Unconventional look at letters. Scrabble

The board game "Scrabble" has been popular among all ages for several decades. Playing with letters helps to increase the vocabulary in children, and makes adults delve into the most remote corners of memory to find necessary word and its definitions. Earlier, I talked about the compact road version and the unusual game with letters. It's time to talk about the standard version of "Erudite" and its non-standard digital incarnation. Today on the Pink sofa - plastic-magnetic "Erudites".

Quite recently, I learned that in my city there is an enterprise for the production of plastic games and constructors "Biplant", which produces varieties of "Erudites" of decent quality at humane prices. By the forces of the store ABC-Vedia"I got two boxes of games in my hands, which I carefully studied ...

Scrabble. Magnet strength

The upward opening carton contains a square game board with a lid, letter stands, a synthetic fabric pouch with chips and game rules. There is not much free space in the package (although it could be made twice as low).

Inside the pouch, nestled tightly together, are one hundred and thirty-one square plastic chips. The set contains all the letters of the alphabet, as well as the symbols "asterisks", which are a kind of "Jokers".

The edges of the chips are beveled towards the middle, which makes it convenient to "pick up" them with your fingers, the marking is made with paint on standard scheme: letter in the center, in the right corner - its value in reward points. A round magnet is built into the reverse side, the quality of plastic and casting is excellent.

Chips are best stored in special stands with hinged lids that allow you to keep the set a secret by putting it, for example, in your pocket. The latch mechanism is quite tight, but I hope that it will develop over time.

The playing field, made of a metal plate with a glued glossy picture, is located in a plastic container with sides. The space theme, apparently, symbolizes the participation of the "Universal Mind" in the gameplay. Personally, such a design only distracts me - in a mental game, a monochromatic green "cloth" would look more harmonious. The transparent lid will ensure the safety of the chips on the playing field if you decide to postpone the game for a while.

Before the start of the game, all the chips are placed in a bag, mixed (it is quite difficult to do this, since the magnets stick to each other), the opponents randomly take out seven letters and place them on their stands.

Opponents move in turn and on their turn can either add chips from their stand to the playing field in such a way that they form a word with at least one of the previously placed letters; or they can change any number of chips from their stand to new ones (from the bag).

The first word is composed in such a way as to cover the central white square with one letter.

Having finished the move, the player writes down the result (sums up the prize points of all the letters in the word), takes chips from the bag and places them in his stand so that there are seven letters in it. Then the opponent sitting on the left comes into play.

There are special cells on the playing field: yellow and green increase the value of the victory points of the letter located on them, and blue and red affect the entire word as a whole (multiply the total amount by two or three times).

"Asterisk" is a universal letter, but by itself does not bring bonus points. Any player can exchange the corresponding letter from the stand for an asterisk token from the field. In this case, you must use the received bonus in the same turn.

The game ends when one player scores 200 points or when the chips in the bag run out.

Scrabble. ten in a row

The next variety of "Erudite" is unusual, since it uses numbers instead of letters. In a narrow thin box there is a playing field with chips, a bag and a booklet of rules. Such a compact package has its pros and cons - the positive side is that the game takes up very little space on the shelf. I will talk about the negative point at the end of the review.

The set includes 100 plastic chips with numbers from "one" to "ten" and 35 mathematical symbols of nine types. Looking ahead, I note that I never found in the rules a guide to using these 35 yellow squares in the game ...

Unlike "Erudite", numerical chips do not have magnets, therefore they are held solely by the original design of the field.

The playing space is divided into squares with low sides. On the one hand, this allows you to fix the chip and prevents it from moving, on the other hand, it is necessary to move the field with extreme caution. And again, a rather controversial "space" theme was used in the design.

Before the start of the game, the chips are mixed in a bag (unlike magnetic letters, this is very easy to do), then the players receive 8 chips each and ... hold them in their hand. Alas, there are no convenient supports.

The task of the players is to continue the digital rows in the direction of increasing from left to right or from top to bottom. The first player must place his chip in the center of the field, and it must be the number 4,5,6 or 7. Further moves do not limit the opponents in the number of chips laid out.

However, the rules prescribe to place all the numbers from the hand during their turn in such a way that they continue the previously set number row vertically or horizontally.

One placed token is worth one victory point. The result can be affected by special cells of the playing field, which double or triple points. You can earn an additional one point if the next player was able to place three chips on his turn using one of the numbers placed on the field by the previous player.

You can also get an extra point if you continue a pre-existing row. In the event that a player during his turn was able to put all eight chips, he receives 10 bonus points (it's hard to believe this).

As you guessed, at the end of the turn, the opponents replenish their hand up to eight chips. If there is nothing to play with, then you can exchange chips from your hand for chips from the bag ... The game ends when there are no chips left in the bag or the opponents cannot make moves. The player with the maximum total points wins.

What to do with the signs that are included in the kit, the publisher is silent. Most likely, they are intended for compiling equations and teaching children to count.

And now about the negative aspect of compact packaging. The fact is that after the game you will have to put all 135 chips back on the field, since they will not fit inside the package in the bag ...

