Children's ladders for home training. Swedish walls Children's ladder horizontal bar for home

The home wall bars are a single-section variation of the classic sports equipment familiar to us from school and university gyms. It is these models, as well as entire children's sports complexes based on them, that are collected in this section. Our catalog presents Italian, Russian and Japanese models made of wood, metal and combined materials.

Wall bars for children in an apartment or house

When choosing a wall for an apartment, including a small one, carefully look at the height and type of fastening. The height is clear - with ceilings of 2.8 meters, the total height of the product together with the horizontal bar should not exceed 2.5.

There is nothing complicated with the fastening either. Based on the type of installation, Swedish walls are divided into wall-mounted and spacer. The first ones are attached to the wall with 4-8 fasteners and are suitable only for brick or monolithic brick walls.

For plasterboard and wooden partitions, and also if you do not want to spoil wallpaper or wall panels, it is better to buy a projectile with a fastening by surprise. Wall bars of this type are available from almost all manufacturers:

  • Midzumi;
  • "Carousel";
  • "Vertical";
  • Absolute Champion;
  • "Strong";
  • Perfetto sport;
  • Romana.

The functionality of the simplest projectile, even in a small house, can be increased through additional equipment. To do this, as necessary, purchase additional exercise equipment to the basic set (wall and horizontal bar): ropes, rings, trapezoids, rope ladder.

How to choose a wall bars

If you have chosen the installation location, it is important to decide who will exercise on the apparatus. If you have one or two or three children, you can not pay attention to the permissible load characteristics. If the wall is purchased for family use, and dad or grandfather will be doing pull-ups on it, take a model with a maximum allowable weight of 110-130 kg. Especially if you plan to use attachments.

Wooden or metal? Wooden prices are 1.5-2 times higher, but they look much nicer in an apartment. Metal ones are cheaper, but functionally they are no different from wooden ones. True, most are designed for a weight of no more than 100 kg, but this is not critical if you are taking the wall only for a child.

We recommend purchasing additional mats for any wall bars model. In our online store you will find them in the “Sports Equipment” section. They will protect the young athlete from bruises and contusions, and will also become an excellent platform for active but safe active games. Happy shopping!

If you are a fan of a healthy lifestyle and dream that your child will adopt your life credo from you, then installing a children's sports complex at home will be the best solution. The child will be able to warm up without going far from lessons, and also in the cold season, when going out on the horizontal bar in the yard with friends is problematic.

Moreover, sports equipment will help the youngest users develop faster and more harmoniously. Let's talk today about these irreplaceable household accessories, look at what manufacturers offer us today, and also tell you how to make a Swedish ladder with your own hands.

Let's first talk about how the presence of such an unpretentious equipment in the house can change a child's life, taking into account both positive and negative aspects.

Introducing a child to DSC: advantages and disadvantages

Although the Swedish ladder for children can be used from the first years of life, this process should be approached carefully and carefully. The fact is that young children have a poorly developed sense of self-preservation, and they can get injured simply by expressing their curiosity.

The Swedish ladder is the very first apparatus that will be available to a child. As it grows, you can add more and more complex details.

Advice! Be sure to secure your baby until you are personally convinced that his grip has become reliable and he is confidently holding on to the bars. Be sure to secure yourself with a sports mat that will soften a possible fall and protect you from unnecessary injuries.

Along the way, one should not forget about the psychological formation of a small personality. As soon as the child has become independent, stop hovering over him like a hen.

Do not pay attention to minor falls that will not cause harm to the child's health. Let him learn to rise on his own and strengthen his fighting spirit.

And in order to avoid the risk of injury, take care of high-quality, durable equipment, and allow your child only to use equipment that is appropriate for his age.

  • Up to 2 years Children are allowed on children's Swedish stairs equipped with a mat. The height between the crossbars should be around 20 centimeters, that is, accessible for a child’s step.
  • From two to three years The child will be happy to ride on the swing. Additionally, low-hanging rings and a rope ladder securely attached to the floor are suitable.

  • From three to eight years You can accustom your child to a rope, horizontal bar and playing equipment, such as a basketball hoop, mounted on a ladder under the ceiling.

At an older age, a child interested in sports will be able to independently determine what he needs to supplement his staircase with.

Types of sports equipment for Swedish ladders

Staircase - wall bars

The Swedish ladder itself is a compact structure, firmly attached to the wall. The most interesting thing about it is that it is also the basis of a real sports complex, which can be equipped with various equipment.

Let's list the most common ones:

  • Horizontal bar- the most versatile and common projectile. With its help, an athlete can strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, neck, chest, and also use it to stretch and relax tense muscles. Classes on the home horizontal bar will be useful not only for children, but also for stagnant dads, who, remembering their dashing youth, will teach their sons new techniques and exercises.

  • – allow you to perform a number of exercises that, in addition to muscles, develop a person’s vestibular apparatus. By exercising on them, you can strengthen your arms, back, stomach, neck and even legs.

  • Flexible rope ladder– although complex, but an irreplaceable attribute of a good DSC. Moving along it develops in children not only physics, but also coordination in space. This attribute will certainly be appreciated by dreamers who like to imagine themselves as sea robbers, so run to the store for a spyglass and a pirate hat!

