Fallout 4 walkthrough best ending. Plot, company, denouement, description

A traditional article that will detail the plot and all the endings. This time it will be. Before you start going down and down. Keep in mind that this article is one big spoiler. And if you have not completed the game, then this article will definitely spoil the impression of the Fallout 4 storyline for you. Although, again, everything depends on you, because maybe you specifically want to know how exactly the game will end. In any case, here you will find the most detailed description storyline and endings. Not understood plot? Do not understand the essence of the game? Get down below!

Plot, company, denouement, description

So, the story begins from the moment when the most terrible tragedy occurs, around which the whole series is built - from a nuclear war. As a result, a nuclear war destroyed almost the entire population of the planet, leaving only radioactive ruins and terrible mutants behind. The protagonist (or heroine) a couple of minutes before the whole war is at home - in the suburbs of Boston, just a couple of moments before the nuclear strike, fortunately, before this whole catastrophe, a Vault-Tech representative knocked on them and entered into the experimental government program.

At some point, the news starts on TV with not very good news. On TV they talk about nuclear war. Soon the alarm sets in, and the whole family quickly runs to the nearby Vault 111. And literally (seriously) a couple of seconds before the approaching nuclear wave, people on a huge plate are lowered deep into this shelter. Soon, everyone who ended up in Vault 111 is urgently frozen in cryo-chambers, and a deep sleep sets in.

It is important to note that in each shelter they carried out their own experiments, somewhere in the entire shelter they left, for example, one woman or a man. Somewhere soon everyone was forced to go naked. Well, somewhere, they decided to freeze people for several tens, or even hundreds of years!

At some point main character(or, again, the heroine) thaws and sees a heartbreaking picture in front of her: two unknown people opened a cryo-chamber with a wife (or husband) and a child, after which they take the child, kill the wife, and freeze the main character again. Waking up much later (by as much as 60 years), GG instantly goes in search of his missing son - Sean (while not realizing that as many as 60 years have passed since the kidnapping of my son). Thus, getting out to freedom in the Wasteland.

As a result of a long search, the main character's investigation leads to one mercenary (Kellogg), who again supposedly lived with a young boy in a local town on the surface, but soon simply disappeared. During the search, the GG finds the necessary "thread" and finds out the location of that very mercenary and finds out that the son, Sean, is now, perhaps, in some kind of "Institute" where synthetics are produced and periodically kidnapped ordinary people that live in the Wasteland. After the GG reads the memories of the murdered mercenary (Kellogg), he goes in search of a secret entrance inside this place (the Institute).

A little later, he learns that the "Institute" does not have an entrance inside from the outside and you can get there only with the help of a teleport that reads secret code and thus moves to the "Institute". Finding out the code is not so easy - you need a synth, which consists of a synthetic secret organization. As soon as the GG finds one, he takes his beacon and, with the help of a former employee and, of course, the faction he has chosen (and it can be any - your choice), he teleports inside the "Institute".

Upon arrival, GG finds a strange research institution which has been underground for many years. And as it turns out, the son of GG - Sean, is at the head of this organization. Sean is now 60 years old and now an old man, with gray oxen, with peeling skin. What does the Institute do? Mostly by scientific work: they create synthetics, weapons, try to grow organics and generally just develop, regardless of the outside world and what is happening there. Whoever said that in the Wasteland, but the goal of the "Institute" is noble - to restore humanity! Of course, using atomic energy and new discoveries in robotics.

But why was the child kidnapped? And why didn't they capture mother and father? Scientists (the same researchers) needed a clean, unmutated and radiation-free DNA of an unborn child. It was this same child that turned out to be Sean, who was frozen along with his mother (or father). And the father (or mother) was not killed for the reason that he is the donor of this valuable material. That is why all these people were frozen. But when the GG finds Sean, he reports that the GG no longer has any value and calmly releases him. But again, this is all for the sake of experimentation. Allegedly, will the GG be able to find out the truth and, in general, what will happen to him after he finds himself in the Wasteland and gets out of the safe Vault 111?

