Berry beginning or berries in English. The meaning of the word berry in the encyclopedic dictionary Drupes: They have a hard skin and only one seed inside


Y, f. 1. A small juicy fruit of shrubs, subshrubs, dwarf shrubs and herbaceous plants. Gooseberries, raspberries. Blueberries, cranberries. 2. transfer About a healthy and attractive woman, girl (simple). Girl-me. Forty years is a woman's age, forty-two years is a woman's age. (ate.). * Birds of a feather (colloquial, usually disapproved) - about someone who is similar to someone. in behavior, views, belongs to the same company. II decrease berry, -i, f. These are flowers, and the berries will be ahead (I ate about something bad: that’s nothing, it will be much worse). I. You are mine! (affectionate address to a child, to a woman). N adj. berry, -aya, -oe (to 1 value).

Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what BERRY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • BERRY in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , juicy multi-seeded fruit. The outer layer of its pericarp is thin and leathery; internal - thick, fleshy. Occurs in this nightshade, grape, lingonberry...
  • BERRY in 1000 biographies of famous people:
    Genrikh Grigorievich (1891-1938). Member of the party since 1907. Conducted party work in Nizhny Novgorod and in Petrograd. In 1919-1922 ...
  • BERRY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (bacca, uva), indehiscent, usually multi-seeded plant fruit. All layers of the pericarp (unlike an apple) become juicy by the time of ripening. Seeds...
    (bacca) - a soft, juicy fruit containing more or less hard seeds, for example currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc. The berry develops from...
  • BERRY in the Great Russian encyclopedic dictionary:
    Yagoda Heinrich Grieg. (1891-1938), state activist Since 1920 Pres. Cheka, since 1924 deputy. prev OGPU under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, gen. ...
  • BERRY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    (bacca) ? soft, juicy fruit containing more or less hard seeds, for example currants, gooseberries, grapes, etc. The berry develops from...
  • BERRY in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, I"god, ...
  • BERRY in the Cheerful Etymological Dictionary:
    - song about Baba...
  • BERRY in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
    Raspberries and cranberries, one...
  • BERRY in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see fruit || one field...
  • BERRY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    actinidia, chokeberry, barberry, hawthorn, lingonberry, grapes, blueberry, gonobobel, blackberry, wild strawberry, raisin, viburnum, strawberry, cranberry, princeberry, stoneberry, gooseberry, raspberry, mamura, myrika, ...
  • BERRY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • BERRY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • BERRY in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • BERRY in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Non-st about a healthy and attractive woman, a girl, Girl-ya. Forty years is a woman's age, forty two years is a woman's age. (last). ...
  • BERRY in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wives a small, pulpy fruit, more artisanal, containing seeds; Our edible berries: currants (black, red), raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, ...
  • BERRY in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Genrikh Grigorievich (1891-1938), politician. Since 1920, member of the presidium of the Cheka, since 1924, deputy chairman of the OGPU under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, general...
  • BERRY in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    berries, w. A small juicy fruit of shrub or herbaceous plants. Strawberries. Raspberries. Berry jam. Picking berries. Everything according to...
  • BERRY in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    berry A small juicy fruit of shrubby or herbaceous...
  • BERRY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. A small juicy fruit of shrubby or herbaceous...
  • BERRY in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. cm. …
  • YAGODIN in the Dictionary of Russian Surnames:
    Yagodkin. It is obviously based on the word yagoda (berry) in one of its meanings (in Polish, for example, “cheeks”). Through the nickname stage (for example, ...
  • CRANBERRY AND LINGONBERRY in the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food:
    In most of the territory Soviet Union, right up to the shores of the Arctic Ocean, wherever there are moss swamps and moss, there is plenty of...
  • BLACK ROT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (black mouth) is a fungal parasitic disease of grapes, affecting mainly the berries, but also found on the leaves and shoots of the vine. This disease...

