Film and Television Institute (guitar). Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after

    Humanitarian Institute television and radio broadcasting. M. Litovchina Moscow-based non-state non-profit educational institution. It has a state license and state accreditation. Prepares specialists of all ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Glebova. Irina Glebova ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Lukov. Vladimir Andreevich Lukov Date of birth: July 29, 1948 (1948 07 29) (64 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia

    Robert Alexandrovich Schlegel ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Kalyagin. Boris Aleksandrovich Kalyagin Date of birth: September 10, 1938 (1938 09 10) (74 years old) Place of birth: Moscow Country ... Wikipedia

    Olga Shelest ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Likhachev. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev ... Wikipedia

    Schlegel, Robert- Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth and sixth convocations, member of the United Russia faction, member of the council of federal commissioners of the Nashi youth movement. In 2006 2007 he was the press secretary of the movement ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

LITOVCHIN Mikhail Aronovich(1928 - 1998) TV director. Founder (1994) and first rector of the Moscow Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting (GITR). Laureate of the State Prize Russian Federation.

2nd structural division
Moscow, st. Sushchevskaya, 21

ААА №002639, registration №2520. Validity: indefinitely.
Accreditation: No. 000601, series BB, registration No. 0595, valid until February 17, 2015.

Rector - Valentin Valentinovich Lazutkin - Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Political Science

Admission to the correspondence department, the department of the second higher education, to the magistracy and postgraduate studies continues.

Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. MA Litovchina is one of the world's leading film and TV schools CILECT. Founded by the famous television director, State Prize winner Mikhail Litovchin in 1994. Trains ALL creative professionals for television, radio, film and new media.

International projects:
CILECT - Center International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinema et de Television.
CILECT was formed in 1995 to establish a dialogue between schools in the USSR, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Poland and the USA. In 2010, CILECT brings together 148 film universities and 58 countries on five continents.
GITR cooperates with the Institute of Nordic Cultures in Tornio (Finland), which unites the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland and the Faculty of Culture of the University of Kemi-Tornio and Lappia College. Among the specializations of the Institute of Nordic Cultures: industrial design, textile and fashion design, rock music, sound technology, journalism, radio, television, film.

Forms of study:
day department
Evening department
Second higher education
Additional professional education:
Professional retraining
Apple Authorized Training Center (AATCe)

Sound engineering and musical art
Journalism and Screenwriting

Film, television and other screen arts
Theory and history of culture
Theory and History of Art
Film and television directing
Sound Engineering for Audio-Visual Arts
Graphic arts

student life
Provision of a hostel
Master classes
Foreign practice
Film festivals