Why cucumbers are not tied. The ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and fall: what to do? Why do the ovaries dry

With the onset of warm summer days, gardeners and gardeners begin a hot time. No wonder, because you need to do so much to get a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, quite often the efforts expended by summer residents are not rewarded a hundredfold. And at the end of the season, they do not receive proper remuneration for their labors. A similar situation arises very often when we talk about growing cucumbers. Indeed, there are cases when, despite all the efforts of gardeners, this culture simply does not form ovaries!

To prevent such a situation from ever occurring in your backyard, you need to know the reasons for the atypical behavior of this crop, as well as preventive measures to restore healthy plantings.

Why cucumbers are not tied in the garden: causes and remedies

Barren flower is a common problem for cucumber plantings. It is very simple to deal with it: the main thing is to notice the barren flower in time and take measures to eliminate it.

1. Seeds

The quality of the seed material largely determines the germination of plants, and their further development and fruiting. If the gardener sows fresh seeds, then in most cases the formation of male flowers occurs before female ones. Hence, there are problems with the formation of ovaries. But two- and three-year-old seeds do not have such problems.

If the gardener does not know exactly when the seeds were collected, the material should be prepared in advance. Seeds should be heated and also hardened. Also a great option would be to purchase already prepared seeds in a flower shop. Do not forget that the variety of cucumbers should be suitable for the climatic conditions of your particular region!

2. Temperature

This reason applies to both greenhouse plantings and open ground plants. Too high temperatures (in the greenhouse over +35 degrees), as well as fluctuations in daytime and nighttime maxima, can lead to the fact that ovaries will not form on cucumbers. Also, the development of cucumbers can be affected by high relative humidity (over 90%). To protect cucumbers from low temperatures in open ground, they should be provided with shelter (film, tarpaulin), and also choose cold-resistant varieties for sowing. In hot weather, outdoor plants should be watered as often as possible (but not flooded). To prevent the formation of barren flowers in the greenhouse, the room should be ventilated as often as possible.

3. Thickened plantings

Cucumbers do not like cramped conditions. Due to the dense planting, they suffer from a lack of sunlight, water and nutrients both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. In any case, seedlings should be planted in such a way that the distance between the bushes is no more than 50-70 cm. If the gardener has already planted cucumbers, then they should be carefully thinned to an acceptable distance.

4. Watering cucumber plantings

Cucumbers are very sensitive to water temperature, therefore, in no case should cold water be used for greenhouse and open ground plants. The water temperature should not be lower than plus twenty-five degrees. It is very important! Otherwise, the water will cool the heated soil, which will negatively affect both the root system of plants and their development in general.

Another reason that affects the formation of ovaries is an excess of moisture in the soil. Unfortunately, too much watering can cause the plants to stop producing female flowers. In this case, you should immediately stop watering for a few days. This will help dry out the soil a bit. After that, it is worth resuming irrigation in a moderately reasonable mode

5. Top dressing

An imbalance in nutrition or insufficient fertilizer application to the soil can lead to the fact that the ovaries on cucumber plantings simply cease to form. Very often this process is associated with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent the development of a harmful process and restore the natural formation of ovaries, the gardener should immediately apply a phosphorus-containing nutrient mixture of fertilizers.

But it often happens that there are ovaries on cucumbers, but they do not develop, but turn yellow and fall off over time. The phenomenon is unpleasant, but correctable. Therefore, we propose to talk about why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and what to do about it.

Why does the ovary of cucumbers not grow, but turn yellow?

The bush grows without forming

Most greenhouse varieties of cucumbers (most often the ovaries of cucumbers in the greenhouse turn yellow) able to grow a huge vegetative mass. Such plants must be stepchildren - pinch, dazzle, which we talked about in detail. In short, it is necessary to pinch all stepchildren growing from the axils of the first 3-5 leaves, as well as all shoots growing higher, after the 2nd leaf. Only in this case, the sun-loving cucumber will be able to receive enough light for the growth of the ovaries, and the ovary of the cucumbers will not turn yellow and fall off.

Thickened plantings of cucumbers

Very often, the ovaries of cucumbers wither from root rot, when a healthy-looking plant begins to dry out from above. Due to the defective functioning of the root system, the plant does not properly provide the fruits with nutrients. In this case, you can avoid falling off the ovary of cucumbers by tilting the plant to the soil and pouring fertile soil on the healthy part of the stem. Over time, young, healthy roots will appear in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe vine, and the plant will recover safely. He can be helped in this by treating him with complex mineral dressing and removing a significant part of the ovaries.

A serious problem when the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow. What to do? Do not sit back, but stepson, water, feed, air, and your cucumbers will surely thank you with a generous harvest!

