Can mint be planted in a pot? All the features of growing super-fresh mint on the windowsill

Drinking tea with mint leaves in cold winter… Who doesn't love it? Yes, even fresh! And where can I get them in January? It is expensive to buy in the store, and such weed does not smell particularly. So, we will breed ourselves.

How to grow mint on a windowsill? Quite easy. We follow the recommendations and wait for the result.

Mint on the windowsill can be grown in three ways:

  • mature plant
  • cuttings
  • sowing seeds

Let's consider each method. The first two give rough leaves with a strong taste, and the third - young fragrant greens.

We grow mint with an adult bush

To do this, in the fall we choose a nice, neat bush in the garden. Together with a small clod of earth, we transfer it to a pot. The container should be large enough, because the mint root system is of a decent volume.

We add a little humus so that the bush does not stagger in the pot. At the same time, this will be the nutrition of the plant for the first time. Now you need to periodically water the mint and be sure to arrange additional lighting. For normal development, at least 12 hours of daylight hours are needed. Otherwise, the leaves will be pale, stunted and practically odorless.

By the way, mint should be watered only after the top layer of the soil has dried. She does not like to swim with her roots in a swamp, so after watering, be sure to drain the excess liquid from the pan.

The temperature of the mint content on the windowsill should not exceed +25°C. Otherwise, the plant will simply begin to dry out and turn yellow. And all your attempts to cast it with water will end in rotting roots.

Advice. Cut off young leaves more often. This stimulates the growth of new shoots.

Growing mint from cuttings

If you do not have a plant in your garden that can be transplanted into a pot as a whole, then go to the market or to the store. Choose the freshest and even sprigs of mint there. The next steps are:

  1. We bring mint home, cut off the lower leaves. They can be used for their intended purpose.
  2. We take a plastic or glass cup, pour clean, settled water.
  3. We throw a grain of any root formation stimulator or drip a little of any biological adaptogen. For example, epin, zircon, aloe juice.
  4. We put the prepared sprigs of mint in the container without the lower leaves, and wait for the roots to appear.
  5. We maintain lighting and temperature, as described in the first method.

Sprigs can be planted in a pot with soil after the formation of at least 5 roots. Care in the future is no different from the usual. The same regular watering, periodic loosening and cutting off fresh leaves.

By the way, it is not necessary to buy the soil for planting mint on the windowsill in the store. It is very easy to mix it yourself. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions good fatty humus, sand and earth from under the birch. For looseness, you can add a little peat. Approximately a handful for 3 liters of land.

A layer of drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot under the mint. Just not moss or eggshells. It is compressed and there will be no effect. It is better to take fine gravel, marble chips. Expanded clay of a small fraction or medium-sized pebbles are also suitable.

Instead of water, you can root twigs in wet sand. In this case, the cut of the cutting must be dipped in a root formation stimulator, stuck in the sand and covered with a mini-greenhouse for a while. After about 10 days, the shelter is removed, and after another 7 days, a new plant can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Advice. Don't let the mint bloom. Otherwise, it will lose all its flavor and aroma properties.

The first two methods give the required number of fragrant leaves. But they get rough. If you want the most delicate greens without fibers, then try growing mint from seeds on the windowsill. What’s more, this is not a difficult task at all.

First, let's prepare the container. It can be a wide plastic tray or a small wooden box. A small clay pot is also suitable.

Fill with soil. It should consist of humus, garden soil, peat and clean sand in equal parts. Now we need to make shallow grooves on the surface. 0.5 cm, no more. Spread the seeds carefully. Gently sprinkle a thin layer of earth on top. 0.8 cm will be enough.

Now we need to moisten this whole thing. It is impossible to water, there is a high probability of eroding the plantings. That's why we use a spray bottle. We have water at room temperature. Spray the soil until lightly moistened. In a transparent container, it is difficult to overdo it.

Next, we close the entire structure with a lid. You can just a piece of transparent plastic, glass. Even dense polyethylene will do. Then we place the plantings in a dark warm place. Periodically ventilate and remove condensate. To do this, just flip the shelter to the other side.

After about 9-12 days, the first shoots will appear. Now the shelter can be removed completely, and the container can be taken out to a bright place. Just not in direct sunlight. They are able to burn foliage even in an adult mint plant. What to say about young plantings?

The first days we do nothing with seedlings. We only moisten when the soil dries. When a second true leaf appears, mint can be picked in separate cups. In order not to damage the delicate delicate roots with your fingers, use a teaspoon. It is very convenient for her to transfer the sprout to another container along with a lump of earth.

After the appearance of 5 true leaves, you need to pinch the top of the mint. This promotes the appearance of side shoots. If you do not pinch, then you will have a lone branch sticking out in the pot. But mint grows up to 90 cm in height. Why do you need a willow on the windowsill?

And each new shoot after the 5th leaf is pinched again. Then the bush will be dense, lush and neat.

  1. Mint on the windowsill needs to be fed. It responds well to organic fertilizers, but it will not refuse mineral fertilizers either. Just don't go overboard with nitrogen. Urea is also better not to use. No doubt, the green mass quickly grows after such a treat. But you are unlikely to like the taste of such leaves.
  2. Of the pests, mint is most loved by aphids. On the windowsill of seeds, plants are completely protected from it. But those transferred from the garden by adults may well be a surprise. Washing the leaves and shoots with laundry soap will not help much. It is better to use a short-term insecticide. This is necessary so that mint can then be used for food purposes.
  3. Do not grow mint on southern window sills. Direct sunlight can burn leaves in one day. If there are no other options, then be sure to use shading in the form of white paper or thick tulle.
  4. In winter, it is recommended to spray the air around the plantings more often. This will increase the humidity of the microclimate and it will be much easier for mint to live. Instead of spraying, you can put additional water containers nearby. Even a saucer with wet expanded clay or peat saturates the air with the necessary amount of moisture.

How to grow mint on a windowsill? As you can see, it's very simple. Mint does not need special care. She needs a little of your attention and a little care. But she will thank you in full. And you can enjoy fresh leaves with a charming aroma all winter long.

Video: how to grow mint at home in a few days

The window sill is a place where you can comfortably place spices that will not only fill the room with fragrance, but also go to the dishes. A plant that feels great at home is fragrant mint. Before growing mint at home, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the simple spice requirements that you will have to meet in order to get a generous harvest.

