The device of household moonshine - what a novice moonshiner should know. Moonshine still: device and characteristics How the moonshine still works loudly

Moonshine, contrary to popular opinion, is not such a bad drink at all, and a properly made distillate is several times higher in quality than store-bought vodka. Each whiskey, rum, cognac or brandy is created using moonshine aged in oak barrels. But before you taste the drink, you need to understand how to make it in a moonshine still and what this device is

What is the distillation process, or moonshine?

According to some sources, chemical distillation, or moonshine, was invented by the Arab peoples many hundreds of years ago and called their creation “arak.” Other sources claim that the ancient Greeks drank moonshine long before the representatives of the East. In ancient times, tubs of mash were exposed to sunlight, where the product fermented for several days. It is known that the mash was filled with essential substances and other easily flammable liquids. Then pipes were connected to the container, through which the vapors slowly entered the refrigerator, becoming a distillate.

The discovery of the process of alcoholic fermentation had a huge impact on the operating principle of the moonshine still. It is still unknown who was the first to obtain the distillate in this way, but it all started with observations of animals. In the wild, monkeys deliberately wait for the fermentation of fallen fruit in order to improve their mood in the form of intoxication.

In any case, the design of a moonshine still differs strikingly among different peoples of the world, but in all cases of alcohol extraction from mash, it is unchanged - all alcohol in the world is produced this way.

Of course, in addition to fermentation, you can resort to centrifugal processing of raw materials, diffusion, freezing, or rectification of mash, but distillation consists of the simplest mechanism, hence it is the optimal way to produce alcohol. If you think about what a moonshine still consists of and how this system works, it will be enough to find two vessels connected by a clean metal tube and some simple firewood.

The essence of the moonshine process

The essence of moonshine brewing is the evaporation of various substances at boiling point. It all depends on the amount of sugar, which contains up to fifteen percent ethyl alcohol, which is what you need to get. Everything else is unusable. In addition to the pure distillate, essential oils, methyl, aldehyde components, fusel oils, resins, acids and even alkali are released. In other words, from the entire amount of mash, no more than one 1/7th of moonshine is obtained.

Placed in a vessel (evaporator, cube, bucket, etc.), the mash evaporates when heated and boiling, releasing many substances. At a temperature of 63 - 65 degrees Celsius, low-boiling substances (aldehydes, phenolic compounds, acetone and methyl) begin to evaporate.

A working device at a temperature of 68-70 degrees begins to release the first steam - this is the first ethyl alcohol formed, which exits into the pipe hole up to a temperature of 78-80 degrees. At higher heating temperatures, fusel begins to be released, consisting of heavy oily components.

When the temperature reaches boiling point, the principle of action of the substances in the vessel changes slightly - the mash becomes as watery as possible, which pushes the alcohol out.

However, heating is only part of the process.

The moonshine still includes a refrigerator, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. Vapor substances entering a cooled place undergo a process of condensation, transforming into liquid.

It is important to know that during condensation, first the easily evaporated components of the mash go into the liquid state, then alcohol, which is replaced by fusel oils, and the last compound comes out of the moonshine apparatus H2O.

Despite its simplicity, a moonshine still is capable of regulating many chemical processes, producing high-quality distillate at home, which over time can turn into elite whiskey, cognac or rum. The most important thing is to maintain a high temperature all the time the moonshine still operates. If you reach the boiling temperature of the mash and stop heating, you will get the same mash, only without mechanical precipitation.

What does a moonshine still consist of?

The distiller is designed in a simple way; it is much more important to know how to handle it. There is no need to carry out any complex processes; the main thing is the importance of each link in the chain of obtaining a natural product that is superior in all respects to store-bought analogues.

Mash container

The minimum capacity for mash should be 10 liters, the optimal option is 30-40 liters. The fact is that one bucket of mash yields about two and a half liters of high-quality distillate, therefore, it is undignified to start the process for the sake of one liter. The efficiency of the unit produces at least three to four liters in 1 session, which lasts only a few hours. Of course, this amount of alcohol will be enough until the new mash ripens.

The container for the mash can be a bucket, enamel brew, barrel or other vessel with a lid. Sealing is important. For example, aluminum tanks have a large volume and close tightly, and subsequently do not burn on fire and do not spoil the product.

On the other hand, this option does not suit everyone - based on the results of the researchers’ analyses, we can conclude that a moonshine still made of aluminum is not safe for humans, and it does not matter whether it is a steam line, a tank or a refrigerator. No, aluminum does not contain anything harmful - it’s all a result of the reaction of methyl alcohol, fusel oils and resins with this metal. The best option would be a vessel made of stainless steel, copper or coated with enamel. Aluminum is not recommended.

Path of steam to the refrigerator

Today, stainless steel is the best metal for delivering steam to the refrigerator. A pipeline with a diameter of 15 - 25 millimeters would be the best option. You might ask yourself: why stainless steel? The thing is that this metal is easy to weld and thread. And the main advantage of stainless steel is the absolute rejection of chemical vapors, including fusel oils and methyl alcohol.

The path of steam to the refrigerator should not be less than a meter or one and a half, and the longer, the better. And if the tube rises vertically above the mash container to a height of 50 - 70 centimeters, the pipeline gives the effect of a reflux condenser, which cleans the distillate a little. Thus, the heat capacity of stainless steel will allow high-boiling harmful substances in the form of fusel oils to obtain a liquid form even before entering the refrigerator and return back to the mash.

Why is a steamer necessary?

