Early grape varieties. Grape Bullfinch Grape Fairy variety description

Fairy, another name is Lyudmila - was obtained in a breeding center by crossing two grape varieties.

This is a table hybrid with an early ripening period of up to 125 days. Increased frost resistance allows it to endure frosts down to -25 ° C.


Fairy hybrid bushes, as a rule, are medium-sized.

The clusters of the Fairy variety are huge, from 500 to 800 grams, and this is far from the limit. If the grapes are properly cared for at a high agrotechnical level, the weight of a bunch can reach up to 2 kg.

The bunch has a conical shape, quite dense, without peas. Hybrid variety Fairy, consistently high-yielding.

Its berries are also large, oval or nipple-shaped. Fleshy pulp with a crunch, sugar content in them is 19-22%, has a pleasant taste.

White color.


The Fairy variety is not susceptible to fungal diseases; neither insects nor birds touch it.

The scourge of many types of grapes, gray rot and mildew, Fairy is also bypassed, which has an increased resistance to them.

Weak immunity of grapes in relation to oidium, for the prevention of this disease, it is necessary to treat the bush with sulfur-containing preparations.

Landing and care

Due to the fact that planted cuttings do not take root well, it is advisable to strengthen them with heteroauxin.

This type is very well combined with rootstocks and other grape varieties. Fruiting shoots on a bush is about 85%.

Since at the base of the shoots, the fruitfulness of the eyes is quite high, it is recommended to carry out a short pruning of the vine.

The load on the bushes should be moderate within 30-40 eyes. Underdeveloped shoots must be removed so that they do not interfere with the development of the plant.

It is best to feed the hybrid with mineral and organic fertilizers.

The main advantages of the Feya table variety are its excellent taste and presentation.


(2 votes, average: 4,00 out of 5)


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  2. The grape varieties used in the production of wines are called technical. Their difference from table grapes lies in the fact that they have ...
  3. January On fine days, snow retention is carried out by installing shields, bunches of brushwood at the base of the bushes. They repair the trellis, free the wire from the remnants of the garter ...
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Augustine, aka The Phenomenon, aka Pleven steady, V-25-20 (Pleven x SV 12-375). Bulgaria. Vigorous, shoots ripen well. Clusters are large - up to 1000 g, cylindric, moderate density, attractive. The berries are large - 7 g, oval, amber-white, the pulp is dense, crispy, pleasant taste, sugar content - up to 21%. With high agricultural technology, the sizes of clusters and berries increase. Disease resistance is high, spraying with fungicides is not required. Frost resistance - minus 24 degrees. Clusters are transportable and well stored. This is one of the most unpretentious and reliable varieties. To some extent, Muscat summer, Timur, Elegant can be considered its analogues.

Alexa(Biruintsa x Vostorg), Novocherkassk. A bunch of 1 kg and more, a berry of 12-14 g, milky white, harmonious taste. Sugar content 19-20%, acidity 7-8 g/l. Disease resistance 2.5 points. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. Does not require crop rationing, is not affected by wasps. Market. From novelties.

Aleshenkin, Alyosha is also called (Madeleine Angevin x Muscat Gambursky). It was bred by the breeder P.E. Tsekhmistrenko. Volgograd. The breeder gave this name to the variety in honor of his grandson. Vigorous, productive. Clusters are large - 600-800 g, can be up to 1500 g, cylindric, medium density, attractive in appearance. The berries are above average size, even, without peas, oval, the color of baked milk. The pulp is fleshy-juicy, pleasant harmonious taste, with a sugar content of 19-21%. Tasting assessment of fresh grapes - 9.3 points. You can consume before they are fully ripe. Shoots ripen and take root well. Disease resistance is below average, two or three chemical treatments are required from mildew (in rainy summer). Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. Due to the overload of the harvest, the ripening period is delayed. Clusters can hang on the bushes for a long time. I happened to meet with the son of P.E. Tsekhmistrenko, who lives in Volgograd. The father valued this variety, the interlocutor said, he was pleased with its qualities. But a variety with a special “character”, like its creator himself, will fully reveal its merits only with competent handling. That is why the attitude towards this variety is ambiguous: some admire it, others evaluate it rather coolly.

Amirkhan(Yakdona x Zhemchug Saba), Novocherkassk. Medium height. Clusters up to large - 400-600 g, cylindrical, dense, attractive. Oval berries - 4 g, yellow-pink, very pleasant taste with a nutmeg tone when fully ripe. Shoots ripen well. Disease resistance is average. Frost resistance - minus 23 degrees. When overloaded with a crop, the berry becomes noticeably smaller. The bunches can be stored for a long time. The variety is common among Altai and Siberian lovers.

Pineapple(Ferdinand de Losseps) is a seedling of Isabella, Volgograd. Medium height. Clusters are medium - up to 180 g, cylindric, often winged, medium density. Berries are medium - up to 2-2.5 g, oval, white-green, with a taste of pineapple, sugar content - up to 22%, acidity - 8 g / l. The pulp is juicy, slightly mucous. The yield is high. Shoots ripen well. Increased disease and frost resistance. The variety is universal. Phylloxera resistant. The tastiest of the isabelle varieties. Although he belongs to the Isabelle line by pedigree, he does not resemble it in taste. Zlobin's Seedling "looks like" it, but it ripens later, although it has a larger bunch and berry. There is a new hybrid form - Pineapple Early (Zhem-chug Saba x Pineapple) selection by A.A. Kondratsky, Kyiv. Increased disease resistance, frost resistance - minus 30 degrees, non-covering. Lucille can be put in the same row, which, perhaps, surpasses them in taste, has a unique nutmeg-sage aroma and high sugar content.

