Estimate for work performed in dentistry sample. An example of calculating an estimate for the construction of a house from foam concrete blocks

The fact that any business must begin with calculations is known to every person. Get ready to paste wallpaper in the house - calculate what costs will be needed for wallpaper, glue, putty, painter's work. If you want to build a table with your own hands - calculate the cost of boards, screws, PVA glue.

When building a house, it is necessary to take into account all the construction stages and the costs of them. Such indicators are concentrated in the working draft in the section of the estimate documentation.

How to make an estimate for the construction of a house without loss and revision?

How to draw up an estimate for the construction of a house is known to designers-estimators, foremen, other categories of engineers and builders. Ordinary people who are not associated with construction work, but who have started the construction of a dwelling, have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis. Their desire is clear: they do not want to overpay extra amounts. If a person is persistent and purposeful, it will not be difficult for him to carry out the calculations himself. Sample estimates for the construction of a house are widely presented on the Internet.

Estimated documentation is prepared on the basis of calculations, which presents items with indicators:

  • serial number;
  • numbers of estimates and calculations;
  • names of the construction stage;
  • the estimated cost, which consists of the cost of construction and installation works, the use of materials, and other expenses;
  • total estimated cost.

Estimated calculations signed by the compiler's management and the customer are considered a monetary document, which is the basis for the actual performance of work, participation in the tender, etc.

When drawing up an estimate for the construction of a house, all important and secondary positions are taken into account. Sometimes it seems to the customer that the inclusion of a particular expense item is not necessary at all. But in the course of construction, unforeseen expenses unaccounted for in the documentation “loom”. The customer understands this and lays in the documentation 5-10% for unforeseen overhead costs. This may be funds aimed at obtaining permits from fire authorities, gas workers, electricians, water suppliers and other permitting authorities, or other types of expenses.

A sample estimate for the construction of a house made of wood covered with metal tiles

We will try and introduce you to a sample estimate for the construction of a house made of wood with an area of ​​150 sq.m

Object name: wooden house
Technology: log construction
Total area: 150 sq.m
Total Estimated Cost: 1 million 630 thousand 244 rubles (1 630 244 rubles)
Base: design documentation, drawings

  • 1. Carrying out geological, hydrogeological, topographic survey work on the site for the construction of a house (sq.m) 200x100 = 20,000 rubles
  • 2. Ground work to remove the humus layer of soil (cubic meters) 10x450 = 4500 rubles
  • 3. Digging a trench under the foundation with a width of 600 mm (cubic meters)
    50х575=28 750 rub
  • 4. Manual trench leveling with soil compaction (m2)
    22х689=14 960 rub
  • 5. Backfilling of sand and gravel into the ditch (m3) 12x1200=14400.
    This also includes the cost of the material 12x600 = 7200
    Total for this position 14 400 +7200= 21600
  • 6. Installation, and after complete hardening, dismantling of the formwork (m2)
    this also includes the cost of renting formwork 60x250=15000;
    total for this position 6000+15000= 21000

