Business ideas in the countryside. Grow fruits and vegetables

Is it worth it to move from the village in pursuit of big incomes? It is quite possible that you will be able to earn capital-level money without leaving your small homeland. And by creating a working business, you can help its revival by adding jobs for residents.

There are many things to consider before starting a business. Climate, proximity to large settlements, availability of potential employees, sights, transport accessibility... Much depends on the area in which you decide to create your business.

🎓 What kind of business can be opened in the village?

The prospects for any direction will depend on the specific locality. Nevertheless, we have identified the main areas for business development in rural areas.

  • Tourism. If there is a tourist attraction in your area, consider creating a well-maintained recreation area. Also a very promising direction is eco-tourism: a break from the bustle of the city, clean air, natural and healthy products.
  • Internet. Do what you love in your home, create an online store or maintain social networks, send the fruits of creativity by mail and make a profit!
  • Entertainment for locals. Often this niche is practically free. People in small towns not only go to work, but also want to spend their leisure time interestingly.
  • Farming. Many large city outlets source organic, delicious and natural products from farmers. You can set up production, arrange delivery and earn money by subsistence farming. And you can provide good products to local residents.
  • Service for visitors. A cozy roadside cafe, a shop with seasonal products next to a major highway, a car service ... But here it is important how far your settlement is from major roads.

đź’° How much does it cost to set up a rural business?

It happens that a person starts a business on the Internet literally from scratch, investing only in consumables for his creativity. But usually the minimum starting capital for starting a business in a small village is from 500,000 rubles. There are government programs to support businesses in villages and small towns. There is also support from local authorities. But it is important to negotiate subsidies, preferential loans and payments in advance, without waiting for the state itself to offer you money.

Another way to get initial capital is crowdfunding. These are voluntary anonymous donations for an interesting business idea that people are interested in. It can be announced on the Internet on special crowdfunding platforms. But it is important that your future product is important to people, that it really interests them.

🚀 Conclusions

In rural areas, you can open a business that will bring a good income. But it is important to carefully analyze your future customers, possible competitors and other factors that may play a role in choosing a business area.

But you cannot create any business without investments. You may save on financial resources, but at the same time you will have to invest a lot of time, effort and your own professional resources in the future business.

In the meantime, explore ideas on how to open a business in a village or small town. For you, we have collected the most interesting and useful options!

If you adhere to the idea that a business in the village is not promising, and the profit that it can bring is extremely small, then you are not sufficiently aware of the issue and do not have information about real resources and opportunities for expanding entrepreneurial activity. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately reach a decent level of income - it will take a lot of time and effort to implement a business idea from scratch, but in the end everything will pay off.

So, the main advantages of starting a business in a rural area

Availability of space. A private country house, a garage and a garden plot adjacent to it is an excellent opportunity for organizing any enterprise. You can arrange a small workshop in your home without fear that the noise will disturb the neighbors, arrange a warehouse for finished products right in your yard, and so on. The entire area is completely at your disposal.

Availability of resources. The land itself, on which you can grow vegetables and fruits, breed animals and engage in many other activities, is in itself a scarce resource for an urban person, and there is still all kinds of agricultural equipment that you can’t get anywhere except in the village.

What kind of business to do from scratch in the village

We have named the advantages, now it's time to find out exactly how they are best used. Here are some proven ideas that will help aspiring entrepreneurs start their own business in the countryside.

bird breeding

People really enjoy buying household products, so you won't be short of customers. Chickens, geese and other birds are unpretentious in food and do not require special care, although you must still have certain knowledge. It is best to sell finished products (meat and eggs) on the market on your own, or by hiring a distributor. As an option, you can trade live chicks, but they are much more problematic during transportation.


This type of activity can be engaged in urban conditions, but in the village this enterprise is much more profitable. Firstly, because of the ability to independently grow food for cooking. Secondly, because there will be much more space and suitable conditions for storing them. In almost any private country house there is a cellar where you can put ready-made preservation so that it does not deteriorate.

