Horse sorrel as fertilizer. garden review

Horse sorrel is a perennial herbaceous plant, whose height can reach 150 cm. This herb belongs to the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae). The plant has a thick, multi-headed, branched rhizome and a fairly large root growing deep into the soil. The stem, as a rule, is solitary, erect, it is bare almost along its entire length, with the exception of the upper branched part.

The leaves of the plant are large, alternate. The lower leaves are long-petiolate, heart-shaped, the upper ones are short-petiolate, ovate-lanceolate. The flowers are small, greenish, bisexual, they are collected in thin, dense and long panicle-shaped inflorescences. Horse sorrel blooms from late spring (May) to July. In rare cases, secondary flowering is observed in late summer (August) - early autumn (September).

Full ripening of fruits occurs in June-July. The fruit of sorrel is a trihedral nut of light brown color. The plant propagates with the help of seeds and division of rhizomes (vegetatively). It grows in almost the entire territory of the CIS countries. You can meet him in open glades, meadows, along rivers and lakes, ditches, and horse sorrel also grows in vegetable gardens. It is known as a meadow weed.

Useful properties of horse sorrel

Horse sorrel is a medicinal herb. Roots, rhizomes and the aerial part of the plant (leaves with petioles, flowers, fruits) are used as medicinal raw materials. Anthraquinone derivatives (up to 4%) were found in horse sorrel roots, including chrysophanoic acid and chrysophanol; tannins of the pyrocatechin group (up to 15%), flavonoids, vitamin K, organic acids (oxalic, coffee), resins, essential oil, iron.

Horse sorrel fruits contain tannins and anthraquinone derivatives, leaves contain flavonoids, rutin, hyperoside, carotene and ascorbic acid. The flowers contained a large amount of ascorbic acid. All parts of horse sorrel contain calcium oxalate. The composition of the plant makes it possible to talk about its antibacterial, astringent, hemostatic properties.

The use of horse sorrel

Horse sorrel in medicine (scientific and folk) is used as decoctions and powders. The root and rhizomes of the plant are used by folk healers as an effective laxative, astringent, antihelminthic, hemostatic, wound healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory agent. Leaves (fresh) are an effective wound healing, antiscorbutic, blistering agent. The fruits have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.

The internal use of horse sorrel in the form of a powder has a fixing (at a small dosage) and a laxative effect (with an increase in the dose of the powder). In addition, powders have a positive effect on the body with anemia, regulates the digestive tract. Such a remedy is prescribed for the treatment of the gallbladder (bile flow). In the form of infusions and decoctions, the plant is recommended for the effective treatment of colitis, hemocolitis, enterocolitis.

Horse sorrel has a positive effect on chronic hemorrhoids, as well as anal fissures, hemorrhoidal, uterine and pulmonary bleeding. Infusions are prescribed as antiscorbutic, antiseptic and hemostatic agents. In the form of a powder, the plant is recommended for anemia, and also as a means of improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Horse sorrel is used not only in domestic medicine, but also in foreign ones - in China, Germany, Uzbekistan and other countries.

Sorrel based recipes

Recipe number 1. To prepare a decoction, take 1 tablespoon of chopped roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 2 hours and strain the resulting broth. Reception schedule: 100 ml 3 times a day. The tool is recommended to improve the process of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

Recipe number 2. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 1 tablespoon of raw materials (rhizomes with roots), pour 0.2 liters of water, put on fire for 15 minutes, then insist 10 minutes. and squeeze carefully. Reception schedule: 1 tablespoon up to 5 times a day. This decoction is recommended for bleeding hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, colitis, enterocolitis.

Recipe number 3. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 tablespoon of raw materials (dried sorrel fruits), pour a glass of water, put on fire for 10 minutes, then leave for 1 hour and strain. Scheme of administration: 3 times a day, 70 ml of decoction. This remedy is recommended for bloody diarrhoea.

Recipe number 4. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of raw materials (sorrel roots), pour two glasses of water (boiling water), put on a small fire for 15 minutes, then leave for 4 hours and strain. Method of administration: douching (decoction is designed for one procedure). Number of douches - 12 procedures. The remedy is recommended for uterine cancer.

