OFD - fiscal data operators. Fiscal Data Operators (FDO)

As you know, from July 3, 2019, most businesses, with a few exceptions, are required to switch to online cash registers. An indispensable condition for ensuring the full operation of new devices is the use of the services of fiscal data operators. We decided to understand in detail what an OFD is, how to connect to it and where to find a list of accredited operators.

The work and connection to the CCP of a new model is regulated by Federal Law No. 54-FZ. This rule defines the OFD. It follows from it that this is an organization established on the territory of the Russian Federation, which carries out activities for the processing and transfer of fiscal data to the tax authorities in accordance with existing legislation. At the same time, the concept of “processing” includes not only the accumulation of the received information, but also their systematization, verification of reliability, storage, and much more. Including, their use for the formation of statistical documents. From all this, we can conclude that the OFD, in essence, is an intermediary in the transfer of information between the enterprise and the tax service.

Fiscal data operators in Russia: list (2018)

All operators must meet the requirements established by existing legislation, as well as be accredited by a special expert commission. List of accredited CRFs, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 3.1 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, is entered in a special register.

The list of FDOs on the website www.nalog.ru is periodically updated and replenished with new organizations. As of July 2019, it has 18 operators. Below is a list, as well as the TIN of each of them and the orders of the Federal Tax Service on issuing a permit to carry out activities.

OFD: list of operators, TIN and supporting document

  1. Joint Stock Company "Energy Systems and Communications" - TIN 7709364346 ( 4 )
  2. Taxcom Limited Liability Company - TIN 7704211201( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  3. Evotor OFD Limited Liability Company - TIN 9715260691 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  4. Limited Liability Company "Yarus" - TIN 7728699517 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated August 31, 2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  5. Limited Liability Company "PETER-SERVICE Spetstekhnologii" - TIN 7841465198 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated October 18, 2016 No. ED-7-20 /);
  6. Yandex.OFD Limited Liability Company - TIN 7704358518 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 10, 2017 No. ED-6-20 /);
  7. Electronic Express Limited Liability Company - TIN 7729633131 ( );
  8. Closed Joint Stock Company "KALUGA ASTRAL" - TIN 4029017981 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 14, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  9. Limited Liability Company "Company" Tenzor "- TIN 7605016030 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 14, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  10. Limited Liability Company "KORUS Consulting CIS" - TIN 7801392271 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 12, 2017 No. AS-7-20 /);
  11. Closed Joint Stock Company "Production Company "SKB Kontur"" - TIN 6663003127 ( Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 29, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  12. Joint Stock Company "Tander" - TIN 2310031475 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 11, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  13. Certification Center "InitPro" Limited Liability Company - TIN 5902034504 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /));
  14. Limited Liability Company "GROUP ELEMENT" - TIN 7729642175 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  15. NVision Group Joint Stock Company - TIN 7703282175 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 6, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  16. Public Joint Stock Company "Vympel-Communications" - TIN 7713076301 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 26, 2017 No. ED-7-20 /);
  17. Limited Liability Company "MultiKarta" - TIN 7710007966 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 12, 2018 No. ED-7-20 /);
  18. Dreamkas Limited Liability Company - TIN 7802870820 (Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 5, 2018 No. AC-7-20 /).

The list of OFD on the website of the Federal Tax Service can not only be replenished with new organizations, but also reduced. According to paragraph 8 of Art. 4.4 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, the authorized bodies may cancel the permission to process fiscal data. The application of such sanctions may be related to the following factors:

  • identification of the operator's non-compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation during inspections by regulatory authorities;
  • double or repeated failure to comply with the instructions of regulatory authorities in fixed time during a year;
  • termination of activities as an operator in the prescribed manner;
  • submission of an application by the operator to cancel the permission to process fiscal data.

According to paragraph 13 of Art. 4.4 of the same law, a notice on the termination of the CRF activity must be published on the official website of the Federal Tax Service within three working days from the date of the relevant decision.

OFD choice

As we discussed in the previous PPT, when choosing an operator, you should ask if it operates in the region you are interested in. If the organization works in the right locality, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the guarantees of the stability of its equipment. After all, the speed of transmission of fiscal data and the very fact of their delivery to the tax authorities directly depend on this. If they do not turn up in a timely manner in the tax office, this quite predictably threatens with a fine.