It is not difficult to get a generous harvest by growing a fragrant spice, and for this you do not need a vegetable garden - for mint it is enough to allocate space on the windowsill. In the apartment in winter, the plant will feel no worse than in the garden under the open rays of the sun.

There are no special features in growing spices, the main thing is to ensure proper care, which includes:

  • preliminary preparation of the substrate;
  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • lighting.

Even novice flower growers who have not been growing indoor plants will certainly be able to cope with the spice - mint is unpretentious and will not require regular attention.

Suitable varieties for home growing

Mint is the spice most commonly grown outdoors, so not all varieties are suitable for indoor use. To get a crop, it is recommended to use planting material of the following varieties:

  • Ceremony. The peculiarity of the variety is the abundance of essential oils in the composition. The leaves are wrinkled, have a rich emerald hue. To obtain shoots, it is recommended to pinch the main trunk, otherwise the bush will begin to stretch upwards strongly. Has a persistent aroma.
  • Pearl. A distinctive feature of the variety is its small size. Compact bushes do not allow lateral buds, so you have to pinch. The smell of the variety is spicy-mint, it will improve the taste of any drink or dish.
  • Pennyroyal. It is recommended only for growing at home. A distinctive feature of mint is long side shoots that turn the plant into a compact lush bush. In summer, you can observe flowering - placers of small lilac flowers emitting a spicy aroma.

Important! Garden varieties can also be used for growing on the windowsill, but in the summer they will have to be taken out to fresh air, otherwise the mint will wither.

How to plant and grow on a windowsill

There will be no particular difficulties during planting, the main thing is to avoid mistakes in the first stages of mint cultivation. There are several ways to use for landing:

  • seeds (labor-intensive and lengthy method);
  • cuttings (harvest will be harvested in a month);
  • layering (the first fragrant leaves can be collected after 3-5 weeks).

Regardless of the variety chosen and the method of propagation, the composition of the soil, the choice of location, the number of irrigations differ little - mint is extremely undemanding and does not differ in terms of maintenance from indoor plants.

Preparing seeds and cuttings for planting

The first step in growing mint is the choice of planting material. It is better not to give preference to hybrid varieties when buying seeds - they rarely retain maternal characteristics. Planting should be done in early spring, soaking the planting material is not required - it is better to send the seeds immediately to the ground. The first sprouts at the correct temperature (not lower than 25 degrees) will appear in just half a month.

Be sure to spray the surface of the substrate - dry soil will cause the death of plants.

Cuttings are an easier way to get young mint bushes in a short time. The upper shoots of adult plants are usually cut for rooting. The length of the cutting is up to 10 cm. Be sure to remove the lower leaves, put the shoots in water - in a week and a half, roots will appear. It remains to plant the stalk in the ground - in just a week, the growth of young leaves will begin, which can already be used in cooking.

What should be the place

Even at room temperature, you will have to look for the most convenient place for mint. Be sure to choose the sunniest window sill, but keep in mind that bright rays can cause a burn on the tender shoots of the plant.

In order to prevent burns, it is necessary to create an artificial shadow on the hottest days. You can use a thin curtain or newspaper for this. If it is not possible to constantly protect the bush from the sun, it is better to give preference to western or eastern windows.

Where to plant

For planting, it is better to choose containers, as for indoor flowers. Containers are also recommended. The main thing is to take into account the size of the root system of the bush, it branches strongly and may not fit in a small pot.

If you plan to grow a lot of plants, it is better to purchase a large long container - this will make it easier to care for mint. In order to get just a few bushes, it is better to use pots.

What kind of soil to plant

The soil for growing mint must be light and nutritious. You can prepare the substrate yourself (mix sand, peat, compost, garden soil in equal parts) or purchase it at the store.

If a ready-made substrate is purchased, it is better to give preference to soil for growing indoor plants. You can replace it with seedling soil - it is nutritious and easily saturated with oxygen and moisture.


Planting will not be particularly difficult, no matter how the reproduction takes place. Grown seedlings should be planted in pots after the appearance of four good leaves. It is not necessary to carry out a pick - it is recommended to send the bushes immediately to containers for adult mint.

Rooted cuttings or cuttings require more attention - be sure to add 10-15 g of wood ash to each well, which will protect against diseases and pests that can damage the root system. To exclude a burn, the ash must first be mixed with a small amount of substrate.

Important! Another important landing rule is to produce it better in cloudy weather.

plant care

Caring for mint is simple - follow the basic rules of agricultural technology recommended for indoor plants. There are few of them - watering, pest or disease control, timely introduction of nutrients.

Another indispensable requirement for mint care is pinching, which allows you to form a lush bush. It is recommended to carry out the process throughout the year - if you miss the moment, you can get a long stem with a few leaves.

Watering rules

Mint can only be watered with warm water. The recommended time for irrigating the substrate is in the evening hours. During the day in sunny weather, it is better not to water - introducing moisture into an overdried substrate can destroy the root system.

Be sure to regularly spray the bushes. Mint likes moist air, so in the summer you can put a bowl of water near the container with the plant.

top dressing

Unlike growing indoor plants, mint will not need frequent feeding. You need to make nutrients once a season. As a fertilizer, use a solution of urea (per liter of water 1 g of the substance).

The introduction of nutrients should be carried out only in summer - in winter, mint should be at rest. If top dressing is made in winter, shoots will actively begin to grow and stretch.

Diseases and pests

Diseases and insects affect mint extremely rarely. Persistent aroma and rather hard leaves do not attract pests, they try to settle on more tasty plants.

If, nevertheless, trouble happened and unwanted neighbors were noticed on the bushes, sparing folk remedies should be used against them, chemicals are not recommended.

It is usually enough to wash the mint several times with soapy foam so that the pests disappear for a long time. Diseases most often develop with improper care - overflow, lack of moisture, and the wrong choice of location. Correcting mistakes is simple - review your actions and find out what exactly was done wrong.

Harvest and storage

Mint is usually stored dried. It is recommended to use tender young leaves for this. Lay them out in one layer on clean paper (pre-wash) and leave on a sunny windowsill until the moisture has completely evaporated.

