Who is Lelya among the Slavs? The goddess of the ancient Slavs Lelya is the personification of spring, love, beauty and sincerity

Lelya or Lyalya, in Slavic mythology, the goddess of spring, the daughter of the goddess of beauty, love and fertility Lada. According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature and the beginning of field work. The goddess was imagined as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl. B.A. Rybakov believes that the second goddess depicted on the Zbruch idol and holding a ring in her right bow is Lada.

Lelya, Boris Olshansky

Lelya goddess of spring, Vladimir Forostetsky

In folklore, Lada is often mentioned next to Lelya. The scientist compares this mother-daughter pair with Latona and Artemis and with Slavic women in labor. Rybakov correlates the two horsewomen on Russian embroideries, behind whose backs a plow is sometimes depicted, located on either side of Mokosh, with Lada and Lelya. In the spring spell song there are the following words dedicated to Lela-Spring:

Eat Spring, eat.
On a golden horse
In the green sayan
Gray hair on the plow
Soak the earth with aruchi
Right hand soyuchi.

The cycle of spring rituals among the ancient Slavs began on the day the larks arrived - March 9 (March 22, new style). People met birds, went out to the tops of the hills, lit fires, boys and girls danced in circles. There was also a special girl's holiday - Lyalnik - on April 22 (May 5).

Vasilisa the Beautiful, artist Ivan Bilibin

The most beautiful girl, crowned with a wreath, sat on a turf bench and played the role of Lelya. Offerings (bread, milk, cheese, butter, sour cream) were placed on both sides of it. The girls danced around the solemnly seated Lelya. The existence of the goddess Lelya and the god Lelya is based solely on the chorus of wedding and other folk songs - and modern scientists have deleted Lelya from the number of Slavic pagan gods. Chorus, in different forms– lelyu, lelyo, leli, lyuli – found in Russian songs; in the Serbian "Kralice" (Trinity) songs of greatness related to marriage, it is found in the form of leljo, lele, in the Bulgarian velikodnaya and Lazar - in the form of lele.

Thus the chorus goes back to ancient times. Potebnya explains the ancient Polish refrain lelyum (if it really existed in this form with “m”) through the addition of lelyu with “m” from the dative case “mi”, as in the Little Russian “schom” (instead of “scho mi”).

In the chorus "polelum" (if it is correctly conveyed by Polish historiographers) "by" can be a preposition; compare Belarusian choruses: lyuli and o lyulushki" (Shane "Materials for studying the life and language of the Russian population of the North-Western Territory"). Considerations about the etymological meaning of the lelyu refrain were expressed by V. Miller ("Essays on Aryan mythology").

​One of the most important goddesses in the Slavic faith is Lelya - the daughter of Lada and Rod. First of all, because she is a goddess spring update.

Young, restless, curious, she hurries around the world, bringing with her spring and renewal. Of course, Dazhdbog warms the earth in the spring. But she awakens nature, makes grass grow, helps flowers open - Lelya does all this.

In every sense, Lelya is very closely connected with her mother Lada. Our ancestors, like any other Europeans, clearly demarcated the life of a woman - before or after marriage. There is a lot of evidence of this - the simplest thing is an appeal to the fairer sex. For example, a man, regardless of age, is addressed the same way - Herr, Mister, Senor, and so on. Addressing women varies significantly - Fräulein and Frau, Miss and Mrs., Senorita and Señora. It’s the same with our ancestors - at the moment of growing up, transitioning from girls to women, the Slavic woman from under the guardianship of Lely passed under the patronage of Lada. Just as a woman is inseparable before and after marriage, so Lelya and her mother Lada are inseparable.

Even the function of these goddesses is similar. Lelya, in addition to spring renewal, also patronizes young love. This is precisely youthful love, which does not always bear fruit, but always leaves a deep mark in the soul and heart of a person. Ardent, furious, passionate and at the same time timid, timid, sensitive and very romantic. It is sharp, like a blade made of superheated steel and is also fragile. Going through the tests of time, circumstances and difficulties, she can break, causing severe, but not mortal pain to both lovers. But it can also be hardened, becoming not so sharp, but much more reliable and durable. Such a couple will live “in harmony.” That is, from under the protection of Lelya, husband and wife will go under the wing of her mother Lada.