  • 7. Binding of longitudinal steel reinforcement D12 and transverse reinforcement D8 (m3). The consumption of 60 kg of rolled metal per 1 m3 of concrete is envisaged.
    Work 20x1800=36000;
    the need for fittings D12 and D8 20x60 = 1200 kg. If the price of reinforcement for 1 ton is 26,000 rubles, then the cost of the material is 1.2x2600 = 31200.
    Total for the 7th position 36000+31200= 67200
  • 8. Pouring concrete mixture 20x2500=50000;
    cost of concrete 20х5000=100 000
    The total cost of the 8th pos. 50000+100000=150000
  • 9. Waterproofing of vertical foundation walls (using hot bitumen applied twice) (m2) 80x150=12000
    Cost of materials 80х45=3600
    Total for the 9th position 12000+3600=15600
  • 10. Grinding logs with a plane (linear m) 572х66=37752
  • 11. Fine, 2-sided grinding of logs (m2) 572х400=228800
  • 12. Alignment of corners (pcs.) 8х1500=12000
  • 13. Rolled logs (pcs.) 2х1500=3000
  • 14. Carrying out works on decontamination of logs with special solutions (lin.m) 580x15=8700
    cost of septic tanks 580х20=11600
    Total 8700+11600=20300
  • 15. Installation of a log house on the foundation (m2) 150x550=82500;
    materials 150x1500=225000;
    total for the 15th pos. 82500+225000=307500
  • 16. Double-sided curling of tow, (linear meters) 572x50 = 28600;
    material 572x3=1716;
    total for the 16th pos. 28600+1716=30316
  • 17. Double-sided caulking of a log house, (linear m) 572x140=80080;
    material 572x3=1716;
    total for the 17th pos. 80080+1716=81796
  • 18. Cutting window and door openings, installation of windows and doors (pcs.)
  • 14x2000=28000;
    material 14x2500=35000;
    total for the 18th pos. 28000+ 35000=63000
  • 19. Installation of beams, installation of ceilings, subflooring (m2)
    materials 5522.38x6.7=37000;
    total for the 19th pos. 10240+ 37000=47240
  • 20. Clapboard lining of walls, ceiling, roof, finishing flooring (m2) 390х325=126750
    materials 7586.2x5.8=44000
    only on the 20th pos. 126750+44000=170750
  • 21. Coloring (m2) 144х50=7200;
    paint and other materials 144x70=10080;
    total 7200+10080=17280
  • 22. Assembly of the roof with the installation of the lathing (m2) 135x750=101250;
    materials 5400x2.5 = 13500;
    total 101250+13500=114750
  • 23. Installation of metal tiles (m2) 135x300=40500;
    the cost of metal tiles and fasteners 135x350=47250;
    total 40500+47250=87750
  • 24. Finishing the plinth with stone (m2) 22x2200 = 48400;
  • 25. Installation of entrance metal doors, 2 sets (m2) 2х3500=7000;
    material 2x4500=9000;
    total for the 25th pos. 7000+9000=16000

Total estimated: 1 630 244 rubles

  • - for materials: 592,862 rubles
  • - for the performance of work: 1 037382 rubles

As you can see, it is not very difficult to make an approximate estimate for building a house if you know the consumption of materials, standard prices and current prices. The article also provides a sample estimate for a residential building made of gas blocks (see fig.).


Each person can calculate the cost of construction. But experts do it more skillfully and competently. Sometimes they overestimate the amounts for individual items. In order to adjust the indicators, the owners themselves can perform the calculations or turn to the help of other organizations.


The main purpose of the form: drawing up in the process of acceptance of completed contract construction and installation works for housing, industrial and other facilities.

Compiled on the basis of logs of records of work performed (form No. KS-6a).

Signed authorized representatives of the parties who have the right to sign (foremen, customers, general contractors).

Unified form No. KS-3 "Information on the cost of work performed and costs."

Approved Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on November 11, 1999 No. 100.

The main purpose of the form: It is used for settlements with the customer for the work performed.

Compiled in the required number of copies. One copy - for the contractor, the second - for the customer (developer, general contractor).

Standard intersectoral form No. KS-6 "General work log".

Approved Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1997 No. 71a.

The main purpose of the form: It is used to record the performance of construction and installation works.

Unified form No. KS-6a "Journal of accounting for work performed."

Approved Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on November 11, 1999 No. 100.

The main purpose of the form: It is used to record the work performed and is a cumulative document, on the basis of which an act of acceptance of work performed in the form N KS-2 and a certificate of the cost of work performed in the form N KS-3 are drawn up. The register of work performed is maintained by the performer of work for each construction object based on measurements of work performed and uniform norms and prices for each structural element or type of work.

Form M-29.

Approved CSB USSR 11/24/1982 N 613.

The main purpose of the form: serves as the basis for writing off materials to the cost of construction and installation work and comparing the actual consumption of building materials for completed construction and installation work with the consumption determined by production standards.

Form No. 1 "Consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction."

The main purpose of the form: is compiled to reflect the full cost of all work and costs provided for by the project, including the estimated cost of construction and installation work, the cost of purchasing equipment, tools, inventory, as well as all related costs.