Recipe number 5. To prepare the decoction, you should take 30 grams of raw materials (crushed sorrel roots), pour 6 glasses of water, put on a small fire for 60 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes and strain. Scheme of administration: 0.5 cup twice a day. A decoction is recommended for liver diseases.

salad recipes

Delicious and, most importantly, healthy salads are also prepared from sorrel.

Recipe number 1. It is necessary to take 50-75 grams of sorrel, wash thoroughly with cool water, and then cut. Additional ingredients: hard-boiled egg, salt, sugar, pepper, herbs. For dressing, use sour cream or mayonnaise.

Recipe number 2. You need to take sorrel (100 g), fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in equal proportions (100 grams each), green onions and radishes (50 g each), cut the products into a container. Additional Ingredients: green pea(50 g), boiled or fried meat (150 g), hard-boiled egg, herbs, salt. For dressing, you can use sour cream or mayonnaise.

horse sorrel root

The roots and rhizomes of horse sorrel are rich in healing substances. Anthraquinone derivatives, chrysophanoic acid (chrysophanol), were found in their composition; tannins (8–12%); emodin; caffeic acid and flavonoid nepodin. The rhizomes also contain calcium oxalate (up to 9%). Useful macroelements (K, Ca, Mg, Fe) and microelements (Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Cr, Al, Ba, V, Se, Ni, Sr, Pb, I, B) were also found in horse sorrel roots.

Recipes for making decoctions from the roots and rhizomes of horse sorrel

Recipe number 1. To prepare a decoction, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of water (200 grams), put on fire for 15 minutes, then leave for 2 hours and carefully squeeze out the raw materials. Reception scheme: up to 5 times a day, 1 tablespoon of decoction. The remedy is recommended for atherosclerosis.

Recipe number 2. To prepare the decoction, you need 1 tablespoon of chopped roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 2 hours, strain the resulting broth. Reception schedule: 100 ml 3 times a day. A decoction is recommended to improve the process of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

Recipe number 3. Powder prepared from the roots of the plant. Scheme of administration: take 0.25 grams 3 times a day. The powder is recommended for diarrhea.

Sorrel cultivation

In spring, the human body suffers from a lack of vitamins. It is during this period that it is recommended to add sorrel leaves to salads and other dishes, thanks to the composition of which you can easily satisfy the onset of vitamin hunger. In addition, sorrel significantly improves digestion, it minimizes the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

Sorrel can be grown both in the garden and at home. For cultivation under normal home conditions, the following varieties should be chosen: "Altai", "Maikop", "Odessa broad-leaved". The plant easily tolerates shade, the ideal temperature is from 5 to 20 ° C. Sorrel loves soils rich in humus, you can use the slightly acidic Begonia soil. Sorrel seeds are sown in grooves 0.8–1 cm deep. It is necessary to observe a distance between rows of 6–7 cm.

Prepared grooves are fertilized with humus. Plants are sown throughout the year, the main thing is to maintain an interval of 30 days. In summer, sorrel is sown for one and a half years of use, in spring - for two years. Caring for sorrel is quite simple: as soon as the first shoots appear, they thin out, it is necessary to leave a distance of about 4 cm between them.

An important step in mass planting is the preparation of the soil for sorrel, namely, weed removal. After harvesting sorrel precursors (for example, perennial grasses), the soil must be peeled to a depth of at least 6–8 cm. ammonium nitrate in order to accelerate the germination of weed seeds. After 10 days, it is recommended to carry out repeated peeling to a depth of about 14 cm and sprinkle the area with organic fertilizer.

Sorrel does not like fresh manure fertilizers. Watering is done regularly, it is important to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. Feeding is recommended 2-3 times a month. Reproduction of the plant occurs with the help of seeds and rhizomes, which are specially harvested and planted in September in pots or boxes.