Lelya has only one holiday, but it is called in her honor - Lelnik. Celebrated on April 22. By this time, in most even the northern regions of our country, spring is finally coming into its own. The grass is rising, bright flowers are pleasing to the eye. This means that Lelya has gained strength and is confidently doing her job, awakening nature. Another name for the holiday is Red Hill. It is usually celebrated by the whole village. A bench is placed on the nearest hillock, on which the most beautiful girl villages - she was supposed to fulfill the role of Lelya. On both sides of it various offerings are placed in the form of seeds and gifts of nature. The rest of the girls dance around her, and she puts wreaths on her friends, thus bestowing the blessing of the modest, young goddess. And at the culmination of the evening they turn to Lelya as a real Goddess, asking her for the harvest, love and other things.

In many other joyful holidays of the Slavs there is a funeral ritual - even take Kupala, the day of love and summer solstice. But there is no place for death on Lelnik. This is a holiday of eternal youth, beauty and joy.

Often eggs were painted for Lelnik, which were then not only eaten, but also participated in many rituals. The shepherd was treated to eggs, they were placed under the hooves of the cattle so that they would step over them, and they were broken on the horse’s forehead. After all, by breaking an egg, our ancestors awakened the whole world.

Other versions and interpretations of the functions of the Goddess Lelya

The Slavic goddess Lelya is not as well represented in mythology as Makosh or Lada, and this has given some researchers reason to doubt her cult. They say that the Slavs did not believe in Lelya and that’s all. Some, on the contrary, believe that Lelya was in the pantheon Slavic gods, but they identify her with the goddess Lada. But let’s talk about the Goddess as she is commonly perceived in today’s Rodnoverie, and try to talk about what mentions there are about her in the chronicles.

The Belarusians believed in Lelya, although they called her Lyalya and believed that she was the youngest of the cult of Rozhanits, which Academician Rybakov described in such detail, and she was responsible for youth, joy, love, fun, laughter. Let us remind you that according to mythology it is believed that Lelya is the daughter of Lada and the younger sister of Zhiva and Marena.

Some researchers of Slavic antiquities, analyzing wedding and ritual songs in which mentions of the goddess are found, came to the conclusion that Lelya is the main goddess who is responsible for love. They draw the goddess as follows: Lelya is young, even young, always cheerful and even playful, she has a kind and sympathetic disposition, she is carefree and talkative, she loves to laugh like a girl. Lelya has the greatest power in the spring, when birch sap flows, this is the most optimal time to communicate with her. Her day of the week is Monday. And again we refer to folk songs: “in the field there was a birch tree - Lyuli, Lyuli stood.” From the chorus we can conclude: her tree is a birch. Indeed, the birch tree is young, flexible, cheerful.

We have to agree that the sources from which we have an idea about this goddess can very conditionally be called serious. Songs, myths, holidays are of course good, but usually these kinds of sources are classified as secondary or auxiliary. More powerful arguments are the mention of the goddess in chronicles, historical chronicles, teachings against paganism, notes from travelers or archaeological data. But this data is just not there...

Bogushevskaya Lyubov


Summary of the myth

Goddesses Lada and Lelya

The Slavs had their own goddess of youth and love - Goddess Lelya, daughter of Lada the Mother of God - the goddess of motherhood and patroness of all Slavic women. It was believed that before marriage, all young Slavic girls are under the protection of the eternally young Lelya.

According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature and the beginning of field work. The goddess was represented as a young, beautiful, slender and tall girl.

Earth and Heaven loved each other so much that their love came to life as a separate being - and also, like themselves once upon a time, immediately fell into two, into Female and Male Love, for one is not enough - there are always two lovers.

God Rod, Masculine Love, began to bestow offspring and offspring to all breathing creatures, and People soon learned to honor him: they began to make images and put them in wedding health bowls, for the happiness and many children of the new family.

Goddess Lada became Women's Love. She is the name given to wise wives who know how to bring peace to a family and create harmony in the house. The Great Goddess liked faithful marital love.

Lada was also called Rozhanitsa, in honor of the birthing field and young mothers, whom she invisibly wrapped around with her belt, helping to deliver from the burden.

The great Lada had a young daughter. Her name was Lelya, Lelyushka.

Lelya grew up and began to walk through the meadows, through dense shady forests, and the silken ant itself clung to her feet to straighten out even greener and thicker.

Images and symbols of myth

Goddess Lelya

Since time immemorial, women have been dedicated to poetry, paintings, music and everything in which their images could be depicted. In the Slavic tradition, these images are carried by Women in Childbirth.

A woman, if we consider her from the perspective of Christianity, is a true pagan symbol. Fertile power. The essence of procreation. Therefore, it is the female images that are recreated in the concepts of Mother Earth and Mother Nature.

We all know the custom of giving flowers to a woman, which has been preserved in our traditions since time immemorial, carrying within it the everyday ritual of sacrifice to a woman. By bestowing the vital energy of flowers, men thereby express their respect to their beloved, in whom they found the image of the goddess of love - Lelya. This image is as multifaceted as the woman herself.

