DIY balls from disks. We arrange a disco at home: do-it-yourself disco ball

Starting over the weekend, I was simply drawn into this exciting activity. And it all started with the fact that my child and I had to make a couple of Christmas tree decorations for a street Christmas tree, which (more precisely for 2 Christmas trees) grows in the courtyard of the kindergarten. And then it began.....I scoured the Internet looking for ideas and eventually found what you see now. Unfortunately, I didn’t find such a MK on our favorite site (if it already exists, then I apologize - I didn’t intend to plagiarize, and therefore I admit that it wasn’t me who came up with this, but I’m just embodying what I saw on other sites)

Preparing materials:
1. old and unnecessary CDs (12 discs are needed for one ball)
2. Soldering iron with a sharp tip (I think you can somehow do without it, but with this device it will work faster)
3. Glue gun
4. Wire
5. Tinsel (I used thin) - approximately 4 meters
6. Good mood and time about 40 minutes

STEP 1: cut out a template - a pentagon with sides approximately 6.5 - 7 cm. We will need it for the next step

STEP2: apply our template to the disk and, using a soldering iron, make 5 holes in the disk corresponding to the corners of the pentagon. And so with all 12 discs

Step3: cut the wire. In the future, we will use this wire to fasten our parts together.

Step4: We begin to assemble the ball. The ends of the wire look towards the underside of our future ball. Then we begin to connect the outer 5 disks to each other (see arrows)

It turns out like this (looks like a vase)

Step 6: place the second row of disks in a checkerboard pattern relative to the first row. and then we close everything with the last (12th) disk. Our ball is ready. You can decorate with tinsel.

My brother, seeing the ball, suggested putting a light bulb inside and I liked this idea. This is where my experiment began. Only instead of a light bulb, inside I placed a New Year's garland of many small light bulbs before connecting the last disk to the parts. Plugged it in and.....

True, my “point-and-shoot” camera, which dares to call itself a digital camera, still does not know how to photograph garlands and other lighting effects well. Therefore, the quality of the photo (even though it turned out at all) - I apologize - is not so great. BUT it's still fascinating.

For now it stands like this.....without decoration. BUT I don’t know - is it worth adding tinsel to this lamp at all or leaving it like that? How do you think?
I DON’T like winter because I have to get up in the morning when it’s already dark outside. But today I’m even a little happy about it. Perhaps I will be able to wake up the child early tomorrow and surprise him with such an unusual New Year's lamp. And at the same time take a couple more photos

And this morning, on the way to Kindergarten, the child happily agreed to pose with the balloons. In the morning we gave them to the teachers. Our group is located next to the kitchen. SO - while we were walking, the cooks turned their heads, then they came running to look... And the children from the street saw us and shouted to the teacher, “Look, Vladik is carrying something beautiful.” In general, everyone is happy. And as always, we brought them on time: one of these days a commission will come to the kindergarten with an inspection. We were offered to participate in a competition with them, but I honestly refused. Because the child did not take part in their creation, and we have another idea in stock - especially for the competition (it is important for me that the child also works.

Disco is a fun, joyful and festive event for all people, not only for young people, but also for mature ones.

Many middle-aged men and women remember well the discos of their youth - invariably cheerful, noisy, with their favorite music. And, of course, absolutely indispensable for a disco under the ceiling. Many would like to return to the old days during the holidays and have fun as before. And there are many who want to show the main entertainment of their youth to the younger generation. Only the most important component - a disco ball - can now not be found in every club, and the organization ("disco of the eighties") will cost a lot for those who want to shake up the old days.

But in order to have fun with your loved ones, you don’t have to go to a club. You can arrange such a disco in your own home, in the office, and at school (of course, during non-working and non-school hours). This requires volunteer assistants and a little imagination.

In this article, those who want to bring back the past will learn how to make a disco ball with their own hands in a couple of hours from scrap materials. It's so simple that even a child can do it.