Environmentally friendly products

If you have ever been at the grocery market, no matter whether as a buyer or seller, you have probably seen people who meticulously ask merchants standing at the counters: “Are your potatoes greenhouse?”, “Did you use chemicals for fertilizer? ” and everything like that. People are very worried about their own health and the possible harm that low-quality food can cause. So why not give them what they ask for by growing only natural?

car service

In the villages, the automobile issue is very acute. Due to the lack of service centers and auto repair shops, the owners of “iron horses” have to delve into the insides of cars, and if they have mediocre knowledge in this, they have no choice but to drag the car in tow to the nearest large settlement. You will be able to help yourself and others if you open a mini-auto repair shop in your garage, where the fullest possible range of services will be provided. And note that you will need to deal not only with passenger cars, but also with tractors and other large agricultural machinery.

Seasonal earnings in the countryside

The business ideas published below are very profitable, but due to their characteristics, they are seasonally limited. That is, you will receive income only for a certain period of time, and the remaining time will be unemployed or looking for another type of employment.

Fishing tours

This business is actively practiced by residents of villages located near rivers, lakes and other large water bodies. The idea is that you take on the role of a guide who will take a wealthy city dweller to "fish" baited places, for which he will pay you money. Earnings, as I said earlier, are purely seasonal - your services will be most in demand in late spring and summer, although sometimes clients show interest in winter ice fishing.


It sounds strange, but some people are even willing to pay to experience all the delights of rural life. You provide them with housing, give them work in the garden, in the garden, with animals or something else, and they also pay you for it. Now in the West, especially in the United States, this phenomenon is very popular - rural residents even build mini farms where visiting tourists can rent rooms with all amenities.

Growing strawberries

Although it grows virtually all year round, if the appropriate temperature conditions are observed, it is in greatest demand exclusively in the winter period. On the other hand, strawberries are ranked among the most profitable field crops. That is, the income from one “strawberry” weave will be much higher than if other plants grew in the same space. Demand greatly exceeds supply, so even if you can’t grow a really high-quality product, wholesale and retail buyers will sort it out very quickly.


Now the village is going through hard times, so you won’t be able to find consumers for your goods and services there (there simply won’t be enough customers to whom you can offer them). On the other hand, it is very profitable to produce your goods in the village and take them to the city for sale, especially if these are household products - vegetables, fruits, animal meat. Also, the city "with a bang" buy knitted, wickerwork, wooden utensils.

The idea of ​​a car service is also very interesting. If you put a car service / car wash / gas station (3x1) on a busy highway passing through your village, you can catch additional customers.

I would like to add a few more ideas:

  1. Pond fish farming (this business is quite expensive to open, but it pays off quickly and, as they say, “more than”);
  2. Opening a manufactured goods store (as a rule, there are no problems with “products” in the countryside, but manufactured goods, even the most necessary ones (such as a light bulb), sometimes force a villager to go to the city. If you help him, you can earn money!);
  3. “Bath on wood” is environmentally friendly, therefore, popular among the townspeople and not cheap, why not allocate a part of your small yard for it?
  4. Suitable for those who live on the river. Opening of a ferry or private pontoon bridge.
  5. Well, one more idea for those who live on the banks of the river, which I wrote about in a separate topic. Renting a dredging machine, which will, firstly, make money on a co-contract for deepening the river in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour village (as a rule, all rivers in Russia sometimes need to be deepened) and, secondly, extraction of sand from the same river bottom on sale.

From my own experience I know that the most developed in rural areas are the cultivation of agricultural products (vegetables and fruits), as well as animal husbandry and poultry farming. They are rented either to the purveyors who travel around the villages or they themselves carry the goods to the nearby market.

I live in an agricultural town, so we have one person who made a fortune in just 5 years on pork. No kidding, but he only has one car worth about $35,000. Something like this, he buys little piglets, raises them, and then sells the meat. Of course, I described a short version, everything is more complicated there, but the principle is the same.

If you live in the rural outback, you can make good money on the needs of some wealthy citizens in environmentally friendly products. And the trick here is precisely that you do not produce a lot of potatoes or a lot of piglets using the "conveyor method" - there are few products grown, but they are environmentally friendly, and therefore expensive - the profit is big!

