Temples of different nations. The most famous temples in the world

The Lutheran Church in Reykjavik is the fourth tallest building in Iceland. The project of the church was developed in 1937 by the architect Gudjoun Samuelson. It took 38 years to build the church. The church is located in the center of Reykjavik, and is visible from any part of the city. It has become one of the main attractions of the city, and is also used as a lookout tower. The architecture of temples has a very rich and ambiguous history, which, however, shows that it was with the construction of temples that all architectural innovations, all new styles and trends all over the world began and spread. The majestic places of worship of great civilizations have survived to this day. ancient world. And also there were many modern examples of amazing architecture of religious buildings.

Cathedral of Las Lajas

One of the most visited temples in Colombia. The construction of the temple was completed in 1948. The neo-gothic cathedral was built directly on a 30-meter arched bridge connecting the two sides of a deep gorge. The church is cared for by two Franciscan communities, one Colombian and the other Ecuadorian. Thus, the Cathedral of Las Lajas became the key to peace and union between the two South American peoples.

Notre Dame du Haut

Concrete pilgrimage church, built in 1950-55. in the French city of Ronchamp. The architect Le Corbusier, not being religious, agreed to take on the project on the condition that the Catholic Church would give him complete freedom of creative expression. Initially, the non-standard building caused violent protests from local residents who refused to supply water and electricity to the temple, but by now the tourists who come to see it have become one of the main sources of income for the Ronshans.

Jubilee Church

Or the Church of the Merciful God the Father is a community center in Rome. It was built by architect Richard Meyer between 1996 and 2003 to revitalize the lives of the area's residents. The temple was built of prefabricated concrete on a triangular platform on the border of the city park, surrounded by 10-story residential and public buildings with a population of about 30,000 inhabitants.

St. Basil's Cathedral

The Orthodox church is located on Red Square in Moscow. A well-known monument of Russian architecture and one of the most famous sights of Russia. It was built in 1555-1561 by order of Ivan the Terrible in memory of the victory over the Kazan Khanate. According to legend, the architects of the cathedral were blinded by order of Ivan the Terrible so that they could no longer build a similar temple.

Milan Cathedral

The world-famous fourth largest church in the world is located in the very center of Milan and is its symbol. It is a late Gothic marvel that contains a forest of spiers and sculptures, marble pointed turrets and columns. The white marble cathedral was built over 5 centuries.

Church of the Holy Family

Built on private donations since 1882, the church in Barcelona is Antonio Gaudí's famous project. The unusual appearance of the temple made it one of the main attractions of Barcelona. However, due to the difficulty of manufacturing stone structures, the cathedral will be completed no earlier than 2026.

Church of Paraportiani

The dazzling white church is located on the Greek island of Mykonos. The temple was built in the 15th-17th centuries and consists of five separate churches: four churches are built on the ground, and the fifth is based on these four.

Stave Church in Borgunn

One of the oldest surviving frame churches is located in Norway. metal parts during the construction of the stave church Borgund were not used. And the number of parts that make up the church exceeds 2 thousand. The strong frame of the racks was assembled on the ground and then raised to a vertical position with the help of long poles. The Stave Church in Borgunn was built presumably in 1150-80.

Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Cathedral of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brasilia was built in the modernist style by the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. In 1988 Oscar Niemeyer received the Pritzker Prize for the design of the Cathedral. The building consists of 16 hyperboloid columns, symbolizing hands raised to the sky. The space between the columns is covered with stained-glass windows.

Church of Grundtwig

Lutheran church located in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is one of the most famous churches in the city and a rare example of a religious building built in the style of expressionism. The competition for the design of the future church was won in 1913 by the architect Peder Klint. Construction continued from 1921 to 1926.

Cathedral - Minor Basilica of the Glorious Mother of God

It is the highest Catholic cathedral in Latin America. Its height is 114 m + 10 m cross on top. The shape of the cathedral was created under the impression of Soviet satellites. The initial project of the cathedral was proposed by Don Jaime Luis Coelho, and the architect José Augusto Bellucci designed the cathedral. The cathedral was built between July 1959 and May 1972.

