Milking installations. Arrangement of milking parlors

Milking parlors

The first milking parlors were put into operation in the last century: 1954 - "Carousel", 1971 - "Yolochka" and "Tandem".

The most common milking machines are "Parallel", "Yolochka", "Tandem", "Carousel".

Milking parlor "Tandem"(Fig. 21) is distinguished by individual milking of each animal, where the time of milking of the animal does not affect the productivity of the milking parlour, in contrast to group milking parlors.


Rational milking and individual approach;

Entrance and exit doors are controlled manually using buttons;

Maximum rational use of milking places;

Cows change each other according to the individual milking time of each cow - no delay in case of slow milking;

Each cow has her own individual place – calm atmosphere during milking;

Full view of the animals and easy access to the udder.

Operators are located in a trench 0.6-0.75 m deep, on the sides and parallel to which individual machines for cows are installed. Operators move freely along the trench, animal movements are limited by the walls of the machine.

To perform preparatory and final operations, you do not have to bend down and work in a bent position.

Each machine has its own milking machine. Let the cows into the milking machine and release each animal individually. Therefore, it is always possible to keep the cow in the stall for the required time without interfering with work in other stalls. At the request of customer farms, milking machine feeders are installed, from which cows eat normalized feeding from concentrated feed during milking.

In modern milking machines, the removal of machines is carried out automatically when the milk supply decreases to 200-300 g/min (depending on the average productivity of the herd).

"Tandem" provides good conditions for the individual service of each cow, but such installations are inefficient and take up a lot of space. Therefore, they are used on small farms with heterogeneous herds in terms of productivity and milk flow rate.

Milking parlor "Yolochka"(Figure 22) is a well thought out system that is both simple and effective. The location of the equipment does not interfere with the operator's view and it is possible to perfectly control the hall. Herringbone-type installations are produced in two modifications: with an angle of setting cows to the milker's trench of 30 0 and 60 0 . Advantages of "Yolochki 30 0" - a small width of the installation. They fit well into a standard 6 meter building span, making them suitable for installation in typical milking and dairy units of dairy farms. Another advantage is a good overview of the cow's udder and easy access to it. However, the consequence of this advantage is an increase in the front of the milker's work (the length of the trench), which reduces labor productivity, and, consequently, the throughput of the installation. In such installations, after the end of milking, the cows come out sequentially one after another, which also reduces throughput.

"Yolochki 60 0" are equipped with a quick exit, which speeds up the release of the installation and increases its throughput. This is facilitated by some reduction in the front of the operator's work. However, these units require a wider parlor and are more expensive.


Cows stand at an angle to the edge of the pit. The distance between the milking machines is 115 cm;

Easy access to the udder for processing and attaching the milking machine;

Good working position – milking takes place from the side;

Modern "quick exit" option with lifting bar: the cows leave the machine very quickly. Ideal for large herds. The front door and beam are hydraulically controlled by a compressor.

Milking of cows on installations of the "Parallel" type(fig.23)

Further modernization of the Yolochka 60 0 installations led to the creation of Parallel-type installations, which appeared on European farms in the early 90s.


Cows are housed side by side and milked at the back;

The working position is very ergonomic and ensures comfortable milking;

By positioning the cow close to the edge of the milking pit, access to the udder and connection of the milking cluster is effortless;

Reliable fixation of animals occurs from the front with the help of a stable front grille. After the end of milking, the animals do not need to change direction to exit, but simply take a few steps forward.

The principle of milking on installations of this type generally corresponds to milking on installations of the "Herringbone" type.

Milking on "Carousel" installations(Fig. 24, 25)

Carousel machines were invented in the USA in 1930, but only since the 1960s. it became popular in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. When using carousel milking machines, the best technological conditions are created for obtaining high-quality milk, since the design and design of this machine provide the fastest and most convenient performance of all stages of milking, which is an important factor in the successful milking of a large herd.


High productivity: milking from 100 to 120 cows per hour per operator - reducing the labor force (2 operators manage to serve more than 200 cows per hour);

Sizes from 12 to 60 milking places depending on the model;

Possibility to mount a milking parlor according to the type "herringbone", "parallel" or "tandem";

Fully computerized control;

The zigzag edge allows the operator to easily approach the cow;

The smooth, uninterrupted entry of animals into the milking area provides greater throughput compared to other milking systems;

Optimum overview of the entire milking process, which ensures good control;

High level of hygiene of the milking area due to automatic washing;

The possibility of forming groups regardless of the number of machines in the hall.

At the start of milking, the animals enter the pens one by one as the carousel rotates. The speed of rotation of the carousel is adjusted depending on the rate of milk yield of cows, the number of operators and their skills, and the productivity of the installation directly depends on this.

