Garden var composition recipe. How to prepare garden pitch for trees at home? Basic requirements for ointments and vars

In addition, all work should be completed before the start of the sap flow process, in which case the wounds will heal faster.

In order for the garden tree to suffer as little as possible after pruning, need to heal the wounds. Putty is not required only for conifers, which emit a large amount of resin.

In young fruit trees, wounds that are larger than a 10-kopeck coin are treated, and in adult trees, wounds that are larger than a 2-ruble coin are to be treated. All work on painting and puttying tree trunks is carried out in dry sunny weather.

Why cover up trees?

Firstly, the life expectancy of any tree is positively affected not only by proper care, but also by timely treatment of wounds.

An open wound, as a rule, oozes for a long time, because of this the tree becomes noticeably weaker. And if small wounds, the diameter of which does not exceed 2-2.5 cm, heal relatively quickly on their own, then large wounds require treatment and close attention of the gardener.

The fact is that with slow, but natural healing, a lot of pathogenic bacterial fungi settle on the wounds of trees. They cause rotting of wood, and can also lead to the formation of hollows. And even without processing, the cut can dry out with cracks.

Secondly, it is necessary to cover up the trees not only after pruning or grafting, but also after the breakage of branches and twigs. Due to the biologically active substances that are part of putties or pastes, the regeneration process is faster.

Putty will protect the damaged part of the tree from drying out, as well as from getting into the wound of insects, bacteria and fungal spores.

It will provide the necessary sealing of the sections, thereby preventing the penetration of infection through damaged tissues.

Thirdly, putty is used after damage to trees by hares or rodents that love to feast on shoots and tree bark.

Some types of putty not only disinfect, but also help trees cope with the effects of sunburn received in the summer, and also help prevent frostbite in the winter.

At the same time, specialists and experienced gardeners do not have a common opinion on when to cover up trees: some recommend treating the wound immediately, while others prefer to wait until the cut dries a little.

The first option is preferable, since the optimal indicators for the absence of fungal infections (including latent ones) are found in those trees whose wounds were treated immediately after the cut or saw cut.

In addition, there are different opinions about the best way to cover up trees. Let's take a look at this issue as well.

What is the best way to cover trees?

The number of different putties is increasing every year. We list those that are most often in demand among gardeners:

As for the whitewash, they are not able to protect the trees from various fungi and viruses, moreover, they are easily washed off the trees with the very first downpour.

Please note that the same material may behave differently in different climates. You can try several types of remedies in order to determine the best one. For example, you can apply garden pitch on one cut, and RanNet paste on the other and see which wound heals faster and more efficiently.

Look at the affected area after a few years: necrosis or cancerous wounds may form at the site of poor-quality putty.

In any case, it is better to give preference to those products that contain as few oil products and other "chemistry" as possible.

If there are no special tools at hand, then in case of emergency, electrical tape, liquid nails, facade putty and cement mortar can be used as putty.

Using ingenuity, you can also use a varnishing antiseptic, thanks to a prolonged action, it will retain its antiseptic abilities longer than a regular garden pitch.

Clay is suitable from natural materials, in addition, sphagnum moss can be applied to the damaged area.

Do-it-yourself garden pitch for a tree

Some putties can be made by hand at home - they will cost you less and their components will be more natural.

  1. In the old days, clay mash or just clay was used to putty wounds. To make a talker, you will need 200 grams of clay, 100 grams of cow dung, 100 grams of lime, you can also add straw or wool to add viscosity. The resulting mixture is diluted with water to such an extent that it resembles very thick sour cream. This putty retains a moderate viscosity and promotes rapid healing of cuts, cuts and wounds.
  2. Since ancient times, gardeners have also valued slaked lime. The solution is prepared as viscous and saturated as possible: for 10 liters of water, at least 2-3 kg of slaked lime, 0.5 kg of copper sulfate, 100 g of casein are needed.
  3. Forsyth ointment is also easy to prepare yourself: take 16 parts of cow dung, 8 parts of chalk and the same amount of wood ash, add 1 part of river sand, then mix thoroughly until a doughy mixture is obtained. The ointment is prepared immediately before application to the damaged area. It is superimposed with a layer of 2-3 mm, sprinkled with ash on top.
  4. Some gardeners cover the wound with soil and bandage it with burlap so that the earth is not washed away by rain and does not crumble after drying.
  5. There are several recipes for making garden pitch with your own hands. As a rule, a putty prepared from equal parts of wax, rosin and grease gives a good result. First, on a light fire, you need to crush and melt the rosin, then add the wax, and lastly, the grease. Mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass.
  6. There is a simpler recipe: melt 6 parts of paraffin and add 3 parts of finely crushed rosin. Bring the mixture to a boil and add 2 parts vegetable oil. Leave to cook on fire for another 10 minutes.
  7. Another recipe for garden pitch will require 8 parts of spruce or pine resin and 3 parts of sunflower or any other vegetable oil. Ingredients must be mixed while warm.
  8. You can melt 1 part of lard on fire, add 4 parts of rosin and 1 part of wax. After the ingredients have dissolved, cook over low heat for another 20 minutes. To speed up the wound healing process, you can add a crushed heteroauxin tablet to the resulting mixture.