Church of Consolation

Located in the Spanish city of Cordoba. A very young church was designed by the architectural bureau Vicens + Ramos last year according to all the rules of strict minimalist canons. The only deviation from strictly white color is a golden wall in place of the altar.

The cave church, entirely carved into the rocks, is located in the Ethiopian city of Lalibela. The building is a cross 25 by 25 meters and goes underground for the same amount. This miracle was created in the 13th century by order of the king of Lalibela according to legend for 24 years. In total, there are 11 temples in Lalibela completely carved into the rocks and connected by tunnels.

Church of Saint Joseph

The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of St. Joseph in Chicago was built in 1956. Known in the world thanks to 13 golden domes, symbolizing the 12 apostles and Jesus Christ.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Tears

The cathedral in the form of a concrete tent towers over the Italian city of Syracuse. In the middle of the last century, an elderly couple lived on the site of the cathedral, who had a statuette of the Madonna. Once the figurine began to “cry” with human tears, pilgrims from all over the world rushed to the city. In honor of her, a huge cathedral was built, perfectly visible from anywhere in the city.

Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira

The Cathedral of Zipaquira in Colombia is carved into a solid salt rock. A dark tunnel leads to the altar. The height of the cathedral is 23 m, the capacity is over 10 thousand people. Historically, this place was a mine used by the Indians to obtain salt. When the need for this disappeared, a temple appeared on the site of the mine.

United States Air Force Academy Cadets Chapel

It is located in the state of Colorado on the territory of a military camp and a training base of a branch of the US Air Force Pilot Academy. The monumental profile of the building of the chapel is created by seventeen rows of steel frames, ending with peaks at a height of about fifty meters. The building is divided into three levels, and in its halls services are held for the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish denominations.

Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed Monastery

One of the oldest monasteries in Kyiv. It includes the Newly Built St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral, a refectory with the Church of St. John the Evangelist and a bell tower. It is assumed that St. Michael's Cathedral was the first temple with a gilded top, from where this peculiar tradition went in Russia.

Crown of Thorns Chapel

The wooden chapel is located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA. The chapel was built in 1980 by architect E. Fay Jones. There are a total of 425 windows in the light and spacious chapel building.

arctic cathedral

Lutheran church in the Norwegian city of Tromsø. As conceived by the architect, the exterior of the building, consisting of two merging triangular structures covered with aluminum plates, should evoke an association with an iceberg.

Painted Church in the Arbor

Painted temples are the most famous architectural sights of Moldova. Churches are decorated with frescoes both outside and inside. Each of these temples is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Mosque in Tirana

The project of a cultural center in the Albanian capital Tirana, which will include a mosque, an Islamic cultural center and a Museum of Religious Accord. The international competition for the project was won last year by the Danish architectural firm BIG.

Farmers Chapel

A concrete chapel at the edge of a field near the German town of Mechernich was built by local farmers in honor of their patron saint Bruder Claus.

inflatable church

The Dutch philosopher Frank Los came up with the inflatable Transparent Church, which can be built anywhere in the world and under any conditions: at festivals, private parties and other mass events. The inflatable church easily fits in the trunk of a car and, when disassembled, can accommodate about 30 parishioners.

Temples are architectural structures that are designed to perform religious rites and worship. However, it can be said that the significance of temples is often much broader than the ritual functions they perform and the religious ideas they embody.

The first temples of the world appeared in ancient times and not only as religious buildings - they reflected the search for God inherent in man. Throughout human history, they have been an integral part of the landscape of the city, and many of them have become so famous that they have become symbols.

Temples of the Ancient World

The very first temples in ancient Egypt that are known modern science, were built in the fourth millennium BC. They were shaped like thatched huts. The last completed temple is at Philae. It ceased to be used for its intended purpose only in the VI century.


One of the main attractions of Egypt is the heavily ruined Karnak. It is recognized as the largest ancient temple in the world. The building is a creation of many generations of Egyptian builders.