These are small fleshy or juicy fruits that are collected from bushes and herbs. You need to understand that in botany, fruits are classified in their own way (tomatoes are considered berries, and raspberries and strawberries are considered fruits). To avoid confusion, fruits are distinguished from berries mainly by size. Humanity has been eating berries for almost its entire century: even under the primitive communal system, gathering helped to survive. These fruits are still valued today: for their taste, low calorie content and rich vitamin and mineral composition.


Watermelon is an annual herbaceous plant from the Pumpkin family. It blooms in the first half of summer with large, yellow, unisexual flowers. Watermelon fruits ripen in August-September. They can be spherical, oval, flattened or cylindrical, depending on the variety. The color of the watermelon bark ranges from white and yellow to dark green with a pattern in the form of a grid, stripes, and spots. The pulp is pink, red, crimson, less often white and yellow. Watermelon tastes sweet, juicy and tender.


Barberry belongs to the genus of shrubs, less often trees, of the Barberry family. These are deciduous, semi-evergreen (the foliage partially falls off), evergreen shrubs or small trees, with ribbed, erect shoots that branch at an acute angle. The bark is brownish-gray or brownish-gray in color. It also has another name - caramel tree.


Lingonberry is a perennial, low, evergreen, branching subshrub reaching a height of 10 to 20 cm. The leaves are small, petiolate, leathery, shiny. The flowers are white and pink bells, 5 mm long, collected at the top of the branches in sparse clusters. Blooms in May - early June. Lingonberry fruits are small, bright red berries with a characteristic sweet and sour taste. Ripens in August-September. Lingonberry is a wild forest berry. It is found in the tundra, as well as in forest areas, in the temperate climate zone.


Elderberry is a perennial woody plant from the honeysuckle family. Shrub or small tree reaching 3-10 m in height. The trunk and branches are gray. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, imparipinnate. The flowers are small, fragrant, creamy or yellowish-white. Blooms from May to the first half of June. The elderberry fruit is black-purple, berry-shaped. Ripens in August - September.
In the wild, black elderberry is found between bushes on the edges of forests in middle lane The European part of Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states and Belarus, Crimea, the Caucasus, and southeast Russia. Elderberry grows in both sunny and shady places. Reproduction is carried out by dividing old bushes, layering and sowing seeds.


Grapes are a genus of plants of the Grape family, as well as the fruits of such plants, which when ripe are sweet berries. Spherical or ovoid grape berries, collected in more or less loose (rarely dense) clusters. The color of the berries varies greatly depending on the variety (yellow, greenish, dark blue, purple, black, etc. In total, more than 3,000 varieties of grapes grow in Russia and the CIS countries.

Goji berries

Goji Berries ( common wolfberry) or Lycium barbarum belongs to a group of plants with the common collective name “wolfberry”. By the way, not all plants in this group have a toxic effect on humans - some of its species have unique healing properties. Since ancient times, goji berry has been used in Chinese medicine to increase libido in women and men, as well as to lift mood and improve well-being in stressful situations. It is believed that this plant helps fight cancer cells, improves immunity and prolongs life.


Blueberry is a small shrub up to 1 meter high with gray smooth curved branches. Leaves are up to 3 cm long. Flowers are small, five-toothed, white or pinkish. Blueberry fruits are blue with a bluish bloom, juicy edible berries up to 1.2 cm long.
Sometimes blueberries are called drunkards or gonobobels because they supposedly intoxicate and drive away pain in the head. But in fact, the culprit of these phenomena is wild rosemary, which often grows next to blueberries.
Blueberries are harvested for consumption either raw or processed. They make jam and are also used to make wine.


A tree or shrub, usually with several trunks 1.5-2.5 m high, rarely up to 3 m and higher.
The leaves are dark green, oval, pubescent below, strongly corrugated, with a pointed end. The flowers are white, white with pink (less often pink), up to 2.5 cm in diameter. Cherry fruits are oval drupes, red when ripe, sweet (sometimes with sourness) in taste, smaller than ordinary cherries (0.8-1.5 cm in diameter), covered with small fluff. Depending on the region, they ripen from the end of June to the end of July, and on the same tree almost simultaneously; Cherries bear fruit abundantly, usually in the third year and up to 15-20 years annually.


