Do-it-yourself bouquet of tulips: rules for choosing and forming into a composition. Making a bouquet of tulips How to make a bouquet of tulips with your own hands

If you ask the fair half of humanity what flowers they associate with spring, sun and joy, the majority will name tulips. These delicate, graceful flowers have an inexplicable appeal. Almost everyone loves them. By the way, tulips have been known for many centuries, and in different countries romantic legends have been formed about these flowers. Interestingly, all these beliefs attribute to the tulip the ability to bring happiness and luck. I think this is a great reason to present a bouquet of lucky flowers to the person you love!

And we all know how women try to follow fashion, and therefore the bouquet must correspond to all the latest trends. Then it will not only cause delight and gratitude, but will also become an object of pride on the pages of all kinds of social networks. Yes! Florists also have their own fashion trends.

Flower color is a key factor, despite the tautology

Why I personally love tulips is their incredible variety of colors. Breeders did their best and produced monochromatic flowers of all shades: from white to almost black. There are varieties that combine several contrasting colors, there are double varieties and flowers with an unusual fleecy edge. This, as they say, is a matter of taste. But we plan to create and give a fashionable bouquet, therefore, when choosing a color, we adhere to the following rules:

  • in the spring of 2018, the trend is soft, soft shades of pink,
  • The combination of pink and white in one bouquet is considered fashionable,
  • if the bouquet is prefabricated, then if in addition to tulips there are other flowers planned in it, it is appropriate to use no more than three different shades,
  • in a lush bouquet of tulips alone, any number of flowers is allowed, even if each bud has its own unique color.

The latter is my favorite option; such a bouquet will certainly charge both the giver and the one who receives the “present” splashing with colors with positivity for the whole day.

It’s important to say what you wanted, not what happened

Fashion is fashion, but there are well-known meanings of one color or another. Red means love, white means innocence, yellow and orange are credited with the ability to attract material wealth, fame and success. Lilac symbolizes fidelity, purple – wisdom and respect.

However, you should not attach too much importance to the color of the bouquet, especially if the one to whom you are giving it does not understand much about it. Unless you should be more careful with the yellow color. Otherwise, instead of joy you will get tears - many still remember the song about “yellow tulips - the messengers of separation.”

So choose a bouquet, guided by simple rules:

  • it may be the favorite color of the person for whom they are intended,
  • the younger the lady, the lighter the shade of the flowers should be,
  • The more ardent and romantic feelings you have, the more logical it is to choose colors from the red spectrum.

A scoring chance, a good serve... a goal!

Choosing flowers is not enough, it is important to present them correctly. And let’s not hope that magical tulips will cope with the task of bringing joy without our efforts. For the gift to be recognized as fashionable and stylish, forget once and for all about cellophane and spirals of ribbons curled with scissors. This is the last century! Today flowers are given in a completely different way.

It's not the hat, it's the box

The main trend is packaging the bouquet in a box “a la hat box”. Most often, it is round and should correspond in size to the selected flowers: only buds can look out of the box, the stems are hidden inside.

If you choose this type of packaging, make sure that the color of the box matches (even if in contrast) with the bouquet itself. The brighter the shade of tulips you choose, the calmer the packaging should be.

You need to put a floral sponge pre-soaked in water in the box and stick the stems directly into it. A bouquet in a box has several obvious advantages:

  • it's beautiful, trendy and still not hackneyed,
  • convenient because the bouquet does not require a vase,
  • You can create individual decor on the box if you are giving a bouquet with children, for example,
  • In addition to flowers, inside the box you can put the main gift for the celebration,
  • Another trendy trick is to place not only tulips in the box, but also fruits, sweets or no less trendy French macaroni cakes. They are also multi-colored, and with their help you can either shade or enrich the palette of the bouquet.

If your arms grow from your shoulders

A variation of the bouquet box is a small wooden box in eco-style or a wicker basket. By the way, if you wish, you can make the box yourself. It’s easy to find materials, boards, for example, or plywood. And a hammer, if you don't already have one.

You should not make the box too large; it is better to make it deep so that the tulips, like in the box, fit over most of the length of the stem. Also place a moistened floral sponge inside. The outside of the box can be decorated, or you can leave the natural grain of the wood untouched. Later, when the bouquet fades, such packaging will remain a nice decorative element in the interior.