And now we bring to your attention a video about why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow:

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board of the Sobcorrespondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agroindustrial Bulletin"

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Dry them now. Do not water for several days (do not overdo it !!) sprinkle with Ovary for cucumbers. Must go .. But you have already lost part of the crop ..​

Take a SOFT brush, and pollinate yourself.

Female flowers will not form ovaries if there is no empty flower - male flowers, so they do not need to be removed from the plant. If you are growing cucumbers on a trellis, then it is best to form a cucumber into two stems. When you notice that the plant is very stretched - pinch. You can pinch cucumbers after every 5-7 leaves.

So that cucumbers do not upset gardeners, it is possible from time to time to process both greenhouse plantings and open ground plants with such growth regulators and adaptogens as Novosil, Zircon, Epin-extra. Processing should be done in cool cloudy weather.​

Cucumbers do not like cramped conditions. Due to the dense planting, they suffer from a lack of sunlight, water and nutrients both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. In any case, seedlings should be planted in such a way that the distance between the bushes is no more than 50-70 cm. If the gardener has already managed to plant cucumbers, then they should be carefully thinned out to an acceptable distance.

If the gardener does not know exactly when the seeds were collected, the material should be prepared in advance. Seeds should be heated and also hardened. Also a great option would be to purchase already prepared seeds in a flower shop. Do not forget that the variety of cucumbers should be suitable for the climatic conditions of your particular region!​


Why cucumbers are not tied in the greenhouse and in the open field. What to do - Onwomen.ru

To prevent such a situation from occurring in your backyard, you need to know the reasons for the atypical behavior of this crop, as well as preventive measures to restore healthy plantings.

Another reason why cucumber fruits turn yellow at the ovary stage may be insufficient pollination. If seeds are not formed in the fruit, the plant may stop feeding it with its juices. In this case, you can pollinate the cucumbers yourself with a soft brush, or sprinkle a solution of honey or sugar on the bed. Such a sweet bait will attract bees, which will pollinate all the flowers.

Why cucumbers are not tied in the garden: causes and remedies

Also, a similar problem often occurs due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. That is why the rotation of crops is recommended, which must be done annually. Regular top dressing with potash and phosphorus mixtures will be an excellent prevention, but care must be taken when introducing organic matter. Together with such fertilizers, fungi and viruses, such as tobacco mosaic virus, can get into the garden.

1. Seeds

Quite often, when growing cucumbers, gardeners face such a problem as yellowing of fruits and falling ovaries. Why do cucumbers turn yellow? Consider the most common causes of such a change in color in ripe fruits and in ovaries.

Maybe you need to open the doors for bee flies to pollinate? I also had this: the tomatoes on the windowsill were not tied up - there was little light. Try to pollinate the flowers with a cotton swab: from one to the other, back - so that there is a mix. If it doesn't help, then it's some kind of pain. Good luck

I do not recommend attracting insects. Knit yourself.

2. Temperature

Invite bees. Well, or pollinate yourself.

3. Thickened plantings

Problems identified and eliminated in time will allow the gardener to get a rich crop of cucumbers both in the open field and in the greenhouse!

4. Watering cucumber plantings

An imbalance in nutrition or insufficient fertilizer application to the soil can lead to the fact that the ovaries on cucumber plantings simply cease to form. Very often this process is associated with an excess of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent the development of a harmful process and restore the natural formation of ovaries, the gardener should immediately apply a phosphorus-containing nutrient mixture of fertilizers.

Cucumbers are very sensitive to water temperature, therefore, in no case should cold water be used for greenhouse and open ground plants. The water temperature should not be lower than plus twenty-five degrees. It is very important! Otherwise, the water will cool the heated soil, which will negatively affect both the root system of plants and their development in general.

5. Top dressing

Barren flower is a common problem for cucumber plantings. It is very simple to deal with it: the main thing is to notice the barren flower in time and take measures to eliminate it.

6. Rare collection of cucumbers

That's all the main reasons why cucumbers turn yellow. If your case does not fit any of the descriptions, most likely the plants are affected by a fungal or viral disease. In such a situation, it is necessary to use special preparations and, possibly, destroy the affected plants.

In addition, inexperienced gardeners can be reminded that the yellow color of a cucumber is a completely normal color for a ripe fruit. They are not eaten, so they can simply be thrown away or left for seeds.

One of the most common reasons why cucumbers turn yellow and grow poorly is a banal lack of water. Cucumbers, in principle, need nothing more than moisture and heat, so they should be watered abundantly and often. The lack of water is diagnosed quite simply - along with the yellowing of cucumbers, they change color and the leaves begin to dry. However, if after abundant watering the problem has not disappeared, then the reason lies in something else.


why there is no ovary on cucumbers and what to do


are they self pollinating? if not, then you need insects

Ilyukha! ! on the next plant only self-pollinating plants for a year. You won't have these problems. Fill up with cucumbers ..