So, for this craft you will need:

1. Mirror or old CDs.

3. Glass cutter.

5. Liquid nails.

6. Newspapers.

7. Balloon.

First of all, you need to inflate the balloon (it must be round) and tie it tightly so that it does not deflate under any circumstances.

After the preparatory activities, papier-mâché is made. There are two possible options here.

First, you can prepare a paste. To do this, you need to bring water to a boil (five parts) and mix it with flour (one fourth part), diluted in one part of water. This mixture should cook for a couple of minutes and cool.

Secondly, you can do it easier and mix regular PVA glue with water.

The next step is cutting newspapers (or any other soft paper, not magazines) into strips. They need to be moistened, but not very much, in glue, then applied to the inflated ball. An important nuance - it must be completely dry.

The number of layers of paper is not limited: the more there are, the stronger the disco ball.

Next you need to wait for the papier-mâché to dry. At this stage, you can pierce the ball and pull it out, but in this case there is no need to tie it with fishing line - it should be secured to a dried frame, and even when gluing it, you must leave a hole.

After this, you need to prepare the most important element - a mirror or disk (or you can combine them). The material must be cut into small squares - no more than a square centimeter. This is done using a glass cutter. You need to be careful here - the mirror pieces are very sharp, and therefore the work surface needs to be covered with a cloth.

And the last stage is gluing the squares onto the surface of the ball and hanging it.

By constructing such a decorative element, you can prove that a good party is possible at home, and no modern light music for a disco is needed!

One scratch and the disc can be thrown into the trash. Or attach it as a stand for a cup of tea (can be glued to cardboard). Flash drives and file sharing services have practically replaced even usable disks. It seems like rubbish, but I don’t dare throw it away. Let's try to turn garbage into a very beautiful and useful thing for home celebrations, discos, and parties. We will make a disco ball from disks with our own hands, especially since the work is pure pleasure, requiring neither experience nor large expenses.

CD disco ball

Tools and materials

  • CDs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • patience and inspiration.

Step-by-step instruction

Disc selection

In addition to “needed or not needed,” the disks also need to be sorted by color, because they have different shades. Although it all depends on your idea: the ball can be plain or colored. For a ball the size of a school globe, prepare at least 50 disks. Shape of fragments. Depending on your imagination, the pieces of the disk can be regular in shape (square, rectangle) or arbitrary. A standard disk square is 2 cm x 2 cm.

Cutting discs

into small squares, for example, and put them in one container. (If you break it, it won’t be very small). It is better to take metal or kitchen scissors; office scissors can break, and with thin scissors, calluses on your fingers are guaranteed. It would be a good idea to sharpen the scissors before use. The discs are very fragile and pieces may break off at the edges. For flexibility and softening, place it in hot water for a couple of seconds. Don't overdo it, it may lose its shape.

The basis

  • Method one. Cut a ball out of a large piece of polystyrene foam (the bigger the better). Such a ball can also be bought in flower shops.
  • Method two. If you are proficient in the papier-mâché technique, you can cover a regular school globe with pieces of old newspaper, after greasing it with Vaseline and covering it with cling film. Two days after drying the two layers, we get a pretty decent base ball. The cut halves can be joined with tape.
  • Method three. If cutting the balloon is a shame, stick pieces of paper onto a round balloon. After the shell has dried, the ball can be easily pierced and the paper sphere can be used for its intended purpose.
  • Method four. Probably the easiest way is to make a large ball of newspaper and cover it with fabric.

First, you need to make a through hole in the ball for fishing line or other thread so that you can hang the ball.

Decorating the ball

It is convenient to glue the disco ball with squares using a glue gun. You need to start from the “equator”, that is, from the middle of the ball and paste it around the circumference towards the “poles”. We glue the top part of the ball last. Here you can use non-standard pieces of material, remaining trim. If the squares are the same (cut out according to a template), you can paste them in a checkerboard pattern or offset, like a tile. We glue pieces of arbitrary shape without gaps, overlapping and overlapping the previous one so that the ends stick out in all directions (see photo).

