Pattaya parks and farms independent visit. Pattaya Rock Garden - Zoo and Crocodile Farm

Article text updated: 05/30/2019

I continue the story about independent rest in Pattaya. In the first part of the report, I said that after a 10-day trip to the villages of China, my wife and I flew to Thailand to relax by the sea. We swam on the beaches of the nearby island of Koh Larn, which we got on a scheduled ferry for 30 baht. But sunbathing on the beach quickly got boring, the soul demanded spectacles, we went on independent excursions to the sights of Pattaya. And today I will talk about how to go without a travel agency to a park called "The Million Years Stone Park & ​​Pattaya Crocodile Farm".

In the park, tourists can admire ancient boulders with bizarre shapes, walk along the paths between picturesque trees, and feed the animals in the local menagerie. But, by right, the most interesting entertainment is “fishing” for crocodiles, when a chicken carcass is tied to a bait as bait, a crocodile show and feeding huge catfish in a local pond.

I want to note that on vacation I rented a Hoya Pro 1 Digital Circular Polarizer polarizing filter from a friend, which I used in conjunction with a reportage lensNikon 17-55mm f/2.8. As we know, the polarizer removes glare on the water, makes the pale sky and greenery of the trees more saturated when shooting under the sun during off-peak hours, as it removes glare on the foliage. You can see a report on an independent trip to Pattaya in 2010, where the pictures were taken on a soap box and compare them with pictures from a SLRNikonD5100. It is clear that a reflex camera shoots better, the lens is much better, but one more indisputable fact is the beneficial effect of the polarizing filter: sometimes I even had to muffle "Saturation" and "Vibrance" in the photo during processing.

PhotoandreviewaboutexcursionsinThe Million Years Stone Park & ​​Pattaya Crocodile Farm

Throughout the garden - the most beautiful landscape design: cozy lawns, trimmed trees, ancient stones.

I tried to find out why the park has such a name. But neither in the Russian nor in the English segment of the Internet could I find a plausible answer. Some sources claim that the stones were brought to the territory of the Million Years Stone Park from all over Thailand and some of them are more than 100 million years old. They write that orange stones are of organic origin, and gray ones are of mineral origin. But I have no confirmation of this. Looks like a normal marketing from the park owners.

Photo 2. Often, looking at photos from Pattaya, we see a pale sky ... The Hoya Pro 1 Digital Circular Polarizer on the Nikkor 17-55 / 2.8 lens makes the sky bluer, and the foliage and grass juicier. Holidays in Thailand savages. Review of the excursion to the Park of Million Years Stones. 1/200, 9.0, 100, 30.

Photo 3. Ancient stones in the garden of The Million Years Stone Park & ​​Pattaya Crocodile Farm. Self-guided tour report from Pattaya. 1/100, 9.0, 100, 19.

In the middle of the garden is a beautiful lake with a fountain. This is a place where it is difficult to take a picture without tourists.

Photo 4. One of the most beautiful places Fountains in the Million Year Stones Park. Here you can feed the fish. Reviews of excursions in Pattaya during a holiday in Thailand. 1/500, 3.5, 100, 38.

Photo 5. Colleague - Canonist ... 🙂 I'm sure that if she sat down in this place, the angle would turn out better ... Report on a trip to the Million Years Stones Park in Pattaya. Reviews about the rest in Thialanda on your own. 1/640, 3.5, 100, 35.

Of course, as in any botanical garden, many pretty plants, flowers of all kinds are planted in the Million Years Stone Park.

Looking at these palm trees, I remembered our excursion to the Royal Botanical Garden Peradeniya Royal Botanical Gardens in Sri Lanka. Probably, in Pattaya, as well as in Peradeniya, in fifty years there will be a beautiful Alley of Palms with huge coconut trees.

Photo 8. Million Years Stone Park & ​​Pattaya Crocodile Farm. A report on how to get here on your own from Pattaya. Vacation in Thailand.

Tourists who come on an excursion to the Million Years Stone Garden and Crocodile Farm can admire the animals in the local zoo: bears, giraffes, monkeys, elephants and various birds. Everyone here is also photographed with tigers, but, to be honest, it’s a pity for the animals - they are shot with tranquilizers for the fun of people. Well, remember that this can be dangerous: on the net you can find reports from news agencies, as in Phuket and Pattaya such tigers tore apart a tourist.