ORION 1000

I heard somewhere that spray the ovary with sweet water to attract insects.


To increase the ovaries, you can spray cucumbers with a flowering stimulant Ovary. Another way is to slightly dry the cucumber lash, and then pour it abundantly. After watering, a large number of cucumbers are immediately tied on the whip. You can also put soaked manure on the bed in a bucket. In order for more ovaries to appear on the cucumbers - female flowers, it is necessary to pinch the cucumbers in time. The first pinching can be done after 5 of this leaflet. When the shoot begins to develop side branches, female flowers will appear on them. Also, female flowers are tied with proper care of the plant - you need to avoid high temperatures, bright sunlight, monitor humidity.

Sergei Goroshikhin

It is necessary to harvest a ripe crop on a regular basis. Experienced gardeners recommend picking cucumbers both in the greenhouse and in the open field at least once a day (at least every other day). Otherwise, overgrown fruits will prevent the formation of new ovaries.

Myron Gates

Another reason that affects the formation of ovaries is an excess of moisture in the soil. Unfortunately, too much watering can cause the plants to stop producing female flowers. In this case, you should immediately stop watering for a few days. This will help dry out the soil a bit. After that, it is worth resuming irrigation in a moderately reasonable mode.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

This reason applies to both greenhouse plantings and open ground plants. Too high temperatures (in the greenhouse over +35 degrees), as well as fluctuations in daytime and nighttime maxima, can lead to the fact that ovaries will not form on cucumbers. Also, the development of cucumbers can be affected by high relative humidity (over 90%). To protect cucumbers from low temperatures in open ground, they should be provided with shelter (film, tarpaulin), and also choose cold-resistant varieties for sowing. In hot weather, outdoor plants should be watered as often as possible (but not flooded). To prevent the formation of empty flowers in the greenhouse, the room should be ventilated as often as possible.

The quality of the seed material largely determines the germination of plants, and their further development and fruiting. If the gardener sows fresh seeds, then in most cases the formation of male flowers occurs before female ones. Hence, there are problems with the formation of ovaries. But two- and three-year-old seeds do not have such problems.
With the onset of warm summer days, gardeners and gardeners begin a hot time. No wonder, because you need to do so much to get a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, quite often the efforts expended by summer residents are not rewarded a hundredfold. And at the end of the season, they do not receive proper remuneration for their labors. A similar situation arises very often when we talk about growing cucumbers. Indeed, there are cases when, despite all the efforts of gardeners, this culture simply does not form ovaries!

why cucumbers are not tied in a greenhouse

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Why do small cucumbers turn yellow and fall off? At the stage when the fruits have just formed, yellowing can occur for several reasons. Firstly, this is due to the large number of ovaries on one plant. Some types of cucumbers, especially hybrid ones, bloom profusely and can produce up to 150 ovaries. The root system of the plant simply does not have time to feed so many fruits, and they begin to dry out, turn yellow and fall off. The way out of the situation is simple - removing extra ovaries or flowers.


The reason why cucumbers turn yellow may also be adverse weather conditions - early frosts and sudden cold snaps. Even cold water can cause such a stressful change, so it must be warmed up in the sun before watering. Covering material can save from cold snaps if cucumbers grow in open ground, or a heater placed in a greenhouse. With additional heat supply, fresh cucumbers will not disappear from your table until late autumn.​

It's East Ukraine

Apparently you have purchased seeds that need pollination. For greenhouses, special hybrids are now being sold, of the female type (of course, they can be planted in open ground). For example Ajax, Mother-in-law, Natasha.​

There are no empty flowers at all.

Good day, dear readers! Today we will talk about a fairly common problem that most beginner gardeners face when growing cucumbers. I think that many people are familiar with the situation when on a healthy and strong plant, with excellent development of the stem and shoots, with a large number of flowers, no greenery is set. So why do empty flowers appear?

Growing Features

There are many reasons why a seemingly healthy cucumber plant does not set fruit or only forms greens with serious defects, for example, underdeveloped, yellow, spotted, gnarled or pear-shaped.

Of course, such a problem can arise not only when growing a crop indoors, for example, in a room of a very ordinary apartment or on a balcony, in a small greenhouse or in a full-fledged greenhouse, but also. The plant looks healthy, it has many beautiful and strong leaves, it forms many large flowers, but they do not tie cucumbers. Why is this happening?

In varieties, this is due to a violation of parthenocarpy. In fact, those cucumber flowers that we call barren flowers are male flowers, without which the normal formation of the ovary would be impossible.

As a rule, it is empty flowers that appear in the lower part of the bush, the very first, and then their alternation with female flowers begins, the number of which gradually increases not only on the main stem, but also on numerous side shoots.

