An original letter to a guy in the army from a girl. An example of a letter to a beloved soldier from a girl in the army

Despite the fact that mobile phones are now allowed in the army, every soldier will be pleased to receive news from a girl on paper. It is important to correctly compose a letter to the army so as not to offend the serviceman and support him during a difficult period. A long separation can both destroy your feelings and strengthen them. If the girl composes the messages correctly, it will be much easier for the couple to survive this year.

What not to write

First of all, it is necessary to remember that every letter sent to the army is carefully checked. It is important to choose the right words in different cases. It often happens that feelings cannot withstand separation; in this case, it is best not to lie, but to choose the right phrases to explain your lack of love. It would be best to communicate the breakup not in a letter, but in a telephone conversation.

When sending a letter to the army, take into account the characteristics of your character young man. Remember that a soldier needs to conduct combat duty. If he receives a message that can make him jealous or plunge him into depression, the young man is ready to commit a rash act. At the moment of an emotional breakdown, he will not be responsible for his actions and can be dangerous. It is best to convey bad news in a personal conversation over the phone, so that you not only have the opportunity to explain yourself, but also to listen to the young man.

There are several other topics that you should not raise in your letter:

When composing a message, remember that young people do not show their emotions, but inside themselves they are very worried about their loved ones. Don't give your loved one unnecessary reasons to worry. For example, you should avoid information that other men are trying to court you. This way you will not become more attractive in the eyes of your loved one, but on the contrary, you can evoke the opposite emotions.

How to write a love letter

We will not give a sample letter from start to finish, because composing a message for a loved one is an individual process. No one knows their boyfriend better than the girl they love. Let's look at just a few successful phrases:

  1. “I miss you very much, the only good thing is that no one is being drafted into the army a second time.”
  2. “I love looking through our photographs, each of them is a whole story.”
  3. “It’s a pity that we can’t talk in person without looking at roaming, tariffs and minutes. Only now I realized how much a simple conversation means.”
  4. “I look forward to your return, so that we will never be separated for a long time again.”
  5. “Now I will appreciate every moment with you.”

Common themes in a love letter to the army are separation, time, and planning for a future meeting. At the same time, it is important to show that you do not just spend your days sitting by the window, but use the time to improve.

Each letter should have its own zest, so try to format the text in an unusual way or come up with a touching and very pleasant greeting. Sample message title:

  • “Hello, my dear”;
  • “Salute to the best guy on planet Earth”;
  • "Good afternoon, my little soldier."

You can use cute nicknames or addresses in the title that were often used during communication. In the body of the letter you need to talk about the latest news, and also ask what is happening with your loved one. It is best not to ask standard questions about business and health, but to be interested in more detail.

One of the most important phrases that should be used in letters from a girl to the army is simple words: "I love you". You shouldn’t repeat this expression too often, but you shouldn’t hide your feelings either.

What to do if there are practically no topics for writing

If you have already written your first touching letter, you need to correspond regularly. While in the service, young men really look forward to hearing from their loved ones. After some time, the girls notice that they have nothing to write to the army, the topic of waiting has already been exhausted, and no new events are happening. In this case, you shouldn’t stop writing; try to find an activity for self-improvement that you can tell your boyfriend about. You can write to the army about:

  • a recently released film;
  • read book;
  • courses attended;
  • new job;
  • studies.

Try to be interesting to your boyfriend so that he looks forward to every letter. At the same time, emphasize that you are making all the changes specifically for him, so that later you will be interested in communicating, and maybe even living together. At the same time, you should not talk every minute about your day; try to remain a mystery to your loved one. If you talk in too much detail about your days, the guy may have suspicions about your immaturity.

Please note that you should not talk about going to nightclubs or discos. After all, such places can be associated with drinking alcohol and attention from the opposite sex. Remember that there are a lot of guys in the military with different situations. It often happens that colleagues who were not welcomed by girls express their negative opinions, thereby causing jealousy without the slightest reason.

The epistolary genre goes back a long way, so not everyone knows how to write letters correctly. And sometimes you have to do this. For example, when a guy goes to serve in the army. A letter to a guy in the army helps him get through a difficult period.