It seems to me that a very good business in the presence of land will be the construction of a greenhouse. The price of vegetables in winter is very high. As far as I know, this will not require large expenses, and at first you can not hire workers, but do all the work yourself.

Well, yes, I agree, growing vegetables in greenhouses can bring pretty good money. Well, there are a lot of difficulties here, and you need to work a lot, and even then stand it and sell it, because if you sell vegetables in bulk, you will sell them for next to nothing.

In addition to vegetables, roses can be grown in the greenhouse. The profitability of growing flowers reaches 300%. Roses are always on sale, regardless of the season. The most important thing in this business is to establish a sales market

From floriculture - you can try not only roses, but also something more exotic, for example, orchids - there are even more opportunities for earning money!
But still, flowers should be considered as an auxiliary, complementary to the main business, an occupation in the countryside.

The idea is good, but much more troublesome than the mass cultivation of vegetables. Customers will need to be earned longer, since here the price is higher and there must be a guarantee of quality. It is not bad to develop two directions in parallel - conventional and environmentally friendly

It is hardly possible to develop two equally well, because the technology of mass production and “production for oneself” are different. And the time costs for these methods of production are very different!

By the way, some types of vegetables go well with some types of flowers, that is, if you have a greenhouse of sufficient size (well, at least 2-3 acres in area), it is quite possible to combine the cultivation of food and ornamental plants!

No, it's kind of not right. I lived in the countryside for a long time and saw my mother grow vegetables. If, for example, cucumbers and tomatoes grow, then there were no flowers nearby, since flowers are weeds, and if weeds grow nearby, they take quite a lot of moisture that vegetables need.

In order to start a business in a rural area, you will need at least shovels, rakes, choppers, well, you won’t dig the ground with your hands. But you can do without significant investments. if you live in the black earth zone, you can hire a tractor once a year, they will dig everything for you, and you can sow potatoes, carrots, and beets yourself. And for expansion, you will take money from your profits, but it is better to initially take good equipment on credit or in installments.

Breeding livestock and poultry, selling chickens with a bang goes from the end of April to the end of July, I myself now trade them, I bring them out in an incubator. a grocery store is a cool business in the village, but it has specifics ... basically, the whole month they will only buy on credit for an appointment, before salary or when the animals are sold, so the turnover of money is delayed. but it also has its advantages, regarding a car service, my friend opened a car service in a remote village, it has been flourishing for 10 years, but he himself does not plow in it, but hired and trained village guys. And I was looking for clients from the city, now they are going on their own. Because value for money. There is another option, but it requires good investments, this is the breeding and sale of birds of pure breeds, like a nursery. But the bird is expensive, you will have to travel all over Russia for it, and even carry it from Europe. But this is a separate topic already.

Have you tried to transport your products to the city? Even for delivery to stores, if there is no time to deal with the implementation on their own. And how to breed in an incubator, tell me in more detail and how much space you need, I have a plot of only 4 acres and a dog, a cat, and two cages with rabbits.

In early spring, in greenhouses, you can sow seedlings of various vegetables, tomatoes, eggplant, feathers, seedlings, cucumbers, and at the height of planting, sell seedlings to people, it is very profitable and there are no special costs, then grow vegetables in the same greenhouse for yourself and for sale.

I agree, a profitable idea, but the idea is short-term. You can sell seedlings for a couple of months, and that's it. Yes, and these two months are not worth opening an individual entrepreneur and looking for a place on the market, because seedlings need to be sold somewhere.

To create a business in rural areas from scratch, you need to analyze the demand. For example, a car service will not go to every rural area, since there are villages where there are very few cars and such a business will be idle. A good business idea is computer repair, as the villagers are already developing and acquiring computers, but they have no idea how to work with software. You can repair computers and install various software, in my opinion this is a great idea for rural areas.

Yes, you are right, food is now expensive and it is very profitable to grow them. We grow a little for ourselves so that our daughter eats everything fresh, and I can say that the budget savings are significant, since we live in the city and we have a small plot.

For those who live in the village, I think you can grow a lot of things, depending on the area, if there is a lot of land, then all vegetables and corn and watermelons, everything will be in demand.

