Genocide in Russia. The genocide of Russians in the twentieth century is called “The Scaffold” What is genocide of the Russian people

Separated from the rest of the Russian principalities back in the 13th century, the territory of the former Galician Rus was one of the first to fall under the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Accordingly, the Polish influence on the Galicians was much stronger than on the rest of Little Russia. In the end, people of Russian origin and language were gradually instilled with a religion and mentality that was alien to them. Croats and Bosnian Muslims underwent a similar transformation in their time. In fact, there was a deliberate breeding of a new people hostile to their historical roots, faith and culture, a kind of “Croatization” of Rus'. Finally, many Poles, Hungarians and Germans moved to these lands, which is why a lot of foreign blood was added to the veins of the native Galicians. We must not forget about school. If the children of Little Russia studied in all-Russian schools, read Russian books and absorbed Russian education, then in Galicia they studied in Polish, and then, in the 19th century, in German. Despite the strong development of Russophilia, in the second half of the 19th century, every educated Galician had much less understanding of Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky than of Mickiewicz, Slovacki, Wyspiansky, Senkiewicz. And it is all the more surprising that in such a situation there remained people who sacredly preserved their “Russianness” and loyalty to Orthodoxy!

After the next partition of Poland, Galicia went to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and, naturally, the Austrians discovered that not only Poles lived there, but also another people, whose representatives the Austrians at first called Russians (Russen) and only then introduced the term “Ruthens”. In addition, the term Rusyns was used as a self-name.

Initially, the Austrian administration tried to rely on the Poles, who continued to polonize the region, but during the revolution of 1848 (which, by a strange coincidence, took place in almost all European countries), the Austrian Poles opposed the shaken central government. The peasants, who hated their oppressors, supported the imperial power, based on the principle of the negation of negations: “If the lords are against the emperor, then we are for it.” Vienna was obliged to somehow note such loyalty, and in 1848, the “Golovna Ruska Rada” was created in Lvov, a center that formed the demands of the Russian population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and was engaged in the promotion of Russian cultural values. Political demands primarily consisted of granting equal rights with the Poles, cultural demands - granting the right to education, printing and office work in their native language. Moreover, the “Cathedral of Russian Scientists”, which met in 1848, came to the conclusion about “the need to establish a uniform grammar and uniform spelling for the entire Russian people in Austria and Russia.” Newspapers began to be published in Russian, for example “Slovo” by Yakov Golovatsky. In 1865, a programmatic article appeared in the Slovo, which stated that the Rusyns were part of a single Russian people occupying the territory from the Carpathians to Kamchatka. That is, there was no talk of a “separate non-Russian” people even in 1848 in Austrian Galicia!

At the same time, the Austrian administration was not interested in awakening the all-Russian national consciousness among the Rusyns and, by granting national rights to the Rusyns, recognized them as a certain separate people of “Ruthenians,” with which the representatives of the Ruthenians had to agree.

In the 50s of the XIX century. Galician Rusyns, although they recognized themselves in 1848 as a separate people of “Rutenov”, are increasingly imbued with the consciousness of Russian unity, publish their books and the newspaper “Zorya Galitsk” in a language very close to the all-Russian literary language. The then governor of Galicia, the Pole Count Agenor Golukhovsky, persecuted supporters of the Russian national idea; the editor of the newspaper “Zorya Galitka” receives instructions not to use “Moscow” words, and then the newspaper is closed altogether. Under these conditions, two currents gradually formed among the Galician Rusyns: the Old Rusyns (“Muscophiles”), who, contrary to the wishes of the authorities, stood on the old, traditional basis of Russian unity, and the Young Rusyns (“Narodovtsy”), who were ready, to please the authorities, to recognize themselves as a separate people. The latter insisted that the spoken language of Galician peasants, which had absorbed many Polish, German and Hungarian words over 500 years of foreign rule, was a “separate” language, non-Russian.

Of course, the feeling of unity with the Russian people among the Galicians could not but cause concern both among the Austrian administration and among the Polish landowners who still owned lands in Galicia. Both of them, having reconciled with each other, launched an attack on the “Muscophiles” together with the Uniate Church. Moreover, soon the relations between the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires became noticeably more complicated.

Anti-Russian hysteria in Galicia intensified when participants in the Polish uprising and offended figures of Little Russian culture like Kulish and Drahomanov began to move en masse from Russia to Lvov.

This Polish landing force instantly launched vigorous activity. On their initiative, the newspaper “Meta” began to be published, which was already conducting propaganda in the spirit of political Ukrainophilism, almost entirely devoting its political articles to attacks on Moscow and “Muscovites.” In December 1863, this newspaper published the text of the song “Ukraine has not yet died.” It is noteworthy that it was significantly different from what is known today.

Since Polish rebels took over in 1863, therefore, the poem contained a call on the Ukrainians, together with the Poles, to fight against Russia. Thus, the Ukrainophile movement in Galicia began to become increasingly saturated with political anti-Russian content. Polish emigrants aroused interest in Ukrainophilism among part of the Polish society in Galicia, pointing out the political benefits that could be derived from it for the Polish cause. The Poles began to help the Narodovites, and with such powerful support, the Narodovites began to push back the Muscovophiles. The Prosvita association appears, propaganda newspapers are published... This activity completely suits both the Poles and the Austrians. It was during this period that the fictitious “nation” was called “Ukrainian” by someone. In fact, after centuries of unsuccessful polonization of the Rusyns, a much more successful “Ukrainization” began, and the idea of ​​​​unifying Rus' under the Tsarist Orthodox crown is being replaced by the idea of ​​“unifying Ukraine” under the Austrian, Catholic crown...

But the Russian idea was also strong in Galicia. In 1866, on the pages of the newspaper Slovo, the leaders of Muscovophiles definitely spoke out about their recognition of the Russian national idea. They stated that all the efforts of the authorities and the Poles to create a separate nation of Uniates-Ruthenians were in vain and the people of Galicia consider themselves part of the single Russian people.

Such a statement by the Galician Rusyns was received with extreme dissatisfaction in Polish circles. Gazeta Narodowa, the organ of the Eastern Galician gentry, spoke out especially harshly. The newspaper called for a decisive fight against “Muscophiles” and set the task of creating “anti-Moscow Rus'” in Galicia. “Such anti-Moscow Rus', bound by a union with Poland, will be for Austria a defensive rampart against Moscow, the basis of its future policy aimed at the East.” This meant - on the basis of the Young Russian trend, to organize a Ukrainophile political party with a sharply expressed anti-Russian orientation, designed, together with the Poles, to counteract the Old Russian party in Galicia, and in the future to serve as a weapon directed against Russia.

Supporters of political Ukrainophilism have always diligently disowned the Polish roots of their movement, reacting with ostentatious indignation to any mention of their presence and claiming that all this was an invention of the malicious “Muscovites”. But the fact is that the Poles themselves in those days did not hide their involvement in the emergence and development of this movement.

By the way, Polish leaders who had the intention of creating an “anti-Moscow Rus'” from the Galician Rusyns speak of the national isolation of the Rusyns from the “Muscovites” not as an obvious fact, but as something that still needs to be created, and with outside (Polish) help. Consequently, the Poles themselves essentially recognized the idea of ​​national unity of Rus', but, based on their political considerations, they were interested in destroying this unity, and therefore hastily created a separate Ukrainian people.

Meanwhile, ties between Vienna and Berlin became closer and closer, and soon the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires concluded an alliance treaty directed against the Entente (the alliance of Russia, France and England). Under the new conditions, the leadership of Austrian foreign policy actually passed into the hands of politicians from the more developed Germany. In connection with this, a plan arose in Berlin - to use Galicia as a springboard for Ukrainian separatism, which should ultimately lead to the separation of all of Little Russia from Russia and its annexation to the Habsburg possessions. Accordingly, the information war against Russia sharply intensified, an important part of which was the propaganda of Ukrainians.

In order to weaken the connection between Galicia and the Russian Empire, the authorities began to actively distort the local dialect, introducing Polonisms in large numbers, changing the spelling of words to make them more different from the literary Russian language. Vienna commissioned the creation of pseudo-historical concepts designed to show that Great Russians and Little Russians are different peoples. Any rogue who was ready to justify the “separateness” of Ukrainians from Russians received a warm welcome and solid financial support in Austria. It is not surprising that all kinds of Ukrainian-inophiles flocked to Lvov like flies to honey.

The names of most of them, as insignificant individuals in the world, are forgotten today, but some were lucky. A real cult has developed around one of them in Ukraine, his portrait adorns a fifty-hryvnia banknote, and his books are printed in considerable editions. As you may have guessed, the most successful of those who worked in the field of planting Ukrainian separatism was Mikhail Grushevsky. A man of very dubious personal qualities, selfish and unprincipled, he invented the history of Ukraine. His multi-volume opus entitled “History of Ukraine-Rus” was criticized to smithereens immediately after its publication. Historians found hundreds of absurdities and outright fabrications in this supposedly scientific work, but Grushevsky was not interested in historical accuracy, he created an ideological work. It is not surprising that certain circles continue to repeat the tales of the bearded science fiction writer today. What is their essence? It’s very simple: Ukrainians existed in hoary antiquity, it’s just that back then Ukrainians were called “Rusyns”, and Ukraine was called Rus, and then the terrible Muscovites came and appropriated this name for themselves. And then the insidious Asians conquered Ukraine itself and oppressed it with great pleasure.

Grushevsky Mikhailo Serhiyovych

Being a subject of the Russian Empire, Grushevsky in 1891, at the age of twenty-five, moved to the Austrian Empire, where he soon became a professor in Lvov. Almost immediately he became an activist of the Shevchenko Scientific Partnership, and since 1897, its chairman. Under new leadership, this organization is beginning a real crusade against the Russian language and culture. Moreover, Grushevsky acts not only in Galicia, but also in Russia, trying to instill the Ukrainian language in Little Russia. A mass of propaganda literature was sent to Kyiv and other cities, but the “linguistic” campaign to the east failed. The waste paper published in Galicia (including Grushevsky’s books) was clearly not in demand.

The funny thing is that, while promoting the Ukrainian idea, he practically did not know the Ukrainian language (which he himself admitted) and never learned it until the end of his life. Grushevsky’s speech was a strange surzhik, which he actively implemented into life. It got to the point of being comical: the Ukrainophile writer Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky was forced to publicly speak out against the artificial Polonization of speech on the part of Grushevsky. I especially emphasize: Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky was a convinced Ukrainian-phile and no less than Grushevsky wanted to supplant the Russian language, but even for him the speech invented by the Lvov professor sounded like gibberish.

While carrying out subversive work against Russia, Grushevsky still remained a subject of the Russian Empire and often came to Kyiv and St. Petersburg. It would seem, where are the police looking? An ardent and open enemy of the state travels freely around the country, confuses the minds of young people, and law enforcement agencies do not give a damn. The Austrian agent of influence would have been shackled and sent to Siberia, but imperial Russia was too liberal a state, for which it paid.

By the way, the professor did not disdain carrying out orders from the Austrian and German secret services, which was proven in 1917. But soon the revolution began, and he not only escaped retribution, but also found himself elevated to the very crest of a turbid political wave...

To be honest, I don’t want to waste time describing the activities of this person. I refer everyone interested to “The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus” by Oles Buzina or any other objective research.

Let's summarize. By the end of the nineteenth century, political Ukrainophilism, centered in Galicia, acquired the ideological “filling” that exists to this day. From now on, Ukrainians will consistently and fanatically act together with “enlightened” Europe against Moscow’s “Asian barbarism.” The actions of the fifth column within the Russian Empire will be directed from Galicia. It was here that, with the support of Vienna and Berlin, the paramilitary Nazi organizations Sokol, Sich and Plast would be created at the beginning of the 20th century, from whose fighters the legion of Sich Riflemen would subsequently be formed. And it is in the works of Galician Ukrainophiles of the century before last that one must look for the origins of the pathological desire of some modern Ukrainian politicians to join the EU and NATO.

The relatively calm 19th century became a kind of incubation period, when terrible ideas-monsters were just emerging and ripening in cocoons. It won't be long before they break free, staining their path with blood, leaving many dead bodies and smoking ruins everywhere. But no one was able to recognize the monsters in the sweet and intelligent gentlemen of the Hrushevskys and Drahomanovs with their Ukrainophilia. And the beautiful people who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries watched with emotion the development of the monsters, instead of wringing their necks in time, while there was such an opportunity... And no one listened to those who saw the danger. It is truly scary to be Cassandra, whose insights no one believes. Ukrainophilism itself did not represent any political force at that time, and some Russian newspapers made fun of Katkov’s Moskovskie Vedomosti, which warned about the danger hidden in Ukrainophilism. However, the forces behind Ukrainophilism and seeking to use it in their own interests were very real and dangerous. Therefore, Katkov wrote: “Let us be considered alarmists [...], but we will not stop pointing out the danger, even if it is just emerging; We would rather be like the sailor who, noticing a black speck in the sky, takes measures against the storm, than like the one who begins to take in the sail when a squall hits.”

A Sound of Thunder

The demons of Ukrainianism, carefully cultivated for many years, broke free during the First World War. With the outbreak of hostilities, all the masks of liberalism, tolerance and European civilization that the Austrians used to hide behind them during the years of peace were dropped. And if today we remember the atrocities of the Nazis, if the crimes committed by the Nazis were condemned, then the war crimes of the Habsburg monarchy are being intensively hushed up. But you need to remember. At least in order to know how pandering to nationalist leaders can end.


Until the war of 1914, despite total anti-Russian propaganda, almost half of the inhabitants of Western Ukraine considered themselves part of the single Russian people. This made Austrian officials very nervous, so even before the war, anyone who showed even the slightest pro-Russian sympathies was put on a police register. The Austrian gendarmerie kept detailed lists of the “politically unreliable.” For each person there was a folder with incriminating evidence, which, among other things, contained recommendations on what to do with this person if Austria started a war with Russia. Arrest was considered the most reliable means. Immediately after the start of hostilities, about two thousand Muscovophiles were immediately arrested in Lvov alone. This is despite the fact that at that time the entire Ukrainian (both Ukrainophiles and Muscovophiles) population of the city amounted to 34 thousand people. That is, every fifteenth person was arrested. The official pretext for such actions was the fight against spies, but it is clear that there simply could not be such a number of Russian spies. While in Lviv people were mostly arrested, a wave of bloody massacres swept through small towns and villages. Soldiers killed peasants at the slightest suspicion of Russian sympathy. They were shot for a word spoken in Russian, for a careless glance... Hungarian soldiers were particularly cruel. Ukrainophiles, who played the role of informers, did not stand aside either. Lviv University student V.R. Vavrik, arrested by the Austrians on the denunciation of a Svidomo Ukrainian, went through all the circles of hell and left detailed memories of the bloody orgy that the Austrians committed. His book “TEREZIN AND TALERHOF” became the most complete evidence of the crimes committed against the Russian people in Western Ukraine. It is available on the Internet. Anyone who still believes in European values, don’t be lazy, read...