Plant of the Pumpkin family, species of the Cucumber genus, melon crop, false berry.
Melon is a warm and light-loving plant, resistant to soil salinity and drought, and does not tolerate high air humidity. Depending on the variety and place of cultivation, one plant can produce from two to eight fruits weighing from 1.5 to 10 kg. Melon fruits are spherical or cylindrical in shape, green, yellow, brown or white in color, usually with green stripes. The ripening period of melon is from two to six months.


A perennial subshrub of the Rubus genus, belonging to the Rosaceae family. Blackberries are widespread in the northern and temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent, in coniferous and mixed forests, in floodplains, and in the forest-steppe zone. There are practically no garden blackberries, so lovers of this berry have to rely on nature’s favor and wait good harvest this wild berry.


Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family, up to 20 cm high. The rhizome is short, oblique, with numerous additional brownish-brown, thin roots. The stem is erect, leafy, covered with hairs. The leaves are on long petioles, trifoliate, dark green above, bluish-green below, softly pubescent. Rooting shoots develop from the axils of the basal leaves. Blooms from May to July. The flowers are white, located on long stalks. The strawberry fruit is a false fruit, incorrectly called a berry. It is an overgrown fleshy, fragrant, bright red receptacle. Strawberries ripen in July - September.


An amazing plant from the Rosaceae family. It is undemanding to growing conditions, can normally tolerate frosts down to -40 -50 degrees, and during flowering frosts down to -5 -7 degrees. Irga grows well in soils of varying composition and acidity. But there is an indispensable condition - if you want to get a harvest of large, sweet berries with the aroma of freshness, you need to give the shadberry a sunny place. Therefore, serviceberry bushes should be placed at a distance of at least 2.5-3 m, unless you aim to grow tall hedge, for which irga is very suitable.


lat. Viburnum
Red berry with a fairly large seed. Viburnum ripens at the end of September after the first frost. Before this, the berry is quite sour with a bitter taste, but under the influence of slight frosts it acquires sweetness. Widely used in folk medicine.


Shrub 5-7 meters high, sometimes a small tree. Dogwood has been cultivated by mankind for a very long time; historians report dogwood seeds found more than 5 thousand years ago during excavations of human settlements located on the territory of modern Switzerland. Nowadays, 4 types of dogwood are cultivated in most of Europe (France, Italy, Eastern European countries, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia), the Caucasus, Central Asia, China, Japan and North America.


Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant, 15-35 cm high, belongs to the Rosaceae family.
The stem is erect, the leaves are large, light green in color. Corymbose inflorescences of 5-12 flowers on short, densely pubescent pedicels. The flowers are usually unisexual, five-petaled, white, with a double perianth. Between the beginning of strawberry flowering and the beginning of strawberry ripening, a period of 20 to 26 days passes.


Represents evergreen, a shrub with thin and low shoots. The length of the shoots is on average about 30 cm, wild cranberry berries are red, spherical, 8-12 mm in diameter. Some specially bred varieties have berries up to 2 cm in diameter. Cranberries bloom in June, berry picking begins in September and continues throughout the fall. Plantation berries ripen 1-2 weeks earlier than wild ones. Cranberries can easily be stored until spring.

Red Ribes

Red currant is a small deciduous perennial shrub of the Gooseberry family (Grossulariaceae). Unlike black currants, the bushes are more compressed and elongated upward. Strong and thick annual shoots growing from the base of the bush are used to form it and replace old, dying branches, but over the years their progressive growth fades.


A perennial, multi-stemmed shrub with a long fruiting period and high yield - up to 20-25 kg per bush. Gooseberry bushes reach up to 1.5 m in height and up to 2 m in diameter. Gooseberry is a plant of temperate latitudes, tolerates light shading, but is quite moisture-loving. The gooseberry root system is located at a depth of up to 40 cm. It is best placed along the fence at a distance of 1-1.5 m from bush to bush. Over time, they grow, forming a continuous thorny wall.