Newspaper in a new way

Another trend is craft paper wrapping. Remember when you were a child and used to make candy bags out of this? Here! And now this is a squeak that any fashionista will appreciate.

The paper can be the natural color of wood, sometimes funny ornaments or drawings, inscriptions are printed on it, and sometimes they imitate newspaper strips.

You need to wrap the bouquet in accordance with its shape. Pack long tulips in the same bag. For a shorter and more fluffy bouquet, form a “skirt” from a couple of sheets of paper.

It’s fun to add tree branches, ears of corn, and a lot of greenery to the bouquet. However, the juicy leaves of tulips themselves cope well with the latest trend. The main thing is not to overdo it. Pomposity nowadays is a sign of bad taste.

A well-tested and timeless classic

If fashion is not your thing, and you don’t trust your taste too much, use proven classic solutions. Give a mono-bouquet - an armful of tulips, the stems of which are intercepted with a ribbon. Only it must be fabric, not paper braid.

By the way, tulips are also good at an affordable price, so you can give your loved one not three flowers, but a whole armful.

Arranging a bouquet is an interesting and exciting activity. Now there are many different ways to decorate and present flowers: shiny wrapping, film, floral mesh and various ribbons. Florists create extraordinary compositions that highlight the color, texture and shape of plants. However, such a beautiful one, decorated with taste and style, can be made independently and packaged with your own hands.

Tulips are beautiful delicate flowers that almost everyone likes. They are not too sophisticated, more simple than roses. Tulips can be given as a gift for any occasion. By playing with design and shades, you can create the necessary atmosphere and delight the recipient.

The most popular design options are:

  • paper (floral or craft paper);
  • floral mesh;
  • pot;
  • box;
  • transparent film, also called “glass”.

All these materials look unusual and original if you make an effort and use your imagination. Nowadays, florists practically do not use bright floral paper, which often looks too cheap. In the design of flower arrangements, craft paper of a brownish tint is increasingly being used, on which small drawings or patterns can be drawn. Floral mesh and transparent film are design classics that make any flowers look festive and interesting. A box is the most popular type of design, which is a huge success among modern florists. Making your own packaging is a great way to decorate a bouquet.

For this you will also need scissors, tape and additional decorative elements. These can be satin ribbons, sparkles or decorative butterflies. Decoration using plastic products is a little outdated, but such decoration is still possible: this point directly depends on the individual preferences and tastes of the recipient.

Gallery: bouquet of tulips (25 photos)

To make the composition original and beautiful, you need to adhere to several rules:

Secrets of beautiful packaging

It is easier to create a composition with roses than with wildflowers. One of the most interesting options is a composition of roses and tulips, the packaging of which is made by hand. To make the composition look beautiful, you can pack the tulips in transparent film. To do this, you need to cut a square from the floral “glass”, prepare scissors, tape and a stapler. In order to arrange flowers, you need:

  1. Wrap the base of the tulips with tape.
  2. Place the flowers on a square of transparent film.
  3. Add additional plants if desired. They need to be arranged symmetrically.
  4. Wrap the flower arrangement in film and secure the edges with a stapler.
  5. Decorate the composition with a beautiful ribbon.

It is important to measure the size of the film in advance so that it fits the height and width of the selected colors. You can also remove leaves that are in the way.

Collecting a bouquet of roses or tulips is a fun and interesting activity. The packaging should hide all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages of the bouquet. Think through the entire composition in advance before wrapping the flowers in the chosen material. Think about what colors you will choose for the bouquet. Tulips can be combined with both wildflowers and any exquisite flowers. Don't be afraid to experiment and play with contrasts, and you will succeed!

The first of September is approaching, and with it frantic thoughts about what bouquet to buy for your child for school. At the same time, many of us have a dacha or even one, which is probably full of beautiful flowers. However, simply cutting a few roses or chrysanthemums is not enough. - the bouquet should have a spectacular appearance, which is most often achieved through festive packaging.

If after these thoughts you want to sigh sadly and go to a flower shop, where they will pack everything beautifully for you for your money, then we recommend that you take your time and read our article today, where we will tell you in detail how you can skillfully pack the most ordinary flowers in a way that will make you envious any florist!