Photo 10. I'm not afraid of you… Million years stone park & ​​pattaya crocodile farm has not only beautiful landscapes and a crocodile farm, but also a small menagerie. Nikon D5100 camera, Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8G lens. Shooting options: 1/50 sec, 0 eV, aperture priority, f/3.5, 38mm, 100)

Of course, crocodiles will not leave anyone indifferent. Here at The Million Years Stone Park & ​​Pattaya Crocodile Farm there are thousands of them. This is probably the largest crocodile farm in Thailand.

And you thought why I have a telephoto lens in my backpackNikon 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6? Shoot crocodiles from a safe distance!

Photo 13. How to see crocodiles in the park "The million years stone park & ​​pattaya crocodile farm". Thailand travel report. What to do in Pattaya. 1/200, 5.6, 320, 110.

For 100 baht you can buy a chicken and go fishing for ancient reptiles. In 2010, they were quite hungry and "pecked" more actively than now.

Like many places in Thailand, the Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm in Pattaya offers tourists the opportunity to feed and even ride elephants.

By the way, this is what an elephant looks like, photographed almost back to back with a Samyang 14mm f/2.8 wide-angle lens.

Photo 14. Elephants in The Million Years Stone Park & ​​Pattaya Crocodile Farm in Pattaya. Vacation in Thailand on your own. Camera Nikon D5100 + wide Samyang AE 14mm f/2.8. Shooting options: 1/160 sec, A, f/6.3, 14mm, ISO 500.

We fed the elephants, but did not ride - in a report on an independent trip to the Thai province of Krabi in 2010, I told how one of the elephants in our group went berserk and tried to throw off an aunt with two small children, and the one on which my wife and I rode , fell on his side while descending to the river ... We will never ride elephants again in our lives!

In general, judging by the fact that we went to the Million Years Stone Park and the Crocodile Farm for the second time, you understand that we really liked this attraction. If you are looking for reviews of excursions in Pattaya, tips on what to see in the resort and its surroundings, then our recommendation is a must see! Only you need to go there on your own, and not through a travel agency, so as not to turn sour at the next “souvenir factory”, from which the guide receives his percentage.

How to get to Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm on your own

During the first trip to Thailand as savages in 2010, Katya and I were still completely inexperienced independent travelers. We really did not know how to look for information about a particular attraction, how to find transport to get to it.

In November 2010, we left our Mermaid's Beach Resort Jomtien hotel and saw a taxi on the street. The driver announced the price of the trip "Jomtien - Million Years Stone Park" at 400 THB. We didn't know where the farm was and agreed. The taxi driver offered to wait for us at the exit, but we refused, because we didn’t want to feel bound by obligations: “We’d better walk in the park as much as we want, and then we’ll leave somehow.”

The Million Years Stone Garden and Crocodile Farm are located just off the main road Choburi Pattaya Highway. When we left, after walking around the park and seeing enough of the crocodiles, it turned out that the only way to leave was by an official taxi. But the uncle in the Taxi booth flatly refused to bargain: "400 baht and not a single satang less"! But we are not foolish either: we began to offer foreign tourists to travel with them to Pattaya for a small fee. Unfortunately, they were dumb and disagreed.

Then, to our happiness, a group of Russian package tourists came out, lagging behind their group. We made up 100 baht with them and got to the Dolphins Fountain by minivan (see point number 1 on the map of Pattaya and with the tuk-tuk route in the previous part of the report), and there - within easy reach of Jomtien Beach, if you know how to use Pattaya minibuses.

In March 2014, we were already seasoned tourists: we went through fire, water and copper pipes in Mexico, Sri Lanka and on two trips by public transport through the outbacks of China. Therefore, when the taxi driver offered to take us from Jomtien Beach to Million Years Stone Park for 450 baht, they only smiled and wished him a happy day: “Uncle, 150 baht is a lot for a 15-minute trip. At home, we pay that kind of money for travel from one end of Yekaterinburg to the other. So there - the capital of the Middle Urals with prices, as in Moscow. And here you have, with all due respect, a fishing village on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. Uncle did not expect such a justification and agreed to a price of 150 baht ...

