Exception words onn enn. Suffixes of adjectives formed from names (НН and Н)

In adjectives, one letter H is written in suffixes -IN-, -AN-, -YANG-.

For example: swan(in suffix -IN - one letter H is written) leather(in suffix

-AN- one letter H is written) woolen(in suffix -YAN- one letter H is written.

Remembering three suffixes in which one letter H is written is very easy. Need to know p the first letter of the alphabet and the last - A and Z. We add one letter H to them and get suffixes - AN, YING, YANG .

You can learn a rhyme that will help you remember the suffixes of adjectives that are written with one letter N.

For adjectives long ago

Written in scholarly books

When AN, YING, YANG, then H is one

And no more excess.

Suffix -IN- called "animal". With the help suffix IN adjectives are formed from animate nouns denoting animals, insects, birds.



Nightingale IN YY \u003d Nightingale + IN

In adjectives MOUSE IN YY,MOSQUITO IN OY, NIGHTINGALING IN YY the "animal" suffix is ​​written - IN - with one letter N.

Suffixes - AN-, -YAN - are written in the names of adjectives denoting the material from which the object is made:






Adjectives SKIN AN YY, SAND AN YY, SILVER YAN YY , WOOL YAN OH CLAY YAN YH are written with one letter H, since the suffix in them begins with the letters AND I .

Three adjectives should be remembered, the suffix of which begins with the letter I, but the letters H in it are written not one, but two. These are the exception words: TREE YANN YY, TIN YANN GLASS YANN YY.

The following riddle about WINDOW:

glass surface, wooden frame, pewter handle.

2. Two letters НН in adjective suffixes

Two letters H are written in the names of adjectives whose suffixes begin with the letter O or E. For example, EDITORIALS HE N YY, TRADITIONS HE N YY, STRAW ENN YY, CRANBERRY ENN YY.

Remember suffix - HE N- helps with HH UN - United Nations.

It is known that suffix - HE N- - UN fanatic.

It strives to be as similar to the UN as possible in everything. True, the difference between them is immediately noticeable: the suffix has - HE N- two H's, and his UN idol has two O's.

With the suffix - HE N -, in which two letters H are written, adjectives are formed most often foreign origin. For example, COMMISSION HE N EDITORIAL HE N YY, TRADITIONS HE N YY, REVOLUTION HE N YY

Two letters H are written in the suffix -ENN-.

Adjectives with the suffix - ENN- most often formed from nouns whose stem ends in several consonants: ARTS ENN YY, CRANBERRY ENN YY, LIFE ENN YY, FIRE ENN OH, ILLNESS ENN YY.

In Russian, there is an exception word, the suffix of which begins with the letter E, but the letters N in it are written not two, but one. This word is WINDY.



In the word WINDY, one letter H is written!

However, if the prefix WITHOUT appears in the word WINDY, then two letters H are written according to the rule.

WINDLESS NIGHT (there is a prefix in the word)

Remember the spelling of words WINDY andWINDLESS the following verse helps.

Windy young man, windy day!

You can easily remember:

I always write only one N!

Windless morning, day or night!

Without applying the rules of knowledge,

Write two N's without hesitation!

3. Two letters H at the junction of morphemes

Two letters H are written in the names of adjectives formed with the help of the suffix H from nouns with the stem starting with the letter H.

PLAIN = ravni H A+ H



outlandish= DIKOVI H A+ H

pancake = BLI H +H

The following poetic rule helps to write a double letter H in the adjective.

The mist one has

But if the city has become foggy,

Based on H and suffix H,

And it turns out,

Remember this case is strange.

4. Things to remember

There are several words in Russian that do not have the suffix H and suffer greatly from this. These words are often confused and erroneously write double HH in them.

Remember: in words SINGLE, GREEN, SPICY, ROSE, YOUNG, PORK one letter H is written, which is part of the root.

5. Analyzing examples

Let's determine how many letters H are written in the following adjectives and why.