Schisandra is a large climbing shrub-liana from the magnolia family. Its length reaches fifteen meters, and entwining trees, lemongrass resembles a grapevine. The thickness of the stem is 2 centimeters. The plant takes the form of a bush in the northern regions. Schisandra berries are 2-seeded, bright red, juicy, spherical, very sour. The seeds smell like lemon and have a bitter, pungent taste. The bark of the roots and stems also smells like lemon, hence the name Schisandra.


Raspberry is a deciduous subshrub with a perennial rhizome, from which biennial aboveground stems develop up to one and a half meters high. The rhizome is sinuous, woody, with multiple adventitious roots, forming a powerful branched system. Stems are erect. The leaves are oval, dark green above, whitish below, covered with small hairs. The flowers are white, about 1 cm in diameter, collected in small racemes, located on the tops of the stems or in the axils of the leaves. Raspberry fruits are small, hairy drupes that grow together on the receptacle to form a complex fruit. The fruits are usually red, but there are varieties of yellow and even black raspberries.


A small perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping branched rhizome. The stem is simple, erect. 10-15 cm in height, ending in a single white flower. The leaves are wrinkled, heart-shaped, with a lobed edge. The cloudberry fruit is a clustered drupe, reddish at first, and amber-yellow when ripe. Cloudberries bloom in May and June and ripen in July and August. The fruit is acid-spicy, wine-like.

Sea ​​buckthorn

A shrub or small tree reaching a height of three to four meters with branches covered with small thorns and green, slightly elongated leaves.
Sea buckthorn is wind pollinated and blooms in late spring. The fruits are small (up to 8-10 mm), orange-yellow or red-orange, oval in shape. The name for this plant “Sea Buckthorn” is very apt, since its berries are on very short stalks and sit very closely on the branches, as if clinging to them. The berries have a rather pleasant sweet and sour taste, as well as a peculiar, unique aroma that vaguely resembles pineapple. This is why sea buckthorn is sometimes called the northern, or Siberian, pineapple.


An evergreen subtropical tall tree of the genus Olive (Olea) of the Olive family (Oleaceae).
The height of an adult cultivated olive tree is usually five to six meters, but sometimes reaches 10-11 meters or more. The trunk is covered with gray bark, gnarled, twisted, and usually hollow in old age. The branches are gnarled and long. The leaves are narrow-lanceolate, gray-green in color, do not fall off in the winter and are renewed gradually over two to three years. The fragrant flowers are very small, from 2 to 4 centimeters long, whitish, in one inflorescence there are from 10 to 40 flowers. The fruit is an elongated oval-shaped olive, 0.7 to 4 centimeters long and 1 to 2 centimeters in diameter, with a pointed or blunt nose, fleshy, the olives contain a pit inside.


Tree up to 10 m tall, less commonly a shrub from the Rosaceae family. Rowan fruits are spherical, berry-shaped, red, sour, bitter, slightly tart in taste. After the first frost, the fruits lose their astringency and become tasty and somewhat sweet. Blooms in May - early June. The fruits ripen in September, remaining on the tree until late winter.
In nature, mountain ash is found in forests and mountainous areas of the northern and middle parts of the northern hemisphere. Fairly easy to care for, most mountain ash trees look great most of the year.


Thorn is a shrub or small tree 1.5-3 (large species up to 4-8) meters high with numerous thorny branches. The branches grow horizontally and end in a sharp, thick thorn. Young branches are pubescent.
Sloe leaves have an elliptical or obovate shape. Young leaves are pubescent, with age they become dark green, with a matte tint, and leathery. Sloe fruits are mostly round in shape, small (10-15mm in diameter), black-blue in color with a waxy coating.


novolat. Feijoa
Green oblong berry native to South America. In size, feijoa is 5-7 cm in diameter and weighs approximately 20-120 g. When ripe, the fruit becomes very juicy with a slight sourness. A new plant was discovered at the end of the 19th century. in Brazil during a scientific expedition. In Europe, the fruit first appeared in 1890 in France. From there, feijoa spread to the Mediterranean countries, Crimea and the Caucasus. The tree is very heat-loving and can withstand maximum frosts down to -10°C.


