What is the difference between an archangel and an archangel. Who is an archangel? Angels vs Archangels - What's the difference? Angelic Hierarchy System

Orthodoxy has its own traditions, which were formed in ancient times. Who are the archangels and what is their purpose can be understood if you study the Holy Scripture, which explains to us how everything works. But, even experienced theologians are not always able to decipher biblical texts, so let's turn to the basics a bit and try to figure out who the archangels are and what their functions are.

Archangels in Orthodoxy

Firstly, these characters are a kind of "leaders" of simple ones. Each archangel has its own name and functions. You can see the images of these characters on the icons. Artists often paint archangels, paying special attention to every detail of the image, for example, attributes (spear, sword, trumpet).

Orthodox faith says that there are seven archangels. Why the number of these characters is exactly this, the Bible does not say. In the texts there is only a mention that this is known only to God himself. Archangel Michael is considered the main one. In addition to him, there is also Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Yehudiel and Barahiel.

The holy archangels are called not only to protect a person and guide him on the true path. Each character has its own functions, which it performs.

Archangels and their purpose in Orthodoxy

In order to understand what these characters are doing, let us turn again to the biblical texts. It is they who tell us about the exploits of the archangels, and about their appearance, and about the tasks that they perform. Unfortunately, in a number of biblical texts there are certain "inconsistencies" that do not allow us to more fully describe these saints.

  1. Michael expresses all the works of God. He is depicted in white clothes and with a spear or sword in his hands. According to the texts, it was Michael who first rebelled against Lucifer. Therefore, he is depicted in such a warlike guise. In addition, on icons, he often tramples on a snake or a monster that personifies Lucifer.
  2. Gabriel is the messenger of God's destiny. On the icons, he is depicted with a mirror in his hand, this is a symbol of the fact that the saint fully conveys the meaning of what is the deeds and thoughts of the Lord.
  3. Raphael responsible for helping and healing. According to legend, it was he who healed the bride of the righteous Tobias.
  4. Uriel illuminates the human mind. On the icons he is depicted with a sword in one hand and fire in the other. It promotes the study of various sciences.
  5. Selaphiel occupies the post of chief minister.
  6. Name Yehudiel in translation means God's praise. He protects the person and encourages those people who deserve it.
  7. Barahiel expresses the blessing of the Lord. He is depicted wearing pink clothes.

Thus, it becomes clear that each of the archangels of God is responsible for performing certain tasks. If a person wants to ask for help and protection, one should pray to a certain saint. There are special prayers with which you can turn to the archangel.

How to ask the help of the archangel?

In order to ask for protection or something from the archangels, special prayers should be said. Priests recommend going to church, finding an icon depicting a saint in charge of the area in which help is needed, and lighting a candle. In this case, one must say a special prayer, the text of which can be found in the holy books, or ask the priest.

Some people believe that archangels can only be accessed on a certain day of the week. But it's not. If it so happened that there was a need to ask for help, you can read a prayer at any time. That's what the priests say.

The prefix "arch", meaning "principal" or "prior", attached to the word angel, literally means: "chief angel".

Archangels and heavenly angels.

Planet Earth is under the protection of the seven Archangels.
Here are their names: Chamuel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Jophiel, Uriel, Zadkiel.
Each of the Archangels is subject to 12 angels.

1. Angels of protection (blue) obey Archangel Michael. You can refer to them for protection from spiritual and physical dangers.

2. Angels of illumination (yellow) obey Archangel Jophiel. They can be asked for the discovery of the gift of clairvoyance, for the successful passing of exams, for liberation from bad habits.

3. Angels of love (pink) obey Archangel Chamuel. They protect from other people's malice and slander, help in finding work and lost things.

4. Archangel Gabriel obeys the angels who guide the true path ( white color). They can be asked to receive joy, happiness, to open life plans for the future.

5. Angels of healing (green) obey Archangel Raphael. You can ask them about healing the body and soul in traditional and alternative medicine.

6. Archangel Uriel obeys the angels of the world (golden color). They can be asked for a peaceful resolution of problems, educators, teachers and judges can turn to them.

7. Angels of joy obey Archangel Zadkiel ( purple). You can ask them for tolerance and help in diplomacy. Scientists, actors and singers can contact them.

Archangels are "messengers bearing divine orders". They carry God's messages to people and lead God's army, consisting of angels, and leading an unceasing battle with the sons of Darkness, with Michael being the commander-in-chief.

