When to plant gladiolus in spring How to prepare gladioli for planting in spring

Every gardener who has seen gladioli at least once must have been interested in the peculiarities of growing these majestic flowers. In principle, this is not so difficult, because you just need to find a suitable place for planting, prepare the soil and take good care of the plant.

As a result, gladioli will bloom on your site, which will delight you every day with their flowering. If you are still determined to grow gladiolus, then the first thing you should decide is where you will plant these flowers.

Gladiolus - preparing for planting a flower garden

It depends on the area where you plant gladioli whether you can get healthy plants and whether they will delight you with their flowering for a long time.

If we compare gladioli with many other plants, then they stand out for their whimsicality. The first step before boarding is to choose the right place for them. They grow best in a well-lit, shade-free area.

It is also desirable to allocate this place for gladioli because, under such conditions, the flowers show greater resistance to diseases, and this is a guarantee that the corms can ripen well.

Particular attention must be paid the presence of a shadow: even if it is very small, it will lead to a delay in flowering.

But this does not apply to the southern regions of our country, where rather hot weather prevails in summer. Therefore, a little shading will be to their advantage. Therefore, here these plants do not require special care.

Stagnation of water in the place where gladioli are grown can lead to rotting of the bulbs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a site in such a way that it is well drained. If this is not possible in the chosen place for planting flowers, then you will have to prepare a raised ridge.

Such a need usually arises in the middle zone of our country. If these flowers are grown in hot, southern regions, then it is not necessary to deal with the drainage device, because otherwise you can get the opposite effect in the form of drying of the corms.

After 4 years, you need to find for gladioli new place. If they grow too long in the same area, then this increases the likelihood of them being affected by different diseases. And even careful care will not save them from this.

The best predecessors for gladioli are tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic and legumes. If this moment is taken into account when choosing a place for planting flowers, then it will be possible to protect the flowers from the defeat of such a dangerous pest as wireworm.

When preparing to grow gladioli, you need to learn about the rules for caring for them. Then you can be sure that the plants will bloom for many months.

Soil preparation

Best of all, gladioli will feel on your site if you add a small amount of black soil to the hole. At the same time, these plants will be able to delight you with abundant flowering in those areas where there are loamy or sandy soils.

It is believed that when growing flowers on clay soils, they look more vibrant. However, it will not be superfluous to add to the soil peat and sand or peat compost. This will help create a looser soil structure and avoid premature death of gladioli.

It is advisable, when choosing a place for planting gladioli, to conduct a soil analysis, the results of which can be used to draw a conclusion about the amount of trace elements and soil acidity. Soils that have a neutral reaction (pH 5.5-6.5) are considered the most suitable.

If the acidity indicator is too high, then it can be reduced by introducing into the soil:

  • chalk at the rate of 110−160 g/m;
  • lime or nitrophoska 25 g / m 1.6-2.4 cm below the bottom of the bulb.

Soil fertilizer

Soil is considered ideal, in the structure of which earthen clods have a cross section of no more than 3 cm, but at the same time it is not recommended that the soil be too loose or dense.

It is necessary to prepare the site where you will plant gladioli in the fall. The first step is to dig the area to a depth of 50 cm. This operation is carried out in combination with fertilizer application, which are used as:

  1. Superphosphate 40 g/m.
  2. Bone meal 60−110 g/m.
  3. Peat compost, humus, 27−30 years/m.
  4. potassium salt.

In the first weeks of spring you need a good loosen the soil to a depth of 27 cm. Further, the soil surface must be leveled with a rake.

Gladiolus - preparation of planting material

Gladiolus demonstrate unpretentiousness at any stage of their cultivation, including during preparation for planting in open ground. To do this, activities such as:

They have a positive effect on plants, as they allow to achieve early and abundant flowering, while the planting material itself is strong and healthy.

Usually, when growing gladioli, one of the following methods is used: planting corms, babies and seeds.

Growing gladioli from corms

When 2.5-3 weeks are set before the day of planting, the corms are transferred from storage to a room where the temperature should be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius.

Particular attention should be paid to this point, since at elevated temperatures favorable conditions are created for more vigorous root growth. A similar effect can be provided by high humidity.

After that, the bulbs remove the scales that cover them. This must be done carefully so that the sprouts do not get damaged. As a result of this operation, it is possible to identify diseased bulbs, protect them from pests and achieve earlier flowering.

Planting material that has not been sorted is set aside and then burned. High-quality planting material should be laid in one layer in clean, dry boxes.