Karnak Temple consists of three buildings - small closed buildings and several external ones, located north of Luxor (2.5 km). It took several thousand years to build and organize the fortification of the majestic temple of Karnak. However, the bulk of the work at Karnak was carried out by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. The most famous structure in Karnak is considered to be the Hypostyle Hall, whose area is 50 thousand square meters. It has 134 massive columns arranged in 16 rows.

Temples of Abu Simbel

Temples of the world sometimes amaze with their unusualness. For example, the temples (double) of Abu Simbel were carved into the slopes of the mountain. This happened during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses the Great in the 13th century BC. e. The temples have become an eternal monument to Ramesses and his queen Nefertari.

Temple of Edfu

Temples of the world were often built and dedicated to the gods. So the temple of Edfu was built in honor of the God Falcon Horus. It is the second largest temple in Egypt after Karnak and one of the best preserved. It began to be built in 237 BC. e. In those days, Ptolemy III was in power. The work was completed two centuries later (in 57 BC). The structure is made up of traditional elements of Egyptian temples, as well as several Greek elements, such as Mammisi (house of birth).

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Orthodox churches of the world were built in different countries. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built on Mount Golgotha, the site of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here he was martyred.

It was founded by the mother of Emperor Constantine, Elena, in 335. Once she found in the underground premises of the temple of Venus, which had previously stood on this site, a cave with the Holy Sepulcher and the Cross on which Jesus was crucified. There is a legend that three absolutely identical crosses were found in the dungeon at once. In order to find out which of them is real, Elena in turn touched them to the Coffin with the body of the deceased. When the real Cross touched him, a miracle happened - the dead man was resurrected.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The most beautiful temples in the world are admired not only by parishioners. The tourists who visit them also admire the beautiful buildings. The majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral is a vivid example of Russian religious architecture. Many experts are sure that this is one of the most beautiful domed structures in the world. It is located in our northern capital. The temple can accommodate up to 12 thousand people at the same time. Previously, people came here for worship, but now it is mostly tourists. The temple received the status of a historical and art museum in 1937.

The diameter of the outer dome of the temple is twenty-five meters. More than a hundred kilograms were spent on covering the central one, as well as the domes on the bell towers. From the colonnade, a hundred meters high, located above the dome, a striking view of the city center and the banks of the Neva opens.

The largest temples

Christian churches of the world differ in architectural styles, interior decoration, the presence of certain shrines. Nevertheless, all of them are priceless monuments of history and architecture.

The most majestic religious building in our country is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located in Moscow. Initially, the temple was built according to the design of Ton. It began to be erected in 1839. Unfortunately, in 1931, the temple, as well as many cathedrals and churches in our country, was destroyed, and it was recreated in 1997.

The height of the temple is 105 meters. The building has the shape of an equilateral cross (width - 85 m). The temple can simultaneously accommodate 10 thousand people. Interior decoration impresses with luxury, which was borrowed from the Byzantine religion (Orthodox).

Saint Paul's Cathedral

Famous temples of the world are places of pilgrimage. This fully applies to St. Peter's Basilica - the largest temple of the Vatican. It is believed that this is the largest temple in the world. Its length is 212 meters, width - 150 m, occupied area - more than 22 thousand m 2. Height with a cross on the dome - 136 meters. The cathedral simultaneously accommodates about 60 thousand people.

The temple was erected in the 16th century by such great masters as Raphael, Michelangelo. The magnificent building has been built for more than five centuries. Previously, there was a circus in this place, in which, in the time of Nero, Christians were tortured and put to a terrible death. He was also brought here and asked to be executed differently from Christ, and he was crucified head down.

Three centuries later, Emperor Constantine ordered the construction of a basilica in honor of St. Peter here, and in 1452, Nicholas V (Pope of Rome) began construction of the cathedral. The temple was under construction for 120 years. In 1667, J. designed the area in front of the cathedral, which accommodates all believers who wish to receive a blessing.

