Key projects and books of changes. Is it true that Mayakovsky's "ladder" arose due to the fact that the poet was paid line by line? A line of stairs, the creator of which was

A method of writing a verse with line breaks on a certain word and continuing the entry from a new line, as, for example, in the poem "To Sergei Yesenin":

You have gone, as they say, into another world. Emptiness... Fly, crashing into the stars. No advance for you, no beer. Sobriety. . . .

Mayakovsky names the main reasons for such line breaks in his book How to Make Poems (). First of all, this is a clearer design of the rhythm of the verse, since, according to Mayakovsky, traditional punctuation marks are not sufficiently adapted for this.

However, evil tongues often joked about Mayakovsky, as if he deliberately breaks the lines in order to get more money for his poems. The rumors were based on the fact that in some editions the royalties for printed poems were paid to poets depending on the number of lines in the work, and not on the actual number of printed characters.

An interesting piece of evidence is an entry about Mayakovsky's speech in Odessa from the diary of the literary critic Lev Rudolfovich Kogan (-). The entry was made before the appearance of Mayakovsky's book How to Make Poems. Kogan happened to record Mayakovsky’s dialogue with a student who asked “ Is it true that you are paid a ruble for each line?" publicly hinted at purely selfish motives for "breaking" the line. However (according to Kogan), Mayakovsky already then explained to the public, using specific examples, the importance of designing the rhythm of a verse in printed form.

But, despite all the explanations of Mayakovsky, some continued and continue to believe that he wrote down the lines with a "ladder" solely for the sake of increasing his royalties.

"Ladder" subsequently became widespread among poets. Such a scheme for recording poetry was used by Semyon Kirsanov, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Evgeny Yevtushenko and others.

From the diary of Lev Rudolfovich Kogan, presumably February 20–23, 1924.

The evening took place in the little-visited theater at the former Severnaya Hotel (in Teatralny Lane), where the cafe chantan used to be. Approaching the entrance, I saw a lot of students trying to get through without tickets. At this time, Mayakovsky also approached. The students surrounded him asking him to help them. Mayakovsky ordered:

- Get in line, in the back of the head! Do not crowd at the entrance!

The theater was full. The youth filled the balcony. The intelligentsia and the petty-bourgeois audience sat in the stalls. Everyone was waiting for a scandal. For this, in fact, they came and paid money.

Mayakovsky took the stage in a coat and hat. He took off his coat and carefully laid it on the back of an armchair, his hat on the table, and took a book out of his pocket. He was greeted with applause. He bowed briefly and busily began to read.

He read really well. And a wonderful voice, rich in intonations, strong, sonorous and flexible, and a variety of shades, a magnificent ability to convey a detail - color or sound without any tricks. He was clearly a poet, orator, tribune, born to speak with the masses. The public of the stalls, who obviously came for the sake of the scandal, was fascinated. The very verses that seemed incomprehensible in printed form, forcibly torn into chopped lines, turned out to be quite understandable, rhythmic and, most importantly, not traditional, and quite modern, and therefore very close.

I was especially struck by his reading of the poem "An Unusual Incident in the Country." He ended it pathetically cheerfully and strongly:

Always shine, shine everywhere, until the last days of the bottom, shine - and no nails! Here is my slogan...

He put a strong emphasis on the word "mine" and added, as if casually, in an ordinary voice:

... and the sun.

He pretended to read from a book. In fact, he read by heart, looking at the audience from under lowered eyelids and following the impression. Having finished reading the poem, he paused, turning the pages of the book, as if weighing what else to read.

In the second part, Mayakovsky spoke to the public and answered the notes sent to him. His answers were short, almost aphoristic, original and very witty.

Well, who else wants to talk? he asked, pocketing the pile of notes he had already answered.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, - a sonorous voice was heard from the balcony, - why are you breaking the line?

And who are you? Mayakovsky asked in turn,

I am a student.

Well, why do you think I do it?

Is it true that you are paid a ruble for each line? Homeric laughter erupted in the hall.

Mayakovsky answered seriously:

Is it true. Unfortunately, only a ruble.

Well, then it’s clear why you divide the line into parts, sometimes even into three, - the student shouted fervently from the balcony with general laughter.

I am pleased to hear this, - Mayakovsky replied ironically, - I see that you were taught something at the institute, you already understand that three is more than one.