Form No. 3-c "Object estimate calculation".

The main purpose of the form: determines the estimated limit for the construction of the facility as a whole by summing up data from local estimates and local estimates.

Form No. 4-c "Local estimate calculation".

The main purpose of the form: Designed to determine the estimated limit for a particular type of work (costs).

Defective listing.

The main purpose of the form: It is used as a document registering expenses for repairs. Compiled in free form

Act of hidden works.

The main purpose of the form: is compiled during the performance of construction and installation works, the quality of which cannot be controlled and assessed. These include hydro, sound, thermal insulation, repair of electrical wiring, installation of pipes, etc., which will be hidden by subsequent work behind walls and panels. The act of hidden work is a confirmation that the work is done with high quality.

Violation of the integrity of the structure of the roofing of the building is a serious problem that requires action, without delay. If damage to the roof was found, then first of all it is required to fix them by drawing up a special document, on the basis of which an estimate for repair work will be drawn up in the future. It is about her that will be discussed further. The rules for its preparation and a sample estimate for repairs will be presented below.

As mentioned above, the repair estimate is compiled on the basis of a defective statement. The reason for its filling is the failure of the roof for any reason: from the end of the service life (the natural deterioration of roofing materials), and ending with the results of errors made during the installation process.

If the conversation is about a private cottage or country house, but it is planned to carry out repairs with the involvement of third parties, then in order to get acquainted with the amount of work and expenses to be done, you should call a specialist. He will estimate the cost of repairs with high accuracy. This approach makes it possible to optimize the costs of construction work, which is necessary to perform emergency, current or major repairs.

Tenants of an apartment building need to act on the same principle. But at the same time, the specialist involved in the assessment must be an employee of the management company that is responsible for maintaining the house. Thus, in order to call a specialist, you need to submit a collective application.

The technical worker will record all existing defects and enter them into a special form, which, among other things, indicates the measures necessary to solve the existing problem. Often photographs are attached to the form describing the existing defects.

“It should be understood that the estimate for repair work is formed on the basis of the information present in the defective statement. In this regard, its preparation should be treated as responsibly as possible.”

Repair price

Prices for the overhaul of the roof directly depend on a number of parameters:

  • total roof area, and as a result, the amount of work. The larger the area of ​​the roof that needs to be repaired, the higher the repair cost;
  • the type and price of the materials necessary for arranging the roofing pie;
  • the level of damage to coatings and elements under the roof (thermal insulation, waterproofing, etc.);
  • scope of work. For example, the elimination of local damage will be much cheaper than a major overhaul;
  • prices for the delivery of materials;
  • wages of workers, which is calculated taking into account the complexity of the process and the specifics of the installation of roofing materials;
  • payment for the use of specialized tools and equipment, if there is a need for their use.

“Budgeting should be carried out by an experienced specialist. This is due to the fact that it is required to take into account a lot of different nuances: from the peculiarities of using a special tool, and ending with the consumption of roofing materials. You can have various examples of prepared estimates on hand, but you still can’t take into account all the subtleties. In this regard, such work must be trusted to estimators. Such a professional approach allows you to avoid additional unforeseen expenses.


As a rule, in order to draw up an estimate, a defective statement is used, which contains a listing of the types and volumes of activities that require implementation. In addition, it contains information about the amount of materials needed. An estimate is required in order to translate the data available in the troubleshooting into a monetary equivalent. Thanks to this, it turns out to calculate the total cost of repair and restoration work. Estimated documentation is compiled with the obligatory indication of the following values:

  • serial number of the document. For the most part, this component of the estimate matters for reporting;
  • numerical and alphabetic designations of resources (codes), and numbers of standards;
  • the names of the works and the exact costs of their implementation;
  • units of measure. For materials, this can be kilograms, grams, tons, or pieces. For workers, labor hours. For equipment, motor hours. For other resources, kilowatts, liters, etc.;
  • number of units;
  • unit prices in national currency;
  • correction factors. It should be understood that no estimate can be made without errors;
  • recalculation coefficients;
  • coefficients of winter rise in price;
  • total cost in national currency.