GOOSE(this word has an "animal" suffix -IN -, in which one letter H is written),

TELEPHONE(this adjective is formed from the noun TELEPHONE, the stem of which ends with the letter H. The suffix H is added. Therefore, we write the word TELEPHONE with two letters H),

STRAW(the suffix of this adjective begins with the letter E, so we write HH),

LINEN(the suffix of this adjective begins with the letter I and denotes the material from which the object is made, so we write one letter H),

WINDY(this is an exception word in which one letter H is written),

INFECTIOUS(the suffix of this adjective begins with the letter O, so we write HH),

GLASS(this is an exception word that is included in the riddle about the window; therefore we write HH).

6. Algorithm for writing Н, НН in adjective suffixes

Choosing H, HH to write in the suffix, you can use the algorithm.

Table 1. Algorithm for writing Н, НН in adjective suffixes ()

7. Н, НН in short adjectives

It should be remembered that in the short names of adjectives the same number of N is written as in the full ones: traditional - traditional, smart - smart.


  1. Russian language. Grade 6 / Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6 cells / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Reference table().
  2. Presentation ().
  3. Additional exercise ().


Task number 1

Insert, where necessary, the missing letters H or HH. Justify your answer.

Yu..y, y..at, silver..y, aviation..y, long..y, tin..y, straight..y, hurricane..y, debatable..y, swans..y, wind..th, windy..oh, windless..th, autumn..th, morning..th, morning..ik, glass..th, harder..ik, silver..th, silver..ka, shameless..ik, seme..oh, ice..oh, cranberry..oh, hemp..oh, hemp..ik, sparrows..oh, nightingales..oh, stirrup..oh, seme..oh, red banner .. th, triumph .. th, life .. th , old .. th, guests .. th, guests ple..th, whole..th, drunk..th, rya..th, blush..th, blush..a, fire..th, sandy..th, craft..th, secondary..th, pension .. th, clay .. th, beast .. th, offspring .. th, precious .. th, bouillo .. th, flat .. th, half-dead .. th, wild .. th, not quite .. th, sheep..th, infectious..th, sympathetic..th, seventh..th, countless..th, friendship..th, oats..th, one-time..th, ants..th, wave..th, mice..y, svi..oh, pigs..a, firewood..ik, oil..ik, mali..ik, axis..ik, ripples..ik, friends..ik, moshe..ik, wind..ik, side..ik, smart..yy, ko..itsa, leeward..yy, sandy..ik, travel. .ik, vlasya..itsa, vishe..ik, weathered..y, chicken..oh (ataman).

Task number 2

Make the “silent” table speak: in place of the gaps, write down necessary words. Write down adjectives with the studied spelling from the poems.

1. He slept, all radiant, in an oak manger,

Like a ray of moon in the hollow of a hollow.

He was replaced with a sheep ... skin

Donkey ... ox lips and nostrils.

B. Pasternak

2. And there is a birch in so ... oh silence,

And snowflakes burn in golden fire.

S. Yesenin

3. Do you love ice ... oh January,

Windless, brutal cold.

And I am a fierce February,

A blizzard, a daring snowstorm.

The topic of the Russian language "Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives" is familiar to every student. However, after graduating from a general education institution, many people begin to forget the simplest rules and make a large number of mistakes when creating any text. In this regard, we decided to remind you of the cases in which the suffixes "n" and "nn" are written in adjectives. Also, some exceptions to the existing rules will be presented to your attention. They should be remembered.

Part of speech definition

They call the significant, which denotes a non-procedural feature of the subject, and also acts in the sentence as a definition or nominal part of the predicate and answers the following questions: “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, And also “whose?” and what?".

general information

"The spelling of 'n' and 'nn' in adjectives" is a very important topic in Russian. Indeed, without knowledge of such simple rules, it is quite difficult to compose a competent text or even a letter.

It should be especially noted that adjectives can be formed both from nouns and from verbs. Knowing these basics will allow you to better understand how many letters "n" you need to write in a particular case.

Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives derived from nouns

So, let's figure it out together, in what cases should you put -nn-:

Which adjectives that are derived from nouns use "n"?