Sorrel for children

In its composition, sorrel contains calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. In addition, sorrel is rich in vitamins B1, K, C and organic acids. It is these substances that are of particular value to humans, because they are found in rare products. Sorrel has the same value as all other greens, which is why it should not be singled out as a separate group and avoided in the child's diet. Children can consume sorrel from the same time as dill, parsley, salads, etc.

sorrel seeds

Sorrel is not afraid of the cold, its seeds, with the help of which reproduction takes place, can germinate freely at a temperature of only +3 ° C. Shoots appear on the 8th, maximum 14th day after sowing. For sorrel seeds, conditions of slight shading are considered favorable. The seeds of the plant contain tannins.

sorrel leaves

Sorrel leaves are suitable for human consumption. Their collection takes place in spring and in the first half of summer - at a time when other greenery has not yet appeared. Sorrel is rich in vitamins, it is able to compensate for the vitamin deficiency that is formed in the human body after winter. Delicious green cabbage soup is prepared from sorrel leaves, it is used as a filling for pies, used in all kinds of vegetable and meat salads.

Sorrel leaves have a specific sour taste, which is given to the plant by the acids that make up its composition (oxalic, malic and citric). In addition, crude protein, tannins, large amounts of ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, salts of sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, molybdenum, zinc, nickel, fluorine and other substances.

Calorie content of sorrel

Sorrel, like any other greens, is a healthy and low-calorie product. The calorie content of a fresh product is only 19 kilocalories, boiled (it is recommended to cook for no more than 3-5 minutes in order to save the vitamin composition) -15 kilocalories.

Sorrel varieties

The most common varieties of sorrel are "Belville", "Large-leaved", "Broad-leaved", "Maikop", "Spinach", which differ from each other in color, size, taste and other features.

Belleville variety characterized by large, fleshy, leaves, which are characterized by a light green color. They have thick petioles. The variety brings a high yield, it is easy to endure cold. The taste of sorrel is slightly acidic.

The broad-leaved variety is characterized by medium-sized leaves and an ovoid shape. The color of the plant is green. The variety gives a high yield.

Large-leaved variety:
the leaves are quite large, oval-ovoid, light green in color. This variety produces a large yield. The taste of the plant is medium sour. Large-leaved sorrel is not afraid of cold weather, resistant to frost.

Maykop variety also distinguished by large, fleshy, wide ovoid leaves. It has a light green color with a barely noticeable yellowish tint. The taste of the variety is medium sour.

spinach variety
also has wide, large dark green leaves. It ripens earlier than other varieties. There is less oxalic acid in its leaves than in other varieties, but there is more citric and malic acid. The taste of the leaves is slightly acidic.

Sorrel sour

Sorrel sour is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 meter high. The stem of the plant is erect, ribbed, as a rule, at the base it is dark purple in color. The stem ends with a paniculate inflorescence. The plant is dioecious. The leaves of sorrel sour are different: basal - long-leaved, with a pronounced vein in the center, whole, sour in taste; stem leaves alternate, almost sessile.

The flowers are collected in cylindrical panicles, they are characterized by a pink or reddish color. The seeds are small, trihedral, pointed, their color is black-brown. Sorrel sour is used as a medicinal and food plant. Proteins, lipids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins B, C, K, iron salts, carotene, and oxalic acid were found in the leaves and stem.

Sorrel sour is used by folk healers to normalize the digestive process, to increase appetite, and also as an effective antiscorbutic diuretic and blood purifier. Tea made from dried herbs is an effective remedy for skin diseases.

small sorrel

small sorrel(or passerine sorrel, sorrel) is a perennial herbaceous plant, the height of which is from 15 to 55 cm. Its rhizome is creeping. Stems erect, slightly branched. The leaves at the base are long-petioled, and the stem leaves are sessile or short-petiolate, the leaves on which, as a rule, are bent towards the lobes. This plant is dioecious. Its flowers are unisexual, green in color with a characteristic reddish tint. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Small sorrel tastes sour, with an astringent effect. This species blooms from May to June. In its composition, the plant contains oxalic acid, tannins, essential oils, resins, vitamin K, due to which it is used as a medicinal raw material in traditional medicine. Preparations prepared on its basis are recommended for diarrhea, joint diseases, and urinary retention. Small sorrel is effective as a hemostatic agent, it is prescribed for strong menstruation.

This species grows in the south of North Africa, in Japan, Turkey and in the southern part of America. It is also distributed on the territory of the CIS, is widely represented in Siberia, on Far East and in the Caucasus.