Map with driving directions from Jomtien Beach to Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm in Pattaya. Point "1" is a fountain with dolphins, from which the circular tuk tuk route begins. Point "2" - Mini Siam Park (for information). Point 3 is the park. Point 4 - Mermaid's Beach Resort Jomtien in Soi 7 on Jomtien Beach.

We walked for about three hours in the park, watched the Crocodile Show, during which the trainer teases reptiles in every possible way, and at the end he puts his head in the mouth of an alligator.

When they went out into the street, the same guy with the “Taxi” sign ran up, joyfully proclaiming: “Only 400 baht, mister - and any point in Pattaya is at your feet!” We didn't even bargain with him. We walked 300 meters to the large Choburi Pattaya Highway (the path on foot is indicated on the diagram in green), where, having seen us from afar, a tuk tuk was already waiting for us.

- Mister, where can I take you?

- To the roundabout "Dolphins" in Pattaya for 150 baht, please.

— Ha-ha! 450 baht.

— We appreciate your offer, but the fare is no more than 150 baht.

- Thanks. We'll find someone else then.

The next scene then unfolds. Two tourists from Russia are walking along the road under the scorching southern sun. Behind them at a slow speed drags a tuk-tuk from which the driver consistently reduces the fare.

- No, come on for 100 or go in peace ...

Leaves. We approach some hotel or restaurant, near which a motorcycle taxi driver is on duty.

- Comrade, domcha for 300 baht.

- 100, dear!

In general, after a little bargaining, we agree for 150 baht. We sit on a motorcycle from behind and rush along the highway towards Pattaya. To be honest, driving on the autobahn is scary - too dense traffic. On the way, Katya's bandanna is torn off by the wind - it was her god who punished her for too hard bargaining! ..

Upon arrival at the Dolphins, my uncle began to moan that it was a long way to go and I would have to pay 180 baht, but he was sent away with the words: “Business is business. You named your price - we agreed. What else?"

In conclusion, here is the budget for our excursion to the Million Years Stone Park and the Crocodile Farm:

  • Travel from Jomtien beach to the park - 150 baht.
  • Entrance tickets 400*2=800 baht.
  • Fish food - 25 * 2 = 50 baht.
  • Travel from the Crocodile Farm to Pattaya - 150 baht.
  • Water, ice cream - 75 baht.
  • A new baseball cap to replace the lost bandana 😉 - 150 baht.

Once again I urge everyone to go on this excursion to the crocodiles and other attractions in Pattaya on their own! Look at how serenely Katya feeds goldfish by the pond.

Five minutes later, a group of tourists approached with a guide who bought the food himself, fed the fish himself and loudly proclaimed: “Give me 5 minutes. Let's go feed the crocodiles!

Five hundred meters from the intersection with the "Dolphins" is the building of the cabaret "Alcazar-Show" (see point 2 on the map of Pattaya in the previous report on independent recreation in Thailand). We went to the box office to buy tickets for the show the next evening. Photos and videos from the concert will be shown in one of the following reports ...

Every self-respecting tourist will visit Thailand at least once in his life, and not just come for a couple of days to beach holiday, but will approach such a pastime abroad more thoroughly: try Thai cuisine, visit the most unusual places, see or do something incredible, because otherwise, it makes sense to go to Thailand to bring back only memories of the sea, which is also in Turkey , and in Egypt, and in a number of other countries?!

Pattaya is already one of the most popular in Asia, but fashionable hotels, pristine beaches and numerous interesting excursions only add to the number of curious tourists. Having been in Pattaya, and not stopping by a crocodile farm, you can safely admit to yourself that you came to Thailand in vain!

Many travel agencies offer this tour as a free bonus, and tourists, thinking that you can only get something not very impressive for free, often refuse. But this is in vain, the crocodile farm in Pattaya is a wonderful place that combines a mini-zoo, a crocodile show, a thousand-year-old stone park. This is all very unusual for Europeans.

You can also visit the farm on your own: you can walk to it, guided by the map, or take a taxi (just name the place and you will be taken there).

