How to turn on the BOSCH gas water heater? Instructions for using a gas stove Safety rules for handling a gas oven.

Geysers are a very popular type of water heater. Having picked up a suitable model and installed it in an apartment or house, there is very little left - to learn how to turn on the column. Among the mandatory manipulations, it is necessary to name the opening of the gas supply valve that supplies gas to the device, as well as the opening of the water tap, through which cold water will flow into the device. In this case, your actions will depend on the type of ignition used in your column model.

How to ignite according to the type of ignition?

Manual ignition

This method is already outdated and is rarely used in modern speakers. Such devices are poorly protected both from water pressure drops and from fire attenuation. Installing such devices at home is not recommended now.

How to light a column with manual ignition:

  • Turn off the valve on the tap that supplies water to the column.
  • Light the fuse with a match or lighter.
  • Open the valve on the tap supplying gas to the column.
  • Sometimes it takes a little time to ignite the burner until air is expelled from the burner duct. To speed up the process, first open and then close the hot water tap several times.

Piezo ignition

This option for igniting the column is more modern and common. It is very easy to use, but it has such a disadvantage as increased gas consumption. While the column is not working, the wick is still smoldering inside it, so the gas, although in small quantities, is burned constantly.

How to light a column with piezo ignition:

  • To start, you need to press a button that acts on the piezoelectric element. This will provide a spark to ignite the pilot burner wick.
  • Open the valve supplying gas to the apparatus.

This is clearly shown in the video below.

Automatic ignition

This is the most modern and profitable option for igniting gas water heaters. It is also called electric because it is based on the transmission of an electric spark. Its appearance is provided either by batteries or a hydraulic turbine. Combustion will be controlled by different sensors, and as soon as the user closes the hot water tap, the ignition wick will go out.

How to light a column with electric ignition:

  • Make sure that gas and cold water are supplied to the column.
  • Open a hot water tap.

See a small preview.

Many people come across a gas stove, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly. But during its operation it is necessary to adhere to safety rules: a gas leak in an apartment of a multi-storey building can lead to an accident, as it forms an explosive mixture. With a negligent attitude in the use of a gas stove, residents of other premises may suffer.

Regardless of whether natural gas is used by or , the approach to operation is the same. Here are the general requirements for the use of natural gas.

Before you turn on the gas stove, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical passport of the equipment, and study the instructions for its use.

How to light a fire

If you have never encountered gas stoves before, then the question of how to light a gas stove can be very relevant. To do this, you need to follow a certain algorithm. First of all, it is necessary ventilate the room. Next, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Open the valve on the pipe or the valve if a gas cylinder is used.
  2. Light the burner.

This process occurs in different ways, depending on the type of stove and the source of fire. The stove can be ignited in the following ways:

  • from an open source of fire - matches;
  • using electric or silicon;
  • electric ignition.

Modern models of gas stoves are equipped with a built-in electric ignition system. This function can be displayed on separate button, and can be built into the burner tap. This is the only case when the burner can be ignited at the same time when the stove tap is turned. In other models, you must first provide a fire (spark), and then open the burner valve. The faucet opens clockwise with slight indentation. Read about how to light a gas stove oven.

The flame should be a distinct blue color and evenly distributed around the burner. If it slips inward, close the tap and re-ignite the burner. The optimal flame height should not exceed 2-2.5 cm and is adjusted by turning the valve handle. If there is a draft in the room, the flame will tend to break away from the burner, which is dangerous in terms of fire safety. With an excess of air, it is necessary to close the window. With a lack of air, the color of the flame will clearly change from blue to yellow, and carbon monoxide will be released, which is dangerous to human health.

What not to do when using the stove

Having extensive experience with appliances, consumers sometimes forget both the precautions and some features of using a gas stove. In order for the cooking process to be safe for the owner and others, it must be remembered what cannot be done.

  1. It is not recommended to use cookware with a wide bottom for low burners. In this case, the effect of incomplete combustion of fuel is formed, and you can get poisoned with carbon monoxide.
  2. The flame must not come out of the area of ​​the bottom of the cookware, as this will lead to a needless increase in fuel consumption, which will only increase the cooking time.
  3. If the diameter of the cookware exceeds the hob and extends beyond its edges, you should use additional burner, allowing you to increase the height and provide air supply.

It is important to know! If the smell of gas is pronounced in the room, in no case should you light the burner on the stove. You should promptly ventilate the room and contact the gas service.