If there are no male flowers on the plant (they were not formed or they were removed by plucking), then you should not wait for the harvest. It is important to ensure a balance between the types of flowers.

But what can be done to achieve this? And how to help plants to avoid such a problem?

Reasons for the lack of an ovary

Juicy, crispy, fragrant, fresh homemade cucumbers, of course, everyone loves, so cucumbers can rightly be called almost the most common crop in the garden. In most cases, hybrids delight gardeners with an excellent harvest without much hassle, but sometimes plants massively form male-type flowers and therefore there are no “children” on them.

The main reasons here are:

  • Sowing unsuitable seeds. As a rule, this problem occurs when trying to grow cucumbers from fresh seeds, those that are stored for less than one year.

It is best to sow the seeds one year after they are collected. But important and right .

The fruits should fully ripen on the plant, while they become large, thick, pimples disappear from their surface, and their color changes to yellow or orange. Collect seed fruits only when the stalk dries up. After harvesting, seed greens are kept on a sunny windowsill for about a week.

You need to choose seeds from cut fruits with an ordinary spoon, along with juice, into a clean, transparent container of a large volume, where they are left to ferment for about 12 hours. After that, water must be added to the container and carefully moved so that the pacifiers emerge.

It is necessary to wash the seeds at least three times, after which the water must be drained and the seeds laid out to dry. It is best to store the seeds in paper bags at room temperature in a dry place, be sure to note the year they were collected.

  • Sowing unheated seeds, as well as the use of cold soil for sowing.
  • Too cold, as well as too hot ambient temperature.
  • Insufficiency of air in greenhouses, which occurs in the absence of ventilation and rare ventilation of the room.
  • Insufficient air humidity and frequent strong waterlogging of the soil.
  • Insufficient lighting of plants. Cucumbers do not like shady places.
  • Non-compliance with the landing density.

Strong overcrowding of plants always reduces the level of yield.

  • Untimely planting of seedlings in a permanent place, as well as belated thinning of crops. It is important to plant young cucumbers before the active growth stage begins so that the plants do not stretch.
  • Nutrient imbalances, such as over-fertilization of nitrogen or lack of supplements required by the growth schedule.

How to sow cucumber seeds

It is very important to take old seeds for sowing, those that have been stored for at least a year, and preferably 2 - 3. In this case, the harvest will be higher and earlier, since plants grown from old seeds quickly enough and begin to form flowers in large numbers female type and form an ovary.

Cucumber seeds should not be stored in cold rooms, because in this case, before sowing, they will need to be warmed up for at least two months at room temperature next to heating appliances.

Self-pollinating cucumbers can be treated with special preparations before sowing, for example, Zircon or Novosil. Seeds soaked for several hours in such solutions will produce strong plants with many female flowers.

Many gardeners, in order to increase the yield of cucumbers, before sowing seeds in the beds or planting ready-made seedlings, add 4-5 grams of superphosphate per meter of planting area.

Proper watering is essential

Another reason for the lack of ovaries and low yields is improper watering. And it's not just about the lack or excess of moisture. Do not water cucumbers with cold water. It is best to water the plants abundantly in the morning, preheated to + 25 ° C with water, or in the afternoon, when both the water and the soil are warm enough.

Cucumber beds should not be poured in the evening. Before nightfall, the surface of the soil should be a little ventilated and dry, otherwise the formation of moss will begin, and there will be excellent conditions for the development of diseases that do not at all contribute to high yields.

If no measures have helped

If, despite the fact that all the rules for planting cucumbers have been observed and the necessary conditions have been created for the plants, male-type flowers are actively formed on the plants,

and there are practically no women, it is necessary to remove the growth point of the main stem, that is, it is at a height of about one and a half meters.

Such a measure will help stimulate the growth of side shoots, on which female flowers usually form. In this case, it is important to remove some of the leaves in order to improve the lighting of the plants.

See you soon, dear readers!Subscribe to our newsletter, always be aware of new publications, and recommend the article to your friends. Let's grow bountiful harvests together!

With all respect, Andrew

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The question of why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse worries every gardener and gardener who grows them indoors. There may be several reasons for the yellowing of leaves, ovaries and cucumbers grown in greenhouse or greenhouse conditions. If we exclude the attack of pests and the development of any diseases, then there are several reasons for the yellowing and drying of greens.

Plants are too densely planted. They do not have enough food area, so they cannot feed all their numerous offspring. For each particular variety or hybrid, this information is indicated in the description on the bag. Many beginner growers allow cucumbers to grow arbitrarily, it seems to them that by pinching certain lashes, the yield will decrease.

As a result, thickets of intertwined vines with large leaves form in the greenhouse, through which sunlight breaks through with difficulty. In such conditions, not some of the greens, but almost all, can dry out.

