Why dream of fire in the house. Dream Interpretation: why dream of Fire, to see Fire in a dream, which means Why dream of fire in a mirror

Why dream of fire? If he did no harm, then it is always a positive signal. This is a sign of great vitality, creative energy, powerful potential, as well as a harbinger of love, happiness, harmony. Depending on where the fire was in the dream, the final interpretation of the dream image also differs.

Why dream fire fire in different dream books

Each modern dream interpreter has his own opinion about fire and its presence in a dream. For example:

  1. Miller's dream book is sure that if he was not allowed to flare up in a dream, then get ready for troublesome and hectic work. For businessmen, such a plot promises large profits, for creative people - a surge of inspiration and recognition of merit.
  2. Dr. Freud promises that if you see fire, then you will fall in love. This feeling will definitely be mutual, and the relationship will be harmonious.
  3. If you warmed yourself in a dream by a fire or stove, then Vanga's dream book believes that you are a happy person who has support and understanding in his family.
  4. Dream Interpretation of D. and N. Winters is convinced that fire reflects emotions and the brighter it burns, the stronger they are.
  5. A light on any object, according to D. Loff's dream book, is associated with excessive attachment to this thing.
  6. A dream book for a bitch who has seen fire promises good luck in business and a long period of well-being.
  7. If you saw a light in a dream, then the latest dream book of G. Ivanov predicts the discovery of secrets. Beware: enemies can use it against you.
  8. According to the Complete Dream Book of the New Era, fire is a symbol of change and destruction.

Why dream of fire in the house

A house engulfed in fire that does not harm it is a reflection of a harmonious family life. This is a sign of the coming prosperity and rebirth for the dreamer himself. If the fire brought harm to the house, get ready for a streak of failures and troubles.

If you saw a fire in the room, then unforeseen circumstances will bring good luck and prosperity. A flame that smokes and smokes guarantees a misunderstanding through its own fault. The sparks flying from him are advised to talk less about trifles and not talk about their plans and ideas.

I dreamed about the fire of a gas stove, in the oven

Why dream of a burning gas stove? This is a messenger of a verbal skirmish with insults and insults. The same image promises a successful way out of a difficult situation. The interpretation is especially relevant if cooked on the stove.

You can see flames flying out of the oven before a very urgent matter, the arrival of guests. Look at the fire burning brightly in the furnace - to fame, fame, wealth. Turning off the gas stove is bad. A prosperous existence will be disturbed by major troubles.

Why in a dream put out a fire, extinguish, pour water

Had a dream about extinguishing a fire with water from a watering can? Wake up to settle a serious quarrel. In general, extinguishing a fire is a major chore and experience. If you managed to extinguish the fire quickly, then in reality you will be able to keep the situation under control.

The interpretation is reversed if the flame could not be extinguished. You can also extinguish the fire before useless and very troublesome work. The same plot indicates a desire to quit what was planned, to abandon plans. On the other hand, you can put out a fire to reconcile with friends and enemies.

What does it mean to kindle a fire

Why dream that they decided to kindle a fire? Something unexpected will happen. Perhaps it will be possible to meet with old acquaintances, distant relatives. To make a fire in a dream means to receive strength and energy in reality.

If you lit a fire in a dream, then in the real world you will soon fall in love. Sometimes such a plot suggests that your idea, subject to its successful implementation, will have a huge impact on your future destiny.

