How does physalis edible grow. Tomatillo - green Mexican "tomato"

Physalis (Physalis) does not grow in every garden, many do not even know about it. I remember that as a child, my mother brought bouquets from the garden with bright orange lanterns, which stood in a vase on the kitchen windowsill all winter. We were strictly forbidden to pick and eat it.

Much later, I learned that this is an ornamental physalis, and there are many types of plants. Which physalis is better to have on the site - I now know firsthand about all this.

The plant belongs to the Solanaceae family, in natural conditions it develops as a perennial, or as an annual bush. About 120 species are known, the name itself is translated as "bubble".

The sepals of the flower, when merged, form a kind of bubble-lantern, which grows faster than the fruit-berry itself.

Physalis has lignified stems up to 120 centimeters high, the usual look for us is decorative, it winters in our climate, the aerial part dies, but in the spring shoots of the shrub grow again. The fruit has a bitter taste and is not eaten.

Species and varieties

Species physalis are divided into decorative, vegetable and berry.

Decorative (wild)

Alkekengi and franche are two similar species, all parts of plants are poisonous (they contain alkaloids and fisalin). Very common in our country, they are also called "Chinese lanterns".

Tall decorative physalis grows up to a meter in length, it has large leaves and numerous fruit-boxes. They are painted in the familiar orange-red color.

The bush shows the greatest decorative effect in August-September; for the winter, winter bouquets are formed from it. Leaves are cut off.

mexican physalis

This vegetable species, one of a kind, is also called the sticky or Mexican tomato. A tall bush has large fruits of a greenish, yellow and purple color. In the raw state, it does not have an excellent taste, however, winter preparations in the form of jam, salads are decent.

On the basis of the Mexican vegetable species, varieties have been created that can be grown in central Russia:

Moscow early

An early, spreading bush has pale yellowish fruits. Their mass reaches 80 gr.

Ground Gribovsky

Mid-season variety, bush 70-90 cm, sour fruits, light green. Gardeners love the variety for productivity and cold resistance.


The variety is valued for its sweet-sour taste, productivity and suitability for jam, sweet preparations, for example, candied fruits.

Physalis berry species

The most common and valuable varieties of sweet physalis belong to the berry species. They are dried, dried, eaten fresh, jams and jams are made, candied fruits and homemade marmalade are made, glossy fruits are used to decorate desserts.


Pleasant sweet smell and taste similar to berries. Very rich in vitamins and microelements, used for dessert preparations, eaten raw.


The berries of this species are too sweet, they lack acid, additives are used for jam so that it is not so cloying.

raisin variety

Interesting, delicate taste and aroma with hints of pineapple and citrus. The dried berry is stored for up to six months, and if you dry it, it will become similar to raisins in its taste.


Small berries-fruits have a pineapple taste, they are consumed fresh and processed.


The palatability is good, the berry is sweet both fresh and cooked.

How to grow physalis

Growing and caring for a crop can be comprehended even by inexperienced, novice gardeners.

Sowing seeds in open ground

In the southern regions of the country, physalis is sown directly into the ground in autumn or spring. In the first case, natural stratification of seeds occurs during the winter, and the next year they bear fruit. Spring planting is carried out early in April or early May.

  • We lower no more than four-year-old seeds into a slightly salted solution, for planting we use those that settle;
  • We plant on a bed in shallow trenches, which we place at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • It can be planted quite densely, the extra shoots that have appeared can be easily transplanted to another place;
  • The rest should grow at a distance of at least 30 centimeters.

seedling method

In temperate climates, physalis is grown through seedlings. At the end of March, April, you can begin the procedure for germinating seeds in seedlings.

  • We select suitable planting material by immersion in brackish water (we take those that have settled to the bottom);
  • Seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour;
  • We fill the containers with soil of loose, fertile content, moisten;
  • To a depth of 0.5-1 cm, lay the seeds and sprinkle with soil;
  • Water moderately, avoiding stagnation of water, otherwise the plants will die;
  • We keep in a warm and bright place, shoots appear in 7-10 days;
  • Seedlings will need to be dived, seated in separate pots if they sprout densely.