The formation of cucumbers is simple: from the sinuses of the lower 3-5 leaves, you need to pluck the stepchildren completely. The upstream shoots should be pinched off after the second leaf.

Stepchildren of the second order, which will form from the axils of the leaves of the secondary lash, should remove the growth point after the formation of the first leaf. If, at first, cucumbers, as a rule, are fed with fermented manure, i.e. predominantly nitrogen, then with the onset of fruiting, the needs of plants change, they already require both potassium and phosphorus.

Therefore, superphosphate and ash must be added to infusions of grass or mullein. You can use complex fertilizer, for example, "Kemira" or similar.

4. Overgrown fruits are not removed in a timely manner. Overgrown fruits (or one fruit) greatly delays the development of the remaining ovaries. For bunch cucumbers, the presence of overgrowth, even an extra 2 hours on the lash, affects the greens.

Something has changed in the growing conditions, so the cucumber fruits that have begun to grow have partially turned yellow.5. The reason for the yellowing of cucumber ovaries in the greenhouse may be their poor fertilization. Since the pollen of cucumber flowers is sticky, they are pollinated by insects, mainly bees.

In small greenhouses, you can pollinate plants manually, and in large ones you need to put beehives with bees, since manual pollination of flowers requires very high labor costs and drastically reduces the quality and quantity of the cucumber crop. If it is not possible to put hives in greenhouses, you can lure bees by feeding sugar syrup with the addition of 5% yeast (yeast with syrup is boiled to avoid fermentation). The syrup is prepared from 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of water and is poured daily into the feeders for 100-200 g. syrup.

It is very important to remember that cucumber pollination occurs from 6 to 10 am, it is at this time that bees should have maximum access to plants (open transoms, doors, etc.). The natural process of yellowing fruits is their full ripening. We use greens for food.

Pollination of melons in a greenhouse

A neighbor once complained to me: “For some reason, the ovaries on cucumbers in the greenhouse are turning yellow. I feed them, sing, but they do not want to grow and turn green - they bloom beautifully, and then dry up.

I went to the neighbors' greenhouse, looked at their cucumber plantings, reminiscent of a jungle of intertwined lashes with huge leaves. Through these thickets with difficulty light made its way.

In some places, bright flowers were visible in the greenery, and almost no fruits were visible, that is, for the sake of which all this was started. Everything became clear to me. First mistake: plants do not stepchild.

Rubric "ZaDachnik" July 16, 2014 "Tomatoes do not tie"

It is necessary to remove in time everything that tries to grow from the axils of the first three to five leaves, and pinch all the stepchildren that form above the second leaf. Many gardeners are afraid of pinching, mistakenly believing that this procedure will reduce the yield.

However, this must be done without fail and ruthlessly. The stepchildren that will grow from the sinuses are no longer in the main lash, but from the sinuses of the stepchildren, that is, the so-called second-order shoots, need to be pinched after the first leaf. The second mistake: the plants are planted too densely.

They do not have enough food area, so they cannot feed their many ovaries. These extra ovaries just dry up. And be sure to follow the instructions on the bags.

If it is written that 2.5 plants need to be planted per 1 m2, then this is how it should be planted, that is, 2 m2 of land is needed for 5 plants. The third mistake: the hostess constantly feeds her cucumbers with manure, and her plants grow by leaps and bounds - they are warm, moist, satisfying. But when plants enter the fruiting stage, their needs change.

Now they need not only nitrogen and phosphorus, but also increased phosphorus-potassium nutrition. Therefore, a glass of ash and st. a spoonful of superphosphate.

Or you can take a complete mineral fertilizer - azofoska, Kemira, or mortar. Fourth. Often, not only parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids are planted in greenhouses, but also bee-pollinated ones.

In modern varieties, flowers are predominantly female and they need to be planted with a pollinator. And many gardeners do not do this, or do not know. Fifth.

You do not need to grow greens to a huge "Russian" size, because this inhibits the growth of subsequent cucumbers. And here's what you need to know. The plant always blooms "with a margin" in case of adverse conditions, that is, it produces more ovaries than it can then feed.

Therefore, when all the flowers are pollinated, the plant begins to shed excess ovaries. Thus, the drying of part of the ovaries is a normal process. Our task is to help the plant feed more offspring.

About beam hybrids

Now gardeners are keen on growing the so-called beam hybrids, in which from 2–3 to 5–10 ovaries are laid in each leaf axil. They are valued for the abundance of ovaries and greens, their gherkin fruits are medium-sized.