Fire in a dream: other interpretations

They clearly felt that a threat emanated from the fire, but nothing of the sort happened? This reflects anxieties, worries, experiences. Most likely, there is no reason for concern. Besides:

  • clean fire without smoke - happiness, luck, spiritual development
  • red - a disease of the skin, bones
  • orange - liver
  • yellow - stomach, intestines
  • green - heart, lungs
  • blue - respiratory tract, throat
  • blue - heads, ailments associated with nerves
  • purple - mental nature
  • Bengali - revealing a secret
  • flickering - elusive target
  • bright - long joy
  • artificial - short happiness
  • with smoke - a misunderstanding
  • falling from the sky - injustice
  • on oneself without consequences - cleansing
  • with burns - danger, disease
  • on the head - a teacher, enlightenment
  • run through the fire - deliverance
  • run away - unwillingness to accept reality
  • burn - loss of health
  • bask - a long road
  • watch - profit, carefree life
  • campfire fire - a pleasant surprise
  • torches - entertainment
  • crematorium - a valuable purchase
  • candles - feast
  • in the cemetery - treason, betrayal
  • on the river - longevity, happiness
  • in the mountains - career, fame
  • on a high tower - hope, good news

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 2nd day of the month. The dreams that I had on the night of today are empty and mean nothing.

Today is the 10th lunar day. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, will soon come true.

Today is Thursday. Thursday is the day of the social planet Jupiter. Thursday's dreams in the same form tell about work, about the prospects that open before you. Thursday's dreams will show activities that can bring great success. "Jupiterian" dreams can also tell about your superiors or about patrons, sponsors, mentors. On Thursday night, you can see the solution to any issues related to social, public life.

It's great if in a Thursday dream you took part in a major event. Large-scale paintings in a dream of Jupiter mean your quick success in social activities, rapid promotion, love for you from your superiors. If a small number of participants are involved in "Jupiterian" dreams, then work is not the main thing now and no major changes are expected in this regard. If you see your ancestors or pictures of distant times, then life will force you to continue the work of your parents, to study their profession.

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FIRE - Miller's Dream Book

Fire in a dream is a favorable sign, but only if you yourself do not burn out in it.

A dreamed fire promises lasting prosperity to sailors, travelers, and everyone who works on earth.

If you see in a dream that your house is on fire, in life you will be surrounded by loving friends and obedient children.

If an entrepreneur sees his store burning, this means a rapid pace in the development of profitable business.

Fighting fire and preventing it from flaring up promises you a hectic job.

Seeing the charred walls of your store (warehouse, etc.) predicts misfortune. You will be ready to stop fighting for success in business, considering it useless, but fate will unexpectedly support you again.

If in a dream you kindle a fire, pleasant surprises await you. You can visit your distant friends.

If you saw a big fire in a dream, for sailors this means a successful and safe voyage. This promises success and honors to writers, boundless luck to business people.

FIRE - Modern Dream Interpretation

Fire in a dream is a symbol of irascibility, quarrels, evil, danger, if it appears in your dream suddenly. But if you are trying to keep the fire, not let it go out, then such a dream symbolizes your struggle for life, happiness or well-being, which you are trying to save. If you succeed in a dream, then unexpected joy awaits you or the fulfillment of your cherished desire at the moment when you completely lost hope and despaired.

You see fire in a dream - this is a good dream, you see light in life, you are perspicacious with this light, you understand where good is, where evil is - even if evil takes on the guise of good. Although the Lord will not give you luxury, you will not need anything, this dream is especially favorable for sailors, travelers and farmers.

It is as if you are kindling a fire - a pleasant surprise will happen to you, the light will illuminate you, you will see new beautiful features in a person whom you have known for a long time.

You are trying to put out a fire, you are fighting a fire - the work that you have to do is not called calm. You will achieve what you want, but before that you will have to work hard.

You see a fire in the stove - wealth will grow around your stove, your house will be full.

The fire seems to be burning your house or your business - fantastic luck awaits you, your business will bring fabulous profits, you will expand your business to a large enterprise.

You just vaguely saw some kind of fire in a dream - this is a sign that you are dreaming of something unrealizable.

A big flame in a dream is a sign that your wish will come true. Small lights in a dream mean friends.

If you dream that you are on fire, then beware of severe colds. A dream in which you burn and feel pain at the same time portends disappointments that will cause your anger and which will be followed by a family scandal.