Operators are located on the inner or inner (depending on the design) side of the installation at a depth of 0.6-0.75 m, move freely inside the "carousel", animal movements are limited by the walls of the machine. To perform preparatory and final operations, you do not have to bend down and work in a bent position. In the center of the technological pit there are items necessary for the operator: cups for teat treatment before and after milking, a cup for milking the first jets of milk, napkins, a hose with water.

      Milking robots

One of the very first to produce a milking robot was Lely (Holland). In the early 1990s The first model called "Astronaut" was presented. In 1997 it was put into operation.

At the end of 2007, DeLaval installed the first milking robot in Russia at the Rodina Breeding Farm in the Vologda Region. The voluntary milking system is a full-fledged automated set of technologies that allows you to get milk in the most humane and physiological way for a cow. Such a system allows the farm to significantly reduce labor costs, reducing the need for the number of workers. This is very important, especially in recent times, when young people do not want to work on farms.

The meaning of such a robot is that the cows will be milked at will. The robot works 24 hours a day. Cows come to the robot at any time, are milked and fed with concentrates at this time. The robot, using a hydraulic manipulator, searches for teats, connects the jet and teat cups, aligns the hoses during milking, and processes the udder teats after milking. The system controls the quantity and quality (the presence of somatic cells, the presence of blood) of milk, the rate of milk flow and the duration of milking. The plant is equipped with milk meters for each quarter.

The teat cups are removed as the milk flow decreases in each individual quarter of the udder. Data on the entire herd is entered into the computer: cow number, milking frequency per day, productivity and other indicators. According to the suppliers of such installations, cows get used to the robot within 2-3 weeks.

The capacity of a single box robot is sufficient to serve 50-70 cows. To service a larger herd, it is necessary to have several robotic milkers. Numerous observations have established that each cow, having free access to the robot, visits it on average 2.6-2.7 times, and highly productive (more than 30 liters per day) - 4-5 times a day. This frequency provides an increase in the productivity of animals in the first third of lactation - up to 18%, and for the entire lactation - up to 10-14%.


The transition to loose content is not an easy task and its implementation requires careful preparation. First of all, you need the required amount of high-quality basic and concentrated feed, the zootechnical service system should ensure the timely detection of hunting and the insemination of livestock, and all farm personnel should focus on the final result. Insufficient feeding during boxing leads to increased excitability of the herd, increased rank conflicts and stress in many animals, which reduces milk yield. Therefore, where there are no conditions, the introduction of loose content can give a negative result, the origins of which are not in the system itself, but in its incorrect application.

The accumulated experience in the use of loose housing cows and the results of research allow us to recommend a number of methods to the production that reduce the negative impact of this system on the productive quality of dairy cows to a minimum:

    animals intended for free-stall farms must be prepared for lactation under similar conditions and accustomed to the milking parlor long before calving;

    the transfer of cows from one group (section) to another in connection with a change in productivity and physiological state must be carried out according to the number of physiological groups;

    with frequent movement of animals, the usual herd communications are disrupted, which leads to stress and a decrease in the productivity of cows;

    all animals must be dehorned.

The improved technology of loose housing of cows is based on the use of highly efficient means of mechanizing production processes during the reconstruction of dairy farms. This primarily applies to the use of milking machines. The type of milking plant depends to some extent on the productivity of the herd. The choice of methods and means of mechanization of production processes should be carried out taking into account the requirements of technologies for keeping and servicing livestock. The principle of maintenance also influences the choice of the type of milking machine. The choice of method and means of mechanization of cleaning and subsequent processing of manure, in addition to the method of keeping animals, is also influenced by the method of keeping them adopted on the farm. The type and amount of bedding used also has a significant effect.

The technology of loose housing allows you to bring the conditions of keeping cows as close as possible to natural ones, mainly to make the conditions for keeping cows comfortable. However, this technology justifies itself only when the herd productivity is at least 5000-5500 kg of milk per year, otherwise the costs will not pay off. A prerequisite is the implementation of a herd management system that allows you to track all production processes. Based on these data, the specialist makes decisions regarding a particular animal or the entire herd. With the transition to loose content, the importance of personnel increases, so the training of highly qualified managers and specialists is important.

Unfortunately, in many farms operating modern equipment, insufficient attention is paid to the use of the production development potential provided by the information base of the herd management program. The purpose of this publication is to draw the attention of farm specialists to the possibilities of information technology in animal husbandry.

List of used literature:

    Journal "New agriculture". Special issue “Modern Dairy Farms. Construction, equipment and management»

    Technology of loose-box keeping of cattle (recommendations). - Cheboksary: ​​KUP ChR "Agro-Innovations", 2005.-31 p.

    Recommendations for the transition from traditional to loose system of keeping cattle in order to minimize the loss of animal productivity in the agro-industrial complex of the Leningrad region. - St. Petersburg: State Scientific Institution SZNIIMESKh of the Russian Agricultural Academy, 2008. - 64 p.

    Information from sites:

and others.


