Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask about intimate waxing. Everything you wanted to know about the kilt but were too embarrassed to ask But were too embarrassed to ask

This money cannot be touched. But everyone wants to have them. The bitcoin exchange rate is now growing at a pace that even the dollar could not dream of against the ruble in the darkest days of the Russian economy. Many of you probably know about cryptocurrencies. But not everyone still understands how it functions. If you are increasingly hearing about bitcoins, mining, blockchain, tokens, and so on, but are embarrassed to ask what it is, so as not to be considered a person who is behind the times, then this publication is for you.

1. How does the cryptocurrency function?

Today, more and more people for whom mining is not just a game, but almost the main source of income. Mining is the process of earning cryptocurrency. For example, we are already talking about the electrician Andrei Turetsky, who, without leaving his home, earns more than a thousand dollars a month.

“I took out a loan of 100 thousand rubles to buy a so-called farm - a computer and 5 video cards for 8 gigs each,” says 31-year-old Andrey. - Now you can buy a ready-made farm, but I assembled mine myself. The equipment cost me 127 thousand.

To understand how mining takes place, you need to understand the principles of how cryptocurrencies work. The very concept of cryptocurrency appeared in 2008. The creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakatomo (by the way, this is a pseudonym, no one knows the real name of this person) conceived the cryptocurrency as a counterbalance to the banking system, which proved to be unstable and unreliable during the global financial crisis. Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain technology.

In simple terms, this is the principle by which all owners of bitcoins are connected to each other by a virtual network that allows you to transfer cryptocurrency to each other directly, without intermediaries in the form of banks. Such money has advantages: it cannot be stolen, it can be paid anonymously, and transfers occur in a matter of seconds.

2. How to earn bitcoins?

Something like a cryptocurrency resembles a torrent. In fact, this is also a program that is not located on a separate computer or server, but on millions of computers of users who have connected to the system. Anyone who downloaded pirated films knows that the film is stored on the machines of hundreds of users who transfer information to each other directly and without control.

The Bitcoin program, which has united millions of users, works the same way. Only they do not exchange files, but provide transactions. It is clear that no one will store an incomprehensible program on their computer so that someone has the opportunity to transfer money wherever they want. Therefore, for being in the system, participants are given virtual points - bitcoins. The more information your computer (farm) can transmit, the more units of cryptocurrency you can mine.

The power of the farm is provided by video cards. Due to the fashion for mining, video cards have now become a big deficit in computer equipment stores, and their cost has increased one and a half times over the year.

“One video card worth 20-25 thousand rubles brings from 3 thousand rubles a month,” says Pavel Perelygin, an IT specialist from Voronezh. - True, now it makes no sense to mine bitcoins on video cards. Since special equipment has already been invented for bitcoin mining - “ASICs” (from the English ASIC. - “Yo!”). Other types of cryptocurrencies can be mined on video cards.

Pavel Perelygin mines perhaps the second most popular cryptocurrency after bitcoin - ethereum. The Ethereum exchange rate is about $750.

3. What other cryptocurrencies, besides bitcoins, still exist?

Today, there are several thousand types of cryptocurrencies. And this number is constantly growing. Each cryptocurrency has its own course. You can track it on a special website. coinmarketcap.com.

In fact, anyone can create their own cryptocurrency. Recently, a group of enterprising Voronezh residents created a new cryptocurrency - milkcoins. To do this, they came up with a business plan for the construction of a dairy complex for 2,400 dairy cows and put up this project on the public Internet site ICO.

The ICO (Initial coin offering) technology allows you to attract investments in cryptocurrency for a specific project. You need to set the amount that is required, and the period for which it needs to be collected. When the required amount is collected on time, those who invested in the project will receive tokens (a kind of shares), and in fact will be co-investors of the enterprise. To issue milkcoins, it was necessary to collect 3.3 thousand ethereums (at the current rate - more than 140 million rubles). True, they managed to collect no more than 2% of the required amount (66 ethers).

4. Why is the bitcoin rate rising?

Even before the New Year, the bitcoin rate broke a record mark of $20,000 (however, it then fell to $14,000). Although at the beginning of 2017 they gave 1.3 thousand dollars for it. The reason for the jump is that the demand for the trendy currency is much higher than the supply. The program is designed to issue a specific number of bitcoins - 21 million. And the more users, the less each earns. Then new types of cryptocurrencies began to appear, as we wrote above. They are cheaper because they are not so fashionable and hyped.