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Crocodile Farm and Ancient Stone Park in Pattaya 12.957673 , 100.941566 Crocodile farm and park of ancient stones

Crocodile farm map

Crocodile Farm Plan:

  1. Checkout
  2. Sale of souvenirs
  3. dwarf trees
  4. Place for a photo
  5. Art object (park of thousand-year-old stones)
  6. Pool with crocodiles
  7. Pool with crocodiles
  8. elephants
  9. deer
  10. crocodile show
  11. Photo shop
  12. Photo with tigers and bears
  13. Two-storey complex
  14. House with swimming crocodiles
  15. Crocodile nursery
  16. mini zoo
  17. Children playground
  18. Restaurant
  19. Banzai park, place for photo
  20. Pond with exotic fish
  21. bird park
  22. Place for a photo

How to get to this beautiful place if you are traveling on your own or your tour operator did not offer you this excursion as a bonus? It's simple - hire a taxi and go. The crocodile farm is so popular with tourists that drivers will take you to it without any problems.

Having decided to visit this place, immediately allocate at least half a day of free time, because there really is something to see here! And it works, by the way, from 8:00 to 18:00.

Feeding crocodiles

Well, where without crocodiles. There are several sites with crocodiles on the territory of the park. On one of them you can even feed chicken to crocodiles, for a fee, of course. Fortunately, crocodiles are well fed here, so they will not fight each other or jump two meters high at the sight of meat. But even without this, the sight of a predator eating prey is quite exciting.

In addition, literally every half hour there are crocodile shows, which are simply breathtaking to watch. Artists practically all their lives learn tricks that are shown for half an hour, and with all this, the risk of being eaten by a crocodile is not excluded. Such people need to be admired and nothing more!

Here you can also buy crocodile skin products as a gift or for yourself: wallets, belts, bags, shoes.

Be sure to walk around the wide surroundings of the farm. The Millennium Stone Park is very well maintained and beautiful, here you will find many places for beautiful photos.

On the farm you can see not only crocodiles but also birds and exotic fish. You can visit the area with elephants, where you will be allowed not only to stroke, but also to sit on an elephant. There is an area with giraffes, bears and tigers. Almost everywhere animals are allowed to feed.

Hungry and a little tired, tourists can relax in a small exotic restaurant and try something that you won’t eat anywhere else: reptile meat and eggs.

Definitely one of the ten best-selling in Pattaya.
Most often, to the Crocodile Farm and to the park of million-year-old stones in Pattaya they bring what is called “to the heap”, as part of the Discovery tour or some other.

Is it worth visiting the Crocodile Farm in Pattaya on your own? What is there, is the show interesting, how much does it cost
entrance to the crocodile farm and other relevant information, in today's article, we read!

Pattaya Crocodile Farm and Million Years Stone Park Admission Price

Unlike the Khao Kheo Zoo or Sheep Farm, the Crocodile Farm is the closest to Pattaya, only 14 km away.

But there are two ways to get to it - by private transport and as part of an excursion. No tuk-tuks, buses, etc.
public transport does not go there.

It's amazing, but I got to the crocodile farm for the first time. Although nothing strange, I do not like crocodiles, and I
put off a trip to the crocodile farm in the longest possible box.

The ticket price for the entrance to the crocodile farm and the million-year-old stone park is 400 baht for adults and 250 for children. Free for small children.

Once is enough for me, I will not go to the crocodile farm again.

The fact is that I have my own pet farms, which I often go to, but the crocodile
was not included in their number, well, it happened.
We all have different tastes, I'm sure the crocodile farm has its fans.

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Despite the name, everything is located in the same area, not far from, just a 15-20 minute drive (if you drive from the city center). The park area covers an area of ​​approximately 29 hectares. This is a relatively young attraction, opened to visitors in 1992, it took about 20 years to create the park.

The rock garden is one of the most beautiful places with wonderful landscape design in Pattaya, comparable, perhaps, with.

Crocodile farm nicely complements the impression of this place. In addition to crocodiles, you can also get acquainted with other animals - there is a mini zoo on the territory, of course, this is not the level of zoos or, but for someone, this may seem enough.

Million Years Stone Garden and Park

A very picturesque and well-groomed park, created in the oriental style, is a great place for a leisurely walk, relaxation and photography. At its core, the park is an open-air museum. On its territory, surrounded by vegetation, lawns and paths, huge stones of volcanic and organic origin are placed. The most bizarre forms, very unusual and varied. An extraordinary collection of stones was put together by an enterprising local businessman.

