Why is vitamin e useful for women? Therapeutic effect What is vitamin e used for?

Antioxidant and angioprotector from the group. Its other name is tocopherol acetate. Vitamin E, instructions for use of which are given below, is important for the normal functioning of the body.

Forms of release and composition

The tool is available in capsules, ampoules, in the form of an oil solution.

Soft capsules are spherical in shape. Inside - a liquid solution of yellow color. There is no smell. These types of dosages of vitamin E are available - 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg.

With 5%, 10% and 30% tocopherol solution, 1 ml of 10 pieces per package are dispensed.

In liquid form, the vitamin preparation is poured into dark glass bottles. 5%, 10% and 30% oily solutions are also available. The color of the liquid is yellow or greenish, it has no smell. Vials can be in the form of a dropper. Their volume is from 10 to 50 ml.


According to the instructions, vitamin E has an antioxidant, immunomodulatory, radioprotective effect. Actively participates in the biological synthesis of proteins and heme. Without it, normal cellular metabolism is impossible. Improves oxygen access to tissues. Tones blood vessels, activates the formation of capillaries.

The deficiency of this substance becomes an impetus for the development of hypotension, myocardial dystrophy and skeletal muscles. Vessels become more fragile, brittle, photoreceptors cease to perform their functions normally (the latter leads to visual impairment).

Also, the lack of vitamin E negatively affects the human reproductive system. In men, sexual function decreases, in a woman, menstrual cycle failures begin. During pregnancy, there may be problems with the bearing of the fetus. In newborns, tocopherol deficiency can cause hemolytic jaundice.

Absorbed in the intestines, the lion's share of tocopherol is quickly spread by blood and lymph throughout the body. The main part is heated in the liver, fatty, muscle tissues. The highest concentration of vitamin E is found in the gonads, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and myocardium. The drug is excreted mainly in the urine. A small part comes out with bile.

Indications for use

Instructions for use of alpha-tocopherol acetate defines a whole list of indications. They are quite diverse, but each of them suggests a vitamin E deficiency that has arisen for one reason or another.

The list looks like this:

  • rehabilitation after injuries or serious somatic diseases;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • the threat of miscarriage in pregnant women;
  • prevention of embryo development failures;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • weakening of sexual function in men;
  • atrophy of the respiratory mucosa;
  • neurasthenia, accompanied by exhaustion;
  • vegetative and endocrine dysfunctions;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of the organs of vision;
  • skin ailments;
  • low body weight in newborns;
  • addiction;
  • and A in the body.

In most cases, vitamin E is taken as part of complex therapy. Its features depend on the specific disease. They are determined by the treating doctor.


Contraindications to the use of tocopherol acetate, according to the instructions, are individual intolerance to the components, myocardial infarction, severe cardiosclerosis. The drug in the form of capsules should not be taken by children under 12 years of age.

Dosage and administration

According to, take it orally after a meal. The capsule is swallowed without chewing, washed down with water. An oily solution of the vitamin can be consumed without the addition of liquid. Doses of application depend on the specific purpose and are prescribed by the doctor individually.

  • antioxidant therapy - 200-400 mg;
  • menstrual irregularities - 300-400 mg;
  • rheumatoid arthritis - 100-300 mg;
  • pathologies of muscles and tendons - 100 mg;
  • neurasthenia - 100 mg;
  • endocrine dysfunctions - 300-500 mg;
  • cardiovascular diseases - 100 mg;
  • chronic hepatitis - 300 mg;
  • dermatological diseases - 100-200 mg;
  • pathology of the organs of vision - 100-200 mg;
  • dosage for problems with potency and dysfunction of spermatogenesis - 100-300 mg.

Above are the daily norms of vitamin E for adults. For children under 6 years old, they are 5-7 mg, and from 7 to 17 - 10-15 mg. The average daily dose for women and nursing mothers is from 10 to 200 mg, depending on the purpose of use. The maximum of the allowable amount is prescribed for the threat of miscarriage or fetal pathologies detected at the stage of embryonic development.

Side effects and overdose

Side effects when taking tocopherol acetate are extremely rare. They can occur only with individual intolerance to individual components of the drug or after prolonged use of it in high doses. So, people whose body receives 400-800 mg of vitamin E daily for a long period sometimes complain of dizziness, visual impairment, nausea, weakness, headaches, stool disorders.