  • Rope– is considered the most complex and dangerous projectile installed on the Swedish ladder. That is why you should not allow small children near it. But as soon as the baby can master it, it will help him strengthen the muscles throughout the body and make them much more resilient. If the rope is attached to the ceiling, then the child will get used to heights, and he will not have a fear of it.

  • Hammock or nest woven from strong rope– such an addition can be safely called a gaming one, but it can also be used for relaxation between stormy runs around the apartment. They can be made from fabric or large mesh woven from ropes and ropes.

  • Trapeze or in common parlance “bungee”- This is another tool for training endurance and coordination. Can be easily used in games.

  • Swing– another entertaining attribute that will delight the youngest children.

We do not consider other equipment such as a log or a support platform for strength exercises, since they have a narrow specific application and are not suitable for all users.

Making a Swedish ladder

Now let's talk about the types of children's sports complexes, and let's figure out how to make a Swedish ladder with your own hands.

Types of stairs

Conventionally, sports stairs can be divided into children's and adults. Both of them can be organized in the form of a complex, firmly attached to load-bearing walls and ceilings, or a compact exercise machine that can be freely moved around the apartment.

Let's look at them all, and we'll start with options for children:

  • First on the list are models that are attached to partitions and walls with powerful anchors. This design is very stable and, with good fixation, can withstand heavy loads. Such options are very demanding on the strength of the walls - it is best to attach them to brick and concrete foundations, or, in extreme cases, to plasterboard partitions, but with the obligatory condition that during the installation of the wall special mortgages were installed to give the frame rigidity. If these conditions are not met, the ladder may fall along with the young athlete, damaging furniture and wall decoration along the way.

  • The second option is spacer ladders. The strings of stairs and support pillars of such structures are equipped with retractable spacer locks that wedge the complex between the floor and ceiling. The option also falls into the category of the most stable and safe. Additionally, it is worth noting that the design is portable and does not require drilling the base.
  • They are perfect if your walls are not designed for loads, and the floor and ceiling are concrete floors. In this case, the structure is guaranteed to stand even with strong swings. It is worth abandoning this option when there is a suspended ceiling on the ceiling, and the floor is made of sagging boards.

  • If the room for a Swedish staircase does not have any supports suitable for DSC, then you can purchase an independent option that does not require fixation. Of course, its stability will be much inferior to the first two options, but it’s better than nothing. The big advantage of such structures is unhindered movement in space.

  • Very popular options are those that transform from an ordinary staircase into a full-fledged complex, with horizontal rungs, rings and rope. Their base is fastened to the wall, and the retractable part simply rests on the floor or is fixed with spacers.
  • Such complexes are convenient, first of all, because they take up very little space, while making it possible to place many different projectiles.

Now let's go over the options for home exercise equipment for adults.

  • Designs for older users are distinguished primarily by their compactness and versatility. Very often you can find options without ladders, simply suspended from the ceiling.
  • When small in size, such simulators replace horizontal bars, parallel bars and other large equipment.

  • Such exercise machines may not be attached to walls and ceilings, but can be portable, on legs, as in the photo above. With this complex you can train your arms, back, chest and abdominal muscles.

  • Manufacturers are offering more and more compact, interesting options, suitable for both floor and ceiling exercises.

  • Some machines are equipped with a counterweight system for serious weight lifting. Punching bags and other devices for active sports can be hung on them.

  • Swedish ladders for adults are often equipped with folding shelves on which the athlete can take a lying position and perform a set of certain physical exercises.

We have named only a small part of home sports equipment. For more details, you can watch the video in this article.

Homemade staircase

As you can imagine, the price of many of the above products can be very high. What should you do if you want to install DSK? If you are a “hands-on” person, then the problem can be solved! You can assemble a Swedish ladder for a young champion with your own hands, and it’s not that difficult to do.

Here is a list of all the tools and materials that will be required for the job:

Durable polished boards with a cross section of 40x150 mm, two pieces. We will make bowstrings from them. If you can’t find sanded boards, then take what you have, but you will have to process them yourself. Make sure that there is no rot or cracks on the boards, as they will experience mechanical stress. Additionally, slats of a smaller cross-section may be needed to complicate the design, for example, for a horizontal bar.

We will use it to create steps, a horizontal bar and a trapezoid. Give preference to options made from hard wood that can easily support the weight of not only a child, but also an adult. The diameter of the slats must be at least 35 mm. Determine the quantity yourself based on the assumption that the steps will be located at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

To secure steps.

A strong rope with a diameter of at least 1 centimeter. We use it to create a rope ladder and trapeze. Also suitable as a replacement for wooden steps on Swedish stairs.

You can buy gymnastic rings at a sporting goods store and attach them to an existing structure.

Powerful steel corners for attaching bowstrings to the wall. Minimum quantity – 4 pieces.

We use them to connect corners to walls.

Using bolted connections, we connect metal and wooden structural parts.

We will use a hammer drill to drill holes in the wall. By installing a drill chuck in it and switching it to drilling mode, you can drill holes in wood. If there is no chuck, then look for an electric drill.

We will use drills to drill holes for steps and bolted connections. You may also need to buy a metal drill to expand the holes in the steel corner to the desired size.

We use it for cutting workpieces.

Additionally, you may need: sandpaper of different grades for sanding structural elements; set of wrenches; screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver; jigsaw; rubber for feet.

You can refuse to use paint and varnish products - just sand the surface well. The fact is that kids love to try everything, and it is not advisable for particles of varnish to get into the stomach, besides, such a coating becomes slippery if you walk on it in socks.