With the development of mankind, there are fewer and fewer unoccupied areas of activity in which you can start your own business and succeed in it. There is a lot of competition in the cities, and those who want to work for themselves are increasingly looking to the countryside and wondering what they can earn in the countryside. It is difficult to name the most profitable business in the village, since many factors depend on the skills and knowledge in the chosen field, start-up capital and the requests of the person himself.

It is not so easy to start a business idea from scratch in the village, but, as they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. If there is a strong desire and self-confidence, then you can safely proceed to the fulfillment of your plan.

What kind of business can be done in the village?

In rural areas, business is quite specific. Basically, it is associated with the cultivation of all kinds of living creatures, or with the cultivation of various kinds of crops. Those who are confident in their potential and ready to start on a large scale can try to open a farm. But for this it is necessary to arm yourself with the relevant knowledge in the chosen field and the estimated amount of start-up capital. In addition, be sure to use the help of the state, as recently it has been trying in every possible way to support the development of agriculture, and publishes laws thanks to which small rural farmers can use a simplified taxation system, receive a loan from the state or a subsidy.

A profitable business in the village can only happen when the project initiator clearly follows the developed business plan.

Do not grab onto several things at once, or start a large company. If there is not enough experience, it is better to start with something small.

For those who are looking for what kind of business to do in the countryside, one can single out the main ideas and directions that do not require large financial investments at the initial stage, and even those who have just moved from the city to the countryside can do it.


Horticulture is a fairly large industry. Even from growing onions, parsley and dill, you can start a small but quite profitable business. This does not require too much land. Enough and what is located on the plot. Those who decide to choose this particular direction should also take care of building a greenhouse. This will make it possible to grow greens in the cold season, when it is in great demand, and increases significantly in price.

Another direction, for those who do not have large land holdings, may be the cultivation of strawberries or raspberries. These plants require more attention, reverent care, but are also quite profitable. Of course, if you put a lot of effort into this business. When choosing varieties, it is worth relying on the fact that these berries should bear fruit for as long as possible. Those who want to make a profit all year round can grow them in greenhouse conditions.

Viticulture is an industry that can be divided into several areas. You can grow grapes and sell berries, or you can make juice and wine, which are also in great demand. Breeders of our time have bred such a wide variety of varieties that for those who decide to start their own business in the village from growing grapes, it will not be difficult to choose exactly those varieties that are in the greatest demand.

The greenhouse business (growing seedlings) does not require large land plots. But those who decide to choose this particular direction, you need to remember that it is quite expensive both in terms of labor and in finance, at least in the first couple. You can grow seedlings of such crops:

  • Tomatoes
  • Cabbage
  • eggplant
  • Sweet pepper and hot pepper

After the bulk of the seedlings have been sold, plants can be grown in the same greenhouse until fruits are obtained. This will also bring profit to the owners.

Gardening can hardly be called a profitable business, at least because in order to start making a profit, it is worth waiting at least five years until the planted trees begin to bear fruit. But if a novice businessman comes across an opportunity to purchase an already grown-up garden, then it should not be missed. Selling fresh as well as frozen fruits is a very profitable business. Many consumers will prefer to buy a domestic product than to overpay for a foreign product of dubious quality.

Growing potatoes, cabbage, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers on a scale that will allow them to engage in the subsequent sale of the product can also be called a promising business for those who decide to start their own business from scratch in the village. But these types of crops also require costs in terms of labor. And if a small number of people can handle the landing, then three times as much will be required when harvesting.

animal husbandry

For those who have decided to choose animal husbandry and are looking for how to start their business from scratch in the village in the field of livestock breeding, it is also worth deciding which type to choose. Breeding pigs, cows, geese, turkeys, rabbits, chickens. This is not the whole list of those living creatures that are considered promising for those who are looking for ways to start a business in the village. But first, you need to clearly weigh your options so as not to be disappointed at the first undertakings. What to do in the village if there is a small plot of land and finances are limited? There may be several answers to this question.