On September 4, 1914, the first concentration camp in Europe was opened in Thalerhof (Austria-Hungary) with the goal of genocide of the local Russian population.

How to call the actions of the Austrian authorities and the Ukrainians who actively helped them? Genocide? Yes! Genocide! There is no other definition. And this is proven by another census, already Polish, in 1931. According to its data, since the beginning of the century the number of Poles in Lviv has more than doubled - to 1 9 8 thousand, Jews - by 66% (45 thousand). And only after all the “demographic” explosions there were almost as many Ukrainians left as there were in 1900 - 35 thousand 173 people. The consequences of the Austrian purge are obvious!

Soon all the prisons were overcrowded, and the most terrible act of the drama began. The Austrians were forced to create two concentration camps specifically for keeping Russophiles - Thalerhof and Terezin, where they brought dissidents from Galicia, Bukovina and Subcarpathian Rus. Who remembers today the tens of thousands of people tortured in concentration camps in the center of civilized Europe? Starved to death, stabbed to death for disobedience, killed just for fun... But this happened to people who were not even charged! Their whole fault was that they were Russians. They gave their lives for the preservation of their national identity, for the right to speak their native language. Today in Ukraine they are ordered to be forgotten...

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The beginning of the international policy of the USSR, which would be more correctly called the international genocide of the Russian people, formally has a specific date. Letter from V. Lenin-Blank “On the question of nationalities or “autonomization”,” dated December 31, 1922, reads: “internationalism on the part of the oppressor or the so-called “great” nation (albeit great only by its violence, great only in the way that the government is great) should consist not only in observing the formal equality of nations, but also in such inequality that would compensate on the part of the oppressing nation , the nation is large, the inequality that actually develops in life"

Thus, based on the Russophobic theses of Marxism about “the struggle for destruction and merciless terror against the Slavs” , abstracts in style "Drang nacht Osten" And "Slavic bastard" , as well as personal hatred, the “leader of the world proletariat” calls the Great Russians “oppressors, oppressors” - although the proletariat at that time was almost 90% Russian. At the same time, Lenin unequivocally insisted: internationalism must consist in the inequality of rights of Great Russians. Propagandists always exclude this unequivocal instruction from Lenin, but they clearly reduce all the vices of such “internationalism” to the activities of “bloody Stalin.”
But the materials of the XII Congress of the RCP(b) tell a different story. It was Stalin who prepared the report “National Moments in Party and State Construction” for this congress. The abstracts of the report were published in the newspaper Pravda No. 65, March 24, 1923, that is, a month before the congress, signed by him. These theses could not be published without the prior approval of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) and its Politburo. Internationalists had a decisive influence in the Politburo:
- Leon Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein);
- Grigory Zinoviev (Gersh Radomyslsky-Apelbaum);
- Lev Kamenev (Leiba Rosenfeld), who since 1922, due to Lenin’s “illness,” chaired meetings of the Politburo of the RCP (b).

It is quite obvious that in order to gain the approval of these Politburo members, the theses had to comply with Lenin's instructions. Therefore, the essence of Stalin’s theses is (supposedly) “the fight against Great Russian chauvinism.”
The XII Congress of the RCP(b) took place on April 17-25, 1923. The internationalists aimed the congress at world revolution. This is how it sounded in Zinoviev-Apelbaum’s speech: “Comrade Lenin said that present-day Russia and Germany remind him of two disparate halves of two future chickens in one shell... In a communist state from the Rhine to the Urals, Russians will not make up even a third...". It is clear that Zinoviev was not interested in the fate of the Great Russians.

The internationalist Rakovsky insisted: “In national relations you need to tune in to the West.”

Responding to Rakovsky’s speech, Stalin objected unequivocally:
“This is impossible, comrades, and unnatural, because people in general either turn their faces in one direction or the other - it is impossible to turn in both directions at the same time. We cannot and should not break the general tone of the theses, their oriental tone.”


Lenin: internationalism should consist in INEQUALITY of Great Russians.
Stalin: “to put the Great Russian proletariat in a position of unequal rights means to say incongruity... the political basis is the central regions, not the outskirts.”
The difference in approaches is obvious!

On the national question, Stalin differed most strikingly from Lenin and his “international” circle.
They say: Stalin was an all-powerful dictator. But why didn’t he complete what he defended at the XII Congress of the RCP(b)? The bottom line is that from the very beginning of the coup of 1917, internationalists of the Trotskyist variety seized total dominance over all means of mass influence on the brains of the Russian people: from the Council of People's Commissars to the house committee and led all press and cinema organs - simultaneously destroying the foundations and traditions of the Russian people - right down to the physical the destruction of Orthodox priests, churches and monuments dedicated to the victories of the Russian people - which was personally controlled by Kaganovich and Yaroslavsky-Guberman. At the same time, the concept of “internationalism” was turned into a fetish. But behind it was pharisaically hidden a completely different meaning - the physical, moral and cultural destruction of the Russian people by a gang of “Judeo-commissars” carrying within themselves the Russophobia of Marx-Engels and the monstrous racist charge of Judaism.

For those who have doubts, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the statistics found in the “Jewish Encyclopedia” - when, against the backdrop of the massive closure of Orthodox churches and the destruction of Russian priests, from the 1920s to 1932 the number of synagogues and yeshivas increased by 1.7 times. At the same time, the proclaimed policy of family destruction, “sexual permissiveness” and a gap between children and adults was introduced.

This is especially clearly shown by the “imperishable” 1936 from L. Trotsky-Bronstein “The Betrayed Revolution”, in which he, from the position of a degenerate and “juvenile”, angrily castigates Stalin for the fact that he actually returned the concept of “damned Christian morality” to Soviet society. , except perhaps “without mentioning God.”
The situation changed only after the war

But even after the congress of the “winners” (XVII Congress of the CPSU(b), February 1934), when Stalin managed to concentrate power, he was unable to overcome the total domination of the “internationalists” in the media. Moreover, with the beginning of the first purges of “internationalists” in 1931, he was forced to justify himself in the “world press,” although by 1937 he had largely succeeded in clearing the NKVD and the Red Army of them.

Meanwhile, remaining captive to the dogmas of Marxism, “pre-war” Stalin failed to fully develop the vector that was set by Lenin: “internationalism” should consist in INEQUALITY of the Great Russians.”
After the war, the situation changed - until Stalin was killed by the “internationalists”.


In relation to demography, another fundamental difference between Stalin and the “Judeo-commissars” is especially important. This difference relates to the area of ​​family morality. Having seized power, they abolished all traditional moral norms. Family, love, chastity, and renunciation of sexual perversion were declared “outdated.”

One of the main goals of the internationalists was the elimination of the institution of the Family. Immediately after the 1917 coup, they abolished the indissolubility of family marriage. And on November 19, 1920, the Jewish Commissioners legalized abortion. Since the Russian people for them were the main object of their hatred and material for experiments, already in the 1920s the propaganda of divorce, abortion, sodomy and lesbianism began - precisely among the Russian people.

Stalin was not a pervert. He, unlike the “internationalist-Leninists,” had firm principles in the field of family morality. But it took more than 10 years for Stalin to repeal the harmful laws. Only after the congress of the “winners” in 1934, when he was able to concentrate power, on his initiative were the norms of healthy morality restored: divorces were sharply limited, abortions were prohibited and became criminally punishable. For example, criminal liability for sodomy was restored on March 7, 1934 (once again we suggest assessing Stalin’s position based on the “critical article” of Trotsky-Bronstein, who screamed about a “betrayed revolution”).
Of course, Stalin, as the head of state, exploited the Russian people. But not by the cries of the last of the Judeo-commissars, but by demographic statistics, one must objectively evaluate the fruits of his activities. And the numbers clearly show that the destructive demographic exploitation of the Russian people began precisely after the death of Stalin: the graph of the “Russian Core” (diagram 1) clearly shows growth until the first half of the 1950s, and a collapse at the end of the second half of the decade. As a result of “de-Stalinization,” the number of growing children born in the mid-1960s is one and one times less than in the first half of the 1950s.

Officially, the collapse of the 1960s is explained by the “echo” of the Great Patriotic War, when at the beginning
In the 1960s, the “children of war” grew up to childbearing age. But the “echo of war” is no more than 40% of the collapse in the “Russian Core”. In the second half of the 1950s, the “de-Stalinizers” claimed that they had returned “Leninist policies.” So 60% of the demographic collapse of the “Russian Core” is due to two policy factors of precisely the “loyal Leninists”.

The first factor is the abolition of criminal liability for abortion (Decree of August 5, 1954) and the abolition of the ban on abortion. Thus, the “faithful Leninists” of the 1950s returned the devilish “norm” of killing children in the womb, which the Judeo-commissars introduced on November 19, 1920, abolished by the “tyrant Stalin” after the “Congress of Victors” in 1934. Let us note that before this, with “lead and propaganda,” the Judeo-commissars also aggressively destroyed the traditional morality of the younger generation of Russians; a new wave of “fight against religion” began under the unfinished Trotskyist Khrushchev, as a result of which young women went to the chairs of abortion clinics. But at the same time, the Judases did not take the Central Asian republics “seriously”, so the Uzbek women who remained “captive of folk and Islamic traditions” did not commit infanticide.

What did the policy of “faithful Leninists” lead to? To the rapid growth of abortions, which continued until 1964: Russian births - 1.5 million, abortions performed on Russian women - 5 million. That is, for every Russian child born, 3-4 were cut out in the womb of their mothers (169 abortions per 1000 women reproductive age). In 1965, the net population reproduction rate for the first time in peacetime dropped below one, that is, below the limit of simple generation replacement, and the ratio of births and abortions was 100 to 278. In the 1960-80s. the number of abortions for Russian women gradually decreased, but in total reached 90 million!
It should be noted that in the 1970s, the nomenklatura began to get hooked on the “oil needle” and contacts with the Masonic “Club of Rome”, which promoted the ideas of population reduction. This “convergence” led to the final destruction of the USSR. As a result, the number of abortions increased sharply in the 1990s.

The second factor is the liquidation of “unpromising villages” and the destruction of individual subsidiary farms with the ban on owning horses and cows by the same Khrushchev. According to the reports of “economists”, the elimination of “unpromising” supposedly had a huge effect. But “economics” can justify anything - especially when it does not take into account the factor of personal farming, when a resident of a traditional village found himself completely cut off from his centuries-old roots, including the graves of his ancestors, which, in part, repeated the situation with Stolypin’s reforms and the emergence of lumpen proletarians.
As a result, by 1970, 235 thousand villages were liquidated, and the share of rural births in the regions of the “Russian Core” fell by 3-5 times. For developing a program for the elimination of “unpromising villages,” the authors received awards from the Kremlin, and they were awarded the title of “academician.” And they still “work” at the RAS.

After the harsh blows of the “loyal Leninists,” the number of growing children in the “Russian Core” could no longer recover to the level of the 1950s. The slight growth that began in the late 1960s and ended in 1987 is a consequence of the large number of growing children in the “Russian Core” born in the 1950s.

Referring to Lenin, Bukharin stated: “we, as a former great-power nation, must put ourselves in an unequal position in the sense of even greater concessions to national trends.” And he proposed to exclude the clause about the dangers of local nationalism. As a result, Stalin's report was postponed to the last days of the congress, when all the leaders had already spoken. If, when publishing theses in March, Stalin needed the approval of the Politburo, then at the congress there was no longer a need for this.
It was important for Stalin to convey his position to the maximum number of listeners. Therefore, when addressing the delegates, he spoke about the role of the Russian people in a significantly different way than what followed from Lenin’s position.
Stalin understood: the main national problems in the USSR would arise with the peoples of the East. Therefore, addressing directly the congress delegates, Stalin responded to Bukharin’s proposal as follows:
“...we are told that we must not offend the nationals. But to create from this a theory that it is necessary to place the Great Russian proletariat in a position of unequal rights is to say inconsistency. Meanwhile, it is clear that the political basis is mainly the central industrial regions, and not the outskirts.

If we fight only against Great Russian chauvinism, then this fight will overshadow the struggle of Tatar and other chauvinists, which is developing locally and which is dangerous... We may end up with encouragement of local chauvinism, a policy of rewarding local chauvinism, which we cannot allow.

If nationalism were only defensive, there would be no fuss about it. But the trouble is that in some republics nationalism turns into offensive.”
Among the speakers on the national question were characters such as Karl Radek (Karol Sobelzon) - for whom moral values ​​did not exist at all. Stalin answered him: “Radek said that the Armenians oppress or can oppress the Azerbaijanis in Azerbaijan and, conversely, the Azerbaijanis can oppress the Armenians in Armenia. I must state that such phenomena generally do not occur in nature. The opposite happens: in Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijanis, like the majority, oppress the Armenians and massacre, as was the case in Nakhichevan, where almost all Armenians were massacred, and the Armenians in Armenia massacred almost all the Tatars. This was in Zangezur. But for a minority in a state to oppress the people of the majority, such unnatural things have never happened.”

If Stalin lived today, he would clearly see that in Russia it is the minority that oppresses the majority!!!


This essence was in the huge difference between the production fund and the consumption fund between the RSFSR and the “national republics”. The share of production per capita in the RSFSR was many times greater, and consumption, on the contrary, was several times less. Those. the development of the outskirts was subsidized at the expense of the Russian regions - in strict accordance with the “behaviors of Ilyich,” the policy of “internationalism” consisted of inequality of rights for the Great Russians.
Back in 1987, Galina Ilyinichna Litvinova, Doctor of Law, leading researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, having access to Gosplan materials, showed: the Russian people are the most disenfranchised people of the USSR. So, for example, in accordance with the “behaviors of Ilyich,” the RSFSR did not even have its own Communist Party; the first secretaries of the Central Committee were predominantly people from the largest Communist Party of Ukraine, who easily “donated” entire Russian regions to the “national republics.”

Using specific figures and facts, Litvinova proved that the entire burden of tax and budget policy, the policy of purchase prices and state supplies of agricultural products fell on the Slavic republics, which were simply fleeced. According to her data, average monthly incomes in the Uzbek and Tajik SSRs were 9 times higher than in the RSFSR.

“The most important task today,” Litvinova wrote, “is to stop the deliberate genocide of the Russian people.” But most of her articles on the topic of lawlessness of the Russian people were not allowed to be published by the “Kremlin censors.” There were cases when even her articles typed in the printing house were scattered by order “from above” (the fact of the exploitation of Russian regions was confirmed by Russophobe E. Gaidar, but only in 2006, but did he make the calculations himself, or did he use the materials that he stole from the editorial office magazine "Communist", where he worked exactly in 1987-90?).

The fact that the “Soviet plate” quite specifically encouraged the birth rate of children in Uzbekistan and suppressed the birth rate in Russian regions is clearly shown by the graphs in Diagram I.
Sometimes they talk about an increase in the Russian birth rate due to the implementation of the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to strengthen state assistance to families with children” dated January 22, 1981.
This Decree in the 1980s did not affect the births of Russian children. But it is significant for the birth of children in Uzbekistan. Since 1980, the number of children in Uzbekistan has increased 1.5 times.
Thus, the “international” policy led to the inharmonious development of the peoples of the USSR.