Corms should lie in them with sprouts up, while diffused lighting should be directed at them. As a result of this procedure, the plants will be able to bloom a week earlier than usual.

If the gardener does not have a goal to achieve earlier flowering of gladioli, then you need to get the material from the storage when 7-10 days remain before the day of planting.

Best used for planting bulbs 2-3 years of age, because the plants obtained from them bloom most brightly and abundantly. In turn, they form the largest number of children, while the proportion of rejected bulbs is minimal.

The fact is that the older the planting material, the more difficult it becomes for it to resist diseases. Therefore, material that is stored for 5-7 years is more susceptible to diseases than corms 2-3 years old.

Growing up from kids

The preparation of corms begins 10-12 days before planting in open ground: here everything happens in a similar way - kids need peel off the husk. Given that they have a very hard shell, you need to be very careful here.

To begin with, the children are looking for the top, which looks like a tubercle. Next, you need to pick off the scale, while trying not to injure the growth point, and start pulling down. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to avoid damage during scale removal.

In this case, you can place the material in a 0.05% slightly warm solution of potassium permanganate or a 1% solution of ordinary baking soda for 11-17 hours. As a result of this procedure, the shell will become more pliable, so it will be easier to remove it.

If you have prepared too many children for planting or you do not have enough time to clean them manually, then you can proceed as follows: the tuber buds need to be placed in a warm or cool room for germination.

When there are a few weeks left before the day of disembarkation, the children should be thoroughly washed and allowed to dry. After that they placed in a transparent bag where you first need to make holes for ventilation.

Then they are stored directly in the bag at room temperature, waiting for their germination. To do this, the packages must be placed under diffused light.

The technology for germinating babies in a cool room is almost the same, except that this needs to be done a month before planting day. Such a long time is necessary due to the fact that the germination of tuber buds will take place in cooler conditions.

How and when to plant gladioli

For many flower growers, not only the agricultural technique of growing and caring for gladiolus is of great interest, but also the choice of the right time for planting.

The importance of this point should not be underestimated, because if you plant flowers too early, then there is a possibility that they will die. It is also wrong to delay planting dates, since in this case you can not wait for the flowering of gladioli at all.

When determining the moment for planting flowers, it is necessary come from the climate zone and weather conditions. The easiest way to determine the time, focusing on the temperature of the depth of the earth, on which the plants will be planted.

Considering that for flowers this is a depth of 12-14 cm, the optimum temperature for them is not lower than + 10 degrees. Typically, such conditions in the Crimea, Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia are created in the period from March 14 to 16. In the northern regions, you can plant flowers from mid-May to June.

In the middle lane, you can already plant gladioli in the beginning of April and up to the middle of May. And it is best to choose for planting varieties with a late flowering period - 110-120 days.

If varieties are used for planting that differ in flowering time in the range of 10-14 days, then these plants will be able to begin to bloom profusely at the same time.

It is recommended to plant plants in pre-prepared pits or grooves, which are necessary sprinkle with wet sand by about 0.9-1.2 cm. Sand in this case will act as a protective cover that will not harm flowers with an unformed root system.

The desire of many gardeners to grow gladiolus on their site is quite understandable if you remember how beautiful they look. However, in order to enjoy their flowering, you must first get acquainted with the agricultural technology of growing these plants.

In this regard, they there are many features, therefore, if you do not want to be disappointed with dead flowers, then you need to first learn how to properly plant these flowers.

Each factor, including site selection, soil preparation, care, can greatly affect how the plants turn out and how long they will please with their flowering.

Therefore, only the exact observance of the agricultural technology of growing gladioli allows you to count on the fact that they will become one of the main decorations on your backyard.

Gladiolus are considered one of the most unpretentious flowers that develop well in our area and delight with chic flowering until the arrival of autumn. In order to organize an elegant flower bed with gladioli in your summer cottage, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the rules for planting them in the spring and the features of care.

Gladiolus, aka skewer, belongs to the Iris family. It got its name due to the long narrow leaves that look like a sword. The homeland of the gladiolus is hot Africa, Europe and Asia. In the wild, this tuberous plant can be found in the steppes of central Russia.

Cultivation of gladiolus in culture has been carried out for a long time. To date, there are about 5,000 varieties of this plant. Each of them differs in shape, size, number of flowers, color, shape. In order not to get lost in the variety of varieties, you can be guided by the system of their classification, where in the numerical code the first digit indicates the size of the flower, and the last two indicate its color.