To protect wood from dirt and give it a beautiful shade, it is better to use natural impregnations based on natural oils and wax.

So, here are step-by-step instructions on how to assemble a simple Swedish ladder:

  • We cut both strings to the same height.
  • We cut off the protruding outer corner from the top to remove a potentially traumatic area.
  • We carefully sand the boards. It is better to use a sander for these purposes so that the work is quick and of high quality, but you can also sand it manually. The procedure begins with coarser sandpaper, then we reduce its abrasiveness, and complete it with “zero” sandpaper number 280 or more.
  • We mark the holes for the steps, making sure they are parallel. The distance between them is 20 cm.
  • We drill holes. Make them a couple of millimeters smaller than the diameter of the round slats.
  • We cut the round rail to length - the working part of the ladder measures 55 centimeters. Consider the reserve that will go into the bowstring bodies. All slats must be the same length
  • Mark on the edges of the slats the distance at which they will go into the boards, and slightly sharpen the ends with a knife, without interfering with the marks.
  • Lay one string flat on the floor.
  • Lubricate the first hole with PVA glue or wood glue, and stick the end of the strip into the hole. Using a wooden or rubber mallet, with sharp short strokes, drive it tightly into the board to the mark. Apply blows not to the step itself, but to the block attached to its end, so as not to “break” it.
  • Repeat the procedure with all steps.
  • Lubricate the opposite ends of the slats with glue, and place a second string on them at once, having previously directed all the steps along the holes.
  • Tap the string with a mallet evenly along its entire length, sealing the connection.
  • Now sand all the tips of the steps protruding beyond the borders of the bowstrings.
  • Leave the structure to dry for several hours, then treat the wood with impregnations.

Install a standard option, or make a horizontal bar for a house with stairs - this is your personal choice. Any wooden structure can be made by a home craftsman, the main thing is to carefully develop the design and use high-quality materials that can withstand loads. We wish you success in your endeavors!

What child does not dream of his own personal play space in the house, where no one would bother him to play for his own pleasure. Any parent can make this childhood dream come true. All you need to do is purchase or make your own sports children’s corner with such exciting equipment as a sports ladder, parallel bars, wall bars, and so on.

This article, illustrated with colorful photos and useful videos, is devoted to instructions for do-it-yourself installation of such a design.

A children's sports complex should be in every home, as it not only engages the child in a useful and exciting activity, but also helps strengthen physical health

Sports corner - basic safety requirements

A children's sports corner is very important for every child. After all, it not only allows you to captivate your baby with an interesting activity, but also contributes to his harmonious physical development.

When purchasing a ready-made sports kit for children, be sure to ensure that it meets all safety requirements

However, if you decide to make a sports ladder and other elements of a children’s corner for your home with your own hands, then the first thing you should study is the safety requirements for this design.

If you decide to make a sports complex for children with your own hands, be sure to adhere to all existing standards and safety regulations

The basic conditions that a sports corner must meet are:

Make the system so that it can easily support the weight of an adult

Choosing a place in the apartment

Before you start making a sports corner for your child according to the instructions, you should decide on a place for it in the apartment. The size of the sports structure depends on factors such as the area of ​​the room: large, small or medium in size.

A sports complex for children can come in a wide variety of configurations, the main thing is that it is safe and interesting for the child to engage in it.

In a big house

If you are the happy owner of a large house or spacious apartment, then you can place a whole sports complex for your children in it, including not only stairs, but also rings, a rope, a horizontal bar, a swing, and a wall bars.

For boys you can hang punching bags, and for girls you can make a dollhouse. In this case, you can allocate a separate room for the complex.

For a children's sports simulator it is not at all necessary to have a large apartment or house; you can make a more compact version of the complex

In a small apartment

If the square meters of your living space do not allow you to allocate a lot of space for a corner, you can place a gymnastic wall, a sports ladder and rings right in the corridor along the wall.

In a small apartment it is quite enough to place the main equipment - a spiral staircase and beams

Necessary tool

Prepare the following equipment for installing a sports children's staircase with your own hands:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • file.

All components for the sports corner can be purchased ready-made at a sports store.

Main details

All parts of our staircase structure can be purchased at any construction supermarket or on the websites of specialized stores.

To install the system we will need the following parts and paint materials:

  • wooden crossbars;
  • gymnastic sticks;
  • hooks;
  • nylon cord;
  • PVC tube;
  • wooden steps;
  • paintwork;
  • stain.

To make a corner for sports, you need to prepare not many parts


You can make a drawing for the stairs yourself, use the services of a designer, or take a ready-made sketch as a basis. The photo below shows a drawing of a sports ladder for DIY installation.

You can draw a drawing of a sports structure yourself, or you can use a ready-made sketch with the indicated dimensions

DIY installation

In order to make a high-quality staircase for children, use these step-by-step instructions for its installation: 5. We fasten our rope system to the wall using reliable bolts.

You can always order a ready-made staircase structure of any configuration in the Staircase Master specialized store at an attractive and economical price.

A high-quality ready-made sports complex for children can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store at a fairly economical price.

Video: do-it-yourself sports staircase of the “wall bars” type

From the video you will learn how to make a sports staircase for your home with your own hands.