Arched(Intervitis Magaracha Friendship is stable), Novocherkassk. Vigorous. Clusters are large - 500-700g and more, cylindrical, moderate density. The shape of the bunch is very beautiful, without peas. The berries are large, oval-papillary, pink, bright red in the sun. Compatibility with rootstocks is good, pruning for 6-8 eyes. But it also bears fruit well with short pruning - 3-4 eyes. The yield is stable and high. With rationing, the quality of the crop increases. Harvest for a long time can be on the bushes without loss of quality. Resistant to mildew, oidium, gray rot. Frost resistance - minus 26 degrees. Transportability is very high.

Arcadia(Moldova x Cardinal) Synonym - Nastya. Odessa. Vigorous. The clusters are large - up to 700 g. The berries are large - 7-10 g, heart-shaped, white. At good care bunches - up to 2 kg, berries - 12-15 g. The pulp is fleshy, harmonious taste, sugar content -16%. With good ripening, a nutmeg aroma is felt. Resistance to mildew - medium, affected by oidium and gray rot, prone to cracking. Frost resistance - minus 23 degrees. In case of freezing, it recovers well. Very attractive type of bunches, good transportability, well stored. Requires increased attention, good agricultural background, competent care: a large formation with a large supply of wood is needed, it does not like thickening, overloading with crops, shading, cramped food area. Deviation from these conditions leads to non-ripening of shoots and weakening of winter hardiness. In the northern regions, it can be grown under film cover, in greenhouses. The best analogue of this variety may be Nadezhda Aksaiskaya, which does not have the mentioned disadvantages.

Bianca. Hungary. Vigorous, shoots ripen well. Clusters -100 g, cylindrical, dense. The berries are medium - 2 g, round, color from salad to amber. The pulp is juicy, sugar content - 21%. Resistant to disease and phylloxera. Chemical processing is not required. The berries are good for dessert consumption, as well as for making juices and wine. However, wine made from whole juice is rather heavy. Better to use in blends.

Bulgaria is resilient, V-45/23 (CB20-473xBulgaria). Bulgaria. Vigorous, shoots mature satisfactorily. Clusters are large - 500 g, conical, of moderate density, large berries - up to 6 g, round, yellow-amber, with a nutmeg tone, sugar content - up to 19 percent, acidity - 5 g / l. Mildew tolerance is above average. Frost resistance - minus 23 degrees. Well kept.

Victoria(SV 12-304 x European-Amur hybrid), Novocherkassk. Medium height. The shoots ripen early, at the same time as the berries, and very well. The cuttings root well. Clusters are large and very large - 700 g or more, conical, moderately dense, less often loose, very attractive. The berries are large - 6-7.5 g, oval-ovoid, red-crimson, fleshy-juicy. When fully ripe, a light nutmeg aroma appears. Sugar content - 17-19%, acidity - 6-5 g / l. It is prone to crop overload, since each shoot is fruitful and there are 2-3 inflorescences on the shoot. Even the first eyes bear fruit. It is necessary to normalize the harvest. The load on the bush is 25-30 eyes when pruning fruit vines for 5 eyes. Resistant to diseases, frost resistance - minus 27 degrees. Responds well to increased doses of fertilizers and top dressing. This variety claims to be widely popular among wine growers as it is stable and unpretentious. The disadvantage is the female type of flower. Sometimes you can find the name Uehara Red as a kind of improved clone of Victoria. It's a delusion. When Victoria was brought out, her bunch bore a striking resemblance to the bunch on the cover of the catalog of the Japanese breeding station Uehara. According to the external similarity, they gave the initial working name to the new variety - the future Victoria.

Delight white(Zarya Severa x Dolores x Russian early), Novocherkassk. This most optimal variety, as well as all its extensive family, is a great creative achievement of the leading breeder of our time from Novocherkassk, Ivan Aleksandrovich Kostrikin. Vigorous, large clusters - up to 700 g, on large formations - up to 1.5-2 kg. The berries are large - 6 g, rounded and slightly oval, white, harmonious taste, sugar content up to 25%. Tasting score - 8 points. The crop can be stored on the bushes for a long time, until frost, without losing its qualities, the ripening of the shoots is average. Resistance to mildew and gray rot is high, to oidium is insufficient, but it is not affected by wasps and does not crack. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. Transportability is good. The load on the bush is 30 eyes when pruning vines for 6-8 eyes. Responsive to high doses of fertilizers. Deserves attention as the most optimal variety, at least for the entire Chernozem region and its neighboring regions. Clusters are stored under normal conditions for up to 4 months or more. The appearance of the name is curious. One of the group of local grape specialists lingered for a long time at the bushes, staring at a bunch of a new hybrid, and then exclaimed admiringly: “This is not grapes - delight!”. However, it should be noted the exactingness of the variety to the sun and light throughout the day. In darkening, the berries do not ripen, do not gain good sugar, are sour. The disadvantage of all Delights is the weak rooting of cuttings, since it is a descendant of the Amur grape. However, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

Rapture red, ZOS-1, ZOSYA (Original x Delight), Novocherkassk. Strongly medium-sized, shoots ripen well, rooting of cuttings is satisfactory, pruning for 8-14 eyes, clusters are very large - 800 g and above, conical, moderately loose, attractive. The berries are very large up to 8.5 g, papillary, oval, pink, in the sun - red, pleasant harmonious taste, fleshy flesh, thin skin, sugar content - up to 23%, acidity - 6-8 g / l. It is recommended to leave 20-25 full-fledged shoots, 12-15 clusters per bush. Large formations are needed with a large supply of old wood. Excess nitrogen fertilizers and waterlogging of the soil have a negative effect. Resistant to diseases, chemical treatment is not required, frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. With all the excellent qualities, the disadvantage is the female type of flower.

