Accounting for current liabilities and settlements. Accounting for current settlements The concept and classification of current settlement obligations

Settlements between suppliers and buyers at CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" are made mainly in non-cash form. Currently, when concluding contracts, organizations themselves choose the form of payment. To account for the organization's settlements with suppliers and contractors for purchased raw materials, materials and other inventory items, as well as consumed services (electricity, water, gas, etc.) and work (current and major repairs, construction, etc.) in the system of accounts accounting use an independent synthetic account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors

Accounts payable to suppliers are taken into account on the basis of the following documents: invoices, invoices, waybills, receipt orders, acceptance certificates, certificates of performance of work, etc.

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers

Accounting for settlements with buyers for shipped products (works, services) at CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" is reflected on synthetic account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" services, the right to which has passed to buyers or customers under contracts of sale or supply. This account also reflects the amount of advances received from buyers.

Several sub-accounts are opened for this synthetic account by types of settlements. Analytical accounting is carried out in chronological order for each buyer or customer.

As products are shipped or services are rendered and settlement documents are presented for payment, in which the amount of proceeds from their sale (at the contractual price with value added tax) is reflected:

D_t 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

K_t 90 “Sales”, subaccount “Revenue”, 91 “Other income and expenses”.

The repayment of debts by buyers and customers (payment of settlement and payment documents) at the enterprise CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" is reflected:

Organizations can receive advance payments (prepayment) for the supply of material assets or for the performance of work or for partial payment for products and services produced for customers. This is reflected in the accounting records as follows:

D_t 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts"

K_t 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, sub-account “Advances received”.

Calculation of VAT on sales proceeds and advance payments:

D_t 90 “Sales”, 91 “Other income and expenses”, 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, sub-account “Advances received”

K_t 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees."

When offsetting the amounts of previously received advances upon presentation of invoices to buyers (customers) for fully completed work, sold products:

D_t 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, sub-account “Advances received”

K_t 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers."

If settlements are made when performing a barter operation (under exchange agreements), then by agreement of the parties, mutual offset of debts may be carried out. Such an operation may be reflected:

D_t 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

K_t 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers."

Accounting for settlements with accountable persons and employees for other transactions.

The organization CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" keeps records of settlements with personnel and for such types of settlement transactions as settlements for goods sold on credit, for loans granted to them, for compensation for material damage, etc. Such settlement relationships are reflected in a separate synthetic account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations." Separate sub-accounts by types of settlements are opened for this account. The debit of this account reflects the debt of employees for the goods sold to them or loans issued, and the write-off of this debt on the credit. Analytical accounting is carried out for employees of the organization.

CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" often has expenses incurred through its employees, who are given cash on a report basis. Settlements through accountable persons are made in cases where payment from bank accounts or from the cash desk is inappropriate or impossible. The list of persons who can receive money under the report is drawn up by order of the head of the organization. Orders for business trips are issued on a case-by-case basis. In accordance with the order, the employee receives an advance. The amount of the advance is determined based on their goals (what to buy or pay for) and the conditions of the business trip (destination, duration, mode of transport, place of residence, etc.). A new advance is issued subject to a full report on previously received advances. Money under the report is issued by the cashier on the basis of an expenditure cash order. Organizations receive cash for issuance to accountable persons from a settlement or currency account.

The movement of foreign exchange funds at CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" is reflected in accounting in the currency of payment and in the ruble equivalent, calculated at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of issue.

After returning from a business trip and submitting an advance report, the debt of accountable persons is reflected at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the report.

CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" pays off the budget for income tax, property tax, transport tax, unified tax on imputed income, water tax, value added tax, excises on certain types of products, taxes withheld from individuals, penalties and fines for distorting the reflection and calculation of taxes, etc.

CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" uses payment orders to process transfers to the budget and extra-budgetary funds. For the accounting reflection of the relationship of the organization for settlements with the budget, a synthetic account 68 “Settlements with the budget for taxes and fees” is used.

For an accountant, it is important to show in the accounting not only the amount of accrued taxes, but also the sources of their reimbursement, which is the source of payment of taxes, fees, duties.

In accordance with part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a unified social tax (UST) was introduced, the amounts of which are credited to state non-budgetary funds. In accounting, to summarize information on the state of settlements with extra-budgetary funds, account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” is used.

CJSC "Termotron-Zavod" makes deductions from the amounts of accrued wages to the above-mentioned state extra-budgetary funds. The accrual of the amounts of deductions to the funds is reflected simultaneously with their inclusion in costs and is attributed to those accounts to which the amounts of wages were allocated:

D_t 20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 25 “General production expenses”, 26 “General expenses”, 44 “Sales expenses”, etc.

K_t 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security"

The unified social tax is deducted not only from the amounts of wages of workers engaged in the production of products (rendering services, performance of work), but also workers in the non-productive sphere. The accrual of such benefits is reflected in the accounting accounts with the following entry:

K_t 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages."

The rest of the amounts of deductions are transferred to the bodies of social funds. Such transfers are shown on the accounts by the entry:

D_t 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security"

(according to relevant sub-accounts)

K_t 51 "Settlement accounts".

Calculations on taxes and fees include accruals and payments of compulsory social insurance funds against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, which are also accounted for on account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” on an independent sub-account.

1. Accounting for settlements with suppliers

In the process of economic activity of the organization, there is a need for settlements between legal entities and individuals, therefore, receivables and payables arise.

Any accounts payable and receivable can become doubtful debt.

Accounts receivable (in civil law there is such a thing as a limitation period - 3 years). Doubtful debt - debt, the due date has come, but the statute of limitations has not yet expired.

D91 K63 - the amount of the reserve, the reserve is created at the expense of financial results, D91 - the expenses of the organization. - formation of a reserve for doubtful debts

a) the buyer gives money D51 K62 - 100

D63 K91 - 100 - closing the reserve for doubtful debts

b) D91 K62 - write-off of non-cash receivables for collection

D63 K91 - closing the reserve for doubtful debts

accounts receivable written off the balance sheet, which is written off is transferred to off-balance accounts - account 007 - debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss: K007

Accounts payable - D60 K91 - we have not paid, and the limitation period has passed, our debt goes to other income


D08 K60 "Romashka LLC" - amount without VAT

D19 K60 - VAT amount

D60 "OOO LYUTIK" K51,50,52 - amount with VAT

D60 / advances issued K50,51,52


D62 K90.1 - the amount with VAT - the debt for the buyer is reflected

D51,50,52 K62 / advances received - funds received from the buyer

Account 79 “Intra-economic settlements” is intended to summarize information on all types of settlements with branches, representative offices, departments and other separate divisions of the organization allocated to separate balance sheets (intra-balance sheet settlements), in particular, settlements for allocated property, for the mutual release of material assets, for sale of products, works, services, transfer of expenses for general management activities, remuneration of employees of departments, etc.