And it’s more difficult to work with them - you need to keep as many ovaries as possible in a bunch and not let them dry out. Inexperienced gardeners usually grow 1-2 cucumbers from these ovaries per node, the rest of the ovaries turn yellow and fall off. I didn’t succeed at once either, however, year after year, by trial and error, I learned to save 3-5 ovaries, and even more. To save most of the ovaries, you must follow several agrotechnical rules. Firstly, the soil should be nutritious, loose and moderately moist. By the beginning of fruiting, the bushes should be well developed, with a strong stem, with a powerful root system, with healthy leaves. During the fruiting period, you need to regularly, once a week, feed the plants with the same fertilizers as ordinary, non-beam, cucumbers.

Pouring Zelentsov will accelerate if you put a barrel with fermenting grass or manure in the greenhouse. However, overfeeding with a large amount of nitrogen does not benefit the cucumbers - the number of ovaries decreases in the nodes. You need to constantly monitor the greens: as soon as they reach the desired size, immediately cut off and in no case overexpose even an extra hour on the bush, because overgrown fruits inhibit the growth of the following greens.

This is very important. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. In this case, some of the ovaries will definitely dry out. Usually, in hot weather, the plant, as it were, is preparing for the fact that there will be little moisture in the soil, so it simply forms few ovaries in the bunch. All bunch hybrids are very photophilous, so they should be planted in the most illuminated place in the greenhouse.

With a lack of light, the number of ovaries in the bundle decreases. In addition, you need to know what hybrid you are growing - bee-pollinated or not, do they need a pollinator or not, do you need to attract pollinating insects to the greenhouse or not. Parthenocarpic hybrids also have their own troubles.

So, scientists have found that in cool rainy weather, the degree of parthenocarpy decreases. In this case, the ovaries do not grow for a long time. Parthenocarpy is also reduced if the lateral shoots were not pinched in time. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the timely formation of the bush, and in bad weather it is recommended to spray the plants with Epin, Zircon. Garden Affairs No. 5 (30), May 2009

Why does the ovary of cucumbers turn yellow and fall off?

Some summer residents are familiar with the problematic situation when, for no apparent reason, the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and fall off. What factors contribute to the development of such an unpleasant phenomenon, and what needs to be taken into account in order to avoid it? As observations show, most often gardeners growing this crop in film greenhouses face the problem of drying and falling off of cucumber ovaries (more on this aspect will be discussed below) . And most often favorable conditions for the occurrence of this problem are created, oddly enough, by the gardener himself.

Why the ovary of cucumbers turns yellow and falls off: reasons

According to experts, the ovary of cucumbers begins to turn yellow and fall off for several main reasons, namely, such as:

  • 1) Violation of the light regime; 2) Violation of the temperature regime of soil and air; 3) Violation of mineral nutrition; 5) Deficiency or excess of moisture in the soil; 6) Poor work of bees due to cloudy or, conversely, very hot weather.

Let's try to consider in more detail each of the above reasons why the ovaries on cucumbers dry up. As you know, cucumbers are plants that are extremely demanding on light, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on their growth and development. Therefore, if you intend to grow this crop in greenhouse conditions, even at the stage of building a cultivation structure, get acquainted with how to properly place a greenhouse on the site so that the building is fully illuminated. A lack of light can also be due to the abundance of green spaces grown in the greenhouse.

Often, novice gardeners try to plant as many plants as possible in the greenhouse space, completely losing sight of the fact that after a while they will begin to shade each other. Therefore, before you start growing cucumbers for seedlings, try to calculate with maximum accuracy how much it will be needed, adding about 10% more so-called to the resulting amount. "Insurance" bushes. Do not forget that modern cucumber hybrids (especially parthenocarpic hybrids) have a developed vegetative system, so they should be planted taking into account the recommended feeding area for each individual plant.

So, parthenocarpic hybrids are planted one (less often two) plants per 1 sq. m, and bee-pollinated hybrids - 2-3 plants per 1 sq.m. Not observing the prescribed frequency of planting, it is possible to provoke in the future that the grown plants will shade each other, and the formed ovaries of cucumbers will begin to turn yellow and fall off.

If you do not pay attention to this in a timely manner, then the branching side shoots, growing, will obscure each other. It is necessary to pinch the upper part of the shoots, preventing their length from exceeding 20-25 cm (such long shoots weaken the plant as a whole and provoke the fact that the ovaries on cucumbers begin to turn yellow and fall off). The process of forming a cucumber bush begins with the so-called. procedures for "blinding" the axils of the leaves, in which the rudiments of flowers, tendrils and side shoots are located.

As these parts of the plant grow, they will require more and more nutrition, which will lead to a weakening of the mother bush. Timely removal of rudimentary elements hiding in the axils of the leaves will help ensure that the mother bush will not waste its resources on the development of unnecessary shoots and will be able to develop a strong vegetative system. so that there are at least three of them on bee-pollinated varieties (on one copy), on parthenocarpic varieties - at least eight. 2) Violation of the temperature regime of the soil and air clear weather, + 20 ... + 22 ° - in cloudy weather and + 17 ° ... + 18 ° - at night.