The vast majority of babies love to jump, run and climb. Even in supermarkets they create special places for them where they can spend their energy while waiting for their parents. In order to ensure such physical activity at any time of the year, special children's sports corners for the home have been invented.

You can purchase them in retail chains, online stores, or make them yourself; fortunately, there are plenty of instructions today.

Movement is health, so from a very early age you should teach your children to lead an active lifestyle. Often, parents let their child choose games based on their interest, which in many cases really pays off. Although spending time together very often has a more beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

If there is enough space in a house or apartment, it is best to allocate 2-3 square meters for a sports corner. meters of area. The child will quickly get used to it and will perceive it adequately. You can start introducing him to equipment at the end of the first year of life.

At this age, children almost do not perceive possible dangers, so they must be insured, especially if they decide to climb high. In addition, try to ensure that your child takes his actions seriously and does not get distracted or laugh, distracting his attention.

Advice: if a child is working out alone at a sports complex, which is possible no earlier than 3 years from birth, and you hear him fall and scream, you should not run to him immediately, and when after that he is silent, drop everything and quickly run to him .

Sports children's corners or complexes are good because they can be configured as you need. Typically, assembly instructions come with the product. You shouldn’t immediately fill the space with all the sports equipment; it’s better to do it gradually, as the baby grows.

The DSK consists of sports equipment, which is selected according to the age of the child, and the main frame is a children's sports ladder, it is often called “”. Most of the elements of the corner are attached to it.

In this case, the age of the baby is taken into account so that the step of the steps corresponds to him. Subsequently, a simple complex can be organically supplemented with more complex elements.

Exercise corners must be durable enough to withstand even the weight of parents when they decide to show their children how to do exercises. Therefore, when choosing DSC, pay special attention to this component. Joint activities help to establish contact with the child and get closer to him.

In addition to the Swedish wall-stairs, the main parts of the children's complex include:

  1. Gymnastic rings. They allow you to develop the vestibular apparatus, help strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, abdomen and legs. When choosing, you should give preference to non-slippery materials so that your baby’s hands do not slip off them.
  2. Rope. It’s a complex gymnastic apparatus, but it fulfills children’s desires to climb somewhere or hang somewhere. And even though the height of a standard ceiling is only 2.4 m, this is quite enough for a child to be able to strengthen many muscles of the body, become more resilient and, to some extent, not only stop being afraid of heights, but also control their fear.
  3. Swing. Rather, it is not a sporting element, but a delight, especially for the little ones. However, even he will teach children to control their movements. Just remember that you need to allocate enough space for the swing.
  4. Horizontal bar. One of the simplest, but very necessary sports equipment. With its help, many muscle groups are strengthened, the spine is straightened, which often stimulates the child’s growth organs.
  5. Rope sports ladder for children. A simple and at the same time complex projectile, which is not so easy to climb. In children's games and fantasies, a rope ladder will become an integral companion. An alternative is a mesh, but it requires much more space.
  6. Balance beam. Not always used in home sports corners, since there is always not enough space for them. But, with its help, the child will be able to begin to control his sense of balance.
  7. Nest. Another interesting accessory for games, which is usually placed at the very top, and the bottom is made soft, usually wicker.
  8. Sports mats. The safety of the child comes first. Soft mats significantly reduce injuries, while teaching children how to fall correctly, which is important.

Advice: if from the first lessons you can instill in your child responsibility for their health at the sports complex, the risk of injury will be significantly reduced.

The DSK projectiles listed above are not limited to. They can also be equipped with a treadmill, parallel bars, and a boxing bag.

By the way, improvised objects that are familiar to us can replace some sports equipment, including children's sports ladders. For example, to prevent a child from developing flat feet, a bed rail is used. Walking on it, as well as on the hard rug from the hallway, strengthens the foot and gives the necessary lift. (see also the article Child protection on stairs: what is best for the safety of a child)

To develop the vestibular apparatus, the log is replaced with cubes glued to the board. The limited surface allows the baby to concentrate. You can also train your sense of balance on a rolled-up mattress or blanket.

An artificial tunnel can be stools and chairs placed in a row. Boxes and boxes are used to create "rugged" terrain. The child climbs into them or climbs over them, training the muscles of the arms and legs.

An interesting “simulator” is a ribbon with toys hanging on it. The baby will reach for them, thereby “irritating” the growth area. Toys should be attached with adhesive tape, then tearing them off, the baby will be completely delighted.

Don't have a basketball hoop? No problem, you can use a laundry basin by placing it at the desired height. Throwing balls into it is great fun for little athletes.

Who among us has not built “fortresses” from sofa cushions? Take advantage of your experience and give your child obstacles that he will overcome with laughter.


Some parents rush to introduce their children to sports without thinking about the consequences.

In this case, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Up to 2 years - a soft mat and wall bars with a pitch of no more than 20 cm and a crossbar thickness of up to 3 cm. There are options with massage pads that will stimulate blood circulation on the child’s legs and arms. It also prevents the development of flat feet and develops motor skills. Do not forget that the surface of the crossbars should not be slippery so that the baby does not accidentally injure himself.
  2. From 2 to 3 years – a wooden swing, a rope ladder fixed to the floor and rings can be added to the children’s sports corner.

Classes in this age category must be conducted under adult supervision.

  1. From 3 to 8 years – attach a rope to the ceiling, hang a “pear”, install a ring.
  2. Then the child himself will say what he needs. The main thing is that the classes are interesting and not boring.