Trust management is the process of managing funds, property or property rights transferred by an investor to a professional manager.

The purpose of trust management of assets is to obtain the maximum income for the investor when acceptable level risk.

the property transferred for management should be reflected in the trustee on a separate balance sheet, it is kept independently, a separate bank account is opened for settlements

thanks to specialists, the maximum efficiency of capital management of any of the investors is ensured

4. Accounting for settlements with different debtors and creditors read account 76 in the instructions for the chart of accounts

5 accounting for credits and loans

6 accounting of settlements with personnel

1 wages: the main document is the labor code of the Russian Federation;

Labor exemptions are relationships based on an agreement between an employee and an employer.

An employment contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer: it can be entered into with persons over the age of 16, it enters into force from the date of its signing; an employment contract may be concluded for a definite (fixed-term employment contract) or for an indefinite period; is in writing, 1 copy must be with the employee; is concluded no later than 3 working days from the date of commencement of work; a condition may be prescribed for the employee to be tested (probationary period)

The probationary period cannot exceed 3 months, and for managerial positions 6 months;

Documents for the conclusion of an employment contract: a document on education, on advanced training, work book, military registration documents, passport, insurance certificate and TIN (taxpayer identification number)

Triem for work are issued by order of the head

A collective agreement is a legal act that regulates social and labor relations in an organization and is concluded by employees and the employer represented by their representatives.

Working hours: There is a normal working time of 40 hours per week, reduced working hours, which are set for different categories.

Part-time work:

1. Part-time work week

2. Part-time work.

Night time 22:00 - 6:00. Children and pregnant women are not allowed to work at night

Overtime work

The employee must have days off, public holidays.

Remuneration system: depends on the mode of work and on the method of its implementation:

1. Time (tariff):

A) simple time

B) time bonus

2. Selling (for the number of products released):

A) simple piecework

B) piecework bonus (bonus for overfulfillment of NPM)

C) piecework progressive - increases for the production of svepkh noom

D) indirectly piecework - assigned to adjusters, assistant foremen - as a percentage of the earnings of the main worker.

3. Tariff-free - the amount of wages for wages is divided in proportion to the contribution of each of the participants

4. The system of floating salaries

5. Chord

6. System of commission payments

Vacation types:

1. Annual paid vacation (basic 28 calendar days, one part 14 days; and additional, instead of it you can take a monetary compensation, you cannot take a conscription for the main vacation)

2. Vacation without saving salary - unpaid vacation

3 study leave- vacation at work for students receiving the 1st higher education.

4 maternity leave

5 parental leave

6 vacation for employees who adopted

Each day of vacation is paid based on the average salary of the employee. "on the peculiarities of the procedure for calculating the average salary" December 24, 2007 No. 922.

Calculation of vacation pay and payment of compensation.

if the employee quits, but the vacation is not taken off, then it is also possible for him

Average earnings \u003d average daily * number of calendar days of vacation

A) all months are fully worked out:

Average daily earnings \u003d amount of salary for the billing period / (12 * 29.4)

Where the settlement period is 12 calendar months preceding the occurrence of the event

B) the employee has incomplete months

Average daily earnings \u003d salary amount for the billing period / (29.4 * number of full months + number of calendar days in an incomplete month)

Number of calendar days in an incomplete month = (29.4 / number of calendar days in a month) * per number of calendar days worked

The average salary cannot be lower than the minimum wage (minimum wage - 5205)

Study leave.

Average earnings = average daily earnings * number of days.

Average daily earnings \u003d sum of salary for the billing period / days actually worked during this period.

Maternity leave

1. We determine earnings for the billing period: all payments and rewards that were taken into account. Settlement period. - 2 calendar years, but not more than 512,000 rubles for 1 calendar year.

2. Salary for the billing period / 730 = average daily earnings.

vacation is paid. Based on 100% of average daily earnings

3. Average daily earnings * number of days. For a normal pregnancy 140 days (70 days before and 70 days after) if there are more children, then the number of days is more.

Holiday to care for the child.

1 to one and a half years:

The first 2 items from "maternity leave).

40% of the average daily earnings are taken. If two children under the age of 1.5 years, not more than 100%; the minimum amount for the 1st is 1500, for the next - 3000 rubles.

3. Average daily earnings *%*30.4= monthly allowance.

Pays the fund

2 from 1.5 to 3 years: paid by the employer - 50 rubles per month.

Adopted employee leave: calculated in the same way as "parental leave".

3. Temporary Disability Benefit

1. We will do the salary for the billing period of 2 years. If for some month there was no earnings, then we take the minimum wage.

2. Divide earnings by 730 = average daily earnings.

3. Average daily earnings * benefit amount = average daily allowance

The amount of the benefit depends on the insurance period (from the data of the Social Insurance Fund). If the employee worked less than 6 months, then the amount of the benefit = minimum wage. if from 6 months to 5 years - 60%. from 5 to 8 years - 80%. From 8 and more -100% of average earnings.

4. The amount of the daily allowance received * the number of calendar days on sick leave.

This benefit is paid for 3 days at the expense of the employer, the rest at the expense of the FSS (social insurance fund).

accrual of salary: D20,23,25,26,44K70

Personal income tax D70K68, 13%.

Payment of salary D70K50.51.

Benefit at the expense of the FSS D69K70.

Current liabilities are the debts of other organizations, employees and individuals of this organization (debts of buyers for purchased products, accountable persons for additional income issued to them under the enterprise).

Current expenses are settlements with suppliers for fixed assets, raw materials, materials purchased from them.