If the fire in your dream is frighteningly large and you feel danger, then this predicts misfortune for you.

The dream in which you saw that a clear fire burns moderately, evenly, without smoke, cod and sparks, portends you excellent health, home celebration, prosperity in the house.

A fire with smoke and sparks in a dream portends short quarrels and unpleasant news. Sparks in a dream are a sign that you should protect yourself and your condition from greedy and envious people. The dream predicts that your fortune may go to your enemies.

An extinguished fire in a dream predicts poverty, meager income and constant deprivation for those who can barely make ends meet. For patients, such a dream predicts recovery.

A dimly burning fire in a dream is a sign of family happiness, good luck in business, the birth of children who will be a consolation to their parents. For a woman, such a dream can predict pregnancy.

Fanning a fire in a dream is a sign of profit for the poor; such a dream predicts to the rich that they will soon have a hard time. Such a dream also predicts an unexpected turn in business.

Carving fire from a stone is a sign that you will need the help of another person to complete your business successfully.

Taking fire with your hands in a dream and at the same time not causing yourself any harm means that your enemies will be powerless to somehow harm you.

If you dream that you made a fire with difficulty, and it soon went out, then expect misfortune in the family.

Burn something in a dream - to a new acquaintance and change. Also, such a dream means that some part of your life is over and there will be no return to the old.

Fighting fire in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will have to spend a lot of energy on a business that is unlikely to bring great returns.

To see a bright, dazzling brilliance of fire in a dream means that the wrath of a powerful person will fall upon you.

It is bad to see in a dream that a huge flame moves across the sky or arises in different places, while looking at which side it arises or in which place. This will help to more accurately interpret the meaning of sleep. Seeing a huge fire in the sky is a sign of national disaster, pestilence, war, poverty, executions. Here again, you need to pay attention to which direction the fire will be directed. Its direction will indicate exactly where the tragic events will occur.

The fire coming from the sky portends illnesses (especially nervous and mental), big problems and misfortunes. But if you, seeing this fire, are not afraid of it, then you will have a good chance and you will be able to achieve a lot of what you have planned for yourself.

If you dream that you see in a dream whole flaming trees, huge torches flying in the air, and burning huge tree branches, then your country may be drawn into a destructive war, famine, and great suffering. Sleeping such a dream predicts injuries or other misfortunes that will happen to him.

If in a dream you hear that your friend has burned out, then your business will go badly, which will negatively affect your future.

To suffer losses from a fire in a dream means that new plans await you.

Jumping over a fire in a dream and not getting burned is a sign that you will be able to successfully pull off a profitable, but risky business.

FIRE - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Unfulfilled dreams, quarrel; fire in the stove - wealth; fire and smoke at the same time - danger; Antonov fire - to lose a friend; fire in the sky - a change in leadership; fallen from the sky - sadness; wandering - conversation in society; seeing a burning house is a danger.

FIRE - Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Burning on the surface of the river - longevity, happiness; blazes in the wild mountains - make a career, become famous; glows in your house - flourishing and strength; the sun or moon is burning with fire - the support of a big man; fire grows out of the earth - a disease; travel with fire in their hands - appointment; to see yourself on fire - the support of a noble person; fire and black smoke are a disease; in the dwelling light from fire - happiness and prosperity; hear how the fire burns - you will become a district chief or district ruler; a huge flame rises to heaven - the establishment of order in the country; flames rise up - wealth; flames fly out of the kitchen - an urgent matter; to see how smoke rises and a flame burns - all sorrows and anxieties will go away.

FIRE - Indian Dream Interpretation

Seeing fire in a dream means irascibility and its consequences. People who often see fire in a dream are mostly of a choleric temperament, quick-tempered and angry.

If anyone dreams that he is on fire, a short mild fever awaits him.

Seeing a moderate fire in a dream, without smoke, cod and sparks, means that the dreamer is completely healthy, and only good things await him in the future. Sometimes this dream portends complete contentment, as well as feasts and fun with family and friends.