Gas consuming equipment is potentially hazardous. To avoid emergency situations, it is important to learn how to use gas water heating equipment. To properly turn on the gas column, you need to follow certain rules developed by the manufacturer and described in detail in the instruction manual.

When to include a column

It all depends on what type of gas water heater is installed. The instructions for use state:
  • Columns with a constantly burning wick- ignition is carried out at the beginning of the day. Most consumers light the fuse in the morning and leave it to work throughout the day. After ignition, the column is completely ready for operation. The first switching on occurs with the opening of the hot water tap.
  • Columns operating in automatic mode (without a wick)- turn on independently, after opening the DHW tap. Classic models refuse to work if there is no pressure in the pipeline. In modern water heaters, switching on occurs at a low water pressure (0.3 atm).
Flowing gas water heaters, regardless of type, have a common drawback: time passes from the moment the DHW tap is opened to the supply of hot water to the user. It takes several minutes to reach the set temperature.

If the column turns on poorly, the burner and wick go out during operation, and there is a smell of gas in the area of ​​the piezoelectric element, this indicates a serious breakdown. You should turn off the water heater, turn off the gas and call the wizard to fix the problem.

Rules for turning on gas water heaters

When using the column, it is important to take precautions. Ignition of the wick or main burner is carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Modern speakers have several levels of protection and work mostly in automatic mode, without requiring special precautions. Ignition and switching on occurs when a hot water tap is opened.
  • Problems and difficulties arise when using old speakers that need to be set on fire with matches or models with a built-in piezoelectric element.

How to turn on an old column with matches

There are two main types of water heaters that differ in the ignition device. All models, without exception, are equipped with an ignition wick that burns constantly. The first inhabitants of "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev" had to use a column with levers. Later, water heaters with a built-in piezoelectric igniter appeared.

Use the old-style geyser with caution. Failure to follow the rules described in the operating instructions can cause an explosion, gas leakage and equipment failure. When turning on a flow-type gas water heater, the following rules are observed:

It is not so difficult to light an old gas column. Switching off is carried out in the reverse order. First, the main burner is turned off, after which the water is shut off.

For convenience, when lighting an old gas column, it is better to use long fireplace matches.

How to light a column with a piezoelectric element

The classic speakers with lever control have been replaced by models with mechanical switches in the form of handles. The case provided for the piezo ignition of the wick, which allows you to light a gas column without matches. The firing order is as follows:
  • The solenoid valve is clamped - usually it takes 15-20 seconds for enough gas to accumulate on the wick to ignite.
  • It will take 2-3 times to press the piezoelectric element. With a properly set and working module, it is enough to “click” the piezoelectric element once to light the wick.
Further steps are the same as in the case of a column ignited by matches. In the event of a malfunction of the piezoelectric element, ignition is carried out from matches.

How to light a column with electric ignition

Those who have used automatic gas flow and storage water heaters know that the user does not need to carry out complex manipulations, as is the case with older models. In modern gas water heating equipment, automatic equipment is installed that gives a signal to turn on when a hot water tap is opened.

The spark appears due to the operation of automatic ignition, powered by batteries or the mains. Provided that the water heater is working, a few seconds are enough for the burner to start and hot water to be supplied to the consumer.

Why does the column turn on by itself

In each water heater, regardless of the year of manufacture, there is an automation designed to prevent the device from self-igniting. For this reason, situations when the geyser itself turns on without water are excluded. The “frog” water regulator is responsible for this.

If spontaneous switching on of the geyser without water is observed, the problem may be that somewhere in the hot water pipeline, possibly passing through the wall, a leak has occurred. After the leak is fixed, the problem will disappear.

Much more often, users are faced not with the fact that the column turns on by itself without water, but with the fact that after the tap is turned off, it continues to work. The reason lies in the diaphragm, hardened from hard water, located inside the water regulator. After turning off the hot water, the membrane is in no hurry to return to its place, continuing to press on the stem that opens the gas supply. You can fix the problem by replacing the diaphragm.

Is it possible to turn on cold water when the column is running

This is strongly discouraged for several reasons:
  • At the same time, manufacturers prohibit turning on cold and hot water, which is directly stated in the operating instructions. It is necessary to initially set a comfortable temperature, allowing you to do without mixing. Opening the cold water tap affects the heating and causes a quick failure of the water heater.
  • The main reason why cold water should not be turned on when the gas water heater is running is that this violation of operation leads to a rapid build-up of scale in the heat exchanger.
For ease of use, modern automatic gas flow columns have a winter-summer mode. The function helps to quickly change the heating temperature and reduce gas consumption.