Physalis vulgaris (vesicle, dog cherry, marunka) is a perennial plant from the nightshade family, 50-100 cm high. The underground shoots of physalis are creeping, woody, and branching. Its stems are erect. angular-curved. The fruit of physalis is a spherical, juicy, orange or red berry, enclosed in a fiery orange, swollen, vesicular berry. an almost spherical calyx, thanks to which the plant got its name physalis from the Greek word “physo”, which means swollen. The plant blooms in May - August. Physalis fruits ripen in June - September. It grows everywhere in light forests, among bushes, on forest edges, and in ravines.


This fruit plant- the oldest form of the cherry subgenus. It is believed that already 10 thousand years ago this tree was known in Anatolia, as well as in Central and Northern Europe. In the botanical classification at the level of the Rosaceae family, the cherry is a “relative” of the rose, and at the genus level it is the “sister” of the plum.
In medicine, cherry pulp, its seeds and even plant gum have been used for a long time, thanks to which certain traditions have developed for the use of compositions based on it. However, since 2007, when anticancer properties began to be actively studied in the scientific world

I'll start with the berries! These little bright joys of our gray everyday life. I think there is not a single person who does not like to eat berries! They are so different, so beautiful and delicious! Today I made a list of berries with photos and names, and in some places, etymology. It will be interesting! Of interest here is the fact that in English language Most berry names are formed by adding a word to the root berry.

There is also a difference in the concept of the word “berry” in English and Russian. So, for example, we consider cherries to be a berry, but the British consider them to be a fruit. But from a botanical point of view, a cherry is neither a berry nor a fruit, but a plant with a “drupe” fruit! From a scientific point of view, by the way, lemon is a berry, but raspberries are not. In connection with this confusion, I will talk about berries in the generally accepted sense of the word, trying to take into account the features of both languages.

The largest and sweetest berry, watermelon, literally translates as water melon.
BarberryBarberry, berberry
The name takes its roots from the Latin name of the plant Berberis.
CowberryCowberry,foxberry, alpine cranberry, lingonberry, partridge berry The English name takes its roots in Latin Vaccinium (vacca - cow, cow). Lingonberry can also be translated as foxberry, alpine cranberry, red berry.
ElderElderberryblack elder, black elderberry, red elderberry.
Literally, elderberry can be translated as older berry.
Cherry Cherry
Cherry Wildcherry
The state of Kerasund, which is located on the territory of modern Turkey, gave the name to this berry: (lat.) cerasi, (English) cherry, (Russian) sweet cherry / cherry.
BlueberryGod bilberry, northern billberry, blueberry. One of the places where blueberries grow is in swamps, so the main translation will be: “swamp” blueberry, northern blueberry, and also blueberry.

desert-thorn, Christmas berry
The Greek word lycion is from Lycia, the place where the plant was common in the 1st century AD. Also translated as wolfberry, desert thorn, Christmas berry and goji berry.
BlackberryBlackberry Blackberry
HoneysuckleHoneysuckle The literal translation is "Honey udder/breast", apparently due to the fact that the flowers of the plant have a sweet honey smell.
StrawberriesWild Strawberry « strawberry"became straw due to the cultivation method: earlier the British put straw under the plant so that the berries remained clean and did not fall on the ground.
IrgaAmelanchier, juneberry, serviceberry, shadberry, shadbush
The Provencal name amelanche is from amelar, which means “to bring honey.” Also translated as June berry, healthy berry, dark berry, shady bush.
KalinaArrowwood, viburnum , snowball, guelder-rose. Translated as serrated viburnum, snow globe(garden viburnum with white flowers) or Dutch rose.
DogwoodDogwood , dagwood, dogberry, houndberry From English dag - wooden dagger, dogwood was used to make it. Also translated as dog berry.