If you dream of a big fire with smoke and sparks, this predicts light quarrels or some unpleasant news.

Seeing an extinguished fire in a dream means poverty, need, misfortune for a person who needs money. For a patient, this Dream predicts a speedy recovery.

A dream in which you see one or more houses burning, but at the same time the fire is bright, clear, without crackling and did not destroy the house - means: for the poor, that they will receive a fortune, wealth, inheritance; the rich will be showered with honors, will receive important and honorable positions.

If you dream that houses are burning with a strong, crackling fire and at the same time falling, this indicates the opposite.

If a man dreams that his bed is on fire and falling apart, this means illness, grief and trouble for him. If a woman sees this dream, the same thing awaits her husband.

To dream that the furniture in the house is completely destroyed by fire portends trouble and grief to the owner of the house.

To dream that the outer windows are burning and falling apart means the loss of a relative. When you dream that the windows overlooking the courtyard are on fire, this predicts the loss of a relative.

To dream that doors are on fire predicts great misfortune with someone from the family, and sometimes with someone who sees such a dream.

If you dream that the bed is burning and collapsing, then this prophesies happiness to female children.

To see that the upper floor is burning and collapsing means the loss of fortune, friends, or a lawsuit.

When you see in a dream that without much difficulty you managed to make a fire, light a candle or some other lamp, portends you many children who will be happy and will become your consolation. If a woman had such a dream, it means that she is pregnant and will safely give birth to a child who will be happy.

When you dream that the fire is made with difficulty and immediately goes out, this dream portends misfortune for both the woman and the man.

Seeing in a dream that the palace is burning and collapsing portends trouble, illness or great grief to its owner. If you dream that a whole city is burning and collapsing, then this predicts that city will have a crop failure, a war or an epidemic.

If anyone dreams that the dress burned down, then in reality he will be bored, insulted, slandered and lost friends.

To dream that rye collected in heaps is burning means an epidemic. If the rye burns, but does not burn out, this is a sign of fertility and an abundance of all good for the one who saw this dream.

When you dream that you are burning and feeling pain, this portends envy, displeasure, anger and a quarrel.

To dream that you are holding a bundle of flaming straw in your hands and are going to bring it to some crowded place - respect and good luck in business await you.

Burning your finger in a dream means envy and sin.

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The authors of many dream books associate the fire seen by a person in a dream with its strong emotional outbursts and waking experiences. Dreaming of fire in a dream is a sign of significant changes in one or more areas of life. Experienced psychoanalysts and dream interpreters explain the omens of a dreaming fire, depending on its source, location, the actions of the sleeper in relation to it, as well as other significant details of such a dream.

Interpretation in dream books

Freud's dream book

Fire is one of the symbols of the genitals, so the dreaming flame is directly related to the dreamer's intimate life. The interpretation of such a dream by a psychoanalyst relates mainly to the sexual sphere.

  • To watch a burning fire in a dream - to experience an acute desire for sexual intimacy in reality or to be dissatisfied with the events taking place in the dreamer's intimate life;
  • To kindle a fire yourself in a dream - to be at the peak of sexual attractiveness in reality;
  • To be afraid of a blazing flame - to experience fear of closeness in reality /

The consequences of a fire seen in a dream mean that relations with the current partner have reached an impasse, and it no longer makes sense to continue them.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to the seer, fire in a dream is rarely a harbinger of favorable events in reality. The dreamed flame warns of the danger that will soon hang over a person in real life. Most often, this can be a fire in your own house or problems with the housing of the next of kin, especially if the source of fire in a dream was a fireplace or stove.

If the sleeper not only sees the fire, but also feels the suffocating smell of smoke coming from him, then in reality he risks becoming the object of numerous gossip and feeling the negative consequences of the intrigues weaving against him.