After that, the storyline abruptly begins to diverge. The finale and events in the future depend only on which side the main character (or heroine) chooses. There are several endings in the game. Each of them is correct in its own way.

Fallout 4 endings

Ending for "Institute"

In this case, the GG joins the "Institute". After Sean dies (he is also called "father" at the Institute), GG becomes the head of this place. The remaining factions, with the help of the GG, are dealt heavy blows. The same "Brotherhood of Steel" suffers huge losses. Soon the “warriors” who arrived in Boston become simply defeated. The "underground" (scientists who sought to give freedom to the synths) is also subject to destruction (which, in general, is happening).

The rest, so to speak, "free peoples", remain to live in the same place where they lived. With the help of a reinforced beacon, the GG transmits a message to everyone in the Wasteland, the text of which is chosen only by the player, but the essence of which is something like this: “We are an institution that is engaged in the revival of mankind. We do not pose a threat to anyone, but if someone dares to interfere with us, there will be consequences. decision". And as mentioned above, the GG becomes the main one in the research complex.

Ending for the Brotherhood of Steel

In this case, the GG joins the "Brotherhood of Steel" and goes to fight the "Institute". Thus, the GG becomes the number one enemy for Sean, since it turns out to be "on the other side of the barricades." Together with the Brotherhood of Steel, the protagonist finds a way to get into an underground research facility in order to destroy everyone who is there. With the help of a huge robot (Liberty Prime), he creates a huge tunnel that allows you to get into the Institute's bunker. After the destruction of the remaining synths, GG forgives the dying Sean. The head of the "Brotherhood of Steel" for the completed task gives the highest rank and sends the GG on to build a "new world". As for the rest of the inhabitants of the Wasteland, no one else takes part in this conflict.

Ending for the Minutemen

After the Minutemen are victorious in capturing the "Castle" (which used to belong to the Minutemen who were at the height of their power) with your help, of course. An open conflict with this group (synths vs minutemen) begins to grow. To prevent the threat, the Minutemen decide to strike at the very heart of the synths - at the "Institute". Soon they find a new secret entrance - the sewer. So, the main character (heroine), sneaks inside. Next, a portal is being built and communication is being established. With the help of the portal, fighters are delivered inside the "Institute" and an assault takes place. The main goal of the Minutemen is to capture a nuclear reactor and capture the technologies of scientists that will be used for the benefit of the surviving people. As for the scientists, they stay alive.

Ending for "Underground"

For this end, the GG first needs to infiltrate the "Institute" and talk with a certain Patriot and with a synth. Patriot is a scientist who helped a couple of synths escape. Together with him, you will have to organize an escape for all the synths, arm them and destroy the "Institute" along with the "Brotherhood of Steel". Having done everything, the GG is waiting for a signal to start a special operation. To do this, you will have to first complete all the tasks of the “Father” (aka Sean), only with some amendment: you need to hard-set the synth-raider, and “merge” the second hard-set. And when the "Father" finally issues a task that is associated with an attack on the main base of the "Underground", you need to protect the "Underground" from the attack of the "Brotherhood of Steel" and help them deal with them by destroying the airship. GG goes to the scene of hostilities and repels the attack of the Brotherhood of Steel. A counterattack begins: the GG steals a rotorcraft with a technician, invades a huge airship, sets explosives and soon the airship explodes. Next, the GG needs to finish with the "Institute". The GG captures the teleport, teleports the employees of the "Underground" to the place of hostilities (into the bunker of the "Institute"), destroying everyone and all together they put explosives in the reactor. After planting the bomb, the GG and the Underground employees leave the Institute using a teleporter and blow up the Institute's base. As a result, all hostile groups are finished, the synths are free, and the Minutemen have lived and are still living.

Additional Information

Employees of the "Institute" sought to revive humanity. This was their main goal, for the sake of which they conducted all the experiments and tried to fence themselves off from the rest.

The "Brotherhood of Steel" flew into the territory of Boston for one thing only - to destroy the "Institute" and seize their weapons. This was their main goal.

