Research project "Talent living among us". My countrymen are talented people Talented people doc

The stated topic sounds extremely relevant. In all strategic documents of the federal level in recent years, the support of a "talented child" is proclaimed a priority state task. Simultaneously with the implementation of the standard general education a system should be built to find and support talented children, as well as to accompany them throughout the entire period of personality formation. Let's think about the hidden meaning of the poetic line that I have taken as an epigraph. Behind the poetic metaphor is the eternal mystery of being - the birth of a new life. A life that can go unnoticed, or, conversely, leave a bright mark in the memory of descendants. Indeed, who can say for sure at the cradle of an infant how he will manifest himself in the future? One thing is certain: a person sleeping in a serene sleep is fraught with enormous potentialities. But whether they will be in demand and realized depends on me - the first teacher of my inquisitive kids.

150.000₽ prize fund 11 documents of honor Evidence of publication in the media

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Russian physicist and engineer, member of the Royal Society of London (1929), member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), Hero Socialist Labor(1945, 1974). Proceedings on the physics of magnetic phenomena, physics and technology low temperatures, quantum physics condensed state, electronics and plasma physics. In 1922-1924 he developed a pulse method for creating superstrong magnetic fields. In 1934 he invented and built a machine for the adiabatic cooling of helium. In 1937 he discovered the superfluidity of liquid helium. In 1939 gave a new method of liquefying air using a cycle low pressure and a highly efficient turboexpander. Nobel Prize(1978). USSR State Prize (1941, 1943). Gold medal to them. Lomonosov Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1959). Medals of Faraday (England, 1943), Franklin (USA, 1944), Niels Bohr (Denmark, 1965), Rutherford (England, 1966), Kamerling-Onnes (Netherlands, 1968). Russian physicist and engineer, member of the Royal Society of London (1929), member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945, 1974). Proceedings on the physics of magnetic phenomena, physics and technology of low temperatures, quantum physics of the condensed state, electronics and plasma physics. In 1922-1924 he developed a pulse method for creating superstrong magnetic fields. In 1934 he invented and built a machine for the adiabatic cooling of helium. In 1937 he discovered the superfluidity of liquid helium. In 1939 he gave a new method of liquefying air using a low pressure cycle and a high efficiency turboexpander. Nobel Prize (1978). USSR State Prize (1941, 1943). Gold medal to them. Lomonosov Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1959). Medals of Faraday (England, 1943), Franklin (USA, 1944), Niels Bohr (Denmark, 1965), Rutherford (England, 1966), Kamerling-Onnes (Netherlands, 1968). (Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa.)

He owns the discovery of the electric arc, a number of studies on electrical conductivity solids, liquids and gases, as well as the electrification of bodies. He discovered the dependence of the current strength on the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor, designed original instruments for studying the electric discharge in gases. He owns the discovery of the electric arc, a number of studies on the electrical conductivity of solids, liquids and gases, as well as the electrification of bodies. He discovered the dependence of the current strength on the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor, designed original instruments for studying the electric discharge in gases. (Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov.)

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The following message was published about the discovery of this scientist: “The professor of physics at Moscow University informs the public about the results of his first research related to the pressure of light ... The scientist managed to create a device with which it can be measured, and the result of the first experiments is consistent with the prediction of the theory ... ". The following message was published about the discovery of this scientist: “The professor of physics at Moscow University informs the public about the results of his first research related to the pressure of light ... The scientist managed to create a device with which it can be measured, and the result of the first experiments is consistent with the prediction of the theory ... ". (Pyotr Nikolaevich Lebedev.)

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talented person talented in everything

After receiving the assignment, interview interesting person I immediately thought of my grandfather, because I consider him a bright, interesting and outstanding personality. My grandfather - a participant in the Second World War, flew an IL-2 attack aircraft, has many military awards, an honorary member of the VOI. After the war, he was educated as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. He devoted fifty years to his favorite work, is an excellent student of public education. Since childhood, he began to write poetry, this passion remained with him for life, became the laureate of numerous poetry competitions, the laureate of the All-Russian Festival of Disabled Creativity (author's song). Grandfather is the author of two collections of poems. I had a lot of questions for him.