Immediately such laughter arose that for several minutes the audience could not calm down.

Let's talk seriously, - said Mayakovsky. - Do not judge the work of the poet in a philistine, petty-bourgeois way. This is vulgarity. They say my poems are obscure, difficult. One of two things: either I am a bad poet, or you are bad readers. And since I am a good poet, it turns out that you are bad readers ...

What's happened? - howled in the public.

You only read with your eyes, but you must be able to read with your ears.

We are not donkeys! someone shouted.

Indeed? Mayakovsky inquired with a smile. - So you heard my poems today, were they incomprehensible?

No, these are understandable, - it was heard from all sides.

But these verses are usually considered incomprehensible.

In your reading they are clear.

Well, read like me. That's all. I'm splitting the line, that's why.

He fascinatingly outlined the foundations of his poetics in the exact form as he later wrote in the article "How to make poetry." He gave simple, clear examples. And ended like this:

I don't mean to say that everyone should write the way I do. Yes, this is impossible. Imitation never leads to good. Every poet needs to find his own way. My path is the best for me. He gives me the best means to convey my thoughts about the revolution, about socialism, about the Soviet people. Therefore, do not poke the classics in my face. Classics - classics, and Mayakovsky - Mayakovsky.

He was applauded vigorously. Not only young people, but also skeptics from the stalls ... A large crowd saw him off on the street.

Many call Soviet period our homeland is a dark time for literary creativity. One can and should disagree with this, because it is during this period of time that many talented writers and poets become famous. This is the famous "reveler" of Russian poetry, and the poet who wrote with a poetic ladder, and the author of the most resonant novels of that period. This is the development of many literary genres, the heyday of the image, form, a new time in literature.

“I would gnaw out bureaucracy like a wolf…”

V. V. Mayakovsky was one of the most prominent and talented writers of that time (beginning of the 20th century until the 1930s). His poems, in many respects, are called the slogans of the communists, although the poet himself at one time fully supported the proletariat, at another he considered him too "working", having no place for culture. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that Mayakovsky became known not only as a poet who wrote poems with a ladder, and not even as a revolutionary poet, he will be remembered in world literature as one of the brightest futurists. The Futurists were more concerned with form than content, so poets used flashy rhymes, harsh expressions, indulged in vulgar phrases, or even invented new words to describe things sonorously. To this day, the poet, who wrote with the famous poetic ladder, is popular. His phrases became winged, and the memory of him is unforgettable.

Imagist or Poet who wrote with the famous poetic ladder

Avant-gardism and futurism are only the beginning of genres, but not their continuation. The poet, who wrote with the famous poetic ladder, actively began to develop a still unknown direction in futurism, we can say that Mayakovsky was its creator.

Which put in the first place not so much the form as the image. From reading the poems, a certain visible view of what you want to talk about should immediately appear, such works are very bright and revealing, and sometimes resonant. True, Imagism was only a temporary phenomenon, moreover, a short-term one, and therefore quickly disintegrated, and writers were consigned to oblivion, or even to persecution. Such a fate befell our poet. The great, brilliant Mayakovsky, who wrote with the famous poetic ladder, was not understood by his contemporaries, rejected by them. His bright expressions, sharp phrases, the creation of clear images gradually ceased to please the public, his work remained simply “rough”, but very deep, and the proletariat became educated, but a little superficial.

primary goal

Why great poet used such a difficult way of writing his works? The fact is that the comma familiar to us is often not perceived as it should be. To create an image, it was necessary for the reader to understand the poet, and Mayakovsky believed that this could be achieved by the reader reading the poem in the way the poet sees and hears it. Simply put, thanks to the “ladder”, the poet was able to make all readers pause correctly, maintain the desired intonation, interrupt, exclaim, giving a bright emotional coloring. So the poet, who wrote with the famous poetic ladder, was also a very subtle psychologist of the human soul, who understood perfectly well that conveying the image that is embedded in the work is no easier than conveying its meaning.

In short: of course not true.

Long: Rumors were based on the fact that in some editions the royalties for printed poems were paid to poets depending on the number of lines in the work, and not on the actual number of printed characters.

And here is an excerpt that describes Mayakovsky's attitude to this common stereotype.

“In the second part, Mayakovsky spoke to the audience and answered the notes sent to him. His answers were short, almost aphoristic, original and very witty.