Send dry mint leaves for storage. Use clean glass containers for this, which are tightly closed. The storage location is cool and dark, with low humidity.

Mint is a versatile plant that can be used not only in the preparation of refreshing drinks, but also added to dishes and preserves. Much more useful than purchased spice, self-grown raw materials, and there are no particular difficulties in this process, even an inexperienced beginner can cope with the work. The main thing is to satisfy all the requirements of a fragrant lush bush, and there are not so many of them.

On a summer evening, sitting comfortably in a sun lounger, it is pleasant to drink a cup of tea flavored with green leaves of fragrant mint. Such a pastime is not only pleasant, but also useful in terms of maintaining your health at the proper level. Although, why are we talking about summer? After all, you can enjoy a noble drink anywhere, at any time of the year, whenever you wish. And for this you need only one thing - to have fresh mint at your disposal all year round.

The statement is interesting, but where to find mint leaves in winter, on snowy ground? Only you don’t have to look for anything if the fragrant plant grows in a pot on the windowsill. And in order for it to grow, it is only necessary to navigate the question of how to grow mint at home in the winter. And why not? If in "wild" conditions mint grows, then in greenhouses it will grow even more so. Properly select all the necessary components, observe the conditions responsible for its proper growth - these are all the requirements of home cultivation. Now everything said in detail and step by step.

What is mint grown from?

There are two ways to grow mint indoors. The first way is from seeds. Simple in essence, but requires some knowledge in the "mint" varieties. Since the seeds will be purchased, you should initially know what to purchase. Without knowing the grade, it's hard to get what you want.

On a note.
Apple varieties of mint are an excellent seasoning for compotes, jelly and jam. Field mint will be in place in tonic drinks. For those who love the taste and smell of mint without "extreme", that is, with a reduced content of menthol, curly mint varieties can be recommended.

The second way is growing from cuttings. On the one hand, the option is troublesome, planting material needs to be harvested, but on the other hand, we will get mint faster, because nothing is germinated, but only grown and the variety will be what we want. We take cuttings from a plant that we see and taste.

How to plant seeds

Consider how to grow mint on the windowsill from the most convenient planting material - from seeds. The procedure is simple. Purchased or personally collected seeds are taken, laid out in pits or grooves. To make it less work, and it will be more convenient, the seeds can be gently pressed into the soil, instead of being laid out and then covered with an additional layer. Planting depth 0.5 cm. For the full germination of planting material on the windowsill, special conditions are not required. A normal room temperature of 20-25ºС and moist soil is enough.

Planting cuttings

The next method on how to grow mint at home quickly and efficiently is cuttings and roots. It will be possible to indulge in fragrant tea in two to three weeks. But first, the preparation of the material. For breeding mint at home on the windowsill, you can choose either the upper cuttings or the lower ones. In the first case, the top of the plant is cut off by 8-10 centimeters. In the second case, a part of the rhizome is taken for the "seedlings". Or the whole root, if it's small. The cuttings from the top of the mint are pre-sprouted in a container with water or wet sand. After the appearance of young roots, they are transferred to a separate container (pot, box) for further growth. Cuttings from the root system are planted directly into prepared, well-moistened soil. Everything else is the same as with seeds, but it is not necessary to cover the "bed".

Soil and container - the right choice

For planting mint seeds, it is recommended to take one large box, the size of a window sill. First, all planting material is planted in one container. After the appearance of the first greenery, each plant is transplanted into an individual pot. But if desired or necessary, everything can be left as it is, removing the most frail plants from the common shoots and planting healthy ones one from the other at a distance of 5 centimeters. For cuttings pots are used immediately. Plant transplantation is not expected here.

On the ground. Mint loves fertile, loose soil. To grow mint at home on the windowsill in winter, you can use ordinary garden, well-fertilized soil. Not bad if it is mixed with sand. A good option is peat soil. On it, mint also gives an excellent harvest. In the case when neither one nor the other is available, garden soil (2 parts) is taken and mixed with humus (1 part). And the last - the purchased substrate. Ideal for city dwellers.

Be careful with garden soil!
It requires additional treatment with high temperature in the oven, a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. After all, how to grow mint on a windowsill healthy and beautiful, if the soil used is initially infected with both diseases and harmful insects. "Disinfection" will not allow pests from the garden to move into a box on the balcony - the plant will not get sick.

When filling containers with prepared substrate, do not forget about creating a drainage layer at the bottom of pots or boxes. A layer of two to three centimeters of expanded clay or small gravel will be enough to remove excess water from the soil.

Ensuring optimal conditions for growing mint on the window


The place where the pot with the planted seeds or cuttings will stand should be bright, but without direct sunlight. Half shade would also be nice.


Depends on the illumination of the "garden". 20-25ºС heat without drafts is just the norm if the pots or boxes are in a well-lit place. When there is not enough daylight, it is recommended to reduce the temperature in the room to 15ºС or put young greenery on a less heated balcony. In low light and high temperature, the mint stems will be thin, and the leaves will be defective.


Since the cultivation of mint at home can be carried out at different times of the year, watering the plant should also be different in intensity. In winter, the beds are watered moderately, avoiding an excess of water and the formation of dirt. In summer, the regularity of watering is somewhat increased due to the increased ambient temperature. But even relatively increased watering should not lead to the fact that the root system of the plant is waterlogged.

top dressing

Winter top dressing of mint is not required. Unless, to feed the cuttings at the beginning of their vegetative period (when the first young shoots appear). For top dressing, it is recommended to use a solution: 1 gram of urea per 1 liter of water. In the summer, mineral fertilizers are allowed, but in a sparing, safe for health amount and only at the stage of the appearance of the first leaves.

They planted, germinated, grew, harvested - easily, quickly, pleasantly. Mint is probably the only plant that gardeners truly enjoy growing and caring for at home. A beautiful view and a pleasant aroma in the room, apart from useful qualities that contribute to the prevention of various diseases, make mint indispensable when there is so little truly fresh fragrant greenery.

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Unfortunately, it is not always possible to see fresh fragrant parsley on the dining table in winter. Either they didn’t bring it to the store, or they were too lazy to leave the house and spend time buying one or two bunches of greens. You can survive its absence, but when the food is seasoned with pretty fragrant leaves, life during the garden "off-season" becomes more fun and "tastier".