Do I need to turn off the column at night

It all depends on what kind of water heater is used. In columns with a constantly burning wick, such a measure is desirable. As a result of switching off at night, gas consumption is significantly saved.

CO leaks are not associated with the operation of the water heater, but with improper installation and violation of operating rules. You don't have to worry about accidents happening at night. The technique is safe.

The operating conditions of a gas instantaneous water heater with automatic ignition do not mention the need to turn it off at night. As a rule, the equipment has several degrees of protection against accidental ignition of the burner.

It is worth turning off the water heater only if there are obvious signs indicating a breakdown: the burner refuses to turn off when the DHW tap is closed, malfunctions that manifest themselves in a long turn on, and independent shutdown during water heating. In these cases, turn off the gas and call the emergency service.

Installing or replacing a gas stove can be entrusted to professionals. But for this you will have to pay extra separately and wait for the arrival of the master. Some connect the gas stove with their own hands - the work is not particularly difficult, but requires strict adherence to a number of requirements.

We offer an introductory manual describing the stages of work, how to connect the unit to the gas distribution pipe and safety standards. This article is informative, and does not call for independent action, since all manipulations with gas are very dangerous.

According to current legislation, gas systems are considered a high-risk area and intervention in their functionality is allowed only by employees of regional and local gas services, distribution companies or firms that have an official license to carry out work of such a plan.

Among the activities requiring the participation of a representative of the gas service include: the initial connection of equipment, reconnection, scheduled and unscheduled repairs, replacement of parts, etc.

The primary connection of the gas stove to the communications of the central system is always carried out only by the official representative of the gas service - a qualified installer with permission

Even if the owners did all the work personally, starting the gas to the burner is allowed only after the specialist inspects all the connecting nodes for possible leaks and officially gives the go-ahead to activate the equipment and its further correct operation.

The owners will be able to carry out the subsequent replacement of the stove with another model on their own, but they still have to notify the gas company about this.

Gas units prepared for installation must be registered with the relevant service. Its employees come to the client every six months and conduct a scheduled inspection of the equipment for compliance with all the rules and regulations for safe operation.

For unauthorized connection to the network or a fine is provided.

After the initial official connection of the stove to the central communications, the owner receives an agreement on the rules for the provision of gas supply services and a subscription book indicating the price for supplying the resource.

However, if after connecting the owner did not use the stove, but first invited the master to examine the correctness and quality of the connections, no punishment will follow. The unit will be inspected, registered as a new gas flow point, and it can be used as usual.

Choosing a place for kitchen equipment

Before connecting a home gas stove to the central communications, a suitable place is chosen for it. It is desirable that the floor in the installation area is absolutely even, otherwise the hob will warp and the dishes will not be able to cook evenly.

The bulk of modern units are equipped with adjusting legs, which make it possible to evenly set the equipment even on the floor with noticeable defects and height differences.

Basic Hose Requirements

The connecting hose used to connect the stove to the central gas system must meet certain requirements^

  • limited length- no more than 1.5 meters;
  • evenness- the surface of the part without extensions or narrowed areas;
  • lack of curvature, knots and twists;
  • durability- the service life can be obtained from the seller or from quality certificates confirming the compliance of the hose with the standards generally accepted for gas equipment;
  • no cracks, cuts, rust and other visible damage.

Another important point to consider is that the hose should under no circumstances touch hard, sharp corners and materials subject to combustion.

It is better if it is freely located behind the plate, not adjacent to any surface. Then the owners will be able to easily control his condition and will not miss the moment when it is required.

Pipe connection

Connecting the stove to a centralized system using a metal pipe is a very reliable, but outdated way. Today it is rarely used because of the complexity and the need in some cases to use specific professional equipment.

When piping the stove to centralized communications supplying the gas resource, copper or steel pipes are used. They have a high level of strength and guarantee a clear, secure connection.

The main disadvantage of connecting with pipes is that in the future the stove cannot be moved away for cleaning or moved to another place without resorting to disconnection from the central communications.

Types of seals for gas systems

So that the nodes connecting the stove to the gas distribution system do not leak and ensure the tightness of all communications for years, special seals are used, for example, Loktite 55 thread or FUM tape.