St. Peter's Basilica is the prototype for the creation of many major churches in the world, for example, Dame de la Pe in the city of Yamoussoukro. It was built in 1989. Construction area - 30 thousand square meters. It can accommodate 20 thousand people. In addition, the cathedral served as a model for St. Paul's Church (London). The dimensions of the building are 170 x 90 m. The author of the project is architect Christopher Wren.

Temples of Peace: The Forbidden Mosque

This is the main shrine of the Muslim world. In her courtyard is the Kaaba. The mosque was built in 638. By the Decree of the King of Saudi Arabia, since 2007, the mosque has been reconstructed.

In the course of construction work in the northern direction, the territory increased to 400 thousand square meters. Now the mosque can accommodate 1.12 million worshipers. But two minarets are still under construction. Taking into account the territory, two and a half million people will be able to participate in the ceremonies held here at the same time.

The most beautiful temples

Of course, for true believers, the most beautiful churches are in their cities, where they go to worship. Nevertheless, there are such cathedrals in the world that arouse the admiration of all people on our planet. We will tell you about some of them.

Cathedral of Notre Dame

The location of this cathedral on (Paris) is not accidental. In ancient times there was a pagan temple of Jupiter, then - the first Christian church of Paris (St. Stephen's Basilica). The construction of the cathedral began in 1163. It went on for over two hundred years.

The temple is made mainly in the Gothic style, but the towers differ greatly in their appearance. This is due to the fact that different architects took part in the work.

The cathedral carefully stores one of the most important Christian relics - Christ, who was brought here from Jerusalem. There is no traditional wall painting inside the cathedral. But the huge colored stained-glass windows on the windows illustrate biblical scenes. There is a legend that the famous Emmanuel bell, weighing 13 tons, was cast from women's jewelry.

Sagrada Familia

This cathedral is located in Barcelona (Spain). The construction of the grandiose structure lasted for more than forty years under the supervision and to date it has not been completed.

This is explained by the fact that the initiators of the construction set a condition: the temple should be built only on donations from parishioners. Modern experts believe that construction will be completed in 2026. The temple has the shape of a Latin cross, the facade is decorated with sayings from the Bible.

St. Basil's Cathedral

Fabulous Orthodox church located in Moscow, on Red Square. It is named after Vasily (the holy fool), who dared to express dissatisfaction with the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The temple was called Trinity until the 17th century. It was built in the middle of the 16th century. According to legend, Ivan the Terrible ordered the architect to be blinded so that he would never be able to create something similar in the future. For several centuries, the temple has been a visiting card not only of the capital, but of the whole of Russia. Today it is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Today there is a branch of the historical museum.

The first temples of the world appeared in ancient times and not only as religious buildings - they reflected the search for God inherent in man. I have seen many temples in my travels. What are they different. Their splendor amazes our imagination. And it's hard to pick which one is better. Each temple has its own peculiarity and history. In the temple, we touch something incomprehensible and beautiful, where we want to escape from the mundane, and to know the truth.

) (Salisbury Cathedral) - located in the medieval city of Salisbury, spread out in a lowland between the hills of England. It is located on a huge green meadow, and stretches high up completely built in the Gothic style. The official name of Salisbury Cathedral is the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary. The old cathedral is 800 years old.

The cathedral Or (Ely)- a cathedral in the city of Ely, 24 km northeast of Cambridge (England). Its local name is "ship among the swamps", as its relief form rises above the surrounding flat marshy surroundings.

exists in downtown Bath. This is the Church of Saints Peter and Paul - a magnificent Gothic temple, one of the largest Gothic churches in the west of Britain. It was founded in 676 as a Christian nunnery, a little later it was transformed into a male monastery. It was handed over to members of the monastic order of St. Peter.

collegiate church of St. Peter This is a Gothic church in London. Architecturally, Westminster Abbey has the shape of a Latin cross. Majestic columns are directed skyward. Westminster Abbey was founded in 1065 on the site of old churches by the monk Edward. It was within the walls of the abbey that the main part of the work of translating the Bible into English was carried out.

rises on a hillock at the end of the village, creating an idyll of the English countryside. He flaunted a high pediment against the backdrop of the village. At first glance, the church seems too big for the village, as the building with a clock and a bell tower is of considerable size.

is a whole complex of buildings that are supposed to have been erected on the site of the execution, burial and resurrection of Jesus. This is the most important shrine of Jerusalem, since it is here that Mount Calvary is located, where Jesus Christ was crucified, and the tomb of the Lord.