5. Can you buy something with bitcoins?

Bitcoins have already been recognized as the currency of account in Germany and Japan. In Russia, the circulation of cryptocurrency is not officially regulated in any way. That is, it is officially impossible to buy anything for bitcoins in our country. However, this does not prevent converting bitcoins into rubles or dollars.

“To turn cryptocurrency into real money, you need to register on a special online exchange,” says Pavel Perelygin. - There you sell bitcoins, ethereums or other cryptocurrencies at the existing rate, and withdraw money to your card.

The Russian authorities are increasingly recognizing that cryptocurrency is a phenomenon in the global economy that must be reckoned with. Back in the summer, German Klimenko, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on Internet issues, compared cryptocurrency with shells, which the Mumba Yumba tribe pays for.

“You came there, rested, took the shells, brought them to Moscow - you can exchange them with the same owners of shells, but no more,” Klimenko explained.

However, already in October, Vladimir Putin ordered the creation of a Russian law on cryptocurrencies. And recently, the head of the Duma interdepartmental group for assessing the risks of cryptocurrency turnover, Elina Sidorenko, publicly confirmed that direct transactions for the exchange and purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies are not prohibited in Russia. At the same time, the official added that negotiations are currently underway with the Federal Tax Service on the issue of taxation of such transactions.

Kilt - the traditional clothing of the Highlanders of Scotland - is the national pride of the country. In ancient times, this woolen wardrobe item, resembling a skirt, performed an important function: by the color of the ornament, a person's belonging to one of the most ancient clans was determined. Now the colors - the so-called tartans - have become, of course, much more. Among them there is also a special Russian tartan. Only it, if we follow the tradition, we can wear with you.

The Scottish kilt is made from a special fabric - tartan, woven from natural wool. In our usual understanding, a kilt looks almost the same as a pleated skirt, but in the Middle Ages its length could reach seven meters. If necessary, they could be wrapped around the whole body to protect themselves from the cold.

The very word "tartan" is of Celtic origin and is translated as "color of the area." Initially, tartans (ornaments, not fabric) belonged to eleven Scottish clans inhabiting various areas of the country, and were created in strict accordance with the laws of heraldry. Therefore, by the color of the pattern, it was easy to determine where the person came from.

Earliest depiction of Scottish soldiers wearing kilts, woodcut from 1631.

Until the 19th century, only natural dyes were used to dye tartan threads. From alder they got a black tint, from birch - yellow, heather gave the threads Orange color, blueberries - purple, blackberries - blue. Red tartan was considered a sign of wealth, because with the help of natural dyes red color is quite problematic to get.

In the middle of the XVIII century, when the British suppressed the Jacobite uprising, they forbade the Scots to wear kilts. Some obeyed the order, but the Scots, who lived high in the mountains, did not take off their kilt, even on pain of death.

Painting "Battle of Culloden". As a result of this battle, the uprising raised by the Scots in order to restore the Stuart line to the British throne was finally crushed.

The only ones who were allowed to wear kilts were the soldiers of the special royal regiments patrolling the mountains of Scotland. They wore the Black Watch tartan ("Black Watch") - one of the most recognizable patterns, which became the first military tartan.

After the ban was lifted, it turned out that many traditional tartan colors were forgotten. Then a large-scale campaign to revive the national heritage began. Tartans were restored according to paintings and old books of tailors.

In 1822, King George IV came to Edinburgh and proclaimed: "Let everyone wear their own tartan." On this, the variety of tartans began to grow exponentially. To date, there are more than four thousand varieties. The most popular of them:

1. Caledonia is a versatile tartan that every Scot can wear.

3. Dress Campbell - the ceremonial tartan of the Campbell clan.

4. Burberry is a tartan worn by British army generals during the Boer War.

5. Dress Gordon - an elegant version of the Gordon clan tartan.

6. Royal Stewart - the most famous tartan in the world, belonging to the royal Stewart dynasty.

In addition to clan colors, there are many, so to speak, highly specialized tartans. Many have their signature patterns on fabrics. public organizations And government agencies including the Royal Bank of Scotland. There are mourning tartans, hunting, festive ...

Created in 1963, the Scottish Tartans Society assigns a unique code to all registered patterns - according to the number of threads of each color.

There is also a "Russian" tartan. It is made up of Barclay and Lermontov tartans, named respectively in honor of the commander Mikhail Barclay de Tolly and the poet Mikhail Lermontov, who had Scottish roots.