Before entering the refrigerator, vapor substances must pass through a steam chamber. This device, despite its simplicity of design, performs the functions of a filter, efficiently cleaning the product. Most fusel oils, methanol, harmful resins and other high-boiling substances remain in the steamer. The principle of operation of such a device is very simple - you need a small vessel with a capacity of up to one liter (a glass jar is quite suitable) with a sealed closure or a durable lid with two holes for tubes. The entrance hole should deepen two to three centimeters. The second, where the purified steam will flow, should be two-thirds of the diameter from the first hole.

Thus, the incoming hot mash steam will cool slightly and the fusel oils will remain in the jar as a liquid.

The alcohol compounds will continue on their way to the refrigerator and turn into a pure distillate. On the other hand, for the steam tank to operate as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to maintain the temperature inside it at about 75 - 80 degrees Celsius.

Moonshine still refrigerator

The final, but no less important place on the way of mash steam to the final product is the refrigerator of the moonshine still. The design of this item is not so important, the main thing is to provoke the condensation effect. The temperature in such a container should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. The best design option is a coil located in a vessel filled with cold water or running water. If the refrigerator is a flow-through type, it is necessary to provide a place for draining the water (a kitchen sink is quite suitable). If the water is stagnant, to obtain one liter of moonshine you will need 25 liters of water with constant replacement of 1/4 of the part every half hour.


In conclusion, it is necessary to mention the need to regularly wash the mash vessel and steamer after completing each distillation process. It is similarly recommended to wash the steam line to remove any remaining negative substances. The main thing is to create absolute tightness of the entire unit. To obtain a distillate of maximum quality, you can add activated carbon and various fruits to the steamer to purify the steam, giving it a rich taste. The resulting product will be from 50 to 70 degrees of strength, with a quality absolutely superior to strong alcohol from the supermarket. The main thing is to follow the design of the device, observing all the rules described in the article.

Attention, TODAY only!

Although there are many home distillers of different price categories on the market, experienced moonshiners prefer to make the equipment themselves or order it from trusted craftsmen using their own drawings and diagrams.

The advantage of this approach is not only cost savings. Often, a home-made moonshine still is more reliable and practical than most store-bought models with incomprehensible elements that contradict the laws of physics, installed only to attract buyers and raise the price. Next we will look at the classic design of a moonshine still (distiller), which has no equal in simplicity and efficiency.

Scheme of operation of a moonshine still with a steamer

Connecting elements

Intermediates play an important role. If you choose the wrong pipes or sealant, the moonshine turns out to be cloudy, with a nasty aftertaste, foul-smelling and even hazardous to health. Therefore, we will begin our consideration of the design with the connecting elements.

You should not “tightly” weld all the tubes together; this simplifies the assembly and disassembly of the device, but during cleaning it causes a lot of problems.

Metal tubes made of stainless steel, aluminum or copper, as well as alcohol-inert food or medical silicone hoses are most often used as a transport system. In terms of economy, safety, ease of maintenance and operation, the best option is food grade stainless steel tubes.

It is important to be able to distinguish silicone hoses from those made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride, when in contact with hot steam, saturates alcohol with toxic substances). PVC burns with a lot of smoke and an unpleasant odor. Silicone does not smoke when burned and leaves a subtle odor and light ash. Silicone tubes feel much softer to the touch than PVC tubes, and their price is about twice as high.

Left - silicone, right - PVC

To branch turns, change from one diameter to another and connect different parts in metal pipelines, fittings and unions are used, which can be found in plumbing stores or at construction markets. Fittings made of brass, bronze and stainless steel (the best option) for heating systems that can withstand high temperatures and pressure are suitable for the manufacture of a moonshine still. For sealing purposes, the use of heat-resistant glue and cold welding is allowed, the main thing is to avoid rubber gaskets.

You can also use an organic substance to seal the tubes - ordinary dough, which does not affect the distillate. There are two disadvantages: it takes a lot of time to knead and seal joints, and after distillation, the dried dough has to be scraped off.

Sealing with dough is a touch of ancient traditions followed by scraping :)

The assembled moonshine still must be sealed. If steam leaks through the tubes, it is better to stop distillation, allow the equipment to cool, repair the breakdown, and only then continue distillation. Depressurization is not only dangerous due to fire, but also leads to significant losses of moonshine (10-70%).


It is a container in which the mash boils during the heating process. Options:

1. Material. Aluminum - most often found in “Soviet” moonshine stills due to the widespread use of aluminum milk cans. Aluminum partially reacts with acids and alcohol in the mash, so with frequent use, aluminum stills (especially old ones) become unusable after six months - a leak appears.

Enameled cookware is neutral to acids and alcohols. When used correctly (without bumps or scratches to the enamel) it can last 3-5 years even with regular use.

Food-grade stainless steel is the best and most reliable option, but stainless steel cubes are expensive; they often sell ordinary galvanized or nickel-plated steel under their guise, which is not so durable.

Copper cubes are also suitable, however, in most cases this is an unreasonably expensive solution, especially for novice moonshiners.

2. Volume and dimensions. The volume of the still depends on the needs of the moonshiner; the best option for home use is 25-35 liters.

Attention! For safety reasons, the distillation cube can be filled with mash to a maximum of 80% of the volume; take this into account when choosing a container. It is also very important that the lid is removable and the neck width is large enough for comfortable cleaning of the container after distillation.

The volume of the cube is calculated based on the needs for the finished product. For example, in a 30-liter container, in one distillation you can get up to 2.88 liters of pure alcohol (or 7.2 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40%). The maximum mash load is 24 liters (30 * 0.8 = 24). The average strength of properly made mash is 12%. The amount of distillate at the output is 24 * 0.12 = 2.88 (in terms of absolute alcohol with a strength of 100%). In practice, there will always be losses of moonshine of 8-15%.

