Making compositions from plant seeds. Lesson "composition of fruit seeds"

Sowing seeds is perhaps the most natural way to propagate plants. Seed germination of different plants occurs in different ways. Some seeds need light to sprout, some need complete darkness. Some seeds require stratification, while others germinate immediately after sowing. But in any case, before you start sowing seeds, you need to prepare everything you need, namely:

  • containers, which can be pots, yogurt or sour cream cups, juice bags, in general, any containers; the main condition is that these containers must be very well washed and disinfected
  • container for soaking seeds
  • forcing potting mix (it is best not to use garden soil for seeding, as it is too heavy and may contain diseases, spores, and weed seeds)
  • seeds
  • stickers and markers (believe that later you won’t remember which is which)
  • plastic wrap or plastic bags to cover plantings to create extra warmth and humidity
  • water container for irrigation
  • light source (this could be a window, but if it's not brightly lit, you'll need something like a fluorescent light)

Before pouring the potting mix into the planting container, you need to knead it with your hands to remove any dry lumps. Then moisten it a little with a sponge. When pouring potting mix into containers, do not over-tamp it. Containers must be filled 2/3 from the top. After the container is filled with the mixture, you need to tap it a little on the surface, for example, countertops, so that the mixture settles, and gently trim the top layer with your fingers.

When all containers are ready, you can proceed to sowing seeds. But first, make sure you read the specific instructions on the seed packet. After all, some of them require preliminary stratification or soaking.

Small seeds can simply be gently poured onto the surface of the potting mixture, while large ones should be immediately separated and planted in individual containers, 3 seeds each. After sowing the seeds, you need to cover them with a small layer of soil mixture, following the rule - the smaller the seeds, the smaller the mixture layer.

Even though the potting mix has been previously moistened, the planted seeds still need to be watered to keep the topsoil from drying out and to ensure good contact between the seeds and the soil.

Next, you need to create a greenhouse effect, for which the containers need to be covered with plastic wrap, a transparent plastic lid or a plastic bag. This will help keep the heat and moisture in. As soon as the seeds germinate, it is advisable to remove the film to avoid the development of mold. Constantly check the moisture content of the soil mixture.

An interesting fact is that light is not needed at all for seed germination, only heat and moisture are needed. But as soon as the plant is born, it must be immediately placed under a light source. For normal growth and development, seedlings require 12-18 hours of light per day. Ordinary artificial light and the rays of the winter sun do not provide sufficient illumination, as does the summer sun. Therefore, additional light is needed, for example, from a fluorescent lamp.

The appearance of the first true leaves (not to be confused with the cotyledons) will tell you that the plant needs to be fed. To do this, you can use a balanced fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium, which will be beneficial for good root growth and healthy plant growth in general.

As the plants grow, they may need to be transplanted into larger containers to give the roots more room to develop.

Before planting plants in the garden, you need to harden them a little. To do this, during the week they need to be taken out into the open air for several hours, so that they get used to the light, wind and climatic conditions. Gradually increasing the time they are outside, you will see how the seedlings begin to gain strength, becoming more stocky, and their stems - thicker. This will be a signal that the plants are ready for independent development. It is necessary to ensure good watering before transplanting plants. The transplant itself is best done either in cloudy weather, or in not the hottest part of the day.


Abstract of the lesson using modern pedagogical technologies on the topic:

"Composition of fruit seeds"

The abstract was developed by a methodologist, a teacher of additional education at the House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren

Duvansky district

Islamova Oksana Vladimirovna

Subject: "Composition of fruit seeds".

Target: development of children's creative activity.



    Teach children how to work with different seeds.

    Help to acquire the necessary skills and abilities in the work.


    Cultivate initiative and independence.


    Develop the ability to see the material, fantasize, create interesting patterns.

    Develop creativity, aesthetic taste.

Methods and forms of education: conversation, explanation, independent work, discussion, modeling, game.

Pedagogical technology: workshop technology.

Age: 8-9 years old.


Nagibina M.I. Natural gifts for crafts and play. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 2007.

Pudova V., Lezhneva L. Toys from natural gifts - M .: "Makhaon", 1999.

1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators.

Materials and equipment: Jars with seeds (zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon, peas, tomatoes, beans, cherries), samples of compositions, basics for composition, plasticine, recording of instrumental music, the Seeds crossword puzzle, surprises for children.

Lesson progress:

    Introductory conversation (using TRIZ elements).

Is a gift good or bad? Why is a gift good? (children's answers). When is a gift bad? (children's answers). Which gift do you think is better: ready-made or handmade? (children's answers).