As for the prices for using OFD services, they currently amount to approximately 3,000 rubles per cash desk per year. Accordingly, the issue of price when choosing an operator does not play a major role.

only those companies that are included in the register of fiscal data operators of the Federal Tax Service of Russia can. In the article, we will look at all organizations from the register and determine how they differ from each other.

Where to find a list of fiscal data operators

OFD.RU (PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies)

20 years of creating programs for telecommunications services. The advantage is an easy connection, since the CCP itself downloads all the necessary data. When paying for services, the company provides a month of free service.

To get on the list of organizations of fiscal data operators, you need to pass an inspection at the FSB and receive a certificate from the Ministry of Communications.


Search engine and developer of over 50 online services and portals. When working as an OFD, they use their own technologies in the field of big data processing.

"Electronic Express"

Creators legal system GUARANTEE. Their service has been used by lawyers, accountants and executives since 1990. To use this operator, you do not need to have a cash register.


One of the three largest special communications operators in the country. Provide services for VTB24, TinkovBank and AlfaBank. Participated in the experimental use of online cash registers. Dreamcass partner.


They issue certificates for EDS, deal with electronic document management and business automation. VLSI network communications developers. So far, OFD does not have a test platform, and the support service works only with partners and clients. Eat mobile app for clients.

KORUS Consulting CIS

Owned by Sberbank companies. One of the leaders in electronic document management. They have a network of partners throughout Russia.

"SKB Kontur"

Since 1988 they have been developing accounting software. Issue EDS and deal with electronic document management. Create systems information security. Developed about 30 business products.


An online cash register operator created by the Magnit retail chain for its stores. Initially, the network connected to the "First OFD", but then registered a personal operator. Other businesses can also connect to Tander. The company has already been included in the OFD list on the website of the Federal Tax Service and has developed, but has not yet made a website.

We will select OFD for a year and connect
for 2900 rubles and 2 hours!

Leave a request and get a consultation
within 5 minutes.

These are all fiscal data operators in Russia, but the list of organizations will continue to grow. For 4 months it included 7 new companies. Therefore, stay tuned to the FTS website for updates.

Section menu:

OFD list:

The main functions of the Fiscal Data Operator are the transfer of fiscal data from the entrepreneur's cash desk to the FTS servers, as well as the transfer of copies of electronic checks to customers via SMS.

This is interesting: do not forget that you pay not just for the transfer of fiscal data. Use the OFD service to the fullest. For example, for accounting and control of cashiers. Don't forget about this "free" opportunity.

List of Fiscal Data Operators (FDO) parameters

Support service:


Data for connecting KKM:

Host: gate.ofd.ru (or

port: 4000

test Personal Area:

Host: testgate.ofd.ru

port: 4001

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

from 3000 rub. per year + 1 month free service

from 50 to 80 kopecks per SMS

Feature: easy connection cash register in LC. It practically does not require any "body movements" - the cash register itself loads the necessary data. Comfortable.

Support service:



Data for connecting KKM:

Host: k-server.1-ofd.ru(or )

port: 7777

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:


test port: 7777

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • annual - 3000 rubles;
  • three-year - 6900 rubles. (2300 rubles per year).

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

Feature: very convenient test site.

Support service:



Data for connecting KKM:

Host: f1.taxcom.ru(or

port: 7777

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:


test port: 7778

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

3000 rub. in year

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

the service is currently free

Feature: at the moment, the system for sending SMS to clients does not work.

Support service:



Data for connecting KKM:

Host: ofdp.platformaofd.ru(or

port: 21101

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:


test port: 19081

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • service - 16.5 rubles. per day (6000 rubles per year);
  • monthly - 300 rubles. (3600 rubles per year);
  • quarterly - 900 rubles. (3600 rubles per year);
  • semi-annual - 1700 rubles. (3400 rubles per year);
  • annual - 3000 rubles. in year

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

100 rubles for 100 sms

Support service:


Data for connecting KKM:

Host: kkt.ofd.yandex.net (or

port: 12345

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

from 3000 rub. in year

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

check with OFD

Feature: a surprisingly uninformative OFD services site, but a very accessible technical section.