For analytical studies of long time intervals, the most accurate indicator is the number of children by year of their birth. In practice, it is important to know the immediate demographic future. For this purpose, the most important indicator is the dynamics of the number of 20-year-olds. By the age of 20, the number of grown men and women is almost equal. Women in their 20s are at the beginning of their most active childbearing years. 20-year-old men are the age of active search for the realization of their strengths and abilities.
Of course, the dynamics of the number of 20-year-olds can be plotted for long time intervals, just like the number of GROWING children. But in practice, it is more important to know a shorter time interval, covering part of the past, today's times and the expected future.

For demography, where the count is in thousands and millions, comparison by difference is of little use. More suitable is the ratio. It is best to start comparing the number of 20-year-olds when their ratio is almost equal to one. It is by this ratio that regions should be selected to compare the past, present and future. The initial indicator is again an equal number of GROWING children by year of their birth. To estimate the number of 20-year-olds, you only need to “move” forward on the time scale by 20 years. This selection leads to the fact that it is necessary to compare the 20-year-old “Russian Core” with a region of much larger size than Uzbekistan.
Without going into details, it is necessary to take the beginning of the 1970s, all of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as the initial coordinate. It was then that the ratio of the number of 20-year-olds is close to one (the initial data for the calculation is the Demoscope Weekly reference book).
For clarity, the ratio of the number of 20-year-olds in Central Asia together with the Caucasus to the 20-year-olds of the “Russian core”

As you can see, there is a continuous overwhelming excess of the number of 20-year-olds in the East over the 20-year-olds of the “Russian Core”.
If the ratio of 20 year olds was:
- in the early 1970s - 1:1;
- by the mid-1980s - 3:1;
- then by 2010 it was already 6:1.

Moreover, this excess is calculated until the early 2030s. After all, as of 2013, they were all already born and growing. Some part - a few percent - of the children born will die at the youngest childhood age, but this ratio will not change the number of 20-year-olds.

Next, I invite readers to think for themselves about the question of how Russians are dying out. Take a look at the number of Russians in the “Russian Core” according to censuses:
- in 1959 - 29 million 825 people;
- in 1989 - 29 million 150 thousand;
- in 2010 - 24 million 650 thousand.

So over 50 years, according to official data alone, the “Russian core” has decreased by 5 million. Moreover, the bulk of the reduction has occurred in the last 20 years. Here is how the percentage of Russians changed in the “Russian Core”:
- in 1959 - 96.4%
- in 1989 - 95.1%;
- in 2010 - 91.7%.

And this is according to official data. The reality is much worse. Smolin writes: “Of course, from my youth I remember the formula: there are lies, there are blatant lies, and there are statistics! Of course, I myself have repeatedly used alternative data from sociological services and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And yet, the data of the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics, compiled in one table entitled “Dual assessments of the main indicators of the development of the Russian economy in 2001-2010,” makes a shocking impression.” Smolin presented them with his comments on the pages of Soviet Russia. So - here is a terrifying picture of the DEGRADATION of our country in the “dry” calculations not of anyone, but, we repeat, until recently - the director of the Research Institute of Statistics of Rosstat:

National wealth of Russia. Official: $4.0 trillion. In fact (according to the Research Institute of Statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Russia): $40 trillion. The understatement by 10 times, Smolin comments, is necessary for the authorities in order to sell off the remains of the former national property for next to nothing to oligarchs and foreigners, and at the same time hammer into the population that we live no worse than we work.

The amount of intellectual capital. Official: $1.5 trillion. In fact: $25 trillion. The underestimation of Russia's intellectual capital by almost 17 times, according to Smolin, helps the authorities justify their policy of copying the worst examples of foreign education, as well as importing foreign scientists at exorbitant prices with the meager support of their own.

Share of investments in % of GDP. Officially: 18.5%. Actually: 12.2%. Overestimating investment in the economy by one and a half times creates a picture of false prosperity, Smolin continues. In fact, the country is dominated by a “buy, sell, steal” economy.

GDP growth rate. Officially: 6%. Actually: 4%. By “inflating” the GDP growth rate by one and a half times, the authorities are trying to convince society that its announced doubling for 2003-2010. could have happened if not for the global crisis. In fact, notes Smolin, for 2003-2008. the economy grew by only a quarter, and in the crisis year of 2009 we turned out to be the record holder for decline among the G20 countries! As for GDP, it seems that the deputy sarcastically notes that they are going to not double it, but even quintuple it, but not in the sense of gross domestic product, but of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: two presidential terms, one prime minister and again two presidential terms, equal in duration to the previous three .
Inflation averaged over the year. Officially: 6-8%. Actually: 18.27%. It has long been known, comments Smolin, that the rise in prices for essential goods in Russia is much faster than the average for all goods and services. Therefore, inflation for the poor (social inflation) is much higher than for the rich. And the poorer the family, the faster the prices for the goods it buys rise. As the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics explains, prices for precisely those goods and services that are purchased by the country’s least affluent citizens are rising by 18% per year. Therefore, it is not surprising that even the government recognizes the growing gap between rich and poor almost every year. Data from the Research Institute of Statistics mean, in particular, that the so-called so-called praised by the authorities. increase in pensions in 2009-2010. at best, compensated for the rise in prices for essential goods for two years.
Income gap between the richest 10% and the poorest 10%. Officially: 16 times. In fact: 28-36 times. This is higher than the indicators not only of Western Europe and Japan, not only of the United States, but also of many Latin American countries, notes Smolin. The maximum permissible level for national security, according to the director of the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Osipov, is 10 times. In Russia it is exceeded three times.
Gap in the level of gross domestic product by region. Officially: 14 times. In fact: 42 times. Socially, Russia has long ceased to be a unified country, writes Smolin. If Moscow lives at the level of the Czech Republic, then the Republic of Tyva is at the level of Mongolia. The federal government is dumping more and more social obligations on the regions and at the same time extracting more and more money from them in order to invest in foreign securities. The poverty of the Russian provinces actually finances, in particular, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and partly in Libya. Article 114 of the Russian Constitution requires that the government pursue a unified social policy throughout the country. Whether the government is fulfilling its duties when the gaps in regional development are tens of times greater, decide for yourself, Smolin (State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) addresses the readers.
The share of the population belonging to socially declassed groups, as a percentage of the total population. Officially: 1.5%. Actually: 45%. According to the Research Institute of Statistics (Rosstat), there are 12 million alcoholics, more than 4.5 million drug addicts, and more than 1 million street children in the country. It is not surprising that the official data is underestimated by 30 times: almost half of the underclassed in the richest country is evidence of the complete failure of the economic and social policies of the authorities.
Share of unprofitable enterprises. Officially: 8%. Actually: 40%. In terms of physical indicators, the modern Russian economy is hopelessly behind the Soviet one, and taxes on the real sector, in contrast to taxes on the personal income of billionaires, are enormous, comments Smolin.
Level of general taxation of income received, in%. Officially: 45%. Actually: 90%. It's amazing how we are still working, and why are the oligarchs still lacking? However, notes Oleg Smolin, this partly explains the following indicator.

Level of tax evasion, as a percentage of income. Officially: 30%. Actually: 80%. The authorities, Smolin explains, pretend to collect taxes, and citizens pretend to pay them!
The degree of depreciation of fixed assets, in%. Officially: 48.8%. Actually: 75.4%. If God wants to punish a person, he takes away his mind, writes Smolin. It seems that this has already happened to the Russian authorities. What kind of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) can there be when the depreciation of fixed assets is 3/4? The WTO is not required to export raw materials, and Russia currently has nothing else to export. The remainder of domestic production will be finished off. Transnational capital will become the complete master of the country. However, why would it be?

Share of foreign capital in the Russian economy, in%. In general - officially: 20%. Actually: 75%, including:
- in property. Officially: 25%. Actually: 60%;
- in profits. Officially: 21%. Actually: 70%;
- in shares. Officially: 18%. Actually: 90%.

“This is, gentlemen,” asks Smolin, “your sovereign democracy? If the data from the Research Institute of Statistics are correct, in the economic sense we are turning into a colony amid loud cries that we are getting up from our knees!”
In grants - officially: 14%. Actually: 90%. It’s funny, Smolin notes, that the authorities are very afraid of foreign grants, but at the same time they calmly take foreign loans and encourage the sale of our enterprises to foreigners!
Real costs of modernization, billion rubles. Officially: 750. Actually: 30. Is it because the actual costs of modernization are 25 times lower than announced, our technological lag is increasing, and all its “steam” is running out of steam?

Efficiency of modernization, as a percentage of costs. Officially: 25%. Actually: 2.5%. Of course: in order to justify “inflated” costs, writes Smolin, it is necessary to show “inflated” results. If you multiply one by the other, the effect turns out to be embellished by about 250 times! However, it was clear before that all the noise about modernization was about beautiful storefronts instead of great construction projects.
The difference between manufacturer prices and retail prices is severalfold. Officially: 1.5. Actually: 3.2, including:
- in agriculture. Officially: 1.3. Actually: 4.0. Intermediaries are “getting fat,” workers and buyers are becoming poor, and the authorities, like Verka Serduchka, repeat: “Okay, everything will be fine!..”;
- in government procurement. Officially: 1.1. Actually: 1.6. But here the officials are clearly getting fatter. It is no coincidence that even President Dmitry Medvedev says that as a result of the application of Law No. 94 (on public procurement), about 1 trillion rubles were stolen from the budget.

The difference between the assigned and paid tariffs of natural monopolies is severalfold. Officially: 1.1. Actually: 1.7, incl. in utility bills. Officially: 1.2. Actually: 2.4. If the “utility” were paid at real prices, writes Smolin, it would cost us half as much!

Unemployment rate, as a percentage of employment. Officially: 2-3%. Actually: 10-12%. Around the world, not all unemployed people are registered at the labor exchange. And so there is a difference between official statistics and statistics from the International Labor Organization. However, for this difference to be 4-5 times, you need to falsify the statistics properly!

Number of crimes committed (2009), million people. Official: 3.0. Actually: 4.8. Apparently, we are talking about almost 2 million crimes that are registered, but strangely do not appear in official statistics, notes Smolin. However, much more important are the crimes that are either not registered at all, or those for which people do not contact law enforcement agencies. According to estimates by a group of scientists from the Research Institute of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Professor S. Inshakov, the number of such crimes is almost 10 times more than official statistics record - approximately 26 million per year.

Maxim Kalashnikov

Genocide of the Russian people

What can save us?

Chapter 1. Degradation, gentlemen of the jury, degradation

We are probably living in a time that can be considered the moment of truth. More and more often, people behind their backs call Russia a lost, hopeless country, wondering at first glance: what kind of coffin will they have to make for a sick bear when he dies?

We have practically no media in our country. What is called “Russian television” and the press, in fact, is a machine for darkening the people’s consciousness and banal agitprop.

“News” (what an ugly, non-Russian word!) programs degenerated into a set of empty video clips, and everything else was taken up by games and empty talk shows. A Russian is more blind than a Soviet person, because during the USSR, we were still told the news.

Which? Yes, at least the same international ones. The serious “International Panorama” was published once a week, the “Today in the World” program was published four times a day, and the “Time” program took up a good hour. At least we understood the logic of events.

Today's Russian, of all the international problems, knows only that there are jams in Israel, that fashion shows are being held, and foreign capitals are greeting with jubilation the next Russian president with a huge rating (Yeltsin, Putin - underline as appropriate).

Everything that is unpleasant for the powers that be is hushed up.

But if you look at what they write about us abroad, the picture will turn out to be depressing.

Read the reports of powerful analytical centers, like the famous RAND Corporation and the editorial articles of the largest Western newspapers - and you will see Russia as an unfortunate, half-broken country, led by gangsters and mafiosi, and this country is steadily sliding towards total bankruptcy, and in general, it’s time to think about how to avoid chaos and disasters during the final collapse of Er-Ef.

Today we present a strange, surreal sight for an outside observer.

In terms of poverty, the redneck morals of the political and business “elite,” and the size of the budget, we look like a typical backward “third world” country.

But, according to some attributes (nuclear weapons, space, navy, military-industrial complex), we seem to be a great power. But, already by inertia.

In fact, all these accessories are the legacy of the Soviet Union, handed over to its uninvited heirs. All these divisions of nuclear submarines, cosmodromes, reactors look now like the clothes of a hero, which were put on by pathetic runts.

Let us, reader, admit one very unpleasant thing: in comparison with the Soviet Union, we have fallen terribly, we have degraded.

Take any alien, show him pictures from 1985 and 2000, and he will tell you what you showed him in reverse order. It's a huge difference.

If, under Gorbachev, it was clear to all analysts: we are spending too much of our petrodollars on the purchase of food, clothing and shoes, actually eating up the country, then the Russian “economic geniuses” rushed to devour all currency, starting to buy basins, combs, chocolate, and condoms.

We remember how in 1999 and 2000 the Russian government held several meetings on the problem of Russian exports. Each time the goal was set: to bring the share of machinery and equipment in Russian exports to at least the level 1985, at least until 40 % .

Now it’s not Japan that I want to catch up with, but the Soviet Union of fifteen years ago is seen as a golden, almost unattainable dream.

At the very end of the 1990s, a motley crowd of “democrats” rushed to power - crazy intellectuals, disgusting “dissidents”, outright bandits and officials who, in Soviet times, would never have risen above the fifth or sixth roles in the union table of ranks.

They all promised us to destroy Soviet barbarism and build a paradise here, leading the country to economic prosperity. They all vilified the USSR as a raw material appendage of the West and promised: with us, there will be such a breakthrough that everyone will shake!

And what happened after ten-odd years of rule by this public?

Until now, we live not just in a raw material economy, but already in a hyper-resource economy. But even here the “reformers” committed a complete failure.

If the USSR produced more than 600 million tons oil per year, then the Russian Federation - 320 million tons in 2000.

We are left with devastated Western Siberia, but on the other hand, the oil and gas fields of Kazakhstan and the Northern Caspian Sea, which are relatively convenient for development, have disappeared.

Turkmenistan with a population of 4.5 million, which until recently did not want to leave the Soviet Union, gave the country up to 90 billion cubic meters of excellent natural gas for export, left. Which, in terms of 2000 prices, equals over seven billion dollars a year!

We are left with Eastern Siberia, which, of course, has oil. However, it is located in such taiga wildernesses and windfalls, in such permafrost-bound places, so far from convenient harbors and existing oil pipelines, that to develop and transport it, you will have to spend more money than you can earn through its sale. It is clear that in a market economy no one will extract it.

At the same time, the Russian industry of the 2000s is approximately 1.3 times more energy-hungry than the USSR industry of 1985. That is, per unit of manufactured goods, Russia spends 30 percent more energy than Soviet industry.

The Russian Federation of 2000 became even less competitive in the world market than the USSR fifteen years ago. With the simultaneous, monstrous growth of the army, which produces no damn bureaucrats, tax officials, intermediaries and politicians, while the number of police and all kinds of security guards per capita is inflated.