Who is celebrating this week? (moms, grandmothers - Mother's Day). Mom is the very first word a person utters. There is no one closer, dearer and kinder than mom. No wonder they say: “It is warm in the sun, good in the mother. In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. This year, the holiday falls on November 29th.

- Today we will make a gift for the holiday to your mothers.

    Conversation about the material, aiming at the execution of the composition.

- Trains do not go to this country,

And the plane does not fly here,

What is the name of this country?

A country within easy reach!

- Try to guess what materials our craft will be made of.

(Making a riddle about seeds).

What's happened:

When you die, you start a new life.

“This is the land of seeds. Many wonderful crafts can be made from different seeds. Seeds come in different shapes, sizes, colors. They are very beautiful, so they can be used for original crafts.

How are seeds stored? (they are collected, dried, laid out in bags or jars).

- All your mothers are wonderful housewives. Every day they hold various dishes in their hands - plates, mugs. We will make as a gift to mothers not just dishes, but amazing dishes - decorated with natural material - seeds.

    Thinking through the composition of fruit seeds.

- Today we will have a creative workshop. You will have the opportunity to choose the material from which you will perform, come up with your own, original pattern. You can choose from a variety of materials.

- For the base, you can take a papier-mâché plate, a jar, a lid. Seeds can also be used in a variety of ways.

– To guess which seeds we will use, try to solve riddles.


I lie on the melon proudly,

The sun warms my barrel.

I am green, tasty, hard,

And I'm called...


golden head

Big, heavy.

golden head

Lie down to rest.

Head is heavy

Only the neck is thin.

Like your ball

Just tasty and edible.

Though the green sides

The pulp is red and sweet.

head on leg,

Peas in the head.

Like in our garden

Mysteries have grown

Juicy and large

Those are round.

green in summer,

By autumn they turn red.


At least grew in the garden,

Knows the notes "sol" and "fa".

Was green, scarlet,

Then I became scarlet.

I turned black in the sun -

And now I'm ripe.

(After guessing the riddle, jars of seeds are exposed).

- See what gifts you can prepare for mothers (showing finished works - compositions on a plate, jar, mayonnaise lid).


- A craft will only be successful if it is well thought out. We will make a model of your pattern on paper and then transfer it to the base (each child thinks over a pattern on a piece of paper, protects his model).

    Preparation of the basis for the composition.

- Seeds can be glued onto the background, or you can smear the background with plasticine and press them. Choose the base and plasticine of the color that suits you. Separate small pieces and smear on your base.

    Fizminutka - the game "Who will separate the seeds faster?".

- Remember how in the fairy tale Cinderella sorted through the seeds. And we'll take a break and try to sort them out. The box contains different seeds. You need to separate them - who is faster?

    Practical work. Making a composition from fruit seeds.

– The most crucial moment in the work of our creative workshop is coming. We have everything ready and we begin to perform the composition. You have already prepared the base. The pattern was invented.

(Music sounds during the manufacture of crafts. Individual work is carried out).

    Making an exhibition in a creative workshop.

We have finished works at the exhibition in our creative workshop.

    The solution of the "Seeds" crossword puzzle (by children who completed the craft and placed it on the exhibition) is individual.

    The game "Who will take the apple faster?".

- To the music you will walk in a circle. As soon as the music ends, they must take an apple. Those who do not have time are out of the game.


- Did you like the gifts?

- What happened?

- What do you think is unsuccessful in your craft?

- We agreed that you will present these crafts on Mother's Day. What do you wish for your mothers? (children's answers).

Beautiful flower petals can be made from the seeds of watermelon, melon, zucchini, sunflower, pumpkin, apple and similar crops. The same seed material can also be used to create completely independent crafts. From it, beautiful panels are obtained, on which each element of the image is covered in a mosaic technique with the seeds of various plants.

Seeds of garden crops are diverse - carrots, onions, cilantro, watercress, parsley, tomatoes, radishes, beets, dill. The smallest of them can fill the background of the panel or lay out very small details.

Many summer residents grow a perennial physalis plant in their garden plots. In autumn, bright golden-orange lanterns appear on its stem. Inside the flashlight there is a dark round berry with a drupe. Drying, physalis lanterns do not lose their shape and color. A drupe can be used for laying in a mosaic, and lanterns can be used as an auxiliary material.

A mosaic depicting Alexander the Great and the Persian king Darius served as a decoration on the floor of one of the rooms of the Faun's house and occupied an area of ​​15 m.