Kraft paper

Unsightly in the past, kraft paper sheets have become extremely popular these days. Nowadays they pack everything from groceries to birthday gifts. It turns out that they can become a very stylish wrapper for a bouquet! All you need is a suitable sized piece of paper and a cute ribbon for decoration.

The very principle of wrapping flowers can be different, for example, the photo below shows the packaging of a bouquet in the “tie loop” style.

Kraft sheets can also be successfully combined with other paper, for example, with rustling leaves or bright magazine clippings. And if you are a musician, then old sheet music will suddenly come in handy!

Ropes and tapes

If the flowers in your bouquet have long stems or the bouquet itself is too small for a large package, then you can use regular threads. First, securely secure the stems with a regular elastic band so that they do not unravel during the process. Then wrap the flower stems very tightly with contrasting threads - there should be no gaps left! Finish by tying a flirty bow.

If the stems of the flowers are too thick and the bouquet is as wide as your hand, you can, on the contrary, tie the stems in a spiral. True, in this case you will have to cut them, making them much shorter. But the bouquet itself will take on an original look!


Of course, not every home has burlap, so it can hardly be called “what’s on hand” packaging with complete confidence. However, if you unexpectedly find pieces of such material, then it can be an excellent decoration for flowers! Burlap is especially suitable for a bouquet of wild plants.

The principle of operation couldn’t be simpler: we wrap the flowers with a piece of burlap (the edges don’t even need to be processed, leave them carelessly shaggy) and secure with any ribbon or rope. The rustic chic bouquet is ready!

Fabric + fun cards

If you have always liked to leave funny messages to your loved ones or give funny cards, then you can easily do the same with the packaging for the bouquet. Write (or print) fun messages on construction paper, then cut a piece of brightly colored fabric and make ribbons in a matching shade.

Secure the stems of the bouquet securely with ribbon, and then arrange the square of fabric in a diamond shape. Place the bouquet on it so that the top corner is slightly higher than the flowers. Then wrap the other corners around the flowers and fasten securely. Finally, use ribbon to attach a card with a message.


If you once bought an eco-bag for rational grocery shopping, but you never found it useful, then it’s time to put it to use. This packaging option is suitable for those cases when the bouquet needs to be carried far.

Cut off the bottom of the bag and make several symmetrical holes through which you will thread a rope or ribbon. Next, you only need to place the bouquet in the bag and tighten the lace - and go ahead, deliver flowers to the person for whom they are intended.

Decorate the bouquet in an original way - this is, of course, very interesting, but there are times when there is absolutely no time, and your flowers need to quickly make them more presentable. For such cases, we have prepared for you several express packaging options, when creating which you will not need to do anything at all! So, just take a look around to see what kind of splendor you have in your home:

Photo:,,,,,,,,,, wallbox. ru,,,,,

Tulips, especially delicate, light shades, look very impressive in a bride’s wedding bouquet. We will tell you what this wonderful flower means and what wonderful wedding compositions you can create with it. You will also learn what shape to choose for a wedding bouquet, how you can decorate it and how to make a beautiful and stylish bouquet with your own hands in just a few minutes!

Tulips are perennial bulbous plants. Once upon a time, the mountains of the Tien Shan, the Urals, and the mountains of the Far East were dotted with these marvelous flowers, until a person decided to move this beauty to his front garden.

They bloom in the spring, with the advent of warmth and sun. Plants do not last long in water, but if you cut the stem and change the water often, you can extend their life.

The buds have a subtle, subtle aroma that is almost impossible to smell. It is also impossible to extract essential oil from it, so all existing perfume compositions were created artificially.

Color spectrum

They have a fairly rich color palette: from white to dark purple. There are species that combine several colors. For example, the Parrot is colored white, red and yellow.

What do tulips symbolize?

In ancient times, the tulip adorned the coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire, where this flower was considered a symbol of strength and power. It now appears on the national emblem of Holland.

In the East, this plant symbolizes great and pure love. There is a legend that the flower appeared from the tears of a lover, hence this interpretation of the symbolism. It is also believed that the tulip is a symbol of great happiness, pride, glory, and harmony. A red flower symbolizes a declaration of love and respect, a yellow flower symbolizes friendship and beauty.

Various bouquet options

They are perfect for creating mono bouquets or in combination with other flowers.