The main character (or heroine) was frozen in Vault 111 in order to set up an experiment. Most likely, the "Institute" is also somehow involved in the organization "Volt-Tech", so there is also the possibility that everything was planned in advance.

The father (or mother) is not killed for the reason that the order was given in advance that he should be left alive for future experiments. People were frozen for a reason - they all had to serve to ensure that humanity was reborn. But there is nothing surprising here, one could immediately guess that people were locked in cryo-chambers not just like that, but for some purpose.

The Underground (Freedom Path) organization sought to free the synthetics. They considered them to be an intelligent race, which has and should have its own rights to life in society. In general, synths were sentient in terms of consciousness.

Kellogg lived so many years for the reason that experiments were used on him to extend life. Although the project was curtailed, experiments were carried out on it. The project was curtailed for the reason that the more Kellogg (aka the experimental one) lived, the more insane he became (he went crazy).

Although the order was given not to kill anyone - the wife (or husband) was killed. When the child was taken away, the researcher in overalls did not want to kill the girl, but apparently, the mercenary (Kellogg) violated the order and shot the girl (perhaps thereby showing his madness even then, which, again, may have closed the project for life extension).

End of the storyline Fallout 4, depends only on your decisions during the game. These possible outcomes of the plot will be outlined below in the article, so if you do not want to know the spoilers, do not read!

All variations of the final Fallout 4 have different endings and the order of tasks in the passage of the campaign. It all starts with the entrance to the Institute. But it's important to know that the most important choice to be done by completing the quest "", the second part. The Underground, the Brotherhood of Steel, or the Minutemen can build a teleport, after which they will ask you for a favor - to collect information about the Institute. When choosing one of the three factions, you will have to familiarize yourself with the third conditional part of the passage. The choice activates further plot denouement.

Despite the fact that after the passage it will be possible to take away information from the faction (from one of the three and transfer it to the next), already when building a teleport, you need to decide which side you will be on.

After choosing a faction, you need to build good friendships with it, for the sake of the teleport that it will help build. For the Minutemen and the Railroad, you just need to follow the main storyline, but you have to find the Brotherhood of Steel on your own.

During the development of the quest " Molecular level”, Finding yourself in the Institute, collect information about the selected faction. Then return the collected information to your partners. It is also possible to get comfortable on the side of the Institute, going over to their side, thereby plunging into the fourth and last final part of the game.

Fallout 4 over time, it unlearns many old habits. You may wish with all your heart to go through the game without a single fight and defeat the conditional Frank Horrigan in a verbal skirmish, but this is unlikely to succeed here (unless, of course, some nice smart guy finds a clever way to deceive the scripts). You can, out of old habit, sit over the corpse of a raider, choosing what you might need - but almost everything will be used here. This Fallout does a lot of things differently than we are used to - and this is both its main strength and main drawback.

Here's what you need to know to stop being afraid and start playing Fallout 4 in the way that is most convenient.

Do not expect to solve all problems in the world

At the beginning of the game, I invested ten points each in intelligence and charm, hoping that this would allow me not to kill anyone. And it was a mistake, of course. Not because in Bethesda games heroes without combat skills are always killed especially brutally - actually this is true, but not here - but because in the end I still turned into a fighting machine. Just used to achieve the goal in other ways.

For example, perhaps the most valuable skills in the charm tree are those that allow you to lure enemies to your side. They do not work for everyone and not always, but they do not require any effort from you at all. You simply point your weapon at the raider, and he (probably!) raises his hands and goes over to your side, in fact, becoming another partner. Not too believable, but convenient to arrange a real mess on the battlefield.

Power armor - the choice of the infirm

One of the skills in the intelligence branch - "Nuclear Physicist" (Nuclear Physicist) - not only enhances energy weapons, but also greatly reduces the energy consumption of power armor, almost saving you the trouble of finding batteries. The only thing that should worry you from now on is the stocks of metal for repairing broken armor parts.