P. S.

Experience and opinions

Vladislav Gordeev, Head of the Department of Technology and Mechanization of Livestock Breeding, SZ Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture: The main disadvantage of the loose method of keeping at the present stage is the difficulties associated with feeding animals (especially when there is a shortage of feed, which is typical for many farms). Strong aggressive animals push calmer and, as a rule, more productive cows away from the feeder. As a result, the productivity of the latter falls, and the aggressive ones grow fat, becoming even more hostile.

Construction or renovationBo Weifeldt, Head of Project Management at DeLaval: in some cases it is easier to build a new complex and install the whole range of equipment, and in other situations it is better to make a small investment, and this will also bring a positive result. For example, if you plan to switch from tethered housing to loose housing, then it will be more profitable to build a new complex. If we are talking about the modernization of the farm, then the most justified investments are in the improvement of the existing milking and refrigeration equipment, as well as in improving the comfort of the cows.

Troshkin from the Novoladozhsky Breeding Plant»: Building a new loose housing facility is easier than upgrading an old one. Old projects are simply not able to give a big return. Often cramped, still Soviet-built buildings do not allow providing comfortable conditions for cows, creating the necessary microclimate.

Melnikov from SPK "Podovinnoye": I am deeply convinced that in the transition to loose housing technology, it is more profitable to modernize the old premises than to build a new one, if, of course, its design allows this. By 2006, we had modernized the buildings of our farm dating back to the 1970s and successfully switched to loose livestock. The reconstruction cost us 32 thousand rubles. to cattle place. According to our calculations, these costs should pay off within five years.

Andrey Smolentsev, Deputy General Director for Marketing, IZH-Line (Izhevsk, turnkey construction of dairy complexes): erecting a building from scratch at a price almost equal to the cost of upgrading already built premises. The difference is small - about 30%. According to him, the minimum cost of modernization is about 40 million rubles. Example: our company has reconstructed a farm for 400-600 heads in Udmurtia. We modernized one barn, a gallery for all barns and a milking parlour. At first, the price was 30 million rubles, but in the end they met 35-37 million rubles. And not so long ago, a dairy complex for 400 heads was built from scratch in Tatarstan. Initially, the agreed amount was around 39 million rubles, but at the request of the customer, new buildings were added during the construction process, and the result was about 60 million rubles. That is, the proximity of prices is quite obvious. A year ago, we built a dairy complex in the Vladimir region. At that price of milk - about 11 rubles per liter - the payback period was eight years. Then, when milk prices began to rise, reaching 15 rubles per liter, the payback period was reduced to six years. Now, in the light of well-known events, the payback period has already jumped somewhere in 10 years.

Marketing and Sales Director of GEA WestfaliaSurge Arkady Dobrin: As for payback, then, of course, the reconstruction will pay off in less time than the construction of an entire mega-farm for 1-2 thousand heads. Modernization pays off quite quickly, from two to five years, depending on its "depth" and if you do not take into account any economic shocks.

About the control system

Oleg Bespalov - milk production management system manager of the companyDeLaval: Modern systems are equipped with milking point controllers, milk meters and electronic pulsators. They allow continuous monitoring and evaluation of an individual cow or a group of cows, which is essential for achieving high milk production for the herd as a whole. After all, accurate accounting of milk yield is one of the key points of control over the efficiency of the dairy business.

Alex Dzektser - Executive Director of Country, (represents the Israeli company Gavish, which develops software and electronic equipment for animal husbandry): accurate data on the health of cows is very important. After all, electronic systems allow for the most accurate analysis in situations where errors are unacceptable, for example, when culling. Thanks to electronics, you can see how things were a week or a month ago, determine what is the reason for the deterioration, and only then decide on culling.

Boris Berislavovich - leading specialist in genetics and herd management of Terborg Group - Alta: the information collected and processed by the system is of great importance, but it must be handled by a competent specialist who is able to extract the maximum benefit from the data received. And for this you need, at a minimum, to be able to handle a computer. Mastering a computer is not a problem, but ESUS facilitates the work of personnel and reduces the cost of it. Tethered housing, where electronic control systems are as appropriate as possible, is in itself aimed at reducing costs and increasing the profitability of the farm. In such conditions, it is beneficial to reduce staff.

Nina Fomina - livestock specialist of the Krasnaya Poyma farm (Moscow region).): In our farm, before the transition to automatic control, all animals were assigned to milkmaids. The herd was small, up to 200 heads, and the workers knew their cows perfectly, remembered everything related to their health and needs, and chose their diets themselves. But with the transition to industrial milk production, it became simply impossible to do this. For example, now there are 880 heads on our farm. Under such conditions, it was necessary to automate accounting and divide the available livestock into groups according to the main characteristics: health, milk yield and pregnancy. Without automation, it would take a huge number of employees to structure all this information. And now, after the installation of ESUS, milkmaids can only do milking, which only six people can do in Krasnaya Poima. Before switching to automated accounting, calculate all financial risks. When introducing electronic control systems, the main thing is the meaningfulness of this step. In a small farm for the same 200 heads that we had, and even with tethered content, it is quite possible to carry out accounting manually. With an electronic system, it will be easier, but not the fact that it will be economically justified. And if a large farm is created, designed for large-scale production and with several hundred cattle, then buying automation will be a reasonable investment.