Why did you, grandfather, choose the profession of a teacher? Why is she dear to you?

That's what, granddaughter, I will answer your questions, and mine will help me

poetry. So it is possible?



The teacher is an idol for children's souls,

Crystal clear glass,

Through him children the whole world

Must be taken ideal:

Good prevails over evil

Dignity top - mind inquisitiveness.

That a man is glorious is labor.

And justice prevails.

The choice of the profession of a teacher of Russian language and literature is not accidental. Love to

Have you ever doubted the right choice of profession?

I was convinced of the correctness of the choice when I had an internship in literature, taught a lesson in the 5th grade, studied Turgenev's Mu-mu. All the children were crying. I realized that I made the right choice.

Grandpa, did you enjoy going to work?

Yes. The work of a teacher is difficult and responsible. I enjoyed interacting with students. I felt that they love me, and this is the main thing.

Maybe that's why I worked so long.

Who devoted his life to a great cause -

Motherland to raise a generation

He knows the secret of renewal of strength,

And where is he - the source of inspiration.

Smiles of children, for a moment,

They look like red poppies.

I come to them as in spring, as in a flower garden

And I'm getting younger.

And in order to teach well, you need to know a lot yourself. In any case, more than the school curriculum covers.

Grandpa, what achievements did you have in your work?

I was given the title and awarded the badge "Excellent worker of public education." I conducted open lessons for city teachers.

And what do you consider the main thing in your profession? - For a teacher, it is important not only that the students learn the school curriculum, but also how they grow up, their upbringing, their love for their homeland. It is very important.

I know the horrors of war

Burning snow, fighting excitement.

We followed the call of the Country

In his first fight from the school desk.

How easy it is for me to understand now

I'm in a terrible battle - the winner,

To defend Russia

What role did the teacher play?

Keep the purity of the soul

There is no more important thing in the world,

Who will our babies be?

We are responsible to the Motherland!

Grandpa, where did you get your degree?

After serving in the army, I stayed in Grozny, where I served in recent years. He graduated from the Pedagogical Institute, received the specialty of a teacher of the Russian language and literature of grades 5-10.

What words would you like to say to novice teachers?

Bow your heads, people of the earth,

The wind is fair, inflate the sails.

A new teacher is on the way

To kindle young hearts.

Hello youth! Fire, hold on!

Do not tarnish, as in raw silver.

Stubbornly pour into children's souls

I thirst for knowledge and faith in goodness!

Grandfather, what do you say to teachers who have given school for many years?

I wish them one thing:

So that children, they are scientists,

Seeing them, they bowed at the waist.

Thank you, grandfather, for the interview.

Solovyov Nikita MBOU Astrakhan "Gymnasium No. 2"

Municipal educational institution "Sharapovskaya secondary school"
Scientific-practical conference "Future Researchers"
"People of the land of Shatkovsky"
My countrymen are talented people
Participant: Arkhipova Olga Vladimirovna
Municipal educational institution
"Sharapovskaya secondary school", grade 9
Shatkovsky district
Head: Solovieva Tamara Alexandrovna,
history teacher, MOU "Sharapovskaya secondary school"
60704 Nizhny Novgorod region
Shatkovsky district, with. Sharapovo,
st. Central, house 24
E-mail: tel.: 8 930 711 25 11
With. Sharapovo
1.Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
Goals and objectives of the work, justification of the relevance of the study………………………………………………….. 3
Description of the object, subject of research………………4
2. The main part.
2.1. Poetess of the native land………………………………………… 5
2.2. Folk craftsman ……………………………………………..12
3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………15
4. List of literature used…………………………………16
5. Appendix………………………………………………………....17