The pig farm is a profitable business. With the right approach, in the first year you can make a profit and recoup the costs. But in order for pig breeding to develop in the right direction, quite a lot of factors depend on the farmer. First of all, the pig farm should be located separately from the village. This is required by environmental regulations. It is worth taking care of the feed, the appropriate building and the conditions in which the pigs are to be bred. If we take the development of Danish livestock breeders as a basis, then it is necessary to purchase all the necessary equipment and technology that will automate the process of caring for animals. But this is a rather costly undertaking. With a limited amount of finance, it is better to use the proven methods of our domestic livestock breeders. They will minimize the cost of equipment. But raising animals will require more physical strength and pig farm workers.

Raising cattle is beneficial in several ways. Cows can be used to obtain milk and subsequently manufacture a variety of dairy products. True, for this you need to purchase specialized equipment. Cultivation of bull-calves will make it possible to obtain valuable beef, which is in great demand among Russian consumers. True, for raising cattle, you will need not only stalls, but also a decent pasture or area for walking animals. Before choosing this particular direction, it is necessary to rationally weigh your options.

Breeding rabbits does not need a large plot of land, but has its own distinctive features. Choosing the right breed is only the beginning of the journey. Rabbits are not only valuable fur, but also quite valuable, dietary meat. And in order to get the greatest benefit, you need to find the right place to sell. Also, breeding rabbits requires great knowledge in the field of diseases of these animals. Since they not only multiply rapidly, but also, like no one else, are susceptible to various diseases. Properly selected and timely vaccinations will reduce the risk of disease and pestilence among animals.

Breeding rune animals is also an equally successful direction in animal husbandry. Properly selected breeds of sheep will help you get not only meat and milk, but valuable wool that you can hand over in its pure form, or set up your own wool processing factory and the manufacture of woolen products.

In addition to sheep, goats are also promising animals as breeding for profit. Useful milk, the ability to produce dairy products, meat. In addition, there are some types of breeds that also provide quite valuable wool.

poultry farming

Breeding chickens can be used in several ways. If we talk about growing poultry in order to get meat products, then you should pay attention to broiler breeds that were bred specifically for this purpose. Egg breed will allow you to sell eggs. There are also breeds that can be grown for a double benefit. They are larger compared to laying hens, but unlike pure broiler breeds, they lay eggs. Such breeds also have the corresponding name egg-meat.

Breeding geese makes it possible to get a decent amount of meat, and at the same time the presence of goose liver, which is in great demand due to its distinctive properties. Using certain techniques when feeding geese, you can achieve good profits.

Muscovy duck farming is popular due to the fact that the meat of this species is much healthier than that of ordinary ducks, not as fatty, and it can be consumed by people with diabetes, as well as those who must adhere to a strict diet and limit themselves to eating fatty foods. However, raising broiler ducks is also a good way to start a business from scratch in the countryside, as it takes much less time for an individual to reach slaughter age than it takes to grow a musk breed.

Growing pheasants, quails, ostriches has also recently gained great popularity. But these destinations are still considered exotic. Since the meat and eggs of this bird are quite expensive and not available to the average consumer. But if a novice businessman has prospective sales markets, then you can safely choose this direction.

mushroom cultivation

Growing mushrooms is popular because it requires little physical effort and quickly pays for itself. It is enough to provide a favorable environment for the reproduction of the pores of fungi, and they grow without human intervention.

Fish farming

Fishing is another promising industry. The truth, like the rest, has its own characteristics. In order to start a business in the village in this particular direction, you must have your own pond. It can be natural or man-made. The main thing is to choose the right varieties of fish that can live and develop in the same reservoir without harming each other. Breeding crayfish can also be attributed to this occupation.


Although there is already some competition in this industry, anyone who is looking for a business to do in the village from scratch can start breeding bees for profit. Before considering the estimated profit, it is worthwhile to carefully study the issue of breeding bees. Which species are most suitable for the area in which a person lives, to study their characteristics and susceptibility to disease. Next, you should take care of acquiring not only families and hives, but also your own honey extractor, as well as other equipment that will facilitate the work of the future beekeeper. It is worth remembering that the bee apiary should be located in such a place so as not to harm the surrounding people. It is equipped either outside the settlement, or they build a high fence from the neighbors.