According to the accounting policy, OJSC Rostvertol uses the following groups of receivables and payables:

1. Accounts payable, including:

* settlements with suppliers and contractors,

* settlements with personnel,

ѕ social security and social insurance payments,

ѕ settlements on advances received from buyers and customers,

* claims settlements,

ѕ Settlements with other creditors.

2. Accounts receivable, including:

* settlements with buyers and customers,

* calculations for taxes and fees,

ѕ settlements with state off-budget funds,

* settlements with personnel,

* claims settlements,

* settlements with accountable persons,

* Settlements with founders,

* Settlements with other debtors.

At the same time, all groups of receivables and payables are classified by the enterprise as short-term.

Settlement transactions are transactions carried out in a completely non-cash way - non-cash receipts of funds to the current account and non-cash transfers from the current account.

Accounting for settlement transactions:

Accounting for settlements with accountable persons is kept on account 7100 “Settlements with accountable persons”. This is an active-passive account, the balance of which reflects the amount of debt of accountable persons to the enterprise or the amount of reimbursed overspending. The debit of the account records the amounts of the reimbursed overspending and those newly issued under the report on the basis of expenditure cash warrants, the credit - the amounts used according to the advance reports and deposited on the receipt cash warrants (unused).

Accounting for transactions on the current account is carried out using account 51 "Settlement account".

Account 6000 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” keeps records of settlements on the basis of a supply agreement for goods and materials received, work performed and services, settlement documents for which are accepted and payable; settlements for which are made in the order of planned payments; settlement documents for which were not received; surplus goods and materials identified during their acceptance. Magazine - credit order for account 671

Settlements with suppliers and contractors.

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers is kept on account 6200.

Accounting for settlements with other debtors and creditors is carried out using account 7601.

Calculations on taxes and fees, as well as penalties and fines for violation of the legislation establishing mandatory payments on taxes and fees, are recorded on account 6800 “Calculations on taxes and fees”. The amounts of value added tax on acquired valuables, works, services are preliminarily recorded on account 1900 “Value added tax on acquired valuables”. The accounting unit for taxes and fees is each tax (fee) to each budget (off-budget fund). Liabilities for penalties and fines are recognized on the date of the request of the controlling body for the payment of penalties, fines.

The organization does not record settlements involving 3 persons, settlements under an exchange agreement, joint activities, and barter transactions.

The organization does not make postings under simple partnership agreements.

The forms of non-cash payments used at the enterprise are shown in Figure 6.1.

Fig.6.1 Forms of non-cash payments

A payment order is an order of the account holder (payer) to the bank serving him, drawn up by a settlement document, to transfer a certain amount of money to the account of the recipient of funds opened in this or another bank. To persons who do not have an account, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 863 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the same rules apply as to account holders. Payment orders can be in paper and electronic form (for example, in the client-bank system).

A payment claim is a settlement document containing the claim of a creditor (collector) Money) to the debtor (payer) for the payment of a certain monetary amount of the debt.

Check - security, containing an unconditional order of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the amount indicated in it to the holder of the check.

A letter of credit is a conditional monetary obligation accepted by a bank (issuing bank) on behalf of the applicant (payer under a letter of credit).

Bank statement - the company periodically (on a daily basis or at other times set by the bank) receives an extract from the current account from the bank, i.e. a list of operations performed by him during the reporting period. Documents received from other enterprises and organizations, on the basis of which funds were credited or debited, as well as documents issued by the enterprise, are attached to the bank statement. It reflects the movement of funds in the current account of the enterprise.

To account for current liabilities and settlements at the enterprise, primary documents are used, presented in table 6.1.

Table 6.1 List of forms of primary documents for accounting for current liabilities and settlements

Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers are recorded on account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”. Typical accounting entries for account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" and account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" are presented in table 6.2

Table 6.2 Typical postings on accounts 60 and 62

Settlements with intermediaries (agents, commission agents, attorneys) are not taken into account as part of settlements with buyers and customers. Such settlements are recorded on the balance sheet account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors". Typical accounting entries for account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” are presented in table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Typical postings on account 76

Accounting for payroll.

Remuneration of labor - a system of relations related to ensuring the establishment and implementation by the employer of payments to employees for their work in accordance with laws, other regulatory legal acts, collective agreements, agreements, local regulations and labor contracts (Article 129 of the Labor Code F). Currently, the main act of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the relations of participants in the labor process, is Labor Code RF (TK RF).

To account for wages at the enterprise, primary documents are used, a list of which is given in table 6.4.

Table 6.4 List of forms of primary documents

The Human Resources Department is responsible for recruiting employees. Employees are assigned to work on the basis of an order. Each employee opens a personal card (Appendix 24), containing basic data about him, and is assigned a personnel number. In the personnel department, a bypass sheet is issued, on the basis of which a time card is opened by the timekeeper, and an electronic pass card is issued at the pass office. Data is submitted to the ITC (information computing center), and a personal account is opened, which contains information about the employee, and where data on his accrued salary, deductions, and payments are entered monthly. Data are submitted to the ITC, on the basis of which the calculation is made wages for issuance, and transferred to the accounting department. When hiring a person, for a time to fulfill them certain work, an employment contract is drawn up, an act on the acceptance of work performed under an employment contract concluded for the duration of a certain work. In accordance with the staffing table, wages are calculated on the basis of salary. Payroll is calculated on the payroll. The payroll fund is presented in table 6.5.

Table 6.5 Payroll fund of OJSC Rostvertol

The company has three forms of remuneration, as well as several systems of remuneration. Forms and systems of remuneration are given in table 6.6.

Table 6.6 Forms and systems of remuneration

With a time-based bonus system, a premium is added to the amount of earnings at the rate, which is set as a percentage of the rate or other meter. Primary documents on the accounting of work of workers at time payment are time sheets-cards and a sheet with a list of persons working overtime and on weekends.

An example of wage calculation for time wages: Alexander Ivanov's salary is 20,000 rubles. April has 21 working days. In fact, the employee worked 18 working days (from April 26, 2013 to April 30, 2013, the employee was on vacation at his own expense). Payroll (excluding deductions) for April 2013:

Accrued: (20,000 rubles: 21 working days) * 18 working days days = 17142.86 rubles.

Under the direct piecework system, the labor of workers is paid for the number of units of products manufactured by them, based on fixed piecework rates established taking into account the necessary qualifications.

