Arrangement of a well after drilling do-it-yourself drawings. Step-by-step arrangement of a well for water: instructions for organizing autonomous water supply with your own hands

Every summer resident wants to know how to equip a well in the country with his own hands. It should be understood that the organization of autonomous water supply is not an easy and responsible business. It consists of measures for drilling a well and its arrangement. The first stage is recommended to be entrusted to specialists, especially if it is planned to use the resulting water as drinking water. However, the second step can easily be done on your own.

The arrangement of a well in a summer cottage is a rather troublesome and at the same time responsible matter, it must be correctly performed in order to ensure a constant supply of fluid.

The arrangement of the well implies the correct installation of special devices that are able to provide a continuous supply of water. Therefore, before performing the installation, you need to familiarize yourself with their design and the principle of operation.

The well arrangement scheme is shown in fig. 1.

Which caisson is better to choose?

The caisson can provide continuous operation of the well. The design is a waterproof container with all the necessary devices inside. In most cases, the list of devices includes:

  • pump equipment;
  • stop valves;
  • measuring devices;
  • devices for automation;
  • various filters.

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Features of caissons of various types

Figure 1—Scheme of the well device.

Structures can be made from various materials. The following are most commonly used:

  1. Plastic product. It has good thermal insulation, which eliminates the need for additional insulation. The device is able to maintain the required temperature inside the caisson. Also, the advantages include durability and good waterproofing characteristics. This eliminates the additional costs of insulation work. Products have a low cost compared to structures made of other materials. Such a system is very easy to install due to its low weight. The main disadvantage is a slight rigidity, which can lead to deformation of the fixture and damage to the entire structure. However, it can be eliminated by reinforcing the tank around the perimeter with a mixture of cement with a layer of 8-10 cm.
  2. Steel product. In most cases, well construction is carried out using this system. The material makes it possible to build a caisson of any desired shape without much effort. It will only be necessary to fasten the elements by welding and treat the structure on both sides with an anti-corrosion compound. To make a quality tank, steel with a thickness of 4 mm is suitable. Today, you can find ready-made fixtures in stores, but their purchase will cost much more than self-production.
  3. Reinforced concrete product. This fixture is durable. Previously, this material was used very often, but it has significant drawbacks, so today it is practically not used. Products have a high cost, and special equipment will be required for installation, due to the large weight of the devices. Due to its weight, after a while, the reinforced concrete caisson sags, damaging the pipelines that are inside it. The material has poor thermal insulation, therefore, the liquid in the pump may freeze during frost. The material is hygroscopic, therefore it also has poor waterproofing.

If you plan to ennoble the well with your own hands and install all the necessary equipment, then you will first need to familiarize yourself with the stages of installing the caisson.

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How is the caisson installed?

In this case, there are some nuances depending on the material of the device. The structure is set up as follows:

  1. The first step is to prepare the pit. A hole is dug, the diameter of which is 25-30 cm larger than the diameter of the caisson. The depth is calculated so that the neck of the structure rises above the soil level by approximately 15 cm. In this way, it will be possible to prevent the reservoir from flooding during floods and heavy rainfall.
  2. Next, the casing sleeve is installed. First of all, you need to prepare a hole in the bottom of the tank. It is recommended to place it in the center, but you can move it a little so that the equipment fits freely. It will be necessary to attach a sleeve to the recess, the length of which is approximately 12-15 cm. The diameter of the element must be greater than the diameter of the casing. Care should be taken to ensure that the sleeve fits easily onto the tube.
  3. Then the nipples for the water supply pipes are installed. They must be inserted into the tank wall and welded.
  4. After that, the caisson is mounted. You will need to cut the pipe at ground level. The tank is installed on the bars above the pit so that the sleeve at the bottom of the tank is inserted into the tube. Next, you need to make sure that the axes of the caisson and the tube coincide. After that, you should carefully dismantle the bars and lower the structure down the tube. The tank is immersed vertically in the pit. At the end, the structure should be fixed with bars. You will need to weld a tube to the bottom of the fixture, and then seal the caisson. At the end, water pipes will need to be brought into the structure through the nipples.
  5. At this stage, the backfilling of the product is performed.

This device will not be needed if a heated building is located near the well, which houses the equipment. In this case, the structure can be closed from thieves, since the devices can only be pulled out using special tools.