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Mint is a very useful and tasty plant. It is added to tea to calm nerves, improve mood and tune in to a sweet dream. And if you just touch the mint leaves, then the space will be filled with a wonderful aroma. Therefore, many people want to know if it is possible to grow mint on a windowsill in winter. It is possible, for this you need to know the basic rules for planting a bush in the ground and basic plant care at home.

Features of growing on the windowsill

Growing mint at home on a windowsill is considered a bit exotic. Usually it lives well in open ground. But some people really want to grow it in a pot and keep it not only for the beauty of the interior, but also in order to obtain health and wellness benefits.

To do this, you need to take into account some features of planting and caring for a young plant. There are several ways to grow homemade mint on a windowsill. If rooting is carried out by seeds, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the seedlings germinate poorly and slowly. Most importantly, in most cases, young seedlings have poor heredity and often get sick.

It is best to grow mint on the windowsill with cuttings, they take root faster and carry all the useful qualities taken from the mother shrub.

Important! It is necessary to keep mint at room temperature not lower than + 250C, in winter it should be +17 .. + 200C. Hypothermia for an indoor flower is detrimental.

Watering is required in the summer to carry out high-quality. During the winter months, over-irrigation should be avoided, supplying nutrient moisture to the shrub only when needed. But unlike summer, from January you need to spray the leaves daily with warm room water.

Thus, the features of growing mint on the windowsill are not too different from other rooted plants in indoor living conditions. The main point of keeping the shrub on the window is a comfortable temperature, a sufficient amount of light and watering provided.

Video: features of growing mint on the windowsill.

What varieties are suitable for growing on the windowsill

Mint is considered a spice that grows outdoors, so there are not many varieties for growing on a windowsill. A small list is represented by the following species, suitable for planting on the windowsill in the room. Here are some varieties of mint that can be grown on the windowsill:

  1. Pearl- small sizes. It is distinguished by wrinkled leaves, of medium volume with a dark green tint. In order for the bush to begin to branch, you need to pinch the top point of growth. Then the lateral dormant buds will grow. The smell of the species is distinguished by a spicy-mint aroma.
  2. Pennyroyal- home bush of compact volume. Its advantage is the formation of a large number of long processes. Its foliage is insignificant in length, the leaves are closely spaced to each other. The inflorescences are small, give a purple tone. The smell of foliage when touched is bright, clearly defined.
  3. Ceremony- essential oily deciduous plant. The foliage vaguely resembles the "Pearl" variety, having the same wrinkled leaf plates and a rich dark shade. The upper bud must be pinched so that the shrub begins to branch actively. Without this, the flower will begin to stretch out as a single trunk. The taste of fresh leaves is minty, rich, and the aroma is bright, spreading over a large area.

In addition to these varieties of mint, you can try to grow garden bushes in pots on the windowsill. For this purpose, a larger flowerpot and constant monitoring of active growth will be required. Perfect for planting on the windowsill are mint varieties such as Garden menthol, Pepper garden and Anise Lofant.

How to plant and grow on a windowsill - features, conditions and step by step instructions

To grow mint on the windowsill at home, you need to know how to plant it correctly, at what depth to place mint seedlings or seedlings.

Reference! Properly selected planting substrate will provide the shrub with good germination and rapid growth. Therefore, you should follow the basic recommendations during planting.

What should be the place

To safely grow mint on the windowsill in an apartment or private house, you should choose the right place. Mint prefers sunny window sills. But at the same time, the midday rays of the luminary can burn young tender leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to put slides with shrubs on the western or eastern windows. If it is not possible to place flowerpots on these sides, then the southern window sill at noon should be shaded or the plant should be moved into the shade for a while.

Interesting! If the bush does not have enough light, the shoots begin to stretch excessively, and the leaves become light in color and small in size. Therefore, the sun should be the optimal amount.

The shrub is very sensitive to humidity. Therefore, on hot summer days and at times when the battery next to the window is hot in winter, it is imperative to adhere to high humidity. To do this, the leaves 1-2 times a day should be sprayed with boiled, settled water.

The temperature regime at which mint shoots quickly grow is + 23 .. + 250С. If the degrees drop below, then the shrub tends to slow down active growth. Therefore, in winter, the temperature in the room where the mint is located is reduced to +17 .. + 190 C. This is done so that the mint rests and gains strength for the spring release of young shoots.

What container to plant

It is necessary to organize the planting of mint for growing on the windowsill in pots of small size in height, but with a fairly large width. Mint grows in breadth, and does not go deep into the roots. An ideal option for planting would be a ceramic pot. If you plant mint at home on the windowsill in a plastic flowerpot, then the roots of the shrub can rot.

Attention! The plant takes root well in a ceramic pot. It has the ability to absorb excess moisture and pass the air required for the roots.

It is also important to choose a fairly large flowerpot. If the root system is crowded, then the shrub will slow down its growth and will not please with a rich color.

What kind of soil to plant

Mint is not picky about the soil substrate, but its active growth is noted in loose, fertile soils. The acidity of the earth is not recommended to exceed 6 pH. If the indicator is higher, then the plant will sit in one place, showing no signs of an increase in green shoots.

The fragrant bush will not refuse to take root in peat soil. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase soil mixtures based on peat and humus. It is they who favorably affect the transformation from a young cutting into a beautifully developed plant.

Attention! If possible, you can prepare the soil for planting yourself. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions the soil from the garden or vegetable garden, river sand, leafy humus and crushed peat. Mix the contents thoroughly and leave the whole consistency for a month.

There is another option for preparing the land for planting mint at home on the windowsill. The earth is taken from the garden and combined in a ratio of 2: 1 with leafy humus. This concentration is somewhat poorer than the first option, but with additional dressings, this composition is perfect for growing.

Preparing seeds and cuttings for planting

Reproduction of mint occurs in two ways: seeds and cuttings. Before starting planting work, planting material should be prepared. Seedlings can be collected from the mother bush after the inflorescences have faded. The main point to consider is the timing of seed ripening. If they are collected green, they will not sprout.

Important! To grow mint on a windowsill from seeds, it is better to buy planting material in a specialized store. Additional processing of seedlings purchased in the store is not required. They are immediately placed in the ground.