A well-composed estimate for roof repair should contain a calculation of the price of preparatory measures. This is because repairs cannot begin immediately after a problem is discovered. First you need to dismantle the failed roof elements. The number of preparatory work should include activities that need to be carried out on a roof of one type or another. For example, the dismantling of a multilayer roll coating involves a number of the following works:

  • development of roofing layers;
  • dismantling the roof screed. Be sure to indicate whether it is reinforced. In this case, additional dismantling activities will be required using specialized equipment;
  • disassembly of vapor barrier, waterproofing and heat-insulating layers;
  • dismantling of parapets;
  • disassembly of the system responsible for draining the water. We are talking about wall gutters, weir funnels and other structures of this type;
  • dismantling of areas where the rolled roofing material adheres to vertical structures, for example, furnace heating or ventilation pipes.

After that, in the estimate sheet, you need to indicate the positions of restoration measures. They can be very different. An example of work for a soft roof roof is as follows:

  • arrangement of parapets;
  • roof treatment with a primer;
  • installation of heat-insulating, waterproofing and vapor barrier layers;
  • pouring screed;
  • installation of roof sections adjacent to vertical roof elements;
  • arrangement of the drainage system;
  • repair or complete restoration of ventilation, chimneys and other structural elements of the roof;
  • installation of finishing roofing material.

“The order in which work is indicated in the estimate directly depends on the type of roofing and the specifics of the materials used. Roof repairs may include restoration of waterproofing, complete replacement of the topcoat with a new one, etc. In this regard, each estimate is individual.

After all the required data are entered into the estimate documentation, the cost is calculated for each item (material, types of work, etc.). After that, the total amount of cash spending is calculated. The estimate for the repair of the roof is an official document. In this regard, it must be certified by the compiler and the person who checked it.

After verification, the estimate documentation is sent for approval and approval by the responsible person. If we are talking about repairing the roof of an apartment building, then the responsible person is the head of the management company. When it comes to private property, its owner acts as a responsible person.

Additionally, it should be said that the estimate is the most detailed document. Everything should be spelled out as accurately as possible. In this document, roof repairs cannot be indicated in the column "name of work". Absolutely everything should be indicated in this paragraph: starting from loading and unloading operations, and ending with each type of installation and dismantling. This also applies to other items.

After agreement with the responsible person, the estimate documentation is multiplied and attached to the roof repair contract. A sample estimate must be issued to the contractor for the repair and restoration work. It is the estimate documentation that is most often the determining factor in concluding a contract for the performance of construction and installation works.

Drawing up an estimate for the construction of a house. The decisions made by designers can seriously affect the cost of construction, increasing or decreasing the cost of work or materials.

And if the decrease in value does not bring problems to the developer, then its increase can seriously damage the reputation of the company, especially. If it occurs after the approval of the final amount with the customer.

Estimate for building a house

Estimate for building a house reflects the costs that need to be carried out for all types of work, for example,. Of course, it is simply impossible to calculate everything, so the estimate for building a house should also include contingencies. Contingency costs can be approximately 2%. However, a construction company cannot take money only for the cost of work. She needs to make a profit and give a salary to the workers. Basically, 15% of the total amount is allocated for these needs.

In the estimate for the construction of a house, you can also take into account all kinds of unforeseen expenses. As you know, they make up about 2%. And, of course, the profit of the construction company should be included in the estimate. Basically, about 15% of the total amount is allocated to it. This part of the amount is needed, because no one will act to their own detriment. As a rule, the client is allowed to edit the estimate, he has the right to agree on the type of plumbing used, the presence or absence of built-in furniture and other issues. If the customer wants to purchase something on his own, then this should also be stipulated and recorded in special documentation.

The estimate is of great benefit - in the future it will be of great help in controlling the stages of construction, as well as paying for the work done.