We build it ourselves

It is not necessary to purchase expensive sports corners for children. It is quite possible to make them yourself.


A sports equipment consisting of a durable suspension, for example, belts and the rings themselves (wooden or plastic). The structure is attached to a crossbar, which can be part of the frame or directly attached to the ceiling.


It can be made from:

  1. ropes with wooden crossbars;
  2. wood;
  3. aluminum

The first structure can be created from a rope up to 10 mm and wooden steps measuring 35x450 mm attached to it. The pitch between them is 20 cm, the working part located between the main ropes is approximately 400 mm, the height is about 2 m.

Assembling the stairs should begin by drilling holes with a diameter of 10 mm on each side of the step at an equal distance from the edge. A rope is threaded through them, which is fixed at the top and bottom of the crossbar with knots. In this case, the price of the product will be minimal.

Tip: metal rings should be installed at the ends of the steps to prevent them from cracking during use.

When making a wooden staircase with your own hands, 200x50x20 mm bars are used for spacers. It is secured using fastening pins. To do this, holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm should be made on the sides at a distance of 20-30 mm from the end of the bars.

It is better to make the crossbars round using a lathe, and for them to drill through seats with a diameter of 25 mm on the main bars. The steps and bars should be connected with wood glue.

A sports ladder for a home is fixed between two buildings, and the fasteners must pass through the ladder and the buildings. With the help of the latter it is possible to adjust the height of its inclination.


This is a crossbar suspended horizontally by straps or rope. Its length is approximately 600-800 mm, with a diameter of 35 mm. The best option is steel or aluminum, but it can also be made from hardwood.

A gymnastic trapeze is made as a rope ladder. The holes in the crossbar are 10 mm, departing from its end 40-50 mm. It should be secured with two knots for better reliability.

Rope wall

It consists of a frame that is attached to the floor and wall with metal anchors. It is made of wood, and the mesh is made of hemp or clothesline.

The latter is attached to the frame, passing through holes, the distance between which will be equal to the size of the cell. The mesh is woven from ropes that are pulled vertically and horizontally, the ends of which are stretched and tied in knots.

How to choose

First of all, you need to consider where it will be located. There are two reliable main options - the sports ladder is mounted on the wall or directly between the ceiling and floor.

In the second case, the complex can be installed in any convenient location. In addition, it is more mobile in operation, i.e. it can be quickly disassembled and installed in another location. In both options, the load on the complex is the same.

It is recommended to install the spacer DSC in a room where the ceiling and floor are made of reinforced concrete slabs. This way you can achieve maximum reliability. If the floor is wooden and the ceiling is plasterboard, you should pay attention to other methods of fastening.

In this regard, you should also take into account the material of the wall. It should be reinforced concrete, brick or cinder block. It is strictly forbidden to attach a sports complex to a plasterboard wall, as it may fall along with it.

If your apartment or house does not have suitable supporting structures, you can opt for the option without fastening. In any case, safety and reliability must come first.

Safety regulations

  • You cannot use DSC without gymnastic mats. Make sure that there are no toys in areas where the child may fall or jump off.
  • Do not allow your child to be at the sports complex with food or toys in his hands. When playing or practicing at the playground, the child must be barefoot or wear non-slip shoes.
  • Do not allow multiple children to use the same sports equipment at the same time.


The sooner parents start doing physical education with their child, the easier it will be for him in the future. The sports corner provides an opportunity to splash out accumulated energy, thereby making the baby more balanced. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

For the normal development of a child’s body, physical activity is important. A wall bar for children in an apartment or house makes it possible to perform the necessary set of exercises at home every day. This helps develop the child's strength, endurance and agility. How to choose the right home gym equipment is described in detail in this article.

The Swedish wall for children, the photos clearly confirm this, is a functional exercise machine consisting of a ladder from floor to ceiling, which ends with a horizontal bar and is installed near the wall, and additional sports equipment in the form of a rope, rope ladder, rings, parallel bars, etc.

This is an ideal solution for the full physical development of a child of any age. The sports complex allows you to strengthen muscles, form correct posture, and develop the child’s agility and endurance. Regular exercise helps train and strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve coordination of movements, and strengthen the immune system. Doing exercises on the stairs is a good prevention of flat feet.

A sports wall bars installed in an apartment are an indispensable exercise machine in the winter, when children spend little time outside. The complex has a compact design that does not take up much space. However, due to the fact that additional sports equipment can be attached to it, you can perform various physical exercises, which confirms the versatility of the home exercise machine.

Despite all the positive aspects of the wall bars, do not forget about the shortcomings of the simulator. The sports complex is a high staircase, which can become the object of various injuries for a child if it is not used carefully and is installed incorrectly. During a child's training on the simulator, the presence of an adult is required.

Today, manufacturers produce various variations of wall bars, where some models are quite large in size, which is not suitable for small apartments. When buying a wooden wall bars, you should take into account that this material has low strength and reacts negatively to mechanical loads, high temperature and water.

Another important drawback is the static design of most models, which cannot be moved from one place to another. Installation of the complex requires compliance with certain rules, one of which is the specific location of the simulator for its safe operation, which does not always fit harmoniously into the interior design of the room.

