What to make a piggy bank with your own hands. Do-it-yourself piggy bank from a tin can with locks

Many have piggy banks in the house, but not everyone knows what they should be in order to really attract money.

The first piggy banks appeared a very long time ago. Pigs made of orange clay, made in medieval England, have survived to this day.

Piggy banks in the form of animals are very common to this day. If you like these products, then keep the following in mind:

  • the pig is a symbol of ever-growing wealth;
  • the dog not only keeps money, but also protects them from thieves;
  • an owl will help you manage your finances wisely;
  • protein symbolizes quick enrichment;
  • the cat will give cunning and influential friends who will help increase your income.

Do-it-yourself piggy bank

You can also make a piggy bank with your own hands, for example, make a money bag. Another role of a piggy bank can be played by a ready-made box or jar.

The best color for a piggy bank:

  • gold;
  • green;
  • violet.

For the ritual, take 7 coins of the same denomination and a small piece of paper. On it, write the amount you want to collect. Dip a piece of paper into the piggy bank and then throw one coin at a time, while reading the plot:

“Coins are ringing, they promise me profit.

My income will grow by leaps and bounds.

That will make it possible for all my dreams to come true!”

After that, close the piggy bank tightly and do not open it until it is full. Throw at least one coin of any denomination into it every day.

You need to buy or make a piggy bank on the new moon. Along with the moon, your wealth will also grow. It is important to believe that the piggy bank is actually magical and then everything will work out!

Before you start filling the piggy bank with money, read a plot from thieves on it:

"How merciful God does not let the sun go backwards. So the thief won't take mine. Now, ever and forever. Amen".

Then read the plot to raise money three times:

“Whenever I remember God, I will take out a ruble. Lord let me remember and my savings multiply . In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen ».

When the time comes to open the piggy bank, hold coins and banknotes in your hands for a few minutes, saying to yourself:

“Money is money, you are free, fly, run, and bring your friends to me

Coins for good luck

If you want good luck in all your undertakings, perform such a ceremony.

On the growing moon, at dawn, bury under a fruit-bearing tree, preferably under an apple tree, three equivalent coins with a coat of arms up at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other with the words:

"Money in the ground will hide the matter will be disputed.

You need to dig a hole for coins with a short branch found nearby. It is necessary to fall asleep with your hands, reading at this time the above conspiracy. Throwing the last handful of earth, say: "Paid!"

Turning over your left shoulder, go home, on the way back without talking to anyone or turning around. Wash your hands with soap under running water and dry over the flame of a red candle, which you leave to burn out to the end in the central room of your home.

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands (video)


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  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future by dominoes, this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes both on tea and coffee thick, on the palm of your hand, and on the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune-telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, take them not as an indisputable truth, but as a warning. Using divination, you predict your fate, but with some effort, you can change it."> Divination65

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

How to save up money for a vacation, for a phone, for a computer, for a fur coat? We need to postpone. And where to? Into the piggy bank! If there is no piggy bank, this is a good reason to make it yourself!

Do-it-yourself piggy bank It's a worthwhile investment, and it's also very affordable. The piggy bank is also a very worthwhile birthday or wedding gift for newlyweds.

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands

Did you know that making a piggy bank is much easier than you thought? Anything is suitable for making this item: Banks, boxes, bottles, toys, you can decorate it with ribbons, paper, bows, ropes, beads, lace, this list can be endless.

Before making a piggy bank, choose a style and shape, think about how to arrange a piggy bank, what you will save for, perhaps make the inscription “On the sea”, “on a fur coat” ... Choose a suitable container without flaws and dents, check that the lid is tight closed. Having decided on the container and pattern, sketch out a sketch of the finished product - how you want to see where the decor materials and inscriptions will be located.

If you make a piggy bank from a shoe box using decoupage technique, it will differ from the same technique, but on a glass jar. In any case, first prepare the base for coating - clean the box of labels, wash the jar, degrease with alcohol, make holes in the right places.

Do-it-yourself glass jar piggy bank.