To prepare the cuttings, they are cut from the mother bush. The seedling should be up to 10 cm tall. It can be put in water until the moment when the stalk takes root. Or immediately root in moist soil.

For the rapid release of young roots, the plant must be warm, constantly irrigated with moisture. The main thing is to control the process of germination of the root system.

As soon as the first roots began to appear, the seedlings should be immediately planted in the ground.

The disadvantage of the method is the moment of rooting. After all, if the root system grows significantly, it is possible to damage or completely break the roots during placement in the ground.

Video: how to grow mint on a windowsill using cuttings.

Direct landing

Seeds are sown on the soil, and sprinkled on top with a small amount of earth, but so that the seedlings are at a depth of 0.5 cm from the top. In turn, the cuttings are buried to a depth not exceeding 7 cm.

When growing mint on a windowsill with seeds, it is recommended to plant them in March or April. After planting, they need to be covered with glass or film. This is necessary in order to reproduce greenhouse conditions for rapid germination.

Attention! Cuttings, as opposed to seedlings, should be rooted in the fall. It is at this moment that the mother bush contains a large amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the rapid process of releasing young roots.

Further growth depends only on quality care, which includes watering, fertilizing and loosening young seedlings.

Video: how to grow mint at home on the windowsill.

How to care after planting and before harvesting - tips

To successfully grow mint on the windowsill in the apartment, you need to properly care for it. And proper care must be carried out according to established rules. You need to follow the advice and then the shrub will begin to grow quickly and delight with a persistent aroma. The following recommendations are made:

  1. The temperature should be at + 250C.
  2. In winter, on a short daylight hours, plantings should be highlighted. If you do not light an additional 6 hours, then the sprouts will begin to stretch.
  3. If additional lighting is organized, then the temperature is recommended to be reduced to +17 .. + 180С and reduce watering.
  4. Humidity should be kept at 80%. This moment is relevant on winter days, when heating appliances are turned on and sufficiently dry air is observed. Requires water containers.
  5. In addition to containers with water, it is required to spray tender leaves. Moisture should be boiled, separated, at room temperature.
  6. To simplify the care of mint on the windowsill, you can introduce a small amount of hydrogel into the soil. It accumulates moisture and evaporates it for a long period, which reduces the frequency of watering.
  7. Top dressing is carried out with the help of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. With the latter, you need to carefully act on the bush. When it is oversaturated, fertilizers begin to be deposited in the soil.

Thus, by caring for mint and controlling its constant state, you can achieve a chic bush that will delight with its appearance, aromatic smell and culinary additives.

Diseases and pests

Important! Also likes to settle on the foliage of the leaf beetle. He often attacks a bush with increased dampness and excessive watering. To fight, it is necessary to eliminate the beneficial conditions for the pest to live - to ventilate more and reduce watering.

In addition, the plant can be affected by diseases - rust and powdery mildew. To combat rust, the bush is ruthlessly removed from the collection so that the disease does not have time to move to other specimens. And in the case of powdery mildew, it is sprayed with colloidal sulfur.

Planting and harvesting dates

When growing mint on a windowsill using seeds, the first shoots appear after 21 days. After passing 14-17 days, you can pluck the first leaves. By this time, the shrub will be 25-30 cm tall, after which young leaves can be used in cooking.

When rooting by cuttings, you need to wait until the young leaves grow. They will appear in 10-15 days from the moment the cutting is planted. Only after that you can pinch off the greens.

Attention! If the foliage is needed for drying and use in tea, then it is better to wait until more essential oils are accumulated in the leaf plate. This period begins simultaneously with the beginning of the formation of peduncles.

Thus, growing mint on the windowsill in winter (or in any other season) at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is that you need to fulfill all the requirements for planting, choose the right composition of the soil and continuously care for the plant, and then the mint on the windowsill will delight you all year round.

A useful article is an overview of how mint grows on the windowsill, as well as its relative herb melissa. Secrets of planting, care, seed selection, watering, harvesting.

Mint and lemon balm are very common and loved by all, without exception, spicy aromatic plants.

Many people know about their most valuable healing properties and use these gifts of nature for the benefit of their health.

Melissa and mint on the windowsill - how to grow and have fresh spice always at hand all year round? This will be discussed below.

Mint on the windowsill - the secrets of growing

Mint - (lat. Méntha is a genus of plants of the Lamiaceae family. All species are strongly aromatic, most of them contain a lot of menthol

Mint can be grown on windowsills, on loggias, using flower pots or large special containers for this.

The name of the genus comes from the name of the nymph Mintha (or Minta), the goddess of Mount Mente in Elis, the beloved of the god of the underworld Hades. The wife of Hades Persephone turned her into a plant - fragrant mint

What are the methods of reproduction?

There are two ways to grow: these are seeds and cuttings.

Of course, with the cutting method of propagation, you will get a crop faster than using the seed method.

Therefore, if you have such an opportunity - to prepare cuttings, then it would be most reasonable to do so.

Or simply, knowing this moment, plant the seeds in advance, calculating the date of the expected first harvest in time.

What container to use?

It is necessary to choose a container for planting from those considerations, how much you need to get a crop in terms of volume.

What kind of soil does mint like?

She feels wonderful on loose humus soil, the acidity of which should not exceed 5-6 pH.

Peat soil is also suitable for her. Therefore, based on these points, buy the necessary soil mixtures.

You can prepare the necessary soil mixture with your own hands.

How to do it?

There are two options:

  1. Take in equal proportions garden soil, humus, peat, sand. Stir evenly. The mixture is ready.
  2. You can mix just garden soil and humus in a ratio of 2: 1. This option is poorer in composition, but also quite suitable.

Growing mint from seeds

You can buy seeds at any garden store, or you can collect them yourself from mature plants.


There are many varieties and types of mint, so if you are growing this plant for the first time, it is best to try several of its types and then choose which aromatic herb you like best.

  • So, make grooves or holes in the soil about 5 ml. deep, sow the seeds, water, sprinkle with soil.
  • The first shoots appear in two to three weeks.
  • Comfortable temperature for growing - 18-25 degrees.
  • There should be sufficient, good level of lighting.

Mint on the windowsill - Growing spices from cuttings

In the fall, when the vegetation of the plant is over, you need to prepare cuttings for yourself.