Making a word out of numbers.

Scrabble and similar games will always be popular in the family circle. They develop horizons, replenish vocabulary, allow you to usefully spend time by seating several generations of people at the same table. Simple rules and exciting gameplay make the "word game" an indispensable companion on the road or on vacation.

There is no need to cite the merits of the standard "Erudite" - this "crossword-like" game is known all over the world, so I will focus only on the quality of the production of the copy that fell into my hands. I note high-quality plastic, almost perfect molding and powerful magnets. The only "flaw" is the "cosmic design", which, in my opinion, should be replaced with a plain green background. However, this is a matter of taste and you may not agree with me. Otherwise - a worthy product for the money (about 500 rubles).

The numerical version of "Erudite" costs about 300 rubles. The absence of magnets reduces the price, and the sides provide a secure fixation of the chips on the field. However, be careful not to flip the board - spend a fair amount of time looking for chips. The game itself develops logical thinking and requires players to be attentive. You can build "forks" to get the maximum result and weave ingenious digital chains. The original version of the famous game ...

Various versions of "Erudites" are presented in the online store ABC-Vedia, a wide range of which will allow you to choose interesting game both for the child and for the adult.

Intellectual game: "Erudite".

(natural sciences grades 10-11)






1 contest

"Team greeting" (name, motto, captain)

2 contest

    How do like electric charges interact?(repelled)

    What is the SI unit of charge called?(1 pendant)

    Ancient Greek name for amber.(Electron)

    There have been cases when a very rapidly rising balloon spontaneously caught fire in the air. How can this be explained?(Electrifying)

    The beginning of the river is ... a hundred ... ( Source )

    The main city of the country is .... ... (Capital)

    The city of the Russian Federation, a port on the Pacific Ocean -…….. one hundred. (Vladivostok)

    Where can you see snakes dancing? ( In India, fakirs perform snake dances)

    What kind of birds can chase a car? ( ostriches)

    Having discarded the first and last letters in the name of the element of the eighth group, get the name of the cut and dried grass. (Xenon - hay)

    Add one letter to the name of the element of the sixth group and get the name of the artiodactyl animal. (Sulfur - chamois)

    The name of which chemical element does not correspond to its role in wildlife. ( Nitrogen - "lifeless")

    What acid is present in gastric juice and promotes digestion? (Salt NS l )

    What is the name of a body whose dimensions can be neglected under the given conditions of the problem? (Material point)

3 contest

"Connoisseurs" (biology)

    A bottle or jar made of plastic, thrown into the forest, will lie unchanged:

a) 10 years.

b) 50 years old.

c) 100 years or more.

    years and more

    Stretch your arms out in front of you. Look at the skin color of your hands. Raise your arms up and count to 30. Stretch your arms out in front of you again. What has changed and why?

The rate of blood flow has changed:

in the position "Hands up"

more blood flow

than the speed of blood

in the position "Hands in front of you."

    An old Slavic legend tells: the daring Sadko fell in love with the water queen Volkhova. Once, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud princess turned away and went. And from her beautiful blue eyes tears rolled down, and only the Moon was a witness of how these pure tears turn into delicate flowers, studded with magical pearls. Since then, this flower has been consideredlily of the valley.

    Prayer of South American Indians.

God save us from lightning!

God save us from earthquakes!

God, deliver us from a painful death!

God deliver us from...

From whom?

From termites

    Find the extra

Toucan,Lama, Anteater, Panda

4 contest

"Geographic Journey" (Geography)

1. "Guess the country" slide number 1-7

2. From the letters that make up the word "Greenland"

It is necessary to compose as many words as possible for each letter, denoting the names of geographical objects.

5 competition

Blitz tournament (chemistry)

Each team will be read the definitions related to the hidden substance. If the answer is ready after the first determination, then the team receives 5 points, after the second - 4, etc.

1. It is a common non-metal.

    This element is part of proteins.

    It is used in agriculture for pest control.

    It is an indispensable element in the production of rubber.

    This element burns with a blue-blue flame.

(Answer: Sulfur)

2. This is a high-molecular compound of a protein nature.

    It is made up of amino acid residues.

    It is part of living organisms.

    The molecules of this substance form globules.

    This substance carries oxygen in living organisms.
    (Answer: Hemoglobin)

6 contest

"Guess" (physics)

1. What is the name of the law written by the formula:

q 1 + q 2 + …+ q n = const ? (Law of conservation of electric charge)

2. Identical alcohol stoves heat the same masses of water, alcohol, ice and copper. Which of the graphs corresponds to the heating of water?

1)1; 2)2; 3)3; 4)4

3)3. Water is heated and has a higher boiling point than alcohol.

1 line of the graph corresponds to metal,

4 line - melting ice.

3. A cyclist is moving down a hill moving in a straight line and with uniform acceleration. During the descent, the cyclist's speed increased by 10m/s. Cyclist acceleration 0.5m/s. How long is the descent?

1)0.05s 2)2s 3)5s 4)20s

t = ( V V 0) / a

t = 10 m/ c :0.5 m/s 2 = 20 s

4. At what stage of the flight will weightlessness be observed in a spacecraft that becomes a satellite of the Earth in orbit?

