Grape varieties of selection skzniisiv in the center of the Kuban. Everyone's favorite Caucasian - Pomegranate grapes Pomegranate wine variety

Pomegranate grapes were created in the selection laboratory of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture in the selection laboratory.

Variety Pomegranate has been on grape trials since 1980.

This technical grape variety is heat-loving and therefore covered for the winter. It is characterized by good productivity and resistance to various diseases and pests.

The leaves of the pomegranate variety are usually medium in size, and are moderately or deeply dissected, the clusters are broadly conical or cylindroconical in shape and usually have a moderate density. Leg

In a bunch of grapes it usually grows to medium length.

Berries slightly smaller than average, darkish of blue color their pulp is juicy, contains 2 or 3 seeds. The skin on grape berries is usually of medium thickness, the flesh is firm, with a very dense coating of wax.

The pomegranate variety usually ripens in the second half of September. Pomegranate berries are distinguished by a high concentration of vitamins C, B9, anthocyanins and catechins. This has a positive effect on the properties of both dessert and table wines, including those prepared according to the Cahors type. Therefore, the grapes of the "Pomegranate" variety are mainly used for the manufacture of both table and dessert wines of the highest quality, and can also be used to produce juice.

From this grape table wines are obtained with a perfect and harmonious taste, dense color and a very noticeable varietal smell. When tasting, such a wine usually gets 8 - 8.2 points. The description of such wine contains only positive qualities. This speaks volumes about the quality of the plant itself. Dessert wines that were made from grapes of this variety are often characterized by a soft and harmonious taste and have a bright varietal smell, and also have a fairly rich color. Tasters rate it in the range of 8.2 - 8.5 points. Over the years, the properties of wines usually improve.

Dessert wine of the Krasnodar Anniversary brand, which was made from the Pomegranate grape variety, won first places three times at various international competitions in 1989, 2004, 2005.

Four silver medals were awarded to dry wines obtained from this grape variety in 1998, 2003, 2004. Also, various wines made from the “Pomegranate” grapes received gold medals at the “Golden Griffin” world competition, which takes place every year in the city of Yalta, in 2010 - dessert, in 2001 - dry, and finally, dessert wine called “ Alkor" in 2009.
In 2009, at the World Exhibition “Wines and Drinks”, a dessert wine called “Alcor” was awarded a bronze medal, and the following year, a wine called “Antaris” won first place.

Pomegranate is a technical variety, so its description will not differ in special parameters.

The best region for breeding Pomegranate is the North Caucasus.

The basis for the use of this variety is the preparation of dessert, red wines and nectars, juices.

You do not need to plant the Pomegranate variety randomly, you need the correct preparation of the grape plot if you are planting the bushes out of points.

The distance between the bushes is selected depending on the purpose of the landing. For nectar-wine use - it is 0.8 m, for table use - 1.5 m. The distance between rows is from 2 to 2.5 m. If the seedlings are obtained from European or southern nurseries, they cannot be planted vertically. They need to be planted at the greatest possible angle, otherwise there may be problems with the maturation of the vine. It is also necessary to further translate them into their own roots. It must be remembered that grapes have such a property as vertical polarity. From the upper eyes of the "pomegranate" variety, shoots can grow only with a vertical garter, from the lower ones they grow poorly, or do not grow at all.

In conclusion, it must be said that no matter how experienced a person is in the cultivation of grapes, he cannot know everything, because every year scientists receive new types of grapes, and hence new knowledge, and this knowledge is myriad. Each variety is unique, its selection, breeding, planting is different and can affect the yield of grapes, so you need to know exactly your grape variety and its characteristics before planting.

Grapes "Pomegranate" - a wine grape variety that is able to produce rich harvests even with a long absence of moisture.

Variety Description

Purpose Technical grape variety
Ripening period, growing season Medium-late, ripens at the end of August, 155-156 days
Sheet,form Round five-lobed, slightly curved leaf blade, bright green with a network of small veins
Flowers Light, medium-sized, bisexual
Bunch, shape, weight Large, cylindrical, from 150-250 g
Berries, weight Small, 1.5-3.5 g
fruit color Dark with a blue or purple tint
Sugar content High 20.6-26.1%
Acidity Average 5-8 g / l
yield 150 q/ha
Frost resistance Medium to -25°, sheltered
Diseases sustainable

Grape shoots are thin, long, requiring mandatory support. It is recommended to install strong trellises, as the variety has a large increase in shoots per season. To maintain the yield of the bush, it is necessary to prune the shoots after the full harvest.