Rarely, more serious side effects occur, such as:

  • fever;
  • hypothrombinemia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • kidney failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • bleeding in internal organs.

Special instructions, interaction with other drugs and storage conditions

It is strongly recommended not to exceed the dosage of vitamin E prescribed by your doctor. With prolonged use, blood clotting should be monitored. As a rule, in most cases, the drug does not affect the reaction rate, memory, attention. But if symptoms such as dizziness, drowsiness, "flies" in the eyes appear, driving should be abandoned.

Alpha-tocopherol acetate is not prescribed together with drugs containing silver, iron, alkali, as well as indirect anticoagulants. With the simultaneous intake of vitamin E with steroids, non-steroids, glucocorticosteroids, anti-inflammatory, antiepileptic drugs, cardiac glycosides, the effect of the latter increases, and decreases. In combination with it leads to a deterioration in blood clotting.

Before taking alpha-tocopherol acetate, you should get your doctor's approval. In the course of therapy, strictly follow his recommendations and instructions. Self-medication is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

One of the most important vitamin substances that a person needs daily is an element belonging to group E. It is the main protector of cell walls from the negative effects of the environment. For this reason, many are prescribed to take vitamin E capsules. Before you start using it, it is important to consult a doctor, read the instructions for use.

daily requirement

Every day, the human body needs a certain amount of vitamin E. The daily requirement for the element was determined by scientists, based on the gender, age of the person, and his condition. For women, it ranges from 20 to 30 mg, for men, 25-35 mg of the substance per day is enough. Infants under six months of age need 1-3 mg of the element, children from six months to three years old - 5-8 mg, from three to twelve - 8-10 mg, and adolescents need from 10 to 17 mg for the normal functioning of internal organs and their systems.

Beneficial features

Tocopherol is very useful for the human body. Its main benefit is:

  • providing an antioxidant effect;
  • protection of cell membranes from oxidative processes;
  • improving the nutrition of cellular structures;
  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • preservation of sexual functions;
  • improvement of hairline, strengthening of the nail plate;
  • preventing and slowing down the development of oncological diseases;
  • lowering blood pressure.

For women

Women especially need tocopherol. It is popular in gynecology. It is prescribed during the treatment of infertility, if necessary, to increase the body's resistance to stress, at the time of the onset of menopause. Vitamin E not only helps to restore the menstrual cycle, but also allows you to prolong youth, while maintaining a fresh appearance of the skin, improving it.

During pregnancy

Despite the beneficial properties of the vitamin substance in capsules during pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to drink it without a doctor's prescription. This is due to the fact that an excess of tocopherol in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to the onset of placental abruption in the later stages. Exceeding the prescribed dosage during pregnancy is fraught with early childbirth, usually accompanied by large blood loss. When lactating, it is also important to consult a specialist before using the element in any form.

For children

The benefits of tocopherol for children are:

  • normalization of the process of development of the muscular and skeletal systems;
  • improvement of mental development;
  • acceleration of tissue differentiation in newborns;
  • improvement of the process of maturation of organs related to the respiratory system;
  • acceleration of weight gain before the age of one year.

For men

Men need to use this element to prevent the development of secondary infertility, early impotence. It also favorably affects the activity and quality of spermatozoa, which allows you to conceive a healthy child faster.

Indications for appointment

The main indications for the appointment of vitamin E in any form of release are:

  • state of hypovitaminosis;
  • the recovery period after suffering diseases with a aggravated anamnesis;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • neurasthenia;
  • changes in articular tissues that are degenerative in nature;
  • inflammation associated with impaired functioning of ligamentous, muscle elements;
  • instability of the process of assimilation of retinol by the body;
  • adherence to a diet that includes only protein foods;
  • low weight of muscle mass in newborns;
  • failure of the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus.

In fact, only specialists of a certain profile are engaged in prescribing preparations containing vitamin E, or in liquid form. Self-administration of vitamin E can cause a deterioration in a person’s condition, since it has certain contraindications.


Despite the benefits of vitamin E, its use in certain situations can cause irreparable harm. It is not recommended to use tocopherol when there are such disorders in the body as:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diseases of the hepatic system, which are of a chronic nature;
  • failure of the functioning of the renal system;
  • atherosclerotic diseases;
  • tendency to the occurrence of platelet formations, their presence.

Do not use a valuable element in any form of release if the patient is allergic to it. Even a small dose of vitamin E often causes anaphylactic shock and other side effects.