Varieties of Swedish walls for the home

Wall bars can be indoor or outdoor. The first type includes more compact, small-sized exercise machines made of wood or metal, but the functionality of the design is no lower than that of street models. Outdoor complexes are often made of metal, which is resistant to moisture, sunlight and temperature changes. These are large-sized models with impressive dimensions and the presence of a variety of equipment (long monkey bars, rings, swings, crossbars).

Based on the shape of the structure, the following Swedish walls are distinguished:

  • I – shaped models;
  • T-shaped simulators;
  • L-shaped walls;
  • U-shaped Swedish walls;
  • corners.

The I-shaped wall bars design is the simplest option. It is represented by two racks and crossbars. Attach to the wall or by surprise. There is no provision for adding additional mounted projectiles.

The most popular option is an L-shaped wall, which consists of a high ladder ending at the top with a pull-up bar or a one-sided monkey bars. Models can be produced with different types of fastening.

The most practical option is a T-shaped structure, which is fixed directly to the floor and ceiling. The Swedish wall, the photo clearly shows this, is represented by a staircase from which two monkey bars extend in both directions. Various mounted projectiles can be hung from them.

The most massive is the U-shaped wall bars, which should be installed in a large, spacious room. It consists of two stairs connected to each other by crossbars or a monkey bars. The stable, massive design can withstand a large number of additional sports accessories.

The corner-shaped exercise machine is ergonomic. It takes up a minimum of space, but its functionality is not reduced. Today you can buy a ready-made corner model or combine two suitable options.

Material for making wall bars in an apartment

All models of wall bars are made of wood, metal or combinations of these materials. Each material has its positive sides and negative points.

Metal structures are made from profile pipes with a thickness of at least 2 mm. The diameter of the crossbars is much smaller than that of their wooden counterparts. This makes it possible for even the smallest children to comfortably operate the simulator. These are very strong, reliable, durable sports equipment that can be complemented with serious strength training equipment such as overhead bars, barbell supports, barbell benches and presses. However, they are more dangerous due to slippery crossbars. In addition, they are cold to the touch, which can create discomfort for the child.

Important! The metal wall bars are designed for a load of up to 200 kg.

Wooden wall bars for children are made of beech, maple or pine. To prevent the appearance of splinters, all parts of the product are first carefully adjusted and polished, and are often varnished on top. Wooden structures are pleasant to the touch and have a natural anti-slip effect. They are less dangerous than their metal counterparts.

However, wood is a short-lived material that can crack, break, and dry out over time. Children's wooden wall bars wear out faster. In addition, the wooden structure is designed to weigh much less than metal complexes.

Methods for attaching children's Swedish walls for the home

Depending on the type of fastening, the following wall bars are distinguished:

  • wall design;
  • spacer wall;
  • Swedish wall of mixed type.

Wall-mounted wall bars involve fastening the structure to the wall in four or six places using U-shaped brackets. The lower legs of the racks rest on the floor. Such a simulator takes up a minimum of free space. Installation of a children's wall mount with wall mounting is quite labor-intensive, requiring drilling holes in the wall of the premises. The structure should be installed near a wooden, concrete or brick wall. If the wall is covered with plasterboard, you should choose a different installation location, or purchase a model with a spacer fastening method.

Models with a spacer mounting option are installed between the ceiling and the floor. This installation method is the simplest and does not require drilling holes in the floor or ceiling. However, it should be remembered that the spacer wall bars are not suitable for rooms with suspended or suspended ceilings.

The mixed type involves the use of two fastening options simultaneously. Based on the attached drawing, the wall bars are first screwed to the wall and then spread out between the ceiling and the floor. This type of installation is considered the most reliable. However, this mounting option is not acceptable for all models.

Helpful advice! When choosing a method for attaching a wall bars, you should take into account the interior features of the room - wall material, ceiling height and other factors that may interfere with the reliable installation of the structure, which will subsequently affect the safe operation of the simulator.

Set of wall bars for children and adults

A Swedish wall of any type, except for the I-shaped design, can be supplemented with various mounted sports equipment, changing its functionality depending on the age and needs of the athlete. To begin with, it is enough to buy a wall bars for your home with a minimum set of components, and gradually purchase the rest of the equipment as needed.

All sports equipment for wall bars is divided into two types: for children and for adults. Very often, people immediately purchase a wall bars for adults and additionally complete it with a set of necessary sports equipment for children, which includes a rope, rings, a basketball hoop, a rope ladder, a slide and others.

The set of the “adult” exercise machine includes a wall bars with a horizontal bar and parallel bars for home use, equipped with a bench for working out the abdominal muscles. As the child grows older, he can increasingly study with an adult.

However, if adult family members do not play sports, or prefer to go to the gym, then it is better to buy a wall bars for children for the apartment, which will represent a full-fledged sports and gaming complex.

Related article:

Equipment requirements and selection criteria. Arrangement of space with your own hands. Original solutions for room placement.

Equipment for the simulator for small children

The most popular sports equipment for young preschool children are:

  • rope in the form of a thick rope, made of durable natural or synthetic material, which is tied in a knot at the bottom;
  • a pair of gymnastic rings on a rope suspension;

  • rope ladder with wooden rungs that are attached to a suspension;
  • gladiator net made of durable material, designed for climbing;
  • wooden swings are an indispensable exercise machine for the leg muscles and vestibular apparatus;
  • a basketball backboard with rings is designed to develop accuracy;
  • a slide or gymnastic bench is used to develop balance and train the muscles of the feet and spine;
  • a trapezoid is a crossbar on two ropes, which is suspended at the required height;
  • the handlebar starts from the top of the wall and is located parallel to the floor;
  • an extension ladder allows a child to climb from one apparatus to another and opens up new training options.