The dreams of the 1980s that we would turn away from the disastrous path of extensive development, in which, to increase production, more and more oil, gas and ore were extracted, more and more steel was smelted and more and more factories were built, collapsed.

Our dreams have melted away that we will switch to high technologies, economical, requiring less energy and metal, which will grow our economy, with the same level of raw material extraction.

Under Gorbachev, we flattered ourselves with hopes that hundreds of thousands of small private enterprises would arise in the country that would make furniture, sausage, shoes, all sorts of consumer goods and even some equipment. That there will be millions of those who will raise livestock and supply meat and milk to the market. That, in this way, millions more hired workers will get work and decent earnings.

Well, where is all this?

Productive small businesses in Russia are crushed. And what we understand by this word today is trade in imported goods. At best, it is a service industry.

But, in order to buy or use services, you need to produce something, you need to have an overwhelming majority of people in the country who have well-paid jobs. But this, alas, is not the case.

So, let's, as I said, unforgettable memory, baby Kiriyenko, let's be extremely frank.

An experiment called " liberal democratic reforms“, in our country suffered a crushing, complete and final failure.

Yes, back in the early 1990s, millions of people really believed that difficulties and meager salaries were temporary, that everything was about to get better and go uphill. Today the mood is completely different.

Everyone understood that this dull, poor and full of filth life was not going to end. That those millions of simpletons who followed the white-blue-red rags with foam at the mouth and the name of Yeltsin on their lips turned out to be simply suckers and are now doomed to vegetate and die.

And so - everywhere. In Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan, in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in Moldova and Tajikistan, in Georgia and Armenia.

"Vigorous" Putin, Even in a short time, I accomplished a lot.

Population graph. In red - the size of the Russian population of Ancient Rus' - the Russian Empire - the USSR - Russia (in green - the growth of the Russian population in the absence of acts of genocide). The first drop in numbers from 12 to 5 million is the baptism of Rus'. The dynamics of population growth in China are shown in brown for possible analogies.

1. Definitions

Let's give a definition: GENOCIDE - (from Greek génos - clan, tribe and Latin caedo - I kill) - extermination of certain population groups on racial, national or religious grounds.

The punishability of genocide is established by the statutes of the international military tribunals (Nuremberg and Tokyo), as well as by the special international convention “On the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” (approved by the UN General Assembly on December 9, 1948).

According to the convention, under genocide are understood:

  • actions,
  • committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part,
  • any national
  • ethnic,
  • racial or
  • religious group as such,


  • killing members of such a group,
  • causing them serious bodily harm or mental impairment;
  • deliberate creation of conditions calculated to bring about the total or partial physical destruction of such groups,
  • taking measures designed to prevent childbirth in their midst,
  • forcible transfer of children from one human group to another.

When developing the convention, the representative of the USSR insisted on prohibiting also national-cultural genocide , which is expressed

  • in events and activities,
  • directed against the use of the national language and
  • against the national culture of any population group.

Recognized acts of genocide include the following:

  1. genocide by Jews, Germans and other European peoples of 6 million Jews in 1938 - 1945;
  2. genocide of 1.5 million Armenians by the Turks in 1915 - 1918;
  3. Genocide in Rwanda - 800 thousand, 1994;
  4. Genocide carried out by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia - 2 million dead, 1975 - 1979.

2. Goals

First of all, it is necessary to record and deal with three acts of genocide of the Russian people:

  1. Genocide of Russian Jews 1917 - 1930
  2. Genocide of Russians in the former Soviet republics 1989 - 2010.
  3. Genocide of Russians in Russia 1989 - 2010

3. Genocide of Russian Jews 1917 - 1930.

(in this section, as is customary on national Jewish websites, the names of Jews are highlighted in blue)

On August 9, 1918, Lenin wrote to the Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Gubernia Department G.F. Fedorov: “ In Nizhny, a White Guard uprising is clearly being prepared. We must exert all our efforts, form a troika of dictators (you, Markin, etc.), immediately impose mass terror, shoot and take away hundreds of prostitutes who solder soldiers, former officers, etc. » [ Lenin V.I. - G.F. Fedorov, August 9, 1918 // Lenin V.I. PSS. Volume 50. M., 1965. P. 142].

Like the idea of ​​triplets, the idea of ​​limits also arose in the purely “Leninist” period of history. On August 10, 1918, Lenin wrote to Tsyurupa: “ I propose not to take “hostages”, but to assign them by name to the volosts » [ Lenin V.I. - A.D. Tsyurupe // Lenin V.I. PSS, Volume 50. M., 1965. P. 145]. We meet this idea in its developed form in history with the expulsion of disloyal scientists and writers. From this “glorious” KGB operation, the former Central Party Archives preserved lists of “candidates for expulsion” from Moscow (plus an additional one in two parts), Petrograd (in three parts) and Ukraine. Certificates (“expelled, at large”, “held in custody”, “deportation cancelled”, “case initiated” and the like) were made here, as can be seen from the report G. Berries, as directed by Lenin. The lists were signed by L. Kamenev, D. Kursky and I. Unshlikht. The first list was published in a retelling by A. Latyshev:

List of active anti-Soviet intelligentsia (professors).

Professors of the 1st Moscow University 2 people.

Professors of the Moscow Higher Technical School 4

Professors of the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Agricultural Academy 2

Professors of the Institute of Transport 1

In the case of the Free Economic Society 1

Professors from different educational institutions 6

List of anti-Soviet professors of the Archaeological Institute 4

General list of active anti-Soviet figures in the case of the Bereg publishing house 2

List of persons involved in case No. 813 (Abrikosov group) 4

List of anti-Soviet agronomists and cooperators 12

List of doctors 3

List of anti-Soviet engineers (Moscow) 6

List of writers 12 [ Latyshev A.G. Declassified Lenin. M.: MARCH, 1996. P. 218].

Concentration camps. These institutions were also the direct creation of Lenin and his associates Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky and others and date not from the late thirties, but from the first years of the existence of this power. On April 15, 1919, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, signed by M.I. Kalinin issued a decree “ About forced labor camps » [ Collection of laws 1919 No. 12. P. 124; News. 1919. April 15. No. 81]. This decree legalized the introduction of the camp system and forced labor. In Kyiv, a concentration camp was created in 1919 - it existed until August 9. The “Solovetsky Special Purpose Forced Labor Camp” (ELEPHANT OGPU) was established by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on October 13, 1923.

4. Genocide of Russians in the former Soviet republics 1989 - 2010. (using the example of Central Asia)

Eyewitness accounts

« Because I know: we, Russians, have found ourselves at the lowest point in our own country. Below there is nowhere: there is decay, death, non-existence! »

These are words from the essay of Andrei Polyakov, the winner of a competition held with the participation of the State Duma on the topic “What does it mean to be Russian today?” 2006

My dad and I found out that their dad and mom, grandmother and youngest brother Alyosha were killed in Uzbekistan where they were born and lived. They killed because they did not want to give up their large apartment to the “evil” Uzbeks. The children well remembered their shiny, fat, angry faces, shouting at them: “Za-are-ezh-zhem na shishlik, Ruska pig...”, “Get out of our winter...”, “Go to your own Russia...”. These orphans were saved by a lonely neighbor's Russian aunt, not their own, who brought them to her historical homeland - to the village of Suponevo, near Bryansk. And now they lived with her in a village hut that had been empty before them - with a leaking roof. They had nothing. They slept on an armful of grass pressed with a sickle.

February 12, 1990, Monday. The working day ended a few minutes ago. I am running with my wife along Aini Street. It's rush hour, but the street is absolutely deserted - not a single car on the pavement, not a single passerby on the sidewalks. Behind us, a kilometer away from us, was Lenin Avenue, along which a huge, mindless crowd was rushing towards the railway station, crushing and sweeping away everything in its path. Any minute now she will fall out at an intersection and it is unknown which direction she will turn next.

And the next day, the section of road near the textile mill turned into hell. Gangs of Islamic fundamentalists blocked the highway. They pulled out from the buses and trolleybuses arriving from both sides Russian women were raped here at the bus stops and on the football field by the road, men were severely beaten . Anti-Russian pogroms swept across the city. " Tajikistan for Tajiks! ” and “Russians, go back to your Russia!” - the main slogans of the pogromists. Russians were robbed, raped and killed even in their own apartments. Children were not spared either. It was during these days that the famous slogan was born: “Russians, don’t leave - we need slaves!” He decorated the city fences until the day our family left Tajikistan.

Tajikistan, Uzbekistan early 1990 Russians were slaughtered , from 500 thousand There are no more Russians living in Tajikistan 60 thousand and then, mostly old people. Central Asia is a zone of genocide of the Russian people. It’s not customary to talk about this, they are silent and don’t remember, but they scream about the “Tajik girl” or some “hardworking” rapist. Forgot?

In February 1990, exactly on the day of the next anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran, there was a pogrom of Russian neighborhoods Dushanbe . Murder of ORT correspondent Nikulin in broad daylight, shooting of a school student with a grenade launcher bus with children Russian officers.

Forgot?! Forgiven?! Hordes of Tajik and Uzbek migrant workers walk freely along the streets of Russian cities. Those same “evil” Uzbeks and Tajiks are killing, raping and robbing already on our streets.

They forgot and forgave... But once they took revenge, they remembered the insults inflicted on their relatives, and took revenge. In 913, the Khazars vilely, in violation of the treaty, struck in the back the Russian army returning from the Caspian campaign. They did not forgive, in 964 Khazaria ceased to exist. They never forgave anyone: neither the Poles, nor the French, nor the Japanese, nor the Germans. They took revenge and punished. They punished them in such a way that they discouraged Russians from creating meanness for centuries. What now?

Instead of throwing out all this scum from the country, who shouted in the early 1990s: “Tajikistan is for Tajiks!” Instead of sending all these Asian barbarians to their homeland, to their homeland, the independence from the “Russian occupiers” that they so ardently desired. Instead of punishing those whose hands are up to their elbows in Russian blood so that their great-grandchildren will remember: it’s better not to touch a Russian - it will be more expensive for yourself, we are called to tolerance, called to “love your neighbor.” Moreover, they ask to sympathize with the “disenfranchised guest workers”, and even to engage in the fight for their rights.

At the end of February, the founding conference of the International Union for the Support of Migrant Workers movement took place in Yekaterinburg. Illegals, murderers, rapists, robbers and drug dealers, with the support of the Left Front, unite into an independent political organization.

The ultra-red neo-Trotskyists from the “LF” spoke out against the Russian people, not against the regime. No! Supposedly hiding behind the fight against the Putin regime, Red emissaries traveled around the world in search of sponsors. It is no big secret that the entire Wahhabi underground is supported by foreign intelligence services, primarily the CIA. Who headed the ISPTM? That’s right, “a Wahhabi and an “Islamic Trotskyist,” the chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, one of the leaders of the Kasparov-Limonov “National Assembly,” Azerbaijani Heydar Dzhemal.”

The question is, who will Heydar and “LF” fight with, Putin or the Russian people? The fight against the “bloody regime” is just a screen behind which the true goals are hidden - the genocide of the Russian people. Some have experience, others have a glorious past and ideological base.

We're at our lowest point, it's time to rise. It's time to show that we remember, that we will not forgive and will take revenge. We will avenge the shed Russian blood, for the tears of our women and children. Let us take revenge on everyone, as our ancestors took revenge. Let's take revenge on murderers and rapists, so that no one will be embarrassed. At the same time, we will drive the last nail into the lid of the red-orange coffin.

We remember!

It's time to take up the broom and cleanse our country of foreign debris. This is our country, we have nowhere else to go! We are being driven into a corner, into the Bear Corner. There is no choice, and the answer will be adequate.

We remember and will not forget all those Russian people who were killed and raped in the Central Asian republics. We remember and will do everything to ensure that this does not happen again in our house. It did not happen again, despite the regime and the ultra-left, interspersed with Orangemen and Demshiza with Wahhabis.

We remember and will not forgive! We'll take revenge.

5. Genocide of Russians in Russia 1989 - 2010.

5.1. Opinions of Russian residents

Readers' opinions

Over 20 years, 23 thousand villages and towns have disappeared in Russia. Over the past 20 years, about 23 thousand settlements have disappeared in Russia, of which about 20 thousand are rural settlements. This was announced by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Regional Development Sergei Yurpalov on June 9, 2010 at a press conference. In his opinion, many cities and villages ceased to exist due to the crisis in which Russia found itself in the 90s of the last century.

Really scary numbers. Moreover, they concern specifically Russian regions. Moscow's politics passed through them like a bloody wheel. The last contribution was from Putin’s gang, when in 2008 they began to close small schools in Russian regions to save money. But closing a school is killing a village. How many more of them have been sentenced by the Kremlin grabbers, who spare millions on deceitful events in their deceitful honor?

The Fuhrer never dreamed of such “successes”. The frying pan is probably salivating with envy...

In my opinion, even HITLER could not have caused as much trouble to the Russian people as such “bad guys” as the GAIDARS, ABRAMOVITCHES, CHUBAISYS, FRIEDMANS, FELDMANS AND OTHERS of our relatives, maddened by stolen money, have already done.

Once I had to go to a funeral in the Oryol province - cut to smithereens by the specialist Stroev. Indeed, schools in villages have been closed, and children travel many kilometers to the regional center. There is only one ambulance for the entire region, the equipment is scrapped, and the people survive mainly only due to their farming. Of the former 10 million heads of cattle, only 2 thousand have survived. Businesses have been destroyed. The men openly say that we are being exterminated, and that soon the Chinese will get here too.

I took these numbers from Arguments of the Week. Year of the Family: 2008 Every day two villages die in Russia. Over the past years, 290 cities and 11 thousand villages have completely disappeared from the map of the country. 13 thousand Russian villages were left without inhabitants. Every day we lose 2 villages, and in a year - a small area. The country appears to be on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Everything is much worse - we are not on the verge of a catastrophe, but on the ashes of the Russian state, into which the current corrupt government has turned it.

One of them is mine. Bitter and offensive...

The population decline in Russia per year is from 500,000 to 1,000,000 million people per year! Less people - more oxygen!

Instead of science they made Judeo-Christian theology. How to lick the heel of a god nicknamed “Lord” (the candidacy of the god was approved by the synod of the Russian Orthodox Church and saw Gundyai personally. At a joint meeting with the United Russia party - we are eating Russia: the factions are “fed up with Russia”, “fed up with Russia” and “we are eating up Russia”, as well as the wing party - ROC - “Russian Pi..Ts”).

The villages in which my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, my ancestors, were born and lived are Okoemovo, Sobolino, Aksenovo, Mokritsa, Gologuzka, Borisovo, Kusty, Pochinok, some of them even had schools. Now there are only birch trees and ravines... This is the Sheksninsky district of the Vologda region.

Yes, villages disappeared and became villages, but this process was geometrically accelerated by taking the land into ownership. The villagers have become residents of a foreign land, and they have to leave the foreign land. The owner lives abroad or, at best, in a metropolis.