Side effects

If the vitamin substance is used correctly, side effects do not appear. However, if used incorrectly, conditions such as:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • rash;
  • feeling of weakness.

These side effects are manifested in vitamin E hypervitaminosis. If the body does not take other substances contained in pharmaceutical preparations, such as glandular molecules, vegetable oil, retinol, the following conditions appear:

  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • increased bleeding gums;
  • the development of jaundice that does not have a viral etiology.

If the presented side effects occur, it is worth refusing to use complexes or tocopherol itself, and then contact a specialist to prescribe other vitamin preparations.

How to use?

A specialist will indicate the detailed dosage and how many days to drink drugs or vitamin E itself. However, in the instructions for each form of release of the substance, recommendations are given for its use. Capsules are taken after meals, without chewing, drinking plenty of liquid. The dosage and course of administration is set depending on the disease that the patient suffers from.

If the menstrual cycle is disturbed in women, and in men - reproductive function, the funds are prescribed in a dosage of 100-300 mg along with hormonal drugs. Accepted within three weeks. With the threat of developing pathologies in the fetus during pregnancy, the course of treatment is thirty days, and the dosage of the drug is 100-200 mg.

In the case of the development of ailments associated with a deficiency of tocopherol, 100-200 mg of the substance is taken per day for two to three weeks. If there is dystrophy of the muscle and fat resources of the body, it needs 200 mg of the element per day for two months. In any case, the doctor indicates how long you can take this or that drug.

Topical use of vitamin E capsules

Vitamin E capsules can be used not only inside, but also topically. Their contents are used for cosmetic purposes, added to face masks, hair shampoos. Thanks to its antioxidant, regenerating effect, vitamin E capsules work wonders.

For hair

There are several ways to use tocopherol to improve the condition of curls:

  • applying an oil solution to the hair, keeping it for an hour, washing off in the traditional way;
  • adding 5 ml of solution per 100 g of shampoo, hair conditioner, mask - using them in the traditional way;
  • using the solution as one of the ingredients of "homemade" hair masks.

It is known that vitamin E in capsules is used only inside. In order to apply it topically, it is necessary to squeeze the contents of the capsules into hair care products.

For face

Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. It not only nourishes it, but also moisturizes, stimulates recovery processes, restores its firmness and elasticity. Tocopherol significantly reduces the number of acne, scars on the skin of the face. In order to get a noticeable effect, it is necessary to apply the contents of the capsules daily to the skin before going to bed, leaving the oil solution overnight. In addition, you can add it to face masks, having previously studied their composition.

Features of co-administration of drugs

In order to avoid side effects, the state of an overdose, you should pay attention to some secrets of the joint administration of capsules with other medications. So, for example, they can be combined with any form of vitamin A. Both substances enhance the effect of each other on the body.

Do not take tocopherol with antibiotics, as its effect will be leveled. In addition, it is important not to use fat-containing preparations enriched with iron along with preparations containing vitamin E. This is due to its ability to destroy the substance necessary for the body.

Preparations containing tocopherol

There are certain preparations containing tocopherol, as well as other excipients. They can play the role of immunomodulators, antioxidants, act as one of the components of hormone therapy. These include:

  • "" - taken orally one tablet daily after meals. Indicated for atherosclerotic diseases, psoriasis, disorders of the visual system;
  • "" - is available in three forms, capsules containing 100 mg of the element, 200 mg, 400 mg. Used in gynecology, dermatology;
  • "KVZ" - produced in Ukraine. It has two forms of release - capsules containing 100 mg and 200 mg of vitamin E;
  • "Doppelgerz Forte" - a product made in Germany, represented by yellow and red capsules. The dosage is set by a specialist;
  • "Euzovit" - has several forms of release, is contraindicated in myocardial infarction, increases the effectiveness of anticonvulsant drugs, steroid drugs;
  • "Biovital" - is prescribed during pregnancy, the dosage does not exceed three capsules daily, it is not chewed when used;
  • "Vitaminel" - contains not only tocopherol, but also vitamin A, which enhances its effect. Used once daily, is a tool similar to Aevit.

There are other preparations with vitamin E in the composition. Whether it is necessary to use them is determined by the doctor. The course of administration, how many grams of the element should be in one capsule, at what time it is better to use them, the specialist also indicates. The cost of complexes varies from 110 to 600 rubles.