According to the size of the flowers, gladiolus varieties are classified into subgroups:

  • miniature color size maximum 6.5;
  • small-flowered up to 9 cm;
  • mid-flowered up to 12;
  • large-flowered up to 14 cm;
  • giant - their size can be more than 14 cm.

As for the timing of flowering, the skewer varieties are early, medium and late. Flowers can also have different shapes: simple, corrugated and super corrugated. The color palette of gladioli is striking in its diversity - flowers can have any color.

When to plant gladioli in spring in open ground

The timing of planting a flower in open soil depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the temperature regime. It is best to wait until the earth warms up to +8 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. To find out how warm it is, you can bury a street thermometer in the area where you plan to create a bed with gladioli.

Rushing with planting bulbs is not recommended. If you place them in unheated and wet soil, they will rot. However, the timing should also not be delayed, because the soil will be devoid of moisture, and the planting material will have to be actively watered to promote early germination.

In central Russia, the optimal planting dates for gladioli fall at the end of April-beginning of May. A slight drop in temperature during this period is not capable of harming specimens planted in the ground. In the south of the country, gladioli can be planted in early April. Under the hot rays of the sun, the soil dries out, so experienced gardeners do not recommend delaying planting.

The timing of planting gladioli in Russia, where a harsh climate reigns (Urals, Siberia) depends on the weather. In this area, spring is in no hurry to please with warm days, so you should wait until the severe cold and rain subside and only then start planting a skewer. It is best to do this in late spring or early summer. To protect planting material from dampness and cold that comes from the ground, you need to plant it on elevated beds, on a pillow of sand.

When to plant gladioli according to the lunar calendar 2018

If you focus on the lunar calendar, then the following are considered favorable days for planting skewers in the spring and summer of 2018:

  • April: from 1 to 8, 12 to 15, from 17 to 22 (until 20.00), from 25 to 29;
  • May: from 1 to 6 (until 18.00), from 10 to 14, from 16 to 19, from 23 to 28, 30 and 31.
  • June: 1 and 2, from 7 to 12, 14 and 15, 16 (after 11 am), from 19 to 27, 29.

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Bad days:

  • April: 9, 10, 11, 16, 23, 24, 30.
  • May: 7, 8, 9, 15, 20, 21, 29.
  • June: 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, 28, 30.

Finding out when is the best time to plant gladiolus in the spring is pretty simple. To do this, you just need to know their variety and take into account the climate of the area.

Varieties of gladiolus are divided into groups:

  • Too early. Flowering can be observed after 2 months from the moment of planting.
  • Early. They begin to bloom in 68-74 days.
  • Medium. Blossom in 75-80 days.
  • Middle late. Blossom after 82-90 days; late 91-100 days.

Based on the table, it follows that in regions with a warm climate, late varieties are planted in mid-May, and earlier varieties in early summer.

In areas where summer ends quickly, it is better to grow early and medium varieties or use seedlings.

When to plant gladioli for seedlings?

To speed up the flowering process of the skewer, the bulbs are planted from March. These terms are suitable for the northern regions and Siberia. For the Moscow region, planting until mid-spring is appropriate.

Plants should not experience a lack of light, so they will need additional lighting.

How best to plant: seeds, bulbs or seedlings

The seed method of propagation of gladioli involves some difficulties, so it is not recommended for novice gardeners to resort to it. Varietal characteristics may not always be accurately transmitted through seeds. Reproduction of modern gladiolus hybrids will not bring success. The seed method is practiced among breeders to develop new varieties.
If you want to grow gladioli from seeds, you need to purchase high quality planting material. As a rule, the seeds presented in specialized stores are carefully selected and fully correspond to the variety.

Important! Many novice gardeners often order cheap varieties of gladiolus from China, which amaze with their incredible colors. Relying on them is not recommended, because no one can guarantee that they will grow like in the picture, so knowingly buying a "pig in a poke" is not advisable. It is better to invest in proven high quality planting material.

You can sow gladiolus seeds for growing seedlings at the end of winter and beginning of spring. It should be remembered that they will need additional lighting. Seeds must be treated before sowing. To do this, they need to be soaked in a solution of Epin or Heteroauxin. You can replace these products with a natural activator (honey water or aloe juice).

Small seeds are laid out on a moist surface of the earth, which consists of equal parts of sand, garden soil, humus. There is no need to cover the planting material with earth. Before germination, containers with seedlings are placed in a warm and well-lit place.