Feed and compound feed production

The production of feed and compound feed can claim both to be an independent type of business, and to emerge as an additional branch for those who grow wheat, millet, barley, buckwheat and other crops that are actively used as animal feed. Grain can be sold in its original form, interrupted into cereals or torn. And also when using special equipment, you can create feed in the form of granules, flour, flakes. If we talk about the production of compound feed, it is necessary to carefully study the issue of the correct proportions and purchase, in addition to grain crops, special premixes, which are the main component in compound feed and BMVD.

What other business can be opened in the village?

If there is a desire to open a business in the village, but none of the above directions are suitable, do not despair. There are many more directions and business ideas that can be successfully applied in rural areas.

First of all, it is worth mentioning such an area as green tourism. It originates from other countries, but in Russia it is also popular. Especially in those villages that are located near large cities. In order to develop in this direction, it is necessary to provide comfortable housing and options for spending interesting leisure time. One has only to start, and already with the settlement of the first tourists it will be clear in which direction it is worth developing.

Growing flowers cannot be called promising if there is no point of sale. But with the right approach and the presence of a great desire, this direction can also be successfully turned into a successful and rapidly growing business.

Breeding cats and dogs of well-known breeds is also available to residents of the countryside. Conditions are more than suitable. And the market can be found much faster than if you choose other animals.

Making furniture to order will be a relevant option for those who are considering the question of what kind of business to open in the village. If you have certain skills and start-up capital that will help you when buying the most necessary tool, you can even start a business on your own without attracting outside labor. If you don’t have your own skills in working with wood and other materials, but you have money savings, it’s quite realistic to hire specialists who will work for business development.

Before you open your own business in the village, you need to accurately weigh your options. No business can be successful without a clear business plan. Business in the village is quite interesting, but at the same time, not an easy task. It is not enough to have a desire, certain skills are needed in order to achieve success in this field.

It is much easier to start a business in the village from scratch for those who have enough funds to hire specialists, purchase the necessary equipment and start a business in their chosen industry.

Those who own only their own small plot, but are eager, do not despair. The main thing is to find your cell, understand what works best and not shun small undertakings. With the right approach, even a small private farm can be turned into a large and promising, and most importantly, profitable business.

Many business ideas that bring good profits in a metropolis will most likely not be in demand in rural areas. Therefore, if you want to open your own profitable business, the most important thing is to choose the right direction of activity. In this article, we will tell you what kind of business you can open in the countryside and how to bring it to prosperity.


At first glance, it may seem that opening a store is the most affordable. In fact, everything is not so simple. Before you open your own store, you need to carefully study the offers of competitors and draw the appropriate conclusions. In small towns, the presence of a large number of outlets can lead to a decrease in profitability, so be sure to consider this important point when planning your future activities.

Beginning entrepreneurs often ask what business is the most profitable in the village. According to experts, the biggest profit comes from food trade. You can conclude a cooperation agreement with suppliers of such goods and thereby significantly save on transport costs. Another fairly promising option is the trade in clothing and footwear. But in this case, you will have to go for the goods to the nearest city on your own.

poultry farming

Homemade food products are in great demand among domestic consumers, so the farmers who produce them never have any problems with the marketing of finished products. Breeding geese, ducks, chickens or turkeys is the best business in the countryside for start-up entrepreneurs.

Breeding turkeys

In our country, few farms are engaged in growing turkeys. But abroad, such a business is considered one of the most profitable areas of farming. Growing turkeys for meat is much more profitable than broiler chickens. In addition, at the moment it is possible to purchase such breeds of turkeys that by the age of five months gain weight of 20-25 kg. If you cannot decide which small business you can open in the village, try to do this profitable and quite promising business.

Over time, when the business begins to flourish, you can think about expanding it. Large farms that breed fur-bearing animals in large volumes fully automate the work, as well as purchase the necessary equipment and independently dress the skins. Some companies open sewing shops for the production of fur products. Such a business brings millions of dollars in profit to its owners.


