Unfavorable days in April for scales. What to expect for Libra in April according to the horoscope

Libra in April 2017 is waiting for a period full of pleasant events. Numerous acquaintances, meetings and events will open up a lot of new opportunities for you. It is unlikely that representatives of your zodiac sign will sit at home and enjoy peace and quiet. They will be in motion all the time. Restlessness and a thirst to expand their horizons will allow Libra to always and everywhere be in the center of events. Do not limit yourself to some invented framework, live life to the fullest. This month, representatives of your zodiac sign will make many new acquaintances, among which there will be influential and interesting people.

In the first ten days of April 2017, the sociability of those born under the sign of the Zodiac Libra will attract the attention of others, and in particular representatives of the opposite sex. During this period, you will have the opportunity to realize your old dream. Be more attentive to the signs of Fate, which will tell you that your stellar time has come. Libras are people with diverse interests. They are always looking for something new and interesting. The beginning of April will provide a lot of new opportunities for self-realization and disclosure of one's creative potential. Do not hold back your impulses in development and self-improvement, listen to your inner voice. Your optimism and assertiveness will help you reach the desired heights and enjoy your success. The end of the period will be calm, everything will stabilize, and Libra will experience true satisfaction with his life.

In the second decade of April 2017, in the professional field of activity, the stars promise a successful career and a stable financial platform to representatives of the Zodiac sign Libra. Libra will not lack Money and will be able to afford the significant costs associated with creating coziness and comfort in their own home. Mid-April under the favorable placement of Mercury and Saturn will be a busy period. All the time you will give to fulfillment official duties and search for new non-standard solutions work tasks. Your creative approach will be appreciated by the authorities. Be prepared to take on a more responsible or leadership position. Another reason for promotion will be your innate ability to organize a team and your communication skills. You will complete all tasks easily and quickly. It is unlikely that you will face a problem that will be too tough for you. At work, you will feel like a fish in water. Libra, among those who have recently got a job, will be able to demonstrate their professionalism and gain credibility among colleagues. Be yourself, do not bend under envious people. Remember that your opinion is also respected and valued. Abstract from public opinion, and listen to your intuition.

In the third decade of April 2017, Libra should pay attention to solving important issues and issues related to investments. This will be the most favorable period for financial affairs, and you will have the opportunity to get a good source of profit. In terms of love, under the influence of aspects of Venus, Libra, new romantic acquaintances and meetings await, which will become a source of unforgettable impressions and fill the lives of representatives of your Zodiac sign with new emotions and feelings. Staying under the power of falling in love, do not lose your common sense. Do not rush things, let everything go and develop by itself. So you will be convinced of the reliability of the new partner and the sincerity of his feelings. Family Libra stars recommend spending maximum time with your partner, who now lacks your attention and care. But there is no need to close and move away from society. It will be great to organize a family dinner in a restaurant or meet friends and relatives in a family circle. Visit your parents and pay attention to the upbringing and education of your children, they need your support. Libras are adventurous, to satisfy your thirst for another dose of adrenaline, go to ski resort, if possible, or just go to the skating rink. Leisure will help to unwind, and also have a positive effect on overall health.

Women are like a magnet for the energy of stars and planets. Ladies are very sensitive to changes in the energy flows of the Universe, so the Women's Horoscope for April 2018 will help you find the right balance in life. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men. Emotions are born from thoughts and the environment, but sometimes they come from nowhere. At least that's what girls and women themselves think. The fair sex is very dependent on stellar energy and changes in the movement of the planets. In the article you will find a complete female horoscope for April 2018 for Libra. The main changes in April are the weakening of the Sun from the 20th, the return of the “normal” Mercury and the fateful transition of Saturn into a state of retrograde on the 18th. So, see below.

Horoscope for women for April 2018 for Libra

Get ready for a real spring aggravation. Upbeat, romantic mood, burning eyes and confidence in the future - all this will be your companion throughout April. However, do not forget that sooner or later you still have to return to earth. Your spiritualized and airy person will require the appropriate environment. All primitive things and ordinary conversations can annoy and even infuriate at times. Because of this, quarrels and discord with friends and family can arise. And it depends only on your line of behavior how soon the relationship will stabilize again. And to avoid misunderstanding, you can express your emotional outbursts through art. Perhaps it's time for you to take up drawing or master the decoupage technique. Despite the desire to stay in pink dreams, you should not completely lose your head and lose your sanity. Otherwise, those who your successes do not allow to sleep peacefully will rush to take advantage of this. And there are plenty of such ill-wishers. Therefore, you should not weaken your iron grip, even if the mood at the same time is too playful and too light. Don't forget about your diet. In April, it should be as balanced and complete as ever. All your snacking on the go and forced fasting, due to the inability to organize a normal meal for yourself, will lead to problems throughout the digestive system.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 Libra

Venus will completely lose its relevance on April 24, so Libra women will need to reconsider their strategy at the end of the month and thereafter. April as a whole will be a pretty positive month, but at the very end you risk losing everything. Do not plan money spending and serious purchases for the last week of April. This is fraught with consequences. The sun will also become weaker, but already on the 20th. His transition to Taurus will make you more free in terms of thoughts and self-realization. The negative will go away, but you will have to pay something for it. In April, representatives of the sign will face health problems. The disease will not be dangerous - most likely a cold - but it will knock out all your strength for a long time. Against this background, it is possible to develop depression, which will help to cope with regular communication with loved ones and their support.