We should not forget about the dimensions. At a minimum, the distillation cube must be placed on a stove or other heating element, be stable and not block the access to the entire apparatus. This is the basis of safety precautions.

3. Selecting a suitable container. Often, home moonshine stills use containers that were originally intended for other needs: milk cans, pressure cookers, or large enamel pans.

The cube must be reliable - it will expand when heated, and withstand high temperatures and pressure (180-220 Pa). Homemade welded containers are very dangerous, as there is a risk that the welding seam will burst at the most inopportune moment.

A significant drawback of pressure cooker cubes is their small volume, but these containers are initially airtight. The only modification required is to drill a hole in the lid for the steam outlet tube. described in a separate article.

You can’t distill a lot of mash in a pressure cooker at one time - the volume of the cube is too small

Enameled pans are convenient because the spent mash can not be poured, but can be immediately put into distillation as is (this is wrong, since the heated sediment increases the amount of harmful impurities in the moonshine and worsens the aroma and taste). The disadvantage of the pan is that it is difficult to seal the lid.

A milk can made of aluminum or stainless steel is the most practical solution. The only drawback of cans that requires mandatory elimination is the rubber gasket on the lid. The fact is that alcohol vapor absorbs substances from rubber, this negatively affects the quality, taste and smell of moonshine. Rubber gaskets must be replaced with silicone ones (made from aquarium silicone).

A can with built-in heating elements is cheap and practical. There are two holes on the top for steam and a thermometer.

How to make a distillation cube for a moonshine still from a can

It is not enough to correctly determine the volume of the container; you also need to prepare the cube for use - drill a hole for steam, seal the lid and connections. Next we will look at modifying the container using an old milk can as an example, but this method of sealing the lid is also suitable in other cases.

Can refinement technology:

1. Remove the rubber gasket from the cover.

2. Apply aquarium silicone sealant to the metal edges of the lid and leave until completely dry. Repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.

3. Place cellophane on the neck of the can and close the lid. Leave for a couple of hours until completely dry. You will get a silicone seal that replaces the rubber gasket.


An alternative, simpler method of sealing is to overlap the rubber with several layers of fum tape and boil for 60 minutes in boiling water.

4. Make a hole in the can lid to connect to a coil or steamer. If the internal diameter of the coil is 12 mm, the suitable hole for the pipe in the can is 22 mm and the thread is 0.5 inches. Adapters are sold at plumbing supply stores.

To extend its service life, wash the can after each distillation with soap and plenty of running water. The use of soda and other cleaning products is strictly prohibited.

Moonshine still refrigerator

It consists of two parts - a coil (twisted tube) and a reservoir for cooling this tube. The cooling compartment is the most important element of the entire structure, the functioning of which determines the quantity and quality of moonshine.

Coil parameters

1. Material. It must not react with alcohol (or have minimal contact), be safe and non-toxic, withstand high temperatures (up to 100°C), and have high thermal conductivity. Based on the requirements, four options are possible: copper, aluminum, stainless steel (food grade) and glass.

Copper has the highest thermal conductivity; another advantage is its relative ease of processing (soldering is possible). But this material has one feature - the copper coil requires periodic cleaning with vinegar or citric acid with boiling water (preferably after each distillation), otherwise the plaque accumulated after oxidation with alcohol will negatively affect the quality of the moonshine.

All moonshiners complaining about copper do not clean their devices well. In world distilling practice, copper is considered the best or even the only permitted material (France, Scotland) for the manufacture of distillers (alambics). Light oxidation of copper with alcohol helps improve the taste, since it reduces the amount of impurities with a bad odor, and increases the concentration of substances that make moonshine soft.

The second most thermally conductive material for a coil is aluminum (1.6 times worse than copper). The advantages of aluminum are availability, low cost and ease of processing. But there is also a drawback - minimal oxidation, which, unlike copper, does not release useful substances into moonshine, so aluminum coils are not very common.

In terms of thermal conductivity, food grade stainless steel is 3-4 times inferior to copper. But this material does not react with alcohol and does not oxidize. Another disadvantage, along with low thermal conductivity, is the relative complexity of processing.

It is not possible to make a glass coil at home; without special equipment it is easier to buy a ready-made laboratory device. Glass is inert towards alcohol, but is very fragile and has low thermal conductivity.

Copper coil is the best, but requires regular cleaning

2. Dimensions and thickness of the tube. The longer the tube, the larger the contact area of ​​the steam with the cooling element. But there is also a side effect of a long length - hydraulic resistance increases (condensed vapors move through the tube already in a liquid state), which reduces the distillation speed.

The optimal length of the coil tube (before the bend) is 1.5-2 meters.

The larger the internal diameter of the coil (section), the lower the hydraulic resistance and the more efficient the cooling (due to an increase in the area of ​​contact of the steam with the walls). But very large diameter tubes are bulky, require a lot of water for cooling and are difficult to process, so you have to look for a “golden mean”.

The minimum wall thickness increases thermal conductivity, which improves the condensation of alcohol vapors. But tubes that are too thin are very fragile and, with intensive use of the moonshine still, quickly break.

Suitable coil thickness is 0.9-1.1 mm.

3. Orientation in space. There are three connection options: horizontal, vertical and inclined.

All other things being equal, the vertical arrangement of the coil is the most correct, since the condensed moonshine flows into the receiving container by gravity, without creating obstacles to the movement of alcohol vapor. Steam can be supplied to a vertical coil from above or below. To minimize resistance, it is correct to direct the steam to the top.

Refrigerator tank parameters

1. Substance. At home, the coil is cooled with air, water or ice. The vast majority of designs use water cooling as the simplest and most effective.