We hang the disco ball from the chandelier (or in another convenient place), turn off the light, direct the beam at it and invite friends to the disco.

Are there any unused squares left? Update your old photo frame. Since the pieces remain non-standard, the empty spaces must be filled with an outline. Let's get three useful things - cheap and cheerful.

Another way to turn CDs into an original disco ball with your own hands without cutting them is to watch the video.

Options for large disco balls made from uncut CDs in the photo. Such balloons will be appropriate for any occasion - a wedding or New Year's Eve.

In our computer age, many people have old and unnecessary disks at home, which seem to be a pity to throw away and have nowhere to use them. But why is there nowhere?

Each of us has at least once thought about what can be made from old ones lying around. Do you know that discs + your imagination = a super disco ball. And putting this into practice is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Select the discs you use carefully. It all depends on your idea - do you want to make a multi-colored ball or use only one color in the composition. Since all discs have different shades.

As for the shape of the pieces for the disco ball, it also all depends on your idea. Someone cuts out all the fragments in only one shape: in the form of squares or small rectangles. And someone cuts out pieces of various sizes and shapes. Crafts made from disks are interesting to make and use.

Making a ball out of CDs

Collect all your old CDs.

Cut each CD into small squares.

Kitchen scissors are more suitable for this work; regular scissors can break immediately.

In addition, the scissors should not be thin, otherwise your hands will hurt. And the scissors must be sharp, sharpen them before use.

Put all your pieces together. You will end up with a lot of small squares.

Cut out an even ball from a large piece of polystyrene foam with your own hands; the author made a small ball. For a disco, of course, it is better to cut the ball larger, 4 times larger.

Take it to create a homemade product. As you can see, you can make crafts from old CDs without spending a lot of money on materials.

Immediately make a hole in the ball, where you can pass a fishing line or something else on which to hang your ball.

First, glue your small squares together, starting from the center of the ball. Go all the way from top to bottom. Continue gluing pieces until you cover the entire ball.

Leave the top of the disco ball uncovered. This is a good place for the lumpy bits left at the end. The pieces at the top are least noticeable.

Hang the ball from the ceiling or chandelier.

Now you have a mini disco ball, and you've put your old CDs to good use.

Fantasize, try to do different things and you will succeed!

At discos, there are always disco balls under the ceilings, which shimmer under the bright multi-colored beams of spotlights and cast glare on the dancing youth on the dance floor. If friends often gather at your house and you like to dance, then a disco ball is an irreplaceable thing for you. Buying such a ball is very unprofitable, but it is easy to make with your own hands.

In this video you can see the process of creating such a ball, and below read its detailed description.

To work we need to prepare:
- old CDs;
- scissors;
- glue gun;
- scotch;
- flask;
- newspaper.

In order to make a disco ball, we take any unnecessary newspaper and begin to crumple it, forming a ball. You can make a ball of any size, it all depends on your personal desire. Just keep in mind that for a large ball you will need a lot more newspapers and CDs. The ball must be as dense as possible, so spare no effort and newspapers in order to prepare a high-quality base.

The resulting ball of newspaper must be wrapped with tape so that it holds its shape and does not unravel. In addition, this is necessary in order to take the next steps to create a disco ball.

As a result, you should make a hard and strong ball. It doesn’t matter if it is slightly not very smooth, it will be noticeable after all the actions that we do with it.

Wrap the resulting ball in foil. Carefully smoothing it onto the ball with your hands so that no large pieces remain too noticeable.
We put our ball preparation aside and take the CD.

Cut the disk into narrow strips. Then we cut these strips into squares and rectangles. It doesn’t matter if they are of different shapes, it’s only to our advantage.

After the required number of various shapes from the disk have been cut, it’s time to begin the most intricate and painstaking work - gluing the pieces onto the ball.

Using a glue gun or regular instant glue, we begin gluing our pieces step by step. Apply glue to each piece separately on the non-shiny side. Place the pieces on the ball, trying to arrange them as close to each other as possible.