The main benefits of taking vitamin E capsules are:

  • small sizes;
  • softness;
  • rapid solubility of the shell in the stomach;
  • no risk of developing an overdose state, in contrast to intramuscular injections containing up to 1000 mg of a substance in an ampoule.

However, it is important to remember that it is better for children, especially newborns, to give drops containing tocopherol. Most often, bottles contain up to 20 ml of a solution that allows you to replenish vitamin reserves in a growing body. How many times a day to use it for a child, the pediatrician will indicate.

Vitamin E or tocopherol acetate is an indispensable and powerful antioxidant that can ensure the full absorption of oxygen at the cellular level, as well as prevent the development of disorders in the functioning of organs. One form of vitamin E release is in capsules. It is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions, including for the face.

The drug is available in the form of oval-shaped soft capsules with a transparent light yellow substance inside. The composition of the shell includes gelatin, glycerin, methyl paraben and one of the dyes: carmoisine or Ponceau. Due to the fact that the active substance is classified as a fat-soluble and rapidly oxidized component, sunflower oil is necessarily included in the vitamin.

Tocopherol is produced in various dosages: 100, 200 and 400 mg. The capsules are clearly indicated in the instructions.

Useful properties of vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. The main property of the drug: ensuring the protection of tissues from free radicals.

Other properties of the drug:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces spasms in muscle tissues;
  • actively participates in the supply of cells with oxygen;
  • improving blood circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • cleanses the body, helping to eliminate accumulated toxins;
  • blocks the aging process and smoothes wrinkles;
  • normalizes performance.

In addition, experts note the usefulness of capsules for the reproductive system of the female body. Tocopherol acetate is important in pregnancy planning, gestation and fetal development. It is noted that vitamin E is an elixir of youth and beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and hair.

Indications for use

The main indications for prescribing the drug:

Which manufacturer is better

When choosing a complex of vitamins, you should pay attention to the manufacturer of the drug:

  • Russia- vitamins of domestic development "Evalar" are of natural origin.
  • USA- the famous brand "Vitrum" - a biological additive of synthetic origin.
  • Slovakia- A trusted brand. Inexpensive Zentiva capsules contain an oily solution without additives and auxiliary elements.
  • Germany- German vitamin "Dopelgerz forte" - in addition to the active additive, the drug contains polyunsaturated acids.
  • Ukraine– production of inexpensive soft capsules with tocopherol.

You can give preference to both Russian and foreign analogues. The appropriate drug is selected based on the history.

How to use during pregnancy - is it possible

The need for vitamins and nutrients during pregnancy in a woman increases several times. For the normal development of the fetus and its bearing, doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes, in particular vitamin E.

Tocopherol acetate is the most important vitamin that helps to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. It protects against various infections, oncological neoplasms, and also prevents the development of anemia and muscle cramps.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, taking capsules as prescribed by a doctor will help:

  • avoid miscarriage and the development of pathologies;
  • improve ovarian function;
  • stimulate the production of hormones;
  • improve the functioning of blood vessels;
  • prevent premature maturation of the placenta and its detachment.

The dosage of vitamin E is prescribed by the gynecologist in accordance with the patient's health status. Excessive use of the drug can lead to unpredictable situations. According to the experience of experts, a safe dose of vitamin for a pregnant woman is 1000 mg per day.

It is forbidden to take tocopherol in late pregnancy. The properties of the drug help strengthen muscles, which can worsen the course of labor.

Step-by-step instructions for using vitamin E capsules in pure form for the face

Vitamin E in capsules (instruction for use for the face prescribes external use of the drug for various skin problems) provides irreplaceable benefits to the skin. When using tocopherol for the face in its pure form, you should thoroughly prepare.

Step-by-step instruction:

The procedure should be repeated weekly for two months. Then they take a break for 3 months.

Addition to oils and cosmetics

The unique properties of vitamin E have a beneficial effect on the entire body of the fair sex. However, not all cosmetic products contain tocopherol. A useful microelement can be added independently to used masks, creams, shampoos or baths.

Application examples:

Daily vitamin care will improve the condition of the skin and refresh the complexion. It is important to mix the antioxidant in the palm of your hand before use, rather than adding it to a jar.