Andrey Danilenko - President of the Russian Farms group of companies: electronic herd management systems are most appropriate in small enterprises with a few dozen heads, and not in large farms. ESUS are most useful where special attention is paid to the genetic, pedigree indicators of the herd. For example, in Holland, farms with a livestock of 100–200 cattle are common, engaged exclusively in breeding. There, a system of full control over all indicators is simply necessary, it allows you to pay more attention to each animal. In large agro-companies, herd statistics become too general, and incoming data is not accurate enough. In addition, too much time is spent on their processing, and the benefits from such events are not guaranteed.

Vladimir Chuvikov - chief livestock specialist of the Zelenogradskoye farm near Moscow: An "interesting novelty" in electronic control systems is a heat detection sensor. Hunting in an animal is a signal for a livestock specialist, indicating the need for early insemination. During the movement of the animal, the sensor reads the vibrations of the ball mounted in the collar. Cows become active during the hunt, and when they are ready to mate, they freeze, the activity decreases. Based on this scheme, the sensor works.

ruler, hall, robot

Tatyana Rybalova, leading expert of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies (IKAR): A modern industrial hall must be fully loaded, it is necessary that it work at least 20 hours a day. If the equipment is idle, it is unprofitable. Therefore, a small farm does not need an industrial milking parlour. It is necessary to either take a smaller hall, or simply buy good equipment for linear milking. When switching to a new milking system, the farm may have problems with the old herd: accustoming cows that were kept on a tie to a robot or milking in the parlor will require considerable effort, and they may not always end successfully.

Domestic animal husbandry will never completely switch to “looseness”. “It will be considered a great achievement if at least half of the farms manage to make this transition in the foreseeable future. The process of modernization of our animal husbandry slowed down already in 2008: national projects were completed, and the crisis is affecting the pace of development. But the most negative impact was the fall in prices for raw milk in the first half of 2008. Do not forget about the decline in demand for domestic dairy products.

Alexey Shapochkin, PR-manager of WestfaliaSurge (Germany): To modernize the old one, where they are milked into the milk pipeline, an expensive reconstruction will be required, because the cows will have to be transferred to loose housing, which means that the infrastructure of the farm will have to be completely changed. Reconstruction of a livestock farm for 400 heads can cost from 20 million rubles. taking into account the equipment and construction part. The cost of equipment for milking into the milk pipeline will be about €80 thousand, including VAT and installation, plus the cost of the construction part, which can reach up to 5-7 million rubles.

Roman Kostyuk, General Director of Diagenis (Moscow, consultations, production, development and implementation of veterinary technologies): As with any innovation, loose cow housing comes with a number of problems. The root of the difficulties that arise when working on the new technology lies in its very essence, because loose content is an expensive, highly technological system that requires more qualified personnel. The fact is that to work on this containment system, not only agricultural specialists are needed, but also programmers and operators. And this is precisely the main difficulty, since the Russian countryside is experiencing a shortage of experienced personnel, not to mention specialists for management programs.

The main difficulties in using the new technology are manifested in the practical side of the implementation. It is sometimes very difficult to translate an idea into an adequate form. The system of operational accounting becomes much more complicated, and it can be implemented only through modern expensive means. The costs of veterinary care for animals are also increasing: isolators, veterinary settling tanks, artificial insemination sites - all this begins to require additional costs.

The main mistake of agrarians who switch to loose content is the desire to combine two incompatible things: cheap "loose" and quick return of money, which, of course, is impossible. This technology is quite expensive, and many farmers are trying to save money even at the stage of developing a modernization project. Local specialists believe that they will cope on their own: they do not follow instructions and rules, but act in accordance with their thoughts, at their own peril and risk, reducing costs as much as possible, while one must strictly follow the proposed time-tested scheme.

The efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation over the past 10 years have been aimed at switching from tethered housing to loose housing as more modern and technologically advanced. But now the main obstacle to the further spread of this technology is likely to be the lack of financial resources. Making predictions in a crisis is a very thankless task!

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  • In winter and summer, depending on the method of keeping cows, as well as on the adopted system for organizing machine milking of cows, milking parlors of various types are used.