The discoverers of America found the cranberry to be similar to a crane. Craneberry - crane berry

PrinceArctic Raspberry Arctic raspberry
Gooseberrygooseberry The etymology of the word originates in the Romano-Germanic languages ​​(Gol. Kruisbezie), which literally means “Christ’s thorn” or prickly berry. Literally translated as goose berry

BloodrootSilverweed Silver grass
RaspberriesRaspberry, hindberry
pink berry
Cloudberrycloudberry Berry shrouded in clouds. The name is explained by the fact that cloudberries grow mainly in mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere.
Sea ​​buckthornSea-buckthorn Verbatim, sea ​​buckthorn.

BERRY. -y, w. 1. A small juicy fruit of shrubs, subshrubs, dwarf shrubs and herbaceous plants. Gooseberries, raspberries. Blueberries, cranberries. 2. transfer About a healthy and attractive woman, girl (simple). Girl-me. Forty years is a woman's age, forty-two years is a woman's age. (ate.). * Birds of a feather (colloquial, usually disapproved) - about someone who is similar to someone. in behavior, views, belongs to the same company. || decrease berry, -i, f. These are flowers, and the berries will be ahead (I ate about something bad: that’s nothing, it will be much worse). I. You are mine! (affectionate address to a child, to a woman). N adj. berry, -aya, -oe (to 1 value).

View value BERRY in other dictionaries

Berry- and. a small, pulpy fruit, more artisanal, containing seeds; our edible berries: currants (black, red), raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blueberries,......
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Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Yagoda J.— 1. A small juicy fruit of shrub or herbaceous plants.
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Figdried fruits(more precisely the infructescence) of figs.

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Berries are a favorite food on the table at any time. The sweet, pleasant aroma of berries beckons. Here are the names of berries that will make your mouth water, but you will hear some names of berries only for the first time.

You will come across some amazing berry names on the list that are actually berries. You may be confused, but some fruit names are not berries. The fine line that separates these fruits is a classification defined in botany.

How is the term berry understood in botany? Berries are fruits that have internal pulp, edible peel, and pericarp produced from a single ovary. In other words, it is one ovary with pulp that grows in a juicy fruit, and there is no barrier between the seeds and the pulp on which these seeds feed.

Layman's understanding of berries: All small, juicy, colored fruits with pulp are berries.

List of berries.

Proper Berries: These meet the botanical definition of a berry. Therefore they are real berries.

Barberry: Barberry fruits are small berries, red or dark blue in color. Barberries are long and narrow fruits. They are used to make jams and tinctures. They are rich in vitamin C.

Elder: They have antioxidant properties that reduce cholesterol, improve vision, strengthen immune system, and also eliminate heart problems, coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections, tonsillitis. Many other products are also added to ice cream: cocktails, jams, semi-finished products, muffins and syrups.

Grape: Grapes contain vitamins A, C, and B6. They also contain potassium, calcium, magnesium and folic acid.

Honeysuckle: They are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C and quercetin (an acid that fights free radicals). Honeysuckle has been used in Chinese folk medicine for centuries. There are some poisonous varieties of honeysuckle. Therefore, it is better to buy honeysuckle in a store than to pick it in nature. You can read about it here.

Viburnum reddish: These berries can be eaten raw or processed. Once picked from the tree, they spoil quickly and can only be stored for 3 days in the refrigerator, or must be frozen, canned or dried. All parts of the plant are used in medicine.

Red Ribes: These are small round red or white berries that are used to make jam, pies and salads. They contain a lot of vitamin C, iron, potassium and dietary fiber.

Gooseberry: These are small round berries that are striped in color. Unripe fruits are green in color, while ripe ones are pink to yellow.

Mahonia holly (Oregon grape): They look like grapes and have blue or purple. They look like they are covered in powder. They are known to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial in nature.

Sea ​​buckthorn: These orange berries are the size of grapes. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which help reduce weight and protect against dementia.