Procrastination has earned itself a bad reputation - and for good reason. In time management, it is considered the biggest and worst mistake associated with laziness, weakness, disorganization and lack of self-discipline.

So why are we all doing this? Well, it turns out that you can actually get some benefit from postponing the inevitable. In some cases, procrastination can bring more good than bad.

The Benefits of Procrastination

1. Energy

This is the most valuable benefit of procrastination, allowing you to do what you did not want to do. You clearly did not dream about this task, otherwise you would not have put off its implementation for so long. If you wait for the fear of consequences to push you to work, the adrenaline rush will make you immediately get to work. And everyone knows that starting a project that you don’t want to do is the most difficult thing. If you need a sense of fear to spur you to action, then you will get it with procrastination. And - bam! You have started the business, which means that you are already on the way to its completion.

2. Focus

This is the second valuable benefit of procrastination, which is why some people thrive on working under pressure. Fear gives additional strength, a clear look and concentration on the current task. Adrenaline kicks in as you approach a deadline. Unexpectedly, you don't allow breaks or other distractions—phone, email, or co-workers—until you're done. Fear can wake you up and give you the mental clarity you get after a good night's sleep or a dose of caffeine.

3. Speed

If the task takes at least an hour and you have exactly that hour before the deadline, there is no chance that you will spend more time. You do not allow yourself such indulgences as rest, do not let your thoughts wander, and do not give this activity more time than necessary. In an hour, you can definitely cross it off your to-do list.

4. Less effort

You don't need discipline to start and stay focused on a task; deadline and fear of consequences will do it for you. It would take a lot of self-discipline to finish this four-hour report if you started it a few days ago, or to wake up and start packing from that attic, but now the discipline is not needed: instead, there is fear as a motivation. And this is really a big deal, because discipline is not at all interesting, and even so difficult! :-)


You probably ask yourself every time: “Why am I doing this to myself?” Now there is a clear answer: to get energy and do what you do not want to do. Your energy level is higher, you are more difficult to distract. Your speed increases; you are gaining momentum to be on time. And it takes less effort; it's just easier!

Those are the benefits of procrastination. That is why many people say: "I'm best at doing things at the last minute."

Fear is an effective motivator.

Waiting until the last minute creates an air of urgency that can be confused with productivity. You are redoing a lot of work in a short period of time, and is that a bad thing? But you don't really take into account quality: you value quantity. In that sense, at least some of the work has actually been done. But do you produce better results when you are in a hurry? Do you create the same quality work when you work at the last minute and when you give yourself enough time?

Harm of procrastination

1. Stress

When you procrastinate, you feel a lot of pressure. While short bursts of energy are helpful for survival purposes, they are not meant to last for an extended period of time. Making procrastination your lifestyle is not very helpful. Stress originally began as a way to survive, but if you stay in this mode for too long, you will inevitably have to face the consequences in the form of burnout.

How does it feel to be in a procrastination cycle for a while and constantly trying to get the next task done? If exhausted, nervous, tired, depressed, then this is not The best way work and manage life.

2. Poor quality

Pressure and quality have a tense relationship. They don't get along. When the pressure increases, the quality often goes down. Have you ever seen someone crack under pressure - like athletes losing a big game; employees responsible for documents in which the simplest errors are found; Candidates who start to stutter during interviews? What about products released in a hurry, only to be immediately returned for revision?

Fear of a deadline prevents you from thinking creatively and narrows your horizons.

When you wait until the last minute, you usually do not show a high result, as if you put enough time into the work. It just means that you have to choose in advance what level of quality you want - and don't let the deadline decide for you.

3. Less control and comfort

Procrastination makes deadline the most important thing in your life. Even though you have a choice of when to start a task, once you reach the deadline, there is no choice. At this moment, every minute is valuable. You have no opportunity to pay attention to anything else. Doing everything at the last minute is usually uncomfortable. We have listed speed as a procrastination because the energy and adrenaline that comes at this time can make you rush and work faster.

But what if you can't influence the speed? The task may take longer than you originally intended.

Imagine that at the last minute you are almost finishing a work project and suddenly you find that information from a person who is just on vacation is urgently needed. Now there is no way to hide the fact that you have been postponing work until the last minute and have absolutely no respect for the project if you did not bother to devote enough time, attention and mind to it.

If you wait until the last minute, then you deprive yourself of the opportunity to choose the most convenient and fastest period of time that a task can take. You deny yourself control over the situation and, in fact, completely rely on luck and coincidence.