Time passed - Lelya and her mother began to walk around and around the fields, pulling the barely hatched seedlings by the green ears, and People saw that there had never been such harvests on Earth before. They began to glorify Lelya on a par with her mother and honor her as the Mother of God, calling her Spring the Nurse. They began to ask Lada for permission to invite Spring to visit, and when the Mother allowed it, they prepared a turf bench for the Daughter, overgrown with herbs, and placed offerings: bread, cheese, milk. It was a girls' holiday, men and curious guys were not allowed close.

Lelya symbolizes fertility, female fertility, but at the same time fragility. She acted as the resurrector of dead nature and the bestower of fertility, because of this her cult came close to the cult of the dying and resurrecting god. After the disappearance of the goddess, growth processes on earth cease; the return of the goddess ensures fertility and prosperity.

Communicative means of creating images and symbols

Preparing for egg rolling in modern times

Formation positive image Leli, first of all, was promoted by rituals associated with the development of agriculture. Floral and floral ornaments were dedicated to the goddess Lele. The custom of decorating household utensils and clothing with images of birds also goes back to the cult of Rozhanits. Birds were dedicated to the goddess Lele, they were her messengers and servants, it was the birds who brought spring on their wings, and the birds easily rose from our Middle World to the Upper World - it’s not for nothing that they are winged.

Images of birds are very common in everyday life - this is the custom of baking cookies in the form of larks for the arrival of spring and dishes - ladles and brothers in the form of stylized birds (ducks and swans), and women's amulets in the form of a duck.

In addition to traditional sacrifices associated with agriculture, there was a special holiday dedicated to Lele - Lelnik. The holiday was spent in nature - they chose an open place - Red Hill and performed rituals there. From a distance one could see girls in elegant sundresses, holding long satin ribbons tied to Lelya's cap, dancing in a circle. They sacrificed wild flowers and herbs to her, and danced around her chura - the young goddess of love carved from birch.

On this day, which according to the modern calendar falls on April 22, all Slavic girls performed rituals dedicated to Lelya and asked her for mutual understanding with her beloved and a happy marriage.

All spring holidays of the Slavs are associated with the tradition of dyeing eggs. Throughout the Slavic world, various magical actions with eggs were widely used.

For example, fortune telling for marriage in Lelnik:

The girls take turns, using beaters, to roll their colored egg towards Lelya’s drop. It is important that at the last blow the egg breaks on the drop - then the girl will marry successfully.

The tradition of painting eggs was not only preserved in Orthodox Rus', but has also survived to this day.

Social significance of the myth

Talisman with the Lely rune

The cult of the goddess Lelya became widespread and went far beyond the borders of the Slavs. The young goddess Lelya herself and her rune are associated with the element of water, and more specifically, living, flowing water flowing in springs and streams.

Mention of Lelya can be found in mythology different countries and peoples. Under different names we meet her in European tales about the sea (river) Virgin, in the tales of King Arthur, where she acts as the Guardian Virgin of the Holy Grail and the Road to it, in Slavic and many other ritual myths. This is also the goddess of strength in the Nordic tradition, who leads the water flow of first dead and then living force.

In our time, her name is associated with a very wide range of ancient roots. It is not for nothing that the beloved child is still not only raised but cherished, the cradle is called the cradle, and the child itself is affectionately called the doll. The cult of Leli is so ancient that, according to some scientists, it is reflected in the Sanskrit “lila” - “game”.

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Goddess of Love, family Happiness and Prosperity, daughter of Svarog and Lada, wife of Volkh.

Lelya, Lyalya - goddess of fertility according to the "Synopsis", the second Rozhanitsa, daughter of Lada, goddess of childbirth similar to Artemis ("The Tale of the Construction of the Benedictine Monastery on Bald Mountain" (16th century recording), in the lower hypostasis correlated with Persephone. On embroidery it is presented as one of two Moose, between them - Makoshch. Often mentioned next to Lada and Lad. Her day is Monday. Daughter of Lada. Her tree is rowan or birch ("there was a birch tree in the field - Lyalya, Lyalya stood"), metal - also silver The cult of Lelya and Lada is discussed in detail by Academician Rybakov in the book “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs”.

Lelya - Goddess of Youth, Bereginya Rhoda. Along with the status of the youngest, Lelya is also the most multifaceted Goddess. The simplest and most understandable explanation of the functions of this Goddess can be the characteristic - responsible for the continuation of the Family. In this function, Lelya is the Wife of Yarila, who has a similar ability in relation to the Masculine Gender, thereby embodying the general concept of the physical continuation of the Kin.