Support service:


Data for connecting KKM:

Host: kkt.sbis.ru(or

Port: 7777

Test personal account:

data not provided

Data for test connection of KKM:

data not provided

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

depending on the number of CCPs:

  • up to 5 pcs - 3000 rubles. in year;
  • from 6 to 10 - 2900 rubles. in year;
  • from 11 to 25 - 2800 rubles. in year;
  • from 26 to 50 - 2700 rubles. in year;
  • from 51 to 100 - 2600 rubles. in year;
  • from 101 to 500 - 2500 rubles. in year;
  • from 501 - by agreement.

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

  • 500 SMS - 600 rubles
  • 1000 SMS - 1000 rubles
  • 20000 SMS - 19000 rub.
  • 50000 SMS - 45000 rub.
  • 20000 SMS - 170000 rub.

Feature: The support service works only for partners and direct customers.

Support service:


Data for connecting KKM:

Host: ofd.garantexpress.ru(or

port: 30801

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

from 3000 rub.

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

included in the basic rate

Features: a cash register is not required to conclude an agreement.

Support service:


Data for connecting KKM:


Port: 7001

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:


Port: 7001

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • from 1 to 5 - 248.98 rubles. per month (2095.68 rubles per year);
  • from 6 to 20 - 233.64 rubles. per month (1968.24 rubles per year);
  • from 21 to 50 - 215.94 rubles. per month (1812.48 rubles per year);
  • from 51 to 100 - 200.60 rubles. per month (1685.04 rubles per year);
  • from 101 to 500 - 182.90 rubles. per month (1543.44 rubles per year);
  • from 501 to 1000 - 166.38 rubles. per month (1416.00 rubles per year);
  • from 1001 to 5000 - 149.86 rubles. per month (1231.92 rubles per year);
  • from 5001 to 10000 - 133.34 rubles. per month (1118.64 rubles per year);
  • from 10001 - 116.82 rubles. per month (977.04 rubles per year).

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

  • 1 SMS - 90 kop. per piece

Feature: low rates with monthly payment. It takes a long time to call technical support (according to Corus, information about difficult access to technical support is outdated).

Support service:


Data for connecting KKM:

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • from 1 to 50 - 2900 rubles. in year;
  • from 51 to 500 - 2400 rubles. in year;
  • from 501 to 20000 - 2100 rubles. in year;
  • from 20001 to 40000 - 1800 rubles. in year;
  • from 40001 to 90000 - 1650 rubles. in year;
  • more than 90000 - 1200 rubles. in year

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

Host: kkt.e-ofd.ru (

Port: 7777

Test personal account:

Data for test connection of KKM:

Check check site:

Tariffs (for one cash register):

  • Annual + - 500 rubles. for 180 days, 1000 rubles. - for 185 days;
  • Annual - 999 rubles.

The cost of sending SMS to the buyer:

0.80 RUB for one SMS

Information about Fiscal Data Operators is collected manually after testing the system and communicating with technical support. If you are a OFD representative and the information about your system indicated in the table does not suit you, please provide correct information that we could provide to your potential clients.

This is not the final list of official CRFs, there are companies that are waiting for permission from the Federal Tax Service.

Thinking aloud: As you can see, large retail chains (for example, Magnit) appear in the OFD register. Given the number of retail outlets and the number of cash desks installed at these points, such entrepreneurs save serious money (it is stupid to pay for services rendered to oneself). Time will show how this will affect the cost of services of fiscal data operators for entrepreneurs unable to "buy" the right to be a "feedeshnik". But the permission of large retail chains to become both operators and ASC clearly demonstrates to us the "support" of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.

OFD functions:

  • registration, re-registration and deregistration of cash desks in electronic form;
  • receiving fiscal information from fiscal drives and checking the fiscal attribute;
  • confirmation of acceptance of fiscal information;
  • sending a check electronically;
  • transfer of data to the tax service;
  • guarantee of confidentiality of fiscal information;
  • storage of fiscal information;
  • different service and technology for customers.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an OFD?