Many people believe that in small towns and villages, you can only engage in agricultural activities. But it's not. In fact, many regions open up broad prospects for the development of various manufacturing industries for entrepreneurs. Small capital investments, cheap labor and the possibility of renting inexpensive premises allow newcomers to open a profitable business in the village in a short time and achieve great success.

Video: How to choose which business to open?


Rural residents often ask the question, what kind of business in the village is profitable for a novice entrepreneur to open? There are many simple and affordable options that allow you to organize your own business literally from scratch. One of those ideas is this.

This is a very valuable and quite demanded product. The use of this mineral fertilizer can significantly increase crop yields. Such a business does not require significant financial investments from you. It can be organized literally from scratch on your own personal plot. All you need to get started is compost and California or earthworms. Rotten leaves, sawdust, cattle manure or food waste can be used as the basis for the production of biohumus. In order for the business to generate income all year round, convert any heated outbuilding to a production facility.

In small volumes, vermicompost can be sold to gardeners within your locality. If you want to open a larger production, your customers will be flower and hardware stores, as well as farmers who grow vegetables for sale.

Production of bath brooms

Bath brooms in our country are very popular. Since such products are in demand always and everywhere, you can earn good money on their production. All you need is organizational skills. Gather a team of workers and send them to collect raw materials for brooms. After you have prepared the material, you can start felting the brooms and selling them. As you can see, this is a very simple matter that does not require large capital investments. Any person living in rural areas can be engaged in the production of bath brooms.


As you can see, any novice entrepreneur can open a profitable business in the countryside. The most important thing is patience, diligence and a responsible approach. If you take your business seriously, it will prosper and bring in excellent income.

There are plenty of ideas to start your own business in the city. What kind of business can be done in the village? It turns out that there are even more ideas for rural residents.

Growing strawberries

The process is laborious, but profitable and quickly paid back (1-2 seasons).

Pros. The business is compact. Does not require large areas. Longline beds allow you to receive a stable income from several acres. Demand is constant. In addition to the market, you can donate products to supermarkets, cafes and restaurants buy good strawberries. Many are looking for what kind of business can be opened from scratch in the village. So, growing strawberries just does not require large financial investments. The main expenses are in the first year, when a strawberry plantation is established from scratch. In subsequent years, you can use your mother material for seedlings.

Minuses. It will take a lot of painstaking work "on your knees" - planting, removing weeds, mulching, fertilizing, sheltering for the winter.


We are not talking about a substitute, but about good quality aromatic homemade wine. This is a business for the future. From laying your vineyard to getting the first full-fledged harvest, it will take from 4-5 years. However, in the future we have a highly profitable business.

Pros. Profitability of the promoted business is 300% and more! With the right approach, the ability to produce high-quality wines and win competitions, including international ones. Great steady demand. You can sell high-quality homemade wine on tap, through shops, cafes, restaurants, in private hands. This is a good idea for those who are looking for some kind of business to do in the countryside.

Minuses. You will need at least a modest production line and a properly equipped wine cellar. Long payback period. Viticulture belongs to the category of risky farming. There may be an interest from the side of crime.

P.S. When setting winemaking on a professional basis, it is imperative to comply with current legislation, since the goods are excise (a tax on especially profitable products).

Raising fur animals

Mink, chinchilla, muskrat - their fur is valued for tailoring fur products. It is most profitable to set up a small furrier shop at home and sell already dressed fur.

Pros. Steady demand for goods. You can look for clients among fur ateliers, fur shops, individuals (it's good to look for contacts in large rich cities). Very high profitability. It is not for nothing that fur is called “soft gold”. Low competition in the market. With the development of business, goods can be sold not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

Minuses. seasonality of production. The animals are fed all year round, and the main profit is received in the winter, since from November to December the fur becomes the most valuable. It is during this period that mass slaughter takes place. But in one winter you can buy a car. If the muskrat and chinchilla are rodents, then the mink is a predator. Meat must be present in her diet. This increases maintenance costs. At the very beginning of the journey, much attention will have to be paid to the arrangement of premises for keeping animals. For a muskrat, it is desirable to arrange a small pond. It is necessary to monitor the health of animals, because their mass death is a financial disaster. It is advisable to make friends with a competent veterinarian (it’s cheaper than taking a share).

