Omon Chechens. Blood revenge of the Chechen riot police

Personal war of the Chechen OMON.

Boris Anatolievich Dzherelievsky

Chechens are a people who do not know halftones. If a bastard - then it’s completely finished, if a hero - then an epic, epic hero. The time of the current Caucasian turmoil will pass, and much will be forgotten. But the memory of the heroes of this war - the fighters of the Chechen OMON - is unlikely to be erased. They will be remembered not only in Chechnya, because their brothers in arms are traveling all over Russia. What is this detachment, which has become a living legend? He showed not only loyalty to death, fearlessness and sacrifice, but also deep wisdom that allowed the fighters to understand who brings death to the Chechen people, and who - real freedom and the opportunity to live like a human being. Understand and make your own, the only right choice.


The current OMON of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Chechen Republic traces its pedigree from the OMON of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, formed in the late eighties and actually ceased to exist after Dudayev came to power. Most of its employees, not wanting to participate in the crimes of the "new government", then left the organs. So the current commander of the detachment, Musa Gazimagomadov, worked as a carpenter all the years of Dudayev's rule. The Chechen OMON was revived after the introduction of Russian troops into the rebellious republic. On August 6, 1996, the fighters of the newly formed detachment entered into battle with the rebels in the center of the Chechen capital. Then, with a fight, they left the encirclement in the Staropromyslovsky district. A week later, Chechen riot police under the command of Lieutenant General Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov and Colonel General Valery Fedorov, with the support of artillery from the 205th brigade, took control of a complex of government buildings ...
In those bloody days, a genuine, indissoluble military partnership was formed. FSB officers, fighters of the St. Petersburg SOBR, and other units fought shoulder to shoulder with the riot police. Looking ahead, I will say that these fraternal ties, hardened in the flames of the Grozny clashes and carried through the "interwar" years, will become the key to the success of many operations of the second Chechen campaign ...
The end of the August battles, which, despite everything, became a truly heroic page in the annals of the Russian army, was a real tragedy not only for the group, but for the whole country. But the situation in which the employees of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs found themselves after the signing of the treacherous Khasavyurt agreements was terrible.
And, alas, not everyone managed to survive (although who has the right to reproach them today?)
But the higher the merit of the Chechen riot police, who managed to overcome all the trials with honor. And there were many. They were threatened, they were accused of "betraying their people", a real hunt was carried out on their loved ones, they were tried to be bought. The militants were sleeping and saw the transition of the riot police to their side. A whole propaganda campaign was thought out, the roles were distributed and tasks were assigned to Russian and foreign journalists who were supposed to cover this "epoch-making event" (later the riot police got into the hands of financial documents of the militants, indicating the names of these correspondents).
Let me remind you that in the fall of 1996, the rebels sought out and destroyed everyone who could be suspected of collaborating with the Russian authorities. An epidemic of denunciations began: a neighbor "knocked" on a neighbor, hoping to take possession of his housing and property. Thousands of people have disappeared without a trace in the cellars of "Sharia security". But those who really fought against the bandits with weapons in their hands were in for a truly monstrous reprisal.
Until November 27, the detachment was on the "Northern", then the fighters were transferred by helicopter to the Nadterechny region, to the border of North Ossetia. At this time, another "muddy" proposal was received by the detachment. An intermediary of a certain "tourist company" offered the entire unit " Good work for good money" in one of the Western countries. But people who were loyal to the oath and fought for their land were not attracted to the career of mercenaries, although the prospects for the near future were very vague.
It soon became clear that this was probably an attempt to lure the fighters to Azerbaijan, where they were expected to be massacred.
Time passed, but the situation did not clear up. It became obvious that they, like hundreds of thousands of other residents of Chechnya, were sacrificed to "higher political interests." In this situation, the commander of the detachment, Musa Gazimagomadov, made a difficult, but the only possible decision: for everyone who wants to take their personal weapons, hide and survive.
He himself and twenty-five other fighters, who decided not to separate under all circumstances, moved to Nalchik. They were poor, barely making ends meet. They huddled together with their families in a local empty sanatorium, fed on "humanitarian aid" and on the remnants of the allowance that they owed to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. In June 1997, Musa went to Moscow "for the truth" - to ask not to disband the remnants of the detachment, but to use them on the border with Chechnya. However, the leaders avoided meeting with him. But friendship remained, born in the trenches: St. Petersburg, Moscow OMON, a number of other detachments, SOBR, in a word, those who saw the war not from the windows of Moscow offices. They tried to help their comrades-in-arms, to give them at least moral support, which is a lot in such a situation. Musa was invited to work in the Moscow SOBR. "I'm not alone. Guys are waiting for me in Nalchik," he replied.
It should be added that throughout the entire "interwar" period, Musa and other riot police persistently made many "slippery" proposals. Apparently, their authors did not even think that in such a situation people can be guided by such "abstract" concepts as HONOR and LOYALTY TO DUTY.
The fighters lived by their labor and waited for them to be in demand again ...