Day by day remembering
I see my father's land.
And it burns without cooling down
Dawn is my homeland.
("Everything is calling the native land")
N. Mirskova
Goal of the work:
Development of interest in employment and hobbies of local fellow countrymen in the process of getting to know their work
Research objectives:
Get to know the life and work of local fellow countrymen;
arouse interest in the personality and creativity of fellow countrymen;
to form a feeling of love for the native land;
get acquainted with the main directions of creativity of fellow countrymen.
Our native land is beautiful, its rural landscapes are indescribably good. Its bowels are rich, the soil is generous, people are industrious.
To cultivate in a person love for his native land, its glorious past and present means to cultivate a patriotic feeling in him. It is well known that the Motherland begins with those dear places where we were born, where we first learned the taste of bread and the smell of flowers, where we first heard the sounds of a thunderstorm, learned love, heard songs. On the whole earth, this place is the most precious for a person. And the more a person passes through the earth, the more dear he is to nature, and songs, and people, and all the signs of his native land.
In our difficult age, we need to learn to love our land, admire the beauty of fields and forests, the generosity of nature, the people living in the neighborhood, our small homeland, and continue the traditions of our ancestors.
I learned that there are many talented people who glorify my native land. Among them, the poetess N.M. Mirskov. In recent years, she has lived in Nizhny Novgorod, but never forgot her small homeland, she came very often. And this is Eremin V.F., a folk craftsman from the village of Kalinovka
A lot can be said about these talented people.
Object and subject of research
object research work is the work of the poetess of the Shatkovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the creative work of a folk craftsman-countryman.
The subject of the research are monographs devoted to the work of the poetess, biographical information and poems by N. Mirskova, newspaper clippings with articles about a talented fellow countryman, photographs, diplomas, paintings, wood crafts by V.F. Eremin.
Main part.
2.1. Poetess of the native land
Literature is a full-flowing, mighty and eternal river. It flows, absorbing the waters of other large and small rivers, rivulets, streams. It has the property of self-cleaning, in which time helps it. True, sometimes it can become shallow, the current becomes slower, and the water becomes muddier, but some time passes - and again bright rains and hidden springs replenish it with new life-giving forces. The river enters its former course, and even splashes over the banks, spreading in breadth, gaining depth ...
There are two types of poetry - the poetry of discovery and the poetry of recognition. The second, when, while reading poetry, you catch yourself thinking that you thought and felt like that, but expressed everything, including your innermost, - a poetess. This poetess can be called Nina Mikhailovna Mirskova. The origins of such poetry are in oral folk art, and its spokesmen are the great Pushkin, the people's Yesenin, the great Russian poets Tvardovsky and Isakovsky ... Mirskova's gift is more modest, but without such streams - talents there would be no full-flowing inexhaustible river - Russian poetry.
Mirskova Nina Mikhailovna was born in 1949 on October 10 in the village of Bolshiye Pecherki, Shatkovsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region, into a large peasant family. By profession - an economist. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Twice nominee for the international award "Philanthropist". Diploma winner of the All-Russian festival "I find joy in friends." Multiple winner of the regional competition "Overcoming" in the nomination "Golden Line".
Member of the third regional literary expedition "Live, Spring". Author of the collections "Meadow Wreath" and "Father's Light".
The poems of the poetess have always been loved by listeners of the regional and Russian radio.
Published in collective collections of Shatkovo poets, in the newspapers "Rural Life", "Nizhny Novgorod Truth", "City and Citizens", "Light of Orthodoxy", "Hello, People", "Nizhny Novgorod Disabled", "Kanavinskoye Slovo", "New Way" .
Nina Mikhailovna attended school evenings of meetings with local poets and shared her experience.
The poetess sings of the beauty of her nature, reflects on life, dedicates poems to fellow countrymen. Sometimes it seems that it was through her mouth that Russia itself spoke - Rus' about sorrows and joys, female love, difficult moments in Russian history, about courageous people - their exploits and overcoming adversity, about the spirituality of the Russian people. Reading her poems, I admire the artistic merits of her creations, the simplicity and accuracy of conveying the most intimate feelings that are understandable to a person who truly loves his native land.