    Milking parlor “Herringbone” Designed for machine milking of cows in group milking machines installed in the milking parlour; transportation of milked milk to the dairy department; primary processing of milk in a stream. It is used for milking cows selected according to the rate of milk yield and productivity with a deviation in milk yield of no more than 300 l / year. The milking parlor provides: pre-milking rinsing of dairy equipment; washing the udder of cows before milking; milking and mechanical milking; removal of teat cups from the udder of the cow at the end of milking; transportation of milk through the milk pipeline; filtration, cooling of milk with subsequent pumping into milk storage tanks. The milking parlor can be produced: with the number of cattle places 2×4, 2×6 and 2×8; with electronic control device for manipulators and automatic washing; with pneumatic control of manipulators and mechanized flushing; without manipulators, with manual washing. At the request of the customer, it is possible: replacement of milking manipulators with conventional milking equipment; supply of a feed distributor, which allows distributing dry end feeds simultaneously with milking; supply of a milk cooler tank for collecting, cooling and storing milk. The installation consists of two milking machines located at an angle of 30 ... 35 ° on both sides of the working trench, eight places each. This allows the operator to handle the udder and milk from the trench. On the “Herringbone” type milking parlor, higher labor productivity (35…40 head/hour) is achieved due to a larger number of milking machines, special placement of cows and their group service. The cows are placed at an angle of 30° to the trench and their heads are turned away from the trench, which allows them to be placed closer to each other in the group pen (90…100 cm). Cows enter and exit the parlor as a group, not one at a time.

    Milking parlor “Carousel” The circular milking parlor “carousel” was designed and built for the first time at the Walcon-Gordon dairy farm (New Jersey, USA) in the 1930s. In large carousel parlors, operators operate the herringbone stalls from the inside or outside. Milking parlor "Karusel" with a rotating carousel-type milking platform, on which cows are placed and milking equipment is located, is designed for continuous-flow milking of cows on dairy farms and industrial-type complexes, transporting milked milk to a dairy room, filtering, cooling it and supply to a storage container; allows you to milk cows in the rhythm of the conveyor, which creates the conditions for automating the milking process. Livestock operators are located inside the plant. The best conditions for using the unit are on farms with loose animals. The following technological operations are provided on the milking machine: preparation of the machine for milking; driving cows to the pre-milking area; release of cows to the pre-milking area; admission of cows to the installation for automatic sanitation of the udder; cow inlet into the conveyor milking machine; rubbing the cow's udder, milking the first streams of milk and putting on the milking machine; automated milking, milking and removal of the milking machine after the cessation of milk flow; measurement of milk produced from each cow (during control milkings); transportation of milk to the dairy room; milk filtration; cooling milk and feeding it into a storage container; release of the cow from the milking machine after the end of milking and removal of the milking machine; washing and disinfection of the milking machine. It is a rotating platform in the form of an annular disk (inner diameter - 12 m, outer - 15 m), on which machines with herringbone-type feeders are mounted. The platform drive power is 4 kW from a gear motor with a stepless variator, which provides the platform rotation frequency within one revolution in 6 ... 14 minutes.

    Manure enters the chute through the slots of the platform and is then removed with a special brush into the gravity channel. The amount of feed given out, taking into account the productivity of the cow, is regulated using dispensers from the control panel. Washing is controlled by an automatic washing system, unified with the milking machine. Washing solution or water from the washing tank goes to the technological line installed on the ring platform, from where it goes through the milking equipment to two ring milk pipelines and then to the milk receiver. For rinsing, the plate cooler of the milking unit is connected between the milk pump and the rinsing tank. Rinsing is carried out under pressure created by the milk pump, and water or washing solution enters the rinsing tank, and then, depending on the rinsing program, into the sewer or to a second circulation cycle. The washing program is set on the control panel.

    In the milking mode, milk from the milking machines enters the milk receiver through two independent circular milk pipelines, and is then pumped out by milk pumps to the milk storage tank. Concentrated feed is dosed to cows using a pneumatic dispenser. The dose of feed is set by the operator individually for each animal. When milking on the “carousel”, specialization of operators is provided: the first operator regulates the flow of cows to the milking machine and distributes concentrated feed, the second one controls the washing of the udder in an automated installation using cylindrical brushes and removes the first streams of milk, the third operator wipes the udder, massages and puts on teat cups on teats, the fourth one monitors the progress of milking of cows, the fifth one performs machine milking, checks the condition of the udder and releases the cows.

    Parallel milking parlor with quick exit

    1 - milking parlor with fast exit US;

    2 - balancing tank;

    3 - vacuum pump with recirculation;

    4 - stainless steel receiving device;

    5 - container for cooling and storing milk;

    6 - control equipment;

    7 - stainless steel sink;

    8 – Aquastar software device;

    9 – feeder ID 2000;

    10 - personal computer with control device

    The higher the milk yield of cows on the farm, the better should be the conditions for their maintenance, milking and feeding. After all, even the slightest stressful situation affects productivity indicators, and Karusel milking parlors help to provide optimal conditions for both animals and people.