What kind of soil is needed

Physalis needs fertile, loose soil. Therefore, even in the fall, humus or compost, wood ash are brought in for digging. The reaction of the soil is slightly alkaline or neutral. Also in the spring, you can fertilize to enrich the earth with superphosphate or another mineral complex.

Important! Remember the predecessors of the culture - in this place, before the physalis, the nightshade should not have grown, but the cruciferous ones were just right.

Place for physalis

Sunny, open area without strong wind, focus on tomatoes, the conditions are the same.

When and how to plant seedlings outside

The cold weather has passed and the frosts will not return? Take out physalis plants for planting. Seedlings should have 5-7 leaves, all seedlings take root well. The time of day at which we work is evening or morning.

  • The planting pattern is chosen chess, as the plants are sprawling, voluminous, and the stems can fall;
  • The distance between seedlings is 40-50 centimeters;
  • Dig a hole, fill it with humus and water it;
  • Put the plant, deepening to the first leaves and sprinkle with earth;
  • Overgrown specimens, like tomatoes, can be placed obliquely and also fall asleep to the first leaves;
  • Thoroughly water the soil around.

Physalis Care

The unpretentious culture of physalis requires watering 2-3 times a week while the root mass is growing. Then water as it dries. Weeding is carried out systematically, and mulch is desirable on the surface of the earth under the plant.

You can feed the physalis bushes with organic fertilizers (this is mullein and bird droppings - all in a diluted form). If the relatives of Physalis tomatoes need to remove stepchildren, then this culture is not. Numerous branching shoots and give the greatest number of fruits.

Easy to propagate

The easiest way to get additional perennial ornamental physalis plants is by dividing the bush. In spring or October, we separate part of the root with a sharp shovel and transplant it to the right place. Edible species are still propagated by seeds and seedlings.

When does physalis ripen?

This happens in August and September gradually.

The fruits are also harvested from time to time, processed or eaten.

Seeds are removed from very ripe berries and gently rubbed through a sieve. Dry and leave to plant. You can use them up to 4 years of age.

How does a decorative look winter

The rhizome survives frosts well in the Moscow region and the Urals, the outer stems are cut and harvested, the surface is covered with spruce branches or peat, humus.

Diseases and the fight against them

Physalis is affected by diseases of the nightshade family - mosaic, chlorosis, phytophthora and black leg. Treating the soil and bushes with Bordeaux liquid, phytosporin, according to the instructions on the package, can help from all types of rot. Significantly infected plants must be destroyed.

But do not panic, because physalis has a good immunity to diseases, almost does not get sick. We provide him with airing of plantings, plenty of sun and do not overfill the soil.

It is the largest genus. Also known as Peruvian gooseberry, earth cherry, strawberry tomato, earth cranberry, although it has nothing to do with the latter name. Physalis edible has two forms: vegetable and berry. Vegetable physalis is shaped like a tomato. A plant species of Mexican origin.

The natives called it "tomatil", which means - Mexican tomato. Berry varieties are of South American origin, these species include Physalis Peruvian and Physalis Strawberry.

The harvest is put into boxes and stored in the basement at a temperature of +2 to +4.

Note to gardeners: if in your region the first colds come already in September, then the physalis bush is completely dug up and hung in a warm room until the berries ripen.

Edible physalis recipes

After harvesting, many are wondering what to cook from these exotic fruits. Here are some interesting recipes for you:

Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let cool for 5 hours. Then put on fire again, add a little sugar and boil again for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and repeat the procedure after 5 hours, increasing the boiling time to 15 minutes. Let cool and the treat is ready. Store in a cool place.

  • Raisins from berry physalis. We get rid of the skin of the berry by boiling, dry it in the sun to the state of raisins. If the weather conditions do not allow drying in natural conditions, we dry the berries laid out on a baking sheet in the microwave.
  • The most unusual recipe is pickled physalis.

Physalis (Peruvian variety) - 1 kg;

Carnation (3-6 buds);

Garlic - 1 clove;

Aromatic spices (50 gr.);

Water -1 liter

Vinegar - 2 tbsp.

Sugar - 50 gr.;


Wash off the sticky coating from the berries, this will relieve the fruits of bitterness. We put physalis in a jar in layers, sprinkling with spices. For the brine, mix sugar and vinegar with water, bring to a boil, pour into a container with berries. Drain into a saucepan and bring to a boil again, in the meantime, pour finely chopped garlic into a jar of physalis, pour in brine and roll up.