A letter to a guy in the army is a special letter. Although they say that reading other people's letters is the highest degree of bad manners, letters to an active military unit are necessarily looked through. And this is not done because the commander is curious about who the young soldier is dating. It’s just been known for a long time that the information that yesterday’s conscript receives from a “civilian” can undermine his morale for a long time, drive him into depression, or, on the contrary, help him serve with dignity.

It is especially important that the first letters do not contain negative information.

Even if something happened at home, you should not report this in personal letters.

To protect soldiers from emotional breakdowns, negative information is presented officially in a business setting. If something happened to parents or loved ones, the commander reports it all. In many cases, soldiers are given days off during rehabilitation. Exposure to negative information when accessing firearms poses a danger not only to the life of the soldier himself, but also to those around him.

Personal information should also be positive. You should not reproach your beloved for not being attentive, not writing, not saying the words that are expected of him. A soldier's everyday life is filled with training as much as possible - he has no time to write long letters from the heart.

There is no point in understanding situations that were not fully clarified in civilian life. It’s quite difficult for the guy now, he feels lonely. Why add to his emotional difficulties?

When starting a letter, you need to express your feelings for your loved one without excessive sentimentality. It is imperative to mention in the text of the letter that without him it is very difficult, difficult, that memories of meetings are constantly being replayed and pictures of future happiness are being drawn.

You should write - especially in the first letters - that there is pride in your loved one who fulfills his duty to the Motherland, that this is pleasant. My friends are jealous that there is such a protector.

It’s not only worth talking about yourself, but also asking about his affairs, asking his army friends, how is his service going? You need to try to ask questions so that the guy shares his inner experiences, then it will be easier for him.

Even if it’s not very interesting, it’s worth asking about some of the subtleties of the service and personal relationships. This way the guy will understand that his affairs are not indifferent.

No complaints about others, that they were “harassing” or spoke badly.”

Some girls manage to insert phrases into a letter to a guy in the army that unsettle him for a long time. They try to show how in demand they are, unaware of how it hurts loving hearts. It is better not to disclose information about how many guys are courting.

You need to sit down to write a letter to a guy in the army in a calm atmosphere, carefully thinking through each phrase. If during an oral conversation a careless word can be softened with laughter or tone of voice, then what is written is perceived directly.

The letter will look touching if you include your own photograph, a postcard, or some picture that will bring back pleasant memories.

The text of the letter should be approximately similar to this.

“Hello, my beloved! I’m really looking forward to seeing you, and don’t even doubt it – this time will fly by. I will study (work) and constantly think about you. Believe me, my military service will end, and we will definitely be together.

I feel sad and lonely without you, I constantly replay your words and our meetings. Remember when you gave me a soft toy and I was offended? I thought you thought I was small. Now I’m sleeping with this bunny-bear-mouse and thinking about you.

I love you very much.

I'm proud that you joined the army and didn't come up with any nonsense. I am very pleased with how seriously you take military duty, you will be great great husband and a wonderful father, you will always be the protector of the family.

How are you doing? What do you do in your free time, do you have any? Be careful, take care of yourself for me.

I am happy when I receive your letters. There is so much tenderness in them. I am very pleased that you remember me even in difficult moments of your life. We will soon meet again and will never be apart again.

I miss you, kiss you, wait! "

It happens that over time the correspondence dies down, and not because the love has ended. It’s just that letters gradually become monotonous - you can’t endlessly rewrite memories. In order to enliven communication, it is necessary to ask several questions among gentle words, but not routine ones - how is your health? – and those that relate to the real situation and talk about their studies and work. It’s good to get advice on how to communicate with colleagues or classmates.

You can talk about everyday problems in tender letters, without forgetting about your love. It might look like this: “This morning I got up, thought about you, and mechanically applied toothpaste past my brush. Do you remember when you called out to me? "Or: "The power went out, and then the traffic jams burned out. I sat half the evening in the dark. If you, my beloved, were nearby, you would immediately guess what to do.”

When it is possible to send emails, the correspondence will be more lively.

A letter to a guy in the army should not be filled with complaints that he needs to come and deal with someone. He won’t be able to do this from afar, and the information upsets him. Maybe you shouldn’t create situations yourself, after which you will definitely need a defender?