    Milking parlors "Karusel" provides in its use such important aspects for each farm as a comfortable workplace for the milker, a good position for the animal, high-quality and speedy milking, reliability and durability, low maintenance and operation costs.

    The speed of the milking parlor "Carousel" can be changed both automatically and manually. This is determined by various parameters, for example, the time of processing the udder by one operator and putting on the apparatus by another, the rate of cow's milk yield, the speed of movement of animals. The milker is located inside or outside the platform and, standing still, performs his work. There is no empty milking - the machine turns off automatically, while the cow, meanwhile, calmly waits for the exit from the platform. The most optimal use of the Karusel milking parlor is in large farms: three specialists can milk milk from 1000 heads in just 4 hours! The process is continuous and resembles a factory assembly line.

    Veterinarians can control milking, because all information about the process enters the computer system in real time. If a cow has mastitis, she will be milked in a separate tank, thus avoiding mixing sick milk with healthy milk. In the future, computer data can be used to improve the reproduction process.

    In 2009, the Karusel milking parlor for 48 heads was installed at Rabititsy Breeding Plant CJSC. The farm receives about 80% of its income from dairy farming. Every day, with the help of the Karusel milking parlor, the farm receives about 30 tons of milk.

    In the process of reconstruction of the complex of CJSC "Imeni Ilyich", Krasnodar Territory, the installation of the milking parlor "Karusel" was carried out in the first place. This is primarily due to the positive experience of Kuban farms, in which more than 10 such milking parlors have already been installed.

    Before purchasing a milking parlour, consideration should be given to building layout, group sizes, number of operators per shift, shift length, etc. on the farm "Suvorov" (Kuban), "Karusel" for 34 places was chosen based on the calculations of the livestock and the required number of cattle places. Of the 1.2 thousand cows on this farm, 960 are milked twice a day. In the 34-seat milking parlor, 7-8 cows are served per hour at one place. This means that for the average time of the milking cycle - 4.5 hours, a thousand heads will pass.

    Along with the milking parlor, you will need related technical equipment: sorting or cut-off gates, adjusting gates, hoof trimmers, scales, etc., to facilitate the work with the herd.

    Milking parlors "Karusel" are one of the most common not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Such popularity, of course, is due to high productivity and the possibility of using almost any livestock.

    Conveyor-ring milking machines ("Carousels") are designed for machine milking of cows on dairy farms with a population of 300 to 2000 cows.

    The use of these installations makes it possible to introduce completely new forms of the technological process of milking cows, organizing and dividing labor of workers in a dairy farm: each operator performs only one group of operations (washing the udder, connecting milking cups, machine milking, removing milking cups from the animal's udder, etc.). and he does not need to waste time on transitions.

    On conveyor-ring installations, the cow enters the machine and leaves it after a strictly defined time, depending on the speed of rotation of the platform. As a result, all technological operations are performed with a certain rhythm, typical for industrial enterprises. The design of conveyor-ring installations made it possible to automate many operations of machine milking of cows.

    The "Carousel" installations used on dairy farms in the country differ from each other mainly in the number of milking machines (sizes), i.e., productivity. The compactness of the "Carousels" allows them to be mounted in any building with spans between supports of at least 6 m.

    An annular platform with milking machines is located in the milking parlour, around which are located the premises of auxiliary services.

    To the platform from two sides (when servicing dairy herds located in two barns on both sides of the milking parlor) there are corridors divided along into two passages. On one side of the corridor, the cows go to the moving platform, on the other side they leave the hall after milking.

    Carousels are supplied in two types: M-690-16 with sixteen tandem milking machines M-691-40 with 40 herringbone machines.

    The machines are equipped with the "Physiomatic" system, which provides mechanical excitation of the milk ejection reflex and automatic shutdown of the milking machines at the end of milking. Washing and disinfection of all parts of the installation that come into contact with milk, including milking machines and recorders, are carried out by an automated circulation system with program control. The feeding of animals with concentrates in accordance with their productivity has also been automated. Manure at the installation falls through the slots of the platform into the chute, from where it is raked with a special brush into a gravity channel. The time of one turn of the Carousel can be adjusted from 6.5 to 18 minutes.

    The device of the milking machine M-691-40 "Carousel" is shown in fig. 34. On the installation ring, 40 pens are placed in a herringbone pattern, each of which has a feeder and a device for fixing a cow. The floor in the machines is slatted. At the entrance of cows to the machines of the milking plant, there is a feed dispenser with a control panel.

    Rice. 34. Scheme of the milking machine M-691-40 "Carousel": 1 - passages for the entry and exit of cows, 2 - feed storage, 3 - feed dispenser, 4 - sanitary unit, 5 - washing machine, 6 - control panel, 7 - beam - boom, 8 - milk collectors (recorders), 9 - feeders, 10 - machine tools, 11 - electric drive, 12 - milk receiving, 13 - utility room, 14 - vacuum pumping, 15 - electrical distribution, 16 - refrigeration unit

    From the inside of the ring on the fence of the machines there is milking equipment. On top of the diameter of the carrier ring, on the beam-boom, a current collector, pipelines for milk, vacuum, compressed air and an air separator (releaser) are mounted. The installation ring is driven by a DC motor, which allows you to change the direction of rotation and adjust its speed. The optimal time for one turn of the Carousel is 10-13 minutes.