The August campaign of the Wahhabis against Dagestan in 1999 once again raised the Chechen problem in all its acuteness even to those who tried their best to "not notice" it. But here, too, attempts were made to resolve it, if not peacefully, then at least "with little bloodshed." The General Staff was looking for opportunities to get in touch with the President of Ichkeria, Aslan Maskhadov. A person was needed for a secret meeting with the "popularly elected." Hardly anyone could cope with this task better than Musa Gazimagomadov. And in September, the OMON commander was transferred to the territory of Chechnya, despite the fact that he was one of the first on the Ichkerian "lists for destruction". And although the circle of people who prepared this meeting was very narrow, the information was still leaked. The people of Basayev and Gelayev hunted for the "Kremlin's emissary" all over the republic. But the meeting still took place. Moscow's demand is an official condemnation by Maskhadov of the "Dagestan campaign" of Basayev and Khattab. In addition, it was necessary to probe his readiness to resign his presidential powers and disarm the formations under his control. The third participant in the meeting was Apti Bataev, one of Maskhadov's closest associates. A year later, he will tell Gazimagomadov that after the meeting, Maskhadov rushed about, not finding a place for himself, but could not decide on anything, apparently hoping that he would manage somehow. At the meeting, the "Ichkerians" promised to think... A few days later, already in Moscow, Musa contacted Maskhadov's reception. "No decision has been made," was the reply. "Guys, this was your last chance," was all Gazimagomadov could say. But the meeting nevertheless gave a certain result: soon after the introduction of troops, Bataev disarmed his detachments. He will tell how, having received news of the movement of Russian troops, Maskhadov swayed in his chair, clasping his head in his hands and wailing: "Aslan, Aslan, what are you doing?"
At that time, Musa was in Mozdok, and his trusted people went to the regions of Chechnya to convene the militia. Tired of arbitrariness and devastation, people were ready to take up arms and deal with the Wahhabis on their own. Chechen riot police were in the first echelon of troops that stormed Grozny, and their contribution to the liberation of the Chechen capital was very significant.


Initially, a decision was made: riot police are created in five large settlements of the republic, each numbering 101 people. But it soon became clear that most of the personnel of the detachments did not correspond to their positions, mainly in terms of their moral qualities. The units were disbanded, and the remnants were consolidated into one OMON. This happened in August 2000. But the personnel selection did not end: only from August 1 to December 2000, 186 people were expelled from the detachment. However, the Chechen OMON has that skeleton on which "meat will always grow." Approximately a third of the personnel are hardened veterans of the first campaign, who went through the hard school of the Khasavyurt betrayal and the “off-season” that followed it. These are ideological fighters waging their own, personal war against the rebels, perfectly aware of its goals and objectives. It was they who determined and continue to determine the internal climate of the detachment, ensuring its moral health and high fighting spirit.
Today the staff of the detachment is 301 people. A significant part of the fighters are young guys under 25 years old. The overwhelming majority of OMON officers are Chechens, other nationalities are represented by Russians and Kumyks. There are also girls in the group.
Taking into account today's Chechen realities, when applying for service in the OMON, one has to "lower the bar" in matters of physical training and education. "We believe that today the main thing for a candidate for the detachment is his moral character, his moral state," says Bawaudi, deputy commander of the detachment. - In addition to the official special check, we carry out some operational developments for each. Without it now it is impossible. Then a rather detailed conversation takes place with the volunteer, during which he will have to talk in detail about the motives that brought him to the detachment. " Hardly anyone comes to the detachment for the sake of a stable salary and certificate. All these pluses are overlapped by the fact that anyone who joins the OMON "automatically" turns out to be among the "sentenced" bandits.