Air Cooling - Beautiful Looks, But Low Efficiency

2. Heat removal diagram. Systems can be open (work on running water) and closed (water remains in the tank without circulating, for example, a coil is lowered into a bucket). In terms of implementation and savings, closed systems are simpler and more profitable, but they cool the coil worse, which increases the loss of moonshine and has a bad effect on quality.

The bucket is a classic example of a closed water cooling circuit

Flow circuits are more difficult to manufacture, use more water or energy for pumping (circulating a stable volume of water in order to save money), but they require a smaller reservoir and, all other things being equal, produce a high-quality distillate.

From a properly made refrigerator (coil plus water circulation system), moonshine comes out cold or at room temperature, but not warm or hot. In this case, it is important to select the optimal heating intensity (not to exceed the maximum permissible heat supply power) so that the entire system effectively copes with steam condensation.

3. Direction of water supply. It is correct to supply water to the refrigerator from below, and remove it from above, so that the water moves towards the steam, creating a countercurrent, otherwise the lower part of the coil will not cool well.

Making a refrigerator (cooler)

You will need a copper, aluminum or stainless steel tube 1.5-2 meters long, 8-12 mm in diameter and 0.9-1.1 mm in wall thickness. A plastic or metal pipe with a diameter of 75-80 mm is suitable as a reservoir for installing the coil. A drawing of the moonshine still refrigerator is shown in the photo.


1. Fill the coil tube with sand, soda or other dry, bulk material so that the metal does not flatten when curling. If you don’t have bulk materials on hand, you can simply fill the tube with water and freeze it.

2. Hammer the ends with wooden pegs (chops) so that the sand does not spill out. Can be tightly clamped or soldered. It is advisable to weld a nut on one end.

3. Wind the tube onto any smooth, cylindrical object with an even cross-section of suitable diameter (according to the drawing - 35 mm). The pitch between turns is 12 mm.

The number of turns in the coil is not of fundamental importance; with the values ​​of length, diameter and thickness indicated in the article, it is correct to make a step between turns of 12 mm.

4. Release the ends of the finished coil. Pour out the sand and rinse with water under pressure.

5. Install pipes for water supply and drainage on the cooler body.

6. Place the coil inside the housing. Install plugs at the top and bottom. Seal all connections.

Ready assembled cooler

The operating speed of the cooler of this design is up to 3 liters of moonshine per hour.

Steamer and bubbler

Optional, but desirable (especially for beginners) moonshine still modules.

A steam boiler is a sealed glass or metal container between the distillation cube and the refrigerator, into which the vapors are first cooled, and then some of the substances boil again and move into the coil.

The working principle of a steam steamer. Due to a sharp decrease in pressure (the volumes of the supply tube and the jar differ hundreds of times), the temperature drops, as a result the steam passes into the liquid phase (condenses), but is immediately heated by a new portion of hot steam from the cube, again turning into a gaseous state. But some of the water and fusel oils with a high boiling point do not have time to boil during this short moment of change in state of aggregation and remain at the bottom of the container.

Bubbler in a moonshine still– a device designed to pass alcohol vapor through a layer of liquid (water). Structurally, it differs from a steam steamer only in the presence of water in the container before distillation begins (not always), and in the fact that the steam supply tube is lowered into the can almost to the bottom. The purpose and principle of operation of the bubbler are the same as that of the steam steamer.

Connected steam tank Bubbler - the steam supply tube is lowered closer to the bottom, the distillate is flavored with lemon zest

Advantages of a steamer (bubbler):

  • is protection against splashing - the ingress of mash into the finished moonshine when heated too much;
  • makes the distillate stronger;
  • cleans moonshine from some fusel oils (only a small part);
  • allows you to flavor the alcohol during distillation (just put citrus fruit zest, apple slices, etc. in the jar).

It is advisable to use one steamer or bubbler in a moonshine still. Consecutive installation of 2-6 pieces only leads to an increase in the strength of the moonshine, but does not affect cleaning.

If the output moonshine is strong, for example, even 80-90 degrees, then this does not mean that the drink is well purified, there is simply water left in the steamers and (or) bubblers, which should have condensed in the coil, reducing the strength of the distillate. All harmful impurities that can be cleaned with a steamer remain in the first jar, and in subsequent jars only water is removed from the moonshine. You should not think that in terms of the degree of purification, 6-8 steamers can replace rectification or fractional distillation; this is physically impossible.

How to make a steamer or bubbler

The volume of the steamer (bubbler) container should be 10 times less than the volume of the distillation cube.

You will need:

  • glass jar with a metal lid or other sealed container;
  • 2 fittings;
  • 2 nuts;
  • marker;
  • awl;
  • heat-resistant glue or cold welding.


1. Mark the diameter of the holes at the intended connection points: attach the fittings to the cover and circle them with a marker.

2. Make holes. The easiest option is to move an awl along the drawn lines until the metal of the lid is rubbed through.

3. Install the fittings and secure with nuts. To seal, treat the holes on the outside and inside with cold welding or heat-resistant glue.

Inner side
Outer side
Bubbler manufacturing sequence

4. When connecting to a moonshine still, it should be taken into account that in the steamer the inlet tube should be 15-30 mm lower than the outlet tube (lowered deeper into the jar). In a bubbler, the incoming tube runs along the entire height of the jar, without touching the bottom at a distance of 2-3 cm.

If the bubbler is connected incorrectly (steam is supplied through the short end, but tries to escape through the long end), the pressure in the jar increases significantly and an explosion may occur!

There is only one drawback of bubblers and steamers from a jar - there is no drain for the accumulated liquid (you have to unscrew it), and during fractional distillation it is advisable to clean the container before collecting the “body” (the main fraction).