How to make a budget for building a house

To make an estimate, it is necessary to take the calculation of labor costs as a basis and write out all the work. Using the spreadsheet editor M. Excel makes this very easy. The difficulty lies only in finding all the works in EPEPs (uniform district unit rates). These documents are selected depending on the area of ​​construction. This is very important, since in different cities the costs of work, as well as materials, are different.

To answer the question: how to make a budget for building a house, it should be noted that in this case it is necessary to have collections of EPEPs also in electronic form (to facilitate the search). When drawing up estimates, as well as when compiling labor costs, opposite planned works, their volume is entered, converted into units of measurement indicated in the lines, for example, in 100m2 or 1000m2 ... Next, direct costs are written out of the collection. In the adjacent three columns enter the cost of wages, the operation of machines and mechanisms, as well as the cost of materials. These three columns add up to direct costs.

After that, it is necessary to calculate how much the cost of the work will be, namely the direct costs for the specified amount of work (it is also considered how much you need to pay the workers, allocate for the purchase of materials and depreciation of machines and mechanisms (the latter also includes the salary of the operator)).

What should be in the construction budget

Under the whole table are calculated:

  • Total direct costs
  • Total cost of basic salary
  • Total cost of operation of machines and mechanisms
  • Total cost of materials
  • Total equipment cost
  • Total standard labor costs
  • Total overhead
  • Total planned savings (estimated profit)
  • Total with planned savings.

Despite the amount of work done, we have not yet received the cost of construction, for this we need to calculate:


The last resulting value will be the cost of construction.

In this lesson, we come close to the definition construction cost. All data were obtained using EPEP. Having this table and being able to navigate according to the specified collection of standards, you can find out the direct costs. They include wages, operation of mechanisms and machines, as well as the cost of building materials. You will learn how to make local estimate for the construction of a new facility.

In order not to burden you with calculations related to the conversion of the results into rubles at the rate, I will simply say that this work is done for you by the table below the main table. It is not necessary to publish it in this article, since it is necessary to explain the points associated with it. Below is a local estimate, which is the largest and most important part of the economic section of the house project. In addition to it, you need to prepare:

  • , which is compiled according to

Local estimates

No. p.p. Justification according to EPEP Name of works Unit of work Scope of work Unit cost The cost of the scope of work
Total PP including Total PP including
RFP EMM We are standing. mat. RFP EMM We are standing. mat.
1 1-276 Preliminary (rough) layout of areas by bulldozers with a capacity of 80 hp. 100m2 21,36 0,95 0,00 0,95 0,00 20,29 0,00 20,29 0,00
2 1-231 Cutting the vegetation layer with soil displacement up to 10 m, with a bulldozer with a capacity of 80 hp. 1000m3 2,14 44,90 0,00 44,90 0,00 95,91 0,00 95,91 0,00
3 1-163 Soil excavation with a caterpillar and wheeled excavator with loading onto dump trucks, with a bucket with a capacity of 1m³ 1000m3 1,91 117,00 3,57 113,16 0,27 223,59 6,82 216,25 0,52
4 1-1131 Manual space planning 100m2 6,54 7,15 7,15 0,00 0,00 46,76 46,76 0,00 0,00
5 1-268 Backfilling by bulldozer 1m2 57,46 20,80 0,00 20,80 0,00 1195,17 0,00 1195,17 0,00
6 1-1150 Soil compaction without watering with one pass of a pneumatic trailed roller weighing 25 tons. With a layer thickness of 30cm 100m3 0,57 4,76 0,00 4,76 0,00 2,74 0,00 2,74 0,00
7 8-10 Sand base device 1m3 0,64 10,60 0,40 0,32 9,10 6,78 0,26 0,20 5,82
Foundations 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
8 6-22 Laying blocks and slabs of strip foundations with a pit depth of up to 4 m and a mass of structures up to 3.5 tons PC 87,00 4,89 1,20 3,69 0,00 425,43 104,40 321,03 0,00
9 8-3 Horizontal waterproofing TsPR with liquid glass 100m² 1,14 96,40 19,60 1,50 75,30 109,90 22,34 1,71 85,84
10 8-27 Vertical waterproofing with bitumen 100m2 2,84 90,00 19,50 1,50 69,00 255,60 55,38 4,26 195,96
11 7-403 Laying foundation blocks over 1.5 tons PC 224,00 2,64 0,61 2,03 0,00 591,36 136,64 454,72 0,00
Walls and partitions 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
12 8-30 Cauldron wall masonry 1m3 1131,88 40,70 2,21 0,81 37,68 46067,52 2501,45 916,82 42649,24
13 8-43 Reinforced partitions, 0.5 bricks thick 100m2 7,61 582,00 74,00 7,70 500,30 4429,02 563,14 58,60 3807,28
Installation of reinforced concrete elements 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
14 7-463 Laying of span slabs with a weight of up to 5 tons and a building height of up to 30 m PC 360,00 3,09 1,39 1,06 0,64 1112,40 500,40 381,60 230,40
15 E7-653 Installation of slabs of balconies and canopies in brick and block buildings up to 5 m2 PC 16,00 6,99 2,81 4,08 1,57 111,84 44,96 65,28 25,12
16 7-295 Installation of landings by leaning on a wall and beam up to 5t and building height up to 30m PC 18,00 3,85 1,54 4,70 0,61 69,30 27,72 84,60 10,98
17 7-298 Installation of flights of stairs supported by a wall up to 5t and building height up to 30m PC 18,00 4,12 4,66 2,44 0,02 74,16 83,88 43,92 0,36
18 10-254 Railings for stairs m 51,00 50,20 23,10 4,10 23,00 2560,20 1178,10 209,10 1173,00
Filling openings
19 10-72 Filling window openings with blocks in residential and public buildings. Installation of window blocks in stone walls with paired sashes, opening area, m2 m2 201,00 3,01 0,93 0,30 1,78 605,01 186,93 60,30 357,78
20 10-105 Installation of door blocks in stone buildings, opening area up to 3m2 m2 294,00 1,45 0,55 0,35 0,55 426,30 161,70 102,90 161,70
21 10-155 Installation and fastening of platbands 100m boxes 8,05 4,43 4,16 0,13 0,14 35,66 33,49 1,05 1,13
22 10-140 Caulking of door frames, opening area up to 3m2 1 m2 opening 294,00 1,34 0,20 0,00 1,14 393,96 58,80 0,00 335,16
Roof device 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
23 E-10-248 assembly of the roof with the installation of rafters, struts, girders, lathing, and metal roofing 1 m2 756,00 0,61 0,31 0,04 0,26 461,16 234,36 30,24 196,56
24 E 10-249 Assembly of cornices 1 m2 0,97 0,89 0,80 0,03 0,06 0,86 0,77 0,03 0,06