Seedling care involves not too abundant watering with warm water, loosening the earth. Seedlings will need not bright lighting. The lamp must be turned on for at least 14 hours. After the arrival of spring, boxes with seedlings must be taken out into the street and placed in a place that is protected from sunlight. Young plants can be transplanted into the soil or left until autumn in a pot.

When autumn comes, the children must be dug up and removed until spring. Linen bags or cardboard boxes with a layer of no more than 4 cm are suitable for storing onions.

Planting gladioli in spring in open ground

Reproduction of the skewer can be carried out by seed and tuber method. The first option is quite difficult. Breeders resort to it in order to obtain new varieties. Flower growers, on the other hand, prefer a simple and reliable method - planting corms. If you plant a skewer with tubers, you can hope for a gorgeous flowering that will delight for 4-5 years. After this period, the boarding pass will have to be renewed. The baby is also suitable for this - bulbs of modest size, which are born at the bottom of the mother tuber. They need to be sown in the spring on fertile soil. So, by autumn, you can get young nodules that will begin to bloom next season.

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When purchasing gladiolus corms, it is necessary to inspect specimens for the absence of rot. A couple of days before planting, they should be cleaned of scales and soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. For disinfection, the "Maxim" tool is suitable. After disinfection, the tubers must be laid out in the light for further germination.

Important! It is necessary to prevent waterlogging of the substrate, otherwise the bulb will begin to rot and die.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a place for a gladiolus. It needs to be well lit and protected from the wind.


It is necessary to plant gladioli along the fence or walls of the building on the sunny side. The plant does well in light and fertile soil. Sandy loam or fertile loam would be ideal. The earth is dug up, all weeds are removed, after which natural fertilizer is applied. It is necessary to plant a skewer in the ground after it warms up to 10-12 degrees. In the conditions of the Moscow region, this period falls at the end of spring.

The depth of laying the bulbs on sandy soils is a maximum of 8 cm, on loamy soils a maximum of 5 cm. A distance of 25-40 cm must be maintained between plants. It all depends on which variety was chosen.

Preparing gladiolus for planting

Only healthy bulbs should be planted in the ground. This will ensure that the plant grows healthy and delights with chic flowering. After the bulbs are removed from the storage, 14 days before planting in the garden, the following activities will need to be carried out:

  1. The bulbs must be sorted out, separating large, medium and medium tubers from the children. Dry scales must be removed from the tubers. All damaged bulbs can be saved. If a dark spot is found on the tuber, the affected part of the pulp must be removed to a healthy tissue, and the cut should be smeared with iodine or brilliant green.
  2. Pour planting material for 4-6 hours with water in which succinic acid is diluted (1 tablet per 1 liter). Sodium humate or heteroauxin can also be used for soaking.
  3. Once the bulbs are dry, they should be laid out for vernalization and germination. The tubers must be laid out upside down in a place that is well lit. The room must be dry. Under such conditions, the tubers must be kept before they are planted in open soil. The fact that the onion can be planted will be evidenced by sprouts, 2-3 cm long.
  4. Sprouted bulbs should be poured with a solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin for half an hour.

Features of landing children

Baby gladiolus can be planted in open soil on a separate bed at the same time as large bulbs. They can be grown in pots filled with sand, humus and soddy soil.

The gladiolus baby should not be completely deepened into the ground, it is enough to press it into the soil so that the top is visible on the surface. In the container, the baby can be left to grow until autumn.

How to plant gladiolus in a container?

If the skewer will land in a container, it will need a nutrient substrate. Bulbs in a pot should be laid out at a minimum distance from each other. To prepare the soil, you need to take sand, fatty humus, mineral fertilizer. It is forbidden to bring in fresh organic matter.

Great attention should be paid to watering. In pots, the soil dries out much faster than in the garden.

Site preparation and planting gladiolus

Gladiolus is a flower that needs sufficient light and fertile, well-drained soil. The plant does not tolerate heavy, acidic soil with excess moisture. The best composition of the soil will be fertile loam, to which sand is added. The bottom of the recesses must be covered with a layer of river sand (3-4 cm). A pillow of this plan will provide additional drainage and protect the bottom of the bulbs from rotting.

It doesn't matter how you got the bulbs - whether they were donated by a neighbor or bought from a high-end store - their preparation is the same, regardless of origin. Two to three weeks before the scheduled planting date, planting material should be cleaned of scales covering the bulbs and inspected for pests wintering under them or diseases.