These are not those cheap "pontoviks" in armbands, hung with empty pipes from RPGs (for greater solidity), taking heroic poses in front of TV cameras. And not those youths, stupefied by heroin and Wahhabist "truths", unable to even imagine what will happen to them in a minute ... Both friends and enemies call Chechen riot police suicide bombers, because having once decided for themselves that death is better than dishonor and the death of the Motherland, these people daily challenge her. By the time I met the detachment, the list of dead soldiers was 23. Moreover, eight of them died from their own fire. Now the list has increased by another 18 people at once... Relatives of the fighters are in no less danger - today 18 of them are dead. In recent months alone, two of Musa's nephews have been killed.
The riot police, of course, do not remain in debt. Knowledge of the area, mentality, extensive acquaintances, allow them to deliver truly "pinpoint" verified strikes, allowing them to do without "big iron", and therefore without destruction, without casualties among the civilian population. The riot police are well aware of the tactics of the militants, and if necessary, they successfully use it, acting in small, mobile groups. That is, they beat the enemy with his own weapon. In addition, such events, in which a relatively small number of riot policemen are involved (often even dressed in civilian clothes), turn out to be more effective than grandiose sweeps. For example, five fighters in civilian clothes can arrive at the right place in a shabby Zhiguli car. And block it until the approach of the main forces. However, judge for yourself: the result of the operation, which was carried out in early March under the code name "Angel", was the arrest of 71 criminals, of which six were leaders of bandit groups, thirty militants, and four participants in robbery attacks. In early April, Operation Locust was carried out in Grozny's central market, during which 12 people were detained, 11 of whom were wanted. An equally rich catch was brought by the Operation Orderly, which followed the Locust. On April 6, Islam Chilayev, one of the bloodiest bandit leaders, also known by the nickname "Bagram", was eliminated. And how many more such "bagrams", "gerats", tuziks and bobiks have been neutralized by Chechen riot police! And if the death or arrest of each such scumbag is multiplied by unexploded land mines, shots not fired in the back ...
How many human lives saved will we get as a result?
One of the significant cases of the detachment is the prevention in 2001 of an attempt on the life of Vladimir Rushailo, when he was the Minister of Internal Affairs. Then, a few hours before his arrival in Chechnya, the riot police found in the vicinity of the airfield a camouflaged equipped position with a prepared Strela portable anti-aircraft missile system. This was preceded by a lot of work, which required, among other things, the introduction of the detachment's employees into the environment of the militants. Moreover, several people were declassified at the same time, which later led to victims ...
Chechen riot police can work not only with weapons. Once the commandant of the Leninsky district turned to the fighters for help. After the cleansing operation in Prigorodnoye, the military convoy, which included the detainees, was blocked by civilians. As part of two groups, riot police went to the scene. By the time they arrived, the situation was tense to the chapel. Despite all attempts, the military could not establish contact with the angry crowd and were already ready to open fire to kill. Warmed up by several provocateurs, the crowd was ready to rush to the cars. But it took Bawaudi, the deputy commander of the detachment, only ten minutes to calm the people and withdraw the convoy along with the detainees from the encirclement. At the same time, it cannot be said that he put forward any special arguments. It was about who was speaking to the crowd.