Vitamin E face masks

Vitamin E in capsules is used orally according to the instructions in order to achieve maximum results, and cosmetic masks are made for the health of hair, face skin and nails.
Cosmetic masks, which include vitamin E, are used by cosmetologists for rejuvenation, nutrition, whitening and elimination of skin defects.

Nutrient complexes

For oily skin

Anti-aging masks

Masks with glycerin

Glycerin is an effective moisturizer. With proper use and in combination with tocopherol, face masks will help restore the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. Professionals have found that the main condition for the use of cosmetic masks based on glycerin is the high humidity of the room.

Method of preparation and use:

  1. 1 way- the most simplified: for 1 capsule of vitamin E take 1 tbsp. glycerin. The face is moisturized with a mixture of ingredients. After 15 minutes, the skin is rinsed with water.
  2. 2 way ideal for aging skin. Parsley juice is known for its rejuvenating effect. Modern cosmetologists in the season advise enriching the skin with useful components by preparing the following mask. Take tocopherol, cream and green juice, 1 tsp each, add 1 tbsp. glycerin and shake well. Wipe the face with the finished mass as it dries for 20 minutes. The remains of the mask are removed with a damp cloth.

Mask for sagging and pigmented skin

The following mask is recommended for women who have signs of facial skin aging - pigmentation and flabbiness. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. clay dilute 1 tsp. fresh cucumber juice and add 10 drops of tocopherol. If necessary, add a little warm water to make a mushy composition.

The mass is applied to the skin, and then rinsed with a face. Upon completion of the procedure, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

banana mask

With a normal skin type, it is enough to apply a weekly gruel of crushed banana mixed with cream, with the addition of 1 tsp. vitamin A. The resulting mixture is aged for 20 minutes.

Vitamin E in capsules (instructions for use for the face will tell you how to use the product correctly) benefits the female body both for internal and external use.

Vitamin E hair masks

Vitamin E deficiency can affect the health of not only internal organs. Women, on the advice of cosmetologists, often use capsules with an oily liquid for hair care. Due to its valuable properties, tocopherol acetate restores the hair structure and nourishes the scalp.

Regular use of the vitamin will allow you to achieve healthy hair by:

  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • saturation of hair follicles with oxygen;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • stimulation of regenerating processes;
  • natural production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the hair.

For dry and brittle hair

The nutritional composition of vitamin E and a complex of oils will help restore brittle and overdried hair. For short hair, take 1 capsule of tocopherol and 1 tbsp. jojoba and burdock oils. The components are mixed and applied to the hair, starting from the roots. Under polyethylene, the mask is aged for 1 hour, after which the hair must be washed 2-3 times. Course - 1 month weekly.

For severely split and damaged hair, the following composition is recommended. It is necessary to take 1 tsp. retinol and tocopherol, add 1 tbsp. castor oil and combine everything with beaten chicken yolk. Having distributed the entire composition through the hair, the head should be covered first with polyethylene, and then with a towel. After 40 minutes, the hair is washed in the usual way.

Fighting hair loss

Without extra costs, you can stop hair loss and strengthen the bulbs:

  1. You will need 2 tbsp. mustard powder, diluted with water, yolk, 1 tbsp. oils and vitamin E. The ingredients are mixed and applied only to the hair roots. Perhaps there will be a slight burning sensation - this is how the effect of mustard is manifested. The composition is left for 30 minutes, after which the hair is washed several times.
  2. For hair loss, experts suggest combining coconut oil and vitamin E. Thanks to these components, blood circulation is activated at the cellular level, which stops hair loss. Coconut oil and tocopherol acetate are taken in a ratio of 2:1. After heating the mixture in a water bath, you can begin to apply it. A light head massage will enhance the action of the nourishing mask. After an hour, the head can be washed with shampoo.

Masks against dandruff

  1. Onion mask will help to cope with oily hair and dandruff. To do this, 1 medium onion is chopped with a blender or grated. Juice is squeezed out of the resulting pulp, passing it through cheesecloth. Add 1 tbsp. vodka, olive oil and vitamin E. The composition is recommended to be heated, and then applied to the roots. It is important not to distribute the mask over the entire length in order to prevent overdrying of the hair. After 40 minutes, the composition should be washed off and rinsed with water and apple cider vinegar to eliminate the unpleasant odor. 1 tbsp is diluted in 1 liter of water. The treatment is repeated for a month.
  2. Popular mask and nettle decoction. The plant strengthens hair and eliminates dandruff after the first application. The first step is to prepare a vegetable decoction. Take 2 tbsp. dried or fresh nettle leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then the broth is filtered, the yolk and tocopherol are added. After distributing the mixture through the hair, keep it warm for 30-40 minutes. Systematic herbal treatment will finally get rid of dandruff.