    Through a special coupling, air is pumped out by vacuum pumps from the rotating part of the "Carousel" vacuum system, consisting of an annular vacuum wire and a combined vacuum-washing pipeline, through which a washing solution circulates during washing. The air is sucked out from the interwall and suction cup spaces of the teat cups. Milk collectors are calibrated to account for milk from each cow and are equipped with a device for taking milk samples.

    Every 10 recorders are connected with hoses covered with clamps to one of the four branches of the milk pipeline, from where milk enters the milk collector of the air separator (releaser) and is sent to the cooler with the help of a pump. The clips of the recorders can take three positions: the middle one - when washing, the right one - during milking and the left one - when sucking milk.

    Before entering the milking parlor, the milkmaid (operator), using a sprinkler, washes the udder with warm water and lets the cow into the milking machine.

    The second milkmaid (operator) wipes the udder of the cow that entered the machine, lightly massages it, squeezes the first streams of milk from each nipple into a separate mug and puts milking cups on the nipples. The third milkmaid supervises the milking, makes the final massage, performs machine milking and removes the cups from the udder teats. The milked cow leaves the barn and passes along the corridor to a special room.

    The feeder of the freed pen is filled with food, then the next animal enters the pen, and the process is repeated.

    The entrance and exit of cows from the milking machines are located in one place. Here is also the central passage for the driver; the worker who releases the cows can drive a stray cow.

    Between milkings, the milking equipment is in the "washing" position.

    Before milking, by turning on the first washing program, the milk line of the milking machine is disinfected. The execution of the program is controlled by signal lamps on the control panel.

    As soon as the disinfectant solution begins to drain, it is necessary to close the manual valve between the water mixer solenoid valve and the milk line so that in the event of a valve failure, no water enters the milk line. Then the milking machines are removed from the distribution plates, the recorder clamp is set to the "milking" position and, by turning the handle of the three-way valve on the "boom", the vacuum-flushing pipeline is separated from the flushing pipeline, thereby connecting it to the vacuum system.

    To remove residual disinfectant solution from the milk ducts of the installation, open the cone valve of the device collector and at the same time put the recorder clamp in the "suction" position, then open the cone valve and the recorder clamp of the next device. No more than three devices should be in the "suction" position. The valve of the collector of the previous device is closed and the clamp is returned to the "milking" position when the liquid is completely sucked out of the next device and the recorder. This operation starts simultaneously on both sides of the vacuum gauge and ends at the "boom". Similarly drain the second half of the milk line. The washing solution from the milk pipeline connecting the milking machine to the dairy department is displaced by the first portions of milk (milk is separated from water by a sponge rubber ball).

    The milking machine is controlled from a central console located in the center of the Carousel.

    System "Physiomatic" three-mode, works as follows. After preparing the udder for milking, the machine is removed from the hook 16 (Fig. 35), the switch 17 turns on the electronic control unit 3, which sends a signal to the pulsator control unit 9 and the push-button signal panel 10, where the green light 11 lights up. The pulsator control unit 9 turns on the electromagnetic push-pull pulsator 7. Thanks to the “recorder”, a constant vacuum is created in the nipple spaces of the cups, and a variable vacuum is created in the interstitial spaces, alternating with atmospheric pressure at a frequency of 45-50 double pulses per minute. This period, according to the program, lasts 20 seconds, during which the milkmaid (machine milking master) must put the cups on the udder teats. After the specified time has elapsed, the yellow light 12 lights up on the signal panel. The pulsator control unit 9 turns on the magnetic valve 6, as a result of which compressed air is periodically supplied to the interwall chambers of the milking cups during the compression stroke instead of atmospheric air, massaging the udder teats (first mode ). At the end of the massage on the signal board, the yellow light 12 goes out, and the green light 11 continues to light, indicating that the device is operating in normal mode (second mode).

    Rice. 35. Scheme of the Physiomatic system: 1 - vacuum pump, 2 - compressor, 3 - control unit, 4 and 6 - fittings, 6, 7 and 8 - electromagnetic valves, 9 - pulsator control unit, 10 - push-button signal panel, 11, 12 and 13 - green, yellow and red signal lights, 14 - button, 15 and 21 - hoses, 16 - hook-switch for the hanging part of the machine, 17 - switch, 18 - milk collector, 19 - milk flow sensor, 20 - device manifold, 22 and 23 - interwall and nipple spaces of the glass

    After 60 seconds of operation of the machine, the sensor 19 is switched on. In the process of milking, no signals are sent to the sensor's photocell, since the flow of milk flowing through the milk hose blocks the light from the lamp.