A more complex steamer with drain

Methods for heating a moonshine still

1. Open fire. In most cases, this means heating on a gas stove or burner, but there are also coal and firewood. The advantages of this method: simplicity, accessibility and often cost-effectiveness.


  • high inertia - it will not be possible to quickly reduce or increase power, as a result, it is difficult to control the temperature in the cube; experience is required;
  • it is very difficult to insulate the distillation cube to reduce heat loss in order to save money;
  • installation of automation is practically useless;
  • high fire hazard of open fire.

Distillation in the fresh air with wood. What kind of device, what color of moonshine

2. Built-in electric heating elements. Devices (one or several at once) are mounted directly into the cube. Heating elements made of stainless steel or brass are suitable.


  • quick temperature change (high controllability);
  • possibility to install automation and insulate the cube.


  • solid particles can burn to the working surface of the heating elements; careful filtration of the mash is required before distillation;
  • Electric heating is often more expensive than gas heating;
  • From time to time the heating elements burn out.

3. Induction cooker. It runs on electricity and can be stationary or portable (used more often in moonshine).


  • low inertia – quick change of heating intensity;
  • good temperature control - induction cookers are equipped with automation, no need to install separate units;
  • in comparison with heating elements, the entire surface of the bottom of the cube is evenly heated; burning of the mash occurs in rare cases.


  • the cost of an induction cooker is quite high;
  • You can only use distillation cubes made from materials containing a magnet (stainless steel, cast iron), while aluminum and copper containers without magnetic inserts welded to the bottom are not suitable for heating.

Only stainless steel and cast iron cubes can be heated on an induction hob

4. Heating using steam (steam generator). First, the water is brought to a boil and served directly into the container or onto the outer walls. The system allows you to control (automate) the entire process and eliminate the risk of burning, therefore it is suitable for distilling thick mash. But due to the complexity of implementing the design and the need to purchase (manufacture) special equipment (steam generator), it will not be considered further here.

Installing thermometers in a moonshine still

You can do without measuring the temperature, but a correctly installed thermometer allows you to change the container in time during fractional distillation and adjust the heating intensity.

Three types of thermometers are used in moonshine stills (according to the principle of operation):

  • bimetallic - a metal tape or spiral acts as a sensor;
  • electronic - a special conductor changes resistance when temperature fluctuates;
  • digital - measurements are recorded due to changes in pressure.

The most reliable are bimetallic thermometers, but the accuracy of these devices leaves much to be desired. Electronic thermometers are much more accurate, but with the slightest shock they can break or show the wrong temperature. Digital thermometers are leaders in accuracy, but are expensive.

During distillation, you cannot rely entirely on the readings of the thermometer, especially the first time, when the operating modes of the homemade moonshine still have not yet been tested. Temperature values ​​are auxiliary data. At the exit, the moonshine should be cold or at room temperature, and during fractional distillation, divide the output into fractions correctly by pure alcohol, sugar content in the mash or by smell (method of experienced distillers).

Fastening. The thermometer in the moonshine still can be installed at the outlet of the cube (in the upper part) or in front of the entrance to the refrigerator. The second option is preferable, as it allows you to measure the temperature of the steam before condensation. But the thermometer in the cube (the first case) shows the degree of heating of the mash, which is also important. Conclusion: if possible, it is advisable to install two thermometers at once.

Thermometers can be placed on the cube or in front of the refrigerator

For installation, it is enough to make a hole, the diameter of which coincides with the diameter of the thermometer installation cylinder (fastenings with Velcro and plastic clips are not suitable). Secure the cylinder from the inside with a bolt and secure the structure with a nut. Then insert the thermometer itself.

Attention! When starting up for the first time, a home moonshine still should be tested by distilling water, and not immediately filled with mash. Distilling water is safer, immediately shows problems (if any) and thoroughly rinses all parts of the structure.

Vodka should be at 40 degrees,

and not at 30, this is, firstly, - and secondly,

- God knows what they threw in there.

Can you say what comes to their mind?

M. Bulgakov? Heart of a Dog?

The situation on the market for strong alcoholic beverages has changed little since the time of Bulgakov. Life forces you to become a moonshiner. A homemade product is several times cheaper, and most importantly, you can be sure that no one has thrown anything unnecessary into it.

The design of a moonshine still is basically the same and unchanged, regardless of the design. To comprehend the most ancient of arts, it makes sense to delve into the intricacies of the process and recall the basics of physics and chemistry. Key idea? Using the difference in boiling points of alcohol and water, separate one from the other.

From mash, consisting of 15 percent alcohol (the rest is water and impurities), alcohol is obtained in concentrated form. The mash is heated in a closed container. At a temperature of 77-78 degrees, only the alcohol included in its composition boils, and the process of active vapor release occurs. At this time, the water has not yet reached the boiling point and almost does not evaporate. The alcohol vapor rises and passes through a connecting tube into another tank, where it cools, condenses and becomes a liquid. This is pervach - 70 percent ethyl alcohol.

Understanding the process, a Russian left-hander can organize a liquor factory at home, as they say, from improvised means. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to purchase a ready-made moonshine still.

There are many options - one principle

You can't tell an advanced moonshiner by smell. Factory-made products are hermetically sealed, do not stink throughout the entire area, are compact, and have an aesthetic appearance.

Models may differ in body material, number and complexity of additional options, strength and degree of purification of the resulting alcohol, and its final yield. The principle of operation is the same for everyone: boil, cool, clean, drink.

Now in more detail about each stage.

Boil in the evaporator

Essentially, this is a sealed thick-walled pan in which the mash is heated. The liquid can be heated by placing the evaporator on the stove, or using a thermoelectric heater (TEH) mounted inside. Devices without heating elements are cheaper and more reliable.