Contraindications to the use of sorrel

Sorrel, despite its benefits, is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities, nor should it be consumed daily. Sorrel promotes leaching of calcium from the body, the formation of kidney stones. It is contraindicated during pregnancy. A large amount of oxalic acid can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, as well as disruption of the kidneys.

An analysis of the agrarian literature shows that the vast majority of authors recommend the use of mineral fertilizers for dressing horticultural crops, and in some cases, according to my calculations, their total dose reaches an excessive value, reaching 270 g / m². And this, as practice shows, often acidifies the soil, reduces the humus content in it in a ratio of 1: 3, gives an advantage to pathogenic fungi instead of bacteria, etc.

Under these conditions, many summer residents and gardeners began to give preference when feeding green fertilizers in the form of herbal infusion recommended by the third group of authors. They consider it necessary to use plastic or wooden buckets for its preparation, fill them with weeds in a volume of 2 kg and soak for two weeks in water.

Having tested this method and convinced of its obvious shortcomings, I went further in my practice. Now I can say that, through many years of experience, I was convinced of the effectiveness of the preparation and use of green slurry, obtained as follows:

1. I carry out the process of preparing slurry in a special fermenter tank with a capacity of 200 l (see photo), which allows, unlike the mentioned buckets, to fully provide top dressing with all the main crops grown on the plots. The tank itself is metal, but to avoid corrosion, it is coated on the inside with two layers of oil paint. At the same time, the tank is not placed in a warm room, as is often recommended for the same buckets, but in the sun, and it is covered not with a lid, but with a black plastic wrap tightly pressed on top. Due to this, under the influence of heat from the film heated by the sun, the fermentation process in the tank goes more rapidly and noticeably accelerates.

2. I use for the preparation of slurry not any weed weeds, as recommended, but only seven plants with specific biodynamic properties. These are nettle, dandelion, gout, burdock, plantain, horse sorrel and horsetail, which are always available in abundance both on the site and next to it. Moreover, these plants appear even earlier cultivated plants. All these plants are characterized by an extensive complex of physiologically active substances (flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins, organic acids, mineral salts, etc.), which perfectly enrich the soil and plants with essential nutrients and actively attract diverse microorganisms and earthworms to the beds. I also note that in order to enhance these properties, I have recently been practicing adding chamomile, valerian, yarrow, etc. to these plants.

3. I grind the stems and leaves of all these plants with a pruner to a size of about 40-60 cm, which enhances and accelerates the release of physiological substances from them into the infusion. At the same time, inflorescences, flowers, roots and rhizomes are separated from plants and removed in order to exclude the possibility of their germination in the beds.

4. I add ash and onion peel to the indicated green mixture at the rate of about 0.5 liters per bucket. Possessing a very rich spectrum of macro- and microelements and high bacteriostatic activity, these additives not only add additional nutritional value to the liquid, but also prevent the appearance of pathogenic microflora in plantings.

5. I fill the fermenter tank with a green mixture and additives not by weight, as recommended in the literature, but by volume at the rate of 2/3-3/4 capacity, and with mandatory intensive mixing of the contents at least every two days.

6. I use not any water for green slurry, but mostly rain water, moreover, it is well-settled and heated.

At the same time, I emphasize that, contrary to the literature recommending the addition of mineral fertilizers to the green mixture, I allow this only in extreme cases, when there is no ash and husk at hand, which provide quite sufficient content of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc. in the liquid. I can tell by its color and smell. As a rule, for me it is not ready in two weeks, as is sometimes indicated in the literature, but most often in a week, when the slurry turns dark green and emits a hay smell similar to manure. I dilute the green fertilizer thus obtained with settled water in a ratio of either 1:7 or 1:14 and apply it, respectively, for root and foliar dressings of all crops, excluding onions, garlic and strawberries.

Many years of experience in the use of green manure has convincingly shown that it is especially effective when grown plants show a clear "malaise" caused by both weather conditions and a lack of basic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.). It also works if there is a slow development of the aerial parts of plants and ovaries, as well as thickening of any plantings. Top dressing with slurry in these cases brings the most rapid and tangible healing result, which other fertilizers cannot give. The most significant effect from the use of slurry was achieved when feeding the three most important crops on the site: potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. The modes and doses of feeding these vegetable crops with slurry solutions are given in the table.