In artwork, archangels are usually depicted with larger wings and multiple eyes. Of all the archangels, Raphael, Gabriel and Michael are most often mentioned.

Qualities of angels.

One of the qualities traditionally is devotion. It is believed that angels are truly devoted due to the fact that they do not have proprietary interests. Angels are completely devoted to God and their devotion is unquestionable.

An example of the faithfulness of a man versus that of an angel can be found in the Old Testament. Young David was a soldier in the Philistine army led by Achish when that army went to storm the Israelite settlement. The soldiers did not trust David because he was a Jew and refused to fight alongside him for fear of betrayal. Achish told David that he himself did not see anything wrong in this, but that other soldiers refused to see him in their ranks.

So David was commanded to go home. David objected and asked why he could not fight in this battle with Achish, as he had been doing for the last year. "And Achish answered David: be sure that in my eyes you are good, like an angel of God; but the princes of the Philistines said: let him not go to war with us" (1st book. Kings 29:9). Achish expressed his confidence in David's devotion by comparing him to an angel.

Unerring discernment is another trait of angels. Angels are separate from the human race and do not experience the doubts inherent in it, in particular when it comes to loyalty and infidelity. A wise woman from Tekoah flattered King David to secure the return of young Absalom to Jerusalem, comparing his insight to that of an angel. She said, "Let the word of my lord the king be my comfort; for my lord the king is like an angel of God and can hear both good and bad" (2 Samuel 14:17).

Wisdom is another trait of the angels that the woman of Tekoah recognized in King David when he asked her if she had come at the instigation of Joab. The woman confessed that this is what she said: "My Lord is wise, as the angel of God is wise, to know everything that is on the earth" (2 Kings 14:20).

Angels usually knew about everything that was happening on earth. This combination of absolute knowledge with absolute insight, and the fact that the sole purpose of the angels was to do the will of God, made them truly wise.

Another quality of angels that a person should strive for is prudence, and King David possessed this quality in full. His own servant questioned Mephiboth's loyalty to King David. And Mephibot said to the king: "You are great, like an angel of God: do what you think is right."

What is your guardian angel?

Guardian Angel Nemem-Yah (January 1 - January 5) Guardian Angel Yale-Yah (January 6 - January 10)
Guardian Angel Harak-Yah (January 11 - January 15) Guardian Angel Metser-Yah (January 16 - January 19)
Guardian Angel Vamet-Yah (January 20 - January 24) Guardian Angel Yehab-Yah (January 25 - January 29)
Guardian Angel Aunu-Yah (January 30 - February 3)

Guardian Angel Aunu-Yah (January 30 - February 3) Guardian Angel Meki-Yah (February 4 - February 8)
Guardian Angel Dammeb-Yah (February 9 - February 13) Guardian Angel Menak-Yah (February 14 - February 18) Guardian Angel Ayau-Yah (February 19 - February 23) Guardian Angel Shebo-Yah (February 24 - February 29)

Guardian Angel Raah-Yah (March 1 - March 5) Guardian Angel Yebem-Yah (March 6 - March 10)
Guardian Angel Hayai-Yah (March 11 - March 15) Guardian Angel Moum-Yah (March 16 - March 20)
Guardian Angel Al-Wehu (March 21 - March 25) Guardian Angel Al-Yeli (March 26 - March 31)

Guardian Angel Al-Sit (April 1 - April 5) Guardian Angel Al-Aulem (April 6 - April 10)
Guardian Angel Al-Mahash (April 11 - April 15) Guardian Angel Al-Lelah (April 16 - April 21)
Guardian Angel Al-Aqah (April 22 - April 26) Guardian Angel Al-Kabat (April 27 - May 1)

Guardian Angel Al-Kabat (April 27 - May 1) Guardian Angel Al-Khezid (May 2 - May 6)
Guardian Angel Al-Elad (May 7 - May 11) Guardian Angel Al-Lav (May 12 - May 16)
Guardian Angel Al-Khabau (May 17 - May 21) Guardian Angel Al-Yezel (May 22 - May 26)
Guardian Angel Al-Mebat (May 27 - May 31)

Guardian Angel Al-Kheri (June 1 - June 5) Guardian Angel Al-Hakem (June 6 - June 10)
Guardian Angel Al-Lay (June 11 - June 16) Guardian Angel Al-Keli (June 17 - June 22)
Guardian Angel Hi-Levoch (June 23 - June 27) Guardian Angel Hi-Pachel (June 28 - July 2)

