Create in Photoshop the text written in chalk on the blackboard. Decoration of chalk boards

List online services providing the opportunity to draw on a virtual board with crayons. After drawing, the picture can be saved, downloaded to your computer.

Let's start with the best ones I could find. Demo version of the web application - Drawing Board, there are three crayons for drawing (white, red, purple). The drawing process is accompanied by pleasant sounds of chalk on the board.

You can draw with chalk, or you can write something in print. The disadvantage is the small size of the board and the inability to adjust the thickness of the chalk. What you have drawn can be saved as a picture, to do this, enter your email address in the line above the upper left corner of the whiteboard. Click the "Submit" button and a message with a picture will be sent to your mail.

The second service is My online blackboard - the size of the board is huge, almost the entire area of ​​the browser. You can paint with all the colors that exist in nature.

Use straight lines, squares, rectangles or just freehand. Unlike the first service, the thickness of the chalk is regulated here. However, here I did not find the button to download the image, it remains only to take a screenshot using the "Prt Sc" key on the keyboard. And the lines themselves here do not look like lines drawn in chalk, although perhaps it all depends on good skill paint.

Chalk Text Effect is not exactly a blackboard, just choose the font you like and the background in the form of green, black or any other chalkboard and write the text.

The result is quite high quality, just like a real photo. But the fonts do not support Russian letters, so it is only suitable for those who want to write something in English.

Here is an example of what kind of picture you can get.

And finally, a game in which you can also remember your childhood and draw with crayons - Chalkboard Paint. And then reproduce the whole process at high speed and see how you drew it.

However, I could not download the picture, because. did not find such a function. But I do not exclude the possibility that it is there (I do not understand Chinese at all). Green board, and six multi-colored crayons. Everything is accompanied by sound effects.

Today we will try to make a green blackboard and write text on it with chalk. As always, thanks for the lesson idea Vectips, who implemented it in illustrator. I brought it to life with the help of Photoshop. In this tutorial, there are some interesting simple tricks that give an amazing effect. First, let's do some magic on the board, giving it a slightly shabby look, literally and figuratively. Then we write the text and using the blending mode “Dissolve” (Dissolve) we will achieve the effect of the inscription made in chalk. Then we will decorate the inscription a little.

Step 1.
Create a new document in Photoshop, fill it with color #365722. Immediately make a duplicate of the layer and turn it off, we will need it in Step 4.

Step 2
Take a large soft brush with a size of 250px and color #7a975f click in the center of the canvas to get this light spot.

Step 3
Now let's add some noise. “Filter” (Filter)> “Noise” (Noise) “Add noise ...” (Add Noise) with values ​​as in the figure below.

Step 4
Set the foreground color to white and the background color to #365722. Now we will use the auxiliary duplicate layer from Step 1. Turn on the auxiliary layer and apply to it “Filter” (Filter)> “Sketch” (Sketch)> “Linocut” (Stamp) with the settings as in the figure below.

Step 5
There was such an effect.

Step 6
Now select White color and turn off the help layer.

Step 7
On a new layer, fill the selection with white and change the blending mode to “Soft light” (Soft Light). Lower the layer's opacity to 10%.

Step 8

Now let's select a brush. In the standard set of "Thick Heavy Brushes" I found a suitable brush. Press F5 and in the dialog box that opens, select the "Brush tip shape" tab. Set the settings as shown in the figure below.

Step 9
In the "Double brush" tab, set the following settings.

Step 10
In the "Color Dynamics" tab, set the following settings.

Step 11
Now, in the panel under the top menu, set the values ​​for the brush to "Opacity" - 50% and "Pressure" - 20%. After that, on a new layer, make a few strokes with a brush.

Step 12
Change the blending mode of the layer with strokes to “Soft light” (Soft Light). Lower the layer's opacity to 65%.

Step 13
Now in Book Antiqua font, size 90 pixels, write the word "DESIGN".

Step 14
Rasterize the text. Change the blending mode of the layer to “Dissolve (Fade)” (Dissolve). The transparency of the layer is reduced to 95%.

Step 15
Double click on the layer and open the layer style, bookmark “Stroke” (Stroke). Set the following parameters.

Step 16
It should turn out like this.

Step 17
Right-click on the layer and select "Group to a new smart object" (Convert to Smart Object). And after that, apply to the text “Filter” (Filter)> “Blur” (Blur)> “Gaussian Blur ...” (Gaussian Blur) with a value of 0.3 pixels.