Now that we've weighed the pros and cons of procrastination, it's time for a final opinion.

When quality doesn't matter, procrastination is normal.

The quality of many solutions to problems, such as checking voicemail, unfolding documents, shopping for groceries, laundry, taking out the trash, will not be affected in any way by the fact that you do it at the last minute. They do not require reflection, analysis, research, feedback, brainstorming, deduction, or deep work immersion. So take advantage of this burst of energy and focus from procrastination to end all problem solving and third urgency tasks.

No one judges how well you disposed of the garbage; it matters that you did it. And as long as the bills are paid on time, you're safe.

Sex is the basis of the relationship between the sexes. For some, this is an axiom, someone will begin to argue zealously, stubbornly repeating that the point is not in this, but just in mutual understanding, trust and spiritual harmony between partners. One way or another, sex is definitely the basis without which any normal relationship is hardly possible. That is why sex was, is and will be one of the most discussed and controversial phenomena.

Namely, ambiguous. Because, firstly, there is no limit to perfection, and secondly, after all, sometimes it is so important to turn off impulses for a short time in time, turn on your head and ask a simple question: “Am I doing everything right?” Familiar? Certainly! Otherwise, you would hardly have met this material on the World Wide Web. Therefore, especially for you, the answers to 10 most secret questions about the most interesting :)

If there is not enough roughness in sex, how to start?

During the "foreplay" forcefully bring his hands up and behind his head with your hands, hold them like that for a while while you kiss him. If This does not occur in a horizontal position, use a wall as a fulcrum.

Why do many people prefer sex in the light?

As you know, men love with their eyes, so it is especially important for them not only to surrender to the sensations in sex, but also to admire their partner at the same time. You should not be shy and embarrassed, because at the moment of intimacy, the emotions and perception of you by a man differ from everyday ones, and the evaluation vector always gravitates towards the “+” sign.

How long does it take a man between rounds?

The average is from five minutes to half an hour. However, here everything is also individual and depends both on the physiology and on the partner's craving for you. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to blame the man exclusively in the case of his too long “recovery” after sex. Maybe just change tactics?

What clothes will excite a man?

According to the surveys, black underwear, without any smart-wise fasteners, excites the strong half of humanity most of all. Slightly less interest is white, cream or red monochromatic openwork underwear. And, of course, the interest of men in stilettos, which, by the way, can be left on during sex, has become almost a classic.

Will he like the caresses of the nipples and buttocks?

If any caresses of the penis and everything connected with it, often bringing it to a frenzy, then with other parts of the body, be it the male buttocks, nipples or something else, everything is individual. If you don't try, you won't know.

Which products are best for sex play?

The use of certain products before or directly during sexual intercourse is usually associated with the desire to diversify one's sex life, literally add spicy or sweet notes to it. And for a woman, this is also a way to make sure that the man’s tongue is at the right time in the right place for her. What to choose for this? The palm is firmly held by the cream in the can. Or fruit.

Can there be too much sex?

If you are in order with a natural lubricant (or, as it is also called, a lubricant), sex, of course, cannot bring any harm. If this problem still occurs, there is a risk of developing a urogenital infection, which is a consequence of damage to the ultra-sensitive tissues of the genital organs. The way out is the use of various lubricants, of which there are a great many in our time.

What is the best position to use for a bath or shower?

Don't want your first bathroom experience to end with a visit to the traumatologist? Choose stable poses! It is important to find support points for the arms and legs and bend well in the back. The man must be in the back. Such a position will not only provide deeper penetration and give new sensations, but also allow you to experience a sense of unpredictability, because you never know what will happen behind you in a moment.

What will give a man more pleasure during oral sex?

Avoid feeling banal and fed up with your partner. Remember: connecting different parts of your body (hands, lips, teeth, tongue) to the task of “giving him maximum pleasure”, as well as frequently changing the style of movements, will give an amazing effect and give both of you the most vivid impressions. Enthusiasm, enthusiasm and only that! You can also imagine that you are eating delicious ice cream.

How to enhance his feelings?

About a couple of minutes before his orgasm, massage the area behind the scrotum in a circular motion - and in a minute you will see an amazing result. In addition, most men love it when a woman squeezes the muscles of the vagina. Not all of us can achieve this. However, through regular training of intimate muscles through Kegel exercises, you will quickly come to the desired effect and give both of you unforgettable moments!