Before choosing an OFD, you should pay attention to important points:

  • does OFD have FSB, FSTEC licenses;
  • whether this operator has received permission to process fiscal data from the tax service;
  • convenient service for cash registers, clients and CTO;
  • experience of working not only with the tax service, but also with Big Data;
  • round the clock technical support;
  • testing of cash registers of manufacturers;
  • cooperation with TsTO or certifying centers for the issuance of CEP.

Checking OFD, cash desk and fiscal accumulator for legality

This is easy to do, you just need to go to the website of the tax service using the following links:

Which OFD to choose?

So which fiscal data operator should you choose? And absolutely anyone. The fact is that the price for services for one cash register is currently the same for all operators - 3,000 Russian rubles. The quality of service is also the same - all OFDs are far from newcomers in the field of telecommunications services and electronic document management.

Some operators provide an additional service, which may differ in cost from the services of competitors.

So if you only need to send fiscal data from your device - choose any fiscal data operator. If you plan to use additional services, then check with the operator whether the OFD you have chosen provides the required services.

OFD is an organization that collects, stores and transfers to tax office all sales data coming from cash registers. The requirements for fiscal data operators are very serious, as they must ensure the secure storage and transfer of data from CCPs to the tax office. Below we provide a list of OFD, this list will be replenished and adjusted.

List of OFDs

OFD Tier

The Yarus operator provides its customers with additional services, such as Big Data analytics, a service for controlling the revenue of tenants in the mall.

Annual maintenance of one CCP - 3000 rubles.

SKB Kontur was founded in 1988 and develops software for managers and accountants. SKB Kontur manufactures and supplies electronic document management and electronic reporting programs, online services for entrepreneurs and accountants, in the range of the company over 20 business products!The main features provided by OFD Kontur: transfer of fiscal data, registration of cash registers online, analysis of the work of outlets, transfer of electronic checks to customers. The minimum cost of connecting one CCP is 195 rubles per month, when connected to the service for 36 months.


When concluding a contract for 36 months, the cost of servicing one CCP will be about 167 rubles per month.

First OFD

Tariff "Bought and forgotten" - 6900 rubles for three years.


Fiscal data operator from Yandex. The cost of annual maintenance of one cash register is 3,000 rubles, for customers with more than 100 cash registers, the cost of services is calculated individually.

Fiscal data operator created by Evotor, entity Evotor OFD LLC. The tariff for three years is 6700 rubles. The site has a convenient service that allows you to select the desired tariff and order additional services and equipment.


OOO PETER-SERVICE Special Technologies. The basic tariff for one year is 2995 rubles for one cash register.

Electronic Express

Kaluga Astral

Tensor Company

KORUS Consulting CIS


Very low prices for OFD services. The minimum tariff for one cash register is 999 rubles per year, with no limit on the number of receipts.

OFD Magnet

JSC "Tander", the operator of fiscal data from the retail network "Magnit". The tariff for three years for one CCP is 6300 rubles.


There is an interesting tariff for microbusiness for 1350 rubles per year for one cash register, with a limit on the number of checks, no more than 1500 cashier's checks per year.

OFD (Fiscal Data Operator) is a mandatory link in the online cash register system for all trading companies. This is a relatively new entity that everyone who is obliged to work with CCPs and send sales data under the new regulations to the regulatory authority (in this case, the role of such an authority is assigned to the tax department) has to deal with. Connecting to OFD has become one of the stages of the quest called “Start working with online cash registers in new realities” for retail and online trade. Let's look into the details of the issue.

What is OFD, how do they differ from other special communications operators, and how can one become a fiscal data operator?

OFD are specialized companies, special communications operators. There are many telecom operators in Russia that provide channels for businesses to send reports to regulatory authorities. OFDs are approximately the same enterprises, only the requirements for them to send fiscal data are different.
According to the legal norms of Russia, they must have:

  • premises where technical means are located that ensure the transfer of relevant fiscal data. The premises must be located in Russia (this is mandatory), they can be either owned or leased;
  • means of forming a fiscal sign and its verification. Actually, this is a cryptographic means of protecting fiscal data. These funds must be owned by the company;
  • relevant licenses and conclusions. We are talking about licenses of Roskomnadzor for the provision of communication services and the conclusion of the FSTEC on the protection of information for its compliance with the legislation on CCP.