How to apply putty to damaged wood

If the cut is small, then it can be covered with an ordinary paint brush, but if the wound is large, then it is treated with a spatula or roller.

Experienced gardeners do not recommend spraying putty with a spray gun, because this method is not the most economical, besides, it will not be able to process such hard-to-reach places as cracks.

Wounds must be cleaned before they can be treated. If you are treating an old, already dried wound, then you need to clean its surface with a garden knife.

Scrape off the layer of dead cells, which can no longer be restored, otherwise it will prevent the penetration of new putty to living tissues.

Some gardeners, after cleaning, additionally disinfect the cut site with a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate or a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

But this procedure is not necessary if the composition of your chosen putty includes any disinfectant component (antiseptic).

Putty is applied in one thin layer. The key role is played not by the thickness of the layer, but by the uniformity of the coating of the damaged surface.

Wherein healthy wood should not be smeared, as this will prevent the bark from closing the wound.

Summing up, we note:

  • putty promotes healing of wounds of trees. It disinfects and protects the damaged part of the tree from drying out and getting insects, bacteria and fungal spores into the wound;
  • some types of putty not only seal, but also help trees cope with the effects of sunburn and frostbite;
  • garden pitch, Robin Green biobalm, RanNet paste and other solutions are used for putty; - it is better to give preference to those means, which contain as few oil products and other “chemistry” as possible;
  • some putties can be made at home - they will cost less and their components will be more natural;
  • a small cut or cut can be covered with an ordinary paint brush, and if the wound is large, then it is treated with a spatula or roller;
  • the damaged area is cleaned, only then it is covered, while the putty is applied in a uniform thin layer.

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Summer residents put a lot of effort into maintaining the health of horticultural crops.

This issue is especially relevant after pruning trees.

Garden var is a time-tested remedy for healing plant wounds. It is used to treat cuts and wounds on trees and shrubs.

Ready-made product can be purchased at a store for goods for the garden and cottages, or you can cook it yourself.

The action of the remedy

Instructions for use of garden pitch describe the algorithm of use, as well as the benefits of the product. Apply a mixture for pest control, fungal diseases of the bark and roots, for the healing of bald spots resulting from mechanical damage (pruning of branches, breaking or wrecking actions of rodents). Var is applied to the tree some time after the problem appears.

Bark defects can appear for the following reasons:

  • Poor quality pruning
  • Wrong vaccination;
  • Broken branches of a tree;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Injury to the trunk by rodents and other animals.

For those gardeners who are used to doing all the manipulations on their own, it is recommended to make a garden pitch with your own hands.

Is it necessary to treat the damaged bark of garden trees? Summer residents often argue on this topic. At the same time, agronomists answer in the affirmative, arguing that it is absolutely necessary. But a neighbor in the country may say the opposite. In the forest, no one covers the trees, they survive on their own. This is so, but the forest and the garden are very different from each other, and their permanent inhabitants are also different.

It is necessary to treat not only cracks, but also areas of bark burned by the sun, hollows and various injuries that we inflict on trees by grafting. Frost-beaten places also need to be smeared with garden pitch. You can buy it in a specialized store or make it yourself.

Every gardener needs

Indeed, one cannot do without it during the whole season, from April to October. Garden pitch is also called putty. It will be needed in the following cases:

  • when performing vaccinations;
  • if in winter the trees were gnawed by mice;
  • if there are lesions on the cortex;
  • after cutting.

What if you can't buy it in the store? It doesn't matter, let's learn how to make it with our own hands.

emergency option

Perfect for a situation if you went to the country, forgetting to buy garden putty for fruit trees in the store. There is little time in the spring, and you don’t want to waste the weekend at all. Calmly do pruning by preparing an emergency var. Take equal proportions of resin and liquid mullein. If the resin is frozen, it must be melted. Dry leaves and blades of grass, as well as pet hair, are suitable as a binder. Not all summer residents like this option, but it is quite capable of replacing garden pitch.

Universal composition

Some gardeners simply decide to make their own var instead of spending money to buy it. The following recipe will require beeswax, rosin, linseed oil and charcoal. The components are all fairly simple and easy to find.