With a piecework-progressive system, wages are increased for production in excess of the norm.

The indirect piecework system is used to pay auxiliary workers. The amount of their earnings is determined as a percentage of the earnings of the main workers whose labor they serve.

An example of wage calculation for piece-work wages: In accordance with the established prices, the manufacture of a part is set at 50 rubles per piece. In April, the main worker produced 600 pieces of parts. April 2013 payroll (excluding deductions):

Accrued: 600 pcs. * 50 rubles = 30,000 rubles.

The salary of support staff is set at 80% of the salary of the main staff, therefore, the employee servicing the production will be charged: 30,000 rubles * 80% = 24,000 rubles.

Payroll accounting reflect the postings shown in table 6.7.

Table 6.7 accounting entries payroll

The company distinguishes two types of wages, which are shown in Figure 6.2.

Rice. 6.2 Types of wages

The basic salary is accrued to the employee for the actual time worked, the quantity and quality of work performed. Depending on the system of remuneration, it is included in its composition - payment at piece rates or tariff rates, salaries, as well as bonuses for pieceworkers and time workers, additional payments due to deviations from normal conditions.

Additional pay is payments provided for by labor legislation for hours not worked. These include: payment annual leave, additional holidays; payment of compensation for unused vacation upon dismissal; payment of severance pay upon dismissal, as well as payments in the amount of average earnings during the period of employment; payment for downtime through no fault of the employee.

Vacation pay example. Fedorov I.V. granted annual basic paid leave for the period of work from 09 July 2011 to 08 July 2012. Leave is granted from September 3, 2012 to September 30, 2012. For 28 calendar days.

Number of calendar days of the billing period = 29.4 * 12 = 352.8 days

Average daily earnings \u003d 60,000 / 352.8 \u003d 170.07 rubles.

RUB 170.07 * 28k.d. = 4761.96 rubles - vacation pay.

5000 / 22 w.d. * 2 w.d. = 454.54 rubles - wages for September.

Total accrued: 4761.96 + 454.54 = 5216.5 rubles.


Income tax = 678 rubles (5216.5 * 13%)

The amount due for payment = 4538.5 rubles (5216.5 - 678)

Wires are made:

1. Vacation pay accrued for vacation days: Dt 2000,2300,2500,2600,4400 Kt 7000

2. Calculation of insurance premiums from the amount of vacation pay: Dt 2000,2300,2500,2600,4400 Kt 6900

3. Tax withheld from the full amount of vacation pay: Kt 7000 Dt 6800

4. Issued vacation pay from the cash desk: Dt 7000 Kt5001

5. Vacation pay is included in the cost price as part of the payroll fund for the corresponding month Dt 97 Kt 2000.2300.2500.2600.4400.

The company has a lot of business trips, in which employees go on the basis of a job assignment, an employee is issued a business trip certificate. To account for funds issued to accountable persons for administrative and business expenses, an advance report is prepared in accordance with Form No. AO-1. Missions are issued by order.

An example of calculating temporary disability benefits.

Karpova M.V. worked in JSC "Rostvertol" full 5 years, her insurance experience - 6 years. The total amount of wages for the past two calendar years is 700 thousand rubles. She was on sick leave for 14 days.

The average daily earnings are calculated by the formula: 700 thousand rubles / 730 calendar days = 958.9 rubles.

Taking into account the fact that Karpova's insurance experience is 6 years, she is compensated for 80% of her earnings: 958.9 rubles. * 80% = 767.12 rubles.

Thus, the amount of temporary disability benefits will be: 767.12 rubles * 14 days = 10739.68 rubles.

When calculating temporary disability benefits, the following entry is made: Dt 6901 Kt 7000

The amount of wages due to be issued to an employee of the organization is the difference between the amounts of wages accrued for all reasons and the amount of deductions. In this case, deductions from wages are divided into:

a) mandatory deductions;

b) retention at the initiative of the administration of the organization;

c) deductions at the request of employees.

Accounting for deductions is reflected in the following transactions:

Dt 7000 Kt 7100 (unused advance amounts), 7300 (for marriage, material damage or overpaid wages), 7600 (for charitable purposes).

When accounting for settlements with extra-budgetary funds, account 69 “Calculations for social insurance and security” is used. In the debit of account 69, the amounts transferred in payment of accrued deductions, as well as the amounts paid out of deductions for state social insurance, pensions, and medical insurance are posted.

1. The essence of settlement operations.

In the process of financial and economic activity, organizations have settlement relationships that reflect mutual obligations associated with the receipt or sale of material assets, the performance of work or the provision of services to each other, with settlements with the budget for taxes, with banks for loans, social security and insurance authorities for deductions, as well as with other legal entities and individuals for settlements arising from the norms established by law or the terms of contracts for mutual services.

When an organization sells products, goods, performs work and provides services to other legal entities and individuals, including its employees, it has receivables.

If an organization purchases goods, products, as well as accepts works and services from other legal entities and individuals, it has accounts payable. The organization's payables include tax debts to the budget, including the unified social tax to social insurance and security agencies and health insurance funds, as well as other legal entities and individuals for obligations arising in accordance with the current legislation or the terms of contracts.

Accounts receivable is understood as the debt of other organizations, employees and individuals of this organization (debt of buyers for purchased products, accountable persons for the amounts of money issued to them under the report, etc.). Organizations and persons who owe this organization are called debtors.

Accounts payable is the debt of this organization to other organizations, employees and persons who are called creditors.

In the balance sheet, receivables and payables are reflected by their types. Accounts receivable are reflected mainly on accounts 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", and accounts payable - on accounts 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

Accounts receivable and payable are obligations that must be properly executed in accordance with their conditions and requirements of the law, other legal acts, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements - in accordance with business practices or other appropriate rules. Unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations and unilateral change in their conditions are not allowed, except as otherwise provided by law.

Monetary obligations must be expressed in rubles. Their assessment in conditional monetary units ("special drawing rights", etc.) is allowed. In this case, the amount payable in rubles is determined at the exchange rate of the monetary unit used on the date statutory or by agreement of the parties. In cases established by law, obligations may be evaluated and executed in foreign currency.