This is a "natural" process. After all, genocide carried out by rulers and thieves against their own electorate is so natural for Russia, and in the cities it is generally unnoticeable. What is the point then for our rulers to gurgle something about food security, about the development of farming, about agro-leasing, about getting up from their knees. They killed a villager, they ate Polish potatoes, Dutch carrots, Argentine apples and Israeli strawberries with Belgian beef and Norwegian herring and shed crocodile tears - well, it’s a crisis! It’s true, the enemies of the people don’t plow the land, don’t stand at the machine, don’t teach children and don’t treat the sick - they only determine and indicate HOW all this should be done.

They won’t give much for the territory; we don’t live on black soil. And what comes from Chinese rent is not enough for our thieves to buy shag.

What if the territories and their inhabitants are driven away? As before, serfs were tied to the village.

Land for monasteries, village novices, this option will suit you!

That’s how they do it, don’t you understand - in addition to the lands leased to the Chinese, the little people are given for FREE, by God! Because the creeping Chinese expansion will devour all the Russians and will not choke with such power. Assimilation will not work - Russians and Chinese have too different mentalities.

- A “worthy” result of the reign of the Jewish liberals!

The population is replenished not even due to villages, but due to migrants. Mostly from the former republics of the USSR.

Previously, it was replenished from Russian villages! Now it’s different, replenishment and replacement of the population!

Roman law! Who benefits from this, this is the answer.

They simply finish off the words “Russia is in crisis.” Well, so - I walked on my own, walked on my own and found myself (as if by accident) in a crisis. Factories and mines “found themselves” in private hands. Science “turned out” to be unnecessary. The deposits “turned out” to be worthless. Yeltsin “turned out” to be a drunkard. The people “turned out” to be superfluous. Villages and villages (even entire cities) “turned out” to have no prospects. When will the thieves finally “find themselves” in prison and the traitors on trial?

The visible result of the genocide of the Russian people! Wake up, Russian people!

- “Sovereign democracy” is rapidly destroying traces of Soviet power: it started with industry and now it’s the turn of the population. Holodomors and repressions are baby talk. The number of Soviet citizens killed in Afghanistan over 10 years of fighting is 14 thousand. Now compare: every year 30 - 40 thousand Russians die from drug addiction. This is only from drugs, what else can we talk about? And this government considers Stalin a tyrant and accuses him of repression?

I’m still waiting for them to try us with dust...

Russia's escheat policy towards Russians, Russian culture and its source - the peasantry, the village, it was like that before, and has not changed at all. The Russian empire and Russian culture will become its gravediggers, which is why in the 20th century they frantically tried to turn peasants into slaves - collectivization, and then simply exterminate them by starvation, putting them on the brink of survival. Russia finally managed to accomplish what neither Mamai nor Hitler managed to do - turn the entire Russian plain into wasteland and ashes...

The question remains: either the empire, or Russian culture and its bearers - Russians...

To arms!

This is Putin's plan. First, everyone will leave the villages for the cities, and in the cities they will become certified unemployed and reduce the birth rate to zero. And Russia will not exist. It will be possible to move in with those for whom Putin works.

Margaret Thatcher said: “It is economically justifiable for 15 to 17 million people to live in Russia.”

5.2. Signs of cultural genocide

Official figures

At baptism, only Jewish names (including Greek) are imposed on Russian children.

For the period from 1989 to 2002, according to Goskomstat (), “ The share of Russians in the entire population of the country decreased by 1.7 percentage points. This happened mainly due to natural loss, amounting to almost 8 million people, which could not be compensated by the slightly more than three million migration increase of Russians».

The other 15 major nationalities are Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, Armenians, Avars, Kazakhs, Azerbaijanis, Kabardians, Ossetians, Dargins, Buryats, Yakuts , Kumyks, Ingush, Lezgins - for the same period increased its numbers.

Data from the official website of the State Statistics Committee (“Results of the All-Russian Census of 2002”) indicate that “ During the intercensus period, the population over working age increased by 2.6 million people (9.5%). At the same time, the number of children and adolescents during this period decreased by 9.7 million people (27%). A particularly sharp decline (by 43%) occurred in the age group of children under 10 years old (generations born in the last decade, when the birth rate was the lowest in the entire post-war history of Russia)».

In the Russian Federation, according to various estimates, there are from 3 to 5 million street children.

Russia “leads” in the child pornography market.

Every year, 50,000 thousand slaves from Russia are delivered to slave markets around the world, where they are subjected to cruel sexual exploitation.

The threshold for engaging in sexual intercourse has been lowered to 14 years of age (especially in order to supply “live goods” to brothels for oligarchs with impunity).

Over the past 10 years, 7 million children have died from various diseases in Russia. (Data for 2002; press service of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).

In general, the increase in incidence, according to the Ministry of Health, was 42.5% in children and 64% in adolescents.

5.3. Results of Russia's degradation over 16 years

Official data, opinions of journalists and readers

June 8, 2010. Rosstat released data indicating that the frightening picture of degradation of the industrial and social sphere over the past 20 years is by no means an invention of individual alarmist experts or pessimistic ordinary people. And, strictly speaking, it is a proven “scientific fact”.

From the dynamics of the main socio-economic indicators of the country for 1992 - 2008 presented by Rosstat, it follows that during this period the “invisible hand of the market” caused such damage to Russia that even the notorious Tatar-Mongol yoke . In particular, at this time actually

  • the area of ​​emergency housing has tripled,
  • there was a sharp decline in production, and
  • a one and a half to twofold increase in incidence was noted.

Reference: another alarming indicator noted by Rosstat is the increasing frequency of complications of pregnancy and childbirth. In 1992, 1.3 million women faced such problems, and in 2008 - already 2.7 million women.

In order not to shock society too much with the negative numbers, 1992 was taken as a starting point, when the country had already begun to slide into the pit prepared for her by the liberals and, to put it mildly, could not boast of outstanding results both in the social sphere and in economic activities.

If, say, 1986 or 1987 had been taken for comparison, the picture would have looked even more depressing.

The same applies to 2008, which was taken as a standard year to represent the well-being of modern Russia (it is not difficult to guess that over the past two years, which have passed under the sign of the crisis, our main socio-economic indicators have dropped significantly).

As a few advantages , which statisticians managed to find for the specified period, became

  • increase in oil production, as well as
  • growth in steel production and
  • cars.

Thus, one can easily verify that the volume of cubic meters of gas and barrels of oil pumped from the depths, scientifically speaking, does not have a positive correlation with the standard of living of the vast majority of citizens , and PR slogans like “Gazprom is the pride of Russia!” can only impress a very naive person. Or on those who fell into the “cohort of the chosen” thanks to the tendency towards stratification and polarization of society along property lines that emerged during this period.

According to Rosstat, The fund ratio - that is, the ratio of the incomes of the richest and poorest 10% of citizens - has more than doubled over 16 years and reached 16.8 . Simply put, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. At the same time, the data presented indicate that over the course of 16 years, the standard of living of the population on average across the country has increased. Which is understandable, given the well-known measurement effect " average temperature in the hospital " In addition, one should take into account the reduction in officially registered poverty (the number of people with incomes below the subsistence level has decreased by 2.5 times). This was partly due to the state’s redistribution of part of the petrodollars in the “fat” pre-crisis years into funds to provide for the poor. However, in the context of a global recession, this “bonus” of the commodity economy will apparently have to be forgotten in the coming years.

Power to justice and as soon as possible.

But for Putin - Medvedev and their accomplices, things are, apparently, nowhere better. After all, Russia will collapse like this, and this is already a question of the coming years, if they are not removed from power and brought to justice!

- (Shoot!) *Comment was deleted by the moderator for violating the Rules for commenting on the Portal*

Shooting is irrational (even though you want to). After the tribunal, they go to camps under escort, at least they will do some work, but they won’t return people’s lives.

No, only a public trial, with all crimes announced.

I don't agree! A show trial is needed. So that everyone gets into the current moment :)

Let's give neither you nor me a demonstration shooting!!! =)

And jokes aside, seeing all this from the most beautiful distance is painful, but from close up it’s completely unbearable.

How can we go to trial when the authorities, according to ALL rating agencies, incl. independent and foreign, supports at least 60% of the dying population?

The key criteria in assessing the performance (success or failure) of the state and those in power, as a rule, are the growth in the number of people (who created the state), the average life expectancy of newborns and infant mortality. In other words, if a people multiplies and children die in exceptional cases, and life expectancy increases, then the state and those in power cope with their functions. If not, i.e. indicators are unsatisfactory according to at least one of the three criteria, then the state is subject to modernization, and those in power must be held accountable for the results of their activities according to the law and incur punishment corresponding to their deeds.

Not a court tribunal!

Number of births:

  • 1992 - 1587.6 thousand people
  • 2008 - 1717.5 thousand people
  • 2009 - 1764.0 thousand people

Fertility rate:

  • 1990 - 13.4 per 1000 people
  • 2008 - 12.0 per 1000 people
  • 2009 - 12.4 per 1000 people

School graduates 2008:

  • from the President’s speeches - 1050 thousand.
  • on the website of the Ministry of Education - 1075 thousand.
  • President - 950 thousand
  • Website of the Ministry of Education - 995 thousand.

Do these figures include children of guest workers who are not Russian citizens? There are tons of them studying in our schools. And some have dual citizenship.

Are the children of Azeris, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, etc., who study in Moscow, also included in these statistics? After all, they are foreigners... but there are plenty of them in Moscow.

The bewilderment and anger of citizens is growing.

Be sure to repent and judge. We must not degrade - after all, this was the task [ ].

6. Jewish fascism on Russian territory

6.1. Fascism of Novodvorskaya

Direct speech

V. Novodvorskaya writes: Russians are “slaves who one cannot raise one’s hand to call a people.”

“Russia is an ill-mannered, dirty beggar, evil and stupid, because such behavior does not cause an influx of benefactors. Russia must understand that its history is a history of illness and crime. She must accept historical punishments and repentance. And you will argue that a country can do such work on itself, like St. Francis, without foreign occupation, without the violence of the reformist part of society against those who are stuck in the delusion that they are right? This has never happened in history."

6.2. Hypersionism in Russia

6.2.1. Jewish organizations in Russia

Official data of Jewish organizations (using the example)

Total in Russia (2002) - 230 thousand Jews

70% - in Moscow and St. Petersburg

for 70 thousand Jews scattered throughout Russia

There are about 600 Jewish organizations in Russia,

that is, in each (with the exception of Moscow and St. Petersburg)- only 100 Jews each

including branches - 20 Jews each,

of these, 10 - 20 Jews work in the same organization

For what? For what purpose? For what money?

Why are these people messing around on our territory?

The first legal Jewish organizations in the RSFSR arose in Moscow in 1988. - Jewish Cultural Association(ESA) and Moscow Jewish Cultural and Educational Society(MEKPO). In 1989, the first congress of Jews of the USSR was held in Moscow, which created the first roof coordination organization of Soviet Jewry - Vaad USSR, which existed until 1992. Its activities aimed at recreating Jewish communal life in the USSR coincided with the period of mass outcome Soviet Jews. Over the past decade and a half, about 350 thousand people left Russia for Israel, and about 150 thousand more went to the USA, Germany and some other countries.

According to the latest population census, held in 2002, the Jewish population of Russia was 233400 people living mainly in large cities. About 70% of the Jewish population lives in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In February 2008, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia program for stimulating the birth rate among Jews , which provided for the payment of benefits for the third and subsequent children upon reaching three years of age. In addition to Ashkenazi Jews in Russia, there are noticeable communities of the so-called. Sephardic or Eastern Jews, predominantly mountain. Although traditional centers of settlement of Mountain Jews in the North Caucasus (Derbent, Makhachkala, Nalchik) still exist, many representatives of this ethnic group have moved to Moscow and Pyatigorsk in the last 10-15 years. Significant communities of Bukharian Jews exist in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, and Irkutsk. There is a center in Moscow World Congress of Mountain Jews(formed in 2003), which is a collective member, and the Foundation for the Development of Jewish Culture operating under it. At the same time, there is a department created in 2001 World Congress of Bukharian Jews Congress of Bukharian Jews of Russia and the CIS(President since 2008 - Benjamin Benjamin). The number of “eastern” communities is quite difficult to determine. Figures suggested by the 2002 census ( 3000 mountain Jews and 100 - Georgian and Bukharian Jews) obviously do not reflect the real situation. In addition, Russia is home to about 1000 Karaites, 150 Krymchakov.

The “roof” secular Jewish organizations in Russia include the oldest Jewish association - Vaad of Russia, or Federation of Jewish Organizations and Communities(formally created in 1992, before that it existed for almost three years as a branch of the All-Union Vaad; the president is EAJC General Secretary Mikhail Chlenov), and also All-Russian public organization REC. In addition, in Russia there are associations of Jewish religious communities of three directions - traditional rabbinical orthodoxy (the so-called “Lithuanian” or “Misnaged” Judaism), Reform Judaism and Lubavitcher Hasidism Chabad. The followers of the latter trend are currently the most numerous and influential, united in Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia(FEOR; chief rabbi - Berel Lazar, president - Alexander Boroda). FEOR is included from above 200 religious communities.

The first communities of Reform (or modern) Judaism appeared in the late 1980s. in Moscow. Currently they are combined into Association of religious organizations of modern Judaism in Russia(OROSIR; chairman - Irina Shcherban). OROSIR and the Federation of Orthodox Jews of Russia (FOER), which is in the process of registration, uniting Orthodox communities that have not joined FEOR, are included in Congress of Jewish Religious Communities and Organizations of Russia(KEROOR; created in 1993, chief rabbi Abraham (Adolf) Shaevich, chairman - rabbi Zinovy ​​Kogan; unites about 100 communities

President of KEROOR Arkady Gaydamak accused:

  • Israeli prosecutors accuse Russian-born businessman Arkady Gaydamak of laundering $170 million.
  • A verdict is soon due in France on charges of selling arms to Angola.

According to the court decision, in February-March 2009 there were deported FEOR-supported rabbis of Vladivostok I. Silberstein and Stavropol Ts. Hershkovich.

Another form of unification of Russian Jews is national cultural autonomies (NCAs), whose existence is stipulated by a special federal law adopted in 1996. NCAs are national secular organizations designed to ensure the national identity of diasporas in the field of language, culture and education. The NCA Law establishes legal relations between diasporas and government agencies. In total, there are over 40 regional Jewish autonomies and several dozen local-level autonomies . Federal Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy(FENKA), created in 1999 (president since December 2008 - businessman and community leader from Kazan Mikhail Skoblionok, chairman of the board of trustees since 2004 - Alexander Mashkevich).

Vaad of Russia And REC became co-founders in 2002 Euro-Asian Jewish Congress(EAJC) and were represented in the General Council of the EAJC. In 2002, on the initiative of FEOR and EAJC, the World Congress of Russian-Speaking Jewry, one of whose centers is located in Moscow (president since 2007 - Boris Shpigel). Representatives of the Vaad of Russia and the FEOR are members of the WKRE Council. At the end of July 2005, on the initiative of the FEOR, a founding congress was held in Moscow Council of Sephardic Jews of the CIS.