Garden var, made according to this recipe, has medicinal properties, all its components have a positive effect on the plant. For manufacturing, you will need an unnecessary cup or small saucepan. Melt four parts of wax in it and add one part of rosin. In this case, the mixture must continue to heat. Next, you need to mix in one part of linseed oil. It remains to mix the mixture well so that it becomes completely homogeneous.

Remove the composition from the heat and add two tablespoons of crushed charcoal. Such a garden var for trees is made immediately after pruning and applied in a warm state. After that, it freezes and requires reheating.

Var on grease

It is in the household of every motorist, but it is quite inexpensive. It will need to take 250 g. In addition to it, you will need the same amount of wax and about 50 g of natural pine resin. It can be easily found in the forest. Since it will not work to make a garden pitch based on solid components, you will have to melt them first.

This is the main secret. All components must be warmed separately, and then mixed together. To do this, prepare a glass jar in which it will be stored later. According to this recipe, a rather viscous composition is obtained. To make it more plastic, you need to add a few drops of vegetable oil. For this, it is suitable drained from the pan after frying pasties, even with sediment.

But what if the var turns out to be very liquid? In this case, add some sifted ash to it. Now you can apply it to the wound.

Cooking rosin-based var

The composition of the garden pitch can be very different. The main thing is that the result is a sticky mass that will not drain from the treated surfaces. Another option is a garden pitch with rosin, which is used by radio amateurs. This is an ordinary resin, only well frozen. For cooking, you need a good piece, weighing about 200 g. Rosin allows you to make the composition sticky. It is best to use beeswax to hold all the ingredients together. It will take twice as much. This is the basis of the var, to which additional components can be added.

In addition to vegetable oil, you can use any animal fat. If you have a household, then this will not be a problem. Pork or mutton fat ensures the plasticity of the mass. Usually it is taken in the same amount as rosin. How to make garden pitch at home? You just need to melt the rosin, warm the wax and combine the components, mix thoroughly and put it in a jar where it will be stored.

Ointment Reshetnikova

To prepare it, you need 10 parts of fir resin. In addition, very important ingredients are 1 part of wax and the same amount of wine alcohol. In a metal bowl, it is necessary to mix the wax with the resin and heat them until the ingredients are melted. After the composition has cooled, wine alcohol is introduced into it.

Using the ointment is very easy. It is applied to damaged areas with a brush. The advantages of this composition are quite a lot. It remains flexible in all weather conditions. The substance densely covers the cut surface and does not solidify completely. Var does not form cracks and does not allow moisture to pass through. This is not the only cold-resistant composition, there are several more analogues:

Alternative option

If there is no time to prepare the mixture, and you do not want to leave the cut without treatment, then you can process it with simple and affordable means. If the sections are very small, then you can use brilliant green or potassium permanganate. A pharmacy brilliant green in the form of a pencil is also suitable.

For major damage, you need to come up with something else. Treat the crack with a stiff brush, then with a solution of potassium permanganate and prepare a mixture of mullein and clay. With its help, you need to carefully close up the wound. Can be tied with a cloth.

How to get rid of putty

Not all gardeners spend their time preparing complex formulations, learning how to make garden pitch at home, and looking for the right ingredients. Some of them prefer to cover cuts and damage with ordinary oil paint. Others for these purposes take drying oil and apply it in several layers. Someone may even decide that the tree will have enough strength to cope with the damage on its own.

There are certain rules with which you can achieve the best results:

  • Only healthy wood can be treated with var, all damaged, dead and infected parts must be removed.
  • Before processing, the cut must be cleaned, all bulges removed.
  • Treatment should be carried out in the spring or in the first days of summer. If the damage was formed later, then it is recommended to simply apply a protective layer, and with the onset of autumn, carry out a final cleaning and apply a thicker layer.

Cuts and damage are similar to wounds on the human body. They are susceptible to attack by fungus and various pests. To protect your garden, you can buy a garden brew or make it from one of the recipes.

Garden Var "Forester"

- "rescue" for garden trees. In various localities and printed publications, you can also find other names for this widely used remedy by gardeners: garden resin, garden putty. If we draw an analogy with the animal world, this is a means to stop the blood. A branch broke off from a strong wind, rodents caused damage, or we carried out a planned pruning, grafting, in order to preserve the vitality of the tree, it is necessary to stop the release of juice in the damaged place.

This is the main task of the garden pitch - covering and healing damaged grafting sites and wounds, protecting them from drying out, water penetration, exposure to air, counteracting bacteria, fungi and insects. Thanks to the optimally selected composition, garden putty can accelerate the natural process of wound healing by 1.5-2 times.