In exceptional cases, the well is equipped without a caisson.

The advantage of such a system is that there is direct access to all nodes.

To organize high-quality autonomous water supply in a private house, it is necessary not only to drill the well itself, but also to properly organize its work. A personal plumbing system can be equipped even without high costs and inviting specialists. If you competently perform all the stages of arranging a water well, then you can make a water pipe with your own hands. This article offers a detailed introduction to the main stages of well formation: from drilling to the connection of automatic equipment.

First stage: well drilling

  • The first step is to drill small diameter exploratory drilling to locate the aquifer. The most common method is rotary drilling with flushing or blowing, less often the percussion-rope method is used. First you need to prepare the equipment with which drilling will be carried out. For example, for the shock-rope method, the mechanism is a carrying tripod equipped with a driving glass. The tripod structure can be made of metal pipes welded together. Using a winch and a flexible rope, fix the glass on it. The height of the support mechanism is calculated based on the length of the glass, and should be two meters above this driving device.

How to equip a well for water after drilling

Do you know that it is necessary to take into account two conditions - the depth, the occurrence of the aquifer, its static (mirror) and dynamic level, as well as the estimated volume of water consumption.

After exploratory drilling, a well is drilled with a large diameter to the top of the aquifer in order to lower and fix the production casing, which will cut off the horizon and isolate it from surface water. The pipe must be well reinforced and fit snugly to the ground. Further, drilling continues through the installed column until the required parameters for water supply are reached. If necessary, a filter is installed.

Then the well is pumped. The airlift method is used with the help of a drilling compressor (a volumetric flow of compressed air is used, which purifies liquid media from impurities of clay, sludge from wells of considerable depth) or with the help of a drilling or conventional load.

It happens that groundwater runs in the area nearby, which complicates the creation of an autonomous water supply. How to equip a well for water after drilling, where groundwater is close? Before arranging a well for water after drilling in places where groundwater is close, you first need to organize a drainage system that will reduce the level of these very groundwater.

Second stage: installation of the caisson

In order for a water well to function well, it is necessary to provide it with protection from the negative external influence of the environment (siltation, freezing, seepage of groundwater). For this, a special steel or plastic product is used - a caisson. Equipment parameters (length and diameter) are determined based on the parameters of the water well and pumping equipment. However, the thickness of the caisson must always be at least five millimeters.

Before installing the caisson, it is desirable to insulate it. Bricks and plastic sheets can be used as additional protection. These two procedures will make the case more resistant to external factors, which means it will last much longer.

The caisson is mounted quite simply. At the bottom of the body, it is necessary to make a cut of the same diameter as that of the previously installed casing. Next, the cylinder is lowered and fixed in the well, while it should be visible above its surface by no more than twenty centimeters. The casing pipe is then cut and welded to the cylinder bore.

It is important to remember that the caisson must be equipped with a tight cover with slots for incoming pipes and other mechanisms.

The third stage: fixing the pump and installing filters

The next stage: mounting the pump, which plays a crucial role in organizing the plumbing system - ensures that water is delivered to the house in sufficient quantities at the right pressure for the system to work.

You need to buy a pump with a focus on a number of indicators: the size of the casing, the depth of the well, the pressure in the water supply, and the potential volumes of water use. You should not use a pump more powerful than the productivity of the well, if the degree of productivity of the well is low, the water will periodically run out and turbidity will appear. In this case, a negative phenomenon may occur - a “dry” run of pumping equipment.

Stages of installation of pumping equipment:

  1. On special mounts, it is necessary to place a special rope that will protect the device from unplanned lowering.
  2. Next, install a check valve to prevent backflow of water.
  3. Connect the main water pipe to the pump.
  4. Then a power cable is connected to the device, which is attached to the pipe with plastic clamps.
  5. At the last stage, the pump mechanism is lowered into the casing pipe, secured with a safety rope or cable at a height of approximately 3-5 m below the static level of the well. The other end of the rope is attached to the upper part of the well.

After installing the pump, install, if necessary, water filters of various cleaning methods. If necessary, they are supplemented with carbon filter devices.

Fourth stage: automation

All individual water supply systems require additional automatic devices that support and control uninterrupted operation. This includes pressure measuring devices, liquid level sensors, water pressure switches. It is they who ensure the launch of the system, debug the parameters of its functioning. All these mechanisms are attached to a hydraulic accumulator, which occupies a central place among all automation.