Women's horoscope for April 2018 for Libra

You are ready to completely immerse yourself in your personal life, pushing all other areas into the background. Your head will be filled with romantic encounters under the moonlight, the adoration and admiration of fans, as well as your own importance in relation to existing rivals. But is it worth it to be so scattered and immersed in personal relationships and vicissitudes, when there are still many third-party affairs and problems looming on the horizon. If you can’t cope with your own romance on your own and you can’t manage to set priorities correctly, you can use the help of auxiliary tools. This can be reading special, motivating books or attending specialized courses that will take up free time and distract from frivolity. At work, you should also show moderation and stop placing all responsibility on your fragile, female shoulders. You are not a draft horse to pull your own and at the same time someone else's load. Just here you can show your true insides and be a little weak and helpless, thereby stimulating the initiative of male colleagues.

April will be the most successful month for Libra if they take advantage of opportunities and favorable circumstances. Laziness and overestimation of their capabilities can prevent them from achieving their goal, so it’s better not to relax until you see the result yourself.

At the beginning of the month, your mood will be upbeat for no apparent reason. Libra will want novelty, love and tenderness more than ever, so the development of a love affair or flirting is not ruled out, although you never thought of anything like that before. Resist the temptation: the disappointment of hasty and thoughtless action will be stronger than the joy of anticipation of change, so do not be deceived by the influx of feelings.

This month, Libra will want to clarify relations with others, especially if there has long been a reason for suspicion or quarrels. It is better not to do this directly, otherwise you risk not understanding everything as it really is. An unexpected situation or a case when the suspect himself will let it out or clarify the situation will help you understand the complexities of the relationship. Try not to interfere in other people's relationships.

Your undertakings will be successful if you are active. Do not succumb to laziness and idleness - in April, temptations will lie in wait for many Libras, especially if they are busy with creative work. Do not give in to the mood, otherwise you risk missing a happy opportunity. Listen to the advice of your superiors or an older comrade: he definitely won’t advise you anything bad.

Libra Woman April Horoscope 2019

Spring mood will contribute to changes in your character. Many people want to get rid of old things, put things in order in the room or in the country and buy something new and unusual. But a passionate desire for change can lead to unexpected and unpleasant findings that will make you doubt the honesty of loved ones. Do not make hasty conclusions: very soon an unpleasant situation will resolve itself or an unexpected event will put an end to all doubts. If you act directly, you risk quarreling with those who previously trusted you.

This month, Libra may wake up with a passionate desire to gossip and get into the essence of other people's relationships and affairs. Your curiosity may take unexpected forms: it is likely that you will change your views on ordinary situations and learn to finally understand people. This can lead to a radical change of friends and girlfriends, which will help you see their actions from the outside. Try not to interfere in this process, even if you want friends not to become enemies, most likely they have been for a long time, but this has become known only now. Give yourself time and do not rush to act on your own in a situation.

You will especially feel the wind of change at the end of the month. By this time, many situations will become certain, and you will no longer be tormented by doubts. To accept them calmly, learn impartiality. And, although it will not be easy for you to survive many moments, she will tell you how to act in an unpleasant or unpredictable situation.

Libra Man April Horoscope 2019

At the beginning of the month, get ready for the fact that you will not be able to relax. Trips and business trips can be postponed for no apparent reason, and home vacations will be spoiled by unpleasant news. Get ready for the fact that you will have to delve into various cases and circumstances, forgetting what you really care about. You should not worry and get annoyed about this, you need such a pause in order to gather strength for an important and decisive step.

Success this month is possible only if you postpone your planned activities for a while. The old problem will again remind you of itself and you will have to spend a lot of time solving it. Do not rush to blame others or yourself if you think you made a mistake. Bustle is a common thing in April, so before you get down to what is really important to you, try to clear your living space of unpleasant tasks and outdated problems.

In the second half of the month, old friends will remind you of themselves. You will spend more time with children and relatives, but beware of your own temper - the search for justice will not lead to anything good and will only aggravate relations. It is better to do common things and devote your free time to relaxing outside the city or having a picnic. In the spring, such a pastime will give you the sea positive emotions which will allow you to successfully cope even with routine matters.

As the horoscope for April 2018 promises, Libra will enter one of the most successful periods of his life. Representatives of the sign will simply radiate with powerful attractive energy, charging those around them with optimism and attracting everyone's attention. This will come in handy, because Libra now needs people who can be relied upon and share a common cause. Teamwork will help you achieve your goals faster.

Some representatives of the sign will want to change jobs or even the type of activity, and they will not delay the realization of their desires.