Nourishing masks

Vitamin formulations will help weakened and dull hair gain strength and shine.

How to Use Vitamin E for Nails

Technique for preparing and performing a wellness procedure:

An elementary procedure for restoring and strengthening nails can be carried out daily:

  1. It is necessary to pierce the tocopherol capsule and rub the oily liquid into the nail plates. To prepare medicinal formulations, it is convenient to use tocopherol in a vial to measure the right amount of vitamin.
  2. The next mass to give strength to the nails is prepared from 1 tbsp. nut butter, 1 tsp tocopherol and 5 drops of lemon oil. The agent is applied in the evening on the nail plates for 14 days daily.
  3. You can solve the problem of delamination of nails by applying a different composition. It will take 1 tsp. olive oil and 5 drops of iodine and vitamin E. Coat the nails with gruel and leave for half an hour.
  4. Strengthen the growth of nails can be the following procedure. It is necessary to combine 1 tsp. castor oil, tocopherol and red pepper. The vitamin complex is rubbed once a week to avoid allergic reactions and redness.
  5. To soften the cuticle, cosmetologists choose a sweet composition. Take 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tsp tocopherol and dissolved in the resulting oily liquid 1 tbsp. Sahara. Hands are pre-steamed in the bath, and then the prepared mixture is applied. Withstand 20 minutes, periodically rubbing the mask into the cuticle.
  6. Lotions based on carrot seed extract and vitamin E will help both strengthen nails and soften cuticles. To do this, the ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and rubbed daily into the nail plates. During the procedure, the cuticle is pushed back with a special spatula.


In the instructions for the use of vitamin E, its contraindications are also noted. An overdose or a single dose of the drug can adversely affect a person's well-being and cause negative consequences: poisoning, allergic reactions.

Tocopherol is prohibited:

  • with individual intolerance to the drug;
  • patients prone to thromboembolism;
  • people taking vitamin complexes, which include iron and anticoagulants;
  • after a heart attack.

With extreme caution and under the supervision of a doctor, it is necessary to take vitamin E, suffering from metabolic dysfunction and diabetes.

Not everyone is aware of how to use the substance in capsules. The use of the drug inside according to the instructions will achieve an excellent result, which will affect the skin of the face, hair and well-being in general.

Video on the topic: vitamin E capsules. Instructions for use for the face

Instructions for use of vitamin E capsules:

What is the use of vitamin E for facial skin: the release of a popular program:

Vitamin E capsules for facial skin care:

Everyone knows that vitamins are useful, but not everyone knows how important and sometimes vital it is to maintain the correct vitamin balance, and why this or that vitamin is needed. By simply adjusting the composition of food - its quality and processing methods - you can achieve greater results in achieving beauty and vitality than with the help of fitness, diet and special preparations used after unconscious and unsystematic eating. This is especially true for women.

What is the secret? Conscious nutrition, knowledge of the properties of products and their composition, the degree of digestibility of nutrients and vitamin composition: all elements in this chain are important. Let us dwell in more detail on vitamins, or rather vitamin E. Sometimes this vitamin is called the “female vitamin”, forgetting that there are no non-female vitamins (as well as non-male ones). They are important for any organism. But their critical shortage, that is, beriberi, can be very harmful to health. And in this sense, "female vitamin" E is a very important element, one of those foundation stones of women's health. To remove this stone is to put the whole building at risk. But we are smart, we will build, not break.

What is Vitamin E for?

Vitamin E improves fertility, that is, the ability to give birth to healthy and strong children. This does not only apply to women. Vitamin E also has a positive effect on male abilities in this case.
. Vitamin E prevents the formation of blood clots and helps their resorption in advanced cases.
. Vitamin E is involved in the regeneration of the skin, is responsible for the health and condition of the skin, slows down the oxidative processes of cell aging. Acne, pimples, eczema, various sores, wrinkles up to 30 and so on - this is all from a lack of vitamin E.
. Vitamin E is involved in the nutrition of cells with oxygen, protects red blood cells, regulates blood clotting and "cleans" the capillaries. What does it all mean? The skin is beautiful and young, it ages slowly, retaining its attractiveness even in old age. The vessels are even, healthy and not dilated - they are not visible on the legs and arms. Atherosclerosis - excluded. Vitamin E cleanses blood vessels so effectively that it does not give this disease any chance. Of course, provided that you eat right not from retirement, suffering from a dozen diseases, but from the moment when you clearly and clearly imagine yourself in two decades, not wanting to grow old, active, beautiful, cheerful person.