Upon the expiration of the limitation period, receivables and payables are subject to write-off. General term The statute of limitations is set at three years. For certain types of claims, the law may establish special limitation periods, reduced or longer in comparison with the general period.

The limitation period begins to be calculated at the end of the period for the performance of obligations, if it is determined, or from the moment when the creditor has the right to present a claim for the performance of the obligation.

Accounts receivable after the expiration of the limitation period are written off to reduce profits or reserve for doubtful debts.

Debt write-off is executed by order of the head and the following accounting entries:

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" Credit of accounts 62, 76

Debit of account 63 "Reserves for doubtful debts" Credit of accounts 62, 76

Written off receivables are not considered cancelled. It should be reflected on the off-balance account 007 "Debt written off at a loss of insolvent debtors" within 5 years from the date of write-off to monitor the possibility of its collection in the event of a change in the property status of the debtor.

Upon receipt of funds for previously written off receivables, cash accounts (50, 51, 52) are debited and account 91 "Other income and expenses" is credited. At the same time, off-balance account 007 "Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss" is credited for the indicated amounts.

Accounts payable after the expiration of the limitation period are written off to financial results and is documented in the following accounting entries:

Debit of accounts 60, 76 Credit of account 91.

2. Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

Organizations keep records of settlements with suppliers and contractors on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", which takes into account settlements for material assets received in ownership, accepted for payment for work and services.

Account 60 is credited for the value of invoices received from suppliers and contractors, and debited for the amount of funds received in payment of invoices or mutual settlements.

The following accounting entries are made.

A. When accepting invoices for accounting

Dr. c. 08 Set of accounts 60 - reflects the cost of acquired individual fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as completed construction and installation works for the construction of facilities (excluding VAT);

Dr. c. 07, 10 Set of accounts 60 - reflects the cost of received equipment and materials (excluding VAT);

Dr. c. 60 Set of accounts 60 - a bill of exchange transferred to secure payment for deliveries is reflected;

Dr. c. 20, 23, 25, 26 and others. 60 - reflects the cost of production work accepted for payment, transport services, materials immediately consumed in production (gas, water, electricity, etc.), as well as rental services provided (excluding VAT);

Dr. c. 76, subc. "Calculations on claims" Kt c. 60 - reflects the cost of identified shortages of valuables and arithmetic errors in the invoices of suppliers;

Dr. c. 19 Set of sc. 60 - reflects the amount of VAT included in the invoice for the received values, accepted works and services.

B. Upon repayment of debt (fulfillment of obligations)

Dr. c. 60 Set of accounts 51 (52) - when receiving funds from a bank;

Dr. c. 60 Set of accounts 62 or 90 - for barter transactions;

Dr. c. 60 Set of accounts 60 - when set off against payment of previously issued advances (see section 9.2.1);

Dr. c. 60 Set of accounts 66 or 67 - at the expense of received borrowed funds (credits from banks and loans);

Dr. c. 60 Set of accounts 91 - accounts payable written off after the expiration of the limitation period;

Dr. c. 08, 07, 10, 19, 41 60 - reflected a decrease in debt by the amount of the discount provided by the supplier to the value of the values ​​received earlier (before they were written off the register).

In the event that the parties to the transaction formalize their obligations with commercial bills of exchange, accounting for the organization's settlements with suppliers and contractors is carried out in the general manner described above, but with separate account on separate sub-accounts of account 60 of debt secured by bills. The amount of liabilities (credit of account 60) is increased by the promissory note interest (income of the supplier or contractor), which is attributed to the increase in the value of the values ​​received by the organization (debit of accounts 07, 10, etc.) or accepted works and services (debit of accounts 20, 23, etc. ).

On account 60, organizations also take into account their settlements with suppliers of material assets received at the warehouse, for which invoices have not yet been received, the so-called uninvoiced deliveries. In this case, the material assets received at the warehouse as uninvoiced deliveries are reflected in accounting at contractual prices and are accounted for by types of materials and suppliers in the manner established by the Instruction on maintaining accounting registers (journal - order form of accounting). If there are discrepancies in the amounts of assessment of these values ​​when registering and receiving invoices from suppliers, the value of previously accepted material assets increases (decreases) by the amount of the difference.

The organization is also obliged to keep on account 60 a record of the material assets paid for, but not received at the warehouse, which are in transit, along which the right of ownership has passed to it.

In accordance with the law, obligations by agreement of the parties may be expressed in foreign currency or any conventional unit. In this case, the buyer of products or goods on the date of completion of settlements (receipt of funds and closing of account 60) reveals an amount difference.

Consider conditional examples of the procedure for assessing liabilities in the event of a decrease and increase in the exchange rate of the ruble against the foreign currency used as a conditional unit.

Features of accounting for advances issued

Accounting for advances (including advance payments) issued to suppliers and contractors is maintained by organizations for suppliers and contractors on a separate sub-account of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

Issued advances are reflected in the debit of account 60 and the credit of cash accounts. Upon closing advances, account 60 is credited in correspondence with the debit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" - for the relevant suppliers and contractors upon fulfillment of the terms of contracts or 51 "Settlement accounts" - in case of return of the advance.

Accounting for debt transfer transactions

In accordance with the legislation (Articles 391 - 392 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), the debtor, with the consent of the creditor, can transfer his debt to a third party, i.e. an organization can transfer, with the consent of its creditor, its obligations (accounts payable or debt on loans) recorded on accounts 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and loans" and 67 "Settlements on long-term credits and loans", to other persons. In this case, the transfer of debt is made in the same form as the original transaction (in writing - under a contract of sale), and is called a delegation of debt. The transfer of debt on accounts payable arising from a transaction requiring state registration also requires state registration (for example, the sale of real estate).

When organizations transfer their debt to other organizations in taxation and accounting, general rules established for the transfer of property and funds in settlements. At the same time, the following entries are made by the participants in this transaction.

The organization transferring the debt

Dr. c. 60, 76, 66, 67 76 - reflected the transfer of debt at book value, if it was made on a reimbursable basis;

Dr. c. 91 Set of sc. 76 - reflects the discount - the excess of the amount of compensation over the cost of the debt.

At the same time, the delegation of debt to banks on loans is possible only to other banks, i.e. licensed institutions.

Dr. c. 76 Set of sc. 51, 91 - the debt of the organization to which the debt was transferred has been repaid.