Guardian Angel Hi-Pahel (June 28 - July 2) Guardian Angel Hi-Nelak (July 3 - July 7)
Guardian Angel Chi-Yai (July 8 - July 12) Guardian Angel Chi-Melah (July 13 - July 17)
Guardian Angel Hi-Shaho (July 18 - July 23) Guardian Angel Hi-Netah (July 24 - July 28)
Guardian Angel Hi-Haah (July 29 - August 2)

Guardian Angel Hi-Haah (July 29 - August 2) Guardian Angel Hi-Yeret (August 3 - August 7)
Guardian Angel Hi-Shaah (August 8 - August 12) Guardian Angel Hi-Riya (August 13 - August 17)
Guardian Angel Chi-Aum (August 18 - August 22) Guardian Angel Chi-Lekab (August 23 - August 27)
Guardian Angel Hi-Vesher (August 28 - September 1)


Guardian Angel Hi-Vesher (August 28 - September 1) Guardian Angel Hi-Yeko (September 2 - September 6) Guardian Angel Hi-Lehak (September 7 - September 11) Guardian Angel Hi-Kevek (September 12 - September 16) Guardian Angel Hi-Menad (September 17 - September 21) Guardian Angel Ani-El (September 22 - September 26) Guardian Angel Haum-El (September 27 - October 1)

Guardian Angel Haum-El (September 27 - October 1) Guardian Angel Rehau-El (October 2 - October 6)
Guardian Angel Yeiz-El (October 7 - October 11) Guardian Angel Ahaba-El (October 12 - October 16)
Guardian Angel Mik-El (October 17 - October 21) Guardian Angel VevAl-El (October 22 - October 26) Guardian Angel Yelah-El (October 27 - October 31)

Guardian Angel Sael-El (November 1 - November 5) Guardian Angel Auri-El (November 6 - November 10)
Guardian Angel Aushal-El (November 11 - November 16) Guardian Angel Miah-El (November 17 - November 21)
Guardian Angel Vakho-El (November 22 - November 26) Guardian Angel Doni-El (November 27 - December 1)

Guardian Angel Doni-El (November 27 - December 1) Guardian Angel Khakash-El (December 2 - December 6)
Guardian Angel Aumem-El (December 7 - December 11) Guardian Angel Nena-El (December 12 - December 16) Guardian Angel Neit-El (December 17 - December 21) Guardian Angel Mabeh-Yah (December 22 - December 26) Guardian Angel Poi-Yah (December 27 - December 31)

Angel teams.

It is believed that as we achieve more and more high levels spirituality in life, additional angels are attached to us to help our guardian angel, it is something like a specialized team chosen for each individual who goes beyond the scope of everyday existence. This team is recruited from any rank of the Nine angelic ranks. When you do magick with angels, you are immediately assigned this "team of players" to help manifest positive energies that are beyond what you can do alone. Although some believers in angels believe that one cannot access the various groups of angels alone. However, the work of angels with groups of people is beneficial to human consciousness and I do not deny the power of minds gathered together. First, you must learn to work with the angels yourself and this will make you self-confident. You will also need to put your own life in order and make it more hospitable to angelic energy before you start working with other people. You will feel when you are ready for it.

Among the nine angelic ranks, the archangels occupy the eighth place, entering the third hierarchy along with the principles and the angels themselves. The word "" literally means "".

The Bible contains direct references to archangels. One of them is in the first epistle of the holy apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. The apostle speaks of the coming second coming of Jesus Christ, which will take place "at the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God." The epistle of Jude mentions a specific archangel, named after Michael. The Bible does not name other archangels, but in the book of the prophet Daniel, the archangel Michael is referred to as “one of the first princes”, therefore, he is not the only archangel.

The main task of the archangels is to preach the gospel to people about God, to convey his prophecies. They help people to know and assimilate the will of God and strengthen their faith.

The most famous of the archangels is the already mentioned Michael. He is called the "archistrategos", i.e. a military leader, they are depicted in military armor, with a spear and a sword, and at his feet - a defeated one, personifying Satan - who rebelled against God. Archangel Michael is considered the patron saint of warriors.

Another well-known archangel is Gabriel, the bearer of good news that gives people hope. He explained the meaning of the visions sent to the prophet by God. The main prophecy that Daniel heard from Gabriel concerned the coming birth of the Savior. The archangel again announced this joyful event, when there was very little time left before him - he appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that it was she who was destined to become the Mother of God. Christians call this event the Annunciation.