Well, who else wants to talk? he asked, pocketing the pile of notes he had already answered.
- Vladimir Vladimirovich, - a sonorous voice was heard from the balcony, - why are you breaking the line?
- And who are you? Mayakovsky asked in turn,
- I am a student.
- Well, what do you think, why do I do it? A voice answered with a question:
- Is it true that you are paid a ruble for each line? Homeric laughter erupted in the hall. Mayakovsky answered seriously:
- Is it true. Unfortunately, only a ruble.
- Well, then it is clear why you divide the line into parts, sometimes even into three, - the student shouted fervently from the balcony with general laughter.
- I am pleased to hear this, - Mayakovsky replied ironically, - I see that you were taught something at the institute, you already understand that three is more than one.

Immediately such laughter arose that for several minutes the audience could not calm down.

Let's talk seriously, - said Mayakovsky. - Do not judge the work of the poet in a philistine, petty-bourgeois manner. This is vulgarity. They say my poems are obscure, difficult. One of two things: either I am a bad poet, or you are bad readers. And since I am a good poet, it turns out that you are bad readers ...
- What's happened? - howled in the public.
- You read only with your eyes, but you must be able to read with your ears.
We are not donkeys! someone shouted.
- Indeed? Mayakovsky inquired with a smile. - So you heard my poems today, were they incomprehensible?
- No, these are understandable, - came from all sides.
- But these verses are usually considered incomprehensible.
- In your reading they are clear.
- Well, read like me. That's all. I'm splitting the line, that's why.

He fascinatingly outlined the foundations of his poetics in the exact form as he later wrote in the article "How to make poetry." He gave simple, clear examples. And ended like this:

I don't mean to say that everyone should write the way I do. Yes, this is impossible. Imitation never leads to good. Every poet needs to find his own way. My path is the best for me. It gives me the best means to convey my thoughts about the revolution, about socialism, about the Soviet people. Therefore, do not poke the classics in my face. Classics - classics, and Mayakovsky - Mayakovsky.

He was applauded vigorously. Not only young people, but also skeptics from the stalls ... A large crowd saw him off on the street.

(ABOUT THE SPEECH OF V. V. MAYAKOVSKY IN ODESSA. From the diary of Lev Rudolfovich Kogan, presumably February 20-23, 1924.)

In the article "How to make poetry" Mayakovsky explains the use of "ladder" by the fact that it allows you to clearly draw out the rhythm of the poem (in addition to punctuation marks). In addition, he put forward (quite reasonably) the theory of the dependence of content on form. In his understanding, the usual sizes for some topics simply do not fit. (this is short, thesis, it is better to read the article, it sets out a whole theory, in which the "ladder" is only an optional element).

This is a common belief, but it is wrong. “Ladder”, as Mayakovsky himself explained in the article “How to make poetry?”, Arose from the need to correctly intonate a line and prompt this intonation to the reader. Quote:

“The size and rhythm of a thing is more significant than punctuation, and they subordinate punctuation to themselves when it is taken according to the old pattern.

Still, everyone reads the verse of Alexei Tolstoy:

Shibanov was silent. From a pierced leg
Blood flowed scarlet current ... -

Shibanov was silent from his pierced leg...

Pretty, shame on me
To humiliate myself before a proud Polish woman ... -

reads like a provincial conversation:

I'm pretty ashamed...

To read the way Pushkin thought, you need to split the line the way I do:

Why did Mayakovsky write poems with a small piece of wood?

  1. When Mayakovsky introduced his famous verse ladder, fellow poets accused him of cheating, because then the poets were paid for the number of lines, and Mayakovsky received 2-3 times more for poems of the same length.
  2. The poetic ladder was invented by Vladimir Mayakovsky and helped the poet not only communicate his thoughts more easily, but significantly improved him financial situation: then they paid for the number of lines, and therefore Mayakovsky received 2-3 times more for poems of a similar length!
  3. in my opinion there was no particular reason ... I wanted to, so I wrote
  4. Mayakovsky believed that his poems were primarily intended for public reading, and he himself spoke with them. If you have ever seen or heard the style of his performances, you can easily be convinced that the "ladder" recording conveys it most adequately.
    Many years later, Okudzhava wrote in one of his songs about how the writer composes:

    everyone writes as he hears.
    Everyone hears how he breathes.
    As he breathes, so he writes,
    not trying to please...
    That's what nature wanted.
    None of our business.
    For what?
    It's not for us to judge.