Step 18
Now we write some more arbitrary words and use Steps 14 to 17 to achieve the effect of chalk writing.

The final
Now add decorative one pixel stripes and use Steps 14 to 17 to give them the effect shown below.

Step 1

Open Adobe Illustrator and with the Horizontal Type Tool ( ",this,event,"320px");">Horizontal Type Tool) (T) write "2013". I used the Pistilli Roman font.

Step 2

From this set, select swirls and create an ornament around the numbers.

Step 3

Create a new document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) with a size of 2880x1800 pixels. Insert a blackboard image into it.

Step 4

Transfer the ornament to this document. Then create a layer and fill it with black. Merge both layers (Ctrl + E).

Step 5

Set the Blending Mode to Lighter (Lighter Color).

Step 6

Apply the Angled Strokes filter to the inscription layer:

Direction Balance
Stroke Length

Step 7

Add a mask and use a black brush with 30% opacity to paint over the inscription.

Step 8

Apply the following styles to the caption:

External glow: Mode - Lightening.

Drop shadow: Mode - Lighter.

Step 9

Set the Blend Mode of the label layer to Dissolve.

Step 10

Create a copy of all layers. Unite them (Ctrl + E) and apply a Gaussian Blur filter ( ",this,event,"320px");">Gaussian Blur Filter) with a value of 5px. Set the Blending Mode to Soft Light (

This tutorial will teach you how to use the brush and its settings to create chalk effect text.

Materials for the lesson:

Step 1

Open the chalkboard image in Photoshop and use the tool Frame(Crop Tool) get rid of the black background corners.

Let's go to the menu Image - Correction - Levels(Image -> Adjustments -> Levels) and set shadows to 20, midtones to 0.88. This will make the image darker.

Now let's go to the menu Image - Adjustment - Hue/Saturation(Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation) and change the saturation value to 10. This will make the colors more vibrant.

Step 2

Write the text in Blokletters Potlood font at 270 pt.

The tutorial uses text on two layers to demonstrate the use of more than one color, but you can write your text on one layer.

Step 3

Open the brush settings palette from the menu Window - Brush(Window -> Brush) and then change the options as shown below:

Brush print shape(Brush Tip Shape)

Select the Chalk 44 brush

Form dynamics(Shape Dynamics)

double brush(Dual Brush)

Select the Spatter 14 brush

Step 4

Make the text layers invisible by clicking on the eye icon next to them.

Right click on the text layer and select Create Work Path(Create Work Path).

Activate the tool Arrow(Direct Selection Tool), set the foreground color to white, and create a new layer on top of all layers, then name it "Chalk".

Right-click on the work path and select the option Stroke the path(StrokePath).

In the stroke dialog box, select the tool from the drop-down menu Brush(Brush). Make sure the option is unchecked Simulate pressure(Simulate pressure).

Now your outline will be stroked with a chalk brush. Press the Enter key to get rid of the outline. Keep in mind that different font sizes may require different brush sizes.

Step 5

Let's circle each letter of the second layer with the inscription in a different color. To do this, right-click on the text layer and select Create Work Path(Create Work Path). Now using the tool Arrow(Direct Selection Tool), drag and select the first letter in the word to highlight its anchor points.

Set your foreground color to whatever color you like, keep in mind that light tones will look better. Stroke as you did before for all the letters, but don't press a key until you're done with the last letter Enter.

Colors used in the tutorial:

S - #f5989d
c - #fff799
h - #bd8cbf
o - #fdbd89
l - #82ca89

Step 6

To improve the color reproduction, the last thing we will do is add an adjustment layer. Click the adjustment layer selection icon at the bottom of the layers palette and select an adjustment gradient map(Gradient Map).

Make sure the adjustment layer is on top of all layers in the palette, then change its blend mode to Multiplication(Multiply) and reduce Opacity(Opacity) up to 40%.

In the gradient we use two colors - on the left #c3ae99 and right #FFFFFF.

And now our text on the blackboard is ready!

And the version below can be used for a Facebook page. Enlarge the image, right-click and save the image.
The author of the lesson wishes you a successful school year.

We decided to collect all the ideas for writing on a chalkboard.

Quotes written on chalk boards for bars and restaurants, help collect inscriptions with chalk, send your photos to us by mail or on Instagram with the tag #ChalkArtRussia .

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