A good combination with plant seeds is given by grains of various cereals and cereals, which are essentially the same seeds, but only peeled or processed. From cereals for mosaic crafts, you can use rye, wheat, oats, as well as oat, rye or barley flakes and even semolina.

For such an unusual mosaic of non-traditional materials, many cereals are suitable: buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, millet, peeled and unpeeled rice. For example, it is not bad to combine a background of buckwheat and watermelon seeds in a panel.

Buckwheat is a very interesting material. You can take light grains and, by varying the degree of roasting, get raw materials of all kinds of brown tones from it.

The same effect is achieved when roasting coffee beans, which have a greenish color when raw. As a result of roasting, it is possible to obtain grains of different shades of brown.

Rice is interesting in that its grains have different shapes: you can choose elongated or only round grains for details.

To create mosaic panels and paintings, grains of legumes of different colors are suitable: green and yellow peas; light and red lentils; colored, variegated and white beans; various colors of beans; corn grains and corn grits.

All kinds of spices can be used in the mosaic work: black, white and red pepper seeds, green mung beans, sesame seeds, clove seeds, dill and caraway seeds.

Various branches of trees, shrubs, dried plant stems, flowers, dried fruits, berries and various spikelets, dried individual dry leaves of plants of various shapes and sizes will perfectly complement the panel or picture. You can also include bird feathers and small round pebbles in the composition (this is the same pebble that was used in antiquity).

It is better to collect the entire natural seed fund as a material for mosaics in the fall, when all the seeds are mature and dry. Winged maple or elm seeds are available to harvest in summer. Seeds and fruits of amazing plants that will be interesting for creative work can be brought from a trip to an exotic country.

Seeds of watermelon, pumpkin, zucchini, melons must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp, washed with water and dried on a sheet of paper.

Carefully remove the corn kernels from the cob and place them on a paper towel. The drying process will take several days, but the color and shape of the dried grains will remain the same.

Before putting the seeds in storage, they need to be dried and sorted. Cardboard boxes are suitable for storing seed material. Small seeds are best packaged in matchboxes, providing each with an accurate label. For larger seeds, chocolate boxes are suitable, on which appropriate inscriptions should also be made. It is advisable to protect boxes and packages with seeds from moisture, store them in a dry and cool place, otherwise the seeds will germinate.

The leaves of the trees, which can serve as additional material, are painted in a variety of colors in autumn. At this time, you need to stock up on purple maple leaves, copper - oak and chestnut, golden yellow elm leaves, orange - mountain ash.

Additional materials for compositions include leaves of corn, fern, birch, maple, oak, lilac, linden, chestnut, elm and aspen (Fig. 11).

All collected leaves should be sorted by shape and size, and then dried. Why do you need to fold a sheet of paper in half (you can use a piece of wallpaper or a newspaper). Inside, carefully, so as not to wrinkle, place the leaves. Put a thick book on top as weight. It will ensure uniform drying and alignment of the leaves. In a few days they will dry out. If necessary, if the leaves are not dry, the paper should be replaced. Dried leaves of maple, oak, birch, ash, elm, although they somewhat lose their color saturation, still retain their original color.

Unopened cones are collected in the forest - the fruits of coniferous trees: pines, spruces, cedars, fir. At room temperature in the room, they will open after a while. The "flakes" of the cones can be cut off with scissors and used to create flat paintings. They are suitable for fish scales or owl wings (Fig. 12).

Berries and fruits can be used as additional materials in mosaic compositions. The round rowan berries are bright red and orange-red in color, shrivel and lose their brightness after they dry out.

The peel of oranges and lemons becomes hard and darker in color when dry. It must be cut into small pieces 0.5 cm thick and dried in the sun. They will harden, after which they can be included in the composition.

Acorns are oval in shape and pale beige in color. On the one hand, the acorn is covered with a cup - a plush, which is easily separated from it and used in the composition. A nutshell can also be included in the mosaic composition, which very often has a rather interesting surface.

The hard shell of the walnut has a relief surface. You can divide it into 2 equal halves with a knife. It must be applied to the nut, and then lightly tapped on it with a hammer - the shell will open exactly into 2 parts. The shell of pistachios is pleasantly creamy and breaks quite easily.

The soft and very light peanut shell is easily cut with a knife. Pine and hazelnuts have a fairly hard dark brown shell. It is not difficult to include pine nuts in their entirety in compositions along with seeds.

The background for the composition of the seeds should correspond to the nature of the natural material, which will especially brightly "sound" against a particular background. For example, a white background will perfectly emphasize the contours, color and shape of the composition.