From the organization accepting the debt

Dr. c. 76 Set of sc. 60, 76, 66, 67 - the received debt is reflected at the contractual value;

Dr. c. 76 Set of sc. 91 - the amount of the discount is reflected (as the difference between the amount of debt at the time of transfer of rights and the cost of debt);

Dr. c. 60, 76, 66, 67 51 - the accepted debt is repaid;

Dr. c. 07, 08, 10, 51 and others. 76 - received money or property to pay off a debt.

3. Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers

The organization keeps records of settlements with buyers and customers for shipped products, work performed and services rendered on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers".

Account 62 on debit corresponds to:

for sales of goods, products (works, services) that are ordinary types and objects of the organization's activities - with a credit of account 90 "Sales" and is, in terms of assessing liabilities, mainly derived from the assessment of the indicator of proceeds from the sale of products, works and services;

on sales of certain items of fixed assets and other assets - with the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

As goods and products are shipped, work is performed, services are rendered and settlement documents are presented for payment when determining the proceeds from the sale upon shipment, their contractual (sales) value is reflected in the credit of account 90 in correspondence with the debit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers". At the same time, the cost of products, works, services is debited from the credit of accounts 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 43 "Finished products", and the cost of goods - from account 41 "Goods" or 45 "Goods shipped" to the debit of account 90.

When selling goods, products (works, services) with the receipt of a bill of exchange with interest as security for their payment, the following entries are made:

Dr. c. 62 Set of sc. 90 - sale of valuables is reflected;

Dr. c. 51 and others. 62 - the debt has been paid (repaid);

Dr. c. 51 and others. 91 - bill interest is reflected.

The sales result is written off monthly from account 90 to account 99 "Profit and Loss".

In the same order (but in correspondence with account 91) the results of operations on sales of other assets are reflected.

According to the credit of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers", in correspondence with cash accounts, payment of debts by buyers and customers is reflected. If settlements are made when performing a barter transaction, account 62 corresponds with the debit of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" (mutual offset of debts is made).

When payment is deferred (including with the issuance of its promissory note) and the receivables increase by the amount of income (promissory note interest), the supplier or contractor makes an additional entry in the debit of account 62 and the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Accounting for advances received from buyers and customers is maintained by organizations on a separate sub-account of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" in the context of recipients and organizations providing them. Advances received are reflected in the credit of account 62 and in the debit of cash accounts. Upon fulfillment of the terms of the contracts, in accordance with which they were provided, settlements on account 62 are closed by internal turnovers.

The organization can create, in the manner established by its accounting policy, a reserve of doubtful debts for receivables - according to the organization's settlements with buyers and customers for shipped products, works and services based on the results of the inventory of receivables. The amount of the reserve is determined as of the end of the reporting year separately for each doubtful debt not repaid within the terms established by the agreement, depending on the financial condition (solvency) of the debtor and the assessment of the probability of repaying the debt in the future (in full or in part). However, doubtful debts do not include:

uncollectible debts, including those with an expired limitation period, which are subject to write-off as part of other non-operating expenses;

debt secured by guarantees.

The amount of the created reserve is reflected in the accounting records as used in the event of:

write-offs of receivables for which a reserve was formed - at the time of deregistration of receivables, including write-offs after the expiration of the limitation period;

recognition of liabilities real receivable - on the 1st day of the month following the reporting year.

At the same time, the following entries are made in the accounting records:

Dr. c. 63 Set of sc. 62, 76 - written off receivables not collected in the prescribed manner;

Dr. c. 63 Set of sc. 91 - unused amounts of the reserve are added to profit as of the date of debt write-off;

Dr. c. 63 Set of sc. 91 - unused amounts of the reserve are added to profit at the end of the year following the year of formation of the reserve.

4. Accounting for settlements with accountable persons

Accountable amounts are cash advances issued to employees of the organization from the cash desk for small business expenses and travel expenses. The procedure for issuing money under the report, the amount of advances and the terms for which they can be issued are established by the rules for conducting cash transactions.

From January 1, 2002, daily allowance is paid in the amount of 100 rubles. for each day of travel.

Expenses for travel to and from the place of business trip and payment for renting a dwelling are paid according to the actual expenses confirmed by the relevant documents (subject to the established restrictions on the use of the corresponding transport).

Organizations in accordance with the collective agreement or local normative act organizations can make additional payments related to business trips in excess of the established norms. Additional payments are attributed to the cost of production. However, for tax purposes, travel expenses are accepted within the established limits.

Accountable amounts are taken into account on the active synthetic account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons". The issuance of cash advances to accountable persons is reflected in the debit of account 71 and the credit of account 50 "Cashier".

Expenses paid from accountable amounts are written off from the credit of account 71 to the debit of accounts 10 "Materials", 26 "General expenses", etc., depending on the nature of the expenses. The balances of unused amounts returned to the cash desk are written off from accountable persons to the debit of account 50 "Cashier". Analytical accounting of expenses with accountable persons is carried out for each advance payment.

The amounts of advances not returned by accountable persons are debited from account 71 to the debit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables." From account 94, the amounts of advances are written off to the debit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages" or 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" (if they cannot be deducted from the amount of wages of employees).

Features of accounting for accountable amounts when employees travel abroad. When employees are sent abroad on business trips, they are given an advance payment in the currency of the country of business trip based on the established per diem and apartment rates.

The currency received from the bank is credited to account 50 "Cashier" from the credit of account 52 "Currency accounts". The currency issued under the report is debited from account 50 to the debit of account 71 and is reflected in the accounting in the currency of payment and its ruble equivalent at the rate of the Central Bank Russian Federation at the time of issue.

When returning from a business trip and submitting an advance report with supporting documents attached, the debt of accountable persons is debited from the credit of account 71 to the debit of account 26 "General expenses" and other accounts, depending on the type of expenses at the exchange rate on the day the report is submitted. If the exchange rate changes during the business trip, the exchange rate difference is written off to account 91 "Other income and expenses": positive - to income (debit of account 71, credit of account 91), negative - to expenses (debit of account 91, credit of account 71).

Analytical accounting on account 71 is carried out for each amount issued under the report.