Beneficial features

The plant fell in love not only for its decorative appearance, interesting pleasant taste, but also appreciated for its healing properties: diuretic, hemostatic, antiseptic, analgesic.

For medicinal purposes, all parts of physalis are used: roots, leaves, stems, berries. The roots of this plant accumulate a large amount of alkaloids (a natural antibiotic).

Knowing all the features of growing this plant in your area, it will not be a problem to grow physalis fruits, which contain a lot of fiber, as well as iron, phosphorus and calcium and many other elements.

Description and features of physalis

Strawberry tomato or Peruvian gooseberry - it is under these "names" that physalis is famous. And not every gardener is able to boast of the marvelous bushes of this plant, because in order to grow physalis not only knowledge, but strength and patience will be needed.

Before planting, it is worth finding out what it is - physalis: a fruit, vegetable or berry? Summer residents are sure that physalis is. But here the breeders say that according to the biological structure, the bush is more related to berries. It can be grown both outdoors and in pots and flowerpots.

The height of the plant is at least 70 cm, but the bush itself is quite sprawling. It has large oval leaf plates with carved edges.

Young leaves become light green in early spring, and during the summer they acquire a dark green color. The plant blooms in mid-June, with small white-yellow flowers.

Dark stamens are visible in the center of the inflorescence. Interesting not so much the fruits as the pericarp - small petals of an elongated shape, have a bright orange color.

In the photo, dried physalis

A feature of the bush is an unusual physalis flower, which is formed in the form of small balls or lanterns, in the center of it is a round physalis berry, more similar to a regular pea, but saturated orange. Incredibly colorful looks not only on photo physalis but also in its natural form.

Types of physalis (food and decorative)

From all the variety Physalis varieties the most famous are the Peruvian variety and raisin, but these varieties are familiar to gardeners as berry and vegetable.

It is worth noting that not all varieties are suitable for human consumption. TO physalis edible you can safely attribute the pineapple variety. The berry tastes sweet, the fruits are small, not more than 30 grams, light orange. The bush itself grows, does not require much time for care during the summer.

Strawberry physalis variety also suitable for consumption. The berries are medium in size, have a bright orange color. The taste is sweet, there is a spicy aftertaste. They ripen in early August, they remain on the branches of the plant for a long time.

In the photo, physalis is edible

Marmalade variety of physalis- has a tart taste and very large fruits, up to 50-60 grams. Throughout the summer, the box opens, fruits of a pale purple tone appear. The very bush of this variety is tall, up to 1.5 m in height with sprawling branches. Like other representatives unpretentious care.

There are also decorative varieties of physalis. First of all, they include the Franchet variety - a spectacular, tall bush, gained great popularity due to its inflorescences in the form of large orange lanterns. I fell in love with the variety for its unpretentiousness, it grows well on any soil, it is not picky about watering and.

Useful properties and harm of physalis

It should be noted that not all varieties are suitable for internal use. Nevertheless, the orange berry is incredibly healthy, besides it is low in calories - after all, 100 berries contain only 53 kcal.

In the photo, physalis seeds

Berries can be consumed both raw and processed. The fruits serve as an excellent diuretic, reduce the risk of developing not only kidney stones, but also stones. Orange peas strengthen the immune system well, use berries as an anesthetic, and reduce inflammation.

Physalis fruits contain a whole pantry of useful properties of groups A, B and P. They contain tannin, fiber, fruit and organic acids and tannins. The fruits have been used in dietary nutrition, but their use must be agreed with a nutritionist.

The physalis bush is also used in folk medicine, tinctures and medicines are made from parts of the plant. But not everyone can eat physalis. Pregnant women and children should refrain.

The use of physalis will harm people with diseases of the digestive tract (especially with increased acidity of the stomach), with allergic diseases and individual intolerance to the component.

Pictured is pickled physalis

Berries are often used in cooking. It is important to remove the box, because it is poisonous. Salads, desserts, pastries are prepared from fruits. They make jams and jams, because the berries have a very piquant flavor, thanks to this, the plant goes well with various berries and vegetables.

