site, and the distance from them to the border of your site (fence line). Draw the dimensions on the plan.
  5. Mark on the plan where the entrance gate and gate are (or will be placed). If trees grow on the site that are planned to be left, they also need to be put on the plan.

The main thing is not to ignore the planning stage and put on the drawing the exact dimensions of the site boundaries and all planned buildings.

Now, knowing the dimensions of the planned house and buildings, drawing them on the plan, you can estimate whether they will fit on the site. The main thing is to draw every little thing, including paths, a place for a vegetable garden, greenhouses, a lawn, etc.

In order not to redraw the plan each time, it is better, observing the length and width, to cut out “patterns” from a piece of cardboard on a scale of 1 cm = 1 m - i.e. construction spots of a cottage, garage, change house, etc. Now, moving the "models" according to the plan, you can easily change their location relative to each other, the red line or the border of the neighboring area.

Depending on the knowledge, the plan can be drawn by hand or take advantage of the capabilities of computer software.

In the photo below are pictures of well-done site plans.

Plan for a narrow area.

Site plan on graph paper.

So, the plan is drawn, and the country owner can't wait to start filling his territory with objects. Take your time. The second step is to study the documentation regulating the arrangement of land plots. As practice shows, at this stage there are a lot of questions. Here are the most frequent ones:

  • What distances must be maintained between the various buildings on the site.
  • What fire distance to provide between neighboring houses.
  • At what distance from the fence and from the road can you build a garage.

In order not to get into the jungle of legislation, we simplify our work and write down the distances that are necessary to draw up a plan for a suburban area, adhering to the scheme:

  • The distance from the border of the neighboring plot to the house and outbuildings.
  • Fire-prevention distances to buildings on the site of neighbors.
  • Distance from home to red line.
  • Sanitary distances, for example, between a house and a septic tank, a well or a well.

Now we study the following images.

Minimum distances between objects on the site.

The distance to the red line is the distance that is maintained from the edge of the carriageway (edge ​​of the road), and not from the fence, to a country house.

That is, if five meters are maintained from the road to the fence (boundary), then the house can be built at a distance of three meters from the fence.


  • minimum distances from yard toilets, garbage pits, cesspool septic tanks to a neighboring house - 4 m.
  • the minimum distance from the borders of the neighboring plot to the open parking lot is 1 m;
  • the minimum distance from the borders of a neighboring plot to a detached garage is 1 m.

Minimum fire distances between houses on neighboring plots.

How to use the table. For example, you and your neighbor have stone houses (a). This means that the distance between the cottages should be 6 m. If you have a house of type (a), and your neighbor has a house of type (b), then a distance of 8 m is maintained between them. A distance is already maintained between a house of type (b) and type (c) 10 m, and between wooden or frame houses 15 m.

Minimum sanitary distances from buildings on the site to the fence.

Compliance with the necessary distances during the construction of a house and outbuildings on the site is primarily necessary for the developer himself. For example, in the event of disputes with neighbors who have written a complaint to the supervisory authorities, as well as for putting the cottage on the cadastral register.

Where can I build a garage on the site

Let's not forget about the frequently occurring nuances.

palychch FORUMHOUSE user

I want to build a garage in the corner of the lot, using it as part of the fence. There is a roadway on both sides. The IZHS site is located in the village. I am already confused with these distances, it is possible to do this or not.

PaulWist FORUMHOUSE user

If the distance to the garage complies with fire and sanitary standards, and more than three meters are maintained from the side passage to the fence, then the garage can be built 1 m from the boundary from the side passage. At the same time, snow from the roof should not fall on passers-by.

From the side of the street, the garage can be in line with the fence. This standard is determined by local law, but there is judicial practice that legalizes garages on the front side of the site.

Before building something, it is better to clarify in advance if there are any additional restrictions, for example, due to a gas pipe passing close to the site, so that later you do not fear that the building will be forced to be demolished.

One more nuance. Sometimes situations arise when a homeowner wants to attach a garage to an already built cottage.


If the garage is built on the same foundation as the cottage and has common walls with it, then it is part of the building. Therefore, all indents are considered as from home. If the garage has its own foundation and its own walls, then it is an attached outbuilding. Accordingly, indents are considered as from a farm building.