Vitamin E deficiency reduces the concentration of semen in men, disrupts the regularity of the cycle in women, and reduces sexual desire in both. This is exactly the vitamin that is lacking in forty-year-old tired adults who are stared at by uncomprehending hyperactive teenagers.

Lack of vitamin E dries out the mucous membranes, can be the cause of depression, sweating and frequent mood swings towards the bad. Apathy, pigmented "senile" spots, dullness of the skin and its flabbiness, inelasticity, skeletal muscle dystrophy and specific slow angular movements as a result of this are also the result of a lack of vitamin E. You will be deprived of these "joys" with good nutrition, with the inclusion of products in the diet, containing this vitamin.

Hair, nails and skin are very fond of this vitamin. So much so that it has long been customary to add preparations containing synthesized vitamin E to creams, shampoos, lotions and lipsticks. Only vitamin E is not absorbed when applied topically, it can be delivered “to the target” by including it in the metabolism, that is, taking it regularly and in the necessary (moderate) proportions with food. Ideally, just maintain a vitamin balance, in which all vitamins will be in full, including vitamin E.

Vitamin E is not a pill, and not a drug that you can “drink” in a complex way, and everything will be fine. It is a fundamental element that is involved in the construction and functioning of our body throughout life. And the sooner we realize this, the longer we can keep youth, beauty and health.

Everyone needs vitamin E, but most of all it is needed by women of all ages, especially lactating and pregnant women, men who lead an active lifestyle, children 4-10 years old and infants. It is especially important to maintain the required content of vitamin E for women during pregnancy and lactation. It was during this period that both mother and child should have enough vitamin E, respectively, good nutrition should be calculated “for two”. Another equally important period can be considered adolescence. At the age of 11-14, the foundation of the future adult organism is laid, and the consumption of vitamin E for internal needs is especially high. Although men need a little more vitamin E, than women, but vitamin deficiency is especially painful for the female body.

What are the signs of acute vitamin E deficiency? Muscular dystrophy or simply fatigue (may also lack B vitamins), skeletal muscle dystrophy (facial expressions, posture change). Sign: inability to quickly relax the muscles after strong tension (for example, after clenching into a fist), weakening of the neck and facial muscles. With a particularly strong deficiency, damage to the diaphragm and necrosis of muscle tissues with the accumulation of calcium salts in them can be observed. All of these symptoms develop almost imperceptibly over several years, and any of them indicates a critical lack of vitamin E.

Vitamin E belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is found most of all in fats: oils (animal and vegetable) and foods high in fat (oil), such as nuts, whole grains, seeds, liver, yolks, spinach. Vitamin E is found in any nuts, legumes, milk, soybeans, wheat (especially sprouted), green leafy vegetables, dandelion, alfalfa, flax seeds (and linseed oil), oats, raspberry leaves, nettles, rose hips and many other foods. . The highest content of this vitamin was noted in germinated grains of wheat (wheat flour contains almost no vitamin E, and flour products are completely devoid of vitamin E), in cottonseed and soybean oils, slightly less in corn, and even less in sunflower and olive oils. A small content in fresh peas, beef liver and beans, even less in butter. Other foods contain vitamin E in very small amounts.

Vitamin E is very quickly destroyed during heat treatment, so heated vegetable oil greatly loses its usefulness. Considering that the highest content of vitamin E in sprouted wheat, it is more logical to use it. Soak the wheat in water at room temperature, or place the grains in damp cheesecloth. Wait for the sprouts to reach 1-2 cm and add to the salad. Germinated wheat, like other seedlings, is afraid of heat treatment. You can make a salad from sprouted wheat by adding raw vegetables, herbs and seasoning with vegetable oil. Of the oils, the highest content of vitamin E is soybean and cottonseed. (In olive oil, although there is less vitamin E, there are many other, no less important, vitamins and amino acids that comprehensively help us maintain a balance of useful elements.)