It makes sense to buy models with a built-in heater if there is no access to an external heating source. The weak point of the design of moonshine stills of this
type-gaskets at the points of contact between the housing and the heating element. In addition, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the hot heating element is completely covered with mash.

Cooling coil

A refrigerator (coil) is a container filled with cold water; inside there is a spiral tube through which hot alcohol vapor flows from the thermal tank. Depending on the cooling method, this element can be flow-through or non-flow-through. In flow-through devices, tap water continuously flows into the container through one hose and flows out through another. With a non-flowing option, water must be poured manually and constantly changed as it heats up.


An optional but highly desirable design element. Designed to clean moonshine from fusel oils. These substances are initially contained in the mash and enter the distillate during evaporation. They have an unpleasant odor, are harmful to health, and their high content turns the final product into poison. You can clean the moonshine by distilling it several times, or you can simply pass it through a steamer.

The steam chamber (reflux condenser) is placed between the evaporator and the refrigerator. The principle of its operation is reminiscent of a hookah. This is a small sealed container with two nozzles, in which vapors from the distillation tank first condense, and then boil again due to the energy of the next hot portion and are pushed under pressure into the coil. In this case, fusel oils settle in the reflux condenser, since they do not have time to evaporate again.

The steamer is also used for additional flavoring of drinks; just put a lemon peel or blackcurrant leaf on the bottom.

Control devices

It is necessary to control the temperature of the mash, maintaining it between 75 and 100 degrees so that only alcohol boils. Some models already have a thermometer installed on the evaporator cover.

Some samples are equipped with an additional thermometer to measure the steam temperature and pressure regulator in the distillation cube.


Chemically aggressive environments under pressure and at high temperatures require that the material can withstand these types of loads. Stainless steel and copper are used to make moonshine still containers.

  • Copper has stood the test of time. This metal is inert, heat-resistant, and its ability to eliminate unpleasant odors due to interaction with sulfur oxide has been noticed for a long time. European producers of famous brands of cognac still use copper equipment.
  • The most popular material is food grade stainless steel. It is resistant to the chemical effects of a wide range of active substances and can withstand high pressure drops.
  • Aluminum is used less frequently. This is a fairly durable and strong material, however, at the slightest damage to the surface, a toxic oxide film forms on it.

Construction of moonshine stills

Models differ in the number of basic elements and the method of connection.

Some manufacturers call a moonshine still only a refrigerator with a set of connecting tubes for connection. This design can be attached to any container of suitable diameter.

The most popular models are those where the evaporator and coil are combined. Such objects resemble a large steamer. Elite-assembled models require additional options: a steam chamber, two thermometers (for liquid and steam), and a pressure regulator.

Flexible hoses are used to connect to the water supply. Tubes with a diameter of 5-8 mm and a wall thickness of 1.5-2 mm are optimal. They must be flexible and elastic.

In this article I will try to tell you the basic principles of operation of a classic moonshine still. How to brew moonshine, how to use a moonshine still.

Distillation is the process of obtaining a strong alcoholic drink from mash by partial evaporation and condensation. The distillation process takes place in two stages. In practice, this means that the process of obtaining a strong alcoholic product can be obtained only through two distillations (more is possible, but at least two). A single distillation of mash cannot produce a product suitable for consumption. With a single distillation, we only get the so-called raw alcohol, or otherwise raw alcohol (SS).

So, in order. The first distillation is done to separate the volatile and non-volatile fractions of the mash. That is, the first distillation is done to obtain a liquid called raw alcohol. This includes various components, starting from the very first drops of head and ending with almost water, which at the end of the process is practically distilled. Raw alcohol is not yet a finished product. It has a pungent fusel odor. After the first distillation, a liquid remains in the cube, which is correctly called stillage. It just pours out, there is nothing left in it containing alcohol. In other words, everything that could evaporate evaporated. Stillage, on the other hand, is the remains of yeast and various inclusions.

The problem of splashing can also be solved in another very common way among distillers. This method is called the so-called temperature shelf. The bottom line is this: the cube is heated in normal mode at full power to a temperature of 65 - 70 degrees. In this case, the cube does not need to be covered with a lid. Once the specified temperature is reached, it is necessary to turn off the heating for 30 - 40 minutes. At the same time, if the cube is open, it is recommended to stir the mash. What is it for? As the temperature rises, the solubility of gases in the liquid decreases and the gas begins to leave the liquid. This process is called mash degassing. At the same time, it is much easier to distill such degassed mash in the future. It practically does not foam and is much less likely to cause splashing.

The most common question when first distilling mash is the question, “at what temperature does mash boil?” The answer to this question is quite simple: the boiling point of the mash in the cube depends on the alcohol content. That is, the stronger the mash, the higher the alcohol content in it, the lower the temperature it boils. For example, pure alcohol boils at a temperature of 78.4 degrees. Water boils at 100 degrees. Everything that has an intermediate strength has an intermediate boiling point.

The second question during primary distillation is the question “when can you turn everything off and consider the process complete?” The higher the temperature at the end of the process, the more alcohol we manage to extract from the mash. On the other hand, the more we waste time and electricity, raising the temperature in the cube to 100 degrees. Therefore, in practice, distillation is most often completed at 98-99 degrees cubed. At the same time, the alcohol content of the raw material is 20-25%. Moreover, if we work with the same noble mash (fruit, grain), then in this case the raw material is taken almost down to the water. It should also be said that selection to water can be carried out even if the second distillation is done on a distillation column, that is, to obtain pure alcohol. For distillation, the values ​​I wrote about above are sufficient. In general, understanding when to stop the process comes with practice.

During secondary distillation, just like primary distillation, the process begins with maximum heating power. The second distillation, or as it is also called fractional distillation, is needed in order to divide the resulting raw alcohol into three main components.