Now you know in what cases the suffixes -nn- are written in adjectives (-onn-, -enn-, etc.), if they are formed from nouns. However, this is not enough for a competent drafting of the text. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the spelling rules for the suffixes -in-, -yan- and -an-:

  1. In adjectives that are derived from nouns using the above suffixes, only 1 letter "n" is always written. Let's give an example: leather (leather), sparrow (sparrow), clay (clay), pigeon (dove), waxed (wax), crane (crane), wood (firewood), nightingale (nightingale), etc. However, all rules have your exceptions. In this case, these are the words "glass", "wood" and "tin". 2 letters "nn" are written in them, and they should be remembered.
  2. In the names of adjectives that are formed without the use of any suffixes. Let's take an example: green (green). It is also necessary to remember the following words: spicy, ruddy, pig, young and united.

How many letters "n" are written in the names of adjectives that are derived from adjectives?

2 letters "n" are written if adjectives are formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -enn-, which indicates a large measure of any feature. Let's give an example: hefty, tall or wide.

Important notes regarding the rules described

The spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives has the following features:

Spelling "nn" in adjectives and participles derived from verbs

So, 2 letters "n" should be written if:

  1. Adjectives are formed from verbs with prefixes. Moreover, the prefix non-almost never affects the spelling of "n" or "nn". Thus, in the adjective with, one should not write the same number of letters “n” as in the adjective without this prefix. Let's give an example: (connected, beveled, built).
  2. If there are suffixes such as -eva- or -ova-. Here is an example: an organized excursion, uprooted forest, etc.). Exceptions are the following words: chewed and forged. In this case, ov- and ev- are included in the root, and are not suffixes.
  3. If the sentence contains any dependent word (for example, woven from twigs).
  4. If the adjective is formed from a verb that has a perfect form (for example, solved). The exception is the word "wounded".

Spelling "n" in adjectives derived from verbs

One letter "n" is written in adjectives that are derived from verbs without the use of prefixes. Let's give an example: uncut, knitted. Exceptions are the following words: sacred, slow, unprecedented, unexpected, desired, unheard of, unexpected and unexpected.

Letters "n", "nn" in short adjectives

In addition to the full names of adjectives, there are also short forms in Russian. To understand how "n" and "nn" are written in short adjectives, you should remember the rules about full ones. After all, they are the same for both forms.

Here's an example:

Important notes on the material covered

To finally figure out how to write adjectives (with "n" or "nn"), you need to consider the following features:

1. Usually the suffixes -yang- and -an- give the meaning "intended for something" or "made from a certain material." For example: wood, clothes; sandy, clay.

2. In order to correctly compose a text, one should distinguish between adjectives whose spelling is related to their meaning.

Windy, that is, "with the wind" (windy weather). Windmill, that is, “driven by the power of the wind” (wind pump). In the phrase "chicken pox" the adjective is written 1 letter "n". This is due to the fact that this word comes from "windmill".

Buttered, that is, “soaked in oil” (buttered porridge). Oily, that is, "flattering" (oily voice). Butter, that is, “diluted in butter” (butter cookies).

Silver, that is, "subjected to silvering" (silver device). Silver, that is, "made of silver" (silver bottle).

Salty, that is, "containing salt" (salted fish). Salt, that is, "consisting of salt" (salt column).

-al- (-ate-), -en- (-yang-), -ast- (-at-), -ev- (-ov-, -[j]-), -evat- (-ovate-), -en-, -enn- (-he N-), -ensk- (-insk-), -willows- (-Liv-, -chiv-), -in-, -ist-, -it- (-ovit-), -to-, -l-, -n- (-sh-), -Teln-, -uch- (-yuch-, -cell-), -chat-.

1. Suffix - al- (-ate such as one becomes under the influence of action ( stale, tanned, outdated).

2. Suffix - en- (-yang-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. made of this or that material or related to something ( leather, clay, wood, earthen);

2. designed to place something ( wood, wardrobe);

3. working on what is called the original word ( wind, oil, peat).

3. Suffix - ast- (-at-) forms adjectives that name parts of the body of a person or animal, external qualities of a person, accessories of his appearance ( hairy, shaggy, lipped, bespectacled, horned, cheeky). Exception [?]: striped, married.