26 E 12-284 Insulation of coatings with mineral slabs or layered glass in one layer on bituminous mastic 100m2 7,56 55,10 28,40 4,00 22,70 416,56 214,70 30,24 171,61
27 E 10-71 Installation of dormer windows 1 PC 24,00 16,30 3,50 0,30 12,50 391,20 84,00 7,20 300,00
28 E 12-276 Roofing installation 100m2 7,56 39,80 18,10 15,30 13,50 300,89 136,84 115,67 102,06
28 E 9-101* Suspended combined steel ceilings with plasterboard cladding 100m2 2,71 483,00 296,00 66,00 121,00 1308,93 802,16 178,86 327,91
E 11-50 Heat and sound insulation of floors from expanded clay m-400 m3 36 21,20 1,80 1,08 18,32 763,20 64,80 38,88 659,52
Linoleum 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
27 11-55 TsPR M-150 screed 20mm thick 100m2 6,75 73,70 9,88 0,95 62,87 497,48 66,69 6,41 424,37
29 11-205 Installation of coatings on the glue "bustilat" and polyvinyl chloride linoleum on a fabric basis of brand "A" 100m2 6,75 522,00 43,60 0,75 477,65 3523,50 294,30 5,06 3224,14
ceramic 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
30 11-55 The device of a cement coupler from a solution of M-150 20 mm thick 100m2 2,35 73,70 9,88 0,95 62,87 173,20 23,22 2,23 147,74
28 11-47 Coating waterproofing device in 1 layer bm, 2mm thick 100m2 2,35 45,60 20,90 3,75 20,95 107,16 49,12 8,81 49,23
31 11-134 Multicolor ceramic tile flooring 100m2 2,35 509,00 61,40 4,52 443,08 1196,15 144,29 10,62 1041,24
parquet 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
32 11-188 Installation of parquet boards with oak, ash, elm or maple tops 1m2 10,17 21,20 0,43 0,03 20,74 215,60 4,37 0,31 210,93
Interior decoration 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
33 Simple plastering of walls (basement) with lime mortar on stone and concrete 100m2 7,48 94,00 32,00 5,60 56,40 703,12 239,36 41,89 421,87
34 15-246 Plastering interior walls (improved) 100m2 68,43 119,00 40,00 6,20 72,80 8143,17 2737,20 424,27 4981,70
35 15-210 Plastering slopes width up to 200mm 100m 11,11 37,00 17,60 1,10 18,30 411,07 195,54 12,22 203,31
36 15-502 Improved surface painting (ceiling, water-based compositions) 100m2 1,67 8,44 3,60 0,06 4,78 14,12 6,02 0,10 7,99
37 15-508 Lime paint on plaster 100m2 7,78 5,84 4,90 0,05 0,89 45,44 38,12 0,39 6,92
38 15-802 Pasting walls with wallpaper on improved primed plaster 100m2 44,15 13,70 37,60 15,30 22,30 604,86 1660,04 675,50 984,55
39 15-90 Wall cladding with ceramic tiles on brick and concrete, in residential buildings 100m2 10,00 497,00 119,00 2,00 376,00 4970,00 1190,00 20,00 3760,00
oil painting 100m2 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
40 15-565 Improved oil painting on wood window infills 100m2 5,05 107,00 77,40 0,07 29,53 540,35 390,87 0,35 149,13
41 15-564 Improved oil painting of door fillings 100m2 9,44 80,40 50,80 0,08 29,52 759,30 479,76 0,76 278,79
42 15-614 Oil painting of steel frames, gratings, sanitary fixtures, pipes… in 2 coats 100m2 0,77 60,80 38,40 0,03 22,37 46,82 29,57 0,02 17,22
43 15-568-18 Improved painting with oil compositions of walls 100m2 2,18 79,60 30,60 0,90 48,10 173,21 66,59 1,96 104,67
44 15-707 Glazing of double windows opening in one direction (stelor) 3mm 100m2 3,03 242,00 25,20 1,50 215,30 733,26 76,36 4,55 652,36
Exterior finish 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
45 15-224-25 High-quality facade plaster with cement-lime mortar 100m2 13,71 210,00 86,00 6,33 117,37 2879,10 1179,06 86,78 1609,14
blind area 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
46 11-6 The device of the underlying layers of crushed stone 100m2 1,17 13,60 1,82 1,06 10,72 15,84 2,12 1,23 12,49
47 11-83 The device of coatings of asphalt concrete cast with a thickness of 25mm 100m2 1,17 149,00 18,20 1,39 129,41 173,59 21,20 1,62 150,76
88427,99 16144,59 5942,64 69236,57