Beauty of the Motherland, father's house
They warm my soul
And the sound of a birch under the window
Nice to hear...
("Leaf fall")
I was born in Bolshie Pecherki,
We have a beautiful village.
It is the most beautiful of all, do not argue,
I just got lucky...
("I was born in Bolshiye Pecherki")
The house of the Mirskov family in Bolshiye Pecherki stands next to the church. Earlier the day before Orthodox holidays pilgrims from the surrounding villages stayed there to spend the night, and in the morning they went on a pilgrimage. This common people had crystal clear Russian speech. Usually in the evenings they poured in an inexhaustible stream folk tales, epics, poems, and whole poems. Rhymes, sayings, and proverbs fell like peas. This folk wisdom became a good school for Nina Mirskova (she began to write from the age of 5). Indeed, in her poems one can hear the sound of a pure spring of the folk epic.
Her poems are read by residents not only of Nizhny Novgorod, but also of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Nina Mirskova is not just talented, she is a poetess from God ... It is a pity that she was no longer with us (she passed away in 2014)
Diverse, as well as the form of poems, their subject matter.
Love for Russia, her native land is the fundamental theme of her work. Nina Mikhailovna is grateful to fate for this holy feeling, which inspires her and gives her strength.
Loving Russia selflessly,
Like a father's light and father's house,
A verse in a fit of unrequited
We sing passionate hymns to her.
("Add line by line")
Born to the glory of bread!
The nurse-rye is earing.
Golden wheat wall -
You are sweet to everyone, fatherland, and good!
("Bread for glory!")
What wonderful lines! How much love they have for Russia, for their native land!
There are in the poems of the compatriot poetess a lot of lines-confessions of love for Shatkas.
Under the hill near Tyoshi - rivers
The village of Shatki warmed up -
A piece of my homeland
Among the white birches and fields.
("At Tesha - rivers")
Nina Mirskova never forgot her fellow villagers and dedicated her poems to them.
For example, as a wonderful person and "the first harmonist in the village" she wrote about her neighbor - Zubanov V.M.,
Oh, harmonica, harmonica!
The voice of the Russian village!
Come on with the song on the way - the track,
Something life is not fun.
Harmonist - honor and glory!
How to play - well done!
Fry, brother, for the whole country
From end to end!
("Oh, harmonica, harmonica!")
The military theme permeates the work of Mirskova. She dedicated many poems to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Let's remember the powder days,
Those who laid down their heads - doubly.
The defenders of Russia are coming.
Living memory of the war.
("Let's remember the powder days")
There are many poems about love, "which ... is like a miracle", about the sacrament, about its essence, about one's own destiny. The word "love" is associated with the idea of ​​the earthly, sensual.
Forever young new
Love rules the world
Like the movement of heavenly bodies.
The rhythm of the beating heart
Keeps the Creator in secret
So that everyone drinks their cup.
("Love rules the world")
Getting acquainted with the lyrics of the poetess, I am more and more immersed in her inner world, I understand her aspirations, which sometimes excite me and readers so much.
The screen is broadcasting to us in the morning
Only star war
Evil robot kills
Without hesitation, the whole country ...
No singers, no musicians
Electronic buckshot.
Where are the Russian talents
Where is my native language?
("We're like Martians now")
To become a man
Be successful in everything
Know your Russian on "five",
After all, he is the dearest of all.
The author of these lines never left the anxiety for the future of the country, especially for the pure Russian speech, which was so carefully preserved, will be kept by the natives of the Nizhny Novgorod region, such as, for example, A.M. Gorky, A.P. Gaidar.
The poetess is interested in everything that deserves the attention of a poetry lover. In her poems - native nature, work, the fate of fellow countrymen, war and peace, excursions into the distant past.
A remarkable feature of the work of Nina Mikhailovna Mirskova is the ability to look at the world around her through the eyes of a child and perceive everything that happens with her soul and heart. A trait rare, but so necessary for a creative person. Hence the purity and warmth of poetry, the clarity of expression of thought, that simplicity that makes poetry natural, like the air we breathe, like the sky and the sun, which we look at every day and cannot get enough of.