But why the premonition? What is happening today in Chechnya can be called this terrible phrase. Chechen to Chechen, one-teip to one-teip, brother to brother.
A split has passed through Chechen society like a winding crack, which is getting wider and wider every day. It didn't start today or yesterday. But the fact that the actions of the rebels in recent years are directed primarily against the Chechens, shows a lot. About the fact, for example, that the militants are gradually finding themselves in more and more deaf moral isolation, and that’s all. less people ready to support them, but ready to fight them.
On April 18, as a result of a terrorist attack organized by the people of Zelimkhan Akhmadov on the order of Khattab (the Jordanian allocated $ 2 million for actions against the most effective units of the Chechen police), 18 fighters of the detachment died. This terrible loss did not shake, and could not shake the determination of the riot police to clear their land of infection. Two explosions sounded in the Ippodromny microdistrict (where the OMON base is located) shook the whole of Chechnya. "The militants shouldn't have done this," the old men shake their heads.
"The Wahhabis wanted to scare the OMON fighters, but they made a big mistake, because now a war of bloodlines will begin, which is more terrible than the war for law and order, because the Chechen people are divided into two parts - those who support the Wahhabis, and those who are against them, and it's nothing but Civil War. This is a fight to the death. And only one side will survive here," Deputy Mayor of Grozny Ibragim Yasuev said.
Deputy OMON commander Bavaudi, in a conversation with me, compared the Chechen people with an organism consisting of a million organs, each of which is sick. But the fact that the Chechens themselves decided to get rid of the dirt that had stuck to them over the past decade suggests that healing is not far off.

Boris Anatolievich Dzherelievsky

Sent to soap, I quote:

“At the suggestion of journalist Oleg Kashin, LJ and FB spread the news that Chechen OMON was grazing in Moscow, which, if anything, would harshly disperse all those who disagreed with Putin and his elections. According to Kashin, the Chechens were quartered somewhere in a hostel in the north-east of the capital True, the search for this place turned out to be in vain.Infa, thus, turned out to be an unconfirmed rumor, about which the Putinoids immediately muttered.

It turns out that they were looking in the wrong administrative district. Yes, Chechen OMON in Moscow. Only this detachment lives not in SVAO, but in the Western Administrative District. Even the exact address is known: LCD "Golden Keys". Minskaya street, building 1 B, first entrance, the very last floor.

Helped find a case. My friend (for security reasons, as you understand, I will not tell her name) bought an apartment in this house. Until recently, I was satisfied with my housing. The house was built with high quality, there are no complaints about the builders. Most of the neighbors, it seems, are also okay, the people are not poor, decent people. But this fall, a bunch of Chechens moved into the penthouse on the top floor (it occupies the entire floor, about 400 square meters). And recently, shortly after the rally on Bolotnaya Street, there were even more of them.

Caucasians do not hesitate to walk along the landing in camouflage, make noise, sometimes music and clatter are heard - they are dancing, apparently. From time to time, my friend at home hears a clear smell of barbecue and barbecue - probably bearded "neighbors" are cooking. In general, life in the "Golden Keys" has ceased to be golden. The local police were called a couple of times, but they did nothing - they were just afraid, out of harm's way. So you have to be patient and afraid. Be afraid and be patient. Buying luxury housing with their own money.

To the question “How long have the Chechens arrived, and when will the “martial law” in the house end?”, the Chechens honestly answer that they will not leave “until the landlord repays our debts.”

The whole house is aware that this apartment belongs to the developer and bankrupt billionaire Sergei Polonsky. Actually, his company Mirax built this house. Now, judging by the video from his LiveJournal, Polonsky lives somewhere on a landing stage in the Moscow region. He owes creditors about a billion dollars. His debts, these are his problems, I don’t really give a damn, but why do you need to arrange barracks for the Chechen OMON from your apartment?

This is only one apartment. How many of these “collector hotels” are there in Moscow?

In general, something needs to be done. Guys, let's somehow report this information to journalists we know, write to the Internet reception of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What else to do? What other options are there to help my friend? Or sell this apartment in FIG?

P.S. If you don't believe me, go there and see for yourself."

What do you think?



Search by " Chechen riot police"results: riot police - 461, Chechen - 1629.

results 1 to 20 from 108 .