    As soon as milking stops, the light from the lamp hits the photocell, and after 4 s the pulsator turns off on the compression stroke. Atmospheric air enters the interwall spaces of the cups of the machine, and a constant vacuum remains in the cups: at the same time, the rubber compresses the teats (third mode), the milking machine continues to be held on the teats of the udder.

    On the panel 10, the green light goes out and the red light 13 lights up, signaling the immediate completion of machine milking. The milkmaid presses the button 14, turns off the automation, turns on the two-stroke electromagnetic pulsator and performs milking.

    During milking, the red light goes out and the milking unit operates in normal mode (second mode). After machine milking, by turning the locking cone of the collector, the milk hose is closed, the glasses are removed and hung on hook 16.

    The milkmaid should carefully monitor the change of light signals. If the red light comes on at the beginning or in the middle of milking, it is necessary to find out the cause of the delay in milk flow and eliminate it. As soon as the red light comes on, you must immediately start machine milking, otherwise the blood circulation in the nipple will be disturbed.

    The technical characteristics of the installation are given in Table. 6.

    Table 6. Technical indicators of milking machines of the "Carousel" type

    The carousel milking parlor is a smart and economical solution for milking a large herd of cows. SAC manufactures Carousel parlors for 12 or more heads.

    In such a hall, one operator is able to milk from 100 to 120 cows per hour. Thus, if two operators work in the parlour, the productivity rises to more than 200 cows/hour.

    In each case, we find an individual solution that meets the requirements of the customer. If necessary, the milking parlor can be equipped with a milking system, mastitis indicators, a computerized SAC system for automatic herd management with animal identification and separation, etc.

    One of the fundamental principles of the design of the milking carousel is the safety of the animal, and a number of structural and technological elements are aimed exclusively at this. The cow is passed through the entrance corridor, equipped with a rubber floor and guide pipes located at a height of 90 cm of the floor and having a distance of 75 cm between them. This design makes it possible to secure the entry of the animal into the hall and does not allow other animals to interfere with the incoming one. At the entrance there is a universal rubber bumper for both large and small animals. Individual seats on the carousel platform are equipped with a comfortable floor and rounded dividers, the height necessary for orienting the animal. The length of the milking place is adjusted to the size of the animals, regardless of whether a feed system is installed or not. The milking cluster and transport pipes are located close behind each sector of the milking place. In order to prevent tangling of the cow's legs, a new hose support system has been applied, positioning the hanging part directly under the udder and eliminating the twisting of the milk vacuum hoses. The exit from the platform is also equipped with a rubber floor covering to prevent slipping of the animal's hooves.

    On the Karusels of the latest generation, all the needs of the operator are fully satisfied. The specially equipped entrance of the animals to the milking parlor guarantees a smooth passage to the milking place without bucking. The animal does not experience stress while waiting for the start of milking, which increases milk yield and, as a result, reduces the operator's working time. The operator has free access to the udder of the animal and can easily prepare it and milk the first streams. The length of the milking place is adjusted to the size of the animal, this is achieved by a slight slope of the floor towards the operator, so the cow's udder is also slightly tilted back, which reduces working distances.

    Connecting the milking cluster is easy and simple, as the hanging part of the milking cluster, thanks to the QUICK-START system, is installed opposite the udder. After connecting the machine, the hose guide will automatically adjust to the position of the udder and automatically turn on the vacuum. TOUCHSCREEN is the "third eye" of the operator mounted at the milker's place and constantly informs about what is happening in the parlour, what observations should be made, what decisions are made. Information about the device knocked down during the milking process will also appear on the screen and will give recommendations about the new connection of the device or cutting off the cow after milking. TOUCHSCREEN helps the milker to concentrate on milking and receive only relevant information. In addition, information can be provided in various languages, so that even foreign workers will find this information useful.

    From the udder to the cooling tank, the milk must be transported in the shortest possible way and as carefully as possible to prevent damage to the fat globules leading to deterioration in quality. In large carousels, this path is long and confusing. The only solution is to install a milk line directly under the platform. The “Carousel” hall equipped with IDC milk meters was tested and as a result it was found that when milk passed through the equipment, no change in its acidity was noticed. The dairy equipment of the Karusel hall is designed in such a way that the transport milk lines have a constant slope of 2% towards the milk receiver. From the milk receiver through the plate cooler, the milk is pumped into the cooling tank. A CAK volumetric pump is used, which operates at low speed and has the least effect on milk quality. Next, the milk passes through a plate cooler at the outlet, from which it has a temperature 1-2 degrees higher than the water temperature. Thus, at the entrance to the cooling tank, the milk has a temperature of approximately 9-11 degrees Celsius. If an ice making unit is used, the milk can be instantly cooled down to 2-4 o C.