In total, there are about 600 Jewish organizations in Russia , including representative offices " Dried" And " Joint" Under the patronage of the latter, a network of khesedim operates, the number of clients of which exceeds 150 thousand people (Jewish Agency “Sokhnut” is an official organization of the State of Israel).

65% of Russian Jews work for Israel

The second most important activity of the Russian Jewish community after charity is Jewish education. There are 45 Jewish basic schools and about 60 Sunday schools in Russia. There is also a small network of pre-school educational institutions, religious yeshiva schools and teacher training colleges. Most educational institutions at the school level are financed by the state budget, as well as by community organizations, the Jewish Agency in Russia, ORT, and some international religious structures. September 2, 2009 Head of the Council Natan Sharansky , while in Moscow, signed a Partnership Agreement in the field of education with RJC. The agreement involves the creation of a joint commission on Jewish education in Russia. N. Sharansky also managed to reach an agreement with the Genesis charitable foundation, financed by the head of Alfa Bank Mikhail Fridman, to expand cooperation in the field of Jewish education and strengthen the self-identity of Russian-speaking Jews.

Since 1989 it has been operating in Moscow Institute for Jewish Studies under the leadership of Rabbi A. Steinsaltz, who published a translation into Russian of several parts of the Talmud and Haggadah.

Higher education in the field of Jewish studies has received great development in the last decade and a half. They work in Moscow Russian-American Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities (founded in 1991, heads - Prof. N. Basovskaya and D. Fishman, director - M. Kupovetsky) , State Classical Academy named after Maimonides(founded in 1992, rector - Prof. V. Irina-Kogan), Department of Jewish Studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University(until 2007 - Center for Judaic Studies and Jewish Civilization at ISAA Moscow State University, created in 1998, director - Prof. A. Kovelman), International Jewish Institute of Economics, Finance and Law(until 2008 - International Institute of the 21st Century) (founded with the support of FEOR in 2002, rector - Prof. Yu. Zaitsev). Works in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Institute of Jewish Studies(formerly St. Petersburg Jewish University, established in 1992, rector - Prof. D. Elyashevich), and in 2000, as a joint project of FDI and St. Petersburg State University, Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies(CBI) at the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University under the guidance of prof. I.Tantlevsky. In addition, he works at the European University of St. Petersburg Center "St. Petersburg Judaica"(supervisor - Prof. V. Dymshits).

In addition to daytime educational institutions, Russia also has programs Open University of Israel, allowing you to study by correspondence, etc. People's universities of Jewish culture - i.e., lecture halls, existing in many cities where there are large communities. Since 1994, it has been operating in Moscow Center for Researchers and Teachers of Jewish Studies at Universities "Sefer"(Director - member of the EAJC General Council, Dr. Victoria Mochalova, Chairman of the Academic Council since February 2008 - Prof. M. Chlenov).

7. Conclusion

According to a UN report published in 2002, Russia was in second place (after the United States) in the number of legal and illegal immigrants living in the country. According to UN experts, in Russia there are more than 13 million people . - 9% of the population. Deputy Director of the Federal Migration Service V. Postavnin said in January 2006 that there are from 5 to 14 million illegal immigrants in Russia. According to the head of the Federal Migration Service K. Romodanovsky (March 2006), every year he comes to Russia to work 20 million labor migrants, including 10 million work illegally. He estimated the damage from the labor activities of illegal immigrants at 200 billion rubles.

During the First World War and the Civil War, the birth rate dropped sharply, but by the mid-1920s, the life of the population, then predominantly peasant, in Russia, Ukraine, and other regions of the USSR returned to normal, and the pre-war high birth rate was restored. In the 1930s, a sharp decline in the birth rate began.

According to demographer Anatoly Vishnevsky, the total direct and indirect demographic losses of Russia during the 20th century as a result of wars, famines, repressions, economic and social upheavals are estimated at 140 - 150 million people . In particular, demographic losses in the period 1926 - 1940 alone amounted to 9 million people After the first three crises, the population in the country was restored.

For comparison: China's policy: “one family, one child.” This is direct genocide, but even with such genocide, the population of China from 1982 to 2006. increased by 30% and reached 1.3 billion people.

The graph shows that, starting with the “revolution,” the Russian population of Russia is systematically exterminated, “keeping” it at approximately the same level. While in hostile states the population is growing at a tremendous pace.

1) In Russia, the genocide of the Russian people was carried out and is being carried out.

Periods of this genocide:

1. 9th - 11th centuries.

2. 1917 - 1941

3. 1988 - 2010

The forces carrying out the genocide of the Russian people come from southern ethnic groups, forming their own religions, as well as settling in bureaucratic positions at various levels.

2) In the former “union republics” the genocide of the Russian people was carried out (during the collapse of the USSR).

3) The losses of the Russian people (shortage) over the entire period and taking into account all significant genocides amount to more than 550 million people.

2. Genocide of the Russian people

For three hundred years the Russian people were under the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Since 1917, Russia and the Russian people fell under the Jewish yoke.

The Tatars did not offend the religious feelings of the Orthodox, did not desecrate or destroy churches. They left power to the Russian princes and collected only tribute. They did not concern the culture of the people, their spiritual values.

The Jewish yoke is incomparable in its cruelty and inhumanity with the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols. Jewry is committing genocide of the Russian people, seized property created by the labor of many generations of the peoples of the country, finances, the press, destroyed and desecrated Orthodox churches and churches, and is imposing its culture, morality and ethics.

Almost a century after the October Revolution of 1917, it seems to us that its assessment by political figures of that time is very relevant. This is what Comrade (Deputy - A.P.) Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Prince N.D., wrote. Zhevakhov: “The task of the revolution of 1917 was the destruction of Russia and the formation on its territory... of a stronghold for the subsequent conquest of Western European Christian states... Ahead stood the persecution of the Orthodox Church, the theft of Russia's untold riches, the wholesale extermination of the Christian population, torment, torture, executions, resurrections long-forgotten pages of history, which were remembered only by people specially marked by God... The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, Iliodor of Glinsky, John of Kronstadt and lay sages, one list of whose names could fill a whole book, warned about the coming of this moment, but no one believed them...

And when this long-foreseen moment came, they not only did not recognize it, but on the contrary, they thought that a “new” Russia was being built by “new” people, “new ideals” were being created, “new paths” were being indicated to achieve “new goals” ...

In reality, there was a return to such a hoary old thing, covered with centuries-old dust, what was happening was not a “class” struggle, or a struggle of “labor with capital,” it was not these stupid slogans designed for the ignorance of the masses that triumphed, but there was a very real, cynically frank struggle of Judaism with Christianity, one of those old attempts to conquer the world... which took its roots in the ancient pagan philosophy of the Chaldean sages and began even before the coming of Christ the Savior to earth, repeating itself countless times in history with the same means and techniques.”

Indeed, in all troubles and revolutions, including English and French, the methods were the same. The main blow was dealt to the legitimate government, the state-forming nation and the church.

After the overthrow of the autocracy and the seizure of power, Jewry launched a struggle against the Russian people as the state-forming nation. Realizing that they did not have enough strength to destroy the Orthodox with a frontal attack, they used a method proven in both England and France - the Civil War. That is, they set one part of the people against another.

All the years of the First World War V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) and his Jewish “guard” advocated turning the imperialist war into a civil war. In a speech at a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1918, L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) stated: “Our party is for the Civil War. The civil war came down to bread. Long live the Civil War!

During the Civil War unleashed by the Jews in 1918–1922, 939,755 soldiers and commanders of the Red Army died. About the same number died on the white side. But basically these were Russian people. Almost 2 million died in fighting in the name of Jewish domination alone!

Already on June 16, 1918, Jews legally restored the death penalty, although before the seizure of power they were its main opponents.

In order to strengthen the Jewish dictatorship, in the spring of 1918, 205 newspapers that were objectionable to Jews were closed. Here you have freedom of speech and freedom of the press, which is what Jewry speculated on in the Russian Empire and is speculating on today in the Russian Federation - Russia.

The Soviets of Kaluga, Tver, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Kostroma, Saratov, Penza, Tambov, Orel, Voronezh, Vologda, that is, the Soviets of Russian provinces where the Jews did not have a majority, were dissolved. They sent their fellow tribesmen there.

The Russian peasantry had little desire to fight for the interests of the Jewish occupiers. In 1919–1920, there were 3.5 million deserters in the country. Special detachments of the Cheka were created to catch them. In 1919 they caught 500 thousand people, in 1920 - 700–800 thousand. Tens of thousands were shot.

The favorite method of Jews in the fight against desertion was hostage-taking. Let us cite one of the reports from the departments of the Jewish Cheka dated June 23, 1919: “...The families of deserters of the Peter and Paul volost of the Yaroslavl province were taken as hostages. When they began to shoot a man in each family, the green ones began to come out of the forest and surrender. 34 armed deserters were shot.”

A similar report from the Lebedyansky district of the Tambov province: “On April 30, an uprising of kulaks and deserters broke out on the basis of the mobilization of people and horses, and the accounting of grain. The uprising went under the slogan “Down with the communists!” Down with the Soviets!“. The 212th detachment of internal troops arrived and liquidated the uprising. 60 people were arrested, 50 were shot on the spot, the village from where the uprising broke out was burned.” With such measures, the Jews drove Russian peasants into the Red Army, forcing them to obey the invaders.

A song was written for the Red Army soldiers:

We will boldly go into battle

For the power of the Soviets

And we will die as one

In the fight for it.

The White Army sang another song to the same tune:

We will boldly go into battle

For Holy Rus'

And we will kill all the Jews,

Such a bastard...

Protest against Jewish dominance and the “waiting” of the country was also expressed in the Red Army.

By decree of the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) for outrage over the Jewish occupation of Russia, on May 27, 1918, the head of the naval forces of the Baltic Fleet, captain of the first rank A.M., was arrested. Shchastny. The only prosecutor in the Supreme Tribunal of the Republic (there are only Jews there - A.P.) was the Jew L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky). Naturally, there was no protection. A.M. Shchastny was shot.

The commander of the second cavalry army, Philip Kuzmich Mironov, sent V.I. A letter to Ulyanov (Lenin), in which he expressed indignation at the policies of Jews towards the Russian people. The letter said: “The social life of the Russian people... must be built in accordance with their historical, everyday and religious traditions and worldview, and the future must be left to time.”

September 13, 1919 L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) in connection with this issued an order: “...As a traitor and traitor, Mironov is outlawed. Every citizen who gets in Mironov's way is obliged to shoot him like a dog. Death to the traitor!

However, V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) F.K. Mironov defended. He talked with him for two hours and promoted him to his position. Under the command of F.K. Mironov's troops of the Red Army defeated the army of P.N. Wrangel and captured Crimea.

However, Jewry did not forgive him for his anti-Jewish statements. In 1920, by order of L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) put him in Butyrka prison, where on April 2, 1921, without any trial, he was shot.

The talented military leader and commander of the Red Army of the North Caucasus, Ivan Lukich Sorokin, also tragically died. On October 13, 1918, on his orders, the chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Caucasian Republic Rubin, his deputies Dunaevsky and Krainy, and the head of the Cheka Rozhansky were arrested for executions and bullying of Russians.

All of them are Jews and were shot for their crimes. November 1, 1918 L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) announced I.L. Sorokin is “outlaw”, he was killed by Jews.

They destroyed the commander of the first cavalry corps B.D. Dumenko. On February 24, 1920, together with the staff of the headquarters, he was arrested and executed on May 11. The first point of the accusation stated that they “carried out a Judeophobic and anti-Soviet policy, calling the leaders of the Red Army Jews.”

On August 30, 1919, division commander Nikolai Aleksandrovich Shchors was killed with a bullet to the back of the head. Shot him on the orders of L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) political inspector of the Revolutionary Military Council, Odessa Jew P.S. Tankhil-Tankhilevich for anti-Semitism among the division soldiers and the commander himself.

On December 9, 1919, on the border of Estonia and Soviet Russia, the commander of the 11th Infantry Regiment, Zunder, was killed during a firefight between Estonian and Bolshevik troops. His body ended up on the Estonian side. During a search in the pocket of his clothes, the Estonians found a document in Hebrew (in Yiddish - A.P.).

After a thorough examination by counterintelligence, the authenticity of the document was established and it was translated into Estonian. On December 31, his text was simultaneously published in two Estonian newspapers in Tallinn and Tartu - Teetaya and Postimaes.

After this, the “Sunder Document” gained international fame: “Secret. Representatives of the departments of the “International Union of Israelis”. Children of Israel! The hour of our final victory is near. We are on the eve of world domination. What we could only dream about before is now becoming a reality. Weak and helpless just a short time ago, now, thanks to the general world collapse, we raise our heads with pride.

However, we must be careful, since it can be confidently predicted that, having stepped over the destroyed altars and thrones, we must move even further along the intended path. Through successful propaganda and revelations, we subjected the authority and beliefs of a religion alien to us to merciless criticism and ridicule. We have overthrown other people's shrines, we have shaken peoples and states from their culture and traditions. We have done everything to subjugate the Russian people

Jewish power and force it to finally kneel before us. We've almost achieved it all; however... we must be careful, since our original enemy is enslaved Russia. The victory over it, achieved by our genius, may someday be turned against us in new generations.

Russia has been thrown into the dust: it is under our dominion; but don't forget for a moment that we must be careful! The sacred concern for our safety does not allow us either compassion or mercy.

Finally we saw the poverty and tears of the Russian people! Having taken away their property and gold, we turned these people into miserable slaves. Be careful and silent. We must not have pity for our enemy: we must remove the best and leading elements from them, so that conquered Russia will not have a leader. By this we destroy any possibility of resisting our power. It is necessary to awaken party hatred and civil strife among peasants and workers. War and class struggle destroy the cultural treasures created by Christian peoples. But be careful, children of Israel! Our victory is close, as our political and economic power and our influence on the masses are increasing.

We buy government loans and gold and thereby dominate the world's exchanges. The power is in our hands, but be careful.

Don't trust deceptive dark forces! Bronstein, Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld, Steinberg - all of them, like many others, are faithful sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is unlimited. In cities, commissariats, food commissions, house committees, etc., representatives of our people play a leading role. And don’t get drunk with victory! Be careful because no one can protect us but ourselves!

Remember that you cannot rely on the Red Army, because it can turn its weapons against us.

Children of Israel! The hour is near when we will achieve the long-awaited victory over Russia! Close your ranks! Preach loudly the national policy of our people! Fight for our eternal ideals!

Central Committee

Petrograd department

International Union of Jews."

Jewry not only split the Russian army, pitting soldiers (workers and peasants - A.P.) against officers (military intelligentsia - A.P.), not only unleashed the Civil War between Russians and Russians, but also organized civil strife within certain segments of the Russian population.