A letter to a guy in the army should convey all the love for him. He should feel that he has a reliable support at home, that he is expected and loved. Thanks to letters, separation helps lovers get even closer and understand how much they need each other.

Hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers separate two loving hearts. This is a real test of feelings. A young man in the army has a much harder time than the girl who is waiting for him at home. It's not always possible to get on the phone. Sometimes loved ones don’t hear each other’s native voices for months. To show your boyfriend that you care and add romance to your relationship, you can write a letter to your loved one in the army.

No matter how hard it is for the girl, she is home. She is surrounded by familiar surroundings, familiar activities, family and friends. For a young man, everything is different. He finds himself in a place completely unknown to him, he is surrounded by people unfamiliar to him. The guy's daily routine changes radically, to which he must get used. At this moment, he needs the support of his beloved more than ever.

How to support a guy in the army? Of course, write a letter to your loved one! When starting to write, you need to remember all the pleasant moments that are associated with your loved one. Memories will bring a smile to your face, which means it will be easier to write, and necessary words will come to mind on their own. Writing a letter to a guy in the army adds some zest to the relationship. In a letter you can describe all the feelings and emotions that a girl experiences for her beloved. All feelings must come from the heart. The girl should write in a letter about how much she loves the soldier and is looking forward to his return. You can also describe that the girl feels very bad without him and she suffers.

A loved one can describe how the days pass while waiting. You shouldn't skimp on beautiful words. Guys also love it when people say nice things to them. In the letter you can indicate the changes that have happened in life, but only good ones. After reading the letter by a soldier, he should only have pleasant emotions, so he should not tell him about the conflicts that happened with his girlfriend, about the death of his beloved cat, etc. If he learns bad news, all his thoughts will be connected only with this, and this will prevent him from serving as expected.

You should also avoid telling gossip. Most likely, he will not be interested at all. After all, all that worries a soldier at this point in his life is how his beloved girl spends her days apart, how much she loves him and waits for him. A girl can start a calendar and cross out the day she has lived every day, counting the days until her beloved returns. He'll love it.

A girl can write that she is very proud of her soldier. If she communicates with the soldier’s mother, then you can go visit her and find out how she is doing. She will be very pleased. You can talk about this in a letter to a soldier. He will be pleasantly surprised, and in this act he will see the serious intentions of his beloved. This will give him confidence that he is really welcome.

A girl should not write that she does not hate the army, because for a young soldier, serving in the army can be very important. Having learned about this, he is unlikely to be happy. This will only upset him and ruin his mood. This means that he will not be able to repay his debt to the Motherland with full dedication.

Having described in a letter all the changes that have occurred in the girl’s life, it is necessary to ask how things are going with him, how he feels being at a distance from his home and beloved, whether he has gotten used to the new living conditions. In order to make the letter more original and memorable, you can attach a photograph to the letter. This can be a separate photo of a girl, or a joint photo with a loved one. This will give him the strength he needs. You can put some kind of amulet in the envelope that carries meaning. For example, a heart-shaped pendant.

Of course, he won’t wear it around his neck, but most likely he will put it in his breast pocket, closer to his heart. Every time he looks into this pocket, he will see the pendant and remember his beloved, who is very much waiting for him. The letter must necessarily encourage the fighter. You can write to him about your dreams for the future that are connected with him. You can find some beautiful verse on the Internet that would convey all the feelings, and write it in a letter as a beautiful ending.

If a girl has poetic talent, then she can write a poem herself. Your loved one will definitely appreciate it and be proud. At the end of the letter, the girl should definitely repeat once again that she loves him very much, misses him and is waiting for him. After finishing writing, you can sprinkle the letter with your perfume, which is familiar to the soldier. Having opened the envelope, the loved one will feel the familiar smell and for a moment imagine that his beloved is somewhere nearby. He will be pleased. On the envelope in which the girl will put the letter, you must indicate the unit number, company and platoon.

You need to write a letter carefully, with love. After all, most likely this letter will be re-read more than a dozen times. After all, this is exactly the thread that will connect the soldier with his beloved girl. If the girl receives a reply letter, you should not scold the soldier for the fact that the letter took a long time to arrive. Most likely, he did everything possible to ensure that his beloved received his answer as soon as possible. There are times when letters are lost during transportation. The girl should be prepared for this, but still hope that all the love messages will be delivered to the address.