The rhizome must be carefully dug along with a clod of earth. If you do not immediately plant, then store the rhizome in a cold cellar, sprinkled with sand on top.


For propagation by cuttings, all types of mint are suitable, except for water mint.

  • Before planting, carefully examine the dug roots, divide into small parts so that each has root offspring with dormant buds.
  • Next, plant the cuttings in flowerpots or boxes filled with soil mixture by 2/3 of the volume. After laying, water abundantly, sprinkle with soil.
  • In ten to twelve days you will have the first leaves ready.
  • After planting, it is recommended to feed the plant with fertilizers.
  • You can use carbamide for this purpose - one gram of fertilizer per liter of water. Stir, pour.

How to care for mint?

She is not picky, but still there are some moments.

In winter, it should be watered carefully to prevent too much waterlogging.

At this time of the year, plant growth slows down, so its need for nutrients and moisture decreases.

But at this time of the year, heating radiators in apartments work hard, the air becomes too dry, so it is recommended to spray the plant with a spray bottle.

Mint does not tolerate drafts, keep this in mind when caring for it.

In summer, do not allow the soil to dry out, this will lead to the death of the plant.

This spice is very photophilous, but still, carefully observe how it behaves in direct sunlight. Shade it if necessary.

How to grow lemon balm on a windowsill?

seed growing method

To do this, plant the seeds in a box, which you must fill 2/3 with soil mixture, which must be purchased at a special store.

  • You can make your own soil mix. To do this, take in equal proportions ordinary soddy soil, peat and humus. Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour into containers prepared for planting, make grooves there 0.5 cm deep, at a distance of about 5-6 centimeters from one another. Pour water over them.
  • Seeds must be dry before planting, fill them rarely, cover with soil, water.
  • Moisten the soil regularly until the first shoots appear.
  • Shoots should appear in about ten to fourteen days.

Method of propagation by cuttings (vegetative)

It is absolutely identical to what is written above regarding propagation by mint cuttings.

plant care

In winter, lemon balm should not be left on the balcony; it is better to bring flowerpots or boxes into the house and place them on the windowsill.

  • At the same time, care must be taken not to overcool the plant with drafts, not to dry it out, since central heating batteries are usually located under the windowsill.
  • During this period, the plant can do without moisture for a long time, but do not overdo it. You just need to slightly reduce the amount and frequency of watering compared to the summer period.

Melissa thrives on the same soil for several years in a row, so changing the soil mixture every year or two does not make sense.

  • Be sure to make sure that the soil is loose, loosen it periodically for this, so that the plant breathes better.
  • Remember that lemon balm is a fairly light-loving plant, so provide it with enough sunlight.
  • When grown in shading, the plant slows down the production of sufficient essential oil and loses its aromatic properties.

Growing seedlings at home

If you want to grow lemon balm in advance at home on the windowsill in order to later move it into the ground in the spring, after sowing the seeds, you can cover the soil with a film for faster first shoots.

  • As soon as the first true shoots appear, dive the plant.
  • It is necessary to plant seedlings of lemon balm in the ground in the first decade of May, when any danger of frost has already passed.
  • Plant the plant at a distance of 40-60 centimeters from each other, so that the bushes do not interfere with each other when growing.

Mint on the windowsill - Useful video

Be sure to watch this video, where Oktyabrina Ganechkina tells everything about growing aromatic herbs on the windowsill.

Collection, preparation, storage of mint and lemon balm.

The collected leaves must be laid out on a dry surface in a dark place, without direct sunlight.

Dry the leaves to their absolute fragility.

Raw materials are stored in paper or fabric bags, in a dry and cool place.

Be careful to keep humidity levels low during storage. Otherwise, it will lead to damage to your blanks.

mint on the windowsill - Useful memo plate

Try growing mint and lemon balm on your windowsill and have a bountiful harvest!

About what other plants can be grown on the windowsill, read this interesting article.


You can enjoy drinks prepared with fresh mint all year round, even when there is snow and severe frosts outside. And it’s not at all about going to the nearest store and buying fragrant leaves or getting last year’s dried crop. Anyone can grow this plant at home, on their windowsill or in the country.

Green mint all year round on your windowsill

It would seem that why add extra trouble to yourself and grow mint at home, if you can make the necessary supply from the summer by drying fragrant greens for future use. However, dried mint does not have such a bright taste and rich aroma as a fresh plant, and some of the beneficial properties of mint are lost during processing, which is also quite important. No essential oil can be compared in its properties with a living plant. In addition, growing mint on the windowsill does not require much effort - it is enough to carry out the simplest care for the plant and there will always be fresh greens on the windowsill! There are two possible ways to grow mint both in the country and at home. The first option is to grow healthy greens from seeds, the second using cuttings. But keep in mind that mint sprouted from seeds immediately after the sprouts appear gives very tender, incomparable greens, while mint from cuttings is immediately “adult”, that is, somewhat tough and rough. However, the “cutting” mint has a more pronounced taste, but the “seed” mint has an aroma.

Growing mint at home is not only useful, but also beautiful

Whichever of the two methods you choose, the first step is to prepare the seats.

As for containers, it all depends on your own preferences and capabilities, since mint can be grown, including in flower pots, especially since the green mint bush will look like an ornamental house plant, so growing mint at home is not only useful, but also beautiful. But we do not recommend taking too small a container, since the plant has a branched and strong root system, and with a lack of space, the greenery will be frail and not powerful enough.

Video on how to grow mint at home

As for the soil, it is better to take care of this issue in advance. Since mint grows best in acidified soil, you can prepare a peat-based soil mixture. If there is no time to prepare the soil, then you can purchase a ready-made substrate in the store, or dig up land in the country. In the latter case, when digging the earth in the garden, it is worth taking fatter and more fertile soil. In addition, if the earth was taken from the garden, it cannot be used without light disinfection to destroy pathogenic microbes. The easiest way to do this is to shed the prepared soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then ignite it.

Further actions depend on which method of planting mint (cuttings or seeds) you have chosen.