Delight oval. Baklanovsky(Original x Delight). Novocherkassk. It is often referred to as Rapture original. It is not right. The growth of the bushes is medium-strong, the shoots ripen very well, the cuttings take root satisfactorily. Pruning for 8-10 eyes. Load per bush 30 eyes. Clusters are large - up to 850 g, can be up to 1500 g, without peas, conical, moderately dense. The berries are large - up to 7 g, oval, white, pulp of medium density, harmonious taste, sugar content - up to 23%, acidity - 5-6 g / l. Not affected by wasps. Responsive to increased doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. Disease resistant, no chemical treatment required. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. Clusters are well kept.

Rapture black, 216-29-10-1(Dawn of the North x Dolores) x Early Russian), Novocherkassk. Vigorous, the shoots ripen well, the rooting of the shoots is satisfactory, pruning for 10-12 eyes, the load on the bush is 40 eyes. Clusters are large - up to 750 g, can be up to 2 kg, conical, round berry - up to 8 g, dark blue, simple taste, sugar content up to 18%, acidity - 5-9 g / l. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 25 degrees. The disadvantage is the female type of flower.

Delight improved, or Fairy, Lyudmila(1-15-3-1 x Vostorg), Novocherkassk. The characteristic of White's Delight is repeated with the addition that in this variety the vine ripens and takes root better, more unpretentious to growing conditions.

Gagarinsky, Odessa. Gives a stable harvest even from replacement buds, medium height. Clusters are very large - 800-1500 g. Load per bush - 15-20 bunches. Berries are elongated - 8-12 g, dark blue. The vine is thin, ripens well. The rooting rate is good, but the seedlings in the shkolka do not always ripen. The crop can be on the bushes for a long time without losing quality. Resistant to mildew, oidium, sometimes affected by gray rot in wet weather. Frost resistance - minus 23 degrees.

Galbena Nou(Yellow New) (Frumoase Albe x Korinka Russkaya). Moldova. Vigorous. Clusters are large and very large - up to 700 g, wide-conical, branched, moderately loose. The berries are round, large - 24 x 33 mm (7-8 g), creamy yellow. The flesh is fleshy and juicy with a nutmeg flavor, sugar content - 23%, acidity - 5-8 g / l. Tasting score - 8.2 points. In terms of taste, many put Galbena even higher than Frumoase Alba, which ripens somewhere later. The shoots ripen well, the cuttings take root well. Resistant to diseases and not affected by wasps. Frost resistance - minus 26 degrees. Bush load - 30-35 eyes when pruning fruiting vines for 6 eyes. Well kept. The “appetites” of lovers for this variety are large. The disadvantage is that in an unfavorable summer, the ripening of berries is very slow and takes a long time, and at the same time, shoots become poorly woody. Yes, in 2003. the vines left for the winter friable, underripe. A tendency to cracking of berries is noticed.

Glasha(CB 20-374 x Rapture). Novocherkassk. Vigorous, shoots ripen well, pruning for 6-8 eyes. Load - 30 eyes. The clusters are very large - up to 800 g, friable, which is why the variety is also called "ruffled", the berry is round - up to 6 g, dark blue, harmonious taste, sugar content - up to 19%, acidity - 5-7 g / l. Resistance to diseases is above average - 2.5-3.0 points. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. The disadvantage is that it is heavily stocked.

Glenora. California. USA. Kishmish variety. Vigorous, shoots ripen well. Clusters 110 g. Rounded berry - 1.9 g, black, taste of golden currant, seedless, sugar content - 23%, acidity - 7-10 g / l. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 27 degrees.

Hybrid No. 342(CB 12-375 x Perlette), Hungary. Vigorous, shoots ripening is good. Clusters are large - up to 500 g, seedless berries, medium - up to 3 g, white, harmonious very good taste, practically no rudiments, sugar content - 19-21%, acidity - 6-8 g. Pruning for 6-8 eyes, load - 35 eyes per bush. Requires the accumulation of old wood. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 24 degrees. It is consumed fresh, dried. Reviews about him are very good. There is also a similar Hybrid No. 311.

217-40-3-1 (Thor Heyerdahl.x Aelita), synonym - Thor Heyerdahl black, Novocherkassk. Clusters are large - up to 1000 g, cylindrical-conical, moderately dense or loose. They can be up to 3 kg, 45 cm long. The berries are large - 5-6 g, oval, red-blue. Purple when fully ripe. The pulp is fleshy and juicy with a nutmeg flavor. Shoots ripen well. The peculiarity is that they are very thin, the cuttings take root satisfactorily. Needs crop rationing. When the bushes thicken, the pollination of inflorescences worsens. Resistant to diseases, frost resistance - minus 26 degrees. The load on the bush is 35 eyes when pruning vines for 6-8 eyes. This hybrid is common in the Chernozem region, and the other two varieties 217-40-1-3 and 217-40-3-6, although they do not have any data compromising them, are less popular.