Wang considers a dream a good sign in which the sleeper was warming himself by the fire. Such a plot portends the appearance of devoted friends in the dreamer, who will always be his support and support in difficult situations.

Miller's dream book

A dream about fire is a harbinger of financial stability and material well-being, if the flame did not harm the dreamer.

A fire in a dwelling promises the sleeper the acquisition of strong friendships and the strengthening of family ties. The larger and brighter the fire seen in a dream, the more grandiose success awaits a creative or business person in the near future in reality.

A dream in which the sleeper kindles a fire on his own portends him pleasant surprises and a series of exciting trips.

Loff's dream book

Since fire from time immemorial has been considered a symbol of purification, one who sees it in a dream should rethink his actions in relation to himself and those around him in reality.

Loff interprets the raging fire as a reflection of the negative emotions that overwhelm the dreamer in real life. A dream in which the fire spread in a dream to some thing belonging to the sleeping person means that in reality he is too attached to this object and is afraid to lose it. Fear of a flame that flared up in a dream and a desire to escape from it symbolize attempts to get away from the accumulated problems in reality. A frequently repeated such dream is a signal of the subconscious that in reality the dreamer should gather his thoughts and resolve all his oppressive situations.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The dreaming fire, which caused fear or negative emotions in the sleeper, is a reflection of his unfulfilled hopes, ghostly dreams and disappointments in his personal life. A cozy and warming fire in a stove or in a fireplace portends prosperity to the dreamer, and the more comfortable a person felt while in a dream near the source, the more significant material wealth he will be able to provide for himself in the future.

Where did the fire seen in the dream burn?

The nature of the predicted events in reality, their positive or negative outcome, depends on such details of sleep as the source or place where the dream flame blazed.

A dream in which a fire burned in the sleeper's house portends to him a surge of vitality and energy, if an even and calm flame crackled comfortably in an open hearth. But an uncontrolled and burning fire, gradually covering all things in the house, is a bad sign that promises conflicts and numerous quarrels with household members and close relatives. In addition, such a dream warns the sleeper against rash spending. To see a fire flaring up in an outside house - to good luck in business and great luck in reality.

Nevertheless, the dream in which the dreamer observed the blazing flame in the apartment is interpreted somewhat differently, although it also depends on whether this apartment was his or someone else's. In the first case, the dream portends the receipt of a well-deserved reward: the dignity of the sleeping person will finally be appreciated by the authorities or an important person for him. The second version of the dream plot promises serious trials for the owners of the apartment in which the fire was burning. In the near future, they may face losses, the loss of a source of stable income, or the loss of mutual understanding within the family.

The fire blazing in the furnace is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the dreamer finding harmony with himself and the world around him, the long-awaited end of quarrels and conflicts with family members. If the flame in the oven flared up on wood, then in the near future the most pleasant changes await the sleeper. The image warns that the right time is coming to start a new life and liberation from everything that hinders the development and movement of a person forward. The dream also promises to establish contacts with people who are pleasant to the dreamer and often spend time with them in his house.

To see how a fire flares up on the street - in reality, take on some of someone's problems; if the street was crowded, then in his zeal to take an active part in the lives of those around him, the dreamer risks becoming a victim of manipulation. A dream in which a flame blazed in the sleeping man's yard hints that money is currently coming into his life from the wrong or unreliable source, and such earnings in the future may indirectly cause trouble.

Fire in the sky is usually dreamed of by people who do not accept their subordinate position or are dissatisfied with the orders and unfair treatment of their superiors. Fire falling from the sky is a harbinger of quarrels, disappointment in a loved one and parting with him, and sometimes his serious illness. Anyone who sees burning sparks or coals falling from the sky in a dream will soon experience the wrath of the leadership, and if a person fails to restrain the emotions caused by a severe reprimand, he risks losing his job.

Type of flame and its combinations with other details of the dream

For the correct interpretation of the dream about fire, it is equally important in what form the dreamed flame was realized.