Physalis growing and care at home

Growing a plant is not an easy task, but even an inexperienced gardener can handle it. Besides physalis care at home is not much different from growing tomatoes.

Better at home grow physalis from seed and start planting physalis seedlings needed in mid-March. In small pots, holes must be made at the bottom so that the water does not stagnate.

Growing physalis seedlings

Any soil is suitable, but it is important that it is loose and well moistened. A seed is placed in the center, while it is not necessary to put many seeds in one container, so small seedlings will interfere with each other. Seeds are lightly covered with earth and well watered with warm water.

Shoots will begin to appear within 2 weeks. It is important to provide seedlings with good watering, because it prefers moisture and humidified air. After the plants have grown, the pot must be moved to a well-lit place, because it needs a lot of sunlight.

A month later, a pair of leaves is formed on the physalis. The top leaves are pinched, if you want the plant to form shoots. After all, the more shoots, the more orange boxes will be on the plant.

Planting physalis seedlings in open ground

The bush grows well not only at home on the windowsill, but also in the summer cottage. After physalis plant got stronger, in mid-May, it can be safely transplanted into open ground.

Until the plant is strong, it must be well watered and loosened. In a couple of weeks, new green leaves will begin to appear, and this is a sure sign that the plant has taken root in a new place.

Both at home and in the open field, the bush needs to be fed. For this, an infusion of a cowshed, potash and mineral is well suited.

physalis flower begins to form at the end of June, and by August there are many bright orange inflorescences on it, inside of which there are pea fruits.

Buy physalis seeds you can get it at any gardening store, but it takes a little effort to grow it. Experienced gardeners leave only positive things from this crop.

Physalis has been known to man since ancient times. The first to get acquainted with this plant were the inhabitants of North and South America, who grew physalis 7000 BC. e. Moreover, this berry plant can be cultivated in the conditions of our country. Unfortunately, not all gardeners have the necessary information about the features of growing and caring for physalis. Therefore, it is so extremely rare to be found on the plots.

But I must say that gardeners in vain ignore this plant. Its fruits are not only very tasty, but also rich in nutrients, and in this respect they can compete on equal terms with the tomato. Therefore, if you have already become interested in physalis, then you will probably be interested in learning about the technology of growing it in a country house or in an apartment.

Description and biological features of physalis

The genus Physalis includes more than 110 species of this plant. However, most of them are wild-growing, there are few cultural varieties among them - only 4. In our country, vegetable or Mexican physalis, strawberry, and also glutinous are most widely used, but the latter is grown extremely rarely.

You can often meet and physalis decorative. Its orange fruits, reminiscent of lanterns, are often used in the design of summer cottages and city flower beds. Although physalis is a classic perennial, however, the cultivation technique used in relation to it corresponds to annuals. Therefore, sowing seeds or cuttings are used as the main methods of reproduction.

Mexican physalis grows in the form of a rather voluminous bush, reaching a height of no more than 1 m. The strawberry species looks more compact, which can grow up to 0.5 m. During the growing season, it forms single flowers that have a different shade - yellow, green, orange. The cup, which looks like a flashlight, is also distinguished by a rich color palette. It can be yellow, green, orange, bright red and purple. Strawberry physalis grows fruits weighing 5-25 gr which emit a very strong odour. Larger are the berries of vegetable physalis, the mass of which can be from 25 to 100 grams. The seeds themselves are small in size, can be used for sowing for 8 years.

Physalis vegetable belongs to the nightshade family, among the representatives of which it is distinguished by the greatest resistance to negative temperatures. Seedlings can withstand frosts down to -3 degrees. Caring for this plant is easy. This plant loves sunny areas, tolerates periods of drought well, feels best on light, organic-rich soils. The important point is that the Colorado potato beetle does not show any interest in physalis. This culture is resistant to late blight, as well as other fungal diseases. This makes it more versatile, allowing you to cultivate it in the apartment, as well as in the country.

The fruits of the plant, which have a sweet taste, rich in many useful substances:

  • sugars - 12.5%;
  • useful fiber - up to 1%;
  • proteins - about 2 g;
  • carotene -1.2 mg;
  • vitamin C - up to 30 mg.

The composition also contains a large amount of organic polyacids and lysine, the uniqueness of which is associated with its ability to prevent cancer.