Jean56 FORUMHOUSE user

And I have such a situation - the site is located on the lands of individual housing construction. There is a building permit. I built a "box" at home, and attached a garage to the house. Those. - different foundations, only the walls and the roof adjoin. I applied to the local administration for obtaining an act for construction in progress. A representative arrived and said that the construction was carried out with violations, because. the distance from the garage to the fence is less than 3 m. I say that according to the standards for an extension, it is supposed to retreat 1 m, and she insists that it is 3 m. It turns out that everyone interprets the concept of an extension and the standards as he wants.

At the end of the article - a few tips for optimal site planning:

  • Everything that you plan to build on the site must be discussed with the whole family. This will help avoid conflict situations. Ideally, after creating a virtual plan, all household members leave for an empty lot. Pegs with stretched ropes or stones mark the places (spots of buildings) of the planned buildings. This is a house, a garage, a bathhouse, a utility block, a workshop, a greenhouse, a garden, a lawn, etc. Paths are marked with sand or spray paint, so that you can walk along them from one object to another and understand in nature whether it is convenient or not. Further, in the "brainstorming" mode, the optimal options for site planning are selected and finally approved.

  • The lawn is not a way to fill empty spaces on the site, but a separate independent element. Remember that the more bushes, trees and objects that are difficult to mow are planted on the lawn, the more difficult it is to care for and maintain the grass in a beautiful state.

If trees are planted on the lawn, it is best to frame them with trunk circles, for example, made of stone. It's beautiful and it's easier to mow the grass.

  • Paths to the house can be made straight or more decorative - curved. Remember that in pursuit of design delights, one should not forget about functionality and that the shortest distance is a straight line. If a person has to walk from home to a change house or greenhouse along an elaborate and too curved path, then most likely he will cut his way and eventually go straight.

  • It is important to maintain the optimal distance from the house to the road in order to create a buffer zone for planting trees or shrubs in the entrance area. Green spaces will protect the site and the house from dust, noise, prying eyes and create a private zone.

Plants planted in the entrance area decorate the site, and the cottage looks more interesting against their background than just a fence and immediately behind it a porch and an entrance to the house.

  • When choosing a place to remember that children need constant supervision. Therefore, the play area should be located near the house and be clearly visible from the windows of the cottage, for example, from the kitchen, even while the hostess is preparing dinner.

  • A recreation area with a sauna, a gazebo and a barbecue is mainly located behind the house, in the so-called. private part, which is separated by a cottage from the entrance area.

  • Before building a gazebo, we think about how often it will be used. In many cases, it is better to equip a spacious terrace or veranda at the back of the house for pleasant pastime and evening tea parties. This is more rational than running with dishes and food from home to the gazebo and back. Or, if the soul requires it, it is better to build a full-fledged one - with water supply and electricity.

In the video - an example of beautiful landscape design on a suburban area.

Any landowner wants to quickly put his own territory in order - build all the necessary buildings, uproot interfering shrubs, plant the necessary fruit and berry crops, and lay out beds. But the layout of the suburban area should be thought out. Any flaws in this matter can result in significant inconvenience in the future.

Drawing up a plan

Do not forget to indicate the cardinal points - in the case of a garden plot, this factor will be important.

After all, the choice of the location of buildings and landings to a greater extent depends on the degree of illumination of a particular place. If not only on your territory, but also on the neighboring site there are trees or any buildings that can give shade, you should also mark them.

To obtain a large-scale image, you can use a notebook sheet in a cage. Scale 1:100 is the most convenient. In this case, 2 cells (1 cm) will equal 10 m of territory. For clarity, it is better to use colored pencils.

Make a list of desired zones, which you would like to see on your territory: a recreation area (arbor or canopy), flower beds, a pool or an artificial pond, irrigation tanks, a septic tank, etc. Determine the places that you would like to highlight or, on the contrary, hide.

On the layout plan of the suburban area, it is necessary to indicate not only the location of all zones and buildings, but also water sources, and when laying a water pipe, the place of its passage. Sewer pits, septic tank, compost heaps are placed at the maximum distance from wells and wells. At the same time, 2 m should be retreated from the fence.

For convenience, the largest elements of the picture can be cut out of paper. They can be moved according to the scheme, trying to find the most optimal place for placement. For example, several square figures can represent buildings, circles - trees, shrubs, curvilinear figures - alpine slides, flower beds.

Naturally, there are no strict rules in the zoning of garden areas. Most summer residents allocate about 2/3 of the territory for planting.

When drawing up a plan, keep in mind that according to SNiP, in garden plots of 6-12 acres for all types of buildings, you have the right to occupy no more than 25-30%.