Advantages of the pomegranate variety

Grape variety "Pomegranate" has the following unique characteristics:

  • The variety is drought tolerant. The ovaries do not crumble during the drought period, and the berries become more tart and fragrant during the dry season.
  • Tolerates wind well. Thin shoots do not break from gusts of wind, which avoids damage to the vineyards when exposed to strong winds.
  • Prefers leached soils rich in chernozem. Grows well on dry, sunny slopes.
  • The variety has an average winter hardiness. When exposed to low temperatures, it is prone to freezing.
  • In order to prevent the death of the bush, the shoots for the winter are covered with covered material, straw or a thin layer of sawdust. It is necessary to monitor temperature fluctuations and with a sharp warming it is recommended to immediately remove the insulation in order to avoid the death of the vine.
  • The variety is disease resistant. Grapes "Pomegranate" has a genetic resistance to fungal diseases. After being damaged by a fungal disease, it is easily restored and does not lose its technical properties.

Landing and care

Planting a grape bush must be done as follows:

  1. dig a hole up to 1 m deep;
  2. cover the bottom of the pit with rotted leaves, hay dust or peat;
  3. the roots of the seedling are lowered into the pit, sprinkled with moistened black soil;
  4. the ground around the seedling is mulched with freshly cut grass or sprinkled with wood ash.

Grape care is not difficult. For getting good harvest you need to follow simple guidelines:

  • It is necessary to water the grapes of this variety in early spring, both before and during the flowering of the bush. After the appearance of the ovaries, watering can be stopped and resumed only after harvesting. It is desirable to water the plant with warm spring water.
  • It is recommended to feed the bush organic fertilizers making solutions with mullein, chicken manure and grass. Also, the bush needs regular mulching.
  • In early spring, grapes must be sprayed with special solutions against fungal diseases. Spraying is done no more than 4 times per season and should not affect the ripening period of the crop.
  • Pruning of the bush is done twice: in early spring and late autumn. Dry, weak and lifeless shoots are removed. When forming a bush, extra shoots are cut out, the strongest and strongest vines are left.
  • Grapes of this variety tolerate winter well down to -25 ° C. With more low temperatures possible freezing of the bush. For a successful wintering, it is necessary to insulate the vines, monitor the level and thickness of the snow cover on the bushes.

Grape pomegranate Magaracha is a technical wine variety that pleases winegrowers with abundant harvests. With proper planting and timely care, vine bushes will be strong and productive.

UDC 634.8 + 631.52 + 581.167


Troshin L.P. - e. b. n., professor

Kuban State Agrarian University

Nudga T.A. - Art. scientific employee

North Caucasian Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture

The technical Eurasian grape varieties created at SKZNIISiV were studied in the Central Zone Krasnodar Territory compared with the control variety of French origin Cabernet Sauvignon. Grapes of these varieties were characterized by a high content of biologically active substances. According to a complex of economic, biological and technological characteristics, the most valuable varieties for the production of high-quality red wines were the black-berry varieties Pomegranate, Mizar and Yurovsky, for cognac wine materials - the white-berry variety Beisug. Their cultivation in the zone of shelter viticulture is reliably profitable.

Domestic and world practice confirms that the most important factor in the intensification of viticulture is planting variety renewal. The role of the variety in this branch of the national economy is especially great: often, due to the variety change, an almost twofold increase in profits and an increase in profitability are achieved. However, choosing a variety that meets the local conditions and production requirements is a multifactorial task that can be solved only on the basis of direct experience of its study and testing in a specific area, naturally, among a set of similar genotypes.

A biological and economic study of technical grape varieties of the SKZNIISiV breeding, first brought to the Kuban educational farm of KSAU, was carried out at the Krasnodar grape-nut-bearing state variety plot, which was planted with one-year own-rooted seedlings in the spring of 1999. The planting scheme is 3.0 x 1.0 m. The shape of the bush is a stemless multi-armed fan. Agrotechnics on the experimental plot did not differ from the generally accepted in the educational farm. The culture of grapes is covering. The features of the studied grape genotypes were studied in detail in 2002–2003. according to generally accepted methods of variety study.