Searching results:

1. "Specific subject" of Russian law. When a group of comrades from Chechen OMON found out that Islam had disappeared, Irisbay and Gelani were detained and taken to the Oktyabrsky police department.
Date: 21.10.2011 2. Garment factory of Ramzan Kadyrov. ... between employees of the security company "Peresvet", in which the Cossacks of the Terek army serve, and armed people who identified themselves as employees Chechen OMON. They did not let the guards from Peresvet, hired by its owners, into the Kislovodsk garment factory. The Cossacks claim that the Chechens threatened them with weapons and said that the factory belonged to President Ramzan Kadyrov. The day before, Mr. Kadyrov himself addressed the leaders Chechen communities of Russia, declaring that he would actively defend the rights of fellow countrymen ...
Date: 03/23/2007 3. "Private" army of General Kadyrov. Personally, Ramzan Kadyrov, who has the rank of Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is also subordinate to Chechen OMON consisting of 300 fighters (formally, of course, this detachment is part of the structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs). In 2008, Ramzan Kadyrov resolved the issue with the last armed Chechen formations in the republic that were not subordinate to him before - the battalions "East" and "West" of the 42nd motorized rifle division.
Date: 07/25/2011 4. Mountains in the law. Detained Arsanov Chechen OMON, also controlled by Kadyrov; its commander is former militant Akhmed Akhmadov, a supporter of Ramzan. The strangeness of the detention is that it passed peacefully, as if they went to visit: Vakha Arsanov was taken at dinner. The second oddity: no one - neither Ramzan nor OMON, nor the FSB - they do not shout to the whole world about the capture of Arsanov himself, as they shouted in the case of Khambiev.
Date: 14.02.2005 5. "Kadyrov began passing an electric current through the applicant, causing terrible pain in the applicant's head and arm. Kadyrov laughed at the applicant's reaction." The old man replied that Chechen laws, he could not keep a person asking for help from entering the house.
Even when Alu Alkhanov (the current President of Chechnya), he was still a minister at the time, spoke at the parade in Gudermes (the Security Council, police and OMON) and spoke about the need to comply with the laws, people from the Security Council simply laughed at his speech.
Date: 04.02.2009 6. Sadistic videos. ... carrying out operational-search activities managed to get the original videotapes of atrocities Chechen militants. This event is primarily noteworthy in that, in fact, material evidence fell into the hands of counterintelligence officers, which can put an end to a number of criminal cases initiated against members of gangs, and shed light on several tragic episodes of the second Chechen campaigns. Including the execution of Perm OMON and the kidnapping of several Russian officers...
Date: 02/16/2001 7. 10 Kidnappings Chechen OMON, natives of Achkhoy-Martan, that there are a lot of crimes on their account, but since they are people of Baraev, they are not looked for. 8. Sulim Yamadayev, biography Chechen OMON get the commander he deserves. - Kommersant, 09/28/2000. - No. 181 (2066) Former Chechen the militant called for an end to resistance to federal troops. 9. Anatoly Zolotarev and police smuggling. ... Khabarovsk OMON and SOBR (Far Eastern RUBOP) to urgently release a military aircraft flying from Makhachkala in order to send a batch of tangerines on board. Another trusted subordinate of his -
former boss The Internal Affairs Directorate of the Khabarovsk Territory Vyacheslav Arkadyevich Baranov - General Zolotarev put in charge Chechen oil business. At the direction of Zolotarev and with his direct assistance, Baranov, heading the Khabarovsk police, established stable ties with representatives Chechen ...
Date: 15.01.2008 10. New witnesses in the case Here is what Buvadi Sultanovich Zakiyev, a resident of Urus-Martan Chechen OMON(all the names in the article are genuine, the heroes of the material were not even afraid to speak to the recorder): - The Gelayevites blocked the regional center along the perimeter, inside the village Zakayev was in charge. 11. "Nord-Ost became the peak of Politkovskaya's professional demand" At least one Chechen victim and at least one executioner of this very victim. In September 2001, she published an article in Novaya Gazeta, “People Disappearing,” about the fate of Chechen Zelimkhan Murdalov, who was arrested in Chechnya by the Khanty-Mansiysk OMON in early 2001, he was tortured (he was beaten, his arm was broken, his ear was cut off) and then disappeared. Further, the journalist began to receive threatening letters signed with the word “cadet”. Under this nickname, an employee of the Khanty-Mansiysk OMON ...