Growing from seed

In order to grow mint from seeds, you first need to get them. The most correct way is to purchase seed material in a specialized store. As a rule, varieties such as Pepper or Lemon are purchased for the home, since, on the one hand, they have a pronounced taste and aroma, and on the other, they do not require any exotic soil or special fertilizers. You can also grow a more exotic variety, but this should be done with a “hands on” on the simplest.

Planting in pots or trays with moist soil is done after the seeds have been pre-treated. Seeds are poured into grooves, up to 5 mm deep, sprinkled on top flush with the ground. Further care is watering with a spray gun and covering with a film. The film remains on the pot constantly until the sprouts appear, only 2-3 times a day the soil needs to be ventilated for 30-40 minutes, and it is better to do this in the evening and morning hours.

The plant germinates in just 2-3 weeks. After the appearance of sprouts, some of them (with especially frequent sowing) can be moved to another container, however, when extracting plants, you should be extremely careful, since the root system of young mint is still very tender.

Planting in pots or trays with moist soil is carried out after the preliminary preparation of the seeds has passed.

Growing from cuttings

Growing mint from cuttings is extremely simple and even easier than from seeds. To do this, you need to buy (or take in the garden) a strong cutting, which is placed at home in a glass or a glass jar for the germination of the root system. A plastic container is not recommended for use.

Video about growing mint on the windowsill

Experienced gardeners advise putting a gauze-cotton pad on the bottom of the container, which will imitate soil and immediately give more branched roots. As soon as the roots reach a length of at least 7-10 mm, the cutting is transplanted into moist soil, and the plant is placed in a sunny place, but for the first months it is covered from direct rays with a white translucent fabric or thick gauze.

mint care

For homemade mint, special care is not required, it is enough to perform a few simple steps:

  • regular watering is the main care. In no case should the soil be allowed to dry out, as mint does not tolerate dryness. However, you can not fill the plant;
  • dust removal. With the help of a sprayer, dust should be regularly removed from the foliage - this will make the mint only bushier and more aromatic;
  • top dressing. In the summer, you can feed once with urea (1 g / 1 liter of water), in winter, top dressing is not needed;
  • additional illumination. In summer, an abundance of light is not required, but from October to March, daylight hours must be extended to 12 hours;
  • direct sunlight is detrimental to foliage, so the plant must be hidden from it behind a light canopy;
  • temperature maintenance. Mint does not tolerate cold well, the optimum temperature for it is 20-22 degrees Celsius. In the summer, mint can (and should) be kept on the balcony, and in winter it can be moved to the windowsill;
  • leaves should be plucked at a distance of 15-20 mm from the stem, which stimulates the emergence of new shoots.

Homemade mint does not require special care.

Caring for mint at home is not complicated and not burdensome, but you always have at hand not only fresh and tasty greens, rich in vitamins, which improves sleep, memory, which increases the body's defenses, but also just a beautiful looking bushy plant.

Growing mint on a windowsill is very easy and does not require much effort! Fragrant, fast growing and one of the most popular culinary herbs, you can grow it in a pot at home by reading this little guide. If you use mint a lot, having your own plant can help you cut down on the cost of buying fresh spice, especially in winter.

pot and soil

The size of the pot depends on how much mint you want to grow. The minimum size is 15 cm, the average is 30-35 cm. The pot should not be deep, because the mint roots are located very close to the surface. Make sure there are drainage holes in the bottom.

For the successful growth and development of mint, loose, fertile, well-drained soil is needed. The soil for growing mint at home should be with a slightly acidic pH between 6.5 and 7.0.

To limit the rapid growth of the plant, make sure that the mint stems do not fall or touch the ground, as they root very quickly.

Varieties for cultivation

There are endless varieties of mint, each with its own special flavor - lemon, pineapple, grapefruit. Some grow several different varieties in one pot at once, it looks very impressive.

For growing on the windowsill, peppermint varieties with a classic smell are most often chosen:

How to grow mint at home on a windowsill

There are three ways to propagate mint: seeds, cuttings, and root division. To grow it in an apartment, the first two are suitable.

from seed

The best time for sowing mint is March-April.

How to plant mint from seeds:

  1. Fill a flat wide container with earth.
  2. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil.
  3. Sprinkle with a thin layer of soil substrate.
  4. Watered with water from a spray bottle.
  5. Cover the pot with foil.

Mint seeds should germinate within 10-15 days (sometimes longer) at room temperature or slightly warmer. After germination, tiny seedlings will be fragile, so be careful when watering. In the phase of two or three true leaves, they dive into separate pots.

Growing mint from seed takes quite a long time and requires much more attention and care than cuttings or dividing the roots.

From cuttings (twigs)

The best way to quickly grow mint in an apartment is to take cuttings from the varieties that you like best.

  1. Take cuttings (twigs) of mint about 12-15 cm long from an adult plant and remove the lower leaves.
  2. Place the stems in a glass filled with water and set on a well-lit window sill. Mint roots will develop over several weeks. Be sure to change the water when it starts to get cloudy to keep the plant healthy.

Once the roots have grown, plant the mint in a pot of soil:

  1. Fill the pot with fertile soil, leaving 2 to 3 cm on top.
  2. Make a hole in the ground in the center of the pot to fit part of the stem with roots.
  3. Immerse the branch in the hole, sprinkle the roots with earth and gently tamp around.
  4. Carefully pour water at room temperature.

Life hack "How to grow mint at home in a few days" - video

Mint care at home

Mint has very few needs other than watering and fertile soil. To be honest, this plant is quite difficult to ruin. Here are a few conditions necessary for the normal growth and development of mint.


Mint can tolerate shade, but it needs a minimum of 3-4 hours of sunlight per day to grow well.


This spicy plant loves moderate temperatures: indoors it should be at least 18-21 C during the day and 13-15 C at night.

How to water

Mint prefers moist soil, but don't overwater it. If the top of the soil becomes dry to the touch, only then is watering necessary.

Spray the plant with a spray bottle between waterings, or place the pot on a water-filled tray of pebbles.

top dressing

Home-grown spices do not need to be heavily fertilized, otherwise they will lose their taste. For top dressing of mint, use a liquid all-purpose fertilizer when you notice that the plant has weakened.


Trim long sprigs of mint regularly to grow even more dense greenery and to keep the plant in good shape.

Don't let the flowers bloom and pinch them as soon as you see them. Flowering dramatically reduces the quality of greenery.