4. Suffix - ev (-ov), [-j-] forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. belonging of an object to a person or animal ( grandfathers, slesarev, wolf, dog);

2. made of something, referring to someone, something ( pear, garden).

5. Suffix - enn-, -he N- form adjectives with the meaning:

1. sign or property ( cranberry, oath, morning, traditional);

2. susceptibility to action, result of action or characterization by action ( slow, intensified, in love).

6. Suffix - ensk- (-insk-) forms adjectives denoting geographical names ( Cuban, Penza).

7. Suffix - willows 1) a constant property, quality, inclination towards something; 2) possessing some quality to a large extent ( lazy, deceitful, beautiful, playful).

8. Suffix - in- forms adjectives denoting people and animals: ( goose, uncle).

9. Suffix - ist- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. similar to something ( silver, velvety);

2. possessing something in large quantities ( vociferous, branchy);

3. having a penchant for some action ( cocky, jerky, jerky).

10. Suffix - it- (-ovit-) forms adjectives with the meaning: possessing to a greater extent something ( eminent, venomous, angry).

11. Suffix - to- forms adjectives with the meaning: 1) prone to some action; 2) such that often does something; 3) or one with which something is often done ( brittle, sticky, sticky, malleable, tenacious).

12. Suffix - l- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. being in a state that arose as a result of an action called by the original word ( rotten, skillful, tired);

2. possession of the attribute named in the original word ( light coloured).

13. Suffix - Liv- forms adjectives denoting 1) state, action, property; 2) an inclination towards something; 3) or the possession of some quality ( silent, happy, noisy).

14. Compound suffix - l-n- forms: adjectives with the meaning of intended to perform an action ( knitting, maternity, drying).

15. Suffix - n (-sh) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. a sign or property related to an object, phenomenon, action, place, time or number named by the original word ( spring, distant, yesterday, home, thousandth);

2. exposure to some action or the result of some action, which is called the original word (verbal adjectives torn, read, called, tattered).

16. Suffix - ovate- (-evat-) forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. somewhat reminiscent of someone or having some property of something ( manly, roguish, youthful);

2. shade of weakened (somewhat, slightly) quality ( bluish, whitish, sweetish).

17. Compound suffix - tel-n- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. producing or capable of producing an action ( observant, satisfactory);

2. being the object of action or capable of becoming one ( desirable, desirable);

3. designed to perform an action ( swimming, flying);

4. indicating a certain connection with the action ( selective. preparatory).

18. Suffix - uch- (-yuch-, -cell-) forms adjectives with the meaning: prone to some action ( melodious, smelly, hanging).

19. Suffix - chat- forms adjectives with the meaning:

1. possessing something, having something in large quantities or to a large extent ( patterned, log, knobby);

2. filling with some quality, property what is indicated by the original word ( smoky, fistulous, bulbous).

20. Suffix - chiv- forms adjectives with the meaning: capable, inclined to do something, to show some property ( resourceful, accommodating, persistent).

The spelling rules for the suffixes -enn-, -onn-, -nn- and the suffixes -en-, -in-, -an-, -yan- are clear to any student and are easy to learn.

Below in this article we will look at the spelling rules for different parts of speech with suffixes − enn-, -onn-, -nn- -en-, -in-, -an-, -yan-.

The difficulty lies in the fact that parts of speech with these suffixes you need to write thoughtfully and be able to distinguish:

In contact with


  1. What part of speech is the given word, its semantic properties;
  2. Know what parts of speech it is formed from and its morphological composition;
  3. What member of the sentence in this case is the word with the suffix being studied;
  4. Full or short form;
  5. Remember the exceptions to the rules.

Spelling rules

They can be educated from nouns (straw, timeless), from verbs (drowned logs), from adjectives (healthy - hefty) with the help of suffixes -nn- and -enn-, -onn- (station, commission).

Adjectives from nouns

In short adjectives as many "n" are written as in full ones. Long speech - speech is long. Modern music - clothes are modern. Educated youth - youth is educated.

The suffix -enn- is written in words with an emotional coloring of the sign: healthy - hefty, wide - broad, courage - courageous.

In the word windy, one letter “n” is written, windless - “nn”. Windy girl - windless day.