The first decade of April will be devoted to current work and the implementation of simple and pleasant tasks. But the results will be very pleasant and motivating for new achievements. Do not rush and grab onto several things at once, the main thing is not quantity, but quality.

The second half of the month will bring important changes in Libra's life. Now you are changing and your life is changing. There will be a profitable opportunity to establish promising business cooperation, start new business. Someone will finally decide to change their place of residence or take important steps in their personal lives.

The end of April will bring an important and interesting trip.

Auspicious days: 3, 7, 17, 24, 25, 29.

Unfavorable days: 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 23, 30.


Libra April 2018 will meet in a great mood, although the energy potential this month is not high. The active saturated rhythm of life will lead the representatives of the sign to increased emotionality. Try to rest more and worry less.

Bones and joints will be a vulnerable spot for Libra, so enrich your diet with calcium.

In April, it will be successful to change the image, update the wardrobe, and conduct cosmetic procedures. All this will benefit your beauty, well-being and mood.


The Libra horoscope for April 2018 promises an active month for Libra. You will get the opportunity to make good money by starting a new profitable cooperation. Will be successful entrepreneurial activity and work in the field of trade.

Already in the second decade of the month, Libra will get a good chance to fulfill themselves and grow as a specialist.

However, it is also not without difficulties. There may be conflicts related to real estate or other large property. Try to find compromises, but don't back down.

Carefully check all the documents you sign.


The financial situation of the month will be stable. Many representatives of the sign will find additional sources of income.

It is possible to make a profit from real estate transactions, material assistance from relatives.

Thanks to their sociability and business acumen, Libra will be able to conclude an important and profitable contract. Do not plan the execution of important documents for the first week of April.


As your April 2018 horoscope portends, Libra may return to old relationship issues. Perhaps the aggravation of disputes and conflicts on this basis, but as a result, you will be able to resolve everything. Superficial relationships will be replaced by deeper and more stable ones. Now begins an important stage for you in your relationship, which will move to a new stage. The development of relationships will depend entirely on what goals Libra sets for itself.

Family Libra should give the opportunity to your partner to take part in making joint decisions. Don't take it all on. It is better to do repairs and home improvement in the second half of the month.

Man - Libra

As the horoscope for April 2019 portends, Libra - a man will want to prove to everyone that he is a real man. Because of this, he may begin to act thoughtlessly.

Now the representatives of the strong half of the sign will want to feel the support of loved ones. Lonely Libra is waiting for acquaintance in a circle of friends. The middle of the month is a favorable period for making acquaintances and new relationships.

In financial matters, you will show your accounting abilities, you will be able to calculate the benefits of each of your actions. The period is favorable for solving any business issues.

At the beginning of the month, be sure to find time to relax with your loved ones. Do not constantly linger at work, find time to relax.

Woman - Libra

As the horoscope for April 2018 portends, Libra - a woman can suddenly spin an office romance for herself. Usually sensible representatives of the sign will do the craziest things. Do not forget that this can harm your reputation.

Libra - women in a relationship will be tormented by jealousy. Be more understanding. The end of the month will be full of surprises in relationships.

It will be a difficult period for health and well-being. Due to active work, you will often feel overworked. Engage in strengthening immunity. Relaxation procedures will also be beneficial - massage, spa, acupuncture, yoga. Walk more in the fresh air and drive away negative thoughts.

Stick to a clear plan at work. Be wise and flexible and don't doubt yourself.

If your sign or your sign loved one- Scales, you here! Horoscope.Guru will tell you how the coming month will pass for Libra. So the horoscope for Libra for the month of April.

Monthly Horoscope for Libra April is an anxious time

In general, this, alas, is a month of worries and struggle, and it will be very important not to give up, in no case to hang your nose. Some pretty important talks at the beginning of the month may break down, but you will find where to get help in this area. In the second week of the month, an important turn is expected in both career and personal life. If you act honestly, you will generally succeed, but you need, firstly, the aforementioned honesty, and secondly, activity! You need to adapt to the circumstances to the maximum. Career, personal life - all this will require your attention and, perhaps, some changes. Fortunately, we wrote: they know how to adapt like no one else!

Libra is waiting for the opportunity to enter into the right of inheritance and defend their interests before other applicants for it. No need to get into open disputes, just express your opinion! In general, try to listen to others, but stand your ground. And yet, with a fairly high probability, at the end of the month you will go on a long trip, which will bring a lot of interesting things into your life!

Horoscope for Libra for the month of April - relationships

The first days of April will become quite difficult in the context of communication with a marriage partner. Old problems that once caused conflicts in the family will flare up again, and some more passions with quarrels may flare up ... Common sense will triumph, however! Be proactive in family matters, don't take on more than you can actually do. And give your partner the opportunity to fully participate in the decisions you make. If you want to make repairs or update the interior - act only after the fifteenth, otherwise it will be delayed.

There may be some disagreement about what the future home should be like after the renovation. And there may also be a development of relations in favor of maturity and stability. In your personal life, this can be a very important step! With the probability of young Libra will finally leave the parental home. But in general family life depends on what Libra will set tasks for her!