You can look at these ancient creations of nature for a long time and guess which bird, animal or plant this or that specimen looks like. Here you can see a pretty lake with a waterfall (the local waterfall is the largest artificial waterfall in Thailand), blooming trees, shrubs, chic flower beds with exotic flowers, miniature bonsai trees, fountains and bridges - stones are organically inscribed in every landscape. No less interesting are the petrified tree trunks, whose age is neither more nor less than about a million years.

A walk in the garden promises to deliver the most pleasant emotions and impressions. There are quite a few benches in the park where you can sit, relax and admire the surrounding landscapes. It's really beautiful here. Highly.

On the territory of the park, you can buy food and feed bright carp and giant catfish that live in a picturesque pond. Accustomed to constant attention, fish are not at all afraid of people, willingly make contact, stick out of the water and look at new and new guests. They will gladly taste the delicacy intended for them.

crocodile farm

To say that there are a lot of crocodiles on the farm is to say nothing. There are just an incredible amount of them. In total, about 60 thousand individuals live on the farm - from babies to giants. By the way, this is the largest crocodile farm in Pattaya.

Crocodiles bask in the sun, slowly move from place to place, swim lazily in ponds. You can watch adult reptiles swimming in a huge artificial pond with green water from a fenced bridge specially equipped for tourists. In addition, in separate enclosures you can watch the cubs.

We recommend to participate in feeding - a curious and spectacular attraction, worthy of filming on a video camera. A piece of chicken meat (about half a carcass) is tied to the end of a long bamboo stick, resembling a fishing rod, which is given to a tourist. Stick with meat falls lower and closer. And here the most interesting begins.

Which of the many inhabitants of the farm will get a delicacy? Dozens, hundreds of eyes carefully examine the prey, dozens of crocodile mouths opened wide in impatient expectation. And finally, this moment is interrupted by the sharp sound of the slammed mouth. The lucky one who grabbed the chicken made up his mind. One of the seemingly lazy and clumsy crocodiles deftly jumps out of the water for prey. Some visitors, feeling the excitement, participate in this attraction several times, trying to tease and outwit them for as long as possible, giving the meat not immediately. The price of pleasure is around 100 baht.

On the territory of the farm there is a souvenir shop (and what about without it?), where tourists can buy products made from natural crocodile skin: bags, wallets, belts, suitcases, as well as Thai souvenirs.

Show with crocodiles

A small (about 20-30 minutes), bright performance with the participation of several reptiles and brave Thai tamers. The show takes place in a separate fenced arena. Dexterous and experienced trainers, having traditionally prayed before each performance, treat the participants of the performance rather unceremoniously and in a businesslike way. They drag their tails, kiss their pets, fearlessly put their hands in the mouths of crocodiles. The culmination of the performance is the thrusting of the trainer's head into the wide open mouth.

At the end of the show, for a fee, you can take a picture - hold the cub in your hands or sit on horseback.

Show times: 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:20, 15:30 and 17:00. A visit to the show with crocodiles is included in the price of the entrance ticket and is not paid separately.


In addition to numerous crocodiles, other animals live on the farm. A separate small zoo has been created for them. The enclosures contain: donkeys, deer, horses, ponies, camels, lions, a pair of Bengal tigers, zebras. You can also admire the birds: several varieties of parrots, marabou, peacocks, pelicans and even ostriches.

Elephants also live here, with whom you can get to know and communicate better - feed bananas, which are sold in special shops (50 baht for a bunch of mini-bananas). Give milk to little elephants through a funnel and take pictures for a fee. A photo with an elephant will cost about 100 baht.

For an additional fee (about 50 baht) you can also take pictures with a bear, tiger and monkey. You can feed a small tiger cub with your own hands from a bottle.

exotic food

On the farm, you can not only look at the inhabitants, but also taste the dishes prepared from them. The restaurant located on the territory of the farm offers to taste, for example: reptile eggs, including in the form of scrambled eggs; fried and dried crocodile meat; soups with crocodile meat.

Meat dishes are not cheap and cost 200-500 baht per serving. However, there are still many who want to taste such exotic. Not everyone, you know the day, is given such an opportunity. Those who had a chance to try note its similarity in taste with chicken.

Which is better - a self-guided visit or a guided tour?