Podofil: Podofil grows wild, mainly in the forest. Most podophila do not bear fruit and have only one leaf. Those that bear fruit have 2 leaves and only one flower, which then turns into a fruit. In the budding phase, the fruits are green, hard and poisonous. However, it gradually turns yellow and becomes soft, and when ripe it has a pleasant taste.

Tomato: It is a common fruit and vegetable in the human diet, classified botanically as a berry. Tomatoes are the most common fruit in garden plots.

Currant: These are red, green, yellow or black berries. They were dried and used as raisins.

Black currant: These are popular aromatic berries similar in appearance for red currants. I use them to make jams, pies, ice cream, cakes, etc. Blackcurrants contain vitamin C. The berries also contain potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B5.

Rose hip: These are red oval berries, also known as wild rose. They are the pome fruits of the rose. Berries are rich in vitamin C.

Drupes: They have a tough skin and only one seed inside. They are also called stone fruits.

Chokeberry: There are two types of chokeberry, chokeberry and red rowan. Purple chokeberry is a hybrid of the above listed berries. The berries are used to make juices, jams, etc. They are also used as a flavoring and coloring agent. The berries are high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Acai: These small round black berries are Brazil's largest cash crop. They are used to make juices, cocktails and various other drinks. These berries are known for their antioxidant properties.

Barbados cherry (acerola, acerola cherry, malpighia naked): This berry is native to the West Indies and Central America. The juice of these berries is also popular in the West Indies, just like orange juice in America. The vitamin C content in this berry is almost 65 times more than in an orange!

Dereza vulgaris (Goji berries): Externally, the berries look like dried and shriveled berries. They are also called wolfberries. They are usually cooked before consumption. They are used to prepare herbal tea, wine, rice water, Goji juice, etc. They contain 11 essential and 22 trace dietary minerals, 18 amino acids, 6 essential vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, etc.

Irga canadensis: The berries have large seeds covered with a hardened crust. Ripe berries are red or purple in color. They are mainly eaten by birds. The berries are sweet.

Canadian pride: These are seasonal berries with a stone, blue-black in color. They are food for birds and animals.

Fruit tree frame: The winter fruit turns red or orange when ripe. Although the fruits are edible, they are rarely used in food. However, they are happily eaten by wild birds and animals, who eat them throughout the winter.

Persimmon: They are not considered berries, but in fact they are according to the botanical classification. Persimmons are red or orange in color. Contains glucose and protein. Persimmon is used in medicine.

Bird cherry virginia: Unripe red berries have a sour, astringent taste. Ripe berries are dark in color and not very tart in taste. The berries are used to make jelly, jam and syrup. They require a lot of sugar or sweetener to preserve.

Emleria: The berries are oval green and hard when ripe and subsequently turn reddish, and ripe berries are black-purple in color.

Suprapistillate berries (false berries): These develop from the inferior ovary, unlike true berries, which develop from the superior ovary.

Cowberry: Lingonberries are used to make jam, juice, syrup, compote, sauce, etc. Lingonberries are rich in vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamin B (B1, B2, B3), potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Crowberry: These dry black berries are very similar to blueberries in appearance and taste. They are used as a natural food coloring. Native Americans use them to cure sore eyes. They contain few vitamins and a lot of water.

Cranberry: Berries have White color when they are unripe, and red when ripe. They are used to make juice, sauce, wine, etc. Eating cranberries in large quantities is very good for health. Berries contain high level vitamin C, fiber, mineral salts and manganese.

Bearberry: Berries are brown-red in color. Berries have a lot medicinal properties. Herb tea from bearberry is used in the treatment of nephritis.

Blueberry: The berries are dark blue or purple in color. They are used in jams, purees, juices, pies and muffins. They contain high levels of antioxidants and can help prevent the development of many diseases. For example, diseases of the stomach, heart, dystrophy.

Juniper Berries: They have green color, when not yet ripe and ripe berries have a purple-black color.

Fruits: These are berry-shaped fruits. However, they do not develop from a single ovary like true berries. Many ovaries from one or more flowers unite into one, making up a berry-like fruit.