Only complete nutrition and a balanced composition of food, including raw and cooked ingredients, fats, vegetable proteins and complex carbohydrates, will eliminate vitamin E deficiency. A balanced diet already includes all the necessary elements for the full functioning of the body.

Eat well and be healthy!

Vitamins A and E are the main defenders of the beauty and youth of our body. They play a major role in maintaining the immune system and help balance hormones.

Vitamins A and E are the main defenders of the beauty and youth of our body.

The action of vitamin A

Retinol takes part in many metabolic processes, the biosynthesis of protein compounds, cellular processes, the development of bone tissue and teeth. It slows down the aging process. Without it, the birth of new cells is impossible.

The action of vitamin E

Destroys free radicals in the body. Protects cell membranes from destruction. Fights oxidative processes in the cell membrane. Helps to improve the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

What are vitamins A and E good for?

Retinol is essential for the eyes. It is part of the visual pigments that ensure the normal operation of the visual analyzer. Needed for the full functioning of the immune system, helps to cope with infections and improves the protective characteristics of the mucous membranes. Affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Tocopherol acetate promotes the maturation of eggs and sperm, supports normal processes during pregnancy. It affects the activity of the nervous system, has vasodilating properties and is used to treat many diseases. Prevents the development of blood clots in blood vessels. It is necessary for the growth and regeneration of tissues and is involved in the process of saturation of tissues with oxygen. In addition, it is necessary for high loads and in the treatment of neuromuscular dystrophy.

Where are vitamins A and E found?

It is possible to compensate for the deficiency of these substances in the body by taking special mineral complexes and a nutritious diet.


In pharmacies, you can freely buy Retinol (in liquid form and in the form of capsules) or Tocopherol acetate (capsules). They are sold in pairs (for example, the drug Aevit). They can be part of mineral complexes, including other vital components.


A large amount of retinol contains:

  • fish fat;
  • chicken liver;
  • egg yolks;
  • milk, cheeses and butter;
  • carrots, pumpkin, spinach and sweet peppers;
  • leafy green vegetables;
  • apples, apricots, grapes, watermelons and melons.

Tocopherol is present:

  • in vegetable and butter oils;
  • in vegetables and herbs;
  • in berries and fruits;
  • in dairy products;
  • in nuts and whole grains.

Indications for simultaneous use

Deficiency or increased need of the body for these elements in conditions such as:

  • unbalanced diet or the appointment of diets with an increased intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, 6 and 9);
  • nicotine, drug or alcohol addiction;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • indigestion due to the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver diseases and deformation of the bile ducts;
  • neoplasms in the pancreas, etc.

Joint effect

Fully compatible with each other. With a shortage in the body of one of them, intensive absorption of the other occurs.

How to take vitamins A and E

Inside daily, 1 capsule of each of these elements. When used in the form of complex preparations - according to the instructions for use.

How much to drink

Daily dose

Daily intake in a healthy body:

  • retinol and beta-carotene - from 3300 to 5000 IU (1 mg = 3300 IU);
  • tocopherol - from 30 to 40 IU (1 mg = 1.21 IU).

Duration of admission - from 2 to 4 weeks.

Morning or night

Take in the morning with meals.

special instructions

Use as directed by a doctor. Stick to the prescribed dose.

For men

Excessive use of synthetic varieties of alpha-tocopherol (dl-alpha-tocopheryl) can provoke the development of sexual dysfunctions.

For women

In large quantities, it causes bleeding.

During pregnancy and lactation

At the stages of pregnancy planning, the role of these substances increases dramatically. It is recommended to take in the second half of the menstrual cycle until the onset of menstruation.

Excess or deficiency of these substances adversely affects both the health of the mother and the full development of the fetus.

Adequate intake of these elements together with folic acid contributes to the normal development of the fetus, placenta and the production of the lactation hormone.

For children

Children's drugs differ in dosage. Complex supplements for children can be made in the form of:

  • solution (drops);
  • chewable tablets;
  • capsules.

Often, these products are made from soy lecithin, which already includes these nutrients.


Hypersensitivity to the components of these dosage forms or oversaturation of the body with these substances.

Side effects

Excess in the body leads to frequent headaches and dizziness, increased fatigue and a feeling of weakness. Excessive use in dosage forms can provoke the development of liver diseases.

Doctors' opinion

Many doctors believe that when taken adequately, these elements have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.