P.S. Many advise to conduct a full production cycle and create your own small atelier for tailoring fur products. In practice, THIS IDEA DOES NOT WORK for those who want to start their own business in the countryside.


You can make a business in the village by raising cattle, pigs, poultry (geese, turkeys) for meat. The idea is hackneyed, but it works!

Pros. With conveyor cultivation, the possibility of obtaining a stable and high income all year round. Demand, like toilet paper, is always there! If in a crisis you can save on something, then just not on food. Animals and birds are relatively easy to care for, their maintenance does not require special investments. It is especially profitable not only to raise pigs, bulls and geese for delivery by live weight, but to create a small business - sow a couple of hectares of land with grain and alfalfa to get their own cheap feed, organize their own trading platform for the sale of fresh meat, advertise about environmentally friendly and fresh domestic product. It takes longer, but in a couple of years a real bill will flow into your pocket. The main thing is not to be selected ...

Minuses. There will be a lot of work. You can’t manage a pig farm or a poultry farm yourself, and even with a shop in addition. If the business is put on its feet right away, you will have to fork out. If gradually without risk and valerian, then you have to be patient for 3-4 years.

P.S. Along with the cultivation of animals or poultry for meat, you can organize the sale of young animals or an incubator.


Many argue that bee breeding is the most profitable business in the village.

Pros. The business is indeed very profitable, the demand is constant, the prices for honey are consistently high. There are many opportunities to sell honey. Many wholesale buyers, retail can be sold on the market, through stores. The sale of related beekeeping products - wax, pollen, propolis, perga - provides additional income.

Minuses. The case is complex, requiring special knowledge and skills.

P.S. Should start small– 4-5 bee colonies will be enough for the first year. It would be nice to fill up with an apprentice to an experienced grandfather - beekeeper and learn to read and write live.

Green business

Recently, the so-called green business - rural tourism - is gaining more and more momentum. There are more and more people who want to spend a holiday in the fresh air without fuss, heal children with fresh milk and eat fruit straight from the tree. But lovers of the UAE and the Bahamas may well consider a vacation in the village exotic and extreme. So one more answer to the question of what kind of business can be opened in the village.

Pros. Vacationers pay well. There are always those who want to. Along the way, you can sell all home products - eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits.

Minuses. Strangers in the house can get on your nerves. Seasonality, as most come on vacation for the summer. You will have to spend money on decent repairs, because vacationers, especially with children, will look for at least minimal amenities.

P.S. If you have a large house, you can even create something like a children's holiday camp. But this is a separate conversation.

Fish rates.

This business is definitely not done in a vacuum. Its foundation will require finance and knowledge.

Pros. High income all year round. There is always a buyer. With luck, the business quickly gains momentum.

Minuses. The initial investment will cost you a fortune. Risky business. If the fish die, it is bankruptcy.

P.S. The most tenacious fish is crucian carp. It is she who often becomes the object of pond farming.

What else can you do in the village? From the traditional cultivation of potatoes, herbs, garlic (yes, anything!), breeding chickens to a small cannery. For success, you should pay attention to the fact that:

  • If you decide to get loose in the village, go to the goal gradually. Start small to gain experience, learn from your mistakes and not lose much.
  • It is better not to take loans for business development in the village at all. At all! Better learn about government support programs(in the village council, city hall, on official websites).
  • Experience shows that the most profitable is the full production cycle. This means that if you raise pigs, it is profitable to feed them with your own feed, sell them not in live weight (at a loss), but sell the meat on your own to the end consumer. You can arrange a smokehouse, sausage shop and more.
  • Agriculture carries certain risks. To minimize them, you can start 2 opposite things - growing strawberries and selling hatching chickens.
  • Be prepared for hard physical labor.
  • If you develop your own successful business, have to learn how to defend. From thieves, tax, crime. This, unfortunately, is a harsh reality.
  • There are many examples in history when business in the village raised millionaires. It is important to sensibly get down to business, spare no time for education (in professional animal husbandry, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of veterinary medicine), strength for the arrangement of the economy and be patient.

Good luck, real hosts!