    These lines, in my opinion, are the answer to your question.

  5. probably pissed out of him like that
  6. Well, he himself seemed to claim that this is so that the one who reads pauses exactly where the author intended)
  7. Mayakovsky's poetry has always kept in touch with
    fine arts, especially in the very form of recording poetry
    (column, later ladder), which assumed an additional,
    purely visual, the impression produced by a poetic page.

    You've gone,
    as the saying goes,
    to another world.
    Emptiness.. .
    crashing into the stars.
    No advance for you
    no beer.
    Evil tongues often joked about Mayakovsky, as if he deliberately breaks the lines in order to get more money for his poems. The rumors were based on the fact that in some editions the royalties for printed poems were paid to poets depending on the number of lines in the work, and not on the actual number of printed characters.
    One day. to the question Is it true that you are paid a ruble for each line? with a hint of purely selfish motives for breaking a line, Mayakovsky explained to the public, using specific examples, the importance of arranging the rhythm of a verse in printed form.
    Mayakovsky names the reasons for line breaks in his book How to Make Poems (1926). First of all, this is a more precise design of the rhythm of the verse, since, according to Mayakovsky, traditional punctuation marks are not sufficiently adapted for this.

Option 7. Assignments for the Unified State Examination 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) In the middle of the 16th century, potatoes were brought from South America to Spain, and from there the tubers of this plant spread throughout Europe. (2) at first, the exotic plant was grown for the sake of flowers and for a long time did not understand the value of potatoes as a food product. (3) This happened due to the fact that they tried to use green small and poisonous fruits for food, and they paid attention to tubers much later.

1. Indicate two sentences in which the HOME information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Potatoes brought to South America from Europe were not used at first as a food product, as people tried to taste small poisonous fruits, but did not pay attention to tubers.

2) Potato tubers, brought in the middle of the 16th century from South America to Europe, immediately began to be used as a food product, and later they paid attention to the beauty of its flowers.

3) Potatoes, brought from South America to Europe in the middle of the 16th century, were not used for food at first, because they tried green fruits, and not tubers, which were noticed later.

4) Potato tubers are poisonous, so this plant was not used as a food product in South America, and flowers became very popular in Europe.

5) The value of potatoes, brought to Europe from South America in the middle of the 16th century, was not immediately realized, since at first they tried to use the green fruits of this plant, rather than tubers, for food.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Despite this

In other words,


3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word SMALL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SMALL, th, th; -lok, -lka, -lko, -lki and -lky; smaller; minute.

1) Consisting of small homogeneous particles, small in size. M. sand. M. rain.

2) full f. Small and economically low power. Small farm. M. manufacturer. M. owner.

3) Insignificant in social position. M. official. M. office worker.

4) Not having of great importance, insignificant; does not require much effort. Small details. Minor imperfections. M. repair.

5) Insignificant, base. petty interests. Little douche.

6) Small in depth. Small river. Small drilling.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.




5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

IRONIC and understanding Voltaire slyly looked at us from his marble chair in the center of the Hermitage enfilade.

The younger sister always dreamed of GROWING the same long hair like the older one.

As a MEMORABLE person, Ivan Fyodorovich checked in his mind whether he had missed something.

The WARRANTY period is calculated from the moment of transfer of the goods to the consumer.

Whatever he did to PROTECT his family from new troubles and misfortunes!

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

pick up from the CRAYER

mother of THREE children



don't wave your hands

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) incorrect sentence construction with adverbial turnover

B) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

E) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application


1) The tarantass drove into the yard, rustling its wheels over the nettles, and stopped.

2) Mom said that I won’t give you sweets until you eat the first one.

3) In his book “Text as an Object of Linguistic Research”, I. R. Galperin claims that “one of the essential features of a text is its completeness.”

4) Having received a mathematical model, scientists compiled a computer program.

5) Language reflecting new forms public life, expands the horizons of people, develops their artistic taste.

6) Upon arrival in Moscow, I visited the Tretyakov Gallery.

7) Do you remember that you promised to make every effort and go to university after finishing school?

8) In the painting “Portrait of a Son” by V. A. Tropinin, both paternal affection and boundless love for his son are felt.