Friendship(Misket Kaylyshki x XII-II-523), Novocherkassk - Bulgaria. Medium height. Clusters medium - 300 g, moderate density. The berries are large - 3-5 g, rounded, dull white, with a unique nutmeg aroma. One of the best Muscat varieties. Sugar content - 21%. Shoots mature satisfactorily. Resistance to mildew - 3 points, oidium - 2 points, gray mold - 3 points. Frost resistance - minus 24 degrees. The rather nondescript appearance of the bunches slightly reduces the impression. However, according to the reviews of connoisseurs: this variety produces amazing dry wine, excellent champagne, magical dessert.

Eurostandard, V-52-46. Novocherkassk. This variety appeared from crossing a wonderful couple - Phenomenon and Friendship. As a result, a worthy “child” appeared, surpassing the parental ones in its qualities. The clusters are large - up to 800 g, cylindrical, with a large amber-white berry - 6 g, excellent harmonious taste with a sugar content of up to 19%. Disease resistance is above average, only preventive spraying is enough, frost resistance is minus 23 degrees. However, one should not get carried away with the load of the crop, this leads to a delay in the ripening of berries and shoots. The variety is rather capricious.

Elena, Bochka, V-46-46, Queen steady. Moldova. Medium height. Clusters - 350 g, moderately dense. Berries are ovoid - 6 g, white. The flesh is fleshy and juicy, crispy, with a nutmeg aroma. Magnificent, very memorable taste, somewhere near Druzhba. Resistance to mildew, oidium, gray rot - above average. Frost resistance - minus 23 degrees. It is said to have a tendency to drop berries from bunches.

Star(Katta Kurgan x Hungarian Muscat) x CB12-375). Novocherkassk. Medium-strong, shoots ripening is good, pruning for 6-8 buds, load - 35 buds per bush. Clusters large - 600 g, round berry - 5 g, amber, harmonious taste with nutmeg aroma, sugar content - 18%. Acidity - 6-8 g / l. Resistance to diseases is average, frost resistance - minus 23 degrees.

Impulse, Cardinal steady(Criuleni x Queen of the Vineyards). Anapa. Medium vigorous, shoots ripen satisfactorily, pruning for 8-72 eyes, load - 30 eyes. Clusters are large - up to 700g, wide-conical, attractive. The berries are round - up to 7 g, red-blue, simple taste, sugar content - 16%, acidity - 6-7 g / l. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 22 degrees. Closely similar to him, but more attractive Tairovsky light.

King Ruby(CB12-375 x Cardinal). Novocherkassk. Vigorous. Clusters are large - up to 700 g, conical, moderately loose, attractive. The berries are large - 6-8 g, papillary, pink-red. The pulp is dense, with a nutmeg aroma. Shoot maturation is good. Increased disease resistance. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. Behind him is a "sinner" - the peas of berries due to unfavorable weather during flowering.

Kishmish Zaporozhye, Kishmish Klyuchikova(Victoria x Rusball). Zaporozhye. Medium-vigorous, shoots ripen well. Clusters are large and very large - up to 900 g, conical, often with a "wing", medium density. The berries are slightly oval - up to 2.5 g, dark red or dark purple, harmonious taste. The propensity for crop overload is very high, so it is imperative to carry out rationing. Resistant to diseases, frost resistance - minus 26 degrees. Pruning vines for 6-8 eyes, the load on the bush within 30 eyes. Fans also note disadvantages: very large rudiments, sugar content is gaining late and it is rather low, watery pulp. However, with all it deserves attention for its reliability.

Kodryanka-218(Moldova x Marshall). Moldova. This is a clone of Kodryanka. Sipnorosly. Clusters - up to 700 g, can be up to 1 kg or more, moderate density, beautiful appearance, large berries - up to 7 g, oblong, dark purple, simple taste, sugar content - 16%. Shoots ripen well (80-90%), cuttings root well. The yield is high, a 5-year-old bush can produce up to 22 kg. Resistance to mildew and oidium - 3 points. Frost resistance - minus 22 degrees. Berries have 1-2 soft pits or pitted, can be dried for raisins, dried berries are very tasty. When storing bunches, the berry also dries up, becomes raisined, turning into a real delicacy. It differs from its popular "sister", simply Kodryanka, in larger clusters and berries of a darker shade and even larger ones, which have a slightly perceptible pleasant astringency in their taste. Clusters of K-218 (we call it this code for short) can be kept on the bushes longer, until the end of August, which makes the taste of berries more refined - pure, already without astringency, fine honey. These nuances can be felt only when tasting berries. In summer, in order to eat “hearty” grapes, you need to remove a bunch of Rapture, and to quench your thirst from its sugar content, you need to remove a bunch of Kodryanka.

Kodryanka V. Volgograd clone. Here is how his amateur from Saratov, Yuri Ivanovich Sidorenko, describes it. Powerful. Ripens in the second half of August (for Saratov). Berry - 15 g, elongated-ovoid. Prone to gore. Preventive measures: pinching shoots, removing excess leaves in the cluster area, treatment with "Ovary" or boric acid. Chemical protection is not required. Frost resistance - minus 24 degrees.

Kodryanka type. Selection of the Institute "Magarach". Vigorous. Clusters up to 700 g, cylindrical, moderate density. Berries 6-7 g, black, with a wax coating, flavor shades are better than Kodryanka. The vine matures and roots normally. Resistant to mildew, oidium. Frost resistance - minus 23 degrees. Requires timely harvesting.

