Refueling a car with gas at home. How to use a gas cylinder in everyday life? Why are the cylinders covered with frost

Gas fuel has come into life reliably modern man. So, gas cylinder is a rather primitive device, but it also has a number of specific nuances. Next, you will be able to read about what gas cylinders are, but for now we will try to decide on the purpose of the gas itself.

There is an erroneous opinion that gas "locked" in a cylinder and gas in a pipeline are one and the same. The fact is that centralized gas supply uses methane, which is a natural gaseous substance, it is also called swamp. But gas cylinders are already filled with a mixture of propane and butane, which is also officially called SPBT. A mixture of propane-butovy technical is a by-product obtained during oil refining. In the future, he will use the wording SPBT or simply “gas” for it.

Propane-butane mixture is absolutely universal. It is widely used in the petrochemical industry for the manufacture of polymers, as well as mechanical engineering and metalworking - for welding and cutting. metal surfaces. In addition, SPBT can act as a gas engine fuel.

Complete diagram of connecting a gas cylinder to a stove

In everyday life, such a gas mixture is used to implement autonomous gasification of housing and communal services. It is filled with gas tanks and various gas cylinders, in which gas is burned by the forces of domestic boilers, stoves and other household gas equipment. Carbon dioxide and water act as combustion products, for this reason such combustion is considered as safe as possible for the ecology of living space.

In cross section, a gas standard cylinder is similar to the design of a transparent gas lighter. The gas mixture in a liquefied state acts as a liquid, and the free space above it is a steam cap, which enters the boiler or stove. The balance between these media is maintained due to the pressure inside a special container.

Connecting the cylinder to consumption devices

The device must be connected via a reducer. Inside a conventional gas cylinder, the pressure is not constant and depends on the ambient temperature. It can vary from 4 to 6 atm. The reducer is able to lower and equalize the pressure to the optimum operating level of the cooker.

A hose is connected to the reducer, and a plate is connected to it. The place of fixation is fixed with clamps, after which it is necessary to check the tightness of the connection with soap suds. Any foam will do. The fixation points must be covered with soapy water: if bubbles form on the surface, then the connection is leaky.

We eliminate the leak: tighten the nut even more at the junction of the fitting with the gearbox. If a leak is found in the sleeve area, then tighten the clamps. After adjustment, it is necessary to check again with soap suds to finally make sure that there is no leakage. This test is always carried out when connecting gas cylinder is the golden rule of safe use.

Correct connection of gas cylinders on the street, figure 1

Correct connection of polymer-composite gas cylinders, figure 2

IMPORTANT! You should not act like some especially “experienced” gas masters: in no case do not check the tightness with lit paper. This results in small flames at the leaks. This is strictly prohibited by safety regulations. In addition, such flames are very small and daylight can go unnoticed and lead to sad consequences.

Installation and operation of gas cylinders

The most important criterion for the safe operation of such devices is the control of possible leaks and overheating. Violation of sealing can be detected by a characteristic odor. The gas, in principle, has neither color nor smell, but a special marker is added to SPBT - a hydrocarbon-mercaptan. Due to this, a person can smell when the gas stove column is turned on or during a leak.

So, if you smell this smell, then we can conclude that the concentration of SPBT is 20 percent of the dangerous one. There is no reason to panic, that is, a reason to check the junction according to the above scheme.

Operation of gas cylinders, presented in the form of a table

When the gas cylinder is in the room itself, it should be placed at a distance of 1 meter from the stove, which in the active state is a heat source. Also, any other heating devices should not be placed nearby: heating radiators and autonomous heaters.

An acceptable option would be a "dacha" method of installation - on the outer north side of the structure, which eliminates the possibility of overheating of the balloon by the sun's rays. In such a situation, the sleeve must be passed through a hole in the wall, previously “treated” with a metal sleeve. The cylinder is placed in a special metal cabinet equipped with ventilation holes in the lower part of the walls. Since the gas is somewhat heavier than air, in the event of a leak, it will accumulate from below, where there are ventilation holes, so a light wind can eliminate unwanted accumulation.

Why are the cylinders covered with frost?