When the plants begin to enter the fruiting phase, these figures should increase to approximately +23 ... + 26 °, + 21 ° ... + 23 ° and + 18 ° ... + 20 °, respectively. In turn, for the cultivation of bee-pollinated varieties, the presented temperature indicators increase by about 1-3 ° for both phases. The most comfortable soil temperature for growing this crop is considered to be the interval + 22 ° ... + 24 °.

The critical point is the interval + 13 ... + 15 ° - if the soil cools to this temperature, the tender ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and fall off. Here we should talk about why the ovaries of cucumbers dry up and fall off in film greenhouses. Most often, this happens as a result of overheating of plantations and sudden temperature changes that occur due to the fact that the polyethylene coating perfectly transmits heat, as a result of which the interior of the greenhouse can heat up to 40 ° (or more) in hot weather.

At night, the film coating releases heat, which leads to a strong cooling of the air inside the building, and this inevitably leads to the fall of the ovaries. certain elements, but also in their wrong ratio. In addition, this may be due to a violation of the temperature, air-gas regime and humidity of the air and / or soil. Parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids are more dependent on this factor, since developing a powerful vegetative system, they need abundant watering, which, in turn turn, can provoke leaching of potassium and nitrogen from the soil.

With an acute deficiency of these elements in parthenocarpic varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, the ovaries begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off. Therefore, during the fruiting period, do not forget to periodically feed the plantings with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers.4) High yield of hybridsModern hybrids are characterized by high yields - especially parthenocarps.

In the axils of almost every leaf, they have an ovary (sometimes even several), and it is natural that a plant that spends all its resources on the full development of the ovaries will get rid of the extra load. To influence this process, it is necessary to remove the ovaries in a timely manner - even before the flowers bloom. 5) Deficit or excess of moisture in the soil When growing cucumbers, it must be taken into account that the soil moisture before fruiting crops should be slightly lower than during the fruiting period.

At the entire stage of fruit ripening, the soil should be as saturated with moisture as possible. However, do not forget that it is absolutely impossible to water plants with cold water (10 ° -15 °) - otherwise, this will lead to massive fall of the ovaries. Speaking of watering, one technological trick should be mentioned, which is often resorted to in order to increase the number of female flowers - for this, during the formation of flowers, cucumbers are not watered for several days to dry the soil. 6) Poor work of bees due to adverse weather conditions extremely rarely fly into a stuffy, sun-heated greenhouse.

Above 35°, even if the insect transfers the pollen to the flower, it will become sterile. As a result, the unfertilized ovary of the cucumber will dry up and fall off. Did you like the article?

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Why don't ovaries grow on cucumbers?

Often gardeners complain - there are no cucumbers, only barren flowers. What to do in this case? What is the reason for the continuous flowering of plants with barren flowers alone?

And are they needed at all, these barren flowers? First of all, a significant delay in the appearance of female flowers and late fruiting lies in the quality of seeds. If you did not listen to the numerous recommendations and sowed fresh seeds, then the plants grown from them form first male flowers - empty flowers, and then - female ones.

A completely different picture if you sowed seeds 2-3 years ago. At the same time, female flowers are formed simultaneously with male flowers or earlier than male ones. But what if your seeds are fresh, or you do not know the statute of limitations of the purchased seeds?

This is easy to do - they need to be warmed up, and plants from such seeds will produce female flowers much earlier than usual. Pre-sowing hardening of seeds with negative or variable temperatures will also accelerate the appearance of female flowers. Another reason for cucumber infertility is a nutritional imbalance, most often an abundance of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, which causes rapid growth of lashes, leaves and barren flowers.

In this case, top dressing with fast-acting phosphate fertilizers is very useful for plants, for example, an extract of superphosphate (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of hot water) or an infusion of ordinary wood ash. The third reason for delaying the appearance of female flowers is watering plants with cold water. The water temperature must be at least 25°C.

The water should not be allowed to be colder than the soil. The next reason for the "empty abundance" is a large excess of moisture in the soil. Dry the soil on the cucumber bed for a few days.

As soon as the leaves on the plants slightly wilt, an abundance of female flowers will immediately appear. But at the same time - do not dry out the soil.

About proper care - in the article Cucumber planting care. High ambient temperature, strong thickening of plants in the greenhouse, etc. also have a serious effect on "barren abundance". And if all this does not help, then pinch the top of the main stem of the plants. It will stop the growth of plants in length, cause the growth of side shoots and female flowers. But what about empty flowers?

Some gardeners remove most barren flowers in the mistaken belief that this will encourage female flowers to grow. There is no benefit from their removal, and it is really possible to worsen the conditions for pollination of female flowers.