Boysenberry: These berries are burgundy in color, the shiny large juicy berries are a hybrid between raspberries, blackberries and loganberries. They are added to pies and pies.

Voskovnik: The birthplace of berries is China. The berries are dark red in color. These berries can be eaten or used to make jam, pickles, wine and juice.

Blackberry: This berry is most common in the UK. These are small, dark, purple berries that are the main ingredient in jams and pies. Berries contain a lot of vitamin C.

Gray blackberry: They are part of the blackberry family and are sweeter than blackberries. Unripe berries are dark red in color, while ripe ones are dark purple. However, the striking feature is that the male and female plants grow separately.

Irga: These are red berries, ripe black and blue. They are similar in size to blueberries. They are used to make jams, muffins, etc.

Irga spicata: These are sweet berries that are used to make pies and jams.

Irga alnifolia: This berry is native to Canada and is very similar in appearance to blueberries. The berries are rich in vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper and carotene.

: It is the most popular fruit all over the world. Strawberries are used to make various culinary dishes, jams, ice cream, sauces, pies, cakes, milkshakes, etc. Strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C, manganese and folic acid.

Loganberry: These are ruby ​​red, sweet, juicy berries. They are used in making juices. Berries contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates.

Raspberries: These are small red berries that ripen in summer or fall. They are used to make jam, jellies, pies and ice cream. They contain a lot of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K and magnesium.

Raspberry fragrant: The berries are red. These fruits are so fragile that they can break when you pick them up.

Purple raspberry: These are red or orange berries. Contrary to their name, they are not suitable for wine production due to their astringency.

Cloudberry: Ripe berries have a pleasant taste and color from yellow to orange-red. They are used to make jams, sweets, marmalade and wine. Native Americans eat these berries with dried red caviar, hence the name Salmonberries.

Mulberry: These berries are red, purple and black in color. The berries are used to make pies, cakes, liqueurs and jams.

Marionberry (marion berries): This is a hybrid. They are darker than blackberries and are used to make pies, cakes, ice cream and jellies.

Olallieberries: These berries are found primarily in California. They are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which are beneficial in reducing the risk of cancer.

Youngberry Large: Sweet reddish black berry, a hybrid of blackberry and black currant. They ripen 2 weeks earlier than blackberries. The berries are rich in vitamins A, C and B1, calcium, and cellulose.

Poison Berries: These berries fit the botanical description of berries, and some just look like berries. These are poisonous berries that should not be eaten.

Wolfberry (Wolf's Bast): The berries of this plant have a fragrant smell and are poisonous. They come from Eurasia, North Africa and Australia.

Voronets: Berries grow on blooming herbaceous plants belonging to the family ranunculaceae. Poisonous berries contain a cardiogenic toxin. These toxins affect the cardiac muscle tissue, leading to cardiac arrest and death.

: These large berries are white in color and have a black mark that resembles an eye. The berries are very poisonous. In English, the berries are called Doll's Eyes Berries.

Lakonos(phytolacca): These dark purple berries are poisonous to humans, but birds eat them. Two species of this plant grow in Russia.

Lily of the valley: This plant completely poisonous due to the convallatoxin it contains. In Russia, it is distributed in the European part, the Mountainous Crimea, Transbaikalia, the Amur region, Primorye, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Ligustrum (privet): The berries of this plant are poisonous and black in color. One species grows in the south of Russia. The flowers of this plant are purple.

False pepper nightshade(Jerusalem cherry): Yati berries are poisonous and are often confused with tomatoes. Like many introduced plants and fruits to Australia, false pepper nightshade has become an invasive weed there.

Holly berries: These red berries are used as decorative. If ingested, they can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Yew berries: These red or blue berries contain poisonous seeds. In case of survival necessity, consume these berries without seeds.

Such a huge selection of berries allows you to enjoy them to a sufficient extent. However, be careful when you are in nature and want to pick an unknown berry hanging on bushes and plants, it can be a very poisonous berry. This is the end of the list of berries, please add any unmentioned names of berries in the comments!