  1. One of the most common dream options is fire without smoke - an image that symbolizes the groundlessness of the rumors that go around about the sleeper. Perhaps, with his unseemly actions, he gave rise to the fact that those around him had a not the best opinion about him.
  2. The flame, from which thick smoke rises, portends to the sleeper an incredible confusion in business, which can lead to failure if hasty, rash decisions are made. Suffocating black smoke without fire warns of danger in reality, which will cause health problems.
  3. A fire in a dream promises dramatic changes, mostly for the better, and also symbolizes passion, a desire for intimacy, a huge supply of energy, a thirst for fresh impressions and vivid emotions. For business people, such a dream portends dizzying success, for creative people - universal recognition.
  4. The dreamed consequences of a fire in the form of a burned-out building or a decayed house are also a good sign, a harbinger of positive changes in almost all areas of his life that are significant for the dreamer.
  5. The dream in which the explosion occurred represents the sleeper's dissatisfaction with the actions of the people around him. Being thrown by a blast wave or interacting with an explosion in any other way means trusting those who do not deserve it in reality.
  6. The combination in a dream of such mutually exclusive elements as fire and water symbolizes the inner conflict of the sleeper, the discrepancy between his ideas about life and the events that are actually taking place. But a dream in which a flame blazed on the surface of a reservoir portends the dreamer for many years of life and success in all endeavors.
  7. A flaming fire dreams of harmony in relationships with a loved one, vivid love impressions, as well as support and understanding of loved ones and financial well-being. Interesting prospects will open before the dreamer, contributing to his professional growth, but he will not miss unique opportunities only thanks to perseverance and patience.

The nature of fire

Seeing a bright, shining fire in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing the imminent achievement of the goal. Such a dream symbolizes the desire for emotional experiences and mutual love, the chance to find which the dreamer will have in the near future.

The giant flame, which did not frighten the sleeper with its magnitude, is a harbinger of a stable financial situation for many years; fascination with a huge pillar of fire in a dream predicts amazing news in reality.

If a big fire caused fear in the dreamer, then soon he will experience severe anxiety.

A spontaneous uncontrolled fire personifies a person's hyperactivity in real life and the negative consequences that such behavior often leads to.

A gas fire, for example, from a stove burner, dreams of a profitable partnership or a love affair with a very wealthy person.

A bright and powerful gas flame predicts an unforgettable love adventure, smoldering - the beginning of a relationship with a person with a scandalous reputation.

The actions of the sleeper in relation to the dreaming fire

A dream in which a person simply watched a burning flame without experiencing any emotions symbolizes his tendency to doubt and postpone making decisions in reality. Also, a long observation of the fire in a dream warns of the danger of a fire in the house in reality.

If the sleeper independently kindled a fire in a dream, then in reality he should expect pleasant surprises and long-awaited changes. Organize arson - resolutely take your fate into your own hands and let it go in the right direction.

The dream in which the sleeper extinguished the fire portends losses and a deterioration in the financial situation, provoked by his own impulsive actions and aggressive behavior. Also, extinguishing a fire means calming internal passions and reducing libido.

If a person dreamed that he was on fire, then in reality he experiences the fear of death, perceives the events taking place in his life as dangerous and threatening. To experience pain at the same time - soon to catch a disease, accompanied by fever and fever.

To be engulfed in flames, but not to feel discomfort at the same time - to spiritual purification and liberation from negative programs and attitudes.

A dream about a stranger on fire promises the sleeping person a fateful acquaintance, which will quickly develop into a serious and happy relationship.
Seeing a friend burning in a fire portends a serious illness to this person, trying to save him means cherishing relationships with him in reality.

Who dreamed of fire?