Archangel Raphael is mentioned in the non-canonical book of Tobias and is known as a healer and comforter. It is he who heals his father and bride Tobiah from serious illnesses. In all the images, Raphael usually holds a cup of medicine in one hand, and a trimmed bird feather in the other, which was used in the old days to lubricate wounds.

The archangel Uriel is mentioned in the book of Ezra. His name is translated as "the fire of God" or "the light of God", he appears to be the enlightener of lost souls and the ignorant, ignites human hearts with love. Uriel is considered the patron saint of scientists.

The third book of Ezra speaks of the archangel Selaphiel, whose name means "prayer of God." This archangel eternally prays to God for people, and encourages people to pray. It was this archangel who appeared to Hagar, who was expelled by Sarah into the wilderness along with her son Ishmael. Praying in deep sadness, the unfortunate woman heard the voice of the archangel: "The Lord has heard your suffering."

According to legends and biblical texts, other archangels are also known. But no matter which of them is discussed, hope for a person is always associated with their images, the realization that God will never leave his creation to the mercy of fate.

Angels and archangels are closer than all other divine messengers to a person. Find out how they differ from each other, what functions they perform and what place they occupy in heavenly hierarchy.

In the article:

Angels and Archangels - Occupation, Hierarchy and Differences

The holidays dedicated to the archangels are celebrated on November 21, or November 9 - according to the old calendar. But it is dedicated not only to them, but to all the disembodied heavenly forces. This is a common feast of guardian angels, archangels and other heavenly helpers from God. November was not chosen by chance - this is the ninth month, and, as you know, there are also nine ranks of angels.

The day of the angel is considered the anniversary of baptism. The patron saint is given to a person precisely after him, and therefore this date is the feast of the guardian angel. Angel Day is the spiritual birthday of a person, the anniversary of his entry into the circle of baptized, righteous people.

Types of angels according to different sources

There are types of angels that classify them not only by rank and place in the heavenly hierarchy. For example, the Old Testament points to the existence Nephilim- descendants of angels who sinned with mortal women, for which they were expelled by God. The New Testament divides angels into saints and fallen ones. In this case, it is customary to write the former with a capital letter, and the latter with a lowercase letter.

Angels exist in most of the world's religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
In Judaism, there are seven angels, but only three are named by name - Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The rest of the angels are mentioned only in. Four of them stand apart from the rest, guarding the four cardinal directions. it Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Oriel.

The Kabbalistic hierarchy of heavenly forces is closely connected with the tree of ten Sefirot and a system of five worlds. Through the worlds and halls they help the Almighty. The head of the angels is Metatron- the highest angel. In Christianity, there is, according to this classification, their representatives differ in their mission and proximity to God. In Orthodoxy, archangels are in eighth place, and angels are in last, ninth.

You should know that the images of angels and archangels on the icons do not convey their true appearance. All heavenly patrons are incorporeal, and iconographic images convey the idea, general meaning and occupation of a particular representative. There is a certain symbolism in the images of the heavenly forces close to people.

All angels and archangels appear to people in the form of beautiful young men. Icons also convey them like this. In addition, youth and beauty are a symbol of the perfection of an incorporeal being. Sometimes representatives higher powers depicted with a third eye on the forehead, which symbolizes all-seeing. The golden ribbons in the hair symbolize obedience to God, and the wings symbolize speed and the ability to penetrate any place. A staff in the hands of a heavenly entity means a messenger from God to fulfill an important mission.

Often the messengers of God are depicted with a mirror in their hands. This is a sphere with a cross or an abbreviation of the name of the Savior. The mirror means the gift to foresee the future, with which God endowed his assistant.

In general, these heavenly beings are extremely close to man. However, they have serious differences among themselves both in terms of their obligations to God and in terms of the hierarchy in the heavenly office.

In contact with

On Earth there are many people of different nationalities, adhering to various religions and cultures. But few of them do not know the Archangel Michael. After all, he is one of the few saints revered in all religions, many stories have been written about his miracles. People wondering who Archangel Michael is (in Orthodox Church), first of all, they learn about his power and infinitely loving Essence.

It is necessary to consider in detail the interpretation of the word "Archangel", who is Michael in the heavenly hierarchy. The word is of Greek origin and means "great messenger of God." In more detail, then: "Arch" is the great or first, and the "angel" is God's messenger. From this it follows that now it is possible to clarify who the Archangel is - a great messenger who is similar to God himself, that is, he brings power, wisdom and pure love from the Creator. There are 9 ranks of angels known, among them it is the Archangels who are on the eighth step and are included in the third hierarchy. According to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, there are several of them, but only Michael is indicated in the canonical books of the Bible. Many Christians, when referring to the actions of unnamed angels, identify them with the Archangel Michael. He is also known as the Archangel - a military leader, the winner of Satan.