What is the function of fiscal special operators?

The main task is clear from the name - to process fiscal data, that is, to receive fiscal documents from CCPs, encrypt them, and verify their authenticity (in technical terms, of course). And then - transfer it through the necessary channels: from the trading company to the tax office and back (the actual data from the cash register is transferred there, back - confirmation). Simply put, only if there is an agreement with a special operator, the cash desk of the outlet will be able to send data to the state agency according to the regulations, which began to operate from the second half of 2017.

Two interesting details:

Firstly, the operator can use the data passing through it for other purposes - collecting statistics or research. This is not prohibited, but there is a condition: in this case, the data will be anonymized (at least they should be).

Secondly, a company cannot get into the register if its head or chief accountant has a criminal record. Speech in this case goes on convictions for economic crimes or crimes against state power. If a company applying for CRF status has an employee who previously quit due to loss of trust, this will also become an obstacle to obtaining the status.

An agreement with OFD: how to conclude it correctly?

We figured out what is OFD for cash registers. Now let's move on to practical issues - the contract. You can't do without it. Without an agreement, the cash desk will not be able to transfer fiscal data to the tax office, and this will be a serious violation, a fine for which is provided.

The contract is public, that is, one that must be concluded with everyone who wishes. This means that the operator does not have the legal right to refuse the client to conclude such an agreement if he has the technical capabilities to perform the functions of transferring fiscal data.

Each operator has its own form of contract. But there are several conditions that must be in such an agreement. This:

  • the size (volume) of the services provided;
  • conditions and procedure for their payment;
  • contract time;
  • the procedure for its termination.

It is important to know that the operating company must notify the relevant tax authority of all contracts. The following information is submitted to the IRS:

  • name of the user organization;
  • Full name of the IP user;
  • TIN of the taxpayer-user;
  • registration number of each copy of the cash register;
  • factory number of each copy of the cash register;
  • date of conclusion of the contract;
  • its duration;
  • date of termination (if information about its termination is transmitted).

An agreement with OFD is a serious matter, it is similar to an agreement for connecting to an electronic reporting operator.

How much do OFD services cost?

Each operator has the right to set its own price, since it provides a regular (albeit regulated by law) commercial service. But, according to the editors, all fiscal data operators currently have a price in the region of 3,000 rubles per year for 1 cash desk.

In this regard, the question of how to choose a partner depends not only on the price. Rather, it is translated into the plane of reliability, convenience and speed of connecting services and the interface of a personal account in which the user will have to work.

What is an entrepreneur to do? We recommend that you study the websites of fiscal data operators, watch presentations of their services (there are screenshots and even videos on the websites that give an idea of ​​what your personal account looks like) and make your choice in favor of the OFD that you like best.

List of fiscal data operators in Russia

The list of fiscal data operators as of April 5, 2019 includes 18 companies. All of them are approved by orders of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and are contained in a special register on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Here is a complete list of them, broken down by region of registration of the organization. But please note that the region of registration of the company and the region of operation of this OFD may not be related to each other. You can find out if the company provides communication services in another region by contacting it directly.

1. Fiscal data operators (Moscow)

Company name TIN
Electronic Express LLC 7729633131 dated 14.04.2017 N ED-7-20/
Taxcom LLC 7704211201 dated 31.08.2016 N ED-7-20/
Yandex.OFD LLC 7704358518 dated 10.04.2017 N ED-6-20/
OOO "Yarus" 7728699517 dated 31.08.2016 N ED-7-20/
Energy Systems and Communications LLC 7709364346 dated 31.08.2016 N ED-7-20/
GROUP ELEMENT LLC 7729642175 dated 12.09.2017 No. ED-7-20/
NVision Group JSC 7703282175 dated 06.12.2017 No. ED-7-20/
PJSC Vympel-Communications 7713076301 dated December 26, 2017 No. ED-7-20/
LLC "MultiCarta" 7710007966 dated February 12, 2018 No. ED-7-20/

2. Operators of fiscal data in St. Petersburg

Company name TIN OFD operator approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:
KORUS Consulting CIS LLC 7801392271 dated 12.05.2017 N АС-7-20/