Gas service employees do not recommend using connecting elements from other materials. Their performance is too weak for such an impressive daily load.

- practical, modern material, designed specifically for secure fixation of connecting sections in communication networks of varying degrees of complexity.

It is a sealing fiber made of high strength multifilament yarns, supplied in plastic containers and has various lengths (from 12 to 160 m, depending on the package).

Thread Loktite 55 is a universal element that provides threaded connections with reliable instant sealing even under strong pressure. The certificate allows the use of the product in gas systems without restrictions

To create a tight connection, I manually wind the thread around the threaded section of the pipeline fittings. It is instantly fixed in place and no longer changes its position.

The second reliable sealing element is FUM tape, made of fluoroplastic 4D.

There are three types of FUM tapes on the market:

  • Mark 1 equipped with additional lubricant based on vaseline oil. It is used in industrial systems and communication networks with caustic, aggressive environments.
  • Mark 2 does not have lubrication and best of all manifests itself in complexes operating on various oxidizing agents.
  • Mark 3 is produced using edge fragments of the first two types and is suitable for both industrial and domestic purposes.

It is a thin thread, laid in a film.

FUM tape demonstrates high anti-corrosion qualities, exhibits good heat resistance and does not emit toxins during active operation.

The FUM tape allows you to make a strong connection of pipe elements, which will provide the system with complete tightness for many years. The warranty period for tape storage in a container is 13 years.

Step-by-step process of connecting a gas stove

Before connecting a gas stove in a house or apartment, they find the most convenient place for it. Then they remove the branded packaging, screw the adjusting legs to the bottom of the unit and place the module in the selected area.

A gap is left between the equipment and the wall, corresponding to the dimensions indicated in the accompanying instructions for household appliances.

A building level is placed near one of the sides, and then, using the adjusting legs, the plate is set as evenly as possible. First, carefully twist the legs on one side, and then on the other.

After all these measures, the unit takes a rigid position, does not sway or roll either to the right or to the left.

Next, connect the equipment with a flexible hose. To do this, from the outside, a layer of special sealant is carefully wound onto the thread of the hose fitting (Loctite 55 thread or FUM tape, designed to fix individual sections in communication systems).

This will ensure further reliability and complete tightness of the complex.

Linen gaskets are not used for sealing in gas systems, since their physical characteristics are much lower than those of FUM tape and Loctite 55 thread

The hose fitting with a seal is screwed into the gas valve on the descent, and the second open end of the hose is screwed into the gas stove outlet thread.

When household appliances are connected for the first time, they contact a specialized service and invite a specialized master who has the appropriate knowledge and the right to activate the equipment.

While working on gas systems in the room, keep windows open and carefully monitor that there are no open flames nearby.

In the presence of a gas service employee, all docking points are treated with a medium concentration soap emulsion, the tap is opened and the system is tested for possible leakage. If the gasman does not detect any problems, they begin to use the stove in standard mode.

Self-installation of a gas stove is carried out in strict accordance with the safety rules governing actions in contact with gas networks.

Rules to be followed:

  1. The flexible hose connecting the unit to the gas supply system is placed in plain sight in an easily accessible place and in no case is blocked by anything. This item should always be available for inspection or scheduled replacement.
  2. The gas hose is made in strict accordance with generally accepted regulatory documents, without exceeding the permitted size by an inch.
  3. The connecting sleeve itself is not painted, as the paint damages the surface and contributes to its premature cracking. If the appearance of the sleeve is not too aesthetic, it is masked under self-adhesive paper.
  4. Directly connect the hose only to the supply tap and gas stove. The adapter is used only in case of a non-standard threaded connection of one of the outlets.
  5. Prior to the installation of the stove, the gas is shut off by turning the shut-off valve on the pipe from the supply riser to the stop, and notify everyone in the room about the ongoing work.
  6. During installation, only special tools, consumables and accessories intended for work with gas fittings are used.
  7. All pipes opened during the connection are immediately plugged. For lowering, use a dense wet rag as a plug. Water, absorbed into the fabric, gives the material a high level of gas impermeability.
  8. To temporarily close the supply pipe with a 1/2″ thread, take a cork from a wine bottle. It is cut along the narrowed edge in the shape of a cone, treated with sandpaper and tightly “screwed” into the pipe hole. If the part is stuck, remove it with a corkscrew.

At the end of the work, the docked sections are coated with a soap solution of medium concentration, the gas shut-off valve is opened and the system is tested for leaks.