Visiting on your own will likely cost a bit more. But you will manage your time solely at your own discretion, no one will push you. In the places you like, you will have the opportunity to stay longer - and in the garden of ancient stones, you will definitely want to take a measured walk, and not run. For tourists who prefer to organize their trips on their own, visiting a crocodile farm will be very easy.

The advantages of an organized tour: brought, taken away, picked up and delivered to the hotel. No need to look for a tuk-tuk, taxi, bargain. It will cost a little less than a solo trip.

Cons: the tour time is limited to two or three hours - it may not be enough for a full walk, there may be a lot of people, everyone needs to be collected and transported.

Excursions to this realm of reptiles are offered at every turn, and some tour operators even give gifts to their tourists. Either way, this is a must visit place. In the Pattaya area, there are several crocodile farms where tourists are taken, we will consider the most interesting and popular one. Its full name "The Million years stone park and Pattaya crocodile farm" or " Million Years Stone Park and Pattaya Crocodile Farm".

What to watch?

The first thing you will see is, of course, a park of bizarre stone sculptures, petrified tree trunks, bonsai trees. The heaviest stone weighs 75 tons! In this part of the park, very beautiful photos are obtained.

On the way to the crocodile show, you will pass through enclosures where you can feed the reptiles. A piece of chicken is tied to the bait, and your task is to make sure that the crocodile does not grab the prey the first time, but fights for it. The clapping of the crocodile's mouth leads to the inevitable squeak of the weak part of humanity. The crocodile farm is a good chance to change your wife... or get rid of your mother-in-law. :)

Salted crocodile, Siamese crocodile and gharial live on the territory of the farm. You will recognize the gharial by its very narrow mouth with sharp teeth. In Thailand, the gharial is found only in zoos and the sale of products made from its skin is prohibited. Gavial is not dangerous for humans, it feeds on fish.

On the territory of the park there is a mini zoo where you can see ostriches, cassowaries, zebras, camels and other animals from all over the world. For a fee, you can take a picture with a white tiger, Bengal tiger, Himalayan bear.

White tiger. Kitty is sleeping.

In the local pond, you will be given the opportunity to feed huge catfish, 2 meters long!

The park also offers elephant trekking and elephant photography. Look for all your photos in frames and plates when you leave the farm.

On the territory of the crocodile farm there is a restaurant where you can taste crocodile dishes. The crocodile tastes like chicken meat and many tourists do not believe that they ate a crocodile, they think they were deceived.

At the entrance there is a souvenir shop selling crocodile-themed souvenirs. The prices there are very high, even taking into account the cheat for tourists, it is recommended to refrain from buying.

History of creation

The Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm was founded by Mr. Suan Phanomwattanakul, a businessman and lover of Thailand's nature and culture.

For 30 years, since his youth, Suan Phanomwattanakul has been collecting natural objects that are valuable because of their rarity or strangeness, such as trees with bizarre shapes, some of them over 200 years old. His collection also includes fossilized tree trunks that are millions of years old. All this splendor, Mr. Suan Phanomwattanakul wanted to show people and had hopes that one day he could build a tourist place for future generations to watch and admire together with his collection of natural wonders.

From 1989 - 1992, Suan Phanomwattanakul devoted himself to the construction of the park, choosing a site near Pattaya. He created the layout of the park entirely from his imagination and experience.

Finally, on February 1, 1992, the park and crocodile farm were opened to tourists and the general public for the first time. Since then, new exhibits and interesting sculptures have been added to the already rich collection.

crocodile show

The crocodile show never leaves you indifferent! A fearless tamer puts his head in the mouth of a crocodile, plays with a dangerous reptile, as with a domestic kitten? What is the secret of the show? To explain How does the crocodile show work? you need to build on some knowledge - crocodiles are not trained and live off their instincts.

Crocodile show video

Neglect of any of these points can lead to tragic consequences for a person. A crocodile can abruptly close its mouth and immediately rotate around its axis, tearing off the part that remains in the mouth...

The most popular question from tourists on this tour is the question: - " Are there crocodiles in Thailand?"You can answer it evasively: - Crocodiles in the wild of Thailand are conditionally preserved. For example, in the Khao Yai National Park, crocodiles are counted, numbered and live almost in freedom.