How to apply garden pitch, garden putty.

Industrial garden var

For treatment and pruning of trees, you must choose a dry day. Pruning, fungicide treatment of the cut and application of garden putty must be done within one day.

I recommend applying garden var to the cut in a heated state. Heat the var in a water bath. If it is problematic to heat the garden putty, then put the ball of var in the sun for a few minutes, and then knead thoroughly with your hands. The cut should be even, dry, without flaking of the bark along the edges. The substance is quite oily, if the situation allows, it is recommended to use a wooden spatula for application to the surface of the tree. It is very important to apply garden pitch in a thin layer, no more than 1 mm, over the entire damaged surface, without gaps. Therefore, in practice, garden putty is applied with a finger. It is easier to work in hard-to-reach places, rubbing the composition into cracks and controlling the thickness of the layer.

Attention! A thick layer of pitch will not only not strengthen the surface layer, but, on the contrary, will make it more susceptible to weather influences: it will crack and lose its water resistance.

To treat large cracks and damage in trees, we clean them with a knife, or any other convenient garden tool, to a living tissue. We treat the wound with copper sulfate and apply garden var. If the area treated with garden putty is very large, then it is better to apply a protective layer on top and tie it with burlap or matting. We prepare the protective layer ourselves by mixing clay, cowshed and straw.

Garden pitch, how to minimize the disadvantages.

Garden putty has undeniable virtues:

  • 1. the most effective means of preserving moisture in the plant after injuries;
  • 2. contains components that accelerate wound healing;
  • 3. ease of use.

But, like any other remedy, garden putty has, unfortunately, a number of shortcomings:

  • 1. at low temperatures, the putty hardens, and it is impossible to apply it to the damaged area with high quality;
  • 2. in the cold, garden pitch cracks on sections, especially on large areas of application;
  • 3. at high temperatures, the composition melts and drains, exposing damaged areas.

Garden pitch manufacturers are aware of these shortcomings. But the improvement of the temperature characteristics of the product is possible only with the introduction of chemical components into its composition, which in turn worsens the natural healing properties. Moreover, artificial components can lead to chemical burns of plants. This is the main reason why some gardeners start making .

Advice. Experienced gardeners are advised to subject the var applied to the cut of the tree to heat treatment. For these purposes, it is necessary to use a thermal hair dryer or a compact burner with a small nozzle. Be careful not to cause heat burns to the wood. Garden var during processing is actively absorbed into the wood surface, filling all the cracks and voids, and at the same time baked on top, creating a solid, perfectly adhering protective layer.

Aerosol garden pitch "Green Line"

Applying an aerosol garden pitch to the cut

Aerosol garden pitch on a cut of a tree after hardening

Recently, an aerosol garden pitch has appeared on sale at garden sites. Personally, I didn't like him. I will briefly describe my impressions.


  • 1. good adhesion of the aerosol, filling the smallest cracks;
  • 2. after drying, it forms a hard, non-staining protective layer;
  • 3. a hard protective layer allows you to process large sizes of damaged surfaces;
  • 4. the convenience of processing cuts made near the tree trunk.

Flaws aerosol garden pitch:

  • 1. most importantly, the high price of the product;
  • 2. The jet pressure created during spraying does not allow to apply the aerosol smoothly, sprays the foam strongly, increasing the flow rate;
  • 3. it is inconvenient to process cuts of the upper branches, to which, often, it is necessary to reach. We also take into account that the spray can must be kept at a distance from the application surface;
  • 4. the presence of chemical beneficial additives and preservatives;
  • 5. short storage after the first application, in comparison with the usual garden pitch;
  • 6. before use, it is necessary to actively shake the can after the appearance of the knock of the ball for 2-3 minutes. Long and physically hard;
  • 7. the need to protect from fire.

From the foregoing, the following conclusions can be drawn. I recommend the use of garden pitch when grafting trees, for sealing cuts of small diameter and a small area of ​​wounds. When buying, choose a light-colored garden variety to reduce its exposure to the sun. If possible, roll garden putty between your fingers. The fatter the putty, the more natural oils it contains.

Garden pitch, garden putty - will extend the life of your trees. updated: March 1, 2016 by: Elena

We cook garden var with our own hands

As I have repeatedly pointed out, for trees and plants, like the Rescuer ointment for the gardener. And it is absolutely inexpensive. So is the game worth the candle, making a garden pitch with your own hands?

Manufacturers of garden putty or garden resin, as it is called in some regions, try to average its characteristics in order to cover various climatic zones with their products as much as possible. As a result of the peculiarities of the climate, instead of reliable protection of the tree, it stupidly cracks or flows down, exposing the wounded areas.