One of the lightest models of piggy banks. First, pick up a beautiful jar, you can use an ordinary two- or three-liter jar. The lid from the jar should be tin, it will be easiest to make a hole in it.

We make a slot to the lid according to the size of the bills or coins that you will store in it.

First, we clean and degrease the jar, and decorate it according to our plan. You can leave the bank unpainted and watch how the capital accumulates. Another option is to paint the piggy bank with paints. We can stick pictures on the jar using decoupage technique, decorate the jar with lace or beads, fabric, we can crochet or knit a cover on the jar.

Do-it-yourself cardboard piggy bank.

We choose the appropriate cardboard box, perfect from under the shoes. We already had an article on the decor of a cardboard box - a box, but by making a hole in the lid, any box can be turned into a box.

So, take any shoebox or make your own. First, prime the surface with white acrylic paint or PVA glue.

Cut out a hole for money, process the edges. The box can be decorated with fabric, newspapers, cut paper banknotes, leather, velvet, photographs…

We offer a master class on making cardboard piggy banks. (master class of TheVovkacom channel)

Cut out the base for the piggy bank from cardboard.

We make holes for the lace.

We collect the box.

We thread the lace into the holes made by the nail.

The box is simple to implement and requires little budget and time.

How to make a piggy bank out of cardboard video

Piggy bank from a toy.

This is a simple and original idea, such a piggy bank from an old toy can be presented to a child and a teenager, he will save up for a phone, a bicycle or a computer. Or a new toy.

How to make it? Very simple. It is necessary to remove the filler from the body of the toy, insert a plastic jar with a lid into the toy, make a hole in the lid. We fill the empty places with synthetic winterizer, sew up the toy.

Piggy bank from a toy

Piggy bank from a plastic bottle.

From a plastic bottle, we will make a piggy bank of a traditional shape - this is a pig. (Master class channel Domino Show). The bottle cap will serve as a snout.

plastic bottle piggy bank

We clean the surface of the plastic bottle, cut out a strip the size of this bottle from the fabric.

Glue a strip of fabric to the jar.

Take small lids, for example, from juice - these will be the legs. It is enough to place them symmetrically over the pig's body so that the piggy bank gains stability.

Glue the lids on the piggy bank.

Cut out pig ears from cardboard.

Cut the same out of fabric.

Paste the cardboard on both sides with a cloth, forming ears.

We place the ears on the head.

Do not forget to make black eyes, a slot in the piggy bank.

Here is such a cute piggy bank from a plastic bottle turned out!

Also watch a video tutorial on how to make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle with your own hands.

Piggy bank from a plastic bottle video

Text prepared by: Veronica

Leaving money for a rainy day is a good habit. Everyone needs a little money sooner or later Money. It is convenient to use a piggy bank to accumulate funds. It is not necessary to buy it, because such a thing can be made with your own hands from improvised materials.

How to make a piggy bank from a tin can

Take a used tin (such as coffee or infant formula). Cut a coin hole in the top cover. Decorate the piggy bank by pasting it with colored paper or bright stickers.

How to make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle

Cut off the front and back. The middle is not needed, it can be thrown away. Place the bottom piece over the top and secure with tape. Spray paint the bottle the color you like. Wait for the bottle to dry. Using a knife, carefully poke a hole in the top. You can turn a bottle into a funny pig by gluing toy eyes to the bottom of the bottle. Glue the legs out of plastic covers, and the ears can be made out of cardboard.

How to make a piggy bank out of a cardboard box

The easiest way to make a piggy bank. Find a small cardboard box. Cover it with colored fabric. Make a neat hole in the top for the little things.

How to make a piggy bank from a glass jar

Roll up a lid on a jar of any capacity. Cut a hole in the lid for coins and banknotes. Decorate as desired. You can stick funny inscriptions, wrap with cloth or paste over with bright ribbons. Attach paper butterflies or colorful bows.