The water accumulator maintains the water pressure at a constant level, protects the pump from water hammer, and creates a supply of water. In its appearance, it resembles an ordinary tank, which is constantly replenished with water under pressure from a pump.

To connect automatic devices to a hydraulic accumulator, special fittings with outlets for the above parts are needed.

To control the automation already in the process of using the water supply system, you may need a remote control, which is included with the battery and automatic devices.

So, the main stages of arranging a well for water after drilling with your own hands were considered. Having studied in detail the nuances and subtleties of all stages, as well as using the tips and instructions given, you can build a perfectly functioning individual system that will supply you with water no worse than a central water supply.

If you do not want to delve into the essence of the whole process and you do not have time for this, please contact us and we will advise you on the best option in terms of time and budget.

Look in different regions.

To protect the well and equipment from external pollution, atmospheric phenomena and vandals, it must be properly equipped. Agree, comfort when using water intake, servicing equipment and pipelines is as important as its safety. How to protect, ensuring ease of use?

For those who wish to carry out the arrangement of a water well with their own hands, we will tell you how to do it correctly. We will advise which option is best for your source. Here you will learn how to independently build a caisson for a borehole head, how to install an adapter, and also where to place a hydraulic accumulator.

A detailed description of the methods and technologies for equipping a personal hydraulic structure is based on regulatory documentation and the experience of well owners. The information presented for review is supplemented by visual diagrams, photo collections, and video guides.

After the well is drilled and before the water supply in the house is supplied from it, the source is arranged, the water supply equipment is selected and installed.

What tasks does the arrangement of a water well solve:

  • Ensuring the purity of the source. It is impossible to prevent contamination from the surface from entering the well: dust, rain or melt water.
  • Protection of the water source, equipment and pipeline from freezing.
  • Formation of conditions for connection and maintenance of equipment.

Water supply equipment (except for a submersible pump) can be installed both in the house and next to the well. In the latter case, it is necessary to have a technical room of sufficient area at the wellhead where this equipment will be installed.

But even when installing it in a house, it is very convenient to have a small room at the outlet of the pipeline from the well, this greatly facilitates its maintenance. The introduction of a water pipe into the well, as well as the power supply for the submersible pump, is also carried out at the arrangement stage.

Well construction is aimed at protecting the water supply source from atmospheric influences, ensuring the input of communications, convenient installation and maintenance of equipment

Selection and installation of equipment for the supply of water

Equipment for individual water supply consists of the following elements:

  • Pump, it can be submersible or located on the surface.
  • Automation, which controls the operation of the pump and protects it from overloads.
  • Hydraulic accumulator, open or closed (membrane tank). The latter is preferable, it provides stable pressure in the water supply.

An open water storage tank has to be installed at the top of the water supply, in the attic or under the ceiling of the upper floor. The closed container has no restrictions on the place of installation.

The nature of the well arrangement is largely determined by the type and location of the water supply equipment. Consider the main options for completing the source with equipment.

Surface pump for shallow well

With it, the water pipe coming from the house can be inserted directly into the well casing. No caisson is needed. True, if maintenance is necessary, the adapter will have to be dug up, because it is in the ground. But the need for this rarely arises.

The downhole adapter is a collapsible fitting consisting of two parts: external and internal. The outer part is located outside the casing and serves to connect to the water pipe going into the house.

A pipe from the pump is connected to the counterpart inside. Both parts of the adapter, connected on the casing pipe, have a radius shape that repeats the diameter of the wellbore. The elements are connected through a double hermetic seal.

The adapter in the casing is inserted into a pre-drilled hole. When installing, carefully check the tightness of the connections.

The adapter must be placed below the freezing depth of the ground and installation must be done with great care. The casing pipe remains on the surface of the earth, it is left sticking out low above the ground level. A cover is mounted on top, into which an electric cable is inserted to power the submersible pump.

In severe frosts, cold will penetrate into the well through the casing. Therefore, if winter temperatures drop below -20 °C, we recommend covering the well for the winter with spruce paws, straw, or insulating it in some other way.

The only but significant advantage of the adapter over the caisson is its cheapness. Among the disadvantages: the complexity of equipment maintenance, poor protection against mechanical damage to the electrical cable, less reliable suspension of the pump (it does not rest on a cable, but on only one water pipe).