By choosing the most suitable one from the recipes below for making a garden pitch with your own hands and choosing the consistency, you can easily learn how to make your own garden putty, ideal for your region.

Popular garden putty recipes to repeat with your own hands.

Recipe 1. Universal.

To prepare such a garden pitch, we need 4 parts of beeswax, 1 part of rosin, 1 part of linseed oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of ground charcoal. Ground charcoal is an excellent absorbent, necessary to remove harmful substances from the cut.

About the healing properties of beeswax is known even to any inveterate inhabitant of megacities. We don't necessarily need impeccably clean fresh beeswax, smelted from old honeycombs will do. Rosin is not so common in everyday life and is popular, perhaps, only with radio amateurs. Although its origin is also natural - it is the resin of coniferous trees. Flaxseed oil can be purchased at pharmacies.

We melt the wax and pour the rosin, continuing to heat the composition over the fire. We select the level of fire so that the solution does not boil, but only melts. Then add linseed oil. Constantly stir the composition until a homogeneous solution is obtained. Remove the mixture from the heat and gradually add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground charcoal, mixing it thoroughly. At first, the solution will be a little liquid. Do not worry, as it cools, the garden var prepared with your own hands will acquire the consistency we are familiar with. Allow to cool slightly, and can be applied to tree cuts.

Recipe 2. Rustic garden variety.

According to this recipe, garden resin has been prepared in haste since ancient times in the villages. To do this, liquid cowshed and fatty resin are mixed in equal proportions. The hair of domestic cats or dogs is added as a connecting element, since they shed all year round.

Recipe 3. Forsyth ointment is an old Russian recipe.

To prepare such a garden putty, thoroughly mix 2 liters of liquid cowshed, 1 liter of dry lime (you can grind old plaster), 1 liter of wood resin and 250 ml of river sand. Forsyth ointment must be applied to sections immediately after preparation; during storage, it quickly loses its properties.

Recipe 4. Zhukovsky's heat-liquid garden var.

For cooking, take in equal proportions rosin, yellow wax and beef or lamb fat. The listed components are previously separately melted. For wax, a larger container is taken in advance, all the ingredients are poured into it one by one, constantly mixing the composition. The resulting garden putty is slightly cooled and poured into a container of cold water. From the temperature difference, a plastic mass is formed, which is given a form convenient for storage and use. Zhukovsky's heat-liquid var is stored in oiled paper. It hardens in the cold, so it must be warmed up before use.

Recipe 5. Raevsky's cold-resistant garden variety.

The advantage of this recipe is in the unique healing properties and ease of use. Like all cold-resistant vars, it does not need to be heated before use.

Ingredients: ½ kg of wood resin, 60 ml of 90% alcohol and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of linseed oil. Wood resin is melted over low heat. It is removed from the fire when it reaches an almost liquid state. At the same time, alcohol is heated in a water bath. Then, with constant stirring, alcohol and linseed oil are added to the cooling resin.

Raevsky's cold-resistant garden var is stored in a tin container with a tight lid. When exposed to air, it quickly hardens. In order to qualitatively preserve such a putty, I advise you to quickly turn the container with Raevsky's var upside down. It will penetrate into the cracks and harden in them, hermetically preserving the container. In this way, I extend the shelf life of all household paints.

Recipe 6. Reshetnikov's cold-resistant var.

Ideal for contrasting climates. Resistant to natural precipitation, does not crack, retaining elasticity at high and low temperatures.

It consists of: 4 kilograms of fir resin, 400 grams of yellow wax, ½ liter of wine alcohol.

Resin and wax are melted over low heat, constantly stirring during the dissolution process. When the composition becomes liquid, remove from heat, starting to heat wine alcohol in a water bath. Warm wine alcohol is added to the mass that begins to thicken, constantly stirring until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Reshetnikov's garden putty is stored similarly to Raevsky's pitch.

Advice. I recommend adding heteroauxin to a homemade garden pitch. Based on 1 tablet per 1 kg of finished putty. It does not dissolve in water, so the crushed powder must first be dissolved in a small amount of warm alcohol. Or add it at the stage of heating the alcohol in a water bath, if such a component is in the recipe.

You can replace heteroauxin with Kornevin, which dissolves perfectly in any liquid medium.

These funds are designed to stimulate the growth processes of plants and trees, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and cuts.

And what do-it-yourself garden variety do you use in your region?

You can get acquainted with the technology of how to cook garden pitch with your own hands by watching the video:

Do-it-yourself garden var. Proven Recipes. updated: March 1, 2016 by: Elena