It has also been established that such use of green slurry on the site has become, due to its special properties, not only a very effective source of nutrition for most crops, but also the most important means for protecting them from diseases and pests. Proof of this is the fact that over the past six years, not a single plant has suffered from diseases and pests on my site. In addition, thanks to this agricultural method, it is possible to get rid of weed plants that are always present along the edges of the site (in the exclusion zone) and bother neighbors. And, most importantly, using green slurry, I can reduce the consumption of mineral fertilizers by about three times. I apply them only when planting seedlings or sowing seeds. At the same time, the microbiological activity of the soil not only does not suffer, but noticeably increases, contributing to an increase in yields by almost 1.5 times.

I also want to say that preparing and applying the liquid is very easy and simple, and I get it without any financial costs. Therefore, I believe that green slurry deserves more attention from gardeners, it is needed more widely.

Valery Brizhan

To the question Problems with strawberries ++ given by the author self-immolation the best answer is I follow these rules when growing strawberries:
1. Top dressing for the harvest in autumn.
2. Do not deepen the growth point - the berries will be small
3. Pruning leaves after winter is a must. Loosening.
4. After harvesting, let the mustache grow and cut the leaf in August, loosen, feed
5. For planting, I take the first mustache from the mother outlet. I throw out the rest.
6. In the spring, bushes that do not have flower stalks, I dig out and throw away.
7. Every year I plant a new bed of strawberries. I dig up a bed with strawberries older than 3 years. It turns out that at the same time 3 beds of strawberries of different ages grow on the site.
Spring top dressing of strawberries drives the leaf, not the berries, into growth.
I don't use chemicals. Good luck!

Answer from Dtcyfjktnj[guru]
Do as I do and get a good harvest: 1) Remove all large leaves. 2) Feed strawberries with special fertilizer, which is called so - for strawberries - 1 hour. l. poured under 1 bush. 3) Process all strawberries after feeding - INTAVIROM, because you have a weevil (the flowers dried up and are black inside). 1 tablet of Intavir is diluted in 5 liters. each bush is treated with water and a broom. 4) After treatment with Intavir, next week, process the leaves, also fanning them with a broom - BORDEAUX LIQUID.!!!

Answer from Yovetlana Klochkova[guru]
A lot has already been written about the reasons for the lack of berries, you either have mahmutki or real strawberries (what we plant is correctly called garden strawberries), this is another plant with powerful dark green leaves and tall peduncles. I brought several of these bushes from the forest in the hope of berries, but they were not and are not. And so the bushes grow, however, in the outskirts, they do not interfere with anyone.
About sorrel. Strawberries are really sprayed with infusion of horse sorrel from leaf spots, they become greener and there are definitely fewer spots. I poured half a bucket of sorrel leaves with water, insisted for 5 days, then added 1 liter of this "stink" to a 10-liter bucket of water and watered over the leaves. Our strawberries are some kind of local "pineapple" variety, pink, even when ripe, they are very susceptible to such a disease, absolutely pure material cannot be found anywhere, so we decided to treat it in this old way. We don’t have whiteflies, so I can’t say anything, although it could very well be.

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
I agree with Olga, you probably mostly have a “mahmutka”. Such bushes must be removed and new ones planted. I process the bushes after spring cleaning with Cytovit.

Answer from Conjugate[guru]
According to your description of the bushes, you really have strawberries planted, not garden strawberries. Inexperienced gardeners plant strawberries instead of strawberries, and, as a rule, male specimens wait in vain for the harvest. It is impossible to distinguish male plants from female plants before fruiting. In addition, male bushes, more powerful, give a large number of mustaches and, during reproduction, are in the majority. For norms. Pollination is enough to have 20-25% of such whiskers. The yield of strawberries, compared to strawberries, is already low, and a decrease in the number of female bushes reduces it even more. And as for the varieties, I have 4 varieties, all are separated by row spacing of 70 cm, that is, they sit almost side by side, I didn’t notice any “mutation”. I hear about sorrel for the first time, although I have been dealing with strawberries for 15 years

Answer from Kvitka&Yagidka[guru]
but I know that I leave only the first 3 mustaches for the children at the strawberry, maybe you took who knows what children in a row? -Here they will grow like grass - use it just as a decoration with flowers. . and every 3 years it is necessary to update the bushes - the children grow - and the parent plant is removed ...