A feature of the many-faced Lelya in all Her incarnations is Youth - since this is the main feature of this Goddess. Unlike all other Goddesses and Gods, whose disposition is often seen as stern or serious, Lele is characterized by cheerful disposition And playfulness. An exception to Lelya’s cheerful appearance are the cases of Her being in the Kingdom of her Grandfather, when this Goddess takes on a sad image, which is initially not associated with the situation, but with loneliness (without a Spouse), and later with grief over the deceased Spouse. These same characteristics of the Goddess Lelya include literally boundless love for the Human Race, for at that time other Gods and Goddesses can punish people for any misdeeds, while Lelya, on the contrary, can only contribute to human whims. A classic example of this feature is Love(with the exception of the Related One - who is protected by the Goddess Lada). And if in the ideas of other cultures it may sound like “the love of evil, you will love a goat,” then in the Russian Tradition everything is explained much more simply, since the Goddess Lelya is by no means “evil”, but on the contrary, is extremely benevolent, for she is responsible for the continuation of the Family, and In this case, all means are good. “Goats” are commanded by other Gods, including those from other cultures. Also, the boundless love for the Human Race on the part of the Goddess Lelya lies in the simplest circumstance - Motherhood this kind. It is Lelya and her Husband Yarila who are the Parents of the first Man (whose Wife was the Giantess).

Lelya’s youth is also precisely connected with the function of continuation of Life, and not at all with the parameter of the “youngest” among the Goddesses and Gods, since this is direct evidence of the immortal nature of this Goddess, which in turn is an explanation the inviolability of life. Therefore, in the boundless joy of life, Lelya emphasizes grief for the deceased and sadness in case of loneliness, since She has no power over these decrees of Fate (from Mokosha). For the same reason, Lelya shares her grief and sadness especially with those who long for the “end of the world” and other cults associated with the propaganda of death, making their life full of problems and hardships (similar to love games). In this regard, it is not difficult to understand what is the reason for love (the desire to continue the race, which becomes a game - if the line is not continued) and negativism (panic fear of death, when in the same game death begins to be cultivated and becomes the only meaning "life") Thus, the very concept of “Game” of the Goddess Lelya appears, to whom, unlike people, due to Immortal Nature, the concept of Measure is alien.

Lelya is the most darling And close The people of the Goddess, desired in any matter and under any circumstances, and therefore practically did not appear as a revered Cult, since the only reliable connection with this Bereginya can be the Feeling of Lelya in one’s own Heart. One of the very popular representations of the Goddess Lelya in modern times is the Snow Maiden, who comes to New Year together with his Grandfather (Frost).

She is a caring and gentle Patron Goddess of family happiness, marital harmony and all kinds of well-being, not only in all Clans of the Great Race, but also in all Clans of the descendants of the Heavenly Clans.

Goddess Lelya is the obedient daughter of the Supreme God Svarog and the Heavenly Mother of God Lada Mother.

She is a kind, caring and gentle wife of God Volkh, guardian of the Heavenly Halls of Volhalla. Lelya protects His peace and comfort, and the Goddess Valkyrie helps her.

In these Halls, She takes care not only of her beloved husband, but also takes upon herself the responsibility of treating the guests of Volhalla, the warriors who fell in battles and the Heavenly Gods-Companions of her husband.

IN ancient times the people of the Great Race named one of the nearby Moons of Midgard-Earth in honor of her - Lelei.

Goddess Lelya in the Slavic understanding - the eternally youthful, young, beautiful, cheerful and wonderful Goddess of Spring. By nature, the Slavic Goddess Lelya is cheerful, kind, cheerful, and playful. She is powerful in a special way - her power is to awaken sleeping plants, animals, space, time, people - the whole World. Where the Slavic Goddess Lelya is present, trees, spring flowers and herbs begin to bloom, spring birds sing and people smile in love.

Slavic Goddess Lelya is the daughter of the Heavenly Father, Svarog and the Heavenly Mother of the Virgin Mary, Lada. Lelya is the Goddess of Spring and shares power with her sister Morena, the Goddess of Winter and Death, and with Alive, the Goddess of Summer and Love. Lelya is also the sister of Perun Gromovnik - the God of War, Justice, Thunderstorm, Thunder and Lightning. Among other Gods and Goddesses, it is Goddess Lelya who stands out for her ease of communication, even carelessness. She is friendly to people, especially in matters of love, beauty and procreation. The concept of moderation is alien to her when she enters into her “games.”