Kostya, 1-83/29(V-25/20 x Palieri 5). Bulgaria. Medium height. Clusters are large - up to 900 g, can hang on the bushes for a long time. The berries are large - 25 x 23 mm (5-6 g), round or oval, black, very worthy of taste. It has a female type of flower, but is well pollinated. Shoots ripen well (90%). Resistance to mildew - 2 points, oidium - 3 points, gray mold - 1 point. Frost resistance - minus 24 degrees.

Crystal(European-Amur hybrid). Hungary. Medium-sized, high-yielding. Clusters are medium -180 g, cylindric, medium dense. Berries medium - 1.8 g, slightly oval, white, juicy pulp, strong skin, harmonious taste. Sugar content -18%, acidity - 7 g / l. Ripening shoots - 100%. The load on the bush is 60 peepholes with a pruning length of fruit vines of 3-4 peepholes. High resistance to diseases, does not require chemical treatments. Frost resistance - minus 29 degrees, for the winter it is enough to put on the ground. The thickening of the bush (falling off of the ovary) has a very negative effect on the density of the bunch. The crop can be on the bushes for a long time, until frost. Dry wines and sherry-type wines can be prepared. A very reliable variety.

Laura(CB20-473 x Hamburg Muscat x Hussein) x (Odessa honey x pollen mixture of Central Asian varieties). Odessa. Medium vigorous, high yielding. Clusters are wide-conical or cylindrical, of medium density, less often - loose, large and very large - 600-800 g, without peas, but there may be cross-pollination with other varieties, while marketability is lost and maturation is delayed. The berries are oval, milky white, on the sunny side - with zanar, large and very large - 30 x 22 mm (7-8.5 g). The pulp is dense, the seeds are small, the taste is harmonious and pleasant, when overripe it is cloyingly sweet. Sugar content - 23%, acidity - 5-6 g / l. The shoots ripen well, the rooting of the cuttings is high. Resistance to diseases is high, frost resistance - minus 23 degrees. The harvest can be on the bushes for a long time, the berries are raisined without losing commercial qualities. Transportability is very high. The variety is responsive to high level agricultural techniques and increasing the dose of fertilizers, with a large supply of perennial wood, bunches can reach 1.5 kg, and berries - 12 g. The disadvantage is the female type of flower. But this is a wonderful variety, which is always called among the leaders.

Marianne. Near Voronezh it ripens in mid-August. Bushes vigorous. Clusters - 500-600 g, berries - 6-7 g, blue-violet, varietal taste, harmonious. Sugar content 17-18%, resistant to cracking when changing dry and wet weather. Clusters can stay on the bushes for a long time. Shoot maturation is good. Disease resistance is above average, frost resistance is minus 23 degrees.

Muscat summer(CB 20-366 x Queen of the Vineyards). Moldova. Medium-tall, shoots ripen well. Clusters of above-average - up to 400 g, loose. The berries are very large - 30 x 22 mm, up to 7 g, elongated ovoid, amber yellow. The flesh is fleshy and juicy, with a nutmeg flavor, sugar content is 17-19%. Shoots ripen well, resistance to mildew and oidium - 2-2.5 points. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees, possibly higher. According to the characteristics, it is comparable with Augustine, and also in appearance and taste it is very similar to Church bells, the pedigree of which has not yet been found. Attention should be paid to timely pinching, otherwise the ripening of the berries is delayed for 2 weeks.

Milos, Czech variety. The ripening period near Voronezh is mid-August. Bushes vigorous. The clusters are attractive, cylindrical, dense up to 1000 g. The berry is round, white - 5-6 g, with dense nutmeg pulp, sugar content is about 17%, resistant to cracking when changing dry and wet weather. Clusters can be stored for a long time. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 23 degrees.

Memory of Dombkowska(Dawn of the North to Kishmish unique), Orenburg. For maturation, the sum of active temperatures is 2300-2400 degrees. The strength of growth is above average, the maturation of the shoots is good, the bunch is up to 600 g, maybe larger, winged, dense. Berry about 2 g, round, black, seedless, with rudiments barely perceptible when eating, pleasant taste, sugar content up to 21%. In the Orenburg climate, mildew and oidium are not affected; in the Chermozem region, resistance is below average. Frost resistance - minus 28 degrees, can winter under a layer of snow. It gives very high yields: on two-plane trellises up to 100 kg per bush, it can even be used for industrial purposes. The variety is universal, good for fresh consumption, goes for drying, especially valuable for making high-quality juices and wines. The wine has a ruby ​​color, transparency, original varietal taste and aroma. The “double” of this variety is BCHZ (Seedless black winter-hardy).

Note(August x SV). Hungary. Srednerosly, high-yielding - up to 15 kg per bush. Clusters are large - up to 700 g, cylindrical and conical, moderately dense up to 3 per shoot. The berries are medium - 4.5 g, amber-yellow with a tan. On the palate, honey nutmeg aroma when fully ripe, sugar content up to 19%. Highly resistant to diseases, unpretentious. Vine maturation is very good. Frost resistance - minus 25-26 degrees. Pruning for 4-6 eyes. Load up to 25 shoots per bush. The ratio of fruitful and fruitless shoots is 4:1. Leave only one bunch on the shoot. A relative disadvantage is that in the largest clusters, the berries located inside the bunch, near the ridge, ripen worse. Part of the lateral branches at the base of the bunch should be removed or the largest inflorescences should be removed when rationing. Valuable variety for making juices and dry white wine with a pleasant Muscat bouquet. Deserves distribution.