Pests and diseases

Being very fragrant, mint almost never suffers from pests and rarely becomes a victim of disease.

Mint will sometimes develop small orange spots on the underside of the leaves. In this case, use organic fungicides (anti-fungal plant diseases) and let the soil dry out between waterings.

In rare cases, mint can be attacked by spider mites, aphids, and powdery mildew.


You can start harvesting mint leaves as soon as the plant has a few stems about 15-18 cm long. This will take about 2 months if you are growing it from seed, and a few weeks less if you are planting sprigs.

The best way to harvest mint is to cut the greens when you need to. Never prune more than one-third of the plant or this will cause growth to be temporarily halted.

Mint is a unique perennial plant whose valuable properties are valued by many gardeners. It is used in cooking, to brew delicious fragrant tea and to treat certain colds.

That is why many try to grow it not only in the country, but also at home. This can be done by cuttings and with the help of seeds.

Mint is a fragrant, delicate and refreshing plant that belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is not demanding on the climate and region of growth, therefore it is grown by many gardeners in the country. But its widespread use in cooking leads to the need for many housewives to grow it at home.

Mint is widely distributed in different regions of our country, while it has more than 300 different species, but only 20-25 varieties are most widely used.

Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • long-leaved;
  • spikelet;
  • field;
  • apple;
  • water;
  • green;
  • curly.

Unlike other garden crops, this plant has a menthol refreshing aroma, which is slightly weaker in pepper than in other varieties. Depending on the variety, it may have green or reddish-purple leaves and stems. In this case, cultivation can be carried out in different ways.

It can be planted with cuttings or seeds. At the same time, for growing at home, novice gardeners mainly choose the first option, since it is simple to implement. The second method is more complicated, since the use of seeds to obtain seedlings is a laborious and lengthy process.

mint cuttings

But subject to all the requirements and recommendations, any housewife, even a very busy one, will be able to grow viable seedlings at home. Mint is a fairly undemanding plant, so it does not need regular watering, fertilizing and transplanting.

Growing mint using seeds is a long, laborious and complex process, as it requires increased attention, without which the seedlings may die. Also, seeds do not guarantee full germination, so even when using a whole bag of them, only a few seedlings can sprout.

Another factor that is important to consider when using this method is the fact that hybrid varieties, when propagated and grown from seed, can produce a plant that is different from the parent. Such hybrid varieties include pepper, Dutch and others.

This method is preferably used if planting is carried out in winter, and the seeds cannot be collected from the mother. In this case, a bag of planting material of a certain variety (curly, pepper, lemon, long-leaved, and others) can be bought at a regular gardening store.

It is advisable to immediately take a few, since when using them it is difficult to obtain good germination. Despite the fact that planting mint seeds is quite difficult, if you follow all the recommendations, rules and requirements of gardeners, you can get a good result.

mint seeds

So, how to grow mint at home. To do this, it is important to follow the steps:

  1. Since the size of the seeds is very small, the process of sowing them must be taken very carefully. When a seed hits deep into the ground, it will not be able to break through to the surface. That is why it is important to observe the optimal planting depth, which is no more than 5 mm. The best time for this is considered early spring.
  2. For sowing at home, it is better to pick up a small clean enameled dish. The best option is a regular plastic tray, since it is quite easy to operate, it is clearly visible even without the need to open the lid, and after transplanting the seedlings, it can simply be thrown away.
  3. Mint of all varieties prefers fertile soil, which must be prepared in advance. To do this, the earth should be combined with humus, compost and wood ash. It is also possible to use the usual store-bought, which is suitable for vegetables or herbs. Moreover, if the earth contains a large amount of lime, then the mint flavor will not be so strong. This opportunity can be used by housewives with severe allergies.
  4. It is better to plant the seeds in a plastic container with a lid, as this will create airtight conditions and maintain the optimum temperature. When using plastic or iron enameled dishes, you will need to open the lid every day and look at the state of seedlings, moisture or dryness of the soil, and the transparent walls and lid of the container make it possible to do this without harming the seedlings.
  5. Favorable conditions for germination are a temperature of 21-24 degrees and optimal humidity conditions. Therefore, in winter, you can put a basin of water next to the seedlings, which will evaporate and humidify the surrounding air.
  6. If necessary, ventilation can be provided in plastic containers. To do this, small holes must be made on the walls and lid.

Mint seeds hatch after some time - an average of 1-2 weeks. When sowing a significant amount of seeds, you can arrange plastic containers on top of each other, which will help to significantly reduce the space they occupy on the windowsill.

Growing mint on a windowsill

Growing mint will be more successful if the containers with the growth are placed on the windowsill. The plant is light-loving enough, so it must receive at least 4 hours a day of ultraviolet rays. To do this, it is best to place the containers on windows that face the northeast or west.

With a lack of sunlight when planting at home, the plant may simply die, but it is not recommended to allow direct sunlight to fall on the seedlings during the daytime. This can lead to burns on the leaves and complication of care.

But with a lack of light during the day or in winter conditions, artificial light from table or special lamps can be used to create additional lighting.

If the plant does not grow well, you need to use additional lighting.

To do this, they must be placed at a certain height, which will prevent the occurrence of burns, which is 50 cm.

broken brick

Fertile soil with an acid-base composition in the range of 6-7 is suitable for transplantation, top dressing is carried out with specialized fertilizers and preparations.

Care after landing

Mint, like lemon balm, is not a demanding plant, which is why its cultivation is so common at home. But to ensure good survival of seedlings and abundant growth, special care is required for it, which should include the main activities:

  1. Removal of weeds during periodic weeding and loosening of the earth in a pot or container for planting seedlings.
  2. Moderate watering, the frequency of which depends on temperature and humidity. For example, when grown in winter, the plant requires moderate watering, and in hot summer - plentiful.
  3. Application of mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus, which help maintain viability.
  4. Plant transplantation, which is mandatory once every two or three years. This procedure allows you to rejuvenate the plant and ensure its good growth and development.

Planting mint requires careful adherence to all these care requirements at first, until the mint gets stronger and stronger. Subsequently, she ceases to require such careful care.

Growing mint at home from seeds is not difficult. But in order to obtain viable seedlings, it is important to comply with all the basic requirements for planting and care.