At the same time, it is necessary to take not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba residential building (no more than 10% is allocated for it), but also outbuildings, as well as covered areas, paths. For example, when planning a summer cottage of 6 acres for buildings, you can allocate 1.8 acres.

Even in a small area, it is worth providing separate recreation areas, a playground and landings. In order for all of them to look like a single whole, when designing them, use uniform forms of structures. You can visually connect the zones with the help of bridges, lighting, decorative figurines, green spaces, made in the same color scheme.

Pergolas or terraces are best placed closer to the entrance so that guests do not have to make their way too far through green spaces. And it will also not be very convenient for the hostess to constantly carry dishes and products to the end of the garden.

The playground must be clearly visible, so it is also placed near the house.

The use of only right angles in the planning of a summer cottage is more suitable for areas intended for growing a significant amount of agricultural products. After all, it will be difficult to go around the garden with a watering can along winding paths every day. The beds and paths around them in this case are strictly parallel, on the same line.

If you purchased a garden only for relaxation, then you can afford the most unexpected experiments: smooth, streamlined or curvilinear shapes, winding paths, alpine slides, flower beds that turn into one another, etc. You can also use a mixture of styles.

Choosing a place for buildings

Planning a summer cottage (photo) begins with the placement of a residential building:

  • at a close location of the roadway, it makes sense to move to the opposite side, the courtyard located between it and the road will become a natural protection from noise and dust; if the roadway is far away, the residential building is located near the fence - the delivery of building materials, furniture and products in this case will be facilitated
  • in rectangular areas, buildings are always located on its short part; this will help to more compactly arrange the remaining zones and visually increase the space
  • a residential house and other buildings should be placed only on the north side; otherwise the shadow from them will cover the green spaces; it will be impossible to grow a good crop in such conditions
  • do not disregard the direction of the prevailing winds; it is better to arrange buildings in such a way that they partially cover the plantings from its gusts
  • windows should be positioned in such a way that they have a minimum wind load; try to place them on the west or east side, when you go to the south side in the heat, the building will overheat too much, in winter, the north winds will blow it out
  • naturally, it is necessary to think over the convenience of the entrance to the house; otherwise loading and unloading will one day turn into a serious problem

When planning a summer cottage, keep in mind that you have the right to build a house only at a distance of 3 m to the border of the neighboring plot and 8 m if there is a residential building next door.


Outbuildings are characterized by low aesthetics, so it is better to remove them deep into the yard or behind the house. In small areas, they are camouflaged with trees or shrubs. Climbing plants can be used for these purposes. A garage or parking space takes up a lot of space, so they are placed at the very entrance.

For the convenience of laying sewer and water communications, it is better to place a bathhouse or sauna next to the house. At the same time, it will be necessary to retreat 8 m from neighboring buildings.

The distance from any outbuildings, except for the barn and the poultry house, to the neighboring fence should be 1 m. The premises for animals will need to be moved 4 m away. In addition to sanitary standards, fire safety requirements must be taken into account. So, when building buildings from non-combustible bricks, concrete blocks, a distance of 10 m is maintained between adjacent buildings. Wooden buildings are located 15 m from each other.

For planning a summer cottage and drawing up diagrams (see photo), you can use special programs, for example, the free Garden Planner.

The larger the area, the more space you can afford to build recreation areas. A place for them is chosen in the most convenient and comfortable place.

If you like to soak up the sun, set up a place for sun loungers near the water in the sunniest area. Install a summer shower away from prying eyes. A terrace or gazebo is placed near large trees, in a place protected from strong winds. Consider several layout options at once to choose the best one.

It is better to decorate half-closed areas under canopies with climbing plants - in the heat they will not only protect from the rays of the sun, but also saturate the air with moisture.

Decorate the recreation area with various decorative structures: fountains, sculptures, artificial reservoirs, wooden bridges, plant it with ornamental plants.

When planning a summer cottage, be sure to consider street lighting not only in the residential area, at the entrance, but also in the recreation area.

Try to arrange the lamps in such a way that there are as few shaded corners as possible, but at the same time the light does not hurt your eyes, and you have a feeling of complete unity with nature. You can use for this not only lights or LED strips, but also spotlights. Lamps can be built into the steps, placed along the paths or placed along the perimeter of the fence.

green area

When planning a garden plot, one should take into account not only its shape, but also the characteristics of the soil. If necessary, it is leveled, slopes are strengthened, fertile soil is brought in or fertilizers are applied. In wetlands, drainage should be provided immediately.