Answer from Olga Malysheva[guru]
How old are your strawberries? Are you feeding her? I'll write a few useful tips, maybe they will come in handy ...
Early in the spring, treat the strawberries with copper sulphate (both the ground and the bushes), trying to process the undersides of the leaf as well. . On the trail. feed the day with ashes. In the beginning. treat flowering with a solution of boric acid (1/3 tsp per 10 liters of water), try to get on the flowers. Well, be sure to feed (I use special fertilizer for strawberries).
In the spring and after fruiting, you can feed with yeast (100 g per 10 liters of water).
Strawberries are really recommended to be watered and sprayed with horse sorrel infusion ... and the more often, the better - this is from various diseases (they use both "tops" and "roots").
Several varieties of strawberries coexist well on the same bed ... This is not your reason ... And there are also bushes, the so-called "male" ones (we call them "makhmutka"), a cat. do not bear fruit ... but look gorgeous ... Maybe this is your case?

Answer from Ludmila[guru]
The berry could fall under return frosts. That's the problem with the harvest.
Different varieties are cross-pollinated, but you propagate by tendrils, not seeds.
Perhaps you are overfeeding the berry. Those are beautiful bushes. Simply put, fattening.
From pests it is very good to cover the ground around with pine needles. And the berry is clean. The main thing is to update in time, to return to the old place in 3-5 years.

Answer from R[guru]
kill your neighbor! rather, urgently, otherwise this year you will be left without strawberries!

Answer from Ludmila Kolosova[guru]
If strawberries fall under good frosts during flowering, then good harvest not to be seen - the pollen turns black, the berries, which are subsequently tied, are clumsy and small. In the 4th year, it is advisable to renew the plants, since strawberries give the main crop for 3-4 years.
As for spraying with horse sorrel infusion, it helps against the whitefly, which loves to harm strawberries, so it is quite possible.

Answer from Nataorha[guru]
Do you water strawberries?
it looks like it doesn’t, because there are no berries or they are smeared.

Sorrel can develop in one place for four or five seasons, so you need to provide the plant with the necessary amount of nutrients. Sorrel leaves contain some trace elements, oxalic and malic acids, vitamins and mineral salts.

The plant can withstand sudden changes in temperature, winters well. Its seeds begin to germinate when the soil temperature rises to 2 degrees Celsius. The most favorable conditions for the development of culture are shaded areas with well-moistened soil, but an increase in yield can only be obtained with proper feeding of sorrel.

For the entire period of sorrel cultivation on the territory of one site, the culture is fed three times. The first time this is done in the autumn when preparing the soil for crops. The second time in the spring of each year, the third - after harvesting greenery.

The bulk of the nutrients the culture receives after preparing the soil for sowing seeds. To do this, in the fall, after harvesting the previous crop, they dig the beds with the simultaneous introduction of 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 10 kilograms of organic matter (humus or compost) and 15-18 grams of potassium salt. All of these substances are designed for square meter usable area. Fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with the ground, and in the spring, just before planting, 15-20 grams of carbamide are applied per the same area unit.

As we have already said, sorrel is fed in all subsequent years in the spring. Before soil enrichment nutrients it is necessary to remove shrunken leaves and stems from the last year from the site. Due to the fact that the greens ripen quickly, organic substances are used for feeding:

  • two buckets of humus or compost per m2 of beds. Fertilizers are buried in the soil along the aisles;
  • a solution of liquid mullein mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 7.

Another top dressing is carried out after harvesting the crop. Note that the first cut of greens is carried out when the leaves reach a height of 8-10 centimeters, and all subsequent ones when 6-8 leaves are formed on the plant. Trim the sorrel carefully so as not to accidentally remove the growing point of the culture. Sorrel is fertilized with mineral fertilizers, the main component of which is nitrogen. In wet weather, top dressing is simply scattered over the area in a dry form, but if the weather is dry, then the active substance must be diluted with water in the required proportions.