In May 1918, Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Ya.M. Royd (Sverdlov) set the task of “splitting the village into two irreconcilable hostile camps, restoring the rural poor against the rural bourgeoisie.” For this purpose, by decree of June 11, 1918, committees of the poor (kombedas) were created throughout the country. Jewish instructions to the committees demanded the destruction of able-bodied peasants in Russia. Destroy, take away, capture - this is the traditional Jewish policy with the help of which the bloody drama of the Russian village was brewed.

To requisition food from the peasants, the Jews formed an 80,000-strong food army by 1920. The confiscation of food from peasants led to mass famine in Ukraine, the Volga region, the North Caucasus and a number of regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. On July 21, 1921, the Jewish government of Russia created the All-Russian Committee for Famine Relief. Its functions included searching for food and medicine in Russia and abroad, distributing this aid among the hungry, establishing local committees, etc... The Russian Orthodox Church began to provide assistance to the committee.

The committee was soon dissolved. The Deputy Chairman of the Cheka is the cousin of F.E.’s wife. Dzerzhinsky Sophia Mushkat Jew Joseph Unschlikht stated that “he was the center of attraction for Russian society. We cannot allow this." Let the Russians die of hunger, but Jewry will not allow the creation of even a humanitarian center that unites them.

Instead of a committee, the Jews created the Famine Relief Commission (Famine Relief Commission) through the American Relief Association (ARA) headed by J. Edgar Hoover.

The famine of 1921–1922 affected an area of ​​30 million people. Only 3 million were helped. As a result, 5 million people died of hunger, and there were no Jews among them. In this regard, it is appropriate to compare the food of the Jewish occupiers of Russia: “We settled with Lenin across the corridor,” wrote L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky). The dining room was common. The food in the Kremlin was very bad back then. Instead of meat they gave us corned beef. Flour and cereals were filled with sand. Only red chum caviar was in abundance due to the cessation of exports. It is not only in my memory that the first years of the revolution are colored with this unchanging caviar.”

Hundreds of thousands of Russian people died from a famine organized by Jews, and Jewish leaders gorged themselves on red caviar.

At the beginning of 1929, the original plan was approved. collectivization. In accordance with it, 5 million peasant farms or 20% of the total were to join collective farms. In June of the same year, this figure was increased to 8 million, and in September to 13. At the end of October, the Pravda newspaper announced complete collectivization.

All wealthy peasants (kulaks, as the Jews called them - A.P.) were divided into 3 categories. The first is those who fought against collectivization. This category was charged with counter-revolutionary activities. They were subject to arrest and placement in concentration camps. Their families without property were evicted to the northern regions of the country. The second is those who did not fight against collectivization, but also did not approve of it. They were subject to deportation to the northern regions along with their families. The third category is those who were loyal to collectivization. They were subject to eviction along with their family and property to the same province, but outside the zone of collective farms.

Directive No. 44/21 of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Jew Hanoch Enoch Yehudi (Yagoda) ordered the immediate arrest of 60 thousand fists of the first category.

On January 20, 1930, the bureau of the Middle Volga Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, headed by the Jew Mendel Khataevich, at a closed meeting adopted a resolution “On the seizure and eviction of counter-revolutionary elements and kulaks from the village.” Here is this document:

"1. Immediately carry out a massive operation throughout the region to remove 3,000 active counter-revolutionary anti-Soviet and terrorist elements from the village. This operation should be completed by February 5th.

2. At the same time, begin preparations for the mass eviction of kulak-White Guard elements along with their families, carrying out this operation from February 5 to 15.

A week later, the Jewish leadership of the Middle Volga region decided to arrest not 3 thousand, but up to 5 thousand, and evict not 10 thousand, but 15 thousand Russian peasant farms.

On January 31, 1930, on behalf of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in Samara M.M. A telegram was sent to Khataevich: “Your haste on the kulak issue has nothing to do with party policy. You get the voice of dispossession in its worst form. Stalin, Molotov, Kaganovich."

Similar reprisals against the Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh and other peoples were carried out by the leader of the Siberian Territory, the Latvian Jew Robert Eichs, the leader of the Ukrainian SSR S. Kosior, the head of the Kazakh ASSR, one of the organizers of the murder of the Tsar and his family, the Jew Shaya Goloshchekin, the head of the Central Black Earth Region, the Lithuanian Jew Juozas Vareikis , head of the Moscow region, Latvian Jew Karl Bauman.

On March 2, 1930, the actions of these Jewish executioners were condemned in an article by I.V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin) “Dizziness from success” in the newspaper “Pravda”.

Collectivization was also led by Jews from Moscow. The People's Commissar of Agriculture was Yakov Arkadyevich Epshtein (Yakovlev). By the decision of the November 1929 Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, he was approved as chairman of the special commission on collectivization. The initiator of speeding up collectivization and the author of all directives was the head of the collective farm center, the Jew G. Kaminsky. The state farms were in charge of the Jew M. Kalmaovich.

These Jewish satraps exiled more than 2 million Russian and Ukrainian peasants, of which 1 million 800 thousand in 1930–1931. Hundreds of thousands of them perished in concentration camps. Between 1931 and 1933, 6 million people died as a result of famine.

Isn't this the genocide of the Russian peasantry? Soon all these Jewish stranglers of the Russian people will themselves be destroyed.

Jewry felt intense hatred for the Cossacks. The Cossacks have always guarded the interests of the Russian state. They resolutely suppressed any Jewish attempts to organize unrest or offend the Orthodox. They were also the guardians of Russian culture, morality and ethics.

Having seized power in Russia, Jewry immediately began the fight against the Cossacks. Already in December 1917, the Cossacks were deprived of their traditional status. Their lands were confiscated and transferred to settlers and local peasants. Again the favorite Jewish method: “divide and conquer.”

Under threat of death, the Cossacks were forced to surrender their weapons, although they had the right to carry them. All stanitsa and district bodies of Cossack self-government were dissolved.

January 24, 1919 Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) Ya.M. Royd (Sverdlov) signed a secret directive from the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b): “Taking into account the experience of the civil war against the Cossacks, recognize the only correct political move as mass terror against the rich Cossacks, exterminating them without exception. Carry out merciless mass terror against all Cossacks who took any direct or indirect part in the fight against the Soviet (or rather Jewish - A.P.) power.” Only one chairman of the Don Revolutionary Committee, Jew Reingold, from February to mid-March 1920 destroyed more than 8 thousand Cossacks.

Isn't this the genocide of the Russian Cossacks? But today’s “human rights fighters,” the grandchildren of the Jewish executioners of the Cossacks, are silent about the crimes of their grandparents. Apparently, numerous Jewish “democratic” parties and organizations are interested in the rights of only their “God’s chosen people.”

In response to the extermination, an uprising of the Cossacks of Veshensky and other districts began in March 1919. By the beginning of April, in the rear of the Red Army, which was fighting with the army of A.I. Denikin and the Kuban Cossacks, the number of rebels reached 30 thousand people. In the appeal they wrote: “We, Cossacks, are not against the Soviets. We are for freely elected Soviets. We are against communists, communes and Jews. We are against requisitioning, robbery and outrages caused by the Bolynevitsky secret police.”

After the suppression of the uprising, the Jewish leadership of Russia decided to kill the Cossacks with the “bony hand of hunger.” They actively applied this method to peasants. An indemnity of 36 million poods of grain was imposed on the Cossacks of the Don region. Literally everything was taken from them. The Cossacks fought for their survival through guerrilla warfare. There were up to 35 thousand Cossacks among the partisans.

“Troikas” for decossackization were created locally. In October 1920 alone, these “troikas” destroyed more than 6 thousand Cossacks. As against the peasants, the Jews used hostages in the fight against the Cossack partisan detachments. “The hostages - women, children, old people,” said Latvian Jew Martyn Latsis, a member of the Cheka board, “are isolated in a camp near Maykop, surviving in terrible conditions, in the cold, October mud... They are dying like flies, Women are ready to do anything to save, and the riflemen guarding the camp will take advantage of this.” Orders and reports to the departments of the Cheka testify to Jewish atrocities against the Russian Cossacks. Here, for example, is an order from November 1920:

"1. Burn the village of Kalinovskaya;

2. The villages of Ermolaevskaya, Romanovskaya, Samashinskaya and Mikhailovskaya should be given to the poorest landless population and, first of all, to the mountainous Chechens who were always loyal to the Soviet government, for which:

Z. The entire male population of the above-mentioned villages from 18 to 50 years old should be loaded into trains and sent under escort to the North for hard forced labor;

4. Elderly people, women and children should be evicted from the villages, allowing them to move to farmsteads or villages in the North;

5. Horses, cows, sheep and other livestock, as well as suitable property, should be transferred to the Cavalry Army.”

Of the 3 million Cossacks in Russia, the Jews killed and deported about 500 thousand, that is, every sixth.

One of the main and primary tasks of the Jewish invaders was the elimination of the cementing force of the Russian people, the ideological basis of their morality, ethics and culture - the Orthodox Church. On January 23, 1918, they adopted the “Decree on the separation of church and state and schools from church.” This document announced the nationalization of church property.

Jewish experts opened the relics of saints and took their remains to different parts of the country. They planned to turn the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where the relics of Sergius of Radonezh were located, into a central museum of atheism. The Lavra was desecrated by its renaming in honor of the secretary of the Moscow Committee of the RCP (b), a member of the political commission for the leadership of the Central Headquarters of Moscow's special forces, the Jew V.M. Zagorsky (real name Lubotsky - A.P.). For several decades, the shrine of Russia was called the city of Zagorsk.

The goal of Jewry was not only the liquidation of the Orthodox Church, but also the implantation of its religion, that is, the Judaization of Russia.

In 1921, the Dane Hennig Köhler published a book in Berlin called “The Red Garden”. It tells how the monument to the traitor of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot, was unveiled in the city of Sviyazhsk.

Residents of the city were herded to the square in front of the station. They were surrounded by the Jewish crew of the armored train. When the veil was removed, a brown-red plaster figure with a distorted face turned to the sky was revealed to people's eyes, tearing the rope from its neck. On the pedestal there was an inscription: “To the man who was despised by capitalist society for two thousand years, the forerunner of the world revolution - Judas Iscariot.”

According to the testimony of X. Koehler, the crowd was indignant, spat, and crossed themselves. Judas was despised, of course, not by capitalist society, but by Christians in all centuries. And not only Christians. Traitors are despised among all nations. X. Köhler rightly asks the question: “If this is not a challenge to God and not a hymn to Satan, then what?” Maybe today the Jewish gentlemen will answer this question from the Dane?

On February 26, 1922, a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was published in the Izvestia newspaper, according to which local Soviets were obliged to confiscate gold, silver, and precious stones in churches and monasteries within a month. During this operation, 2,691 priests, 1,962 monks, and 3,447 nuns were killed. In the city of Shuya, fire was opened on believers, killing 12 people.

IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenin) said that hunger would help deliver a “death blow to the head of the enemy,” that is, the Orthodox Church. “I come to the unconditional conclusion - now to give the most decisive and merciless battle to the Black Hundred clergy and suppress their resistance with such cruelty that they will not forget this for several decades.” And this is the instruction of the Jew V.I. Ulyanov a (Lenin) was fulfilled. By 1923, 60 thousand of the 100 thousand Russian Orthodox priests were destroyed.

To fight the Russian Orthodox Church, Jewry formed in 1925 the Central Council of the Union of Militant Atheists. Here is its composition:

Yaroslavsky Emelyan - chairman (“maiden name” Miney Izrailevich Gubelman)

Lukachsvsky A. - Deputy

Likhnevich D. - Head of the Personnel Training Department

Kefala M. - head of the department of propaganda and anti-religious work

Pekingsky M. - head of the department of anti-religious studies in schools

Yakovlev M. - head of the department of anti-religious literature (Epstein)

Struchkov G. - head of the department of anti-religious work in the army (Bloch)

Dukachevsky L. - head of the research department

Kogan Yu. - Head of the Museum of the Struggle against Religion

The most active leaders of the union:

Eilderman G.

Dorfman V.

Vermel Yu.M.

Minkin A.

Altshuler M.

Mitin Solomon

Berkovsky K.


Persits M.

Ranovich A.

Wolfson S.

Kozlinsky V.

Zilberberg S.

Kozlevsky A.

Shliter Aron

Sheinman M.M.

Greenberg, etc.

Every single one of them on this list is Jewish. They created a whole network of newspapers and magazines to fight the Russian Orthodox Church: “Atheist”, “Militant Atheism”, “Atheist at the Machine”, “Anti-religious”, “Young Atheists”, etc.

On Orthodox holidays they organized anti-religious carnivals.

Russian priests and other clergy were deprived of all civil rights. They could not participate in elections, could not receive food cards, were deprived of free medical care, and were oppressed with taxes.

In April 1929, a resolution was adopted to further restrict the activities of religious associations. Any activity that goes beyond satisfying religious needs, the resolution said, carries a criminal penalty of three years to death for “using religious prejudice to weaken the state.”

In October 1929, the Jewish leadership ordered the removal of the bells from the remaining churches. “The ringing of bells violates the right of the broad atheistic masses of cities and villages to a well-deserved rest,” this directive mockingly stated.

In 1930 alone, 13 thousand clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church were repressed and 6,715 churches were closed.

The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks condemned the closure of churches without the consent of parishioners, but Jews continued their fight against God and even blew up the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

On April 1, 1936, out of 112,629 churches in 1914, only 15,835 remained. With the defeat of the Zionist-Jewish elite, the number of churches began to increase since 1938. The civil rights of clergy were restored, unions of militant atheists, anti-religious newspapers and magazines were liquidated, and in 1944 the Patriarchate was restored.

From the very first days of the seizure of power in Russia, Jewry unleashed real terror against the entire Russian people. On November 10, 1917, the Military Revolutionary Committee of Petrograd introduced the concept of “Enemy of the People.” Although the enemy of which people was not specified, soon all the peoples of Russia felt Jewish hatred and vindictiveness the hard way.

Addressing the members of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on December 14, 1917, L.D. Bronstein (Troitsky) said: “No later than in a month, terror will take, like what happened during the Great French Revolution, a very cruel form. Then we will not be talking about prisons, but about the guillotine, this wonderful invention of the Great French Revolution, which has the generally recognized advantage of shortening a person by a head.” These Zionist-fascist invaders “shortened” 60 million Russian people.

“No imagination can imagine the picture of these tortures. People were stripped naked, their hands were tied with rope and hung from crossbars so that their feet barely touched the ground, and then they were slowly and gradually shot from machine guns, rifles or revolvers. The machine gunner first crushed the legs so that they could not support the body, then aimed at the arms and in this form left his victim hanging, bleeding... Having enjoyed the torment of the sufferers, he began to shoot them again in different places until the living person turned into into the bloody mass and only after that finished it off with a shot to the forehead. The invited “guests” sat right there and admired the executions, drinking wine, smoking and playing the piano or balalaikas...