Date: 11/15/2006 12. Night of Nazran. The addresses of the victims were known in advance. Chechen The militants have...
There, the extremists fired on the police departments and the base of the Ingush OMON.
Date: 06/23/2004 13. "The governor is afraid of him." Berezovsky, in fact, introduced Anokhin to one of Chechen leaders Movladi Udugov. The regional administration told us that the local prosecutor had already paid for his interest in Anokhin and was forced to write a letter of resignation. But the biggest scandal around Chechen touched Anokhin's contacts OMON city ​​of Berezniki. On March 29, in a battle near the village of Dzhani-Vedeno, Perm riot police lost twenty-three of their fighters. Therefore, the other day the commander of Berezniki OMON Andrey Korobeinikov and...
Date: 09/28/2000 14. September 21 - October 2 ... thousands of Muscovites and war veterans defiantly took to Tverskaya Street in opposition columns (and this despite the beatings OMON May 1), Yeltsin, steaming in the same bathhouse, swore an oath to a narrow circle of those present "to put an end to the opposition by July 1 ...
Many remember inspired scandals with " Chechen"by the police of the Supreme Council, Yeltsin's order of October 27, 1992 on the liquidation of the Directorate for the Protection of Objects of the Supreme Authorities and Administration of the Russian Federation and his instructions on the dissolution of such" illegal ... 15. How Grandfather Hassan drove into the House of Writers. Here are their data: 01/24/1995: No. AA100, AA132, AA136 (military unit 44978), 02/28/1995: No. DM 0023 (military unit 11659), 03/21/1995: No. DM 0105 + 1 pc. (military unit 23562), 06/17/1996: No. DN 0082 (military unit 74814), 08/06/1996: No. EP 0007 (registration OMON GUVD of Krasnodar), 08/08/1996: No. VL 0292 ...
Famous Chechen Politician Bislan Gantamirov, in the presence of a high-ranking officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then stated in the editorial office of Novaya Gazeta that, according to his information, three such groups arrived in Moscow, one to his soul.
Date: 01/29/2013 16. Ruslan Korigov was attached to "Scarlet Sails". In 1994, he was arrested in Moscow in a high-profile case of an attempt to steal more than 40 billion rubles using the so-called Chechen advice note. However, the Russian authorities were soon forced to release Korigov, who was considered the organizer of the scam. In December 1996, militant leader Salman Raduev captured 22 fighters OMON from Penza.
Date: 11/12/2015 17. The flaw came out. Umarpashaev was abducted in December 2009 and held for almost four months, according to human rights activists, at the base Chechen riot police.
- Inset] [Gazeta.Ru, 10/31/2011, "NTV assures that the story about the abduction taken off the air OMON of people in Chechnya "required improvement": NTV channel took off the air for the central part of Russia the plot of the program "Central Television" about the abduction of...
Date: 31.10.2011 18. The "Highlander" case does not die. According to an informed source, recently the prosecutor's office sent an order to law enforcement agencies, according to which they should find and ensure the appearance of one of the employees Chechen policemen who ended up in Moscow ...
To help them, employees of the Moscow Organized Crime Control Department were identified, as well as OMON, since there was information that Baisarov was armed and could offer resistance, - the official report to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate said.
Date: 02/16/2007 19. Chechnya without Alkhanov. The President of Chechnya has not yet bothered to come and get acquainted with the personnel of the regiment named after. A. Kh. Kadyrov, to talk "for life" with the fighters of the Republican OMON, battalions "South", "East", "North". What can we say about people in uniform, if Chechen refugees living in camps on the territory of Ingushetia have not yet been able to look into the eyes of the president of their own republic.
Date: 02.10.2006 20. Thirteen-year-old suicide bombers. "White tights" Shamil Basayev Even during the first Chechen During the war, everyone heard about the "exploits" of the "white tights" - the female battalion of snipers who fought on the side of the militants.
In the Alkhan-Yurt area, a UAZ loaded with explosives rammed a checkpoint at high speed and stopped at the entrance to the building where the Omsk OMON.
Date: 17.02.2003