And yes, water supply equipment can only be installed in the house. You can mount the adapter yourself, but you will need a special wrench with a long nozzle, some technical skill and a lot of patience.

In conclusion, we say that the "cheap and angry" downhole adapter is really cheap. However, it may not always be applicable and does not provide the same level of source protection and durability as a caisson.

We hope that from the above, in general terms, it is clear how you can equip a well with your own hands.

Let me give our readers some useful tips:

  • If the groundwater level in the area is high and located above the freezing depth of the soil, it is better to have a protective room on the surface, and not underground. Or use an adapter.
  • In a year-round house, try to place the water supply equipment in the main building: plenty of space, warm and dry. Easy to maintain, equipment will last longer.
  • Equipment for a house with seasonal living is best placed in an underground caisson. An unheated house will freeze, and a positive temperature will remain in the caisson. By the way, you need to remember to drain the water in the country house for the winter if they don’t live in it for more than a week.
  • In problematic soils (heaving, with gravel inclusions with sharp ribs, in quicksand), it is advisable to lead the water pipe from the house to the caisson or adapter in a protective casing. Always place the power cable in a protective HDPE conduit.
  • Connecting hydraulic equipment to the system is best done through shut-off valves with collapsible connections. If necessary, it will be easy to service or replace.
  • Do not forget that, regardless of the type of equipment, the connection diagram should include a check valve after the pump and a coarse filter in front of the accumulator.

Among other things, during operation it is necessary to monitor the pressure level in the pneumatic element of the membrane tank. Check monthly, top up if necessary.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Finally, videos that clearly show the process of arranging an underground water source.

Video #1 The process of self-construction of an insulated caisson from concrete rings and the introduction of a water pipe into the house:

Video #1 Economical well construction - self-installation of a borehole adapter:

Proper arrangement of an individual water supply source guarantees excellent water quality and eliminates problems with repair and periodic maintenance of downhole equipment.

Arranging your own well on a personal plot will allow you not to depend on the vagaries of the central water supply. But it is worth knowing that any extraction of water from aquifers following the first near-surface one requires a mandatory license. And in order to obtain such a license, it is necessary to collect a lot of preliminary permits for. And in your house there will always be enough water for domestic use and watering the garden.

Types of wells for water

There are several types of water wells that you can place in your backyard.

Abyssinian type tubular well

The depth of such a well can reach 12 meters. Its cross section is much narrower than that of a conventional well shaft. Deep penetration into the soil allows you not to be afraid of contamination of the well with upland soil water. Contaminants from the surface also do not enter this type of wells.

In general, the technology for arranging water wells in personal plots looks about the same even with different options for its implementation. The main devices serving a water well are:

  • Caisson chamber;
  • Hydraulic accumulator;
  • (submersible or surface);
  • Wellhead.

Caisson - the concept and purpose of the device

The sealed container of the caisson, in addition to protecting the well, can serve as a technological volume for accommodating devices serving the well. Placing cleaning filters, automation and other devices in the caisson allows you to save useful space in your home.

The materials for the manufacture of caissons can be different: concrete castings, plastic or metal structures. The most common design of the caisson is a vertically located cylinder. Access to the interior of the caisson is provided through a hatch located on the upper surface of the device.

The installation of the caisson is especially important in Russian conditions, since during severe winters the soil on your site can freeze up to one and a half meters deep. Therefore, horizontally located pipelines of the water supply system must be below the freezing line.

The caisson hatch located on the upper surface of the device is usually insulated with a layer of sheet foam. A ladder can be installed inside the device.

Well pumps

The main types of pumping equipment used for arranging water wells are surface and submersible devices.

Surface pumps

This type of pumping equipment is placed on the surface. The characteristics of such a device make it possible to lift fluid from wells from depths of up to 9-10 meters. This means that surface pumping equipment cannot be used to service artesian wells or wells with deep water.

However, this type of equipment is very easy to install and maintain, and has a low price. Depending on the design, surface pumping equipment can be vortex or centrifugal. A vortex pump will be able to lift water from a shallow depth, but a centrifugal pump will already be able to lift it from a depth of 10 meters.

Typically, surface pumping equipment can be supplied with automatic assemblies that turn it on and off. In addition, the pumping station can maintain a constant operating pressure in the pipelines of the water supply system.