Saint Nicholas was born in Asia Minor in the 3rd century in the Greek colony of Patara in the Roman province of Lycia. St. Nicholas died on December 6, 343. His body was buried in a sarcophagus from the Roman period, and a church was built to preserve the sarcophagus. The temple was excavated from the ground, as over time, alluvial soil coming from the mouth of the Mira River (Demre) submerged the church building by 4-5 meters.

) the geographical and spiritual "heart" of Paris, located in the eastern part of the Ile de la Cité. This is a Catholic church. There were four different temples on the site of Notre Dame de Paris. The builders used the stones of the destroyed buildings in the foundation of the current building. In this cathedral, Henry VI (the ruler of England, who bore the title "King of France") was crowned in 1422 and Mary Stuart was married to Francis II, and in 1804 Napoleon put on the crown of the Emperor.

In the French city of Strasbourg there is a cathedral called " Pink Angel». Strasbourg Cathedral ranks among the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in Europe. The cathedral is located on the site of a Roman temple at the highest point in the city. The cathedral was built in the so-called "radiant" Gothic style of pink sandstone. From a distance, the cathedral seems very openwork because of the many architectural elements.

was erected on the site of an old building of the Romanesque church, which in 1218 was burned by lightning. The temple was built for several decades, and completed by the end of the 13th century. It is here, in the Amiens Cathedral, that the sacred Christian relic is kept - the Head of John the Baptist, which, it is believed, after the capture of Constantinople in 1204 ended up in Amiens. Actually, it was for her sake that Notre Dame d'Amiens was built.

in the French city of Reims was built mainly in 1211-1311. on the site of a Romanesque church that was destroyed by fire in 1210. Reims Cathedral - Notre Dame translated as: our lady, i.e. virgin. This cathedral is the most important pearl of Gothic art. During the First World War, the city of Reims was captured by the Germans and remained in the war zone for four years.

The cathedral Frauenkirche in translation, the Cathedral of Our Lady is located in Germany. The mighty towers of the Frauenkirche, crowned with oriental domes, are a symbol of the city of Munich and Bavaria for the whole world. The brick church was built in the late Gothic style in the 15th century. And its two towers, 98 and 99 meters high, were completed after 30 years. In the center of the narthex of the temple there is the famous Devil's Footprint.

Germany's oldest cathedral by the time of founding. The temple was founded in 320. by order of Emperor Constantine. Trier Cathedral is 1600 years old! The cathedral is a repository of Christian shrines. The tunic of Jesus is kept in the altar, in the crypt there is a reliquary with the head of St. Helena, and in the sacristy there is a part of the chain with which the Apostle Peter was shackled, a sandal and a nail of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Aachen The cathedral is located in the city of Aachen, in which the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire were crowned for centuries. The Imperial Cathedral in Aachen is a sixteen-sided large stone building made of dense limestone. The oldest and most precious part of the cathedral complex of different eras is the Palace chapel-tomb (796-806) of Charlemagne.

The pearl of Melk (Austria) is Abbey Benedictians. This is a giant baroque building complex on a rocky river bank. The monastery performs two tasks that have arisen in the course of history - teaching and education, on the other hand, parish care for parishioners.

Temple St. Nicholas located in the Italian city of Bari. Temple Nicholas the Wonderworker It looks more like a castle than a church. The building is made in the Novgorod-Pskov style of architecture of the 15th century. The relics of St. Nicholas are kept in this temple.