A little about the most popular types and varieties

To remain completely satisfied, it is better to choose the best varieties of physalis for cultivation, which do not create problems in care.

Physalis vegetable

Among all types of edible physalis, the most interesting is mexican view. Many gourmets liked the fruits of this plant. Therefore, they are often used for cooking in many restaurants. One plant can bring up to 200 fruits per season, which can have a different color. Only the case-flashlight remains unchanged, which constantly has a yellow-green color. Vegetable physalis is used for food in a variety of ways: raw, pickled, salted. It is also used as a basis for the preparation of caviar, as well as a variety of confectionery: marmalade, jam, candied fruits, fruit sweets.

Among the varieties there are species that have the best taste properties:

  • Wren;
  • Gribovsky soil;
  • Moscow early;
  • large-fruited;
  • Lichtarik.

The plants listed above are usually classified as salad-canning.

Physalis strawberry and berry

This type of physalis is known as Florida or pubescent. It produces miniature fruits the size of a pea, but they are sweeter and more fragrant. In this regard, they can compete with strawberries and raspberries, since they contain twice as much fruit sugars. From a practical point of view, it makes sense to cultivate strawberry physalis if one of the family members suffers from diabetes. Fruit have a bright amber color.

One plant can produce up to 3 kg of delicious berries per season. They can be consumed not only fresh, but also dried. However, in this case, changes occur with them: dried fruits become very similar to raisins. Before being used for food, the fruits of physalis must be treated with boiling water. This will help remove the sticky substance that is present on their surface from the berries. Because of this, the fruits have a somewhat unusual taste that some people may not like. The fruits of the varieties Candy and Philanthropist have the best taste properties.

Physalis raisin

It is considered to be variety of strawberry physalis. This species is distinguished by a more pleasant taste, as it has a slight sourness and a pineapple flavor. The juice of this plant, which resembles tangerine, is very unusual.

Physalis peruvian

This variety has a lot of fans all over the world. The uniqueness of its fruits gives a refined fruity taste with sourness, they give off the smell of grapefruit. The berries themselves are large and flattened, they emit a pronounced orange strawberry flavor. The fruits of the Columbus and Kudesnik varieties have the best taste properties. When dried, they become similar to dried apricots, however, the difference is still present here, as their taste becomes brighter.

Physalis decorative

This plant can reach a height of 60 cm, has white flowers that do not have a decorative effect. Physalis begins to transform with the onset of autumn, when it has bright orange lanterns containing red berries inside. However, such lanterns do not remain long and gradually change their color to transparent.

At this point, only veins and berries can be distinguished. Growing physalis is a fairly simple event, since it is a perennial, which will increase its rhizome over the years. Twigs with lanterns have bright decorative properties, so they can be included in dry bouquets. This plant forms an excellent composition in combination with the lunaria.

There is an opinion that physalis is an excellent choice for lazy gardeners. And there is a logical explanation for this. Physalis is not only resistant to frost, but also its fruits quickly reach the stage of maturity. When provided with favorable conditions, it can produce a high yield.

The gardener does not have to spend a lot of time and effort on growing seedlings from seeds. Instead, in early spring, seeds can be sown in open ground. And this will only need to be done once. Subsequently, he will produce seeds which will provide you with new plants. However, if it is important for you to get tasty physalis berries as early as possible, then it is best to use the seedling method of growing.

In principle, the gardener does not need to delve into the features of this crop in order to get a high yield of physalis from seeds. This plant grows well on heavy and sandy soils, the situation does not change too much if, instead of a lighted area, plant physalis in the shade.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

You can plan this operation right after the New Year. For these purposes, it is recommended to use separate containers, for example, 0.5 l cups.

  • with the onset of March, they are transplanted into a common flowerpot or seating box;
  • when it is time to plant seedlings in the ground, you need to be very careful not to damage the root system when dividing the bushes;
  • when the ambient temperature stays above + 8 degrees, you can start hardening the seedlings, for this, the seedlings begin to be taken out into fresh air.

To get the first fruits from seeds, about 100 days must pass from the moment of emergence of seedlings. Physalis berries grow in places where the stem branches. Most of the crop is formed on two shoots of the first order and four shoots of the second order. In other areas, the berries grow singly, and often they have non-standard sizes.