Skinning of living people was often practiced, for which they were thrown into boiling water, cuts were made on the neck and around the hands, the skin was pulled off with tongs, and then thrown out into the cold... This method was practiced in the Kharkov Emergency, headed by the Jew “Comrade Edward” and convict Sayenko. After the Bolsheviks were expelled from Kharkov, the Volunteer Army discovered many “gloves” in the basements of the Cheka. This was the name given to skin torn off from hands along with nails. Excavations of the pits where the bodies of the dead were thrown revealed traces of some kind of monstrous operation on the genitals, the essence of which even the best Kharkov surgeons could not determine... On the corpses of former officers, in addition, shoulder straps on the shoulders, on the forehead were cut out with a knife or burned out by fire - Soviet star, and on the chest - order insignia; noses, lips, ears were cut off... On the female corpses there were cut off breasts and nipples, etc., etc. Many people were flooded in the basements of the emergency, where the unfortunate were driven and then the water taps were opened.

In St. Petersburg, the head of the Cheka was the Latvian Jew Peter, who was later transferred to Moscow. Upon assuming the position of “chief of internal defense,” he immediately shot over 1000 people, and ordered the corpses to be thrown into the Neva, where the bodies of the officers he shot in the Peter and Paul Fortress were also thrown. By the end of 1917, there were still several tens of thousands of officers left in St. Petersburg who had survived the war, and more than half of them were shot by Peters and then by the Jew Uritsky. Even according to Soviet data, which is clearly false, Uritsky shot over 5,000 officers.

Transferred to Moscow, Peter, who, among other assistants, had the Latvian Jewess Krause, literally flooded the entire city with blood. There is no way to convey everything that is known about this beast woman and her sadism. They said that she terrified with her mere appearance, that she awed with her unnatural excitement... She mocked her victims, inventing the most cruel types of torture, mainly in the genital area, and stopped them only after complete exhaustion and the onset of a sexual reaction. The objects of her torment were mainly young men, and no pen can convey what this Satanist performed with her victims, what operations she performed on them... Suffice it to say that such operations lasted for hours and she stopped them only after those writhing in suffering young people turned into bloody corpses with eyes frozen in horror...

In Kyiv, the employees of the Jewish Cheka “Comrade Vera”, Rosa Schwartz and other girls were widely known.

There were fifty emergency rooms here, but the most terrible were three, one of which was located on Ekaterininskaya Street, No. 5... In one of the basements of the emergency room, I don’t remember exactly which one, a kind of theater was set up, where chairs were placed for lovers of bloody spectacles, and on the stage , that is, on the stage, which was supposed to represent a stage, executions were carried out.

After each successful shot, shouts of “bravo” and “encore” were heard and glasses of champagne were brought to the executioners. Rosa Schwartz personally killed several hundred people, previously squeezed into a box with a hole for the head on the top platform. But shooting at a target was only a comic amusement for these girls and did not excite their dull nerves. They demanded more acute sensations, and for this purpose Rosa and “Comrade Vera” poked out their eyes with needles, or burned them with a cigarette, or hammered thin nails under their nails.

In Kiev, they whispered Rosa Schwartz’s favorite order, which was so often heard in the bloody dungeons of the Cheka, when nothing could drown out the heartbreaking cries of the tortured: “Fill his throat with hot tin so that he doesn’t squeal like a pig.”... And this order was carried out with literal precision...

Rosa and Vera were especially furious with those who were caught in the emergency situation and found a pectoral cross on them. After incredible mockery of religion, they tore down these crosses and burned the image of the cross with fire on the chest or forehead of their victims...

When the imagination in inventing methods of execution was exhausted, then the sufferers were thrown onto the floor and, with blows of a heavy hammer, their heads were broken in half with such force that the brain was squeezed out onto the floor. This was practiced in the emergency room, located on Sadovaya, 5, where soldiers of the Volunteer Army discovered a barn, the asphalt floor of which was literally littered with human brains.

In Poltava, the Jewish security officer “Grishka” went on a rampage, practicing a method of torture unheard of in terms of brutality. He severely executed 18 monks, ordering them to be imprisoned on a sharpened stake driven into the ground. The security officers of Yamburg also used the same method, where all the officers and soldiers captured on the Narva Front were impaled.

No pen can describe the torment of the sufferers, who did not die immediately, but several hours later, writhing in unbearable pain. Some suffered even for more than a day. The corpses of these great martyrs were a stunning sight: almost all of their eyes came out of their sockets...

In Blagoveshchensk, all victims of the emergency had gramophone needles stuck under their fingernails and toenails.

In Omsk, even pregnant women were tortured, their bellies were torn out and their intestines pulled out.

In Kazan, the Urals and Yekaterinburg, the unfortunate were crucified on crosses, burned at the stake, or thrown into hot furnaces...”

These are quoted excerpts from the memoirs of N.D. Zhevakhova.

The crimes of the German fascists pale in comparison to the crimes of the Zionist-Jewish occupiers against the Russians and other peoples of our country. Only the former were judged by the International Tribunal, while the latter continue to fatten on the blood and misfortunes of Russia.

The report to the chairman of the Supreme Tribunal said: “Those who have not paid the full tax are driven bound and barefoot along the main street of the village and then locked in a cold barn.

They beat women until they lose consciousness, and lower them naked into holes dug in the snow.”

Former correspondent of the newspaper “Russkie Vedomosti” Sergei Petrovich Melgunov, forced to leave his homeland, published the book “Red Terror in Russia 1918–1923.” Here are some excerpts from this book, compiled on the basis of documents from investigative commissions of the White armies and testimony.

“Teacher Dombrovskaya was tortured in solitary confinement in prison... She had previously been raped and mocked. Rape occurred according to seniority of rank. The security officer Friedman was the first to rape, then the others. After that, they tortured her, extracting from her a confession about where the gold was hidden. First, the naked woman’s body was cut with a knife, then the extremities of her fingers were pressed off with iron tongs and pliers. Enduring incredible torment, bleeding, the unfortunate woman pointed out some place in the barn of house No. 28 on Medvedevskaya Street, where she lived. At 9 o'clock in the evening on November 6th she was shot..."

“In Simferopol,” says a correspondent of the same newspaper, “the Cheka use a new type of torture, arranging enemas of broken glass and placing burning candles under the genitals. In Tsaritsyn they used to put the person being tortured on a hot frying pan, they also used iron rods, rubber with metal tips, twisted their arms, broke bones...”

“In Kyiv, the tortured person was tied to a wall or pole; then an iron pipe several inches wide was tightly tied to it at one end... A rat was put into it through another hole, the hole was immediately closed with a wire mesh and fire was brought to it. Driven into despair by the heat, the animal began to eat into the unfortunate man’s body in order to find a way out. Such torture lasted for hours, sometimes until the next day, until the victim died...”

“Odessa Vikhman shoots in the cells themselves at his own request, although he had 6 special executioners at his disposal...”

“In Arkhangelsk, Maizel-Kedrova personally shot 87 officers, 33 ordinary people, sank a barge with 500 refugees and soldiers of Muller’s army, etc.....”

“In Odessa, officers were tortured, tied with chains to boards, slowly inserted into a firebox and fried, others were torn in half by the wheels of winches, others were lowered in turn into a cauldron of boiling water and into the sea, and then thrown into the firebox...”

“On March 23, 1919, an English military chaplain reported to Lord Curzon: “In the last days of August, two barges filled with officers were sunk, and their corpses were thrown out on the estate of one of my friends, located on the Gulf of Finland: many were tied up in twos and threes.” barbed wire...”

The most cruel executioner was an investigator of the Leningrad NKVD department in 1930–1938. Sophia Gertner. Her mentor was the Leningrad security officer Yakov Mekler, who was given the nickname “Butcher.” This Jewish monster tied up the arrested man and hit his manhood with a shoe, for which she received the nickname “Sonka the Golden Leg.” Publishing this information in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (No. 19, 1993), editor Starkov could proudly add that this is his fellow tribesman. But he modestly kept silent about the nationality of Sophia Gertner and her mentor Yakov Mekler.

It was already mentioned above about the massacres of soldiers and officers of the army of P.N. Wrangel. If they surrendered, they were promised life and freedom. However, more than 100 thousand of them were brutally killed and drowned in the Black Sea. This genocide was led by Jews Bela Kun and Rosa Zalkind (Zemlyachka).

By order of L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) every tenth Red Army soldier of the second Petrograd workers' regiment was shot. The reason for such a brutal order was the forced retreat of the regiment in the Sviyazhsk area.

In June 1918, the chairman of the provincial Cheka, one of the members of the Jewish Merkaz (Center) of Russia, M.S., was killed in Petrograd. Uritsky. He was shot by the same Jewish student L. Kanegiesser. Before that, they often met and played chess. Many believe that these were two Jewish homosexuals. In connection with the murder of M.S. Uritsky in Petrograd, 10 thousand Russian officers, officials, and workers were shot. A homosexual Jew kills his Jewish partner, and 10 thousand innocent people are shot! Among the 10 thousand there was not a single Jew.

In Moscow, on August 30, 1918, the Jewish woman Fanny Royd (Kaplan) wounded the Jew V.I. Ulyanov a (Lenina). As a result, “Red Terror” was declared in the country. In Moscow alone, 10 thousand Russian officers, employees, and workers were killed. A Jewish woman shoots a Jew, and the Russian people suffer!

For only 2 hours, 22 dead and wounded soldiers of Wrangel’s army remained in the village of Chernigovka, Berdyansk district, after the retreat of their unit. After 2 hours, as a result of a counterattack, the village was liberated.

On all 22 bodies, the palms and feet were pierced (like Jesus Christ - A.P.), the left sides were pierced (such a wound was inflicted on Jesus by a Roman guard - A.P.) and a strip of skin was torn off on the foreheads (for Christ this is a trace of thorns). crown - A.P.).

The analysis showed that ritual blasphemy was carried out both over corpses and over still living people.

In response to hunger, requisitions, and the anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox policies of the Zionist-Jewish invaders, uprisings and strikes took place throughout Russia. In Yaroslavl, having suppressed the uprising, the Moscow Cheka detachment shot 428 people.

At the beginning of March 1919, workers took control of the Putilov plant. On March 12, V.I. arrived in Petrograd. Ulyanov (Lenin). When he tried to speak to the factory workers, he was met with whistles and shouts: “Down with the Jews and the commissars!” Before him, the Putilov workers met G.A. in the same way. Apfelbaum (Zinoviev).

On March 16, detachments of the Petrograd Cheka stormed the Putilov plant. Two hundred strikers were shot in the Shlisselburg fortress, 900 workers were arrested.

Uprisings and strikes took place in Tula, Sormovo, Orel, Tver, Bryansk, Ivanovo-Voznesensk, and Astrakhan.

In Orel, Bryansk, Tomsk, and Astrakhan, Red Army units joined the strikers. Demonstrations and rallies on the streets were held under the slogans: “Beat the Jews!” Down with the Bolshevik commissars!“

F.E. personally came to Tula with a detachment of the Cheka to liquidate the strike at arms factories. Dzerzhinsky. On his orders, 26 “ringleaders” were shot and 800 people were arrested. Hundreds of workers were fired and their ration cards were banned. That is, people were doomed to starvation.

On March 10, 1919, in Astrakhan, Red Army soldiers of the 45th Infantry Regiment refused to shoot at the workers and joined them. The arriving Cheka detachments on March 12–14 loaded the arrested workers and soldiers onto barges and threw them into the Volga with stones around their necks. In total, up to 4 thousand people were destroyed and shot.

Mass protests of workers and peasants took place in Ukraine. The slogans of demonstrations and rallies were the same: “For councils without Muscovites and Jews!”

Discontent was caused not only by hunger and Jewish bullying, but also by their attempts to turn workers into ordinary slaves.

One of the Jewish leaders L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) planned to make Russia a huge barracks, to introduce barracks conditions for Russian workers. This theory of his was called the “militarization of labor.” In 1919–1920 more than two thousand large enterprises were placed under martial law.

According to official data from the People's Commissariat of Labor, in 1920, 77 percent of large and medium-sized enterprises participated in the strike movement against hunger, cold, Jewish dominance and unprecedented mockery of the religion, customs and traditions of the Russian people.

In 1920, peasant uprisings swept across the country. They took on a special scale in the Voronezh, Samara, Astrakhan, Saratov, Penza provinces, and in many regions of Siberia.

The peasants of the Tambov province offered fierce resistance to the Jewish authorities. Since the autumn of 1918, more than 100 food detachments plundered the villages of the Tambov region. In 1920, instead of 18 million poods according to the allocation, Tambov peasants had to hand over 27 million poods of grain. This meant their death by starvation.

August 19, 1920 in the village. Khitrovo peasants defeated a food detachment that was robbing and beating old men and women. The uprising covered 3 districts of the Tambov region. The uprising was led by the chief of police of the Kirsanovsky district of the Tambov province, Alexander Stepanovich Antonov. By the end of 1920, there were 50 thousand peasants in his army. The slogan of the uprising was: “For councils without Jews and communists!”

To organize the suppression of the uprising, the Jewish Soviet government created an authorized commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, headed by V.A. Antonov-Ovseenko. Its composition was 90 percent Jewish.

After the liquidation of the army P.N. Wrangel, 100 thousand Red Army soldiers were sent to suppress the “Antonovism”. Together with them, 3 regiments of the Moscow division of the Cheka and special forces units of the Cheka from other provinces took part in the suppression of the rebellious Tambov peasants.

M.N. was appointed commander of all armed forces of the Tambov province. Tukhachevsky. This “most talented,” “outstanding” commander of the Red Army, as Jewish authors describe him in all textbooks, was in fact an ordinary executioner of the Russian people.

This “talent”, together with his Jewish entourage, killed more than 70 thousand Red Army soldiers on the Western Front, when Polish troops completely defeated these “commanders”.

Now this “outstanding commander” fought against the Russian peasants of the Tambov region. Then he will suppress the rebel sailors of Kronstadt. The atrocities that M.N. What Tukhachevsky did with the rebels are war crimes and crimes against humanity. However, current Jewish “human rights activists” remain silent about this.

L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky) planned to appoint M.N. Tukhachevsky as chief of the General Staff of the world Soviet (Jewish - A.P.) Republic. Under N.S. Khrushchev and under M.S. Gorbachev's Jewry rehabilitated this executioner, which is an outrage against the memory of tens of thousands of peasants of the Tambov region and sailors of Kronstadt who were killed by him.

"1. Citizens who refuse to give their name are shot on the spot, without trial.

2. For villages in which weapons are hidden, the authority of the political commission or regional political commission shall announce a verdict on the seizure of hostages and shoot them if they do not surrender their weapons.

Z. If a hidden weapon is found, shoot on the spot without trial the senior worker in the family.

4. The family in whose house the bandit took refuge is subject to arrest and expulsion from the province, its property is confiscated, the senior worker in this family is shot without trial.

5. Families harboring family members or property of bandits should be shot as bandits, and the senior employee of this family should be shot on the spot without trial.

6. In the event of the escape of the bandit’s family, its property should be distributed among peasants loyal to Soviet power, and the houses left behind should be burned or dismantled.

7. This order must be implemented severely and mercilessly.”

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