Main distinguishing feature her poems are musical. Songs were written to the verses of "Pecherka", "You, burn ...", "Lampada" in the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory. Many poems by Nina Mirskova can become songs: “Sing, accordion!”, “I want to bow to fate”, “The sun has burned out”, “At the Tesha River” and others - you just want to sing them, these lines are so musical!
Together with the poetess, I want to sing about our beloved land, because our Russia is made up of such small corners. I am sure that love for my native land, Motherland, nature will grow stronger over the years, will become the ideological core that will determine my future position in life.
2.2. folk craftsman
History is made by people. Creators and creators, enemies and destroyers, alone and “together together”. There are those who, unlike many, are endowed with a unique gift given to them from above. They live next to us, walk along the same paths as we do, listen to the same music, admire, like us, the surrounding nature. Only the world around is seen a little differently - brighter and more expressive. It is gratifying that one of these unusual craftsmen lives next to me.
This talented person Eremin Vasily Filippovich.
Self-taught, he mastered musical notation, learned to play many musical instruments, learned the technique of artistic mastery, draws pictures, carves wood and makes crafts from natural materials.
Creative hobbies became his life's work, his work.
Eremin Vasily Filippovich was born on December 24, 1934 in the village of Bolshie Pecherki in a poor peasant family. Due to lack of food, only four elementary grades were completed. From an early age, like all simple village boys, he learned peasant labor. But he was always distinguished by perseverance, accuracy, diligence. Any work tried to do well
Admiring and enjoying the surrounding landscape, Vasily Filippovich once took up a brush and began to pour out his soul on the canvas, bringing out each petal, trying to reflect all the richness of his native land, its beauty. Painting oil paintings became one of his life's hobbies.
There are biblical scenes in his paintings. There are several icons created by him in our church. Imagine how great it is: there will be no man, and people will pray for his paintings-icons!
He decorates the frames in the paintings with patterns carved from wood. Many managed to purchase figured tables and stools, benches, spinning wheels and candlesticks, flower stands and all sorts of whistle toys made by him.
Eremin V.F. with pleasure demonstrates at exhibitions both in our and neighboring regions, as well as in Nizhny Novgorod, Lukoyanov, Arzamas, on Bor.
Many of his works have received awards and diplomas. He is a laureate of the regional competition of artists. Twice took part in the filming of the TV show "Play, accordion." Y. Solovyov - the author of the Nizhny Novgorod TV show "A harmonica rings in the soul" - was with him with filming in Kalinovka.
Now Vasily Filippovich is retired, but he never sits idle.
He is fond of fishing at the local pond or goes to the river Pyana.
Takes care of bees. Assuring that "honey is the most useful product to maintain health”, treats guests with pleasure.
Continues to draw pictures, cut out of wood.
This is how he is, my countryman: a simple and at the same time a man whose memory I would like to preserve for those who come after us. Because it is with people like Vasily Filippovich that the history of a small homeland begins ...
Research results:
1. Enriched myself with interesting information about local talented countrymen.
2. The studied material can be used in literature lessons, extracurricular activities.
3. Presentation on the topic will be published on the Internet site.
To see the beauty of our native land, Motherland, nature, to get to know our fellow countrymen better, to hear the songs that have preserved the way of life and customs of our people, we need to come into contact with the work of fellow countrymen poets, craftsmen who will make us look at familiar things with completely different eyes.
We must know that next to us, with you, people walk on the same earth, endowed with sparks of talent, literary ability, people who are trying to brighten up our current existence to the best of their ability. Are they prophets or seers? - it's not that important. But they are. And our soul, our culture, our beauty, our earthly existence are based on this.
Literature1.N.M Mirskova. Collection of poems "Meadow flower". - N.N.: 2002.
2. N.M. Mirskova. Collection of poems "Father's Light". - N.N.: 2006.
3. Collection of poems by local, Shatkovsky, poets "Test by time". - A .: CJSC "Arzamaskomplektavtomatika", 2004.
4. Collection of poems by Shatkov poets. - A .: JSC "Arzamas Printing House", 2010.
5. Clippings from local newspapers Novy Put, Selskaya Zhizn, Nizhegorodskaya Pravda, Nizhny Novgorod Invalid, Kanavinskoye Slovo, Svet Pravoslaviya, etc.