9) An applicant who passed the exams perfectly and who won the Olympiad in Economics was admitted to Moscow State University.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


(military) company




9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

r .. pick up, pr .. deals

pr..sea, pr..grad

without..delicious, in..moves

time .. say, look .. mother

subjectively, in..driving

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.






11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

curtain .. but (window)



sheep..nnaya (glory)

12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A mistake (NOT) CORRECTED in time can lead to tragic consequences.

At all (NOT) SOLEMNLY met the Belogorsk fortress of Peter Andreevich Grinev.

Despite all the (NON) SIMILARITY of our views on life, we were brought together by love for music.

The letter (NOT) SENT, although it has long been written.

I don’t expect anything from life, and (NOT) I’m sorry for the past at all.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

M. M. Prishvin wrote that he loved nature, (FOR) THIS, his work became AS (IF) a form of manifestation of his love for the world around him, it is filled with light and the joy of being.

We speak (IN) RUSSIAN, (THAT) IS in the language " captain's daughter"and" Hero of our time ".

(DURING) DURING the sea voyage, peering into the veil of fogs, Matvey BUD (TO) was looking for his place and his future there.

The forest stood dark and (FOR) AUTUMN silent, (FOR) BECAUSE the birds flew away without waiting for the cold.

(FROM) LONG TIME bridges were made floating so that (would) they could be removed at the moment of danger.

14. Indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) is written HH.

The early (1) poems of Venevitinov are saturated (2) with echoes of the (3) rise of society, are characterized by a civil orientation (4).

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In a cozy hut, several clocks were ticking and two old paintings by an unknown Italian master hung.

2) I want to see mountains and forests and rivers from a bird's eye view.

3) But neither fatigue nor boredom could for a moment drive softness from Ilya Ilyich's face.

4) K distinctive features drop fish can be attributed to the absence of a swim bladder musculature as well as the gelatinous structure of the body.

5) The work of M. V. Lomonosov became decisive both for Russian classicism and for all subsequent Russian literature.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

A. Blok divided his poetry into three volumes (1) built as an aesthetic and ideological unity (2) thus expressing the thought of the difficult path of the lyrical hero, of the suffering (3) that fell to his lot (4) and (5) that stood before him (6) temptations.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

“Tell me (1) uncle (2) because (3) not without reason

Moscow burned by fire

given to the French?

After all (4) there were fighting fights,

Yes (5) they say (6) what else!

No wonder the whole (7) Russia remembers (8)

About the day of Borodin!

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) should (s) be a comma (s).

The line "ladder" (1) the creator (2) of which (3) was V. Mayakovsky (4) was an innovation in the field of the poetic language of the futurists.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

There was not a soul around (1) when I came to the river to fish (2) but (3) as soon as I cast my fishing rods (4) barefoot boys appeared from the beam.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Write out this word.

Attending the first premiere of a performance based on a play by a modern French playwright gave us great pleasure.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) Zhurka again reached for the shelves and took the most durable and new-looking book with gold patterns on the spine. (2) It turned out to be the Three Musketeers. (3) Not such an old edition as others, although also with “yats” and with hard signs at the end of words. (4) Printed on smooth paper with many designs. (5) Zhurka was delighted with the Musketeers - they were old friends, - he began to leaf through, looking at the pictures.

(6) And I saw a narrow white envelope between the pages.

(7) Apparently, grandfather decided that if all other books seemed uninteresting to Zhurka, then he would still scroll through the Musketeers to the end.

(8) In the same direct handwriting that grandfather used to write short congratulations on postcards, it was written on the envelope: Yurika.

(9) Zhurka at first, not knowing what he was afraid of ... (10) Or not, he was not afraid, but trembled with incomprehensible anxiety. (11) He looked at the covered door, went to the window. (12) Fussily jerking his fingers, he tore off the edge of the envelope. (13) Unfolded large thin sheet.

(14) Grandfather wrote in clear, almost block letters:

“(15) Crane!

(16) The books on these shelves are for you.

(17) These are old wise books, they have a soul. (18) I loved them very much.

(19) Save them, my dear, and the time will come when they will become your friends.

(20) I know this because I remember how you listened to stories about the voyages of Bering and Krusenstern and how you once tried to compose poems about the Galaxy (remember?).

(21) You will still compose them.