1) at the starting position with the engine running

2) when entering orbit with the engine turned on

3) during orbital flight with the engine off

4) when landing with a parachute with the engine turned off

3) during orbital flight with the engine off, the spacecraft moves only under the action of gravity with free fall acceleration (P =m ( ga) , g = a, P = 0)

5. Name the strokes of an internal combustion engine in one cycle.

1) inlet; 2) compression; 3) working stroke; 4) release

Summarizing (the jury sums up the results, students answer additional questions)

Additional questions:

"In the ocean of humor"

In the competition, team members must answer comic questions:

    A cowboy from a Russian village is a shepherd

    What the boot, and the wave, and the mountain have is the sole

    What does a rooster, a mountain, a wave have a comb

    In Japan, he is dressed in a white shirt and tie, and in our country, in different cast-offs - a scarecrow

    What natural phenomenon is given points, like schoolchildren - wind, earthquake

    What travels the world, all the time, staying in the corner (postage stamp)

    The sea of ​​sand is a desert

    Precipitation for the skier - snow

Numbers are fun! Are numbers interesting? YES!
When the numbers are ruled by the game "Erudite. Ten in a row"!

A game for those who like to show off their ingenuity and have fun with friends and family!

development of logical thinking
intellectual development
development of attention
development of abstract thinking
cheerful communication and excellent mood
entertaining pastime with friends and family

The goal of the game is to be the first to put all the chips with numbers on the field.

The difficulty of the game is to try to prevent opponents from laying out chips.
Chips with numbers are laid out in turn, to the right and left of the starting chips in ascending and descending order.
If you don't have a token to put in, you skip your turn.
The first move is made by the one who has the starting chip in his hand.

Excitement in the game will give you bonus cells for chips that increase your points!

One, two, three - start the game!
Good luck!

Playing is a game, and rules by rules! Short, clear and precise!
Let's start studying them.

Preparing for the game:
Unpack the game, transfer the chips to a special bag, mix them.

Get a notebook for the game, where you will mark the number of points scored by the players.

Determine among themselves the player who will move first. Take out one chip from the bag. Whoever pulls out the chip with the highest number, that player goes first.
The chips that were used to determine the first move are returned to the bag.

Beginning of the game:
1. each player draws 8 chips from the bag

2. The first player places the first chip, and it must be the number 4,5,6 or 7. If the first player does not have such a chip, he has the right to change either all his chips, or only a few. Replaced chips are returned to the bag and mixed. The same number of chips is pulled out as was given for the exchange.
3. The first chip is placed in the center of the playing field - a white square.

Game process:
Each player takes turns trying to place as many numbered chips on the playing field as possible.

Chips must be placed by continuing the digital series.
A player can place more than one chip in one move, but always continuing one digital row in one direction.

After each move, the player counts the number of points for his move.

Then the player draws such a number of chips from the bag that he always has 8 chips in his hand.

The game is over when there are no more chips in the bag, and the players cannot make a single move.

Game Features:

1. No piece may be moved or rearranged after scoring.

2. During the game, players have the right to use THEIR TURN to change their chips - the player returns his chips to the bag and mixes them together, pulling out the same number of chips that he decided to change.

3. It is not allowed to reverse the numbering of chips. Numbering is from top to bottom, or from left to right.

4. Players cannot place chips in any place they like on the playing field. The chip must be added to an already existing number row.

5. In one move, a player cannot place chips on both sides of the digital ruler at once, as shown in Fig. 1.
4 5 6 7 8

6. In one move, a player cannot place chips in two specially numbered cells on the field at once, as shown in Fig. 2.

4 5 6 7 8

4 5 6 7


1. Each chip with a number is one point.
The calculation of each move is based on the number of chips placed on the playing field.

2. The player is awarded an additional 1 point if his chip is placed in such a way that the next player was able to put three chips at once one by one, thereby increasing the number row.

3. On the playing field, there are bonus cells.
Chips placed on Bonus Cells double or triple points.
Bonus Cell Designation:
"x 2" - the player doubles the turn points
"x 3" - the player triples the turn points
Bonus points can be counted only once and only by the player whose chip was placed on the Bonus cell.
The bonus applies only to the chip that was located exactly on the bonus cell, the bonus does not apply to other chips.

4. For the continuation of the existing row of chips, the player receives a Bonus - 1 point.

5. Playing with eight chips
A player who used all 8 chips in one move without violating the rules of the game earns a Bonus of 10 points and the standard number of points that the player should receive per turn.

Advertising information:
A series of intellectual family games "Erudite" includes:
1. board family game "Scrabble"
2. deluxe edition of the game "Erudite" with dictionaries
3. children's educational game “Erudite. Friendly Letters»
4. entertaining game "Erudite. Balda"
5. logical game of numbers “Erudite. Ten in a row
6. English version of the game “Erudite. Easy English»
7. compact version of the game with new rules - "Scrabble Voyage"
8. "girlish" version of a compact game with new rules - "Erudite.Glamorous"

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