Healthy corms have a shiny surface, a dense structure, thick tubercles, from which the root system will develop, thick buds that have hatched.

Soft and covered with mold or ulcers should be burned immediately so as not to breed pathogens of various sores on their territory. If, on the whole, the planting material is healthy, but in some places you notice signs of scab or fusarium, it can still be cured! With a sharp knife, dark brown spots on the surface of the bulbs are carefully cut off, and the cuts are smeared with brilliant green. Wounds will have time to heal, but we will not see diseases! Before planting, corms must be germinated. To do this, they are laid out with the kidneys up in a warm, well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight.

In order not to cause increased and premature root growth, moisture should be avoided on planting material. Gladiolus roots are very fragile, and when planting, no matter how hard you try, break them anyway, which will lead to stunted plant growth. A properly prepared corm will have time to grow sprouts up to 10 cm and small root tubercles that have not yet had time to develop into real roots. Material that has not shown any signs of life during the entire germination period is simply rejected.

Surely, you are already tired of waiting for the right weather, and you want to see the sprouts of your favorite flowers as soon as possible. Well, as soon as the soil warms up to +10 ° С (mid-April - early May), it's time to start planting. Immediately before starting, the planting material should be pickled in a solution Fitosporina or Oxychoma about half an hour, which helps to get rid of invisible pests and pathogens.

For gladioli, you need to choose a place well lit and protected from the northern winds. Waterlogged lowlands on the north side and - the worst choice! Loose, moisture-absorbing soil should not be too heavy. The bed has been dug up since autumn along with rotted compost. In no case should you fertilize the soil with fresh manure! Plants are planted in groups in trenches of different depths, depending on the size of the planting material. For large cormsit is 15 cm, for mediumup to 9 cm, and even smaller trenches for "kids".

They are planted at the same distance. The bottom of the hole is sprinkled with sand, then the bulbs are laid out, slightly pressing them into the soil, sprinkled with wood ash and sand again, watered with a heated solution of potassium permanganate, and only after that they are covered with the top layer of soil. Sand is far from mandatory, but it optimizes the composition of heavy soil well and helps in the fall to easily extract planting material along with the resulting corms. from gladioli of different varieties alone - a very spectacular decoration of your site!

So, you already know how to plant gladioli in the spring. The hardest part lies ahead – waiting for the first shoots! You can speed up this process by building a greenhouse over the bed. In this case, you will not need to worry about return frosts and cover or earth up the landing site. When the gladioli sprout, the surface of the beds is mulched with a layer of humus or dry forest foliage. Mulch performs several tasks at once - it protects the soil from drying out, overheating and hypothermia, and also suppresses weeds and serves as top dressing for subsequent years.

Wintering in open ground, like dahlias, gladioli cannot. To enjoy the flowering of these plants, choose varieties with early flowering periods for your site, because with worsening weather, the plants may not only not bloom, but also not give offspring the next year - it simply does not have time to ripen. In autumn, when the foliage turns yellow, you can dig up the bulbs for storage and repeat the steps that will invariably lead you to a positive result.

Many gardeners want not only to take care of vegetables and fruits, but also to enjoy the beauty of grown flowers. But the question arises: “Which ones to land?” The variety of options strikes the mind: tall, low, bright, modest, bushes and flowers on separate stems - all this leads to a dead end. One of the most common are gladioli. In this article we will tell you in detail how to plant them in the spring. But be sure that planting gladioli and caring for these flowers in the open field is not difficult.

When to plant gladioli

Planting gladioli in the spring in open ground is carried out depending on the climate of your area. But usually these are the dates from the beginning of April to the end of June. It is worth waiting until the soil warms up to at least + 9 ° C at a depth of 10 cm (for convenience, dig an ordinary thermometer to the desired depth and track). For example, in the southern strip, landing can be carried out in early April, when it is warm enough, but the soil has not dried up yet. If you delay planting, the plant will need regular watering due to the dryness of the soil.

For medium regions, the period from the end of April to the beginning of May is preferable. Throw away worries about frosts: a slight cold will not kill the flowers. As soon as the desired soil temperature is reached, you can plant the plants at the prescribed time. The latest gladioli are planted in the Urals, Siberia and other northern regions. There you need to carefully monitor the weather forecast, as sudden severe frosts will spoil the planted bulbs. Therefore, it is recommended to plan a landing at the beginning of June. Some plant gladioli, then to cut them off in the fall on the first of September. Then you should pay attention to the varieties and calculate based on the ripening time. For areas with short summers, planting bulbs or seedlings is recommended.