Options for mono-bouquets of tulips

Here are some of the most winning combinations of tulips in a mono-bouquet:

  • white, decorated with a bunch of greenery;
  • pink, neatly tied with a ribbon to match the flowers;
  • white and pink in one bouquet;
  • red, tied with a red ribbon;
  • yellow and white;
  • white and red;
  • orange and purple.

As you noticed, you can make a bouquet of buds of the same color - it will look very impressive, or you can combine two colors - the effect will be the same.

Combinations with other colors

Tulips go well with the following colors:

  • roses;
  • peonies;
  • irises;
  • gerberas;
  • lupins.

The best combination option is a combination with roses. The composition turns out incredibly elegant and at the same time simple.

Suitable shapes for a bouquet

For a composition of tulips, it is best to choose a spherical shape. It should be a small, neatly decorated bouquet. However, there is another spectacular option when the plants are cut to their full height and placed in pairs. It turns out to be a kind of “armful” that looks very elegant.

How to decorate a composition

It is better not to add unnecessary decor to bouquets of tulips. They convey luxurious simplicity and sophistication, and all the fluff that is usually added will only distract attention from the flowers themselves.

The only thing you can use to decorate a bouquet of tulips is some beads and ribbon for tying the trunk. I guess that's all.

Making a bouquet of tulips with your own hands

To make a wedding bouquet of tulips you will need:

  • tulips;
  • roses;
  • greenery for decoration.

So let's get started.

  1. Let's start with tulips. We apply them one to one at the same level, squeezing them tightly in the hand to form a neat “ball”.
  2. Add roses around the edges. You could start with roses, placing them in the center - this is a matter of taste.
  3. Add greens to the composition. You can take wide leaves, or you can take long ones.
  4. We tie the resulting bouquet with a decorative ribbon.
  5. Trim the stems. Ready!

All the details can be seen in this video:

A composition of tulips will suit absolutely any bride. You just need to carefully think through the image, accessories, choose the right dress, and then your wedding look will look especially impressive.

A correctly selected bouquet of tulips can decorate any room. When composing it, you will need to choose the color of the tulips, the size of the bouquet and the type of container in which you want to put it. If you care for tulips properly, they will delight you for more than a week.


Selection and preparation of tulips

    Decide how many tulips to buy. The quantity depends on what kind of composition you want to make. For a large bouquet, 9 or 11 flowers are required (if you are not superstitious, you can take a dozen), for a small one, 3 or 5 are enough. You can place tulips one at a time.

    • It’s also good to imagine before purchasing what kind of vase or other vessel you plan to put the tulips in. Ideally, their stems should fit fairly tightly into the neck of the vase, but not be tightly compressed.
  1. Choose a color. Tulips come in a wide variety of colors, and your bouquet may include one color or several.

  2. Choose tulips that have not yet opened. The bouquet will last longer if you choose unopened buds whose color has just begun to appear - just enough so that you can tell what color you are buying.

    • Tulips that have already begun to open will last beautifully for a day or two, but since they are at a later stage in their life cycle, such a bouquet will not last long.
  3. Trim the stems under running water. Using a clean, sharp knife, cut off the bottom 1.3 to 2.5 cm of each stem. The cut should be made diagonally to allow the stems to absorb more water.

    • As the stems dry out, their capillaries gradually close, limiting the flowers' ability to receive water. A fresh cut will open the capillaries again, and it will be easier for the tulips to “drink.”
    • You can trim tulips by laying them on a horizontal surface, but it is recommended to do this in running water or in a container of water so that air does not enter the cut and clog the capillaries in the stem through which the flower receives water.
  4. Remove most of the leaves. At a minimum, you need to remove the bottom leaf from each stem. If desired, you can remove more leaves to change the appearance of your bouquet.

    • When making a medium or large bouquet, usually only the top leaf is left on each stem. This is enough to add greenery and volume to the bouquet, making it lush. Excess leaves will distract attention from the flowers.
    • Check the leaves you leave for dirt. Wipe off or wash away any debris that may be on the inside of the sheet.
    • To remove leaves, simply pull each leaf back and carefully peel it off the stem like a peel.
  5. Straighten the tulips. Before making a bouquet, it is a good idea to prepare the stems so that they are strong and straight.