Fruiting continues until the first frost. To determine that the berries are ripe, you can change the color and the beginning of their shedding. It is recommended to plan the collection of fruits of edible physalis on a sunny day. In the first days of September, you need to pinch the tops, as a result, the plant will spend energy not on the growth of branches, but on the formation of fruits.

Sometimes, with the advent of frosts, most of the berries do not have time to reach technical maturity. In this case, the situation can be corrected by ripening them. The gardener will have to dig a bush from the ground with roots, transfer it to a dry, frost-proof room and hang it in it. Such a measure allows you to harvest until the New Year, and in some cases until spring. The gardener will not have to take any action: when the berries ripen, they themselves will fall to the ground. But under the plants you need to lay a soft rag so that they are not damaged. Usually, unripe physalis berries that do not have defects ripen in 3-4 months. Ripe berries can be stored for 2 months at a temperature of 1 to 5-6 degrees.

Harvesting seeds of edible physalis is carried out according to a similar technology, as in the case of a tomato.

First, healthy, large, ripened fruits are selected, which must be cut into two parts, placed in a container filled with rainwater, and allowed to stand for a day so that the pulp becomes soft. In the future, it is necessary to separate the seeds from the pulp using a sieve, then rinse them and dry them. Physalis fruits have very small seeds - more than 1000 pieces per 1 gram.

If a gardener grows several varieties on a plot, then there is a high probability of mixing them. This The plant interpolates well with others.. At the same time, the fruits of edible physalis, grown as a result of cross-pollination with several varieties, have the same size and taste properties as the original, and in some cases surpass it.


Among the well-known crops, there are many that are undeservedly overlooked by many gardeners. Just such is Physalis, which forms delicious fruits of bright orange color. It is very easy to take care of it, as it can grow in any soil. Moreover, in some cases, you can not even waste time and effort on growing seedlings, but sow the seeds immediately into the ground. This will have to be done only once, because in the future, young layers will begin to grow from the physalis bush.

Physalis is a plant of the Solanaceae family, which includes 120 items. The main habitat of plants of this family is the countries of South and North America, Asia and Europe.

A distinctive feature of this plant is a flower cup, shaped like a Chinese paper lantern. Inside the case is a fruit, which in some varieties is edible. Most often in the gardens you can find decorative physalis, the cultivation and care of which does not cause the owners any particular trouble.

Popular types and varieties of physalis with photos

In nature, there are about a hundred varieties of physalis, but three of them are known in our country:

  • Decorative. Perennial species, characterized by unpretentiousness in cultivation. It has a very attractive appearance, so it is often grown outdoors in flower beds or garden pots. The plant is frost-resistant, and retains its decorative effect even in the first frosty days. Bright lanterns look spectacular against the background of the first snow cover. Decorative physalis is distinguished by a wide variety of varieties of different heights and cup sizes. The Franchet variety reaches a height of 90 cm, the miniature Patio variety does not exceed 40 centimeters.
  • Vegetable. Annual plant with high yield. Physalis vegetable produces fruits weighing up to 50 grams, used for the preparation of seasonings, salads. The most popular varieties are Korolek and Moscow early, with a sweetish taste. Physalis vegetable is resistant to cold.
  • Berry (strawberry). The plant is more thermophilic than ornamental and vegetable species. The fruits of this species are small, red, thanks to them in Russia they call physalis earthen cranberries. The fruits are suitable for making marmalade, jam, preserves.

Photo of decorative physalis

In the people, physalis is called Peruvian gooseberry, earth cherry, strawberry tomato. Berry species include Peruvian and Strawberry physalis.

Growing physalis from seed in seedling and seedless way

Sowing physalis in open ground is possible only in countries with a warm climate. Although the decorative species often propagates by self-sowing, from those that have fallen in the previous year, it even has to be thinned out.

In Russia, physalis is grown through seedlings, like tomatoes and peppers. Before sowing, the seeds are tested in a saline solution (5%). Seeds are immersed in the solution and only those that have settled to the bottom are selected.

After sorting, the seeds should be disinfected in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds are dried and planted in prepared containers. The soil for sowing should be as loose and fertile as possible. As a primer, a ready-made soil mixture for tomatoes and peppers is suitable.