The letters that girls send to guys in the army bring them closer together. During separation, both partners can realize all their mistakes and look at all the quarrels that occurred from a different angle. You can even apologize again for some moments. All this will only bring two loving hearts closer together.

It should be remembered that a letter written by a beloved girl is very valuable for a soldier. Perhaps, after many years, both partners will remember this difficult time for them with a smile and re-read the letters written with great love and warmth!

The soldier's lot is hard. However, so that the guys in the unit don’t get bored, their girlfriends and just good friends write letters to the soldiers.

If you don’t know how to write to a guy in the army, you can fix this by reading a sample letter to the army.

Remind me of your feelings

So that your friend or beloved guy does not get bored in the army, try to write in a letter not only and not so much about your feelings. Of course, you can also write about them, especially if you are writing to your soldier love letter. First you should say hello, remind the guy that you are his love you very much, What miss you and look forward to meeting you, after all it is most important. This concludes the welcome part.

Write to your boyfriend about everything

Next comes the main part, which contains some narration. Let this be a story about what new happened in your family during the guy’s absence, what his friends tell him, how your yard or neighborhood has changed. Or maybe a new one opened in the city while your loved one is in the service? shopping mall? Write about it, hint that you definitely want to go there together. If a new PK&O was put into operation during this time, be sure to say that you will need to take a walk there together as soon as possible. And so on.

Are you finishing your letter? Write about your feelings again

So, the letter ends, everything new has already been told, including your plans. It remains to finish the message correctly. If you are writing to your boyfriend, again, write about how much you love him and how much you miss him. Just don't copy the welcome part of the letter, better dream up. Be sure to assure the guy that you will write to him again very soon. And try to write more often. You can place at the end of the letter a love poem invented by you personally or by your acquaintances/friends. If this option is not suitable for you, then take a couple of lines about love from a poem some famous poet, for example, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and others. Unforgettable classics are always in fashion, especially when it comes to expressing love.

If the addressee is just yours good friend, you can put on paper the memories of your joint tricks, about how interesting it was for you together. Let your friend also remember the brightest moments of your friendship. And then you can say goodbye - not for long, of course, until the moment when you again want to write to the guy in the army.

Another important nuance is the formatting of the letter.

Writing a letter is not everything. If you want your boyfriend to get not just great, but great pleasure from reading your letter, you can perfume the piece of paper with the message with your perfume, which he is crazy about. You can leave a kiss on the paper, putting on your lips with lipstick, the color of which he likes so much. Another option is to put a swan, dove or some other figure folded using the origami technique in the envelope along with the letter. In general, everything is limited here solely by your imagination.

Many guys, coming from the army, become completely different people. And some change very much, sometimes so much that they begin new life. If you are left “overboard”, do not torment yourself under any circumstances - you are not to blame for anything. In this case, register on the dating site This will give you the opportunity to find a person who truly loves you, about whom you will already know a lot, even before you have seen it with your own eyes.

It would seem - why in our modern world, per century high technology, write letters by hand? Even a guy in the army can just call him on his mobile phone (it’s good that they are now allowed for servicemen) or text him. But most often, due to the long distance, you can go broke making calls, plus the soldier doesn’t always have access to a phone, and you can’t tell a lot over the phone - how and what is happening in civilian life. And most importantly - a letter for an army man is like a kind of fetish - you just need a folded piece of paper with scribbles from your beloved to be in your inner pocket, near your heart - it warms.

The hardships of military service - why you need support with letters

A young guy, who still doesn’t really know anything about life, is fledgling, and almost immediately after school falls into the trap of the army. Nothing can be done - it’s like the state needs to repay a debt that it did not borrow from it. But it’s better to go through this “school of life” right away, so that later you don’t have to run from the state—the “creditor.”

Only the psychological moment is not taken into account: 18 years is the age of first love, big plans and ambitions, but you have to put off everything you have planned for a year. The hardest thing is to part with your beloved girlfriend or even your young wife. The darkest thoughts come into my head: what if she doesn’t wait, cheats, or leaves for someone else? It's scary to trust even a close friend.