Here you can also debunk one of the most common misconceptions. It is generally accepted that if such a device "freezes", then it becomes covered with frost. Some even argue that it is necessary to insulate such equipment with blankets, old coats and other improvised devices. So, the frost will disappear faster if the gas container is left as it is, without helping it to “thaw” with warm clothes.

The bottom of the gas cylinder, which is covered with frost

The appearance of frost can be explained by a number of physical processes that occur inside the structure when it is connected to furnaces or burners. At such moments, active fuel consumption is observed, therefore, large volumes of gas liquid turn into a vaporous fraction. And such a phenomenon is always accompanied by a large consumption of heat, it is for this reason that the surface of the cylinder becomes much colder than the temperature in the surrounding space. Moisture in the air space begins to appear in the form of condensate on the walls of the installation, subsequently turning into frost. This is a completely natural phenomenon, with which nothing needs to be done.

Moreover, all attempts to use artificial "insulation" violate safety standards during operation, and also affect the deterioration of heat exchange between the device and environment and affect the conditions of gas supply. If your burner did not please with a grandiose flame, then after your “maneuvers” with a blanket, it may stop working altogether.

Do not insulate gas cylinders with anything!

In general, when connecting gas appliances with high power, you need to be aware that the gas cylinder has limitations in terms of recoil speed. This means that the liquid fuel is converted into the steam stage gradually. For example, a 50 liter tank can provide about 500 grams of gas in 60 minutes. This is equivalent to a power of 6-7 kW. In the cold season, this figure is halved if the equipment is located outside. In summer, the situation is reversed: the maximum flow rate increases.

In any case, it can be concluded that frost is evidence that the cylinder cannot cope with high fuel consumption. This can cause a temporary drop in gas pressure and equipment failure. If this happens, it is better to stop consumption and wait until a sufficient head of steam has formed.

Why is there a "splash" of water in the container?

This can be heard in winter. Know that this is not water, but the butane component of SPBT. At the slightest frost, butane ceases to be converted into a vaporous fraction. It is she who "splashes" in the form of a liquid inside.

Butane component of SPBT in a gas cylinder

In the warm season, this problem does not arise: almost the entire propane-butane mixture is used. In order to avoid this in cold weather, it is recommended, when filling the tank, to ask the refueller about the availability of a passport for the used SPBT. This document must contain information that the mixture contains at least 80 percent propane, which passes from liquid to vapor during cold weather. If you use such a dressing, then there should be no problems.

How much gas is enough?

Here you can use primitive mathematical rules. If you start from the power of the stove, where 4 burners work at once, then 8 kWh of energy is used in 60 minutes. If you burn 1 kg of gas, you can get 12.8 kWh of energy. The first result must be divided by the second figure, resulting in the amount of "liquid" fuel necessary for the full operation of the stove for an hour. This figure is 0.625 kilograms of gas. Therefore, a 50 liter container with 21 kilograms of gas will be used to run the stove for 33.6 hours. If the passport of your equipment indicates the power in kg of fuel burned, then the calculations are greatly simplified.

In the future, everything depends on the intensity of use of the plate. If you often brew jellied meat, then the degree of consumption will be one, if you are content with only brewing morning coffee, then another. Based practical experience, we can say that 12 liters of gas, which will be used by a small family on weekends in the country, will be enough for the whole summer. More detailed information about autonomous gasification you will find in this section.

How to fill a gas bottle?

Refuel such devices on the territory of special points, which can be located autonomously and enter the gas station. In the conditions of the latter, it is possible to refuel with gas motor fuel.

The most important nuance in this process is the fact that you need to refuel not by volume, but by weight. As a safety measure, gas containers should be filled to a maximum of 85 percent of the total volume, in order to avoid excessive pressure.

In order to follow safety precautions and its standards, such a device with any volume is marked with a number with a maximum allowable weight, corresponding to the same allowable 85 percent. The tanks are placed on the scales, including fuel injection. The process stops after reaching the required weight.

But even when refueling relative to the mass, overflows are not excluded, which is especially important for small-volume containers - by 5 or 12. They should be refueled by 2 and 6 kilograms, respectively. The high speed of refueling sometimes does not allow you to see the achievement of the limit rate. If this happened to you, be sure to ask for the excess gas to be drained. In the future, it is better to choose another place for refueling.