In addition, power armor immediately raises your strength to 11, effectively solving problems with carrying capacity for a weak character. The moral is simple: if you're playing a skinny smartass and having trouble surviving, wear armor. It negates the main trouble of your character.

It is important to remember two things. First of all, you can't swim while wearing power armor, you can only slowly stomp on the bottom. Secondly, while you are in armor, you are not affected by positive properties other clothes. That is, if you are wearing a suit that increases charm, you should remove the armor before talking.

Grow your skills

Another reason why tens in charm and intelligence were not best idea, - the ability to raise the parameters for free by other means.

Firstly, it is given by bobbleheads scattered around the world, one for each of the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. If you have 10 skill points, the corresponding bobblehead will increase their number to 11 (otherwise, you cannot permanently raise the parameter above 10). But if, say, you need a ten in luck only for the sake of the last skill in the corresponding branch, it makes sense to start with a nine and then compensate for the last one with a bobblehead.

In another way, the parameters can be tightened with clothes and all kinds of chemicals. They will not allow you to improve skills tied to these parameters, but if, say, you need to make the last dash to the merchant with an overflowing bag, then taking a bottle of vodka on your chest (+1 to strength, -1 to intelligence) is a completely working option. Just beware of addiction. It is easy to cure it with a doctor, but you still have to get to him.

If you want to hack a door or a terminal, but you don't have the necessary skills, ask your companions for help - Kate and Nick Valentine, respectively. And finally, after you get out of Vault 111, in what is left of Sean's room, find the book You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L., which will give you another point of parameters. Lucky that it survived after two hundred years!

Don't forget to snipe

It may be fun to play like this, but not in all situations, opponents are ready to serve themselves on a silver platter.

It is easy to overlook that in Fallout 4 you can shoot from cover, as NPCs do. To do this, come close to the wall and hold down the button responsible for aiming. The hero will lean out of cover, and you can relatively calmly aim at the target. Of course, it's often easier to go out into the field, pump yourself up with a "screw" and, alternating between V.A.T.S. and real time, it's nice to spread everything, but there are times when it's better not to risk it.

Collect everything

Seriously. There are no items that are not suitable for anything. At first, you will not have enough glue for modifications. Then - bolts, wiring, ceramics, glass ... In general, collect everything that turns up if you want to improve equipment. And you probably want to, because this is perhaps the most interesting mechanic here. At least in terms of creating items " Witcher 3" and Dragon Age: Inquisition there is something to learn from Fallout 4.

So, the resources for modifications and construction are taken, first of all, from the rubbish scattered around the world, which had no use before: from all sorts of plates, spoons, bones, laboratory tools and other nonsense. All rubbish can be dumped on a workbench by pressing one button, so the problem of a clogged backpack in Fallout 4 is not nearly as sharp as before.

Benefit from crafting and settlements

On the same Reddit, there are many interesting settlements on which players have spent dozens of hours. But if you just want to make money, beauty doesn't matter.

The Local Leader perk (6 points of charm) is critical if you want to not only build settlements, but also benefit from them. At the second rank of the skill, you are allowed to build trading shops, valuable not so much for the opportunity to buy or sell something, but for the constant influx of money. You can forget about financial problems.

By and large, using crafting perks and resources mined in settlements, you can get hold of everything you might need. From rich seedlings of toshka, for example, a chemist will produce mountains of glue needed for weapon improvements, and from excess water resources You can always replenish your supplies. All the good that the settlement produces is added to the workshop menu, from where it can be taken.

And of course, when you develop a new site for a settlement, the first thing to do is clear it of ruins, car skeletons, broken furniture, logs and other things. It's strange to see a Vault-dweller clean up an area in a few minutes more efficiently than the entire population of the Wasteland in two hundred years, but in any case, a lot of steel, wood and other basic resources are mined from such garbage.

Choose one gun (but don't forget spares)

It happens that an artifact weapon (this revolver, for example, sets fire to enemies) turns out to be much stronger than the gun that you carried with you throughout the game. But if you don't know how to use it, it often makes sense to stick with the old barrel.