Selecting a landing site

Having dealt with the month in which to plant gladioli, you can begin to select a place for planting. This is an important point, since gladioli, despite their unpretentiousness, at best will not give good bulbs for planting next year, and at worst they will simply die. When choosing a location, keep in mind that flowers love sunny areas. How to plant gladioli so that they bloom beautifully? Here's the answer: find a place that gets sun most of the time. Otherwise, the plants will not even show all the beauty of their inflorescences.

In the southern regions, where the midday sun bakes strongly, gladioli shade for several lunch hours.

Also, the landing site should not be swampy. With constant high humidity, a sufficient amount of air does not penetrate to the roots, the roots are “suffocated”, they rot, and the plant dies. If your site is located in such an area, gladioli are planted on a sand cushion on raised beds within the specified time frame.

Another important criterion for choosing a location is nearby plants. Place a flower bed with gladioli at a distance of 4-5 m from the trees, as they will take some of the moisture from the flowers. Moreover, you can make a hedge of shrubs from the side of the winds to protect the flower bed.

Soil preparation

Planting gladioli and leaving in the open field require the gardener not only to determine the area for the future flower bed, but also to prepare it. This is done for the best germination and guaranteed flowering.

You can start preparing the soil in the garden long before planting. For the season before it, it is recommended to plant legumes in order to avoid the appearance of a wireworm, and to improve the soil in general. Gladiolus love chernozem soil rich in humus. If this was not on your site, when digging into the ground, add a little black soil. Also good options are soils with a small content of clay or sand, which you can do yourself.

With an abundance of sand, clay and peat are added, otherwise, if there is a lot of clay, sand is added. The soil for gladioli should be neutral in reaction, i.e. PH balance is 6.0-6.8. If you are not sure about the characteristics of the soil, then you can add dolomite flour, chalk, egg shells in a proportion of 150 g per m². The soil is dug up by about 0.3 m, while removing all weeds and organic debris that can rot and provoke flower diseases in the future. During digging, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be introduced; if there is uncertainty in the soil, nitrophoska can be added without damage - 30 g per m². Chernozem in the fall can not be fed.

In the spring, the ground is dug up again before planting, but not so deep, removing the remaining organic parts of the plants. Then nitrogenous fertilizers, such as urea, are applied.

Planting material preparation

For better germination, not only the soil is prepared, but also the bulbs. Planting gladioli in the spring in open ground can be carried out both with seeds and corms.

Inspection and rejection of bulbs and babies

Preparing gladioli for planting is a simple and mandatory operation. First of all, the bulbs and babies are peeled. It is important to do this carefully so as not to break the young shoots that may be under the scales. When cleaning the children, the shell is slightly squeezed and removed with a fingernail. Usually the procedure is carried out just before planting, so that the source material does not dry out.

In addition, after this procedure, you will be able to see defective and spoiled bulbs and babies and discard or process them in time. For example, if the surface under the shell is a black dot, diseased, dried up, then such material is burned to prevent the spread of the disease.

Material handling before planting

In the absence of garlic, disinfection can be carried out in solutions of familiar preparations. In the spring, the material is kept for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 10 l), and then in karbofos (30 g per 10 l). After digging in the fall, they take a more saturated solution of potassium permanganate (5-10 g per 10 l) and soak for up to an hour. After all processing procedures, the material is recommended to be kept in a growth stimulator for better root formation and survival in the garden. Usually it takes 9-11 hours.


It is interesting that regardless of the variety, whether it is Dutch gladiolus, or “golden symphony” (the center of which is Ukraine), planting methods and terms do not differ radically. There may be characteristic features, but the scheme is almost the same for everyone.

Landing scheme and technology

Now you have come to the most crucial moment, when it is important to do everything carefully and correctly so as not to damage the planting material and get a flower bed of beautiful flowers. Landing plan is simple:

  1. Before planting, you need to make furrows, which are sprinkled inside with a layer of sand 1-2 cm thick. This is done so that the soil does not damage the young roots.
  2. Valuable varieties that need to be propagated faster are usually placed first. Bulbs or babies are planted in rows, the distance between them depends on the size of future flowers. For bulbs, it averages 20 cm, and between children it decreases to 10 cm.
  3. After placement, everything is sprinkled with sand, and only then with earth.
  4. You can mulch the soil with sawdust, grass or peat. This will retain moisture and stop weed growth.