Helpful advice! For any wall bars, you should additionally purchase mats. For L- and I-shaped structures, one element is sufficient, and for T- and U-shaped structures, at least two products will be needed.

Popular equipment for teenagers and adults

Wall bars for adults are equipped with equipment designed for muscle training. These include:

  • the bars are crossbars that are attached perpendicular to the wall and parallel to each other. In some models they can be folded;
  • the emphasis for the press is represented by a back with soft upholstery and armrests that are hung on the wall;
  • a hinged horizontal bar for a wall bars in the form of a pull-up bar can be moved to any height, which is important for training children;
  • the press bench is a board upholstered with soft material, which at one end clings to the crossbar and the other rests on the floor;
  • a punching bag complete with gloves is a necessary device for training the muscles of the back and arms and practicing punches;
  • a bench press in the form of a folding board equipped with holders for a barbell, used for strength exercises;
  • pylon is a metal pipe that is installed between the floor and the ceiling, used to perform gymnastic exercises, where coordination of movements is developed, and the muscles of the legs and arms are trained.

What is important to know before buying a wall bars for a child?

A home sports complex in the form of a wall bars is selected taking into account the location of its installation, the age of the child, manufacturer and equipment. When choosing a specific model, you should make sure of the quality of the product. To do this, the seller is obliged to provide a certificate for the simulator, which indicates a positive sanitary and epidemiological assessment of the material of manufacture, and confirms the strength, reliability and safety of the design by the manufacturer.

One of the main factors is the safety of the simulator. When choosing a complex for kids, it is better to give preference to models made of natural wood. The surface of the structure in this case is non-slip, which reduces the likelihood of slipping off the steps, which can lead to injury.

Next, you should consider how much weight the wall is designed for. If a sports simulator is purchased taking into account the child’s growing up, the design must withstand not only the weight of the athlete, but also additional sports equipment that can be purchased taking into account the child’s age.

The choice of fastening depends on the design of the room and the location of the wall bars. Wall-mounted models should only be attached to a load-bearing wall. Only in this case will the safe operation of the complex be ensured. This type of fastening should also be preferred if there is a suspended or suspended ceiling in the room.

Important! There should be no protruding parts, edges or sharp corners on the wall mounts, as well as on the simulator itself.

When choosing a sports simulator, you should take into account the dimensions of the wall bars; the drawings clearly display them. The correct installation location must be selected for it so that all the functionality of the design is ensured, namely the convenient and safe operation of all attachments. There should be enough space around the complex for unhindered swinging and comfortable exercise. For a small room, you can purchase a compact model with a wall bars up to 1 m in height and 60 cm in width.

When choosing a wall bars for a small child, you should take into account the quality of the crossbars. In wooden structures they must be carefully processed, polished and varnished. Metal elements are more dangerous, so they must have rubberized attachments.

Helpful advice! When choosing a metal wall bars, it is better to give preference to designs with an anti-slip coating in the form of special attachments.

When choosing a wall bars for an apartment where the average ceiling height is 2.5-2.6 m, you should focus on the maximum height of the sports equipment of 2.2-2.3 m, which leaves the possibility of doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar under the ceiling. The number of crossbars must be at least 10 pieces.

Rules for the safe operation of the wall bars

Compliance with simple rules for the safe operation of the wall bars will help minimize injuries and breakdown of the simulator.

Under no circumstances should a small child be left unattended while at the sports complex. Many exercises should be performed with the safety and support of an adult. To avoid bruises when falling from the exercise machine, you should place a mattress, soft rug or special mat under it, which can be included in the wall bars or sold separately.

When operating the sports complex, you should ensure compliance with the weight regime. If the wall is designed for a load of up to 80 kg, it should not be used by a person with a large weight and should not be weighed down with additional equipment.

Helpful advice! To limit the height of a child’s rise on the wall bars, you can install a special limiter or remove the upper bars.

Before installing sports equipment, children should be instructed on the safe operation of the complex. It must be recalled that to avoid injury, several people should not be on the stairs at the same time. Pampering during exercise is unacceptable. Also, you should not perform sports exercises during an exacerbation of diseases, which can lead to a deterioration in health with additional stress.

Helpful advice! Do not use sports equipment for other purposes. This may render it unusable.

To ensure the longevity and safe operation of the sports complex, it must be kept clean.

Possible set of exercises on the Swedish wall

All wall bars exercises for children must be performed taking into account the age, health and physical fitness of the child.

You can start practicing on the wall bars from the age of 6 months, when the baby masters the skills of crawling and sitting. A swing, a ladder and a slide are suitable here, where the child can improve his skills.

More active exercises on the wall bars begin when the child can walk independently. At the age of 1-1.5 years, the child will actively learn to climb up and down stairs. Of great interest at this age are gymnastic rings, which you can cling to and hang on, swing and raise your legs. Here the baby improves and improves his motor skills. From the age of one and a half, children really enjoy climbing rope ladders.