What tasks do archangels perform

The most important task of the Archangels is to preach the gospel to mankind about God, the transmission of prophecies from him. They also help to know the will of God and consolidate their faith in it. Messengers always protect God's children, stand up for the people, and save the earthly inhabitants from the "toxins of fear." So we figured out the goals that the Archangel fulfills. "Who is Michael among them?" - you ask. Michael is a military commander who has inspired leaders and lights since the Garden of Eden, and it was he who taught Adam how to farm and care for his family. The famous Joan of Arc during the Hundred Years' War led France only because of the stimulus and courage that the Archangel gave her. Almost all the most important biblical events took place with the participation of the Archangel Michael.

Also one of the main Archangels in Christianity was Gabriel. Translated from Hebrew, his name means "God is my strength", while in Russian his meaning is interpreted as "The strength of the Lord, a fortress." He is mentioned in Holy Scripture as a Messenger, God's Herald and a petitioner before the Almighty for the salvation of Christian souls. You can also find out who the Archangel Gabriel is from the Bible, which says that it was the angel of mercy, good news and wisdom who told the Virgin Mary the good news about the imminent birth of Jesus Christ. Gabriel also instructed Moses in the desert, revealing to him the secrets of life, he came in a dream to the righteous Joachim, Anna and Joseph the Betrothed.

How Archangel Michael is portrayed

Michael is depicted in the armor of a warrior, with a sword and spear. At his feet lies the overthrown Satan - an angel who rebelled against God, looking like a dragon. Sometimes you can see Michael with the scales of justice or a shield, two wings behind his back and an expensive crown on his head. The wings of the saint symbolize the speed with which he seeks to fulfill God's commands in all parts of the universe. The white banner that adorns the top of the spear is an unchanging purity and unshakable angelic fidelity to the King of Heaven. The spear ending in a cross shows that the struggle against the kingdom of darkness and the victory of the Archangels over it is done in the name of the Cross of Christ through humility, patience and selflessness.

Who does Archangel Michael help?

The archangel does not accept worship and in almost any case is ready to help the one who calls him. Even if a person does not know who the Archangel is, he should simply turn to Michael - and he will send to the caller exactly the one who is needed in this or that case. Even the most categorical atheist can count on support - Michael is able to lead the lost, returning them to the mainstream of life, and encourage decisive action, helping in making a decision. If, in your opinion, a hopeless situation has occurred in which you cannot do without help, you just need to give a decree to him. But the Archangel knows who the one who actually asks for something negative is. Therefore, everything coming from such an entity is blocked. The Archangel is able to solve really difficult tasks so successfully that then they will seem to the petitioner not a terrible dream, but a funny adventure.

How to ask for help from the Archangels

Since it is possible to solve some difficult issues and make life easier with the help of the Archangels, it is important to understand that all requests and appeals must be correct. inhabitants spiritual world able to read information about a person, but you still need to learn how to correctly and clearly formulate your requests. That is why texts with requests to the Archangels, called prayers, were specially invented.

In your appeals, you must not forget who Archangel Michael is, and ask no more than a person is supposed to, because he can only do what he can do. It should be taken into account that each of the messengers of God is responsible for certain actions and is not able to help in all matters at once. But it is not at all necessary to follow the "standard" prayers. It is important that the words that the asker utters come from the heart. Each time, the prayer must be composed anew, reflecting the current experiences, and it should not contain only requests. An appeal made personally is the most sincere.

When is Saint Michael the Archangel's Day celebrated?

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of St. Michael, or rather the Archangel, and all the incorporeal Heavenly Forces, on November 21 annually (8th according to the old style). This date is due to the fact that the year in antiquity began in March, respectively, November was the ninth in a row, equal to the number of Angelic ranks. The number 8 symbolizes the day of the Last Judgment, which, after the current century, measured in weeks (weeks), will come on the “eighth day”.

The Remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael is also celebrated, the day of its celebration falls on September 19 (6th according to the old style). In the people this holiday is called the Michael's miracle.

In conclusion, I would like to say that every person is protected by the Archangel. Who he is can be understood depending on the situations from which he manages to successfully get out. The most important thing is to contact your assistants, because they are nearby and ready to solve the problem.