BEYSUG \u003d Cabernet Sauvignon x Kuban Black (Fig. 1). The flower is bisexual, the leaf is rounded, five-lobed, strongly dissected, with dense bristly pubescence on the underside of the leaf. The berry is white (recessive parental forms), rounded, medium. The cluster is dense, medium and large, cylindric. The yield in own-rooted culture is high. The growth force of bushes is strong, but grafting on phylloxera-resistant rootstocks is necessary. The berries ripen in the third decade of September. The variety's mother liquors on an area of ​​0.2 ha are available in the Yuzhnaya agricultural firm of the Temryuk region.

Rice. 1. Beysug grape variety

POMEGRANATE \u003d Saperavi x Cabernet Sauvignon (Fig. 2). The flower is bisexual. The cluster is medium and large, wide-conical, dense. The berry is medium, dark blue, with a thick wax coating. Skin of medium thickness, strong. The pulp is juicy. The strength of the growth of bushes is average. The variety ripens in the third decade of September and is distinguished by a high content of vitamins C, B 9 , catechins and anthocyanins, which ensures the high quality of table and dessert wines, especially those prepared according to the Cahors type. Dessert wine "Anniversary of Krasnodar" received a gold medal at the 6th International Wine Competition in Czechoslovakia. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Originator plantings of the variety on an area of ​​5 hectares were created in the farms "Yuzhnaya" and "Zaporozhskoye" in the Temryuk region and "Aurora" in the Crimean region.

Rice. 2. Grape variety Pomegranate

Variety MITSAR (Serexia x Cabernet Sauvignon) belongs to varieties of medium-late ripening (Fig. 3). The flower is bisexual. The cluster is medium and large, wide-conical, loose, winged. The berry is dark blue, high in vitamins C and B 9 . Grape juices are characterized by a mild taste and a pleasant delicate varietal aroma; red table and dessert wines - intense color, aroma with blackcurrant tones and fullness in taste. The variety is distinguished by increased resistance to fungal diseases, especially to white and gray rot. It was transferred to the state trial of the Russian Federation and is cultivated on an area of ​​0.6 hectares in the Yuzhnaya and Zaporozhye agricultural firms of the Temryuk region.

Rice. 3. Mizar grape variety

Grape variety YUROVSKY = Saperavi x Tsimlyansky black (Fig. 4). The flower is bisexual. The leaf is rounded, five-lobed, strongly dissected, with a strong cobwebby pubescence, sometimes straying into lumps. The berry is round, medium, dark blue, with a thick coating. The cluster is medium and large, conical, winged, medium density. Harvest ripens in the third decade of September. The raw material is suitable for producing red table and dessert wines with an intense color, a pronounced pleasant varietal aroma, and a harmonious taste. The bushes stand out for their strong growth, therefore the potential possibilities of the genotype are revealed to a greater extent on the high stem formation. The variety is distinguished by increased group resistance to fungal diseases and bacterioses, phylloxera. It can be used for self-rooted crops in the zone of phylloxera infection.

The quantitative characteristics of these varieties are given in the following tables.

Analysis of the data of agrobiological records (Table 1) showed that the load of bushes with eyes in varieties ranged from 15.4 (Beisug) to 35.0 pcs. (Yurovsky), shoots - from 7.8 (Pomegranate) to 19.6 pcs. (Yurovsky). At the same time, almost all shoots of Mizar (90.6%) were fruitful, somewhat less - in Pomegranate (85.9%) and Beisug (80.6%). The control variety Cabernet Sauvignon has slightly more than half of them - 55.4%. Pomegranate, Mizar and Beisug had a significant number of shoots with two and three inflorescences (68–76%). This was reflected in the high coefficients of fruiting and fruitfulness, respectively 1.57–1.71 and 1.86–1.99, which is noticeably higher than the control and variety Yurovsky (0.46–0.79 and

Table 1. Agrobiological indicators of grape varieties

The most important indicators of the suitability of a variety for successful cultivation in a new place are its yield and product quality (Table 2).