Practice shows that you can complete the game with any weapon, as long as you keep it in good condition. Of course, there is much less joy from rusty homemade pistols than from artifact chippers and plasma rifles (even if you pin all possible lotions to the homemade gun), but they will help the cause if you focus on one thing and develop the right perk that increases damage specifically from this type of weapon.

But remember: ammo runs out sooner or later, especially if you shoot in bursts. It is useful to have a spare gun for a different caliber or just be ready to switch to captured weapons. Going, say, with a laser gun on synths is not a bad idea, because from each of them you will pick up more batteries than you spend.

Search and experiment

Bethesda games have always been and always will be about experimentation. Experiments with parameters, with situations, with modifications, after all. would become Skyrim so popular, if not for the stupid videos in which NPCs put buckets on their heads and bears flew into space? I would, of course. But not so much.

Every Bethesda game is a huge sandbox with a simple set of rules that, in practice, you don't have to follow exactly. To poke where they do not ask, to do what is not necessary. These rules are not so difficult to get around, find a loophole in them that will make the game turn inside out, and then invent some kind of cunning way out of the situation.

There is always something in it.

After you manage to get out of Fort Hagen in the main quest "Reunion", you will see a Brotherhood of Steel aircraft in the sky. Now you can go to the Boston airport and chat with any selected member of the Brotherhood of Steel. He will tell you that you need to contact the Cambridge Police Station and introduce yourself as a recruit. You need to talk with the paladin Dance.

By the way, you can immediately wave to the police station. Note that it is imperative that you carefully look at the map while following the checkpoint. Be careful, there is a lot of water near the airport. Your task is to bypass this water. If you try to swim across, then you need a suit with radiation protection. There are many hostile creatures in downtown Boston. When you go there, stock up on ammo and medicines.

Follow the police station, killing ghouls and other opponents nearby. After that, a new Brotherhood of Steel quest will begin.

fire support

When you move near the Lexington location or the Corvega plant, you will receive a message about the available military frequency. Open the pip-boy and listen to the message. Go to the Cambridge Police Station. This is the second way to get to the Brotherhood of Steel. Here again, defeat the enemies and the mission "Fire Support" will begin.

Destroy all opponents you see. When the battle is over, and it will be long, then talk to the commander named Dans. The paladin will offer to take a walk together to Arkjet Systems, where you need to find a short-wave transmitter. Agree to help him in this matter.

If you have a decent level of charisma, then it will not be difficult for you to convince Dans to hire you. If you succeed, you will receive a large reward for completing the “Call to Arms” quest. Inside the police station you can find everything you need. Downstairs, where the garage is, there is a repair station power armor. Here it can be left indefinitely.

Call to arms

When you carefully examine the police station, then talk about everything with Dans. Follow him and say that you are ready to start the task. Go to the indicated place, talking with the paladin Dans along the way. Kill opponents who stand in your way. There is nothing at the specified location. Dans will say that the synthetics of the Institute have apparently been here.

Keep following the leader of the Brotherhood of Steel until you reach the lab. The way inside is blocked. You must open the door. This can be done in several ways. First, if there is a sufficient level of hacking, then gain access to the terminal that controls the laboratory. Secondly, you can use the laboratory assistant's terminal and change the password automatically. This will give you the password for the first terminal and you will be able to open the door without breaking it.

Here you have to fight with synthetics located behind a closed door. Move after Dans, who will soon need help (you will be very useful for this). You can be a little behind. Then Dans will still kill all the enemies on his own. In the place where it is possible to pass through a gap in the wall, do so. Kill the second group of synthetics and follow to the second tier. Look around. There are traps in one of the rooms. There is a safe and a terminal in the same room. Hack the terminal, which will allow you to open the safe. However, you can not put it off indefinitely and at the same time break the lock on the safe. The level of hacking is complex (both there and there). Move on and find a locked door on the first tier. Your task is to get through it. Pick the lock on the door or get there using the other room above it. Shots will be heard. Run up the stairs leading to the second floor.