Writing participles

Participles are mainly used in writing Therefore, it is very important to correctly use and write them.

In participles, the suffixes -enn- and yonn are written if:

  1. There is a prefix (divorced, folded).
  2. There is a dependent word. Campfire laid out by tourists. City located by the sea. Task completed by students.
  3. It is formed from verbs in -chi, -sti, -it: bake - baked, grow - grown, build - built, burn - burned.

Unexpected, unexpected, unheard of, unseen, given - these are exceptions.

Short and complete parts of speech

The rule is very simple:

  1. Brief participles are written with -en-: the lesson is learned, the oak is cut down, the norm is worked out;
  2. Short adjectives are written with -enn-: the art is perfect, the children are well-mannered.

Participles can have or you can substitute dependent words: the girl was raised (by whom) by her grandmother. This is a short communion.

Children are educated. There are no dependent words. This is a verbal adjective.

Compound adjectives are written in the same way as simple ones:


  1. Freshly frozen - no prefix, but freshly frozen, because the second part of the word has a prefix.
  2. Plain dyed (no prefix), plain dyed (there is a prefix).

There are not very many spelling rules for suffixes. If desired, they are easy to remember. It is necessary to learn exception words and learn to distinguish between participles and adjectives. This is especially important when using short forms of these parts of speech, because their spelling is different.

Examples: long hair- hair is long, peaks conquered - peaks conquered, smart speeches - speeches are smart, painted doors - doors are painted.

The participle is used in writing. In colloquial speech, our contemporaries do without it. To learn how to write correctly and use them in your speech, you need to read the works of Russian classics, then your speech will become competent and logical. And you, undoubtedly, will be able to profitably show off your knowledge in a circle of intelligent and educated people.

Spelling of adjectives formed from verbs

In short adjectives w, cf. the genus is written -nn-, if the doubling was in full form.

The mysterious stranger is mysterious.

In short participles, and cf gender is written –n-:

duck shot


Verbs have suffixes –ova-, -eva- and –yva-, -iva-: draw but rewrite.

To correctly write the suffix and the infinitive, you need to form the form of the 1st l. unit present or bud. time.

If the verb is in the 1st l. Ends in -th (-th), then in the infinitive (and in past tense forms) you need to write the suffix -ova- (-eva-):

advise - advise, advised;

spend the night - spend the night, spent the night.

Ate the verb in the 1st l. ends in -yva- (-ivayu-), then in the infinitive (and in past tense forms) you need to write the suffix -yva- (-iva-)

I order - order, ordered;

shake - shake, shake.


The real participles of the present tense are formed from the stem of the verbs present vr I conjugation with the help of suffixes -usch-. -yushch- and II conjugation with the help of suffixes -ashch-, -yashch-.

carry-ut carry-shch-th; float floating

Real past participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive (or the stem of the past tense verb) using the suffixes -vsh-, -sh-:

Preparing for testing

1. Nouns with the suffix -IC-:

a) handsome ..c;

b) book .. tsa;

c) commander ..c;

d) armchair..tse;

e) fed .. c;

f) letters..tso.

2. Words with the letter Yo:

a) rowing..k;

c) print..nka;

d) smoked ..ness;

e) check..nok;

e) shoulders..m;

g) save .. to;

h) hat..nka.

3. Nouns with the suffix -EC-:

a) owner ..ca;

d) armchair..tse;

b) suffered ..c;

e) building .. tse;

c) letter..tso;

e) stubborn..tsa.

4. Words with the letter Yo:

a) night .. vka;

b) shower .. nka;

c) retouch..r;

d) hook .. to;

e) pear .. wka;

e) j..nka;

h) check..no.

5. An adjective, in the suffix of which -I-:

a) Zarech..nsky timber processing plant;

b) Mytishchi..nsky dairy;

c) Krasnopresn..nskaya station;

d) Cemetery..nskaya fence.

6. Choose the correct answer.

a B C D E)

german..y sk k k sk k

kyrgyz..iy sk k sk sk k

sailor..y ck to ck to to

close.. sk to to to to

Turkish .. cue sk sk to sk to