Table 2. Yield and quality of grape varieties

Weather conditions in 2003 were relatively favorable, because the potential productivity of grape varieties and clones was higher compared to the previous year, which was reflected in a sufficient (17.3%) increase in their yield. However, heavy rains during the period of berry ripening led to a decrease in the level of sugar accumulation (by 1%) with an active decrease in the level of juice acidity (temporal difference - 1.5 g/l).

An increase in the yield level and a decrease in the sugar content of berry varieties in 2003 caused a divergence in the response of genotypes to changes in environmental conditions, which was revealed in an increase in the coefficients of variation of the trait: CV 2003 > CV 2002 . The same relationship was found on the basis of the proportion of titratable acids, since there is always a negative relationship between sugar content and acidity of juice. The high reaction rate of genotypes in the second (2003) year of research for all three traits caused an increase in their variance, which was reflected in the absence of significant differences in the averages between years: NSR fact< НСР 05 (фактические критерии Стьюдента и Фишера были ниже пороговых при Р = 5 %).

When studying the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of four breeding varieties against the background of the control variety Cabernet Sauvignon (Table 3), it was found that the variety Beisug can be distinguished by the resistance of leaves and inflorescences to mildew, and the variety Mizar can be distinguished by the degree of susceptibility. The Beisug variety turned out to be the most resistant to gray rot, the Yurovsky variety was the most affected. In terms of resistance to white rot, widespread in recent years, Mizar was in the lead, and Yurovsky proved to be the most affected, which should be taken into account when chemically treating plantations of these varieties. However, in general, the yield of varieties (6.3–22.4 t/ha) was noticeably higher compared to the control (6 t/ha). In terms of the potential productivity of shoots, the varieties Mizar, Granatovy and Beisug (201–325 g) significantly exceed the similar trait of the varieties Cabernet Sauvignon (control, 79 g) and Yurovsky (75 g).

Since high-yielding and high-quality varieties are of production value, from this position we have identified such varieties as Beisug (22.4 t/ha), Mizar variety (10.1 t/ha) and Yurovsky variety (7.3 t/ha) . The variety Pomegranate zoned in the Kuban of all four turned out to be the lowest-yielding (6.3 t/ha), but still profitable (the variety is profitable if the yield is more than 3 t/ha).

Table 3. Characteristics of grape varieties, 2003

The coefficients of intervarietal variability in the yield of bushes in the adjacent two years varied from 25 to 70% (see Table 2).

When carrying out a variational analysis of the yield data of the SKZNIISiV varieties in comparison with the control, it was found that the Mizar and Beisug varieties significantly exceeded the Cabernet Sauvignon variety in this indicator and confirmed their prospects for cultivation in the North Caucasus (Table 4).

It is known that grapes for processing into wine should be harvested with the onset of the technical maturity of the berries, when the content of sugars and acids in them reaches the type of wine. In 2002, the highest rates of sugar accumulation were observed in the varieties Mizar - 19.1% and Pomegranate - 18.6%, which is 1.0–0.5% higher than the control variety Cabernet Sauvignon (18.1%). Beisug had a sugar content (17.0%), 1.1% lower than the control. Yurovsky showed the lowest sugar content - 15.1%, which is 3.0% less than the control.

Table 4. Biometric assessment of breeding grape varieties by harvest per bush

The accumulation of sugars in berries of all varieties in 2003 was lower than in 2002, which was caused by unfavorable weather conditions during the ripening period. On the basis of sugar content, they were placed as follows: the lowest sugar content was shown by the Pomegranate variety (14.8%), which is 1.6% lower than the control Cabernet Sauvignon (16.4%). Varieties Beisug and Yurovsky (16.7%) exceeded the control by 0.3% in this indicator. The highest sugar content was observed in the Mizar variety (18.8%), exceeding the control by 2.4%. In the tested varieties, the sugar content in 2003 was higher than in the control, with the exception of Pomegranate.

On the basis of titratable acidity, the following gradation can be given: very high acidity in the Beisug variety (11.5–13.9), high acidity in Mizar (9.5–10.9) and Yurovsky (8.3–11.7) and moderate - Pomegranate and Cabernet Sauvignon. The control variety had no deviations from the literature data in acidity of berry juice (see Table 2).

Thus, based on the results obtained for the mass concentration of sugars and the content of titratable acids, the varieties can be distributed as follows for the preparation of certain types of wines: Pomegranate, Mizar and Yurovsky - table reds, and Beisug - for wine materials for cognac production.