How deep should gladiolus be planted? It is calculated based on the diameter of the bulb: 3 times larger. Those. if the tuber is 3 cm in diameter, then it is necessary to plant it 9 cm deep. Also, on sandy soils, it is more (up to 15 cm) than on clay soils (7-9 cm). Planting depth is calculated from the bottom of the bulb!

Features of disembarkation of children

In fact, children are the beginnings of young bulbs. If you dig up the rhizome in the fall, you will notice small "bumps". They are harvested and the same preparation (cleaning, processing) is carried out as for adult bulbs. The germinated baby is not completely dug into the soil - so it cannot germinate, but is immersed in the ground to the height of the bulb. After planting, you can cover them with a film for a while until sprouts appear. They usually germinate in 15-20 days. However, it is better not to allow young growth to bloom, it will take strength. Children will be able to please the eye with bright color in a year.

In the absence of the possibility of growing in open ground, you can transplant gladioli into pots, in a mixture of sand, earth and humus, and take care of them as you would in a garden.

This type of reproduction is optimal, since the same bulb in the open field is able to bloom healthy and beautiful for 3-4 years. Old tubers either do not germinate or produce weak flowers. Children are resistant to diseases and quite viable, therefore, such rejuvenation of planting material should be carried out regularly.


After planting, gladioli should be watered abundantly, but this is not all pet care.

Watering, loosening and weeding

Watering is carried out as the soil dries up - it depends on whether it is a rainy season or not, on the location of the gladiolus in the open field, and also on the climate of a particular area. This is usually done regularly once a week in the evenings. After watering the next morning, the soil is loosened to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface, which will limit the access of oxygen to the roots. Watering should be done with warm water and not on the leaves. Weeding is done as needed, but with proper care, it is usually carried out no more than 4 times per season.

top dressing

Maintaining vitality is also important for plants, this guarantees lush and abundant flowering throughout the season. Gladiolus is fed on average 3 times:

  1. First fertilize after the appearance of the first leaves: urea or ammonium nitrate is used (20-25 g per m²).
  2. The second time gladioli is fed after the stem is covered with 6-7 leaves: ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added, only 10-20 g per m².
  3. The last time fertilize after the formation of buds. Superphosphate is added - 30-40 g per m² and potassium chloride - up to 20 g.


Immediately after the appearance of the buds, the stems of gladioli are tied to supports so that they do not fall due to the weight of the flowers and in windy weather.

Diseases and pests and their control

Like any plant, gladiolus is susceptible to attack by pests and diseases. Experienced gardeners recommend regularly inspecting flowers for any. In general, the processing of planting material significantly reduces the likelihood and intensity of the disease. If mites or thrips are found, immediate insecticide treatment should be carried out. If you find them on corms, then the subsequent planting at this place should be carried out at least 3-4 years later to avoid relapses.

Bulb cleaning and storage

After flowering, with the first serious cold weather, the remaining gladioli are usually harvested. The bushes are dug up and dried, then the tubers are separated from the stems with a sharp knife, and the children are carefully selected by hand. Storage of the resulting planting material usually requires lower temperatures. The best option would be to place cotton or linen bags with bulbs on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Our rules, tips and tricks have helped you learn more about spring planting and caring for gladioli. Growing them now will not be difficult even for beginners. Finally, it is worth saying that these flowers are good for cutting - they retain the brightness of colors and freshness for a long time after that. So you can safely collect bouquets of these unusual flowers in the country!

A favorite flower for many gardeners was and remains a gladiolus. This beautiful plant is able to attract the attention of everyone with its majestic appearance and gigantic size. Gladiolus is grown mainly in the open ground singly or in flower groups. The flower always looks spectacular and is perfect for making flower arrangements.

Gladiolus originates from a variety of iris. Currently, more than 180 species of these flowers are known. Gladiolus is grown throughout the country, regardless of the territorial location. They grow well both in the southern part of the country, and in Siberia and the central part of Russia.

Growing gladioli

In order for the flower to already begin to bloom in early July, it must be planted in mid-April. The temperature of the earth should be more than 10 degrees Celsius, and the ambient temperature should be more than 15. There are also later varieties of gladioli, whose flowering is scheduled for September or August. They are planted respectively later.

Important! The earlier a flower is planted, the more powerful and beautiful it will have buds, and the flowering will be more abundant.


The weather on the day of planting should be non-rainy, preferably overcast. You need to plant gladioli in the morning, there should be no wind on the street.