Catalog on the main theme of the works of N. Mirskova
Mirskova N. The Motherland is dearest to us.
Mirskova N. There, beyond the Volga, I know wonderful places.
Mirskova N. My native birch trees are not boring to me.
Mirskova N. I look at Rus' with reverence.
Mirskova N. How generous you are, dear land.
Mirskova N. Happy Anniversary, Shatkovsky District!
Mirskova N. Everything is calling the native land.
Mirskova N. Sovereign, holy Rus' ...
Mirskova N. Native land!
Mirskova N. Adding line by line.
Mirskova N. I will get up in the morning early - early.
Mirskova N. Shatki.
Mirskova N. At Tesha - rivers.
Mirskova N. Listopad.
Mirskova N. I don't live in my father's house.
Mirskova N. I was born in Bolshiye Pecherki.
Mirskova N. You burn.
Mirskova N. We are now like Martians.
Mirskova N. Time to build a new house.
Mirskova N. Zhuravushka.
Mirskova N. Love rules the world.
Mirskova N. All ages are submissive to love.
Mirskova N. Love is like a miracle.
Mirskova N. We experienced a lot of grief.
Mirskova N. Quiet dusk floats over the river.
Mirskova N. Ah, white chamomile.
Mirskova N. Love while you love.
Mirskova N. Quail.
Mirskova N. Enjoying the power, winter ...
Mirskova N. The sun shines in the clear sky.
Mirskova N. I'll be back.
Mirskova N. Companion.
Mirskova N. Oh, a cold wind is blowing.
Mirskova N. Shining with the holiness of desires.
Mirskova N. Let's remember the powder days.
Mirskova N. The battalion froze in the ranks.
Mirskova N. Everything for victory.
Mirskova N. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
Mirskov N. Warrior - the winner.
Mirskova N. Mother's heart.
Mirskova N. Russian soul.
Mirskova N. Return.
Mirskova N. Rye is ripening.
Mirskova N. Assistant combine operator.
Mirskova N. Merciful Rus' is simple.
Mirskova N. Play more fun, accordion!
Mirskova N. Oh, accordion, accordion!
Mirskova N. Cranes.
Mirskova N. Russian soul.
Mirskova N. Dawn.