If the soapy liquid begins to bubble, the gas is again shut off and the joint areas are brought to full tightness.

When a hiss or smell of gas is heard during the test run, the valve is immediately closed, windows and doors are opened and a team of emergency gas service employees is called.

Sometimes, when connecting or moving a stove, it may be required. This work is carried out only by representatives of the gas service with a preliminary shutdown of the gas throughout the riser.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

A detailed description of the process of installing a gas stove in an apartment with your own hands. Useful tips and interesting nuances of the process. Recommendations for using the tool.

How to easily and quickly connect a gas stove in a residential building, which hoses and other related items to choose. Information about the cost of works.

Overview of bellows hoses for gas stoves. Pros and cons of parts and expert opinion on whether to use them.

The basic rules for connecting a gas stove in an apartment or a private house are not complicated. If you carefully study the installation instructions, use the right tool and follow the safety measures, the process will go smoothly and will not take a lot of time.

When there is no self-confidence, it is better to contact the gas distribution company at the place of residence and invite professional craftsmen to the house. They will quickly make the installation and do everything in strict accordance with the regulations and generally accepted standards.

We invite everyone interested in the issue of connecting a gas stove or oven to leave comments and ask questions. The contact form is located in the lower block.

How to cock (put into operation) a gas house pressure regulator?

Today we will talk about gas regulators of those owners of private houses who have medium pressure gas supplied. What does it mean, among other gas equipment, and the installed house pressure regulator (for residents of Belarus, this is usually either the Vogaz regulator ALSI - FE10, or Belgaztekhnika RDGD 2.0, well, there are also the first installed regulators of the Italian company - Schleninberg - something like that, but there are no problems for them. In our village, more often PSC C P1 CJSC "Gazstroy"). Each owner of such a farm is simply obliged to know what to do if the PZK (safety shut-off valve) of his house pressure regulator is triggered. That's for you, my dear, I wrote this guide.

The principle of operation, for all house regulators, is generally the same, the main thing is to turn on the logic. In principle, you don’t have to worry too much and call the emergency gas service, whose specialists will come and put your regulator into operation. But when there are not enough free cars, and your house is located outside the city (and even in the city), the wait can be rather long, and in severe frost without gas (and therefore without heating, hot water) you don’t want to sit. How to immediately determine that there is no gas precisely from the triggering of the slam-shut regulator? - no way. But to check, at least not difficult. We go outside to our regulator and look at it. We remove the casing, it is usually opened with a key from below, sometimes from the side.

On the device itself there is such a bronze button and next to it, about the same size, a plastic cap (not to be confused with the regulator cover) - see picture "Starting up a house pressure regulator (RDGD, FE, etc.)" What needs to be done to start a gas pressure regulator at home?

1. First, unscrew the cap, shown by the arrow in the figure.

2. Gently press the bronze button.

3. Without releasing the button, with the second hand we pull a bronze chip, in the form of a mushroom, which was hidden under a black cap. We hear a characteristic sound, as if something puffed (- as I can explain it,) - this is supposedly the regulator cocked.

4. Slowly release the bronze button that has been pressed all this time.

5. We also slowly release the bronze chip, after which we go into the house and check whether the gas has gone.

6. If the gas has gone, go outside and screw the cap back on.

There is such a situation that it seems like the regulator is cocked, and there is a characteristic sound (sometimes you can not feel it), but the bronze chip is not fixed - the regulators make the class ones. What we do in this case: We go into the house, open any burner on the gas stove to a small flame and repeat the above steps 1-6 (do not forget, immediately after cocking the regulator and checking for gas, close the burner on the stove). You should not be afraid to start gas with an open burner. In 5 minutes, the kitchen will not be gassed to an explosive and fire hazardous concentration. So, it will slightly smell of gas (aderant, to be precise). If these actions did not help and the gas did not go, then the problem is not in the regulator, then you yourself will not do anything. And if the regulator worked again after a short period of time, then ice has most likely formed in the regulator (at sub-zero outside temperatures), which must be removed. In this case, as a temporary option, you can heat the regulator, the upper plate, where the lid is (see figure) - the main thing is not to overdo it so that the lid does not melt, for example, with a hairdryer, if this did not help to start the regulator, then the regulator went out building (which is not so common). But in both cases, even if after heating the gas began to flow, at a convenient time, just do not delay, call specialists, they will come and help.