When you go upstairs, you will find yourself in the director's office. Near the terminal there is a magazine with which you can access the new ability. Energy weapons now deal 5% more critical damage. Using the terminal in the room opposite the director's office, you can disable the turrets. Or just blow them all up. After leaving the office, walk along the corridor to the right side and you will see the descent. He will lead you to a safe with weapons and supplies. Examine the rooms on the second tier and go to the opposite side of the corridor (if you stand in the place where you climbed). You will find another descent, with which you can get into a room with a refrigerator. There is Yader-Cola here. In the reception room, located on the left side of the non-working elevator, there is another safe with supplies.

Go down the stairs and find yourself in the core of the engine. The same transmitter is located in the control center, at the top of the core. The elevators don't work because the electricity is out. Need to restore backup power. Keep going down and through the lone door. In the first room you can find a good trophy - the weapon Khlamotron. In another room, you will find a terminal - by breaking it you can turn on the backup power.

Nearby you can find a nuclear block for power armor. Paladin Danse will be attacked by synthetics. Kill them using the same Hlamotron. On the other hand, you can start the engine to burn off all the synthetics. This can be done using the red button, which is located in the room where the Khlamotron lay. Be sure to close the door of the room and press the red button.

Now that the power is restored and the synthetics are defeated, you can take the elevator to the control center. There will be a few more opponents that Paladin Dance will help you kill. Search all the corpses and find the transmitter you needed. Before you leave this place, follow back to the elevator. Jump from the upper tier to the middle one, where you can't get there any other way.

There are two small rooms here. Synthetics will also attack you. Kill them and collect loot. In one of the rooms, look for the Fat Man grenade launcher. In another room, you can hack the terminal and the safe, which have a complex level of protection. Please note that if you cannot crack them, then look in the upper locker hanging above the safe, find the password for the terminal. Activate the terminal, then open the safe.

Now chat with your companion Dans. If there is enough charisma in the characteristics, then you can find out if he liked the way you acted. To join the Brotherhood of Steel, it remains to give the received transmitter to Danse. You will receive a modified carbine "Righteous Sovereign".

Shadow of steel

So, now you are in the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel. Talk to Dans and follow to Prydwen. The second task of Dans can be temporarily skipped. Climb to the roof of the police station and jump into the rotorcraft. At the Brotherhood of Steel base Prydwen, talk to the captain named Kels and get a report. Go to the center of the ship and find Maxson. Talk to him, then return to Danse.

Business trip

Probably one of the easiest tasks in the passage of "Fallout 4". On the ship, look for Proctors named Ingram, Quinlan, Teagan, and Knight Cayde. Chat with everyone. Here you can get T-60 power armor.

Without mercy

Please note! If you do not complete this quest, you will not be able to turn in the "Missing (lost) patrol" task!

Follow Maxon and receive another assignment from him. Fly to Fort Strong on the rotorcraft. Use a machine gun to completely shoot the super mutants and destroy their leader, who is called the Beast. After landing the aircraft, kill every single one you see. Gather supplies and go to the armory.

Clear the first tier, go down to the basement using the elevator and kill the last survivors. Talk to Danse and return to the ship to chat with Maxson.

From within

Move to the institute and find Dr. Lee in the Department of Higher Systems. Persuade the woman to return to the Brotherhood of Steel, for which you will need charisma. Return to the base of the brotherhood and report on the successful completion of the task to Maxson.


Follow to Ingram and give her a record from the institute.

Prime Acquired

Move after Ingram, take the original notes from her and talk to Dans. Find Dr. Li and persuade her to help with Prime. Report everything to Ingram. Now you have to create electromagnetic actuators. First you have to find a powerful magnet. If you collected everything you saw, then most likely you already have it. Craft four powerful magnets. Inform Ingram about the completion of the task and follow the marker on the map where Heylin is located. From her you can get a special device with which you can find bombs. Get to the storage, moving from the rocky cave, where, of course, you have already visited.