In general, the basic criterion for choosing a tanker is the availability of license documents for the use of fire and explosive objects. If the documents are present, then we can conclude that you are served by qualified specialists who annually undergo special certification.

In other cases, you take responsibility for the operation of the refilled container. And you risk not only your money, but also the safety of your home and life. In addition, an unlicensed gas station is a violation of the law and may entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability regarding the article on illegal business activities.

The information provided in the review does not claim to be accurate encyclopedic data and is largely dictated by our experience. But we are sure that it can help you save a lot of time and money.

In this article, I want to show one of the options on how to make an adapter for refilling disposable collet gas cartridges.

For manufacturing you will need:

- gas burner (bought in China)
- oxygen hose 1 meter
- nozzle for a large gas cylinder with a left-hand thread
- two clamps
- screwdriver
- scales
- large gas cylinder

Manufacturing process

First of all, we disassemble the gas burner. You need to unscrew the nozzle. It is threaded and easy to remove. In the future, you can easily assemble everything again and use it for its intended purpose.

Then we take the hose and put one end on the adapter for a large gas cylinder, and the other on the burner and carefully tighten it with clamps.

That's all, the adapter is ready. now it can be screwed onto the gas cylinder.

It's still gas! Be careful!
I refuel like this: first I release the message of the remaining air from the can, put it on the scales. The empty can weighs 95 grams. Then I connect the can to the adapter and open the valves. A large cylinder must be put on its side so that the liquid gas stacks up to the faucet. I usually pour from 150 to 180 grams, no more, for this I keep the valve open for about 10 seconds. After refueling, I put it back on the scale and see the result.

It is recommended to refuel them at specialized points. Here it will not cause difficulties, as all certified gas stations are equipped with necessary equipment. But for a private trader using household gas in cylinders, it is not always possible to take the container to a specialist.

Is self-refueling a gas cylinder dangerous?

Self-refueling of gas cylinders is prohibited, but if necessary, this rule can be violated. The main thing is to follow the recommended safety measures. Factors due to which the cylinder manufacturer prohibits refueling by non-specialists are the flammability and explosiveness of the gas.

How to fill a gas bottle?

Anyone who decides to take this step should know the design of the cylinder. The injection of gas and its consumption is provided by a multi-valve installed on the neck of a metal container. For refueling, you need to assemble a filling system consisting of two gas hoses, a gas ball valve, an adapter with seals, and a gas cylinder. It is important to qualitatively connect all the elements of the structure. To do this, use appropriately sized couplings. All equipment can be bought on the market.

The gas cylinder must be installed with the valve down. To do this, you can build a structure of wooden blocks, or install it in a chair and securely fix it in an upright position. Those who have experience with self-refueling prefer to weld a metal "skirt" to it, which, when the container is turned over, serves as a stable support. The rest of the gas must be vented.

The adapter is screwed onto the thread of the cylinder. To supply gas, you must use the ball valve of the filling system, and not the cylinder valve. A reducer is not required, as it will slow down refueling. Check the reliability of the filling system and open the gas supply.

The process of filling the balloon is not fast: it will take from 5 to 15 minutes. During the flow of gas, the transition system is very cool, so you need to check the filling level with gloves. It is unacceptable to use open flames near a working filling system. It is recommended to exclude even sparks. Refuel the cylinder only in the open air.

A similar system can be used to fill small travel gas cylinders. You will need an adapter, scales, an empty cylinder, a household gas cylinder. Weigh the empty container. The adapter is screwed onto the cylinders one by one, the valve is opened and the gas is filled.

Accidents at filling stations, despite the high safety of modern gas equipment, unfortunately do happen. And sometimes the fault is not even the negligent attitude of the car owner to the refueling process, or a violation of the safety rules of an employee gas station. The cause of an emergency at gas stations is most often banal awareness, people simply do not know how to behave properly at gas stations. No, I do not want to say that emergencies do not happen at ordinary gas stations, just gas fuel is different from classic gasoline and diesel fuel. We are talking about a completely different refueling technology and a completely different state of these types of fuel, not to mention flammability ...