(22) My winged baby, you don't know how much I love you. (23) It is a pity that, due to various absurdities, we saw each other so rarely. (24) These days I always remember you. (25) Most often, as we walk along the banks of the Kamenka, and I tell you about my childhood and the big snake.

(26) For some reason, this flying kite dreams of me every night. (27) As if I were small again, and he was dragging me in a light cart through the meadow grass, and I was about to fly after him.

(28) It is a pity that the thin line broke so quickly.

(29) As a child, I consoled myself that the serpent did not fall behind the forest, but flew off to distant lands and would someday return. (30) And his paper will smell like salt spray of the sea and the juice of tropical plants. (31) This is probably why, in my old age, I began to collect these books: it seemed to me that they smell the same.

(32) However, nonsense, old age does not happen if a person does not want it. (33) The time just comes when the thread that connected you with the winged serpent bursts. (34) But the serpent has returned, I leave it to you. (35) Maybe he will help you take off.

(36) Zhurka, remember me, okay? (37) Others will remember me and others, but many, even your mother, will probably say: his life was not successful. (38) This is not true! (39) And don't think about it. (40) Do you remember how we pasted stamps in your album, talked about ships and constellations, and looked at trains in the evenings.

(41) And learn to fly high and boldly.

(42) You can. (43) If it’s hard, you will endure, if it hurts, you will endure, if it’s scary, you will overcome it. (44) The most difficult thing you know what? (45) When you think that you need to do one thing, and they tell you: do another. (46) And they speak in unison, they say the most just words, and you yourself are already starting to think: but, probably, they are really right. (47) It may happen that they are right. (48) But if there is even a drop of doubt in you, if in the very, very depths of your soul there is a crumb of confidence that you are right, and not they, do it your way. (49) Do not justify yourself with other people's correct words.

(50) Forgive me, I probably write long and incomprehensibly ... (51) No, you will understand. (52) You are nice to me, smart girl. (53) It’s a pity that I don’t seem to see you again.

(54) I never wrote long letters. (55) Nobody. (56) And now I don’t want to finish. (57) As if the thread is breaking. (58) Well, nothing ...

(59) You see what a long letter your grandfather Yuri Savelyev wrote to you, who was also once a crane.

(60) Zhurka finished reading the letter and immediately, without restraining himself, began to cry. (61) He was cut by the longing and loneliness that burst from this letter. (62) And love for him, for Zhurka, which he did not know about. (63) And nothing could be done already: neither respond with kindness, nor break loneliness ...

(According to V.P. Krapivin)

21. Which of the statements do not correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The grandfather left a message to his grandson in Zhurka's favorite book, The Three Musketeers.

2) Grandfather's letter was written in clear block letters with "yats" and hard signs at the end of words.

3) The grandfather encourages the grandson to listen to the right words of other people and always do what others advise.

4) In rare meetings with grandfather, Zhurka spoke with him about ships and constellations, tried to compose poems about the Galaxy.

5) The flying kite, which was launched by Zhurka, flew off to distant lands and did not return.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 11-13 present the narrative.

2) Sentence 31 indicates the reason for what is said in sentences 29-30.

3) Sentences 32-35 present reasoning.

4) Proposition 45 contains the answer to the question posed in sentence 44.

5) Sentences 48-49 provide a description.

23. From sentences 48-49 write out contextual synonyms (synonymous pair).

24. Among sentences 26-35, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one with the help of a conjunction and a possessive pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

25. “Reading a grandfather's letter to your grandson, you experience strong feelings. A very emotional tone of writing is achieved through the use of various linguistic means, among which, in particular, the syntactic means - (A) ___ (sentences 15, 22), techniques: (B) ___ (sentence 43), (C) ___ (sentences 54- 55). The feelings that Zhurka awakens after reading the letter are very accurately conveyed by the trope - (G) ___ (sentence 61).

List of terms:

1) parceling

2) colloquial words

3) epithets

4) introductory words

5) metaphor

6) appeals

7) opposition

8) syntactic parallelism

9) book vocabulary

26. Write an essay.

Option 7

Job number


Job number


from time immemorial to

134 or any combination
these figures

1234 or any combination
these figures


1256 or any combination
these figures

1234 or any combination
these figures


subjective entry

235 or any combination
these figures


134 or any combination
these figures





1. The problem of the relationship between generations, relations between adults and children. (What are the relationships between representatives of different generations based on?)