When choosing surface pumping equipment, special attention should be paid to the presence of a “dry running” protection device, which prevents damage to the pump when the water level in the well drops.

Submersible pumps

Such equipment operates directly in the depth of the well. It can lift water from considerable depths. The devices can be equipped with float-type switches that de-energize the device when the water level in the well drops.

When purchasing a submersible pumping device, pay attention to its diameter: some models are designed exclusively for working in wells with a large cross section.

Good models of submersible equipment are equipped with filters and can work effectively even in water with sand impurities.

Such devices, for all their attractiveness, have a rather high price.

When choosing a pumping device, remember that more expensive and reliable models are enclosed in a stainless steel case, while economical ones are in a plastic case.

Hydraulic accumulator

This device is designed to smoothly adjust the pressure of the contents of water supply pipelines. Also, the functions of this equipment include preventing water hammer and maintaining a minimum water level in the system.

During normal operation, there is a certain supply of water inside the accumulator and a constant minimum pressure is maintained in it. If there is a hydraulic accumulator in the water supply system, pumping equipment turns on less often and wears out less.

The design of the accumulator is similar to the compensation tank used in heating systems. When used in water supply systems, other structural materials are used to create hydraulic accumulators than in compensation tanks. They do not come into contact with water, do not change its quality. This also applies to the material of the external housing of the accumulator, as well as its components. For example, the membrane in such devices should be made of food grade rubber.

Hydraulic accumulators can be divided into types according to the design features of the accumulation of water pressure.

Pneumatic accumulators accumulate fluid pressure by compressing the gas behind the device's membrane. Compressible nitrogen or ordinary air, when the pressure of the liquid is reduced, expands and increases the pressure of the water in the pipelines.

Such devices can be made using balloon, piston or membrane technologies.

  1. Membrane accumulator pressure is used mainly in mobile devices.

  1. Balloon accumulator is the most common type of device of this type. Between the liquid and gaseous environments there is a balloon made of food rubber. His normal state is under pressure. The balloon contracts when the pressure of the liquid in the pipelines increases and expands, increasing the pressure of the liquid when the pressure drops. Such devices have a solid operating temperature range, withstanding any frost or heat.

  1. Piston accumulator. In such a device, when the pressure of the liquid increases, it presses on the piston, behind which there is a compressible gas. When the fluid pressure in the system decreases, the piston moves in the opposite direction.

It is pneumatic-based pressure accumulators that are most often used in the creation of autonomous water supply systems. Also, pressure accumulators in water supply systems are often called hydrophore.

Prices for accumulators

hydraulic accumulator

Borehole head

The organization of an uninterrupted water supply system is an important and responsible process.

The fastest and most reliable option is drilling and arranging a well for water.

If drilling work can be entrusted to specialized companies, then you can equip a water well with water-pressure equipment yourself.

Working equipment for wells

Improvement of the well provides for the development of a water mine and the installation of special installations. For these purposes, modern equipment for a well under water is used:

  • caisson;
  • pumping unit;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • cap.

The use of the caisson

At the request of the owner of the hydraulic structure, the caisson can be equipped with additional devices:

  • filters for water purification;
  • membrane-based reservoir;
  • pressure gauge;
  • operating pressure switch for the pump;
  • automated controls.

The caisson is equipped with a strong neck with a reliable fixing lid.

Such installations are made from various materials that are inert to damage, corrosion and destruction: plastic, metal, aluminum alloy.

To equip a well in the country with your own hands, it is recommended to use cylindrical containers with a diameter of 100 cm, a height of 200 cm. If desired, the installation can be made independently.

Submersible pumping equipment

In order for the finished well in the country to function reliably, it is necessary to choose the right pumping equipment. The choice of a submersible pump is determined by two parameters - productivity and pressure of the water jet. In addition, it is important to take into account the size of the hydraulic structure, the length of the drains, and the fluid flow at peak load.

For uninterrupted water supply, the pressure in the system should be from 1.4 to 3 atmospheres with a water intake column height of 33 meters.

Hydraulic accumulator

To competently and beautifully equip a water intake point, you will need to install a hydraulic accumulator. It maintains and gradually changes the working water pressure in the equipped hydraulic structure. Also, the tank is designed to store a minimum water supply and protect against water hammer.