Seeds are sown in rows, planting 2-2.5 centimeters into the soil. After sowing, the soil is lightly rammed and moistened with a spray gun. The container is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm, bright place. You can not put a container with crops on a window under the direct rays of the sun. Otherwise, a greenhouse effect will be created and the seeds will simply boil.

Most often, physalis is grown in seedlings.

The germination temperature of the physalis seed is 19-20 degrees. Under optimal conditions, the seeds germinate within a week. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the glass is removed from the container and the temperature is reduced to 16-17 degrees for 2-3 days. Then the container is again placed in a warm place.

In phase 4 of these leaves, the seedlings dive into separate cups. It is convenient to use special peat pots, which can then be planted in open ground without removing the plants and without injuring the roots. If the pick is made in a common box, a landing pattern of 10x10 centimeters is observed. When picking, the sprouts are sorted, choosing only the strongest and well-developed, with a good root system.

Seedlings are kept on a lighted windowsill, but protected from direct sunlight. It is optimal to place physalis seedlings on the western or eastern windows. On the southern plants will burn, and on the northern ones they will stretch from a lack of light. If there are no suitable windows in the apartment, the seedlings are illuminated with special fitolamps.

Physalis is watered regularly, keeping the soil slightly moist. Once every 14 days, seedlings must be fed with special formulations.

Physalis seedlings feel good on the windowsills of the western and eastern windows

Physalis seedlings need hardening, so that when transplanted into open ground, the plants do not get sick and immediately begin to grow. In April, after the onset of sufficiently warm days, the plants are taken out into the open air and placed in a shaded place. The first "walk" should not exceed 2 hours. Gradually increase the time.

Important. For hardening, you need to choose calm days so that the plants do not break.

Rules for growing outdoors

In open ground, physalis can be grown without any shelter. You can plant it immediately after the onset of heat.

Landing rules in open ground

Physalis seedlings are planted in open ground at the age of 40-55 days. Decorative physalis is unpretentious and can be grown both in the open sun and in the shade. It can be planted even under trees and shrubs, but physalis will have the greatest decorative effect with sufficient illumination. In the open sun, large cups will form, and their color will be bright and saturated.

In the sun, physalis boxes get a brighter color.

Physalis does not tolerate waterlogged soil, therefore, it cannot be planted in areas that are flooded with melt water in spring. The soil for planting the plants is prepared in advance. Humus, peat, compost and ash are added to the fertile soil. If acidity is increased in the prepared area, liming will be additionally required.

Attention. You can not bring fresh manure under the physalis: this will cause a burn of the roots and the plant will die.

Physalis ornamental is a fairly large plant with abundant branching. On one square meter, no more than 4-5 bushes can be planted. On the eve of planting in open ground, seedlings are watered abundantly to completely soften the soil. When planting, the plant is buried in the hole to the first true leaves. This technique stimulates the growth of roots on the stem and makes the plant hardy.

Physalis care in the garden

Physalis is not demanding in care

Physalis does not require any increased attention. Care for him consists of watering, hilling and loosening the soil. Water the physalis with settled, warm water. Once every 2-3 weeks, the bushes are fed with a solution of mullein or mineral fertilizers for flowers.

The plant does not require stepsoning, like its tomato relatives. The advantage of physalis lies precisely in the abundant formation of branches, on which many weightless lanterns are then formed. Pinching even harms the physalis, since lanterns are formed precisely in the axils of the lateral branches. To stimulate the growth of lateral shoots in June, pinch the tops of the stems.

Frequent and deep loosening is the main agricultural technique for caring for physalis. Its roots need a constant supply of oxygen. Weed growth is not allowed around the plant.

During the growing season, physalis needs several top dressings:

  • The first is during flowering.
  • The second - during the formation of fruits.
  • The third - 3 weeks after the second.

The composition of the fertilizer for physalis is as follows:

  • Water - 10 liters.
  • Potassium salt - 15 gr.
  • Superphosphate - 15 gr.
  • Ammonium nitrate - 10 gr.

This solution is sufficient for landings located on 1 square meter. The first feeding can be carried out with a solution of bird droppings (1:20) or mullein (1:10). For each root, half a liter of such a solution is used. The second top dressing with such a fertilizer is not recommended, since an excess of nitrogen will lead to inhibition of fruit formation.