Italy has a home Holy Mother of God. According to legend, the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine I, St. Helena, while traveling through the Holy places, found in Nazareth the very house where the Virgin Mary grew and was brought up and where the Annunciation took place. Above this house, she ordered to build a church. Later, around it in Loretto (Italy), the "Basilica of the Holy House" was erected.

Turin Cathedral built at the end of the 15th century in the center of Turin. This temple was built to store a historical relic - the Shroud of Turin. The history of the Shroud is complex and eventful. It was studied by criminologists, the court. Honey. Experts, doctors, historians, physicists, chemists and botanists. The age of the Shroud of Turin is from 30 to 100 years BC. At present, the Shroud is exhibited extremely rarely (once every quarter of a century).

St. Peter's Basilica- Catholic Cathedral, the central and largest building of the Vatican, the largest Christian church in the world. The cathedral was built on the site where the Apostle Peter was crucified and buried. The Vatican is the smallest state in the world and it houses all the supreme governing bodies of the Roman Catholic Church, including the residence of the Pope.

On St. Mark's Square in Venice, between the Clock Tower and the Bell Tower, there is Basilica San Marco - Cathedral. The basilica has been a cathedral since 1807. For the relics, a temple-mausoleum was built in 832. Later, during the uprising of the townspeople, the Doge's Palace was burned. The Basilica of San Marco was rebuilt according to the canons of the Byzantine model.

- the cathedral in Florence, and is located in the very center of the city, on the cathedral square. name of the cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore , or Holy Mary with a flower. The cathedral was built by 1436, but later its facade was destroyed. modern facade in the Gothic style, the construction of which lasted from 1871 to 1887. The cathedral was conceived as not only a religious building, but also as a place of public meetings, where the readings of Dante's Divine Comedy took place.

Cathedral of St.
vita- Gothic Catholic Cathedral in Prague Castle. The construction of the temple lasted about 600 years, St. Vitus Cathedral was completed in 1929. The Hussite wars in the 15th century, the fire in the 16th century, the uprisings of the estates in the 17th century, even later, the dome of the main tower was broken due to lightning in it. Czech kings and archbishops of Prague are buried in the cathedral, and the coronation regalia of medieval Bohemia are also kept here.

Acropolis in translation means the upper city in case of war. It is located on a natural limestone cliff 156 m above sea level, with a flat top. Temple Parthenon dedicated to the goddess Athena ancient times The Acropolis was the center of the political and military life of the city .

is one of the most popular attractions in the city. In order to preserve the rocky landscape in the densely built-up part of Helsinki, the brothers architects Suomalainen decided in 1968 to build a church right in the rock. But the population of the city was not ready for such an unusual project. People used to see the church in the traditional way, and protested by drawing signs on the walls.

In Norway, about 28 churches have been preserved, built at the end of the Viking Age using a very ingenious technology. One such church exists in the province of Sogn Fjordane, Norway. The church in Borgund was built presumably in 1150-80. in honor of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, and erected without a single nail.

Since the creation of the world, temples on Earth have been built simply innumerable. Some of them appeared and soon disappeared, as if nothing had happened. Others have been preserved for centuries, albeit not in their original form, but after significant reconstructions. Still others were created relatively recently, but have already managed to fall in love with many believers and tourists. What temples of the world today are considered the most beautiful, read further in the article.

Sacré-Coeur Basilica (Paris, France)

The Catholic Basilica of Sacré Coeur is one of the most beautiful temples in the world. It is located on top of the Montmartre hill in Paris. It was created in 1875-1914. designed by architect Paul Abadi in honor of the victims of the Franco-Prussian war. Outside, it resembles a majestic castle with turrets. The inside is decorated with monumental mosaics and colored stained-glass windows. Interestingly, it is here that the bell weighing 19 tons, which is considered the largest in France, is located. The weight of his tongue is 850 kg. And also in the basilica there is a statue of St. Peter. It is believed that if you stroke her leg, the believer will definitely return to Paris again.