  1. Heads (head fraction) or as it is also called EAF (etherealdehyde fraction). Selected first. When the temperature in the cube reaches approximately 80 degrees, it is necessary to begin reducing the heating power so that the selection of the head fraction is drop by drop, ideally 1 - 2 drops per second. The volume of the head fraction depends on the raw material with which we work, for example, in grapes there are few head fractions, in sugar mash there is a lot, in grains there is some intermediate value. To make the process easier to understand, a novice distiller should select approximately 50 ml per 1 liter of absolute alcohol poured into the cube. Let's give a simple example: we have 10 liters of raw alcohol with a strength of 40%. That is, AC (absolute alcohol) = 10 * 0.4 = 4 liters. Thus, we need to select the head fraction: 4 * 50 = 200 ml. I will also note that this calculation is quite average, since in different types of mash, the value of the head fraction is different. The most precise moment of transition from head to body is organoleptic, that is, by smell. This method comes to the distiller with experience, when it is enough to drop the liquid on the palm, rub it and understand whether it is still the head or the body. But at the first stage, you can use the example I gave above.
  2. Body. After selecting the heads and changing the receiving container, the selection of the body - the food product - begins. At the same time, we increase the heating power so that our distillate “runs in a vigorous stream.” In this case, as the process progresses, the temperature in the cube will gradually increase. The alcohol content of the product will also decrease over time. This is due to the fact that as it evaporates, the amount of alcohol in the cube decreases. When should body selection stop? Just like the process of transition from head to body, the process of transition from body to tails is determined organoleptically. There is also a simple rule that you can follow to understand the moment of transition from the body to the tails. When the temperature in the cube approaches 91 degrees, you need to start taking the body into different containers. For example, from 91 degrees, to 92 in one container, from 92 to 93 in another, and so on... It is advisable to write all this down in order to understand at what temperatures, which container was filled. Then you can separately dilute these fractions to 40 degrees. Those fractions that you like can be mixed and used as a finished product. Those that you don’t like will give information about at what temperature there is nothing good in the product anymore, and it’s worth switching the process from body selection to tail selection. We recommend that you check these observations several times to ensure that your conclusions are correct.
  3. Tails. After selecting the body, the heating power is set to maximum, and the tails are selected dry. The tailing fraction can be used by adding raw material to the next distillation, or it can be added to the mash and distilled with it. This method is called tail banding. If there is no desire to ring, then at the temperature of transition from the body to the tails the equipment is turned off, the cube is given time to cool, the contents are drained and the equipment is washed.

Take care of yourself and drink only the best, homemade!

Moonshining can also be a hobby. If even before the eighties of the last century there was liability for the production, storage and sale of moonshine up to three years in prison with confiscation of property, now it is absolutely legal. You can distill moonshine for your own needs, but selling such a drink without a license to the general public faces an administrative fine, which can reach several thousand rubles. However, no one forbids presenting a bottle of homemade alcohol to friends or acquaintances.

For those who decide to engage in such activities, the first thing you need to do is choose a good moonshine still. Not everyone can make a distiller with their own hands, and choosing the right device is also not so easy. In this article we will talk about the design and characteristics of moonshine stills, and the principles of their operation will be discussed. Other nuances of moonshine brewing will be presented to your attention. In addition, we will study the types of moonshine stills and their structure.

Moonshine still: device and principle of operation

The metabolic process of fermentation is used to enrich food with taste and aroma, important amino acids and vitamins, and proteins. During the fermentation process, food is detoxified, the time spent on preparing dishes is reduced, and a significant amount of food is preserved with the help of acetic acid, alcohol, and lactic acid.

The principle of fermentation itself was discovered by monkeys. Amazingly, they wait until the fruits ferment to produce a primitive alcoholic drink. But the process of extracting from mash precisely those substances that contribute to alcoholic intoxication was invented by people either in Greece or in the East. This is not known exactly.

The design of a moonshine still (both homemade and factory-made) includes many parts. To simplify, all you really need is two containers and a hose. But if you delve deeper into the process of producing alcoholic beverages, you will have to understand the structure of the moonshine still. A detailed diagram of the device is shown in the figure above.

Saturated couples

The moonshine brewing process begins with heating the mash to boiling point. With greater heating, fusel - heavy oily components - will begin to stand out. The boiling point, which is somewhere around 67-70 degrees, is quite optimal. This mode must be maintained until the end of the haul. This way you can get a high-quality product, which may later turn into elite whiskey, rum, TV, and so on. Otherwise, if you stop heating immediately after reaching the boiling point, you will get the same mash, but without mechanical precipitation.

Filtration is the key to clean work

Delicious alcohol is the goal of anyone who decides to start making moonshine. And if you need good taste, then you should think separately about high-quality filtration. The first thing that happens to the steam on the way of transformation is entering the steam tank. This is a very important part included in the design of any moonshine still. This small container removes all unnecessary elements and allows purer pairs to pass through for further transformations.

The structure of the steamer for the moonshine still is very simple inside. You need a vessel (optimal volume - up to one liter) with a sealed closure or a tight lid with two holes for hoses. The inlet hole should deepen a few centimeters. The second hole (for filtered steam) should not be close to the first, but not at the very bottom. This way, the incoming hot steam will cool slightly, and the fusel oils will remain in the jar as a liquid.

The alcohol compounds will continue to move towards the refrigerator and turn into a clear distillate. In general, for optimal operation of the steamer, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature inside it of about 75-80 degrees Celsius. With this approach to business, the taste of alcohol will significantly improve.