In this article, I want to talk about the safety rules at gas filling stations, as well as about how how to fill up your car with gas independently, if necessary.

To begin with, what can not be done at the gas filling station

At gas stations it is prohibited:

  1. Well, first of all, of course, smoke or use open fire sources. I think there is no need to explain here, we all know what gas is and what happens if a large amount of gas is suddenly set on fire. There is an explosion of unprecedented proportions, so in no case, under any circumstances, do not violate this rule "No. 1".
  2. Refuel the vehicle with the engine running. When the engine is running, the fuel line is functioning, so there is a high probability of a sharp increase in pressure in the fuel line, which is fraught with damage to the valves and many other equally important components of gas equipment.
  3. Carry out refueling of a faulty LPG. Before you fill up your car with gas, make sure that the valves, VZU, are in order. has no damage, and the gas equipment itself is in good condition and has no leaks.
  4. Start refueling without the permission of the gas filling station operator.
  5. Refuel with incorrectly installed "gun".

How to properly fill a gas cylinder on a car with LPG?

First of all, you must remember one thing - refuel your car if there is an operator or a tanker at the gas filling station - prohibited! For such a violation, the employee can be punished or even fired, and you, at a minimum, will receive a warning or possibly even a fine! All you need to do is tell the employee the location of the remote refueling device.

True, there are exceptions when there is no refueling or the refueling itself provides for the possibility of self-refueling, in which case the following tips will help you correctly refuel at a gas station.

From personal experience. For example, I once witnessed a simply egregious case of violation of safety rules by an employee of a gas station. Gas filling station operator in a state of strong alcohol intoxication he tried to connect the pistol and could not connect it to the VZU, he could hardly stand on his feet. The worst thing was that a few minutes after his unsuccessful attempts, the tanker decided to "out of grief" smoke, while holding the gun in his hands. I'll tell you honestly, I've never seen people so quickly get into cars and drive away in all directions... 🙂 Laughter with laughter, but everything could end in tears...

1. The first thing to do is to drive up to the column and turn off the engine.

2. Perform a visual check to make sure it is working, although this is best done before you go to the gas station.

3. Connect the adapter, if it is provided for by the design of your HBO, and install the gun in the VZU.

4. Turn on the gas supply and check the filling of the gas cylinder. It must be remembered here that only the amount of gas that is physically placed in it can fit into the cylinder, you should not shake the car, stagger in order to pump more gas into your cylinder. I wrote about this in more detail in my previous article:.

5. After the cylinder is filled, the gas filling station automation will shut off the gas supply. You will notice this by the fact that the numbers in the "liters" and "rubles" fields will stop. Although if you do not need a full tank, you can stop filling at any time.

6. All you have to do is disconnect the "gun" and remove the adapter if you installed it.

After completing the refueling, do not forget to pay the bill. That's actually the whole procedure, as you can see, nothing complicated, the most important thing is to try to do it yourself several times.

Last video about how to fill up your car with gas:

Thank you all for your attention, I hope the article was useful for you!?

In many country houses gas cylinders are used, which must be regularly refilled. Although they are used in production. Refilling is much cheaper than buying a new cylinder. They are used for heating and domestic needs. When living outside the city limits, the question of where to fill the gas cylinder becomes natural. This is discussed in the article.

Pros and cons of gas cylinders

The self-contained tank is a convenient thing to use. Its advantages include:

  1. Mobility. It can be rearranged, transported.
  2. Unlimited storage period. It can be used later.
  3. Big choice. You can purchase a container of any size, purpose, made of various materials.

Of the minuses are:

  1. Fire hazard. If the tank is located in the area of ​​a fire or a sudden change in temperature, this can lead to a threat to life and health, as well as damage to property.
  2. The presence of sediment in old tanks with prolonged use. They need to be cleaned for future use.
  3. Gas leakage if the equipment has been used for a long time. You need to change the jet regularly to prevent this.
  4. Danger from sudden overturning. There is a risk of a pressure surge and a sudden burst of flame. And it’s almost impossible to pay off everything on your own.
  5. Risk of substance inhalation. If the equipment is malfunctioning, then people living in the house can be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Where to apply?