Modern hydraulic accumulators are represented by a single design, the differences are in the volume of liquid for which they are designed. For a summer residence and a country house, a hydraulic tank with a capacity of 15 to 55 liters is enough, for cottages, private hotels and boarding houses - from 100 to 950 liters.


It is a protective device with openings for pulling water pipes and power cables, installing pumping equipment, and protecting the hydraulic structure from biological and other pollution, as well as precipitation.

Well drilling is carried out with various devices: a hand drill, a rope-impact installation, equipment equipped with an electric motor and a tripod.

The determination of a suitable diameter and depth of the well is carried out taking into account the type of soil in the area, the characteristics of the aquifer and the pumping equipment used to operate the facility.

Laying water pipes

Fine crushed stone and sand are poured into the bottom of the structure, the thickness of each layer should be at least 12 cm.

To prevent the possible , finished .

It is recommended to make small holes around the entire perimeter of the pipe at a level of 20 cm from the bottom of the structure to increase the water pressure. A mesh filter is installed in the end part of the pipe.

To equip the mine, a water pipe with a length of 2 to 2.5 meters and one connecting elbow is used. The first pipe is installed at the required depth of the well so that the emphasis is on the bottom of the pit. Next, the installation of the next pipe is carried out with fixation to the first element by screwing onto the thread.

Step by step installation of the caisson

The standard well construction scheme provides for the installation of a caisson. All work is performed in the following order:

  1. We equip a pit for the tank around the finished hydraulic structure. The overall dimensions of the pit are determined by the dimensions of the caisson: the depth is 200 cm, the width is at least 160 cm. A casing string must pass through the center of the pit. At the surface level of groundwater, it is recommended to deepen the pit by 50 cm to ensure timely pumping of water.
  2. We make a hole in the tank, the size of which is equal to the diameter of the casing string. We lower the installation into the pit in the central part of the column.
  3. We cut off the column and fix it to the bottom of the caisson tank by welding. We carry out the connection of the supply wire of the submersible pump and the water pipe to the finished structure. We fill the container with soil to such a level that the lid is visible on the surface.

Installation of pumping equipment

How to properly equip a well using a reliable submersible pump? The installation process is carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  1. The bottom and walls of the hydraulic structure are thoroughly cleaned of debris, the water is pumped until complete removal of foreign impurities.
  2. Installation of equipment is carried out so that the distance between the body and the bottom of the structure is at least 100 cm, while the pump is completely in the water.
  3. At the same time, a water pipe and a supply pump cable are mounted.
  4. At the end, a check-type valve and a starting protection device are installed.
  5. The finished system is checked for tightness and performance.
  6. To fix the pump on the head structure, a metal alloy cable in a protective braid resistant to corrosion is used.

Protective head mounting

Structurally, the head consists of the following parts:

  • carabiner and flange connector;
  • dense rubber rings;
  • fasteners;
  • covers.

You can ennoble the well with a head in the following order:

  1. During installation, the column is cut, cleaned and treated with a protective composition against corrosion and decay.
  2. The supply cable of the pump and the water pipe are passed through the inlet cover of the structure.
  3. Pumping equipment is joined to the pipe. The hanging end of the cable is fixed to the carabiner with an eye bolt located inside the cover. A flange and a sealing ring are fixed to the column.
  4. The pump is immersed to the bottom of the well, a cover is fixed on top of the fixing bolts.

Final installation of the hydraulic tank

Installation of a hydraulic tank in wells and wells ensures uninterrupted operation of the water supply system for a private house or bath. How to equip a water well equipped with a hydraulic accumulator?

The hydraulic tank is connected to the pumping equipment and provides a constant supply of water. When the tap is opened, the liquid flows from the hydraulic structure to the tank, and then to the consumer.

When installing the storage tank, a non-return valve for water is installed in parallel. Before and after the construction of the tank, a drain valve is mounted. For reliable fixation of the hydraulic tank, it is recommended to use a rubber seal.

Organization of a well without a caisson

Arrangement of a well without a caisson is possible in the case when the structure is not used all year round, but seasonally - in summer, spring or autumn. Also, the absence of a caisson is justified if there are separate buildings on the site, in which the equipment necessary for the functioning of the hydraulic structure can be installed.

Do-it-yourself well construction without a caisson with a pit is the most practical and affordable option. In this case, the pit provides reliable protection of the well casing from the negative impact of the environment.