Legends and myths about the Slavic Goddess Lela

There are many legends about Lela - the Goddess of Spring, Love and Beauty. Here, for example, is the legend about how Lelya cut off her hair to save the young enchanted guys of one settlement. They were bewitched by the insidious Morena to prematurely descend to the World of Navi. For a long time Zhiva and Lelya searched for a way to break the spell. Nothing could work as strongly as the decision of the Goddess of Spring and the way she found - to give away her long golden hair. They were supposed to be woven into magical fabric and wrapped around the guys.

That's it, I know! - all further actions lined up in my head.

A sigh of relief escaped everyone. And Lelya in one motion let down her wonderful hair and approached her father.

Father, cut every single hair!

Meaning: The time has come to love, new love is expected.

The reason for the appearance of Reza in the layout: a person is already in a state of harmony with the world around him, so the time has come for bold moves forward.

Challenge (what needs to be done and what quality to show): trust all the proposals of the Native Gods that will follow after Reza Lelya, remain in a state of fun, joy and lightness.

Caution (what you shouldn't and shouldn't do): the gifts of fate prepared for the Questioner may pass by if you continue to be stingy, joyless, suspicious or cowardly.

Note (mandatory): Changes for the benefit of the business should be completed in order to prepare for new ones.

Advice (optional): There is no need for haste now; it is best to listen to the voice of your inner person.

Consolation (what circumstance should be kept in mind): There are many chances in life - they flutter around like butterflies, but not all of them will land in the palm of your hand, but only a few. Only everything necessary and useful will come into the life of the Questioner.

The appearance of Reza Leli should always be seen as a renewal of life in all areas. These are expected and desired changes. They raise a person to a different, more pleasant and joyful level of life.

Goddess Lelya in the northern tradition of magic

Rituals for fulfilling aspirations:

  1. Getting good luck in your labors, career, affairs, work.
  2. Preservation of beauty and youthfulness.
  3. Maintaining health and well-being.
  4. Receiving respect, honor, recognition from people.

Lelya is the goddess of Spring, Beauty and Love. She has the power to illuminate not only hearts with love, but also the home and family hearth. She can protect from various misfortunes, troubles, misfortunes and make the house a real refuge, where you will always want to return. It must be remembered that aspirations in magic will come true only when Lelya is called for light and easy divination, like a game.

Nauz Lely “Love”

Beautiful and young, bright, young love, but even more beautiful is the one that was created for life, strengthened by long-term family ties. They contact Lela through a special science “Love” when they want:

  • fall in love;
  • find your soulmate;
  • renew feelings in existing relationships;
  • rekindle faded feelings after many years of living together.

Lelya will help existing loving hearts to feel all the brightness and freshness of their relationship. And for those who have not yet loved, she will reveal this secret and help them plunge into the streams of blissful feelings.

How can science help?

The knot magic of “Love” is very strong. It will help you again be able to see the beauty of relationships, appreciate the reciprocity of feelings, and also light up with light spring love.

How to proceed?

To weave a nauz, two red threads are taken. On one of them knots are tied according to the number of years of the chosen one of the heart. On another thread, knots are tied according to the number of years of the person who turns to the Goddess and will wear the nauz. Therefore, both ropes are tied together in such a way that one long one comes out.

The ends of the combined rope are taken and knots are tied - one on top of the other. Now you should tie as many knots as the number of years you intend to live with your chosen person. You can not count the knots at all and tie as many as you can tie, as long as the rope itself is enough. You need to do this until the rope itself turns into a single large knot. The finished nauz is burned on fire with a special love spell read.

Lelya - Patron Goddess

The Slavic goddess Lelya is the very embodiment of youth, beauty, tenderness and sincerity. With her arrival always comes prosperity, and the past is erased forever. As Spring comes, so comes the awakening from winter “hibernation” in life. One is always very much like such a divine Person. If your Patron is the Goddess Lelya, then this says a lot. People see you as a person:

  • with a light character - making acquaintances simply and naturally;
  • those who love are always in the center of attention;
  • diplomatic - able to reconcile those who have quarreled;
  • self-confident;
  • sociable, sociable;
  • enterprising;
  • active;
  • polite;
  • charming.

All people who resemble Lelya - the Goddess of Spring and Beauty, are themselves aesthetes, love to dress tastefully, pay attention to appearance, look after their health. Just as the Goddess Lelya is easy-going, so the people living under her protection are quick and easy on their feet. Therefore, if Lelya benefits you, then you love to travel and adore variety in life. A constant feeling of your originality and uniqueness. It’s easy to trust you and talk about intimate topics.