Empty flowers on the plant will quickly turn yellow and fall off. In recent years, bunch varieties and hybrids of cucumbers, especially the female type of flowering, which are characterized by high yields and mostly good pickling qualities, have been the most popular. They form in a knot from 3 to 7 ovaries.

But not every gardener manages to get fruits from these ovaries. This is a fairly common occurrence, especially in hot weather and in film greenhouses. At the same time, part of the ovaries does not grow and gradually begins to turn yellow, and then quickly dries up and disappears. What's the matter? There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • too high air temperature in the greenhouse (over 35 ° C). very high relative humidity (over 90%). In varieties and hybrids of a purely female type of flowering, the absence of pollinating insects due to prolonged cool weather or the absence of male flowers (barren flowers). Up to 10% of cucumbers of any pollinator variety must be sown to them. A very rare collection of cucumbers. Collect them daily or, in extreme cases, every other day. Overgrown fruits hold back the pouring of new ovaries. A significant lack of nutrition in the soil. Modern tuft-bearing hybrids require a much higher and more uniform nutrient content in the soil. There is simply not enough nutrition for the growth of all the ovaries in the bundle. At the same time, 1-2 fruits grow, and the rest dry up and fall off. Therefore, if there are a lot of ovaries on plants, they should be fed every week with small doses of mullein infusion with the addition of urea to it.

And in order to improve the filling of the ovaries, especially in cool weather, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding of plants with Zircon or Epin preparations, which increase the resistance of plants to stressful situations.

Why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and dry

This year we planted seedlings of cucumbers F1 "Zyatek" in the greenhouse. According to the description on the bag, they should form from 2 to 8 fruits in each leaf axil. Fruiting has already begun, but some ovaries turn yellow and dry out. Why is this happening?

The leaves on the plants are green, large, pests are not visible. Beam hybrids of cucumbers, namely Zyatek, have become very popular in recent years. There are really a lot of ovaries in the axils of the leaves, but rarely anyone manages to save them all. If we exclude the attack of pests and the development of any diseases, then we can name several reasons for the yellowing and drying of greens. This is how the ovaries of bunch cucumbers should look like

Reason one: plants are too densely planted

They simply do not have enough food area, so they cannot feed all their numerous offspring. In particular, for Zyatek cucumbers, the recommended distance between adjacent plants is 50 cm, which means planting them closer, even with a vertical growing method, is not necessary. For each specific variety or hybrid, this information is indicated in the description on the bag.

Reason two: plants do not form

Many novice vegetable growers allow cucumbers to grow arbitrarily, it seems to them that by pinching certain lashes, the yield will decrease. As a result, thickets of intertwined vines with large leaves form in the greenhouse, through which sunlight breaks through with difficulty.

In such conditions, not some of the greens, but almost all, can dry out. The formation of cucumbers is simple: from the sinuses of the lower 3-5 leaves, you need to pluck the stepchildren completely. The upstream shoots should be pinched off after the second leaf. Stepsons of the second order, which will form from the axils of the leaves of the secondary lash, should remove the growth point after the formation of the first leaf. The ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow for one of the following reasons

Reason three: improper feeding

If, at first, cucumbers, as a rule, are fed with fermented manure, i.e. predominantly nitrogen, then with the onset of fruiting, the needs of plants change, they already require both potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, superphosphate and ash must be added to infusions of grass or mullein. You can use complex fertilizer, for example, "Kemira" or similar.

Reason four: fruits that have grown to the size declared by the manufacturer are not removed in a timely manner

Overgrown fruits (or one fruit) greatly delays the development of other ovaries. For bunch cucumbers, the presence of overgrowth, even an extra 2 hours on the lash, affects the greens. Something has changed in the growing conditions, so the cucumber fruits that have begun to grow have partially turned yellow

Reason #5: You may need a pollinator

Modern hybrids and varieties are predominantly parthenocarpic, not requiring pollinators. To bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids, you need to plant 1 or several (depending on the size of the greenhouse) pollinator plants, i.e. cucumbers of other varieties that have male flowers. In the latter case, care must be taken to attract pollinating insects.

A little about care

The soil on which bunch cucumbers grow must be fertilized, loose and always moist. These plants need to be fed weekly, but an excess of nitrogen can lead to a decrease in the number of ovaries. Under adverse weather conditions (for example, prolonged cloudy weather, i.e. lack of sunlight, or a sharp cold snap), it is advisable to spray the cucumbers with Epin-Extra or Zircon. To speed up the filling of greens in the greenhouse, you can install a container with fermenting manure or grass. The “aroma”, of course, will be specific, but the carbon dioxide released, which is necessary for plants for photosynthesis, will significantly increase the growth rate of fruits. If agricultural practices are followed, the probability of getting a decent crop of cucumbers is very high