Go to the Prescot Watch Station. If you have power armor, then jump down and move through the tunnel with the ghouls. Find the vault, talk to Henry, by hook or by crook persuading him to help you. Get the code from Henry's terminal here. Open the door with it and install the signal generator. Talk to Danse and return to Ingram. That's it, now just activate Liberty Prime.

Blind betrayal

Follow the ship and chat with Maxson. He will direct you to Quinlan, from whom you need to find out more about Danse. Follow Haylin and, during the conversation with her, find out where Dance is. Go to Bravo Outpost and take the elevator down. Talk to Dans and decide whether to kill or spare. Take the tokens needed as proof (keep alive). When leaving the outpost, Maxson will stand. Persuade him to let Dans go. Leave Dans in the bunker and talk to Maxson again.

strategic thinking

After talking with Kels, follow the Underground. Clear all basements and kill five main targets. Dr. Carrington is at the entrance. Blow up the door and go through lower tiers. Deal with Deacon, Tom Tinker, Gloria and Desdemona. Load the decryption program into the terminal, then run it and talk to Kels.

Military booty

Chat with Ingram and head towards the Mass Fusion building. Shoot the enemies on the roof with the machine gun and jump down. Go inside and kill all the synthetics. Find the terminal to find out where the impeller is located (the password is located nearby). Go to the lobby and help the Brotherhood soldiers fight off the synthetics. Return to the airport and report everything to Ingram.

victory announcement

Install the impeller in Liberty Prime and activate the power supply. Follow the robot towards the Institute, killing the synthetics. Approaching the Institute building, destroy the synthetics attacking Prime. When Liberty Prime organizes a passage, then follow to the Institute.

Critical mass. Ending for the Brotherhood of Steel

Chat with Maxon and follow to the reactor. Kill synthetics and scientists. In the central room, take the elevator to the Father's office. Hack the terminal and unlock the door. Deal with opponents inside the reactor and plant a nuclear charge. Talk to Maxon again and teleport out of here. Talk to Sean and Ingram and then activate the detonator.

Ending for the Brotherhood of Steel

Go back to go to the reactor room. If you have not evacuated the center, you will encounter synthetics and scientists. Access the reactor door and activate the hull. Tom Tinker teleports you to the control room. Talk to Maxson, after which Proctor Ingram will talk about some child nearby. Chat with him, after which you will have a choice:

Agree to save him, after which Ingram will look after him,
say that the child must stay.

Move to the roof of the Mass Fusion building where you can press the button to complete the mission. Talk to Maxon to complete the last task and see the ending.

A new dawn

Return to the Prydwen and speak with Elder Maxson. You will receive the title of Guardian of the Brotherhood of Steel and a T-60 jetpack (jetpack).

Additional Brotherhood of Steel quests
Lost Patrol

This quest can be obtained in different ways:

You will randomly run into the Brotherhood of Steel team in the Commonwealth and then speak with Paladin Danse or Captain Kells to start the quest.
You'll complete the Brotherhood of Steel quest Quartermaster or Commonwealth Sweep and then talk to Dans or Kels.
You will complete the Brotherhood of Steel quest "No Mercy" and talk to Kels.

You can start the quest in any of these ways, and you can complete the quest after you join the Brotherhood of Steel and talk to Dans or Kels. The next stages of the quest can be completed in any order. Proceed to the west of the Everett Estates area, where secondary school Malden and Center for Medical Research (in the northeast of the Commonwealth). You will hear a distress signal. Tune your radio to a frequency and listen to the message. Examine the holographic recording marked on the map.

Head to the National Guard Training Building in the north-central Commonwealth. You will hear a distress signal. Again, set up the radio, kill the enemies in the location and find the body of the knight Ostlin. Examine the holographic recording.

Move to the Revere Satellite Array while killing the super mutants. Find a distress call and tune in to your radio. Find Faris and listen to the holographic recording. You will receive an access code to the bunker.

Head to the squad bunker in the north-central Commonwealth and enter access code 429A on the terminal. Go inside and find the paladin Brandis. You can try to talk to him to resolve the issue peacefully, or you can immediately resort to violence. If you kill him, then take the holographic recording and a unique weapon from the body. If you resolve the issue without violence, then give him the holographic recordings of the team members.