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Construction works
Estimate for construction work Estimated documentation
Design and estimate documentation Local estimates
Price level in local estimates How to make a budget
Construction and renovation budget Major renovation project
Scope of work (task) Calculator

  • Compiled estimates enable customers to fulfill the schedule for financing construction or repair work and effectively plan costs, and from 2017 will be the rationale for the tax base in commercial organizations.
Estimate for construction work

Estimated documentation is usually attached to the contract. The customer has the right to demand the most detailed estimate documentation.

The available agreed estimates will help resolve disputes and disagreements in mutual settlements.

Estimated documentation is made in current price levels. It is allowed to indicate in the estimate documentation the cost of work at different price levels. The base level is established on the basis of the existing norms of 2001. The current level is determined on the basis of the prices developed at the time of the preparation of the estimate documentation.

At various stages of price determination, current and forecast indexing is used.

Preparation of estimates for construction

Not a single construction in the world can start directly from the construction site - the first step is to draw up all the necessary documents and double-check them and sign them several times.

One of the main documents is the construction estimate.

This document is a complete list of the necessary work and materials, as well as their cost, replacement options and special conditions. In other words, the construction estimate is the final document according to which the building will be erected.

Despite the seeming simplicity of implementation, the preparation of estimates for construction should be carried out by professionals who have undergone the necessary training. They must be able to “read the blueprints”, know the main characteristics of building materials, understand how the work is going on, take into account hundreds of little things that are imperceptible at first glance, which, if the rules are not followed, can greatly harm both the construction itself and people.

And although the main task of the estimator is to reduce costs, he must first of all take into account the interests of the construction site and future residents of the house. For example, if, when drawing up a construction estimate, he found that the material declared by the architect is difficult to find on sale, then the estimator must offer an alternative, but only with the same characteristics as the original version. It is no coincidence that in a team there is often not one person, but a whole team.

When drawing up a construction estimate, external factors must also be taken into account: the road to the site, the cost of designing internal systems that are performed by a third-party company, weather conditions, garbage disposal, proximity to neighboring houses and public facilities. All these little things seem insignificant: after all, if you do not organize timely garbage collection, the construction site can become mired in waste. If the construction site is located near a school or residential building, it is necessary to take into account the silence mode and complete especially loud work early.

When choosing an estimator, remember that the final amount very often depends on seemingly insignificant details: the condition of the road, the presence of residential facilities nearby, even the weather. All this makes each order of the estimate from each client unique.

Drawing up estimates in construction

To create estimate documentation, you need the initial data for the development of estimates from the customer, including analogue objects.

The basis is also the design and pre-project documentation, which includes drawings, compiled statements of physical volumes of construction and repair work, costs.

More statements and specifications (resource requirements). Resources include tools and inventory for equipping facilities, technological equipment, building materials, structures, products. Construction machines and mechanisms for construction work, and other associated costs are also taken into account.

Construction estimates

Construction estimates contain calculations on the scope of work - a statement of the scope of work (during the repair, a defective statement).

Drawing up accurate estimate documentation gives an assessment of both the entire complex of works and individual types. It is necessary to provide the customer with reasonable and competent calculations, as well as when carrying out intermediate settlements between the customer and the contractor. These documents are used in the development of schedules and work plans with time distribution (month, quarter) of construction.

Compiled estimates enable customers to fulfill the schedule for financing construction or repair work and effectively plan costs.

Construction estimate

The quality and accuracy of the calculation of the estimate is determined by many parameters, one of the important ones is the professionalism of the estimator. There are many details in budgeting.

This is the right choice of sections of the TER (where one work is named differently and differs in cost at times), a competently constructed scope of work increases the quality of the estimate documentation. Thanks to the accurate work of the estimator, the competent use of different coefficients, for example, for constraint or seasonal rise in price, the correct choice of the indices necessary for recalculating the estimated price, will allow an objective assessment of the forthcoming scope of work and construction or repair costs.

Construction estimate

The form of the estimate calculation is not regulated. In practice, business turnover established calculations in the form of a tabular form, with the allocation of separate columns for initial data, intermediate indicators and final results of calculating the cost of the estimate.

Estimating in construction is carried out in two formats: resource and technological forms of calculating estimates.

The technological form of calculation consists of a list of completed construction processes required for the technology of building or repairing an object. Estimated costs are calculated in the technological estimate for each line of work operations, in each section and in general according to the local estimate.

Drawing up construction estimates

When drawing up construction estimates, the decisions provided for in the project and adopted by the investor are taken into account.

They take into account the author's supervision sheet, as well as acts for the production of additional works, opened during the implementation of the object. Apply some related to this construction, the decisions of the authorities of the state.

Use the current federal and territorial standards for pricing construction and repair work. Apply unit rates of estimated prices for products, building materials, structures. Take into account the estimated cost of machine hours during the operation of construction equipment and mechanisms.