  • The fire that a young girl dreamed of symbolizes her desire to create her own strong family.
  • An even flame seen by a married woman in a dream portends her an early pregnancy, but if sparks flew from the fire, then she should be attentive to her surroundings and be wary of gossip that could lead to quarrels with her husband.
  • A blazing fire warns a young guy about the situation around him heating up as a result of his hasty decisions.
  • If a married man dreams of a brightly blazing flame, then in real life he can count on financial success, and the calm warming fire he sees portends the strengthening of family ties.

Why else dream of fire?

The fire that harmed the sleeper, for example, provoking a burn upon contact, portends him to meet a person with whom he will soon begin a relationship full of passion and vivid emotions. To burn a hand in a dream - to success in financial affairs, a leg - to gain fame and universal recognition.
A dream in which burning candles were present promises a person the acquisition of new opportunities and useful connections that will help increase his social status.
Blow out a candle in a dream - to miss chances and unpleasant events in the near future.
Torches seen in a dream portend good luck both in work and in love. Carry the torch - to victories on the love front and the successful completion of recently launched projects.
A dream in which the sleeper inflates the flame predicts wealth if he is poor in reality, and losses if he has an impressive fortune.

Fire is a destructive natural element. But with all this, the flame has an irresistible attraction and it is impossible to take your eyes off its beauty. Therefore, the fire seen in a dream is a multifaceted symbol. To correctly interpret it, it is important to analyze all the details of sleep. In addition, all dream books recommend comparing the information received with events taking place in real life.

Dreaming of fire

Dreamers note that all dream plots in which fire is present are very diverse. Therefore, it is important to understand what fire is dreaming of in each case. Most dream books associate fire with strong feelings and emotions that are ready to break out of a person’s soul. Moreover, they can lead to both joyful and negative events in the real world.

Fire - interpretation of sleep

Very often the question arises, why dream of a fire. If you see a fire in a dream from the side, while no one extinguishes it and such a sight does not cause you negative emotions, then this is a very good sign. In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, such a dream plot indicates a happy life period. At this time, you will be lucky in absolutely everything.

Some other interpretations of fire in a dream:
  • Extinguishing a flame with water means arousing the distrust of a loved one;
  • If the flame touched the dreamer, then this portends a long journey with a loved one;
  • When a fire provoked an explosion of a gas cylinder, this indicates that you are suffering from emotional distress;
  • A burning hayloft portends passionate love;
  • If a store or a warehouse is on fire in a dream, then this indicates your baseless jealousy.

People die in a fire

But if people die in a fire seen in a dream, then this is a bad omen. Most likely, in real life you got involved in a risky event that you have high hopes for. Therefore, you need to be very careful in realizing your plans and take your time when making certain decisions. If this is not done, then the case will end in a very big failure, which can lead to serious life losses.

Why dream that your own house is on fire?

An unpleasant sign is a dream in which your own house is on fire. And many are interested in the question of why such a dream is dreamed of, whether it portends losses and losses. If you fail to take the situation in real life in reality, then you may expect a period of poverty. But without exception, all dream books claim that it is necessary to courageously endure all the difficulties that befell the dreamer. After all the troubles, a long period of prosperity will surely come.

See yourself in a burning house

If you saw yourself inside a burning house, then this means that you are experiencing events from your immediate past. This indicates your vulnerable natural nature and emphasizes the need to become tougher and teach yourself to forget past events. Only by changing in this way can you become a successful person.

A room on fire in your house

If you dream that one of the rooms in your house lights up, then this portends that your relationship with your partner will soon become ideal.

Extinguish a fire - dream book

It is not very good if in night dreams you are trying to put out a fire. After such a dream in real life, one should expect the intrigues of a rival. Moreover, if in such a dream you see smoke, that, most likely, your loved one will still be taken away from you.

Why dream of a fire?

A bonfire, as a rule, is a dream, before important changes in life or when you have to make the right choice.