How to make a piggy bank out of matchboxes

To create such a piggy bank, you need a large number of empty matchboxes. They must be glued to each other in several tiers. Get a retractable piggy bank for small things. A trifle of different denominations can be put in different boxes. The owner of such a piggy bank should be a person with iron willpower, since it is not difficult to take out a trifle from there.

With the help of the simplest items, you can make a convenient piggy bank. Now the accumulated funds will be with you, and you can use your money at any moment. Save more and more!

Things self made are, of course, beautiful and unique. But I want this product to be useful as well. A good example is a piggy bank. It will not only decorate your interior, but also serve its intended purpose. It also makes a great wedding or birthday gift. From this article you will learn how you can make a gift with your own hands.

What can you make a piggy bank from?

To make an original item, the simplest things are suitable:

Cardboard, wallpaper remnants, colored and wrapping paper will be an excellent material for creating a gift. For decor, take: newspapers and magazine clippings, pieces of lace and ribbons, coins and key rings.

How to make a piggy bank?

So that your work brings only pleasure, and its result does not disappoint, we clearly adhere to the following steps:

Do-it-yourself piggy bank: several options

Do-it-yourself glass jar piggy bank.

A handmade piggy bank made of paper and cardboard.

  1. We choose the appropriate cardboard box, perfect from under the shoes. If there is no suitable box, you can make it yourself. Drawings are easy to find on the Internet.
  2. If you will paint or paste over the object with paper, then prime the surface with a solution of PVA glue and wait until it dries completely.
  3. We cut the hole with a clerical knife, process the edges. We decorate the box with old newspapers, banknotes printed on the printer, scraps beautiful wallpapers or fabrics. A piggy bank covered with velvet or leather looks very stylish and rich. In the manufacture of this option, it is better to use a special glue.

Piggy bank from an old soft toy.

  • This simple and original model will be a wonderful gift for a teenager. It will remind you of your childhood and help you save money for something your child needs.
  • We take out the filler from the soft toy. We leave it in the head and paws of the animal.
  • We select the basis. It can be a tin or plastic jar with a lid.
  • We make a hole in the lid. We place the base inside the toy.
  • The voids are filled with filler.
  • Sew carefully.
  • We leave a hole in the toy, matching it with a hole in the lid of the jar. We glue the edges of the material or fur from which the toy is made.

wedding present

There are many options for do-it-yourself piggy banks. Special attention deserve those that are given for the wedding. A do-it-yourself piggy bank for a wedding can be made using any technique.

Her main qualities are that she should be elegant and look expensive. For decoration, use natural lace, decorative flowers made of fabric, beads in the form of pearls.

Money box- a special container where you can put money so as not to spend it in the near future. Often this is a closed container with a small hole so that you can put money in it. In most cases, this is just a jar where people put small change from their pockets so as not to rush about with it, and after a while, when the jar is full, please themselves with some kind of gift. There are many ways to make a piggy bank, and today we will talk about some of them.

Before that, we told, now consider other types of piggy banks!

How to make a piggy bank with your own hands?

We have prepared for you the most simple and quick ways, materials for which every home has, it can be a cardboard box, a can or a plastic bottle. The choice is yours. Let's get started!

How to make a piggy bank out of paper?

Very interesting craft, available even little child. Great idea for various lessons and activities for children. Having made a piggy bank, they will have a very good time and receive a useful gift.

In order to make such a piggy bank, print out the following diagram:

In the upper left corner you can see the fold pattern, that's where you need to glue it.

How to make a piggy bank from a bottle?

Unnecessary plastic bottles everyone has. Encourage your child to do original craft, learn something new and acquire a valuable thing.

Let's prepare the materials we need:

Plastic bottle.
. Stationery knife.
. Pink paint.
. corrugated paper pink and black.
. Glue gun.
. Piglet eyes.

1 . We take a bottle and cut it into three parts. Make sure all cuts are neat and even.

2 . We connect the lower and upper parts of the bottle together. You can drop the middle one.

4. Paint the shape pink. It is advisable to use a can. Then we decorate our pig with eyes from black cardboard and cut out a nose, legs and tail from pink materials.