Transparent(V-70-90 x Sage) Novocherkassk. Medium-strong, shoots mature satisfactorily. Clusters - up to 750 g, berries - up to 7 g, green-white, nutmeg, sugar content - up to 21%, acidity - 6-8 g / l. Pruning for 6-8 eyes, load per bush - 30 eyes. Resistance to diseases is above average, frost resistance is minus 25 degrees.

"Pink" family TsTshek(ZOSya x Timur). Timur pink, Gift to Ukraine, Anniversary of the Kherson “Dachnik”, obtained by the OV “Vinogradnaya Elite” in Zaporozhye, are considered very promising as very early, large-fruited, resistant hybrid forms for testing in the northern regions.

Romulus(Vitis Riparia x Kishmish white), USA. Medium-sized, high-yielding. Clusters are medium - 200-300 g. Berries are medium - 15 x 17 mm, rounded, green-golden, seedless. The pulp is fleshy and juicy, very pleasant taste. Shoots ripen well. Disease resistance is high (chemical treatments are not required), frost resistance is minus 27 degrees. Well accumulates sugar, goes to the preparation of sultanas. Can be stored until March. In this variety, if the weather was dry, shedding of ripe berries is observed. On the one hand, this is good if you are preparing them for drying. And for storing bunches, this is already a disadvantage. This phenomenon can be eliminated by watering the bushes two or three times during the ripening period of the berries before harvesting the clusters.

Rondo, German selection. Well pollinated in cold and rainy weather. The berry is resistant to rot, resistance to mildew is average - 3-3.5 points. Harvest from a 4-year-old bush - 4 kg, Preferred for making dry red wine good quality with the aroma of cherries, raspberries, wild berries. Its analogue is another German variety - Regent, which is more resistant to diseases, but ripens later - in the first half of September. Here it would be appropriate to name other wine varieties(you can also use juice) of Novocherkassk selection: Don Muscat (Northern x White Muscat), from a combination of Northern x Muscat pollen mixture - Honey, Modest, Fragrant, Rival, Nominee; from a combination of North x Muscat Hamburg - Festival, July, Novelty, Bogatyr.

Rusball(SV12-375 - Super early seedless), Novocherkassk-Bulgaria. In the northern strip it is known as Kishmish Mirage. Medium vigorous, high yielding. Clusters are large and very large - 600 g, often - up to 1 kg, individual - up to 1.5 kg, wide-conical, moderately dense. Berries are seedless, there are rudiments, 2 g, white, oval, harmonious taste. Sugar content - up to 19%, acidity - 7 g / l. Shoots ripen early and very well. Rooting of cuttings is good. The load on the bush is 30 eyes when pruning fruiting vines for 6-8 eyes. Due to the high fruitfulness of the shoots, it is overloaded with a crop, it is necessary to normalize it by removing inflorescences and weak shoots. On large inflorescences, before flowering, you can remove their ends, which significantly improves the marketability of the crop. For this variety, large formations of bushes are recommended. Disease resistance is high, frost resistance is minus 25 degrees. Suitable for drying. Among the stable raisins is considered one of the best. It is in high demand among amateurs due to stable fruiting, resistance to adverse weather. It can be recommended to the northern regions, just be very attentive to the load of the crop.

Rusball improved(SV 12-375 x Rapture x Rusbol). Novocherkassk. Ripens a week and a half earlier than Rusbol, medium height. Clusters up to 900 g, individual - up to 1.5 kg. The berries are slightly smaller than Rusbol, but more sugary, oval, white, in the sun with a brown tan, with dense pulp. Shoots ripen well, cuttings root easily. Fruits in the 2nd year from planting. Responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers. Resistant to fungal diseases, frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. There is also Rusbol Muscat-21, obtained by crossing Bulgaria resistant with Rusbol. Also a selection from Novocherkassk. Ripens like Rusbol.

Russian purple(Michurinets x Shasla Severnaya). Novocherkassk. Medium height. Clusters are above average - up to 400 g, ionic, moderately dense. The berries are medium - 4 g, rounded, blue-violet with a spring. The pulp is juicy, harmonious, pleasant taste. With high healing properties. Berries can be consumed even before they are fully ripe. On large formations, clusters and berries are larger. Shoots ripen early even when overloaded with crops. Disease resistance is high (chemical treatment is not required), frost resistance is high, light shelter is enough. The variety is universal, will not let you down under any weather conditions, undemanding to shaping and cutting, unpretentious in care. Can be consumed fresh, stored within 3 months, make wine. It is recommended to grow for beginners, busy people, in areas with an unfavorable climate. A stable analogue of Violet early.

Sashenka(Vostorg x Biruintsa) Novocherkassk. Medium height. Clusters-800g. Berries 8-10g, oval, pointed nose, white. The pulp is fleshy-juicy, harmonious taste. Prone to very high yields. Shoots ripen well, rooting is average. The load on the bush is 35-40 peepholes, pruning for 6-8 peepholes. Rootstock compatibility is good. The turnover is very high. Female type of flower. It is advisable to use for hybridization. Resistant to diseases, chemical treatment is not required. Frost resistance - minus 24 degrees.