In August, sorrel plantations are fed with fertilizers containing a significant dose of phosphorus, but wood ash is not recommended. The fact is that ash reduces the acid reaction of the soil, because sorrel develops better on acidic soils. To prevent flowering of the crop, limit the dose of phosphorus fertilizers.

HORSE SORREL (Rumex confertus Willd) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae), up to 150 cm high, with a thick, branched, many-headed rhizome and a large root that goes deep into the soil.
Stem erect, often solitary, glabrous, branched in upper part, furrowed. The leaves are large, alternate, the lower ones are long-petiolate, elongated-heart-shaped, the upper ones are short-petiolate, ovate-lanceolate. The flowers are small, bisexual, greenish, collected in narrow, long and dense panicle-shaped inflorescences.

sorrel seeds

The fruit is a trihedral nut enclosed in an overgrown perianth. Blossoms in May - July, fruits ripen in June - July and do not fall off until winter. Sometimes there is a secondary flowering in August - September. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively (by division of rhizomes). Distributed almost throughout the CIS. It grows in glades, green meadows, along the banks of rivers and lakes, along ditches, in vegetable gardens. Widespread meadow weed. It is more common in single specimens or in small groups, but sometimes forms dense thickets. Poorly tolerates systematic mowing and grazing. The plant prefers acidic soils.

Sorrel properties

In small doses, the roots have an astringent effect, in large doses they have a laxative effect. In addition, they are hemostatic, vasoconstrictive, capillary-strengthening and hypotensive agents. They also inhibit tumor growth and exhibit antioxidant activity. When applied externally, it has an antipruritic effect.

Horse sorrel in medicine

Rhizomes, roots.
Broth, powder (inside) - with colitis, enterocolitis, hemorrhoids. Infusion, decoction, extract (in the form of rinses) - for stomatitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis. They are included in the mixture prescribed by Zdrenko, used to treat bladder papillomatosis and anacid gastritis.

Rhizomes, roots, fruits.

In folk medicine as an astringent; with pulmonary, uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, bloody diarrhea and various skin diseases; decoction - for diarrhea, dysentery, gastric diseases, for diseases caused by weight lifting; ointment - for scabies.

Leaves. In folk medicine (fresh) applied to abscesses, boils, wounds, ulcers.

Fruit. In folk medicine, decoction (in the form of compresses) - for ulcers, burns and purulent wounds.

inflorescences. In folk medicine, decoction (inside) - with diarrhea, dysentery.

Horse sorrel root decoction

A decoction of horse sorrel root (Decoctum radicis Rumex confertus): 5 g (2 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature 10 minutes, filter, the remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting broth is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals as an astringent, fixative, antihelminthic and hemostatic agent for colitis, enterocolitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures; 1/2 cup at night - as a laxative.

The use of sorrel

In Uzbekistan, young leaves and petioles are eaten.
In the past, in lean years, ground stems and fruits were added to flour when baking bread. Leaves and fruits are good food for pigs, geese, chickens, rabbits.
Extract from roots and rhizomes gives black and yellow paint, leaves and stalks - green.
The rhizome can be used for tanning leather.
In veterinary medicine, the roots are used for intestinal and skin diseases. Promising for introduction into culture.

Sorrel contraindications

It is not recommended to take horse sorrel preparations for kidney disease. Possible side effects.

Sorrel collection

For medicinal purposes, rhizomes with horse sorrel roots are used. Raw materials are harvested in August - September after the death of the above-ground mass or in early spring (April - May), when the plants begin to grow. Rhizomes with roots are dug up with a shovel, shaken off the ground, cut off the remaining stems, leaves and washed in running water. Thick rhizomes are cut lengthwise, and long roots across. It is advisable to harvest sorrel raw materials where hayfields are cleared of this weed. When collecting raw materials, small plants are left intact. At the same place, underground organs can be harvested no more than once every 3-5 years. Dry both in the shade and under the sun, laying out a thin layer (3-5 cm). In inclement weather, they are dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, periodically turning over. Drying is considered complete if, when bent, the roots break with a crack. The color of dry rhizomes is white on the outside, at the break - yellowish-orange. Shelf life of raw materials is 3 years. The smell of raw materials is weak, peculiar, the taste is bitter-astringent.