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Before proceeding with planting, they are determined with the place where the flower is grown. Gladiolus needs slightly acidic or neutral soil. Strong acidic or alkaline soil adversely affects the plant and contributes to the decay of the bulbs. The flower takes root well in loamy soil with a high content of humus. It is better to form a low bed under the gladiolus, the flower grows well on the hills. When forming a bed, humus and peat are added to the ground, a little superphosphate.

Gladiolus is grown from bulbs. Bulbs can be purchased at flower shops. Each variety has its bulbs. Before planting, they must be treated in a weak solution of pink potassium permanganate. To a solution of potassium permanganate add 15 grams of copper sulfate and 20 grams of ammonium nitrate. Then the bulbs are immersed in a freshly prepared mixture and left in it for half an hour. The procedure is performed on the day of landing. Permanganate disinfects bulbs from diseases and insects, and other added components saturate them with vital trace elements.

In the garden, make recesses for flowers. The optimal depth depends on the variety chosen, but is usually no more than 15-20 centimeters. The distance between adjacent bulbs should remain at least 30 centimeters.

Attention! Gladiolus is the dominant flower. When planted together with other dominants, the gladiolus is able to displace the opponent, so it is better to grow gladiolus separately.

A glass of oven ash is poured into the planting hole and an onion is placed. Bury it with earth and spill it with water. This is done with every flower.

Gladiolus Care

Care begins when shoots begin to appear on the surface of the earth. The soil begins to loosen and weed from weeds and small grass. Immediately after planting in the spring, the ground still contains a large amount of moisture, as the snow has recently melted. When a flower arrow forms, the plants begin to be watered. Watering should be plentiful and frequent, but as the earth dries. So, if the earth has not yet completely absorbed water from the last time, they refrain from watering. Water gladioli with settled water at room temperature. In no case should you water the flowers with ice water, it increases the risk of damage to the bulbs by rot.

Using mulch is a great alternative to frequent watering. Mulching the soil allows you to keep moisture inside and keep it as long as possible. Straw, peat, sawdust are used as mulch. It is better to change the material from time to time and lay a new thin layer of mulch on the bed every 3-4 weeks.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the dressing of gladioli. Feeding must be applied at a certain time and with certain substances. So, when the gladiolus has just begun to grow and before the formation of inflorescences on the stem, fertilizing is carried out 2 times with nitrogen fertilizer. Top dressing is combined with watering. When the gladiolus begins to form buds, potassium-based fertilizers are used. It could be potassium sulphate. All additives must be used in accordance with the instructions.

Gladiolus has one feature - the predisposition of the bulbs to rot. One slightest non-observance of the watering technique can destroy a healthy, even already adult flower. Therefore, as a prophylaxis against fungal diseases, gladioli are treated 2 times per season with antifungal drugs. Fundazol has an excellent effect. The drug is diluted in water and sprayed on the whole plant. The first treatment is carried out in the phase of the third sheet. Repeat the procedure until the gladiolus begins to bloom.

When the gladiolus reaches a length of more than half a meter, some high varieties need to be tied to a support. During gusts of wind, the support will help preserve the flower and protect the stem from damage. With proper cultivation and care, gladioli begin to bloom by mid-summer. On average, from 18 to 26 inflorescences are located on one flower. Inflorescences open gradually in small groups, 3-5 flowers at a time.

You need to cut gladioli at the very beginning of flowering, when only a couple of buds have opened. Such a flower will stand in the water for a long time and delight in flowering. Cut the gladiolus to the very root.

How to store

When flowering is over, the gladiolus bulbs are dug up, cleaned from the ground and laid in one layer in a ventilated box or pallet. Bulbs must be dry. Store planting material in a cool dry place. The basement is perfect for this purpose.

When the time comes for the next spring planting, the bulbs are taken out of the cellar in a couple of weeks and left to germinate at room temperature. You can see how a thin green arrow is formed from the bulb - the sprout of the future gladiolus.

Gladiolus, subject to the cultivation technique, is able to bear fruit for 3-4 years in a row. The bulb of good varieties is getting bigger and bigger every year, and the characteristics and structure of the inflorescences worsens over time. To prevent this from happening, you need to cut the onion into two slices before planting. This procedure will significantly improve the quality of planting material, and the flowers will again be large and bright.

Gladiolus is not that hard to grow. Difficulties may arise in the first year of cultivation, and then their breeding will seem like a routine. One has only to start and plant a couple of three representatives of this flower, as soon they will fill all the free space. Gladioli instantly transform any flower bed or garden plot and become the main object of attention for everyone around.