Photo 1. N.M Mirskova.

Photo 2. Collections of poems by N.M Mirskova.

Photo 3. Publications of N.M Mirskova in newspapers.

Photo 6. Eremin Vasily Filippovich.

Painting "My Kalinovka" Painting "Native Pecherki"
Photo 7-8. Paintings by V.F. Eremin.

Speaking on this subject, I would like to begin with a few statements I heard about talent. I read that talent is the ability to feel the truth. One article says that it is necessary to give way to talented people - the talented will teach both the poor and the stupid. The third statement is that a person is not the master of his talent, but only his conductor. I think that this is true, because talent knows more than the one to whom it is given. With these words that I heard in the program about Pushkin, I completely agree. On my own behalf, I want to add that there is no person who would understand everything in the world, there are gaps in the minds of everyone, and a talented person is no exception. Therefore, his own talent is often the best adviser and source of information for him. If he doesn't know something, let him ask his talent.
We know one talented person. An excellent physicist, he invented the automatic electrocardiograph. Once, under the influence of an influx of pessimism that gripped him, he said that no one needed talented people. This can be answered: if there were no talented people, a person would sit in a cave and would not get out of it. Without them there would be no science, no art, no literature.
One young woman who worked with me liked to act as a psychologist. And she succeeded in this: shrewd and benevolent, she kept secrets with everyone, knowing how to enter into confidence, and was on friendly terms with everyone. good relations. Being interested in all aspects of life, she, of course, communicated with talented people. She said that one of her friends writes poetry.
- It must be written this way, - my colleague was surprised, - her poems are as if she is walking on a knife blade, - And she added: - I can’t understand why talented people are abnormal.
In her question about the reason for the abnormality of talented people, along with sincere, naive surprise, dislike and disgust for these creatures, whose nature is incomprehensible to her, were revealed. Saying these words, she seemed to shake herself, emphasizing the fundamental difference between them and herself. Here she is, for example, a completely different matter, she is normal.
Talent leaves an imprint on the one to whom it is given. He and his guide are inseparable from each other, they are a single whole. Therefore, talented people, as they say, with oddities. Tchaikovsky, for example, leaving his house, hung a note: "The owner is not at home." The music that arises in his head and the creative process itself completely absorbed the composer. As a result, he, approaching the house several times and seeing a note about the absence of the owner, left. Einstein, on the other hand, could go out wearing a towel instead of a scarf. Maybe he was original? Or defiantly behaved, showing his disdain for others? Of course not. It just seemed unimportant to him, he didn't think about it. Like Tchaikovsky, his head was occupied with something completely different.
So why are gifted people considered abnormal by so many? Because talent itself is no longer the norm, it does not fit into its rigid, generally accepted framework. And normal is what is clear, what is like everyone else. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin" asked the reader the question, is this why people judge someone so unfavorably: "And that mediocrity alone is up to us and is not strange?"
To break through, a talented person, as a rule, requires a lot of effort. Therefore, along with talent, a person is often given inner strength and stamina by nature. The only question is whether this person is hardworking. He does not have to rely on the understanding and support of those around him. Here, again, we must remember that a talented person is incomprehensible to others. There is a saying: "People hate what they don't understand." Also, people are afraid of the unknown. In addition, society is trying to push out, like a foreign body, everything that is uncomfortable, that does not fit into it. The vast majority of people will not delve into, try to understand - it is easier for them to get rid of what seems uncomfortable. Exactly: it seems. A hardworking and persistent talented person can bring great benefits to others.
There are two attitudes towards talented people, depending on how successful they are. A beginner who has not yet declared himself a talent can be treated as a “stuffed animal” and an unnecessary, superfluous person; but a recognized talent - a celebrity who is looked into the eyes, flattered, and at the same time, with pleasure, the secrets of his personal life are washed away. A huge number of people who want to be photographed next to a celebrity, so that a reflection of her significance and fame also falls on them.
What distinguishes a talented person from others? Somewhere I read that a genius is first of all an ordinary person. This is true. Nothing human is alien to him. But a talented person is able to shed light on the laws of nature and human nature. A talented person is the same as everyone else and at the same time not the same. For example, great writers so accurately described the experiences of their heroes also because they themselves experienced the same feelings.
There are people who envy talents - they also want to be special. But only now it is given to someone else, and not to them. Is it worth it to envy talents? Talent is a duty. Talented people are labeled. A person endowed with talent, especially great, does not belong to himself. He is led by the hand of God or fate, he must fulfill his destiny and he has a very difficult fate.
A person with rare, outstanding abilities is considered talented, and the rest of the people are called ordinary. But people are not divided into first and second grade. There are no gray, uninteresting people by nature, they become like that due to habit, lifestyle. No man is born as a nonentity, but he can descend and lead a life of nonentity. In addition, we must remember that everyone has their own talent. Some people are said to be like mediocrity compared to someone else's talent (for example, singers, artists, and so on). Here, the Russian folk saying fits perfectly: “don’t get into your own sleigh.” There is no mediocrity, but there are people who are not engaged in their own business - "sitting in the wrong sleigh." Another meaning of the word "mediocre" is a person whose thoughts and behavior do not seem strange or incomprehensible in any way.
Aesop has a fable about how a peacock, having spread his feathers, began to boast about them in front of a crane, teasing him: “But you, they say, don’t have such.” In retaliation for the peacock, the crane flew up, saying: “But look how heavy you are, and how light I am.” The meaning of this fable is this: a person with rare abilities, bred in the form of a peacock, has no reason to feel superior, because a simple person, in turn, has useful civic and other qualities valuable for life that the first does not have.


Turgenev could not help but write. So are all the others. You, me, others cannot but write. Kind of a need. True, I have not been writing lately. All thoughts come at night. But at night you need to sleep