If Danse was with you during the quest, talk to him about Brandis when it's all over. In the event that you complete the first quests of the main storyline, then return to the Cambridge Police Station for a reward. If you are doing the second act quests, then go to the Prydwen and talk to Kells to get your reward. If you convinced Brandis to return to the Brotherhood, you can meet him in the Prydwen Dining Room.

Courage and dishonor

This quest will be available after completing the Brotherhood of Steel quests "No Mercy" and "The Lost Patrol". Talk to Captain Kels, who will ask you to drop by the Boston airport. Head there and talk to Knight Sergeant Gavil about Lucy and Clarke. Talk to Lucy and Clark about everything. Talk to Gavil again and he will ask you to find evidence and the culprit. Follow the Prydwen and inspect the rooms of Lucy and Clark.

You can pick locks on chests. Find Clark's personal key on his bed, open the locker and find Lucy's personal key. Open the locker and read the note from Lucy and other documents. Head back to the airport and talk to Lucy, who will tell you what's going on. Follow Clark at a safe distance so he doesn't see you. If he notices, then step back. Follow him to the ruins of the Boston airport.

Move through the ruins, killing opponents. Go down to the dead end and find the body of the knight Raylan. Take his device to unlock some phrases in a future dialogue. Keep walking through the ruins. After that you can do this:

Kill the enemy immediately.
provoke him.
Convince him that he allowed the vampires to be killed.
Convince him to go into exile.
Promise to hide what you saw.

Have you come to the end of the main quest and do not know which side to choose in the upcoming battle? Here we will look at all four and where they lead, as well as learn about the rare - the fifth ending.

All endings in Fallout 4: which one is better to choose?

Every game ends sooner or later. To interest gamers, they began to be released with a branched plot. In the process of passing the player is often given a choice of how to act, one way or another. So in Fallout 4, the endings are different and depend on the passage of the shooter as a whole. It remains to decide which ending to choose in Fallout 4.

All Fallout 4 endings lead to one action - a war in which four factions will be drawn. We will have to take one of the sides, which, of course, with your help, will win. Thinking about how many endings there are in Fallout 4, we can assume that there are four of them - by the number of factions. Looking ahead, let's say - there are actually five of them!

Which ending is better in Fallout 4 you can decide after studying the five available options.
Consider which ending in Fallout 4 is more interesting and exciting.

For the Minutemen

In Fallout 4, the Minutemen ending involves the destruction of the Institute, the Brotherhood of Steel. As a result, the Minutemen will control order in the Commonwealth. The subway will survive and its tasks will be available.

For the institute

In Fallout 4, the institute ending ensures the destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel and the Underground. The hero becomes the head of the Institute - synths become slaves. The Minutemen will survive and their quests will be available.

For the subway

In Fallout 4, the subway ending destroys the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel (no one likes them). The commonwealth will remain free, and synths will be able to settle in the district. Minutemen, as always, will survive and their quests will be available.

For the brotherhood of steel

In Fallout 4, the Brotherhood of Steel ending will destroy the Institute and the Underground, and a totalitarian regime will come to the Commonwealth. The Minutemen once again survived (just incredible luck). The Minutemen's tasks will be available.


In Fallout 4, a good ending will be obtained if you destroy the Institute, the remaining factions survive. In Fallout 4 it is best ending, as it gives us the opportunity to complete their tasks after completing the main plot. It is an alternative ending in Fallout 4 that the developers left us, but it will take a lot of effort to get it.

Which ending is better to choose in Fallout 4 is up to you. During the passage, you will like some characters, and you will sincerely hate some and wish them death.

The game in Fallout 4 after the ending, unlike the previous ones, does not end and you can continue traveling through the Wasteland. No one limits the hero in actions, you can improve skills and abilities, explore locations, build settlements and much more that you did not have time to do. Many tasks await you after completing the main story.