5. Accounting for settlements with different debtors and creditors

To account for various settlement relations with other enterprises, organizations, individuals, they use actively - passive account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

The following sub-accounts can be opened for account 76:

76-1 "Settlements for property and personal insurance";

76-2 "Calculations on claims";

76-3 "Calculations on due dividends and other income";

76-4 "Settlements on deposited amounts", etc.

On sub-account 76-1 "Calculations for property and personal insurance" reflect the calculations for the insurance of property and personnel of the organization in which the organization acts as an insured.

The accrued amounts of insurance payments are reflected in the credit of account 76, subaccount 1 "Settlements for property and personal insurance", in correspondence with the accounts for accounting for production costs or other sources of insurance payments (08, 23, 25, 26, 29, etc.) .

The transferred amounts of insurance payments to policyholders are written off from the credit of accounts for accounting for funds (51, 52, 55) to the debit of account 76-1.

Losses of commodity - material values ​​on insured events write off from the credit of accounts 10, 43, etc. in debit of account 76-1. The debit of account 76-1 reflects the amount of insurance compensation due under the insurance contract to the employee of the organization (credit account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations").

The amounts of insurance compensation received by the organization from insurance organizations are reflected in the debit of cash accounts (51, 52, 55) and the credit of account 76-1. Losses not compensated by insurance indemnities from insured events are written off to the debit of account 99 "Profits and losses".

Analytical accounting on account 76-1 is carried out for insurers and individual insurance contracts.

On sub-account 76-2 "Calculations on claims" reflect the calculations on claims made against suppliers, contractors, transport and other organizations, as well as on presented and recognized (or awarded) fines, penalties and forfeits. In the debit of this account, the damage caused to the organization through the fault of suppliers of material resources, contractors, banking institutions and other organizations is written off from the credit of the following accounts:

60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" - for the amount of discrepancy between prices and tariffs, quality, arithmetic errors, etc. for already credited values;

20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production" and other cost accounting accounts - for defects and losses caused by the fault of suppliers and contractors;

Accounting for cash and bank loans (51, 52, 66, 67, etc.) - for amounts erroneously debited from the organization's accounts;

91 "Other income and expenses" - for fines, penalties, forfeits collected from suppliers, contractors, buyers, customers, consumers of services for non-compliance with contractual obligations.

The amounts of satisfied claims are debited from the credit of account 76-2 to the debit of cash accounts (51, 52, etc.). The amounts of unsatisfied claims, as a rule, are written off from the credit of account 76-2 to the debit of those accounts from which they were written off to account 76-2 (10, 20, 23, 60, etc.).

Various fines, penalties and forfeits paid by the organization are debited from the credit of cash accounts to the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses".

On sub-account 76-3 "Calculations on dividends and other income due" take into account calculations on dividends and other income due to the organization, including profit, loss and other results under a simple partnership agreement. The receivable income is reflected in the debit of account 76-3 and the credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses". The income received is recorded in the debit of asset accounting accounts (51, 52, etc.) and in the credit of account 76-3.

On subaccount 76-4 "Settlements on deposited amounts" take into account settlements with employees of the organization for unpaid in fixed time amounts due to non-appearance of recipients. The deposited amounts are reflected in the credit of account 76-4 and the debit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages". When paying the deposited amounts to the recipient, the cash accounts are credited and the account 76-4 is debited.

Analytical accounting on account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" is carried out for each debtor and creditor. The balance on account 76 is determined from the turnover sheet for analytical accounts of account 76.

Accounting for settlements with various debtors and creditors within a group of interrelated organizations, on the activities of which consolidated financial statements are compiled, is kept on account 76 separately.

6. Accounting for settlements with subsidiaries and affiliates

According to the new Chart of Accounts, intra-group settlements are accounted for in the usual manner established for settlements for a group of accounts in Section VI "Settlements".

If an organization - a member of the group acts as a supplier, then other organizations of this group take into account settlements with this organization on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors". Settlements with organizations that are buyers are recorded on account 62 "Settlements with buyers". Settlements related to the formation of the authorized capital of a group member and the distribution of income within the group are carried out on account 75 "Settlements with founders", and other intra-group settlements - on account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

You can open sub-accounts for these accounts or use other methods to provide data on the status of settlements between members of the group and make the necessary adjustments when providing a summary financial statements.

7. Accounting for on-farm settlements

Accounting at legal entities having branches (representative offices) or other structural subdivisions, can be carried out in various forms depending on the purpose of structural subdivisions, sources of financing their expenses, the structure of their management, territorial location and other features. The accounting procedure for the parent organization also depends on the presence or absence of a bank account with branches and a separate balance sheet.

If branches, representative offices and other separate divisions allocated to a separate balance sheet, then for the calculations of the parent organization with separate subdivisions, account 79 "Intra-economic settlements" is used. The following sub-accounts can be opened for this account:

79-1 "Settlements for allocated property";

79-2 "Settlements on current operations";

79-3 "Settlements under the contract of trust management of property", etc.

Sub-account 79-1 takes into account the status of settlements with separate divisions of the organization, allocated to independent balance sheets, for the non-current and current assets transferred to them. The transferred property is written off from the credit of the corresponding accounts (01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", etc.) to the debit of account 79-1. The accepted property of the organization's subdivisions comes in the debit of the corresponding accounts (01, 10, etc.) from the credit of account 79-1.

On subaccount 79-2, the state of all other settlements of the organization with divisions allocated to separate balance sheets are taken into account: for the mutual release of material assets, the sale of products, the transfer of expenses for general management activities, the payment of wages to employees of divisions, etc.

Account 79 is active, therefore, the material values ​​\u200b\u200bissued to subdivisions are debited from the organization from the credit of material accounts (10, 43, etc.) to the debit of account 79-2, and the values ​​received from subdivisions come from the debit of material accounts from the credit of account 79-2. Using subaccount 79-2, they reflect the rest of the business operations of the organization with units allocated to separate balance sheets.

In the balance sheet of the organization, on-farm settlements are not reflected, i.e. in the reporting of the organization, the balances on the accounts of separate balance sheets are added to the balances on the corresponding accounts of the parent organization.

Analytical accounting on account 79 is carried out for each separate division of the organization.