Reproduction and transplantation of physalis

Decorative physalis is a perennial, prone to degeneration. The division and transplantation of overgrown rhizomes is carried out every 6-7 years. For reproduction, physalis is carefully removed from the soil, rotten and dried parts are removed. The rhizome is divided into several parts, depending on the number of main shoots formed.

For propagation of physalis, you can use the method of dividing the mother bush

Physalis also propagates by cuttings and lateral processes. The plant shoots directly from the soil. They are carefully dug up, separated from the mother bush and planted in a prepared place.

When propagated by cuttings, the tops of the stems are cut from the plant. Each should have 2-3 internodes. Harvested cuttings are planted in the soil, deepening by half. In the first 2 weeks, the cuttings should be covered with a film or plastic bottles. When the leaves on the cuttings straighten out, the shelters are removed. Reproduction of physalis by cuttings is carried out in July.

Physalis pests and diseases

Physalis rarely gets sick, but can be affected by aphids and slugs

Physalis is resistant to diseases and pests, so usually there are no problems when growing it. But some diseases can develop if the rules for caring for the plant are not followed. With excessive watering and insufficient loosening, stem rot can develop. Prevention of this disease is the observance of crop rotation, compliance with irrigation norms, treatment of the plant with copper-containing preparations (,).

Preparations with copper also help protect physalis from late blight. It can infect the plant in damp, cold weather. Late blight appears as brown spots on the leaves and stems of plants.

The main pest that affects physalis is aphid. If the leaves are covered with small black spots, become sticky and begin to curl, the physalis should be sprayed with an insecticide (Spark, Aktara, Aktellik, etc.)

In wet weather, physalis can be attacked by slugs that eat fruits and stems. You can scare away slugs from physalis by sprinkling the soil around them with tobacco dust or wood ash. The drug in Thunderstorm granules also helps.

Care after flowering

Once the physalis lanterns turn bright orange, you can cut the stems for later use in flower arrangements. Vegetable physalis is ready for harvest 90 days after germination. Unripe fruits are stored in a cold place where they are brought to a ripe state.

Physalis can be picked unripe and left to ripen.

At the end of flowering, watering the plant is sharply reduced. The soil around the physalis continues to be loosened so that the roots breathe and continue development. During the period of fruit formation, physalis does not need excess moisture. Plants should be watered only if the weather is very hot and excessively dry.

Terms and rules for collecting physalis seeds

The lower fruits of physalis ripen first. Sometimes they fall off the branches on their own and fall to the ground. These fruits are quite suitable for collecting seeds. If not harvested, the seeds may germinate on their own in early spring.

But experts advise for the reproduction of physalis in a seed way to collect the most mature fruits and release seeds from them into a piece of tissue. Then they are dried and stored until planting in paper bags. The strongest and healthiest specimens of physalis grow if grown in seedlings.

Preparing for winter

Decorative physalis winters well in the open field, with proper pre-winter preparation. In late autumn, the bush is cut at the root and the soil is mulched with humus or peat. You can cover the planting with small straw or well-dried foliage. Cut shoots must be collected in bunches and dried in limbo.

Use in design for decorative compositions

Physalis is one of the most joyful plants in the garden, able to create a positive mood from mid-summer to late autumn. It looks great in any corner of the garden, as well as when planting in flowerpots.

Physalis boxes look very unusual

To prolong summer, many gardeners cut physalis stems for use in winter flower arrangements. Stems can be dried upright and drooping. Hanging branches are woven into beautiful Christmas wreaths, while upright branches are used in bouquets. Physalis looks good in combination with flowers of soft colors and in bouquets of autumn leaves.

Bright boxes-lanterns that have fallen off the branches can be used to make garlands by fastening them with thin wire. Such garlands, attached to a chandelier or lamp, complemented by beads and silk ribbons, are a real design masterpiece.

Physalis is a wonderful decoration of both the garden in the summer-autumn period and the interior on cold winter days. Flower lovers should definitely pay attention to this bush, effectively decorated with bright, weightless lanterns, and settle it on their site.

It will be interesting to watch the video material on physalis. We wish you a pleasant viewing.