In flower shops, you can buy "Sachet" sets, in which parts of plants are packed in transparent bags or boxes. They contain exotic seeds, flowers, fruits, leaves, flavored with a specific smell of incense. In such sets, the plants are matched by color and smell, as a result of which they have specific names. For example, plants with a predominance of orange colors are collected in the "Apricot" set, while in the "Sea air" set, plants have different shades of blue and light blue. It is good to replenish collections of seeds of a certain color with such sets.

In creating a mosaic, it is not difficult to use other elements or materials that emphasize the color and texture of the product. If it is impossible to pick up small seeds of the desired color, it is permissible to use beads or beads of the required shades (in wildlife there are no blue or blue seeds). By the way, beads are a close "relative" of smalt. It is easy to supplement the mosaic pattern from seeds with small amber crumbs, colored sand, small pebbles and shells. Original effects are created by sequins included in the pattern, buttons with an interesting surface and various rhinestones. All these materials are glued according to the pattern on the surface of the base, obtaining an excellent effect that enlivens the composition.

When creating a mosaic work, for its best compositional solution, sometimes stone or smalt modules are supplemented with metal modules.

The effect of a metal mosaic when creating a work from seeds can be obtained using a plate of inexpensive metal or a film of colors close to real gold, silver or copper. From this material, you need to cut parts according to the drawing or modules of the desired size. Then they are attached with special glue to the surface of the base along with the seeds.

Most plant seeds are easy to cover with watercolors, gouache or acrylics. If desired, you can give individual parts of the image the desired color.

Tools and materials:

Plant seeds - pumpkins, zucchini, squash, melon, watermelon, peas, lentils, sweet peas, cloves, black peppercorns, cherry pits, sunflower seeds, persimmon seeds, grapes, sweet peppers and others;
bottle cap and cork wallpaper, birch bark or veneer;
glue gun with silicone glue in the form of a stick or Moment-Crystal glue;
pencil, scissors, mock-up knife;
frame, A4 size.
1. Using a craft knife, cut the bottle cap into circles 3-4 mm thick. The circles will serve as the basis on which the petals will be attached.
2. Petals on flowers can be arranged in one or two tiers. For the lower tier of petals, pick up large seeds, such as pumpkins or squash. Use glue or a hot glue gun to glue the bottom tier of petals.
3. For the upper tier, pick up seeds of a different color and a little smaller - watermelon, melon, for example. Glue the petals on top of the bottom tier. The core of the flower can be made from a round, relatively large bone.
4. The core of the flower can be complicated: stick smaller seeds or peppercorns around the center. Carnation seeds make beautiful stamens.
5. To make a butterfly, take five seeds and a carnation for the body. For the upper and lower wings, you can pick up seeds of different colors and sizes. One of the seeds will serve as the base on which to glue the wings and torso. Make antennae from dry blades of grass.

6. The background for the presented bouquet was paper wallpaper with a pattern of autumn leaves. And you can take cork wallpaper, they come in different shades. At the bottom of the background, glue the surface of the table on which the bouquet will stand. It can be made from cork, birch bark, or simply smeared with glue and glued on grits.
7. Simple Wa

Autumn is harvest time in the garden. In addition to vegetables and fruits, you must also remember to pluck ready-made plant seeds. They will come in handy in the spring, when it's time to sow in the beds. But, creative needlewomen can always use natural material to make interesting crafts. What is not on the Internet: photo frames from cereals and seeds, whole panels with a plot composition from different grains, vases, coasters for hot and much more.

Today you will learn how to make voluminous flowers from seeds with your own hands. The manufacturing process is simple, and the result is simply magnificent.

What do you need to work? Prepare these ingredients:

A sheet of thick cardboard;

Tube with PVA glue;


Seeds and grains: corn, beans, pumpkins, millet (any, at your discretion).

First, take a sheet of thick cardboard and draw circles of different diameters on it. For example, two 8 cm each, three 6 cm each and four 4 cm each. Cut out all nine blanks, as in the photo.

Now proceed to the formation of the flower. Take one circle, generously cover it with a layer of PVA glue.

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Lay the pumpkin seeds around the edge. Try to apply them more tightly and so that they cover the paper.

The second row, which is located closer to the center, fill with corn grains. Make sure that the nucleoli are located in the same direction.

And fill the middle of the flower with black beans.

A beautiful flower comes out from different seeds.

While the glue dries, proceed to the manufacture of other flowers.

Form the smallest buds from corn, black beans and millet seeds.

Those blanks that are the largest require more filling. To make DIY flowers from seeds, use pumpkin seeds around the edge, a layer of corn and white beans with a brown edge, and place black beans in the center.