Household gas cylinders are sold at specialized points. Usually there is home delivery. Where to fill the gas cylinder if it is empty? In these specialized centers, the filling of containers is carried out. As a rule, these points are located at stationary automobile gas stations.

Other items

Where else is propane? There are several options:

  1. Factory. But this option is not very convenient, besides not cheap.
  2. Companies that have received the right from Gostekhnadzor. These include the exchange of cylinders.

Factories and companies must have special premises that meet the requirements, as well as the equipment that is needed for such work. Where to fill gas This work is performed by the same specialized points.

Where should you not go?

Although you can perform this procedure at almost every gas station, where there are not even special balloon points, you should not buy liquefied gas there. This is quite risky because:

  1. After this procedure, there is no check for gas leakage.
  2. There is no control of tankers, which is why the use of such gas equipment will be unsafe.
  3. Due to the format of the filling column, the balloon cannot be filled with high quality.

According to the norms, the filling volume should not exceed 85%. This creates a "vapor cap" in the cylinder, which protects against the risk of the cylinder exploding due to high temperatures. In automobile cylinders, in comparison with household ones, there is a cut-off valve to prevent gas overflow. Therefore, the equipment must be checked on the scales. Where is the best place to fill a gas cylinder? You can also apply to car gas stations, if only there is special equipment and a license.

Filling process

Refueling centers are called gas filling stations. They may have different equipment. Usually the procedure is performed in 3 ways:

  1. Pumped: A pump is used.
  2. Pump-compression: gas is taken with a pump and under high pressure compressor enters the cylinder.
  3. Pump-evaporator: in the gas supply system there is a heater-evaporator that provides increased pressure.

All refueling methods are safe if the rules and procedures are followed.

station requirements

If you are interested in where you can fill the gas cylinder, then you should check the station for the presence of:

  1. Exhaust and pump installations.
  2. Reservoirs for gas.
  3. Technical tools for transportation.
  4. Additional devices - dispensers, devices for measuring the density of a substance.

Where are household gas cylinders filled in cities? This is usually done by gas services that connect and maintain this equipment. They deliver containers with the substance according to a certain schedule. Gas equipment is also delivered to the villages, delivered by special vehicles.

The procedure is performed according to standard requirements. They must be observed, as there is a risk of explosion. For example, the procedure is not performed if there is one of the shortcomings:

  • the equipment is faulty;
  • there is no necessary pressure in the cylinder;
  • there are valve or valve defects;
  • rust is visible on the surface;
  • peeling paint;
  • there is damage.

Therefore, you need to check compliance with these regulations regarding where you can fill the gas cylinder. They should be labeled "compressed gas". A sticker is also attached, indicating an explosion hazard. Only in this case, everything complies with safety standards, so refueling in such a company can be performed.

Refueling rules

Before the procedure, the balloon is freed from condensate and remaining gas. Filling is carried out on the basis of the characteristics indicated in the data sheet, so that the equipment will work safely. During the procedure, there should be no fire, sparks, coals and other hazardous substances nearby. Work can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Exchange. A person gives away his reservoirs, and he is provided with filled ones. This saves time. But the disadvantage is the receipt of other equipment, which may not have quite high-quality parameters.
  2. own balloons. A person leaves their tanks for refueling, and after a while picks them up. Then only your equipment will be used. But you will have to spend money on shipping and wait a while.

After refueling, the equipment must be properly maintained. It should not be affected by precipitation, sunlight. Cylinders should be stored upright. Equipment should be checked regularly for proper operation. It is better to eliminate any defects immediately, without waiting for adverse consequences.

What does the price depend on?

It is important to know not only where to fill the gas cylinder, but also the price of these services. The cost depends on:

  • service level;
  • availability of transport services;
  • electricity costs;
  • gas prices.

In case of violation of refueling procedures, firms are held liable. If they do not comply with the rules and regulations, then for these cases it applies. Therefore, if you need to fill a gas cylinder (50 liters or another volume), you should contact specialized companies that work on the basis of a legally issued permit. Then the procedures for filling the cylinders are performed correctly, which is safe for the life and health of people.