To solve the issue of the integral assessment of the compared varieties, the ranking of grape varieties for each attribute was used and, as a result, a simple arithmetic summation of the ranks, without correction factors. Moreover, the minimum rank was assigned to a variety with a less pronounced trait, and the maximum rank was assigned to a variety with a higher one. Varieties with high rank sums are naturally of great economic importance, and vice versa.

A comprehensive assessment of varieties was made according to the data of 2003, a more typical year for the growth and development of grape plants. In addition, this year it was possible to collect ampelographic information in full, especially on selectable traits of disease resistance. The evaluation results are shown in Table 5.

In terms of yield, the Beysug variety took the leading place (6.71 kg/bush = rank 5), the last was the control (1.8 kg/bush = rank 1), i.e. the high-yielding Beisug was 3.7 times superior to the less productive Cabernet Sauvignon variety in this most important economic trait. The difference in the yield of varieties is very significant: 6.71 - 1.80 \u003d 4.91 kg / bush.

Table 5. Ranking of grape varieties according to 10 characteristics

By sugar content: the minimum, although for technical varieties and standard, mass concentration of sugars in the juice of berries from among the studied ones was noted in the control variety (16.4% = rank 1), the maximum - in the Mizar variety (19.1% = rank 5). The difference in the concentration of sugars by 2.7% of sugars is significant: the higher the concentration of sugars, the better the quality of the grapes and the more valuable the variety for technological processing.

In terms of the duration of the production period (from the beginning of bud break to harvest), the later-ripening variety was Beisug (163 days = rank 1) and the middle-late of the four studied genotypes was Pomegranate (154 = rank 5). The faster the variety ripens, the earlier the grapes get processed and the earlier the plant begins to prepare for overwintering, accumulating more carbohydrates in the tissues.

According to the biological indicators of resistance to mildew, the most affected variety was Mizar (rank 1), and the least affected variety was Beisug (rank 5), to gray rot of berries, respectively, Beisug was resistant (5), and Yurovsky was unstable (1), to white rot - also unstable Yurovsky (1) and with weak spots of damage - variety Mizar (5).

The crowning product of the red technical variety is red table wine. As can be seen from the ranking results, the best among the high tasting scores were received by the wines of the varieties Pomegranate, Mizar and control - 7.9 points each (these three genotypes have 4 ranks each) and the white-berry variety Beisug received a lower score (rank 1).

The ranking of varieties carried out in this way and according to other traits makes it possible to sum up the ranks for each variety and to single out the most valuable genotypes by their sum. They are the Pomegranate variety - 34, Beisug and Mizar - 33 ranks each. The Yurovsky variety has the least ranks - 24.5, the control has a slightly higher value - 25.5.

From this follows the conclusion about the expediency of reproduction in the production of varieties Garnet, Beisug and Mizar. They should also be tested in other growing conditions. The fourth genotype, in order to obtain deeper experimental material, needs further testing in the same soil-climatic zone.

In addition to the biological and economic evaluation of breeding varieties, their uvological and biochemical analyzes were also carried out (Tables 6 and 7).

Table 6. Uvological analysis of grape varieties

According to the results of mechanical analysis (see Table 6), the studied varieties are typical technical ones, with a good juice yield ranging from 75% (Mizar) to 80% (Pomegranate). In the control world famous technical variety Cabernet Sauvignon, this figure was 71%.

According to the biochemical composition (see Table 7), the studied varieties were distinguished by a relatively high content of ascorbic acid: from 9.68 mg/% in Garnet to 14.96 mg/% in Mizar. On average, grapes have a low content of ascorbic acid - at the level of 3-5 mg /%. Varieties are also characterized by high rates for the accumulation of catechins and anthocyanins. The content of the latter exceeds the required amount (46–70 mg/%) for the preparation of dry red wines by 2–3 times, which is the reason for the rich color of the wines prepared from the harvest of red varieties.

Thus, the breeding varieties of SKZNIISiV are at the level of the famous Cabernet Sauvignon variety or exceed it in terms of a complex of economic and technological characteristics. Ignoring their intensive development by production is an unintentional mistake of domestic agronomists-vine growers.


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