Tigin(V-95-1). Moldova. Medium height. Clusters are medium and large - 400-700 g, loose. The berries are large - 5-6 g, oval and round, 6 white, the flesh is fleshy-juicy, with a strong nutmeg aroma. The crop can be on the bush for a long time without losing quality. Disease resistance is high - 2 points. Frost resistance - minus 25 degrees. Reminds me a bit of Prime. Can be recommended to more northern areas.

Tairovsky light(SV20-365 x Decorative), Odessa. Vigorous, shoots ripen well. Clusters up to 700 g, medium density, beautiful berries up to 7 g, rounded, bluish-pink, harmonious, elegant taste, sugar content - 18%, acidity - 7-8 g / l. Pruning for 6-8 eyes, load - 45 eyes per bush. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 25 degrees. Outwardly it is very similar to Impulse, but has a more refined taste.

TP-25, 55-12-25(Tair x Pleven). Novocherkassk. Bunch up to 1 kg, medium density, berry 9-11 g, rounded, milky white, harmonious taste. Resistance to diseases is above average, on the level of Kodryanka. Pruning for 8-10 eyes. From novelties.

Purple early(Northern x Muscat of Hamburg). G.Novocherkassk. One of the first varieties created by Ya.I. Potapenko about half a century ago. And all this time, the variety takes pride of place in the widest range of its "brothers". The bushes are medium tall, the shoots ripen well. Clusters up to 200 g, conical, loose, berries 2.5 g, round, dark purple, juicy, pleasant taste with a pronounced nutmeg aroma, sugar content - 20%, acidity 5-6 g / l. Disease resistance is average, frost resistance is minus 27 degrees. Suitable for making wine, good fresh. Feature - to maintain high yields, it is necessary to renew the sleeves in 2-3 years.

Chernysh(Agat Donskoy x Rusmol). Novocherkassk. Strong medium height. Shoots ripen well. Clusters up to 600 g, cylindrical, sometimes shapeless, moderately dense. Berries are large - 5 g, rounded, dark blue, fleshy, harmonious taste, sugar content - 17%. Acidity - 8 g / l. Enters fruiting in the 2nd year after planting even a vegetative green seedling. Pruning of vines for 6-8 eyes, load - 40 eyes per bush Prone to the formation of a second crop - on stepchildren. Responds well to high doses of fertilizers. Resistant to diseases, frost resistance - minus 26-27 degrees. In all respects, it surpasses its parent - Agatha Donskoy - in terms of consumer qualities and "endurance" in the most adverse climatic conditions.

Ainseth Seeds. California, USA. Vigorous, shoots ripening is good. Bunch - 140 g, berry - 1.4 g, round, pink, strawberry taste, very pleasant, sugar content - 23%. Pruning for 6-10 eyes, load per bush - 45 eyes. Disease resistance is above average, frost resistance is minus 24 degrees. Goes for drying on kishmish. The so-called Americans - Einset, Glenora, Venus, Relines Pink, Kanadik (they are all seedless) have good indicators of stability, taste and sugar accumulation, and also ripen early.

Table of characteristics "Don Dawns"
General information about the variety
parent couple (1-83/29 x (Arcadia + Fairy))
Variety author: viticulture institute. Potapenko, Russia
Main characteristics


Ripening time: very early
Productivity: high
Taste: harmonious, slightly tart


Frost resistance: up to -24°C
Description of a bunch of grapes
Bunch weight:
Bunch Density:
Description of grapes
Berry shape: slightly oval
Berry weight
Disease resistance: Resistant to mildew, gray rot

Today we want to tell you about such a hybrid grape variety as Donskie Zori grapes, its second name is 1-2-1-1. The varieties "Fairy" and "Arcadia" became the parents of the grapes. The birthplace of a new hybrid variety was the Russian Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after Ya.I. Potapenko.

Variety Description

  • Bushes "Donskoy Zori" have a good growth rate;
  • Grape brushes have a minimum weight of 0.7 kg;
  • The leaves are large, serrated at the edges, their color can vary from light green to green;
  • The brushes have a dense structure. Their shape is cylindrical-conical;
  • Berries of an oval form of a white-pink or pink shade;
  • The weight of one berry varies from 5 to 8 g, they are quite large in size;
  • Berries have a juicy and fleshy taste with a pleasant sweetness;
  • The skin is thin, imperceptible.


Here is a description of this grape:

  • Good maturation of shoots;
  • Ability to graft different varieties grapes;
  • Each shoot has about 3 clusters with a fertility of each from 70 to 75%;
  • The load on each bush is 45-50 eyes, when pruning, 8-10 eyes are left on the vine;
  • This variety has an early ripening period, to be specific, 110 days. This grape is a table variety;
  • "Don Dawns" are frost-resistant - they withstand -24 degrees in winter;
  • There is no need to cover it for the winter.

Also, this variety was rated by professionals on a ten-point scale at 8.3 points. Its berries contain 21.7% sugar with an acidity of 7.8 g/l.

Mandatory conditions for its cultivation is the observance of a two-meter distance between the bushes.

Diseases and pests

This hybrid variety has two ailments to deal with:

  • Oidium. Symptoms of the disease: twisting of the leaves, the appearance of gray spots, mold is born on the shoots, the vine is covered with brown spots. Methods of treatment: colloidal and ground sulfur, preparations "Topaz", "Bayleton", "Thiovit-Jet" and others;
  • Mildew. Symptoms: affected brushes, processes, leaves with the appearance of oily spots and plaque. Methods of treatment: preparations "Ridomil", "Ordan", "Oksihom", "Abiga-Peak" and many others.