Branches and other separate subdivisions reflect the property received from the parent organization on the debit of the property accounting accounts and the credit of account 79. The property returned to the parent organization is debited from the credit of the property accounting accounts to the debit of account 79. Business operations for the acquisition of property, accounting for production costs, selling products and others are made out at separate divisions by ordinary accounting records.

If separate divisions do not have a separate balance sheet, then to record their operations, open sub-accounts to accounts 20 "Main production", 23 "Auxiliary production", 29 "Serving production and farms".

8. Accounting for settlements with personnel for other operations

The organization keeps records of settlements with personnel for all types of settlement transactions, except for payroll settlements, on account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other transactions", which, in particular, takes into account settlements with employees for loans granted to them, compensation for material damage, and also for goods sold on credit, etc.

To account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" sub-accounts can be opened:

73-1 "Settlements on granted loans";

73-2 "Calculations for compensation for material damage";

73-3 "Settlements for goods sold on credit", etc.

Here is the procedure for accounting for individual operations of the organization for settlements with its personnel:

a) D-t sc. 73 Set of sc. 50, 51 - a loan was provided to the employee;

Dr. c. 50, 51, 70 73 - funds have been received or withheld from the earnings of employees to repay the loan;

b) D-t sc. 73 Set of sc. 94 - the cost of the shortage of material assets was written off for settlements with the guilty parties;

Dr. c. 73 Set of sc. 98 - reflects the amount of the difference between the market value of shortages of material assets and their book value;

Dr. c. 50, 51, 70 73 - reimbursed by employees for the amount of loss of material assets;

Dr. c. 91 Set of sc. 73 - the amounts of unsatisfied claims were written off (except for claims for shortages of material assets);

Dr. c. 94 Set of accounts 73 - shortages of material assets were written off in case of refusal to collect due to the groundlessness of the claim;

c) D-t c. 73 Set of sc. 76 - reflects the debt of employees for goods purchased on credit, as well as settlements with a trade organization on a loan;

Dr. c. 50, 70 73 - debts withheld from employees;

Dr. c. 76 Set of sc. 51 - the debt to the trading organization is repaid.

9. Disclosure of information on settlements in financial statements

Information on the movement of receivables and payables (the balance at the beginning of the reporting year, the occurrence of obligations, their repayment and the balance at the end of the year) is given in section 2 "Accounts receivable and payable" of the appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5).

At the same time, arrears are allocated from the total amounts of receivables and payables, and from it - debts with a duration of more than 3 months.

The reference to section 2 contains data on the availability and movement of bills (issued and received). In addition, the certificate contains a list of organizations - debtors and organizations - creditors that have the largest debt at the end of the year, including those with a duration of more than 3 months.

The balance sheet at the beginning and end of the reporting period contains data on the total amount of long-term and short-term debt with the allocation of debts to buyers and customers, bills receivable, subsidiaries and affiliates, advances issued and other debtors.

The balance sheet liability shows the total amount of accounts payable and shows its types (by suppliers and contractors, by bills, etc.).

In case of significant amounts under the items of other debtors and other creditors, data on the components of these items are given in the explanatory note to the annual report.

Disclosure of information related to the implementation of on-farm settlements as part of the explanatory note to the annual report is carried out in accordance with the rules established by PBU 12/2000.

Important for the well-being of the company is the timeliness of cash settlements, carefully set accounting of credit and settlement transactions.

The purpose of accounting for current operations and settlements is to control compliance with cash and settlement discipline, the correctness and efficiency of the use of funds and loans, ensuring the safety of cash and documents at the cash desk.

To summarize information for all types of settlements of LLC "Caesar" with different legal entities and individuals, accounting accounts are used:

  • 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors";
  • 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers";
  • 66 "Settlements on short-term credits and loans";
  • 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees";
  • 69 "Calculations for social insurance and security";
  • 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages";
  • 71 "Settlements with accountable persons";
  • 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors".

The debt of the company can be accounts receivable and accounts payable. Accounts receivable is understood as the debt of other organizations, employees and individuals of this organization (debt of clients for services performed, accountable persons for the amounts issued to them under the report, etc.). Accounts payable is the debt of this organization to other organizations, employees and persons who are called creditors.

In accounting, receivables and payables are reflected by their types. Accounts receivable are reflected mainly on accounts 62, 76, and accounts payable - on accounts 60, 76.

After the expiration of the limitation period, accounts payable are written off to financial results and are documented with the following accounting entries: Dt 60, 76, Kt 91.

When services are provided, receivables arise, which are reflected at the sale price of a tourist voucher on account 62; the following accounting entry is made: Dt 62, Kt 90. When clients repay their debt, the accountant debits it from the credit of account 62 to the debit of cash accounts. Account 62 also reflects the amounts of advances received and prepayments.

Suppliers and contractors include organizations that supply various inventory items, as well as provide different kinds services (supply of electricity, etc.) and performing various works (major and current repairs). Organizations have the right to choose the form of payment for the provided products or services. On the invoices of suppliers presented for payment, account 60 is credited and the corresponding material accounts or accounts for accounting for the corresponding expenses are debited. If shortages are found in the received inventory items, inconsistencies in prices stipulated by the contract, and arithmetic errors, account 60 is credited for the corresponding amount in correspondence with account 76/2.

Accountable amounts are accounted for on an active account 71. The issuance of cash advances to accountable persons is reflected in the debit of account 71 and the credit of account 50. The amounts of advances not returned by accountable persons are debited from account 71 to the debit of account 94. From account 94, the amounts of advances are debited to the debit of account 70 “Settlements with personnel for remuneration" or 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" (if they cannot be deducted from the amount of remuneration of employees).

To summarize information about all types of settlements with employees of the organization, except for payroll settlements and settlements with accountable persons, account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” is used. The following sub-accounts are opened for this account:

  • 1. "Settlements on granted loans"
  • 2. "Calculations for compensation for material damage."

The amount of the loan granted to the employee is reflected in the debit of account 73/1 from the credit of cash accounts (50, 51). When repaying a loan, account 73 is credited and cash accounts are debited (50, 51). If the employee fails to return the loan issued to him, the debt is written off from the credit of subaccount 73/1 to the debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

On sub-account 73/2 "Calculations for compensation of material damage" take into account calculations for compensation for material damage caused by an employee of the organization as a result of theft and shortages of inventory and other types of damage.