500 harmful rule cards. Board game Magellan "500 evil cards"

Probably, in any company there is a witty joker. He can change or supplement any, sometimes the most serious phrase, so that all those present almost cry with laughter. In the game 500 Evil Cards 2.0, you can try on the role of an unprecedented comedian, compete with friends in wit and just have fun.

Remember how we used to play Nonsense when we were kids: we took turns answering questions, folding the paper after each answer? It turned out something like: "Drunk Snow Maiden with Chuck Norris on a bicycle made pies." The original stories were carefully preserved and reread several times. The wild game is based on a similar principle: participants receive 10 cards with words that are unlikely to have humor in themselves. The facilitator takes a card with a phrase and reads it out, highlighting the places where the answer needs to be inserted with intonation. Players think over which word from which card they have in their hands fits here the most, so that the result is a killer joke. The smartest combination with the most votes will win. The game contains dirty jokes and obscene language, so make sure that children do not hear anything superfluous. The game will end only when the stomachs of the players hurt with laughter, someone scores 10 points, or when dawn comes.

In the second edition, the creators added a lot of excellent jokes that have been saving up for a whole year. Simple, but incredibly fun fun, you will not get bored soon, because on the basis of 500 cards you can create many thousands of hilarious expressions. Feel like a talented stand-up comedian with 500 Evil Cards.


  • 500 very evil cards in two colors;
  • 8 bright colored buns for scoring;
  • spacious counter of buns;
  • rules of the game.

Video for the board game 500 evil cards 2.0

Reviews for the board game 500 evil cards 2.0


I bought the game along with the add-on (200 more cards) and did not regret it. For a noisy company that just wants to suppress haha ​​- a great option. At parties, it justifies itself. It is much simpler and more suitable for such purposes, unlike some kind of Friday or activity. Well, that's in my opinion. Not disappointed

Answer: We are glad that you liked it) Indeed, many people expect some serious mechanics from the game, when the main thing here is to relax and have fun. You can not even play for the winner, but just have fun for your own pleasure! By the way, just recently another addition was released to it! Recommended)


The game is not worth the money. Some words are censored. Enthusiasm is lost after 20 minutes of play

Answer: Let's be honest, among the employees of our store there are also no fans of this game, but, nevertheless, we do not agree that the game is not worth the money. The game has a whole army of fans ready to play it for hours. It's just not your game, that's all, this, unfortunately, happens. If you're looking for fun party games, we recommend Elias Party, Po Huanou Sombrero, I Never, Truth or Dare, and Ruff.

I periodically threaten to tell something about desktops, but in the end I either don’t tell, or I choose some kind of tables-tables.
Humble yourself!
Because we played 500 Evil Cards the other day, and you'll have to read about it!

Before continuing to read this post, take a close look at the box. Even more carefully.
Have you read everything?
Yep, great. And if you still have at least some illusions about my moral character, don’t go under the cut. Or don't complain!

So let's open the box.
The box contains exactly 500 cards of varying degrees of wickedness (what a surprise!)

Cards are of two types:
- red, with questions (there are 100 of them);
- white, with possible answers (there are 400 of them).

The main thing is to overcome yourself and not immediately start reading questions aloud and selecting answers for them. No, this is also funny and a great time killer, but if you play by the rules right away, it will be even more fun. Moreover, the rules there are two and a half lines. Really!

In general, you recruit a crowd of idiots of positive personalities, about 6 people. It can be less, it can be more, but the six of us played just perfectly.
Each player is dealt 10 white cards. Reds are stacked in the center of the table.
Everything, the preparations are over, you can start playing.

One of the players pathetically appoints himself as the leader. He takes a red card from the deck and reads aloud what is written on it.
Anything can be written. For example: "The only thing that any superhero is afraid of is ____________", or "Every girl dreams of ___________", or "There are three troubles in Russia - fools, roads and __________"
I'm quoting from memory, so not verbatim. Sometimes you need to substitute two answers, or even as many as three.

Here all the players (except the leader) stick to their cards and begin to choose one of them. suitable option response. Or the least inappropriate, as you're lucky. The answers are varied, so in the end the unfortunate superhero may be afraid of a squirrel, an asshole with elf ears, Sasha Grey, or a huge killer robot.

All options are handed over to the host openly, he mixes them up and presents them to the public.
Sometimes the public is freaking out at the surprises of the universe. For example, these are:

Mass patriotism in action;))
No, we didn't cheat! It just so happened!

Well, actually, everything.
From the proposed cards, the host chooses one that seems to him the most witty or appropriate. The one who put it down gets one point. (Count up to ten).
And the next player becomes the leader.

Sometimes, among the white cards, there are completely stoned options, such as "big chocolate dick" or "legendary plumber from German porn films." Or the magic word, which for us has become just the quintessence of the game. We then substituted it everywhere - and everywhere it fit. But at first, Isil could not muster up the courage to read it aloud for almost a minute.

In short, watch the video before the actors forced me to delete it!)))

PS: In our case, Malygin won! But I think it's worth repeating somehow!

Board game

Number of players
3 to 20

Party time
From 15 minutes

Game difficulty

Board game " 500 evil cards» for an adult large company, where they prefer malicious humor. The game will allow you to plunge into the world of house and anger. Here you have to answer funny, indecent, funny and tricky questions and you will not go anywhere.

The board game has an age limit of 18+.

The goal of the game is 500 evil cards:

  • The main goal of the game is to reach 10 points.

Board Game 500 Evil Cards: Game Rules

  • All players are dealt white answer cards.
  • Question cards are placed in the center of the table.
  • One of the participants reads the first top question card, and all other players choose a card from their hand that matches the question.
  • After that, all players read out their answers.
  • The player whose answer provoked a strong reaction and caused the most emotions gets a point.

site - a portal of board games, in which they tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The 500 Evil Cards Board Game page provides an overview of the game, photos, and rules. If you are interested in "Board game 500 evil cards", then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

Only 500 cards with questions and answers - and thousands of possible combinations, each of which can cause Homeric laughter. Well, almost every one. One thing is for sure: someone, let him beat the table with his hand, sob with laughter, hold on to his stomach, shout "I can't do this anymore."

How to play

There are black cards in the game with an intriguing question or phrase, and there are white cards with witty and indecent answers.
At the start, everyone is dealt 10 white cards.
Each move, one of those present becomes the leader and takes out one card from the black deck and reads one card with expression. The task of other players is to choose the funniest answer from their 10 cards. The answers are handed over to the presenter face-to-face, mixed by him and read out to the general laughter.

The facilitator then chooses the funniest answer (he doesn't know whose card is) and the owner of the answer gets a point. We play until 10 points or until the morning, as you wish. Everything is just outrageous.

The moderator chooses the funniest answer. The one who offered it gets one point, and his chip moves up the bun table. Now the next one draws an orange card, and the rest, along with the previous leader, choose options.

Game Ingredients:

  • 500 very evil cards in two colors;
  • 8 bright colored buns for scoring;
  • spacious counter of buns;
  • rules of the game.

Video review

We draw your attention to the age rating of this game "18+"

As distributors, we are committed to warning you of this limitation and please refrain from purchasing if you are under 18 years of age.