If the annual plowing of the land will be carried out using a mini-tractor or cultivator, it is necessary to consider the place of their passage along the entire perimeter of the site. It is not worth placing perennial crops, shrubs, trees in these places.

Landings are always placed on the south side so that the plants are well lit. Large fruit or ornamental trees and shrubs are best placed at the farthest end of the garden so that they do not obscure the plantings. Just like a residential building, it is desirable to place them on the north side. This will help protect the area from strong winds. According to SNiP, you have the right to plant shrubs 1 m from the neighbor's fence, trees of medium height - 2 m, and tall trees - 4 m.

The roots of trees, large shrubs can destroy even the strongest foundation, so they should not be placed near buildings. It is necessary to retreat from them 5 m.

Undesirable close location of large plantings near buildings and due to strong shading. Due to the slow drying of the soil in these places, the formation of dampness is inevitable. For the convenience of passage between trees and paths, a distance of 0.5 m is left.

When laying out the beds, try not to save space and not make narrow paths. It is proved that the yield is only reduced. Indeed, with thickened plantings, plants suffer from a lack of light.

Sample layout options

On 5-6 acres

Despite the compactness of such a territory, in addition to a residential house, you can place a couple of outbuildings, a bathhouse and even a mini-pool on it. With a lack of space, a gazebo for relaxation on a plot of 5 acres is replaced with a small canopy. Next to it, you can place a compact area for 1-2 sun loungers.

In a small area, using a large number of winding paths and structures of curvilinear or irregular shapes is not very rational. After all, they are able to "eat" a significant part of the space.

When planning a summer cottage of 6 acres, you should not be limited only to straight paths. One or two paths of complex shape will make the territory visually wider.

To make the territory more comfortable and visually expand the space will help green hedges of climbing plants, bright flower beds, small objects that attract attention, for example, an unusual shape of a bench, an arch. Neat sculptures can be placed near winding paths.

Similar techniques work well in the presence of elongated sections.. For their visual expansion, you can use branched paths, as well as shrubs, large flowers planted along them. Spacious lawns, on the contrary, only emphasize the elongated shape of the site.

Under landing for a family of 3-4 people, 50-60 square meters will be enough. m. It is more convenient to make beds 0.5 m wide with fairly wide aisles. To save space, flowers, greens can be planted in vertical or multi-level beds.

In small areas, it is not always possible to place garden crops in one place. Some of them can be planted closer to the house in free areas, combining them with ornamental plants.

On 8-10 acres

When planning a summer cottage on 8 acres, the recreation area can be increased up to 20% of the total area. Here they place a gazebo with a barbecue, an alpine slide, a small outdoor pool, etc.

Try to arrange large and small elements evenly so that they look balanced.. When planning them, try to stick to proportions: a small patio against the background of a two-story house can simply get lost, just like a small flower garden on a huge lawn.

In a narrow area, it is better to place a residential building on the short side. In this case, the territory will be used more rationally, plus it will not seem dissected.

On 12 acres

In such a territory, there is enough space for a house with a veranda, a garage, outbuildings, a bathhouse, a summer kitchen, a gazebo or a terrace, a bathing area with a fairly large pool and an alpine slide. When planning a summer cottage on 12 acres for children, you can allocate more space and equip a playground with a sandbox, swings, slides, and a small children's house. We emphasize once again that such a zone should be located near the house so that parents are always aware of what their child is doing.

On large plots, you will have the opportunity to plant more not only fruit, but also ornamental shrubs. They are placed evenly in the most significant places and along the tracks.

The rest of the territory can be planted with potatoes, beds, or make a garden out of it with fruit trees, berry bushes. In order not to run through the entire garden for greens or radishes, it is better to equip the beds for them closer to the house or next to the summer kitchen. Bulky greenhouses are equipped at the end of the garden. Decorative plantings are located closer to the entrance.

On 15 acres

There are a lot of typical planning schemes for large summer cottages on 15 acres. You can take one of them as a basis and make your own adjustments. As in previous cases, the territory must be divided into several zones: residential area, outbuildings area, recreation area, planting area. Since the development of large areas often takes place over several years, temporarily plant the area between the house and future outbuildings with garden crops or flowers so that the free area is not overgrown with grass.

At first, for the delivery of building materials, the territory at the entrance must be left free - it will be a shame if the flower beds grown with such difficulty are trampled.