This grape variety is highly valued as a raw material. It is an excellent wine material, the wine from it is tender and fragrant. Any guest will be happy with such a treat!

What could be better than homemade grape liqueur? Our compatriots quickly mastered this science, and this type of grape always receives well-deserved praise.

Refreshing, sweet and invigorating fruit drink made from the Donskoe Zori variety will be a welcome drink in the summer heat and in the winter cold!

Sweet and juicy fresh fruit on your table will brighten up any meal not only with its taste, but also with a colorful presentable appearance lying beautifully in a glass vase.

Opinion of gardeners

Growers were overwhelmingly satisfied hybrid variety grapes "Don Dawns".

This variety pleased the majority with its juicy pulp and large dense clusters. The downside is only mildew, but this can be prevented with proper care and timely fertilizing.

Gardeners also noted a plus - problem-free grafting to completely different varieties, which positively affects the quality of the crop of this variety.

Tight clusters with suffocating berries have also proved to be a solvable problem with thinning. Does not like strong moisture. Gardeners recommend not to overdo it with watering.

In general, the hybrid grape variety "Donskie Zori" satisfied, in all its parameters, those gardeners who took up its cultivation. Minuses were noted a little, if they exist, they are easily solved.


Today we introduced you to the Donskoe Zori hybrid grape variety. There are many sites where the Donskie Zori grapes, variety descriptions, photos, reviews and videos about this variety are very scarce and incomplete. I hope that our article helped you understand and answer the question: Do you want to buy such a grape variety for yourself?

First, you must be prepared for reverent and attentive care. This variety alone will not give you an excellent quality crop. Will have to work hard.

Secondly, be on the alert and do not forget about the prevention of all diseases. Otherwise, all work will fail.

Thirdly, if you decide to take such a step as buying Donskie Zor for your garden, you will never regret it. They will be a beautiful addition to the garden. Their taste and fertility will pay off all your worries!

Thank you for your time! All the best!

The variety is a white table grape, zoned to Siberia and Far East. It grows well in the Central and Southern regions. Parent varieties are "Fairy", "Arcadia" and a numbered hybrid.

Early grapes, ripening period a little more than 100 days. The berries are large, oblong. Color - white, with a pinkish side. The skin is thin, the taste is balanced, delicate, sweet. There is no sour or specific aftertaste. In rainy summers, excess moisture can crack. The bunch is dense, large (up to 2 kilograms) of a cylindrical shape, the thinness of the skin of the fruit negatively affects transportability.

The variety is frost-resistant. With shelter, it easily tolerates frosts down to -24 C. It tends to overgrow and thicken with shoots, therefore it constantly requires pruning and shaping. Excessive thickening affects the quality of the ripening bunch - it needs to be provided with air access, otherwise the berries rot when ripe. A fruitful shoot is formed by cutting the vine into 7-9 eyes. Fruiting shoots up to 80%. The load of eyes on the entire bush is from 40 to 60.

The bush is medium-sized, but powerful. It tolerates replanting scion, transplant. You can propagate by cuttings, but even when you try to propagate the Sneger with seeds, the grapes retain their varietal properties.

A very productive variety. Yields also need to be regulated, leaving a limited number of clusters on the fruiting shoot. Some growers note that the bullfinch, thanks to a powerful bush, will “pull out” any amount of the crop, but the clusters and fruits are crushed.

Grapes are not too resistant to various fungal and bacterial diseases. However, proper agricultural technology can strengthen the immunity of the plant. Therefore, it is better to plant it in a well-ventilated and sunny place. It is undemanding to soils, but does not tolerate stagnant water; in such cases, the planting pit is drained. When planting in poor soils, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied to the pit.

Agricultural technology in the Moscow region. He showed himself very well in the suburbs. Local growers rank it among the top five table grape varieties. early term maturation. The reduced growing season of the bunch allows you to harvest as early as August. As the berries ripen, wasps can eat them up, so you can isolate the clusters by wrapping them with netting.

For the winter, the grapes are covered, pinned to the ground and covered with agrofiber on top. Straw or spruce branches can be laid on the ground, keeping the vine from getting wet and from mice. Young bushes and seedlings cover without fail.

Open in late April, early May, when the snow completely melts and constant temperatures are established. Gardeners near Moscow recommend not cutting the bullfinch in the fall. In the spring, inspecting the branches, dry shoots are pruned, and the necessary cleaning of the bush is carried out.

Agricultural technology in Siberia. To grow a bullfinch in Siberia, you will have to follow several mandatory rules that local gardeners have been developing for years.

The vine is planted near the southern or western wall of the house. The wall, having heated up during the day, will give off its heat at night. Thus, sharp changes in day and night temperatures can be avoided. Such plants look and feel better, and the crop ripens an average of 10 days earlier.

Remove the winter shelter in late spring, when the threat of hard frost has passed.

When opening a plant in spring, put a film greenhouse over it. It helps a lot in rainy and cold summers. And in some areas, the greenhouse is not removed even in summer, sometimes it is heated.

For the winter, a trench is dug, 20 centimeters deep, the vine is pinned to the ground. Cover with spruce branches, bags with sawdust and film. The ends of the film are sprinkled with earth.

Very grateful, productive and relatively unpretentious variety.