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Kizhi, Russia)

One of the octagonal Christian churches of the world was built in 1714 on the site of a tent church that burned down in 1694. It has been renovated and rebuilt more than once. It was ranked among the main architectural monuments of Russia. Today it is protected by UNESCO. This church is notable for the fact that it was created from planks without a single nail and has 22 domes. The famous iconostasis was removed back in 1980 "in order to strengthen the walls with metal materials." It has not been restored so far, it exists only in a virtual reconstruction. Services here are held exclusively in summer, in winter the church is closed, as it is very cold inside.

Lutheran Arctic Cathedral (Tromso, Norway)

This parish church is one of the main attractions of the city of Tromsø. It was built in 1964-1965. Consecrated by Bishop Montrard Norverdal. In my own way appearance supposed to resemble an iceberg, but is said to look more like Haja Island in the region. The inside is decorated with a stained glass window created by Victor Sparre. The painting depicts the hand of God with three rays emanating from it, which are directed at the figure of Jesus Christ and the people standing next to him. The decor of the church is also made up of wooden benches, an altar and a pulpit. Everything here is very strict and elegant at the same time.

Cologne Cathedral (Germany)

This is one of the oldest temples in the world. Built and rebuilt over several centuries - approximately from 1248 to 1880, reconstructed countless times. Today it is ranked among the tallest buildings on planet Earth. Its main "treasures" are: the chest of St. Engelbert with the relics of the archbishop, staff of St. Petra and his monstrance, a chest with the relics of the three Magi, a Gothic ceremonial cross, silver goblets and exhibits of the 20th century, numerous statues. As well as a carved image of the Milan Madonna, considered miraculous and revered by believers.

St. Peter's Basilica (Vatican)

This Catholic Cathedral is one of the largest churches in the world. It was built and restored over many centuries, starting from 326. Over its creation, among other things, worked so famous people like Giovanni Bernini, Michelangelo, Donato Bramante and Raphael. Today, the temple can accommodate about 60 thousand inside and up to 400 thousand people outside (in the square). Very popular with tourists and believers. People come here to see the "Gate of Death" (a relief sculpture created by Giacomo Manza), various tombstones of saints, the marble "Pieta" by Michelangelo and other interesting objects and works of art.

Church of Panagia Paraportiani (Greece)

The Church of Panagia Paraportiani (Greek: Εκκλησία της Παναγίας της Παραπορτιανής), whose name translates as "The Virgin at the Gates", is located in the vicinity of Kastro, in the city of Chora, on the Greek island of Mykonos. Construction of the building began in 1425 and has not been completed to this day. Today, the temple consists of 5 separate churches, interconnected: 4 churches dedicated to St. Eustathius, St. Soson, Anargyra and St. Anastasia are at ground level and form the basis of the fifth, which is located above them (almost on the roof). Today, the basilica is considered one of the most famous architectural structures in Greece.

Las Lajas (Colombia)

This is one of the most beautiful temples peace. Built in 1916-1948. right on the bridge in the canyon of the Guaitara river. Its reflection falls on the mirror surface of the water and is reflected from it, so Las Lajas seems to be very high. It is interesting that not far from the temple there is a cave with a miraculous image of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms carved on its wall. It is believed that this image has miraculous powers. Allegedly, a wide variety of diseases are cured here: from a simple sore throat to drug addiction or alcoholism. You can judge this by the thousands of stone tablets with thanks lying near the cathedral.

Crystal Cathedral (California, USA)

The Protestant megachurch, located in the city of Garden Grove, consists of more than 10 thousand rectangular mirror blocks and is considered the largest building of glass in the world. Incredibly beautiful inside and out. Can accommodate up to 2900 people. They can follow the service on the Sony Jumbotron monitor located in the temple. Interestingly, it was from here that Pastor Robert Schuller broadcast his "Hour of Power" program, which was considered one of the most popular Christian programs in the world in the 60s of the last century. The temple was sold in 2011 for $57.5 million to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (Italy)

This famous temple of the world, located in the historical part of Milan and considered its symbol, is the fifth largest church in the world. Built of white marble in the Flamboyant Gothic style. It is second in size only to St. Peter's Basilica, located in the Vatican. It contains many different sculptures (3400 pieces), spiers, turrets. The most important sights: a nail, which, according to legend, was used for the crucifixion of Christ; a gilded statue of the patroness of the city - the Virgin Mary (La Madonina); Mausoleum of Gian Giacomo Medici Quadroni of Saint Carlo Borromeo. As well as various works of art.