When heated, alcohol vapors will be the first to be released. But how do you turn vapor into a liquid product? The design principle of a moonshine still includes the so-called “refrigerator”. Passing through a cold environment, the vapor will begin to turn into liquid, with light substances being converted first, then alcohol, and then heavier oils. At the end of the process, water settles.

A refrigerator is usually a separate container, a tube through which vapors flow. When the vapor enters the cold environment in the tube, it turns into a liquid. How to effectively implement this in a homemade moonshine still? In winter, in villages and villages you can often see a hose stretched across the snow in the yard; in summer, a cold bath is most often used. But it’s better, of course, to purchase a factory-made moonshine still with a refrigerator, and not to “reinvent the wheel” again.

The construction of a moonshine still is not much different from a store-bought one, except perhaps in the appearance and compactness of the device. If you plan to make such a unit yourself, you need to rely on the tips presented below. A moonshine still, the structure of which is generally clear, also has certain characteristics. It makes no sense to describe the size features, since it all comes down to the volume of production planned. But attention should be paid to the materials from which the unit will be made.

Features of mash containers

Homemade moonshine stills traditionally use milk cans of 20-40 liters. This container is dense and light. A good choice of material for the heating phase of the primary raw material is aluminum. But there are several nuances here:

  • Firstly, not all amateurs distill as much mash as a milk can can hold.
  • Secondly, the results of many studies confirm that aluminum, when in contact with substances that will be released when the mash is heated, spoils the taste.

The last question is not about the aluminum itself, but what is produced by the reaction between the vapor and the metal itself. Therefore, any food-grade metal, such as titanium or copper, will do. Moonshine still made from copper is good because such material binds sulfur ions that accumulate during the fermentation process, and this is about fifty different compounds that include sulfur. Since sulfur significantly affects the taste of the product, copper would be an excellent option for making a moonshine still. If it is not possible to make a still from copper, you should try to use it at least for the coil.

Very important steam line

The best choice for an alcohol treadmill is copper steam pipe. The advantages of this metal have already been mentioned, so there is no point in going deeper. But other non-hazardous materials will also work. If it is not possible to get a copper model, then before using a certain metal, it is better to make sure that this will not affect the taste of the alcohol.

Features of the steamer

As for the steamer, there are no specific features or much choice. The only dilemma is which steamer to choose: homemade or store-bought? A homemade steamer most often consists of a liter jar with a tightly closed lid. You need to make two holes in the lid: inlet and outlet. Sometimes several cans are used as a steam tank, to which a hose is connected in series.

The problem with this device is that it is very difficult to ensure a complete seal. In addition, there are some nuances in dimensions. A container size that is too small will lead to poor quality filtration, while a container size that is too large will cause a decrease in productivity due to the fact that the vapors will cool ahead of time and some of them will remain in the steam tank.

Thus, it is better for beginners to opt for a factory model, since it is unlikely that they will be able to make a working device themselves the first time. But a professional who knows his business can easily handle it on his own, since if assembled correctly, the effect of a homemade steamer will be no worse than that of store-bought devices, and maybe even better. It is also worth remembering that the steamer must be washed regularly, which means it must be removed often, so that the structure should be easy to separate and wash.

Nuances of arranging a refrigerator

The last obstacle is the refrigerator. It is with him, perhaps, that the most questions arise. First, is it flow-through or stand-up? If it’s flow-through, then what kind of design, and if it’s standing, then how often do you change the water?

To produce moonshine, it is better to purchase a flow-through one. In this case, of course, much more water will be used, but you will not have to replace the water heated with steam. By the way, it must be replaced every half hour, and the water temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees Celsius. Water from a flow-through refrigerator can be drained into the sink or cooled and reused.

The choice has been made, and it seems that the process of moonshine brewing can begin. But with a moonshine still, the structure and operating principle of which are very complex, not everything is so simple. A few nuances are still worth mentioning.

Sealing is the most important condition

In general, it is recommended to purchase a cast apparatus, since otherwise you will have to think about how to seal the joints to prevent gas from escaping. But if for some reason this is impossible, then under no circumstances should you use rubber nozzles. By interacting with alcohol vapor, rubber will significantly spoil the taste of the product. Making a moonshine still with your own hands has many nuances, but in this case you can use the old fashioned method. It is enough to apply unleavened dough to the joint and heat it slightly. This is a food product, does not allow steam to pass through, and is not difficult to make. The only problem is that each time you have to, in addition to preparation, also prepare the dough. So it’s best to buy a cast moonshine still and not think about sealing.

Container for the finished product

Alcohol must not only be produced correctly, but also stored correctly. Non-food materials must not be used for storage. This will change the taste, quality and may harm the health of those who drink alcohol. It is best to store moonshine in glass bottles. The container must be clean, sterile and tightly closed. You should keep the bottle of moonshine in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. Of course, you need to keep alcohol away from children.

Secrets of good taste

If you follow the exact instructions and know what the structure and operation of the moonshine still are, the product will come out of high quality. But there is no limit to perfection. Therefore, there are some tips to improve the quality and taste. For example, moonshine will turn out cleaner if you place a slice of some fruit in a steamer. In addition, this will give the moonshine a pleasant taste and smell.

After distillation, you can infuse the resulting liquid with black tea, hawthorn or nut shells. The latter, however, is very difficult and time-consuming, but the taste will be truly amazing. Of course, in the process of distilling moonshine you need to follow hygiene rules. It is also very important to know how to properly maintain the device.


So, to summarize, we can say that good alcohol is purified alcohol. The main thing is complete sealing, the correct choice of material for the container and the device itself, the ratio of sizes and compliance with hygiene rules when working with food products. Now all that remains is to wish people who have studied the principle and structure of a moonshine still good luck in their endeavors!