A child of preschool and primary school age can perform the following simple adult tasks:

  • hang on the horizontal bar for as long as possible, training the muscles of the back and arms;
  • lift your legs straight or bent at the knees, where the abdominal muscles are trained;
  • perform pull-ups;
  • holding onto the bar, perform squats;
  • holding the bar with your hands, raise your legs one by one;
  • hang and swing on the crossbar like a pendulum;
  • climb and ride a rope;
  • stretch your legs by alternately lifting them onto the bar and leaning forward;
  • hang on the rings, bending your knees, or bending them at right angles, and hang for as long as possible.

When choosing a sports complex for children over 10 years old, you should buy a wall bars with horizontal bars and parallel bars, where you can fully engage in physical activity at home.

For children of high school age, men and women, wall bars exercises should be supplemented with a more serious load to train most groups of the whole body:

  • pump up the press on a special board;
  • perform pull-ups with different grips, training the back muscles and biceps;
  • perform squats on one leg, placing the other on the lower bar;
  • do push-ups;
  • hang on the crossbar and spread your legs in different directions, cross them;
  • move your legs back alternately in a position facing the wall;
  • perform a “spring” while hanging on the top bar with your back to the wall, with your heels reaching toward the floor, your toes pulled up, and your chin pressed to your chest.

Popular models of wall bars from the manufacturer

Among the portable mobile options for sports complexes, highlight the metal wall bars for the little ones “Vertical. Cheerful baby." The design can withstand loads of up to 50 kg. The simulator set includes a mat, bungee, swing, gymnastic rings, slide, rope ladder and net. The cost of the complex is 12 thousand rubles.

Another popular mobile model is the Kampfer-Kitty wooden wall bars with a horizontal bar. The set includes a slide and swing. The maximum load is 30 kg. The cost of the simulator is 11 thousand rubles.

The simplest wooden wall bars, which you can buy for only 4 thousand rubles, is the I-shaped model EffectSport DSB. The height of the structure is 2.6 m, width 0.8 m. The exercise machine is attached to the wall and can withstand a load of up to 120 kg.

The L-shaped design of the metal Teenager exercise machine is attached to the wall. The set includes a pull-up bar. The height of the structure is 2.27 m. The sports equipment can withstand a load of up to 100 kg. You can buy a wall bars for your home with a horizontal bar for 6 thousand rubles.

The metal children's sports complex Vertical is installed at random. The kit includes a trapeze, rope, horizontal bar, rings. Withstands loads up to 90 kg. The cost of the complex is about 6 thousand rubles.

Metal wall bars "Carousel 1" includes a ladder, a horizontal bar, a trapeze, a rope and rings. The height of the structure is 2.18 m. It is attached to the wall and can withstand a load of up to 100 kg. The cost of the wall is 6 thousand rubles.

The Swedish wall made of Pioneer metal is installed by surprise. Takes up space on the floor measuring 0.9x1.5 m. The manufacturer produces various color variations. The standard set includes a wall, horizontal bar, rope ladder, rope, trapeze and rings. The steps are treated with a special non-slip PVC material. Withstands loads up to 100 kg. You can buy a simulator for 7 thousand rubles.

Another popular model that is installed by surprise is the wooden wall bars for children in the Kampfer Compact (ceiling) apartment. The standard set includes a trapeze, rings and a swing. The height of the wall is 2.71 m, the width is 0.64 m. It can withstand weight up to 120 kg. The price of the simulator is about 12 thousand rubles.

For older children and adults, you can buy a wall bars from the manufacturer Kampfer Little sport Maxi. The wall is installed by surprise and is equipped with a horizontal bar, rope, rope ladder, and rings. The price of the simulator is 16.5 thousand rubles.

The Swedish wall with a horizontal bar and parallel bars is very popular; you can buy it for 11.5 thousand rubles from the Olymp company. The structure is attached to the wall and is equipped with a bench for the press. It can withstand loads of up to 250 kg.

Do-it-yourself wall bars technology

When it is not possible to purchase a ready-made sports complex, the question arises of how to make a wooden wall bars for your home with your own hands. Wood for the simulator must be dried and seasoned. If a wall is being made for a small child, it is better to give preference to soft woods such as linden or pine. They are much easier to process compared to ash, beech or oak.

To make a wooden wall bars with your own hands, you need to purchase an edged board 4.5-5 cm thick, 30 cm wide and at least 2.5 m long. Two side posts are made from it using a circulation machine. The surfaces of the elements are polished. Holes for crossbars are drilled in wooden blanks for racks at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The crossbars can also be cut out of wood or you can take ready-made cuttings from shovels no more than 4 cm thick. Next, all elements are final polished and treated with paint and varnish.

Now, based on the drawing of the wooden wall bars, the entire structure is assembled with your own hands. To do this you will need a set of fasteners. Next, the wall is attached to the wall using dowels.

It is much more difficult to make a metal wall bars with your own hands. To do this, you can take old pipes, stripping them of paint and rust, or purchase new products in the store.

Before assembling the structure, you need to draw up or download from the Internet a detailed drawing of a metal wall bars with your own hands, based on which to prepare all the necessary elements of a given size and in the required quantity.

A self-made children's wall bars can be equipped with various sports equipment, which can be purchased at sports stores. This option will be much cheaper than buying a ready-made complex.

Before purchasing a home sports complex, you need to familiarize yourself with the various options for wall bars, reviews of which will help you decide on a specific model. Here you should take into account the quality of the product, the dimensions of the structure, the mounting option and the possibility of additional equipment with sports equipment.