    • Wrap all tulips in folded newspaper or tissue paper. The top edge of the paper should be higher than the tops of the tulips, and about a third of the length of the stems should be left open at the bottom.
    • Place the wrapped bouquet in a clean container of cold water. There should be enough water so that all exposed stems are submerged.
    • Leave the tulips in this position for an hour or two. Then take them out of the paper and arrange them as you wish.
    • Keep in mind that you can repeat this procedure periodically as soon as the tulips in the bouquet begin to wilt.

    Making a bouquet of tulips

    1. Select a container. Tulips look great in a variety of containers. You can use a traditional vase or use a container for a different purpose as an experiment.

      • When choosing a container, you need to consider the size. Large arrangements look best in tall and wide containers, while small ones are best suited to low or narrow containers.
      • You can take a crystal, metal or ceramic vase.
      • If you want to make a country style bouquet, use a container that was not originally intended for flowers. Suitable options include large glass jars, tins, jugs, teapots and plastic cups.
    2. Wash the container. Wash the selected vessel with hot water and detergent, then rinse thoroughly to ensure no residue remains.

      • Bacteria can significantly shorten the life of cut tulips, so it is essential to start with a clean container if you want the flowers to last for several days.
    3. Pour in lukewarm water. Fill the container about three-quarters full with cool to lukewarm water.

      • The stems absorb cool water more easily than ice-cold water, so if you want to keep your tulips healthy, it's best to use water at room temperature.
    4. If necessary, trim the tulips to the desired height. For most arrangements, they should be trimmed so that about one-third of the stem's height extends above the vase.

      • This height takes into account the natural bend of the stem.
      • For large bouquets, about 13 cm of stem is usually left above the rim of the vessel. For medium and small ones, leave about 10 cm.
      • As before, trim the stems under running water with a clean, sharp knife.
    5. Arrange flowers around the edge of the bouquet. Place two-thirds to three-quarters of your tulips around the perimeter of the container.

      • You can place the stems vertically or have them criss-cross inside the container to form a net that will hold them in place. In the first case, the tulips will stand straight, in the second - with an outward slope.
    6. Fill in the middle. Use the remaining tulips to fill the empty space in the center of the bouquet. Try to maintain the same distance between them.

      • If the outer tulips are at an angle, the central ones should also be placed at a slight angle.
      • Likewise, if the tulips at the edges are upright, they should also be placed vertically in the middle.
    7. Turn the bouquet. If you are placing your tulips vertically, use both hands to grasp the bouquet just above the edge of the container and turn the tops of the stems slightly to one side.

      • As a result, the bouquet will fan out slightly, but the stems will not bend. The effect will not be as noticeable as when crossing the stems, however, the load on the stems will be lower.

    Arranging tulips one by one

    1. Select a container. There are many ways to beautifully display a single tulip, but the container must be either very narrow or very low.

      • A single flower vase would work well as a more traditional option, or you could choose a tall and narrow cylindrical vase that is taller than the tulip itself. The vase should be narrow enough so that the flower stays in place and does not dangle inside it.
      • Bottles with narrow necks are a good choice if you are leaning towards a rustic, country style. Tea cups, baby food jars or small tins will also work in this case.
    2. Wash the container thoroughly. Use hot water and detergent to remove any traces of dirt and debris from your chosen vessel. Rinse it with clean running water to remove any remaining detergent.

      • If there are bacteria in the vase or in the water, the tulips will wilt much faster than in a clean vase.
    3. Fill the container with water. Pour enough water into the vessel to cover half to three-quarters of the height of the stem.

      • How much you need to fill the vessel depends on its height.
        • In tall, narrow containers, water should cover approximately three-quarters of the height of the stem.
        • A low and wide vessel may not be so high, but still try to ensure that at least half of the stem is immersed in water so that the flower does not suffer from dehydration.
      • Use lukewarm water, as it is easier for tulips to “drink” than ice water.
    4. Trim the stem further if necessary. The length of your tulip's stem will depend on the container you use.

      • When you use a tall, narrow container that holds the entire tulip, a long stem will look more attractive than a short one. The tulip should end below the rim, but there should not be too much empty glass above it.
      • If you are using a standard narrow-necked vase for one flower, there should be two-thirds to three-quarters of the stem inside the vase.
      • If you use a wide and low vessel, its depth should be at least half the height of the tulip stem.