Wat Rong Khun (Thailand)

The Buddhist temple was built in 1997 by Thai millionaire artist Chalermchai Kositpipat in several styles at once. It is remarkable that it is made mainly of white material. It was badly damaged on May 5, 2014 as a result of an earthquake. Currently being actively restored, so the entrance to it is prohibited. The temple will open soon. According to plans, all work will be fully completed only by 2070. This is because it is carried out with money received from the sale of souvenirs or received as a donation from individuals and tourists. The Thai government does not subsidize the reconstruction of the temple.

Sheikh Zayed Mosque (UAE)

This is the sixth largest mosque in the world. Located in Abu Dhabi (capital of the UAE). It was built over 20 years from Macedonian marble on an area of ​​22,400 square meters. meters. Officially opened in 2007. It can be visited not only by Buddhists, but also by representatives of other faiths (subject to certain rules). Main attractions: carpet area of ​​5627 square meters. meters (the largest in the world) and chandeliers decorated with gold leaf and Australian Swarovski crystals. One of these ceiling products is still the largest of those installed in mosques around the world.

Blue Mosque (Istanbul, Turkey)

One of the most famous and important buildings in the capital of Thailand - Istanbul. Located near Hagia Sophia. The official name of the mosque is Sultanahmet. It has 6 minarets, four of which are equipped with three balconies, and two more with two. Inside is decorated with floral motifs, carpets, ornaments of various colors. It contains a mihrab (prayer niche made of solid marble) and a Sultan's bed. Can accommodate up to 10 thousand people. Next to this mosque is the burial place of Ahmed the First, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who lived at the beginning of the 17th century. You can visit the attraction on any day.

Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)

Expiatory Temple of the Sagrada Familia - this is the name of this church, located in Barcelona, ordinary people. It was created between 1882 and 1926 with donations from private individuals and designed by Antonio Gaudí. Not fully completed yet. The work is delayed by a lack of funding and the complexity of the production and erection of stone blocks. However, incompleteness does not affect the interest of tourists in this attraction, reminiscent of a sand castle. People love its unusual look and decoration. They are ready to come here every year just to admire this beauty.

Stave Church in Borgunn (Norway)

One of the ancient frame churches. Erected from ash in honor of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called around 1150-80s. Distinctive feature is the presence of sculptural images of dragons located on the ridges of the roof. Near the handles on the door, you can see runic amulets, which may have been carved to protect against enemies. Also interesting are the burials of soldiers buried in the period from 1177 to 1184. Today the temple belongs to the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments. Tourists come here with pleasure.

Sainte Chapelle (France)

The Holy Chapel, located on the island of Conciergerie, was erected by decree of St. Louis in 1242-48 to store sacred relics brought by the crusaders from the sacked Constantinople. It is considered one of the most beautiful small Gothic churches. The most interesting items that are stored here are: statues of the apostles and stained glass windows created back in the 13th century.

Previously, there were the "Crown of Thorns from the head of Jesus Christ", particles of the Lord's cross and the spear of Longinus, but after the French Revolution they were moved to other places. Today, restoration work is being carried out in the temple, but this does not affect the popularity of the attraction among tourists. They come here to admire the beauty of the majestic vaults and the illustrations of scenes from the New and Old Testament.

As a conclusion

These are the most famous and truly majestic temples in the world. But can they be considered the most beautiful? Perhaps not quite. After all, for everyone, especially for a Russian person, the church that is located in their small homeland is always nicer, dearer and more beautiful. It's like with your parents' house: you can have many different dwellings scattered all over the country or even the world, including very richly furnished ones, but it will be drawn to where you grew up and matured.