That is why every news that comes from home (from parents or from a beloved girl) is so important for a guy. At one point, he is ready to abstract himself from everything around him and read every line with rapture. And there is no need for any scientist-“boiled” psychologist: it is writing that can calm the heart.

Modern youth have practically forgotten how to write ballpoint pen: a letter typed on a keyboard is much faster to write and easier to read. But there is no soul in it. It “smells” like a breech. And the letters carefully drawn with a ballpoint pen look even nicer. Well, imagine that you and your lover have found yourself in the past, and there is no other way to write it the old-fashioned way. And now a few rules:

    There is no point in even talking about literacy and punctuation. Respect yourself and your boyfriend - write correctly.

    Start your letter with a very gentle and affectionate address. Well, what did you call him before the army, and at the same time he was thrilled? That's it.

    Dedicate the first paragraph to your feelings - how you miss him, how you wait for him, how you don’t sleep at night thinking about him. This will immediately cheer him up and calm him down - which means there will be nothing bad in the text.

    The more witty humor the better. A guy in his sad situation needs to laugh and smile more often.

    Of course, it is advisable to write without obscene slang - a soldier will want to read some passages from life in civilian life to his colleagues, and he will have to stammer to remove your verbal garbage.

    The middle of your message is all about news in civilian life, but only in positive tones. Even some minor troubles can be served with “sweet sauce” if you look at the problem from the other side.

    Write about things that are pleasant for him - about his parents with whom you are calling, about the previous meeting that is about to approach, even if there is still a good half of his service left.

    He doesn’t need your girlish gossip - leave it for your girlfriends. And in general, be careful with your words: fighters’ nerves are always on edge, and even a story about your harmless bachelorette party in a nightclub can become a reason for unreasonable jealousy.

    Avoid Internet template phrases if you don’t know what else to write. It’s better to keep it short and succinct, but in your own words, understandable to him. A paragraph about the weather, a paragraph about studying, and between them - touching words of love: now the letter has turned out.

    Ask your soldier more about his army and how he is served. Be interested in absolutely everything - he will be pleased to think that you care about how he lives there and what feelings he experiences.

    Don’t forget to decorate everything beautifully: with hearts in the margins of your message, and of course, with the word “Kisses,” put an imprint of your lips in lipstick.

    Write as often as possible - the fighter waits impatiently.

Put your soul and surprises into your letter

It's not just your sweet messages that can make a fighter smile. A photograph, a surprise or a small trinket enclosed in an envelope will also evoke tender feelings in your little soldier (or sailor).


Seasonal surprises

All year round - that’s how long any guy in the army now serves. 4 whole seasons. And each season has its own characteristics. Therefore, if you want to surprise him with something, send him a tiny herbarium along with your news. Just dry a leaf, flower or thin twig between the sheets of a book and press it with a press. But you can find the features of preserving the bright colors of plants on the Internet.

  • Winter: the very tip of a Christmas tree branch. It's great if your letter arrives right when New Year, maybe even the pine aroma will remain in the envelope. Such a surprise!
  • Spring: flower of lily of the valley, snowdrop, coltsfoot.
  • Summer: no wild imagination is required here. Summer itself dictates it.
  • Autumn: well, of course, yellow or red leaves.

Cute trinket

With the arrival of holidays (especially personal ones, such as birthdays), every fighter wants some gifts or surprises. After all, without them, this holiday will only add sadness to the army. Parcels with goodies are usually sent by parents, but you can also please your service member - for example, with an original postcard made by yourself.

If you don’t know how to do this, gain experience from those who are used to doing this on Valentine’s Day. There are ribbons glued there, foil, joint photos in a heart, again, a herbarium to help. And all the information can be found on the Internet - how to do it in an original way, the main thing is to put all your tender feelings into your craft.

And finally

A year of separation is an unpleasant but necessary test. It’s good that it’s not the same as it was before—two or even three years. And they were sent to serve very far from home, which is rare now. Plus, although it’s difficult to communicate, it’s still possible using a cell phone. Nowadays, waiting for a fighter is not particularly difficult. You will see - time apart will only strengthen your feelings if they are real. Therefore, take care of your loved one, write more often and be sure to wait.