Other interpretations of a fire in a dream may be as follows:
  • Seeing a fire in nature means acquiring an expensive thing in real life;
  • Fill the flame with water - preparing for the journey;
  • An explosion of a fire portends a pleasant acquaintance;
  • To dance around the fire - preparing to move to a new place of residence;
  • Burn yourself from the flame of a fire - be under the blow of gossip;
  • Bend over the fire - turn a good deal;
  • Boil water over a fire flame - soon marry or get married.
In addition, the color of the fire flame matters for deciphering the dream:
  • Red - a warning of betrayal;
  • Blue - an inner desire to change your life;
  • Orange is a good deal.

Smoke from the campfire

To decipher dreams, try to remember what the smoke from the fire was like:
  • If the smoke went in a thin stream, then this portends that you will receive a profitable offer from the management, which will contribute to career growth;
  • If you see thick black smoke, then you need to carefully consider all your decisions.

In any case, a bright and beautiful flame that evokes positive emotions and bright feelings symbolizes wealth and love in real life. But at the same time, the uneven flame emphasizes that sometimes you lack determination and self-confidence to solve certain problems.

  • The primary elements are fire.
  • Elements - heat. Emotions - joy. Organs - small intestine, triple heater meridian, heart. Planets - Mars.
  • From the point of view of Chinese medicine and philosophy, Fire is one of the five main Primary Elements of the creation of the world. Each element has its positive and negative properties, and the negative is the former positive brought to complete uncontrollability. For example, when there is not enough water, fire gives not heat (water + fire) and moisture, but deadly heat. Symbolic qualities of fire: randomness, formlessness and lack of control. Unlike the qualities of water, which, being formless itself, takes the form of any vessel and is controlled by any movement (wind, swimmer's hands), fire is absolutely uncontrollable. Water is dangerous to the weak and weak-willed, but fire burns everyone indiscriminately. The trigram/graphic symbol of fire is Li. Below is a solid line of active action, the third from the bottom (upper) line symbolizes the devouring by fire of the basis of its movement (everything burns to ashes). The Book of Changes says: Li - combustion and beauty, symbolized by a pheasant; in addition, it means - the second daughter, the sun, lightning, shell and helmet, spear and sword, fat-bellied man, dry land ... and the like. The range of fire transformations is very extensive and active, which corresponds to the required yang activity of behavior in summer. But extremes are dangerous both in philosophy and in reality. This should be remembered. To see fire in a dream, to feel it on oneself, to walk in fire (picture) - yang is in abundance. Seeing fire in a dream means being in a state similar in essence to the nature of fire: powerful, destructive external manifestations that do not have a form, a specific place of action, purpose and inner strength - do not have validity. To see fire in a dream without fear and, perhaps, with fun, oneself on fire without pain - the dreamer's actions and enterprises are based on an empty, random source of information (theory without practice), so that events have something to do with reality (the belief of others), the dreamer is forced, as it were, to voluntarily serve the yang fire of action as fuel (wood). All actions-consequences in this state will correspond to the fickle nature of fire: quick, easy and useless success, passing without a trace: relationships are torn, money flows through your fingers. Joy is unexpected and random, and therefore especially bright and strong, also fully corresponds to the nature of fire: it burns the heart and destroys the small intestine. The result will be premature old age and disease. Sleep is unfavorable: the advice of a doctor will not help without changing attitudes towards the world and its benefits. The variant of sleep, when the dreamer does not want, but is forced and must go through the fire (he knows that it is dangerous) - testifies to the danger from the outside (outwardly this may not yet be expressed) and the ultimate strain of the forces of walking through the fire. If we leave aside talk about the spiritual beauty and power (fire again) of people doing their duty, then such a waking dream can turn into serious troubles with the heart in particular and with health in general.
  • You should slow down the pace and level of pressure: the business may be left without a leader and performer. If there is too much fire in the national or state symbols (tongues of flame, red color, and so on), then the national character suffers from a craving for theories that are unfounded in practice, which turns into emotional outbursts at the state level, which end in a long depression due to the burning out of national spiritual forces (economic and spiritual stagnation - hibernation).